TDK :: Volume #4

#395: The vegetable/dish chicken pecks mutually

Grand Duke Morea, according to the data of present statistics, has registered the player who obtains the qualifications, its population has broken through 10,000 human . Moreover, this quantity continually is still rising.” 穆瑞亚大公,根据现在统计的数据,已经报名获得资格的参赛选手,其人数已经突破一万人类,而且,这个数量还在不断上升。” In preparing the initial work of competition, starts conducts to register one day later, the official who is responsible for counting the applicants stands in the broad hall, to occupies Morea of throne to report itself to compile high counts the data that regional information must come. 在准备好比赛的前期工作,开始进行报名一天后,负责统计报名人数的官员站在宽阔的大厅之中,向高居王座的穆瑞亚汇报自己汇总统计各地的信息得来的数据。 Un , to continue to follow up, during the registration, must report to me every day one time players of obtaining the qualifying.” “嗯,继续跟进,在报名期间,每天都要向我汇报一次获得参赛资格的选手人数。” Compliant.” “遵命。” „The players of these registrations, regardless of them anything, had offended anyone before, during participation, everyone does not permit to harm them. If there is a violator, namely for my enemy.” “这些报名参赛的选手,不论他们之前什么,得罪过什么人,在参加期间,所有人一律不准伤害他们。如有违背者,即为吾之敌人。” Morea complexion serious looks to another group of ministers, oneself will reiterate before the regulation that the competition will set. 穆瑞亚脸色严肃的看向另一批大臣,将自己在比赛之前就定下的章程重申了一遍。 Youngster promising must the calm arrogance be arrogant, this character was too easy to offend the person, can stay in the talent that in own family/home anything did not make honestly, that may really be the rare species 少年有为者必定心骄气傲,这种性格太容易得罪人了,能够老老实实呆在自己家里啥也不做的天才,那可真是稀有物种 According to the survey statistics of Morea, the talent that does not stir up trouble almost does not have, is not the words of aristocrat talent, in the civilian talent, almost every offends excellently, behind many buttocks also one group of people chase down them. 根据穆瑞亚的调查统计,不惹事的天才几乎没有,不算贵族天才的话,平民天才之中,几乎每一位都得罪过人,有不少屁股后面还有一堆人追杀他们。 Practicing, needs the resources. Contemplates the law to breathe the law, wants to cultivate, at least, must fill the belly, maintains practices the consumption of body. But wants to pick up the practicing speed, then on need more resources. 修行,是需要资源。不论是冥想法还是呼吸法,想要修炼,最起码一点,得填饱肚子,维持修行之时身体的消耗。而想要加快修行速度,那就需要更多的资源。 Does the talent that the civilians were born how obtain the practicing resources? Most people can only struggle, snatches, kills, only then a small part has the talent of deputy to depend upon own ability to provide for itself to practice. So, civilian talents almost every position has one group of personal enemy and chasing down, that is not strange. 平民出生的天才如何获得修行资源?大部分人只能去争,去抢,去杀,只有一小部分拥有副职的天才可以依靠自己的能力供养自己修行。如此,平民天才们几乎每位都有一堆仇人与追杀者,那就不奇怪了。 But Morea wants them to participate, that must guarantee when their securities, some unlucky egg talents, are after all at this time is embarrassed, no one protects, they do not dare to appear. 穆瑞亚想要他们参赛,那就必须保证他们的安全,毕竟有些倒霉蛋天才,此时正处于困窘之时,没有人保护,他们根本就不敢露头。 Grand Duke Morea, your request, already circular all aristocrats and feudal lords, they will certainly obey order your order.” A minister stands the report to say. 穆瑞亚大公,您的要求,已经通告所有贵族与领主了,他们一定会遵守您的命令。”一位大臣站出来汇报道。 Hehe.” Smiling of Morea shows neither approval nor disapproval, grasps kingdom practicing resources share most aristocrats is being the civilian talent offends most communities, chases down the civilian talent many is also an aristocrat. “呵呵。”穆瑞亚不置可否的笑了笑,掌握着王国修行资源份额最多的贵族们才是平民天才得罪最多的群体,追杀平民天才最多的也是贵族。 I under complete Cloud Giant 300 Storm Giant me have also sent, spreads in the whole country. “我已经将我麾下全部的云巨人还有三百名风暴巨人派遣出去,散布在全国各地。 Issues the circular, all players who obtain the qualifying, can seek the asylum of Cloud Giant. But actually which big aristocrat do I want to take a look this time to compete who to dare to move them? ” 发出通告,所有获得参赛资格的选手,都可以寻求云巨人的庇护。我倒想看看这次比赛哪位大贵族谁敢动他们?” Morea informs this group of aristocrats and ministers, order that oneself yesterday issued. Now the Rauchman kingdom, who does not know that behind Cloud Giant is the ruling Grand Duke, Cloud Giant is Morea in extending of Rauchman kingdom will. 穆瑞亚通知这群贵族与大臣,自己昨天就下达的命令。现在洛克曼王国,谁不知道云巨人背后是执政大公,云巨人就是穆瑞亚在洛克曼王国意志的延伸。 This......” aristocrats and ministers look at each other in blank dismay, is somewhat helpless, this ruling Grand Duke, shouted them to come every so often, informs them purely, did not make them transmit the performance order, this was very excessive. “这……”贵族与大臣们面面相觑,有些无奈,这位执政大公,很多时候喊他们过来,纯粹就是通知他们,根本不是让他们去传达执行命令,这就很过分了。 Bang!” In the meantime, giant explosive sound resounds, then is the sound of continuous construction collapse, making the aristocrats face of discussing politics hall compel ignorant, this obviously is the sound of fight. However in the royal palace, why some people will fight. “轰隆!”就在此时,一声巨大的爆炸声响起,接着便是持续不断的建筑倒塌之声,让议政厅的贵族们一脸懵逼,这明显就是战斗的声音。但是王宫之中,为什么会有人战斗。 Young bastard who two under tidy up.” After hearing this sound, some Morea headaches rubbed the forehead, does not give these obviously to ask opportunity that anything's aristocrat and minister inquired, instantaneously on disappearing form. “两个欠收拾的小混蛋。”听到这声音后,穆瑞亚有些头疼的揉了揉眉心,不给这些明显想要问什么的贵族与大臣提问的机会,一个瞬间就不见了身影。 Draws back, tomorrow will come to report the relevant issue of competition to me again.” The last few words that before hearing Morea to leave discussing politics hall, leaves behind, many aristocrats can only helpless departure. “都退下吧,明日再来向我汇报比赛的相关事宜。”听到穆瑞亚离开议政厅前留下的最后一句话,诸多贵族只能无奈的离开。 Although curious, but they did not have the courage to take a stroll in the present royal palace everywhere, sought just sent out existence of sound. Although Cloud Giant had been dispatched, but more powerful Storm Giant, part remains in the royal palace. 虽然好奇,但是他们还没有胆子在现在的王宫中到处溜达,寻找刚刚发出声音的存在。虽然云巨人已经都被派遣出去了,但是更加强大的风暴巨人,还有一部分留守在王宫之中。 When the aristocrat and minister leave the royal palace, Morea appears in the position that the sound of explosion and construction collapsing transmits, then saw two luoli that fights in the same place: British imperialist and Millie. 就在贵族与大臣离开王宫的时候,穆瑞亚出现在爆炸与建筑坍塌之声传来的位置,然后看到了战在一起的两只luoli:英帝拉与蕾米莉亚。 The hand holds Millie and unarmed British imperialist who must spear/gun grid Neil, in taking off in more than ten meters midair are conducting the fierce fight, two luoli raise hand to stamp the foot makes one after another spear/gun glow and fist astral, is showing their powerful body and spirit. 手执必中之枪冈格尼尔的蕾米莉亚与赤手空拳的英帝拉,在离地十余米的半空之中进行着激烈的战斗,两只luoli举手顿足之间就打出一道又一道枪芒与拳罡,彰显着她们强大的体魄。 But around them, more than 20 Storm Giant some fear hands fear the foot looks these two hit specially hi luoli, wants to prevent, but actually because of their status, does not know appearance how to start. 而在她们周围,二十余名风暴巨人有些畏手畏脚的看着这两只打得特别嗨的luoli,一副想要阻止,但却因为她们的身份,不知道如何下手的模样。 Was broken!” Morea looks at not far away one to be obviously made the giant opening ring-like arena by the violence, on the face reveals, helpless color. “又被打破了!”穆瑞亚望着不远处一座明显是被暴力打出巨大豁口的环形竞技场,脸上露出无奈之色。 Since that evening, British imperialist and Millie after the way understanding that beats mutually, two luoli were had indissoluble bond, they almost every day greasy in the same place, in every thing not unimaginable way together playing. 自从那一晚,英帝拉与蕾米莉亚以互殴的方式认识之后,两只luoli便算是结下了“不解之缘”,她们几乎每天都腻在一起,以凡物无法想象的方式一起“玩耍”。 Fight! This is two luoli stays together, matter that can do only, they meet after the royal palace, without delay, surely will hit in the same place, puts together completely own full power, with all ways that oneself have, attacks the opposite party, makes every effort the dozen of painful opposite party, making the opposite party first cry. 战斗!这是两只luoli呆在一起之后,唯一可以干的事情,她们在王宫之中碰见之后,二话不说,必定会打在一起,拼尽自己的全力,用自己拥有的一切方式,攻击对方,力求打痛对方,让对方先哭出来。 The frequent fight makes Morea burdensome, therefore he sends for specially in the royal palace, the crew cut several palaces, constructed a arena, throws into inside two luoli, making them hit casually, Morea is not worried about them in any case now. 频繁的战斗让穆瑞亚不胜其烦,于是他专门派人在王宫之中,推平了几座宫殿,建造了一座竞技场,把两只luoli扔进里面,让她们自己随便打,反正穆瑞亚现在是不担心她们。 The British imperialists drew did not say that from the void unidentified lifeform, has the strong vitality, can the attack of hard anti- legend. But inherited incomplete real ancestor bloodlines Millie, has the strong resilience, at least the British imperialist draws before does not use her strange swallowing ability, could not harm Millie. 英帝拉就不说了,来自虚空的不明生物,拥有强大的生命力,可以硬抗传奇的攻击。而继承了残缺真祖血脉的蕾米莉亚,也拥有强大的恢复能力,至少英帝拉在不用出她那诡异的吞噬能力之前,是伤害不了蕾米莉亚的。 Therefore, Morea is casual their two blood tall high defense to attack low luoli to beat mutually. Naturally, Morea does not permit British imperialist to use her taboo to swallow the ability also to change the body ability. 因此,穆瑞亚随便她们两个血高防高攻低的luoli互殴。当然,穆瑞亚是不准英帝拉使用她那禁忌般的吞噬能力还有变身能力。 Sufficed!” When Morea ponders slightly, these two luoli pester in together, hit to collapse a palace, making the Morea complexion grow dark, made noise to stop immediately. “够了!”在穆瑞亚略微思考之时,这两只luoli纠缠在一起,又撞塌了一座宫殿,让穆瑞亚的脸色变黑了一些,立即出声制止。 These two luoli fight, in the Morea eye, is the vegetable/dish chicken pecks mutually, does not have any methodicalness and skill, rely on the powerful body and spirit to hit purely randomly, therefore Morea defines it as playing. 这两只luoli打架,在穆瑞亚眼中,就是菜鸡互啄,没有任何章法与技巧,纯粹就是凭借着自己强大的体魄乱打,所以穆瑞亚将其定义为“玩耍”。 But the Morea sound, these two luoli have not paid attention. Therefore under the gazes of many Storm Giant, Morea enters has turned into the ruins in the palace, is raising luoli, from walks, is indistinct, but can also hear him to scold, 穆瑞亚的声音,这两只luoli都没有理会。于是在诸多风暴巨人的注视下,穆瑞亚走进已经变成废墟的宫殿之中,然后一手提着一只luoli,从其中走出来,隐约间,还可以听到他想呵斥着, I taught your war technique to forget, must hit on earnest hitting, didn't permit to play noisily?” “我教给你们的战技都忘了,要打就认真的打,不准玩闹?”
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