TLLFCI :: Volume #5 全新征程

#554: Being happy and worried at the same time

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In the secret room, Lin Tianming holds a jade Jane/simple, after the consult, is lost in thought. Today buys many ancient books from the major shops in downtown streets specially, some record world strange thing books, have not checked about the related record that the ninth lunar month made. Lin Tianming speculated, likely is the key of some mystical place, or is some large-scale family or sect gate the token. In the vast cultivating paradise, there are many strategic places and mystical places, inside has a lot of treasures, massive bans and strategy protections, the might is quite powerful, usually needs the special tokens or some specific thing may go. Either in mystical place present world, ban by certainly weakening, entering , then wants to be safer. Without the specific goods, enters forcefully, was banned to attack very much easily, is very easy to lose the life. It is said several tens of thousands of years ago, discovers a mystical place in Xuan Province, Yuan infant Cultivator intrudes rashly, was killed by the powerful banned direct bang, such example is repairing the paradise also to have many. Yuan infant Cultivator is a powerhouse of famous town side, even this grade of character dies under the ban, obviously the mystical place is not casual can rush. Since could not find the related record, can only place the one side this matter. Ninth lunar month the tokens and a lot of ancient books take in storage Wudai, starts to close up the cultivation again. Azure Bamboo Mountain, Lin Family clan place. The Azure Bamboo Mountain main peak, Lin Shigong sits in the courtyard, continuously the sounds of attention another two courtyards. He had waited for in January/one month here the time, forest Shixin and forest Xingyuan is closing up the cultivation, attacks Foundation Establishment Stage, needs the clansman to protect the law, he is quite happen to idle, then assumed this duty. Before long the time, head of the clan Lin Shihua entered in the yard. Nine elder brother, ten elder brother and was popular the source to close up for a month, how not to have the sound!” Lin Shihua look is dignified, appears has anxiously. Shihua, comprehends the attainment of older generation to cost several days of time, as far as time is concerned, no matter result, had the result quickly, waited again patiently.” Good, can only so!” Lin Shihua somewhat helpless saying. Suddenly, Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivator aura sends out. On two people of faces flashes through a smile simultaneously. Is popular the source!” Was popular the source successfully to break through!” In January/one month the waiting of time, finally had the sound, two people long relax. Two people are joyful extremely, forest Xingyuan breaks through Foundation Establishment Stage, Lin Family adds Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivator again, has six Foundation Establishment Cultivator. Before long the time, two people return to normal, Lin Shigong says: Shihua, your clan is busy, do not consume here, is popular the source, although breaks through, but must consolidate to cultivate/repair is, here had me enough.” Moreover, is popular the news that the source breaks through temporarily do not disclose, world Xin is still closing up, told that the clansman do not approach, here had me enough!” Good, that nine elder brother is laborious, what situation, pass on message and I.” !” Lin Xinghua holds the fist in the other hand to leave, leaves behind Lin Shigong to continue for forest world Xin to protect the law. The time flies, is ten days time passes by, forest Shixin closed up for 40 days. In the secret room, forest Shixin is pale, small Foundation Establishment Pill from the clothing/taking starts, today was 30 th day, was last day. The efficacy of small Foundation Establishment Pill implication dissipates shortly fast, the remaining efficacy half entirely succeed do not have continually, but the spirit strength that completes precise also misses much, forest Shixin is very anxious. In recent months the time later, forest Shixin had done utmost refine the spirit strength, but the speed was too slow, according to this speed, is not definitely able to complete. Half prepared medicine strength that only remains shortly, forest Shixin decides to give it all, if was unable to break through, will halt Qi Refining Stage. forest Shixin the revolution merit law, does not attend to the sea of qi dantian the pricking, will remain many efficacies to refine, launches the impact again. Outside the yard, the Lin Shigong complexion is quite cloudy, a worried appearance. Extremely success or failure that this time he, is worried about forest Shixin. forest Shixin and Lin Shigong age differs not in a big way, the years of cultivation are also similar, two people play since childhood together, learns the immortal cultivation knowledge together. But forest Shixin the personality is very good, optimistic open, is not completely old-fashioned like forest Shigang forest Shiji, is very good with each brothers' of the same clan relations. A sentiment of the same generation clansman is extremely deep, although is not the blood brother, actually surpasses the blood brother from which angle, he hopes that forest Shixin can successfully break through, as the matter stands, the family can become stronger, will not use 20 years later the Celestial will separate forever. Today already 40 th day, if not successful, the complete failure, again is also difficult the opportunity. Oh......” Lin Shigong sighed again. The half day time passes by, in secret room. forest Shixin disregards all consequences completely, attacked again several times. This time forest world Xin looks deathly pale, dishevelled hair and dirty face, the seven orifices seep out the blood, the aura dispirited. As the last efficacy vanishes, forest Shixin final a ray of hope is completely disillusioned. forest Shixin receives the merit, shakes the head, smiles bitterly, the mood is somewhat low. Although is hard to accept, but the fact failed, can only accept fate. Set out, reorganizes a makeup to allow, to go out of the secret room. Outside the room, Lin Shigong saw that forest Shixin comes out, quickly moves forward to meet somebody. Lin Shigong several degrees want to open the mouth, actually does not know that said what good, finally can only open the mouth to comfort saying: World Xin, made contribution well, do not think!” Nine elder brother, I am all right, you do not need to be worried!” forest Shixin is with smile on the face, as if had accepted the reality, buoyed up. Lin Shigong sees this, the heart is heavy. World Xin, you first goes back to rest, the day is long, the juniors have not grown, the family also needs you!” Thanked nine elder brother to care, this was the life, the failure is defeated!” Then, forest Shixin holds the fist in the other hand to depart, flies to the mountain. In the Lin Shigong courtyard, Lin Shihua caught up, result that two people chatted forest Shixin and the others. Lin Shigong sighed again and again, Shihua, your ten elder brother failed!” Hears this news, Lin Shihua is also pale, closely examines hastily. Ten elder brother's situations how, mood how?” Situation was good, receives backlashed, but the training can restore some time.” Oh...... that is good!” Lin Shihua is also very sigh with emotion. The world character generation was too many clansmen is really delayed, if 20 years, the hope of breakthrough wanted to be bigger early. With the forest world Xin Foundation Establishment failure, a Lin Family world character generation of clansman almost did not have the opportunity, Lin Shigang and forest who Shihe only remained was too old, was only left over the theory the possibility, in addition apportioned the world character generation of small Foundation Establishment Pill quota not to have. But is popular a character generation of clansman also has the potential, Shanglin is popular the source, two Foundation Establishment have succeeded, so long as there is Foundation Establishment magical things, Lin Family does not lack the refining greatly complete clansman basically. Things have gotten to this point, can only accept.” Two people chatted several, was busy at work respectively, in the Lin Family clan was also very tranquil, as if does not have any mighty waves. 密室内,林天明手捧一个玉简,查阅过后,便陷入了沉思。今日特意从坊市的各大店铺里买下不少典籍,还有一些记载天地奇物的书籍,都没有查到关于玄月令的相关记载。林天明推测,很可能是某一处秘境的钥匙,或者是某一个大型家族或宗门的令牌。在浩大的修仙界,有不少的险地和秘境,里面有大量的宝物,也着大量的禁制和阵法守护,威力极为强大,通常都需要特殊的令牌或者一些特定之物才可进去。要么在秘境现世之时,禁制受到一定的削弱,进入则要安全很多。如果没有特定的物品,强行进入,很容易被禁制攻击,很容易丢掉性命。据说在数万年前,在玄州发现一处秘境,一名元婴修士贸然闯入,被强大的禁制直接轰杀,这样的例子在修仙界也有不少。要知道,元婴修士已经是名镇一方的强者了,连这等人物都死在禁制之下,可见秘境也不是随随便便就能闯的。既然找不到相关记载,只能将此事放在一旁。将玄月令牌和大量典籍收进储物袋,再次开始闭关修炼。青竹山,林家族地。青竹山主峰,林世功坐在院子里,一直关注另外两处院子的动静。他已经在此处等候了一月时间,林世鑫和林兴源正在闭关修炼,冲击筑基期,需要族人护法,正好他比较闲,便承担了这个任务。不一会时间,族长林世华进入了小院内。“九哥,十哥和兴源闭关一个月了,怎么还没动静!”林世华神色凝重,显得有着焦急。“世华,参悟先辈的心得要耗费几天时间,从时间上来看,不管成功与否,就快有结果了,再耐心等候一下。”“好吧,只能如此了!”林世华有些无奈的说道。忽然,一股筑基期修士的气息散发出来。二人的脸上同时闪过一丝微笑。“是兴源!”“兴源成功突破了!”一月时间的等待,总算是有了动静,二人长松了一口气。两人欣喜万分,林兴源突破筑基期,林家再添一名筑基期修士,已经有六名筑基修士了。不一会时间,二人恢复平静,林世功开口说道:“世华,你族物繁忙,就不要耗在这里了,兴源虽然突破,还要巩固一下修为,这里有我就够了。”“另外,兴源突破的消息暂时不要透露,世鑫还在闭关,吩咐族人不要靠近,这里有我就就够了!”“好,那九哥就辛苦一下,就什么情况,就传讯与我。”“唔!”林兴华抱拳离开,留下林世功继续为林世鑫护法。时间飞逝,又是十日时间过去,林世鑫闭关四十天了。密室内,林世鑫脸色苍白,从服下小筑基丹开始算起,今日就是第三十天了,也就是最后一日。眼看着小筑基丹蕴含的药力快速消散,剩下的药力连半成都没有,而凝炼完成的灵力还差不少,林世鑫十分焦急。近月时间下来,林世鑫已经竭尽全力的去炼化灵力,只是速度还是太慢,照这个速度,肯定是无法完成了。眼看着仅剩的半成药力,林世鑫决定放手一搏,如果还不能突破,将止步炼气期。林世鑫运转功法,丝毫不顾气海丹田的刺痛感,将所剩不多的药力炼化,再次发起冲击。小院外,林世功的脸色极为阴沉,一副心事重重的模样。此时的他,极为担心林世鑫的成败。林世鑫和林世功年纪相差不大,修炼的岁月也差不多,二人从小一起玩耍,一起学习修仙知识。而林世鑫性格很好,乐观开朗,完全不像林世罡林世济那么古板,和每一位同宗兄弟的关系都很好。一众同辈族人的感情极深,虽然不是亲兄弟,却胜似亲兄弟无论是从哪个角度,他都希望林世鑫可以成功突破,这样一来,家族可以变得更强,也不用在二十年后天人永隔。今天已经第四十天了,如果再不成功,将彻底失败,再也难有机会。“唉……”林世功再次叹息起来。半日时间过去,密室内。林世鑫完全不计后果,再次冲击了几次。此时的林世鑫脸色惨白,蓬头垢面,七窍渗出鲜血,气息萎靡至极。随着最后一丝药力消失,林世鑫最后了一丝希望彻底破灭。林世鑫收功,摇摇头,苦笑起来,心情有些低落。尽管难以接受,但是事实就是失败了,只能认命。起身,整理了一下妆容,走出了密室。屋外,林世功见到林世鑫出来,赶快迎了上去。林世功几度想要开口,却不知说什么好,最后只能开口安慰道:“世鑫,尽力了就好,不要多想!”“九哥,我没事,你们不用担心!”林世鑫面带微笑,似乎已经接受了现实,重新振作了起来。林世功见此,心情更是沉重。“世鑫,你先回去休息一下,日子还长,小辈们还未成长起来,家族还需要你!”“谢九哥关心,这就是命,失败就失败吧!”说完,林世鑫抱拳离去,向山下飞去。林世功的院子内,林世华赶了过来,二人聊起了林世鑫等人的结果。林世功连连叹息,“世华,你十哥失败了!”听到这个消息,林世华同样脸色苍白,连忙追问起来。“十哥的情况如何,情绪怎样?”“情况还好,受了一些反噬,但是修养一段时间就能恢复。”“唉……那就好!”林世华也十分感慨。世字辈实在是太多族人被耽误了,要是早二十年,突破的希望就要大很多。随着林世鑫筑基失败,林家世字辈族人几乎没有机会了,仅剩的林世刚和林世河年龄太大,只剩下理论的可能,加上分给世字辈的小筑基丹名额也没有了。而兴字辈族人的还有潜力,加上林兴源,已经有两人筑基成功,只要有筑基灵物,林家基本不缺炼气大圆满的族人。“事已至此,只能接受了。”二人闲聊几句,就各自忙活起来,林家族内也很平静,似乎没有什么波澜。
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