TDK :: Volume #5

#467: cloud Dao development and change

One after two legendary dukes exterminates greatly, during the upper class of Rauchman kingdom fell into thoroughly was quiet, experienced cleaned several times greatly, the quantity ten did not save a surviving aristocrat to stay compared with it Beira Dean period in own castle trembles. 一场针对两位传奇公爵的大清剿之后,洛克曼王国的贵族阶层彻底陷入了沉寂之中,经历了数次大清洗,数量比之贝拉迪恩时期十不存一的残存贵族呆在自己的城堡中瑟瑟发抖。 Because once they think that left tyrant came back, that has started to go on patrol the Cloud Giant regiment of nation, is the best proof. Only then side Grand Duke Morea, has Cloud Giant of such quantity. 因为曾经他们以为那位已经离开的暴君又回来了,那已经开始巡游全国的云巨人军团,就是最好的证明。只有穆瑞亚大公身边,才有如此数量的云巨人 All has after two dukes the aristocrat of involving slaughters completely, the upper class of Rauchman kingdom had the huge vacancy, therefore Queen Millie held the large-scale conferring rank and title ceremony again, the real power aristocrat who more than 300 have the fiefdom appears, majority in the demon disaster, establishes the illustrious military exploits hunting demon group member, this is the reward that they earn. 将所有与两位公爵有牵扯的贵族全部屠杀一空之后,洛克曼王国的贵族阶层出现了巨大的空缺,因此蕾米莉亚女王再一次举行了大规模的册封仪式,三百多名拥有封地的实权贵族出现,大部分都是在魔灾之中,立下赫赫战功的狩魔团成员,这是他们应得的奖励。 A small part is metal dragon clan, the Rauchman kingdom increased a group of dragon aristocrats again, title highest naturally is ancient Gold Dragon Bastus, he becomes the Rauchman kingdom new legend duke, made up for the vacancy in Rauchman kingdom legend strength. 还有一小部分则是金属龙族,洛克曼王国再度新增了一批龙贵族,其中爵位最高的自然是古金龙巴斯德,他成为了洛克曼王国新任的传奇公爵,弥补了洛克曼王国传奇战力上的空缺。 All have settled down, go on patrol the Cloud Giant regiment of nation to start through transmission to set out to the kingdom, finally returns to the Morea half potential surface, they must go back, here is not their long-erm places. 一切都已尘埃落定,巡游全国的云巨人军团开始通过传送阵向王国进发,最后回到穆瑞亚的半位面之中,他们要回去了,这里不是他们的久留之地。 I went back, young Millie.” Morea stands in transmission in royal palace, this is together fixed bidirectional transmission, an end here, another end above cloud Dao, this was already already the prepare. “我回去了,小蕾米莉亚。”穆瑞亚站在王宫之中的传送阵上,这是一道固定的双向传送阵,一端在这里,另一端则在云岛之上,这是早就已经布置好的。 „...... Millie hesitant a while, without making noise to detain, she knows Morea, even if complies to remain, how long will not stay. “……哦。”蕾米莉亚犹豫一会儿,没有出声挽留,她知道穆瑞亚就算是答应留下来,也不会停留多久。 Is interested in having a look to my cloud Dao on?” Morea puts out a hand toward Millie, sends out the invitation, present cloud Dao, but before you sees has very big change.” “有兴趣到我的云岛上看看吗?”穆瑞亚朝蕾米莉亚伸出手,发出邀请,“现在的云岛,可是跟你之前看到的有很大的变化。” Un un.” Not slightly hesitant, the eyes of Queen Millie sparkle to shine, complied with the invitation of Morea directly. “嗯嗯。”没有丝毫犹豫,蕾米莉亚女王的眼睛闪闪发亮,直接答应了穆瑞亚的邀请。 ...... …… „, Present cloud Daohao is attractive! Follows when the kings were completely different.” When Millie is holding the hand of Morea after on top cloud Dao appears, overlooks below flash, this experience great Queen luoli exudes the surprised cheer. “哇,现在的云岛好漂亮啊!跟在王都的时候完全不一样了。”当蕾米莉亚牵着穆瑞亚的手在最顶层的云岛上出现之后,俯视下方的一刹那,这位见识并不浅的luoli女王发出惊讶的赞叹之声。 This time 132 cloud Dao with when king Sikaleite just embarked the appearance, had the tremendous changes. In order to satisfy Morea active requirement, conducted six-year cloud Dao transforms the construction project, almost destroys on all cloud Dao natural sceneries. 此时的一百三十二座云岛与在王都斯卡雷特刚刚出发时模样,发生了翻天覆地的变化。为了满足穆瑞亚“能动”的要求,进行的为期六年的云岛改造建设工程,几乎将所有云岛上的自然风光破坏一空。 The mountain was advanced, the lake was levelled, the trees were eradicated...... to transform cloud Dao, can let foundation law that cloud Dao moves above arrangement. 山岳被推到,湖泊被填平,树木被连根拔起……一切都是为了改造云岛,在其上布置能够让云岛移动的基础法阵。 Therefore when Morea leaves cloud Dao who controls, above poor and blank, the appearance is truly ugly. However in leaving the Rauchman kingdom, goes to sea for two years later, all are different. 所以穆瑞亚离开时驾驭的云岛,其上一穷二白,样子确实挺丑的。但是在离开洛克曼王国,出海两年之后,一切都不一样了。 According to each cloud Dao different layout design requirements, on cloud Dao Takuji elf complies with the strong instruction that Morea issues, before all, was pulled up, but the root system well-preserved trees plant. 按照每一座云岛都不一样的规划设计要求,云岛上的卓尔精灵遵从穆瑞亚下达的强硬指令,将所有之前被拔起,但根系保存完好的树木重新种下。 Was summoned hill Giant that comes to remould the mountains on cloud Dao, unearths the new rivers lake, under the joint deduction computation of that group of subsidiary occupations human elites according to Morea, constructed a perfect water circulating system. 被召唤而来的山丘巨人在云岛上重塑山川,挖掘新的河流湖泊,按照穆瑞亚麾下那一批辅助职业人类精英的联合推演计算,建造了一道完善的水循环系统。 But massive Cloud Giant, voluntary keep on cloud Dao dwarf's having dog head person with the dragon person who evolves to come, then starts to construct building that can on the lifeform the daily life for cloud Dao need. 而大量的云巨人,还有“自愿”留在云岛上的矮人与有狗头人进化而来的龙人,则开始建造可以供云岛上生物上日常生活所需的房屋建筑。 The different lifeform regarding the environment, the size of residence have the different demands, impossible with human is the same, a construction living city of simple and crude was enough. 不同的生物对于居住环境,还有居所的大小都有不同的需求,不可能跟人类的一样,简单粗暴的建造一座聚居城市就足够了。 More than two years, in hundreds of thousands of unusual lifeform, under the cooperation of massive human, all cloud Dao traded an appearance completely, aesthetic sense of a manpower and nature good integration. 两年多时间,在数十万超凡生物,还有大量人类的协作下,所有的云岛完全换了一个模样,有一种人工与自然完美结合的美感。 Good to live with Elder Brother Morea here!” Appreciates on cloud Dao to remember that with her completely different Jing Xiu scenery, stands Millie in high place voices the opinions. “好想跟穆瑞亚哥哥一直住在这里!”欣赏云岛上与她记忆中完全不同的景秀风光,站在高处的蕾米莉亚发出感叹。 The clear cloud Daoluo of rivers from high place cloud Dao to low spot, form magnificent waterfalls, the filled the air water vapor is blooming the gorgeous rainbow light under shining of sunlight, making all cloud Dao cover a gloss visionally. 水质清澈的河流从高处的云岛落向低处的云岛,形成一道道壮观的瀑布,弥漫的水汽在阳光的照耀下绽放着绚丽的虹光,让所有的云岛笼罩着一层梦幻般的光泽。 The figure vigorous big dragon flutters to hover among cloud Dao, pure white Cloud Giant brings the lion vulture all over the body according to the thoroughly cooked in heart route patrol, has the sea-bird and indigenous lifeform of flying ability takes off and lands among cloud Dao, is being full of a tranquil auspicious atmosphere. 身形矫健的巨龙在云岛之间振翅翱翔,通体纯白的云巨人带着狮鹫按照已经烂熟于心的路线巡逻,拥有飞行能力的海鸟与土著生物在云岛之间起起落落,充满着一种宁静祥和的氛围。 So long as you think, can come through transmission momentarily.” Hears Millie sigh, Morea feels Millie hair to say with a smile, this with me stays together not wide difference.” “只要你想,随时可以通过传送阵过来。”听到蕾米莉亚的感叹,穆瑞亚摸着蕾米莉亚的头发笑着说道,“这跟我住在一起也没多大差别。” Un un!” Queen luoli nods excitedly, later is drawing Morea on own initiative, must make him lead to visit somewhat to become strange cloud Dao. “嗯嗯!”luoli女王兴奋地点点头,随后主动拉着穆瑞亚,要让他带着自己参观一下已经变得有些陌生的云岛。 Millie discovered, is downward, lives are more in the above lifeform quantity, according to the life rank also competent stratified housing, the powerful lifeform lives on stratus cloud island completely, small and weak pushing below stratus cloud island. 蕾米莉亚发现,越是向下,居住在上面的生物数量就越多,完全就是按照生命等级还有实力的分层居住,强大的生物居住在上层云岛,弱小的挤在下层云岛。 Naturally, pushes also compared to the broad habitable area on stratus cloud island lifeform, contrasts the ordinary civilian life of Rauchman kingdom, life that after this is the devout follower dies, enters belief Spiritual God god country, can enjoy. 当然,挤也只是相对于上层云岛生物的宽阔居住空间而言,对比洛克曼王国的普通平民生活,这已经是只有虔诚信徒死后进入信仰神灵的神国后才能享受到的生活。 This is very reasonable placement, here is Ella Sya world, may have no view of all people being equal, even best Gods will not put forward this absurd theory. 这是非常合理的安置,这里是埃拉西亚世界,可没有什么人人平等的说法,就算是最善良的神袛也不会提出这种荒谬的理论。 The dragon and Giant this lifeform, is impossible to live in every thing together, like this is not good to anyone, even Takuji elf young build person lifeform, lives around her the ordinary male lifeform, year after year gets down, the body absolutely will become weak, all day will be listless, basically abandoned. 龙与巨人这种生物,是不可能与凡物居住在一起,这样对谁都不好,就算卓尔精灵这种小体型的人型生物,居住在她周围的普通雄性生物,常年累月下来,身体绝对会变得虚弱,整天无精打采,基本就废了。 Elder Brother Morea, is their does do?” Morea with Millie who visits the Cloud Giant agglomeration, looks curiously to drawing close to cloud Dao of sea, above as if had some small unrests. 穆瑞亚哥哥,他们这是干什么?”跟着穆瑞亚参观云巨人聚集地的蕾米莉亚,好奇地看向贴近海洋的一座云岛,上面似乎发生了一些小小的骚乱。 Un?” Morea looks following the direction that Millie points at, several skin deep blue Tide Dragon tread the sea waves to raise from the sea, after some human also Cloud Giant on guarding said anything, five float the empty ship from that cloud Dao to take off. “嗯?”穆瑞亚顺着蕾米莉亚手指的方向看去,数名皮肤湛蓝的潮汐巨人踏着海波从海洋上升起,跟驻守上的人类还有云巨人说了什么之后,五艘浮空船从那座云岛上起飞。 More than ten Cloud Giant bring the pet that are rearing in a pen, moreover Green Dragon that hovers among cloud Dao sees this sound, similarly exudes an exciting roaring sound, fluttered to turn around, pursued. 十余名云巨人带着自己圈养的宠物,跟了上去,而且还有一条在云岛之间翱翔的绿龙看到这动静,同样发出一声兴奋的咆哮声,振翅转身,追了上去。 „.” Morea coughs, somewhat touches the chin embarrassed, should discover the prey.” “咳。”穆瑞亚干咳一声,有些不好意思摸了摸下巴,“应该发现猎物了。” Prey?” “猎物?” Is a pirate, evil race and so on.” “就是海盗,邪恶种族之类的。”
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