TDK :: Volume #4

#394: Endorses jointly

Even if Millie can hold the holy water essence, when the water drinks, has ancient dragon to question her blood group real ancestor's status as before, because was extremely inconceivable. This is may with the bloodlines strength that Gods is on par with, how to possibly appear on a human princess for no reason. 就算蕾米莉亚可以抱着圣水精髓当水喝,依旧有古龙质疑她血族真祖的身份,因为太过不可思议了。这是可与神袛比肩的血脉力量,怎么可能会平白无故出现在一位人类公主身上。 Therefore, these lived the long years, has the old fogy of rich knowledge and magnanimous book collection, looked for various oneself acquired old books, was based on Millie facing that the appliances of various restraint blood groups reacted, conducts the vigorous debate. 于是,这些活了漫长岁月,拥有丰富知识与海量藏书的老家伙,找来了自己收集到的各种古籍,以蕾米莉亚面对各种克制血族的器具做出的反应为依据,进行激烈的辩论。 Finally, these ancient dragon, really according to some specious old books, their knowledge and experiences, obtained most was close to the fact the conclusion: Millie bloodlines rank, in blood group sequence, situated in real ancestor, situated in crown prince above. 最终,这些古龙,真的根据一些似是而非的古籍,还有他们的知识与经验,得出了最接近事实的结论:蕾米莉亚的血脉等级,在血族序列之中,位于真祖之下,处于亲王之上。 What Millie fuses is only the incomplete real ancestor source blood, or coarse, what she fuses is the real ancestor's source blood residual. 蕾米莉亚融合的只是残缺的真祖源血,或者说得难听一些,她融合的是真祖的源血残渣。 Naturally, this regarding the epic, Dragon King, Gods that first-level existence is the residual, does not have any use value, but regarding existence under Spiritual God, was still the rare treasure. 当然,这对于史诗,龙王,神袛那一级的存在来说是残渣,没有任何利用价值,但是对于神灵之下的存在来说,仍旧是不可多得的瑰宝。 Had a look at present Millie to know, the blood group of does not have any weakness, to a certain extent, was a perfect lifeform. 看看如今的蕾米莉亚就知道了,没有任何弱点的血族,在某种程度上,就是一种完美生物。 Therefore, Millie was now impossible to change human?” Morea expression somewhat gloomy had discussed that to these ancient dragon of result asked. “所以,蕾米莉亚现在是不可能变回人类了?”穆瑞亚表情有些阴沉的向这些已经讨论出结果的古龙问道。 Is impossible, she now besides real ancestor, purest blood group.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus very affirmative saying. “不可能,她现在是除了真祖之外,最纯粹的血族。”古金龙巴斯德十分肯定的说道。 But she is the princess of human, in the future the queen in Rauchman kingdom, will turn into the blood group, really?” “但她是人类的公主,未来洛克曼王国的女王,变成血族,真的好吗?” Your highness, I think that you do not need to be offended this issue. Human will not mind that own ruler is pure human bloodlines. “殿下,我想您不必介怀这种问题。人类不会介意自己的统治者是不是纯粹的人类血脉 According to me the story of human, many human aristocrats, the royal family does not have pure human bloodlines, they are inheriting the different kind strength, and takes different kind bloodlines powerful for honor. 据我在人类的见闻来看,很多人类贵族,王室都已经没有了纯粹的人类血脉,他们传承着异类的力量,并以异类血脉的强大为荣。 Even many human rulers are the pure monsters, but depends upon the distortion technique to maintain the human the shape, governs the people by the status rule of human. Therefore Princess Millie transforms as the blood group also does not have any at the worst. ” 甚至很多人类统治者已经是纯粹的怪物了,只是依靠变形术维持人类的形态,以人类的身份统治治下民众。所以蕾米莉亚公主转化为血族也没有什么大不了的。” This!” Hears the consolation of ancient Gold Dragon, the Morea complexion is slightly more attractive, but some are still unattractive. “这样么!”听到古金龙的劝慰,穆瑞亚的脸色稍微好看一些,但依旧有些不好看。 Your highness, what scruples do you have?” “殿下,您还有什么顾忌?” „The status of Millie blood group, will definitely bring in the suppressions and hostility of many good camp influences, but she has not made the any mistake.” Morea observes the situation ten ancient dragon, you also know, the blood group is our metal ancient dragon one of the attack and suppression dark races. According to this custom, Millie is our enemies.” “蕾米莉亚血族的身份,必然会引来诸多善良阵营势力的打压与敌视,但她并没有做错什么。”穆瑞亚环视十位古龙,“你们也知道,血族是我们金属古龙的攻击与打压的黑暗种族之一。按照这种规矩,蕾米莉亚就是我们的敌人。” Your highness, a little I think that I must correct, our metal dragon clan is hostile even attacks the dark race including blood group , because they are cruel, the bloodthirsty, likes manufacture for no reason slaughtering chaotic with. “殿下,有一点我想我要纠正一下,我们金属龙族敌视甚至攻击包括血族在内的黑暗种族,是因为它们残暴,嗜杀,喜欢无端的制造杀戮与混乱。 But Princess Millie is the dark race, but she has not made what cruel evil matter, therefore, she will not receive our hostilities. ” 而蕾米莉亚公主虽然是黑暗种族,但是她并没有做出什么残暴邪恶的事情,所以,她不会受到我们的敌视。” You understand Millie, will therefore not be hostile because of the status of her blood group even attacks her, but the lives of other good camps, for example the Saint warrior of person clan, they before attacking Millie, will not investigate Millie to handle anything.” Morea said the most worry. “你们了解蕾米莉亚,所以不会因为她血族的身份而敌视甚至攻击她,但是其他善良阵营的生灵呢,比如说人族的圣武士,他们在攻击蕾米莉亚之前,可不会去调查蕾米莉亚做过什么事情。”穆瑞亚说出了自己最大的顾虑。 Hears the Morea issue, ancient Gold Dragon Bastus is startled slightly, then deep looked at Morea one, shows a smile, later opens the mouth: Your highness, does not need to be worried, wants to make other good lifeform know Princess Millie is not the evil blood group, this issue is very simple.” 听到穆瑞亚的问题,古金龙巴斯德微微一怔,然后深深的看了穆瑞亚一眼,露出一丝笑容,随后开口:“殿下,不必担心,想让其它善良生物知道蕾米莉亚公主不是邪恶的血族,这个问题很简单。” „? How to do?” Morea is concealing the happy expression in heart, does intentionally asking of doubts. “哦?怎么做?”穆瑞亚掩饰着心中的喜色,故作疑惑的问道。 By my exists to show.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus smiles is stretching out the palm, there golden dragon scale is splendid. “由我的存在来证明。”古金龙巴斯德微笑着伸出手掌,那里一枚金色的龙鳞熠熠生辉。 Then, in his back, the golden dragon shadow raises together, after sending out a resonant dragon roar, crashes in the dragon scale, later, together miniature dragon shadow lifelike reappearing on scale. 接着,在他的背后,一道金色的龙影升起,发出一声嘹亮的龙吼后,冲进龙鳞之中,随后,一道微型的龙影活灵活现的浮现在鳞片上。 Inherited the princess of blood group real ancestor strength.” The Gold Dragon Bastus palm lifts, the dragon scale in hand flies to the Millie hand in Morea bosom, this is I donates your gift, wishing you to maintain the first thought that suppresses bloodlines to your influence, becomes a good queen.” “继承了血族真祖力量的公主。”金龙巴斯德手掌微抬,手中的龙鳞飞向穆瑞亚怀中的蕾米莉亚手中,“这是我赠予你的礼物,愿你能够保持初心,压制血脉对你的影响,成为一位善良的女王。” Bastus, this......” Morea is looking in Millie hand that scale that is sending out light dragon prestige, on the face reveals the color of changing countenance. This ancient Gold Dragon in by own reputation, endorses for Millie, showed that she is not the evil lifeform. “巴斯德阁下,这……”穆瑞亚望着蕾米莉亚手中那枚散发着淡淡龙威的鳞片,脸上露出动容之色。这位古金龙在以自己的名声,为蕾米莉亚背书,证明她不是邪恶生物。 Might as well.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus beckons with the hand, Your Highness Morea, you now are Princess Millie guardian, hopes that you can guide the princess attentively, do not make her fall into an evil side, the scale that so I do not send out in vain today.” “无妨。”古金龙巴斯德摆摆手,“穆瑞亚殿下,您如今是蕾米莉亚公主的监护者,希望您可以用心引导公主,不要让她堕入邪恶的一方,如此就不枉我今日送出的这枚鳞片。” My meeting.” The Morea complexion serious response said. “我会的。”穆瑞亚脸色严肃的回应道。 But sees the ancient Gold Dragon Bastus's the response of movement and Morea, another nine ancient dragon look at each other one, then makes with the ancient Gold Dragon same action- takes down a scale, plants to inject own aura, lets the sensation to existence of this scale, can recognize their identities. 而看到古金龙巴斯德的动作与穆瑞亚的回应,另外九名古龙对视一眼,然后纷纷做出与古金龙一样的举动-取下一枚鳞片,将自己的气息植注入其中,让感知到这枚鳞片的存在,可以认出他们的身份。 ...... …… Ten metal ancient dragon endorse jointly, Millie, later anyone, will not attack you casually.” Morea looks at front ten colors to vary to send out the scale of dragon prestige, looks says with a smile to Millie in bosom. “十位金属古龙联名背书,蕾米莉亚,以后不论是谁,都不会随便攻击你了。”穆瑞亚望着面前十枚颜色各异散发着龙威的鳞片,看向怀中的蕾米莉亚笑道。 Un.” Childhood Princess luoli the ruby big eye sparkles shining is staring ten scales that are surrounding the body week, somewhat exciting nod. “嗯。”幼年luoli公主红宝石般的大眼睛闪闪发亮的盯着环绕着身周的十枚鳞片,有些兴奋的点点头。 These ancient dragon should see my intention.” Is recalling just ancient Gold Dragon Bastus that meaningful smile, Morea helpless smiling. “那些古龙应该都看出我的意图了。”回想着刚刚古金龙巴斯德那个意味深长的笑容,穆瑞亚无奈的笑了笑。 Turns into the blood group regarding Millie, he will certainly not have what prejudice, this thing to put it bluntly is a special strength, but sometimes will affect the character. 对于蕾米莉亚变成血族,他当然不会有什么偏见,这玩意说白了就是一种特殊的力量而已,只不过有时候会影响性格而已。 But this has the means resistance, can definitely suppress with the will through the day after tomorrow training. Therefore, the Morea ultimate goal is to invite these ten ancient dragon makes a testimony, asking them to confirm Millie jointly is not the evil proof. 但这不是没办法对抗,完全可以通过后天训练与意志进行压制。所以,穆瑞亚的最终目的就是为了请这十名古龙做一个见证,请它们联名证实一下蕾米莉亚不是邪恶证明。 Millie, starting from tomorrow, how I teaches you to study becomes a qualified king.” Morea caresses Millie mild-mannered light blue short hair lightly. “蕾米莉亚,从明天开始,我就教你学习怎样成为一个合格的君王。”穆瑞亚轻抚蕾米莉亚柔顺的浅蓝色短发。 ancient dragon Men is willing for the reason that Millie endorses, has a large part because of him, such being the case, Morea cannot fall short of ancient Longmen the anticipation absolutely. 古龙们愿意为蕾米莉亚背书的原因,有很大一部分就是因为他,既然如此,穆瑞亚绝对不能辜负古龙们的期待。 ...... Several days later, Morea brings Millie who cries the pear flower belt/bring rain with many aristocrats, attended Beira Dean's burial ceremony, expressed the final respect for this working hard lifetime monarchy. ……数日之后,穆瑞亚带着哭得梨花带雨的蕾米莉亚与诸多贵族,参加贝拉迪恩的下葬仪式,为这位操劳一生的君主表达最后的敬意。 But just after burying the former king, Morea starts competition to prepare for „the Gold Dragon cup that” to soon start to register. 而刚刚葬下前任君王之后,穆瑞亚就开始为即将开始报名的“金龙杯”比赛做准备。
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