Returned to the cave mansion, knewLin Tianminggoes outto return, QinXifirstgathered.
回到了洞府,得知了林天明外出归来,秦曦第一时间汇聚过来。Saw the person, QinXi the beautiful eyeis staring atLin Tianming, the indifferentopens the mouthaskedone.
见到来人,秦曦美目盯着林天明,淡然开口问了一句。„Result that brightelder brother, the tripvisitsbeamShaoguanghow?”
“明哥,此行拜访梁绍光的结果如何?”„Sunlight, the responses of new year's daysectseveralbiginfluences, are expected similar to us.”
„ At present, theyretreatin the new year's daysectwith the borderregion of LiangDomain, guardsin the raindowntown streetsperipheral, according to
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