TDK :: Volume #4

#393: Blood group real ancestor

Matter is this, does not know that fellow ancient dragon seniors, do have the means that what solves?” Morea sits on the seat of honor, hugs is shrinking timidly, in he bosom the Millie little princess, to being placed two sides ten ancient dragon inquired. “事情就是这样,不知道各位古龙前辈,有没有什么解决的办法?”穆瑞亚坐在主位上,抱着怯生生地缩在他怀中的蕾米莉亚小公主,向分列两边的十位古龙询问道。 After clear Millie was transformed the blood group, Morea after not being able to think of what means solution, made Mia invite ten ancient dragon immediately, these least already 800 years of old fogies, known were absolutely more than him, could have any good solution. 在清楚蕾米莉亚被人转化成血族之后,穆瑞亚在想不到什么办法解决之后,立马让米娅请来了十位古龙,这些最少都已经八百年的老家伙们,知道的绝对比他多,也许能够有什么好的解决办法。 How do you want to solve?” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus feels the chin long beard to ask, what or do you want to make this little princess turn into?” “你想要怎么解决?”古金龙巴斯德摸着下巴长长的胡须问道,“或者说,你想让这位小公主变成什么样?” Restores human?” Morea is probing asking. “重新恢复成人类?”穆瑞亚试探着问道。 „Are you cracking a joke?” Blonde beautiful woman Hill Wei who the brass ancient Longhua shape becomes stared Morea one, „do you know bloodlines agreeing with blood group and human high?” “你在开玩笑吗?”黄铜古龙化形而成的金发美妇希尔薇瞪了穆瑞亚一眼,“你知道血族的血脉契合度与人类有多高吗?” Knows.” Morea reveals the helpless forced smile, I have read in a book, some speculation, the blood group is the subspecies branch of human, therefore human can easily transform as the blood group.” “知道。”穆瑞亚露出无奈的苦笑,“我看过一本书上,有过一种推测,血族就是人类的亚种分支,所以人类可以轻易的转化为血族。” Knows that you also did set this impolite request?” Brass ancient dragon Hill Wei flips the supercilious look. “知道你还提出这种无礼的要求?”黄铜古龙希尔薇翻了翻白眼。 „Does this have the means? The sole heirs in human kingdom are not human, but is the high rank blood group, this biography does not make sense.” Morea sighed in a low voice, „, moreover this change, after I took office, was hits the face simply.” “这不是没办法吗?人类王国的唯一继承人不是人类,而是高阶血族,这传出去不像话。”穆瑞亚低声叹气道,“而且这种变化,还是在我上任之后,简直就是打脸啊。” Your Highness Morea, if has this matter in your side, that is your mistake. But this little miss goes out to play with his father turns into this, then really cannot blame you.” 穆瑞亚殿下,如果在您身边发生这种事,那是您的错。但这小姑娘是跟他的父亲出去游玩的时候变成这样,那么就真的不能怪您了。” Isn't really good?” Morea seems like some unwilling asking. “真的不行吗?”穆瑞亚看似有些不甘心的问道。 I know a legendary master, the fellow idles bored, studies has transformed the blood group as the experiment of human, but the most successful case, is transformed blood group less than ten days of human one at present changes. “我认识一位传奇法师,那家伙闲得无聊,研究过将血族转化为人类的实验,不过目前最成功的案例,就是将一位被转化成血族不到十天的人类重新变回去。 If you persist certainly in changing human this princess, I can invite this legendary master to come, but I did not suggest this. ” 如果你一定坚持将这位公主重新变回人类,那我可以邀请这位传奇法师过来,不过我不建议这样做。” I also feel not to need, if were transformed the low blood group, that must change human the little princess, after all low rank blood group the weakness that can aim were too many, and potential is limited. “我也觉得没有必要,如果是被转化成低等血族,那必须将小公主变回人类,毕竟低阶血族的可以被针对的弱点太多了,而且潜力有限。 However this princess transformed blood group, its rank seems to be high, in this case, does not need to waste the time energy. ” 但是这位公主殿下被转化的血族,其等级似乎非常高,这样的话,就不必浪费时间精力了。” This?” Morea touches the chin, then set a request again, „can you look at Millie present bloodlines, in blood group, in what rank?” “这样么?”穆瑞亚摸了摸下巴,然后再次提出一个要求,“你们能不能看一下蕾米莉亚现在的血脉,在血族之中,到底处于什么等级?” This ease in doing.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus smilingly takes out one to seem the blood drill to carve, seems a heart of fine artware. But this is not the artware, but is one also in bang bang the heart of jump. “这个好办。”古金龙巴斯德笑眯眯的取出一颗好似用血钻雕琢而成,好似一件精美艺术品的心脏。但这不是艺术品,而是一颗还在“砰砰”跳跃的心脏。 While this heart presents, a strange fragrance dispersion entire hall, the exuberant life internal energy fills the air. 在这枚心脏出现的同时,一股奇异的香味散布整间大厅,旺盛的生命气机弥漫。 This is a heart of blood group Grand Duke.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus's introduced with a laugh, I participate in one time spoils of war that the war that encircles the blood group obtains.” “这是一位血族大公的心脏。”古金龙巴斯德笑呵呵的介绍道,“我参加一次围剿血族的战争获得的战利品。” Saying, ancient Gold Dragon Buss Destoop this can make the blood group arrive at side Morea for the crazy heart surely, hands over bosom to him Millie. 说着,古金龙巴斯德托着这枚可以让千万血族为之疯狂的心脏来到穆瑞亚身边,递向他怀中的蕾米莉亚。 „!” Sees this glittering and translucent carving blood-color heart, Millie complexion reveals the color of dislike not covers up, first turns, shrinks in the bosom of Morea, does not look at that heart. “呜!”看到这枚晶莹剔透的血色心脏,蕾米莉亚脸色露出不加掩饰的厌恶之色,把头一扭,缩进穆瑞亚的怀中,不看那颗心脏。 Lya responded, lets Gold Dragon Bastus's complexion slightly, reveals the inconceivable complexion, then turns head also to reveal surprised color ancient Longmen to look at each other with other. 蕾米莉亚如此反应,让古金龙巴斯德的脸色都微微一顿,露出不可思议的脸色,然后扭头与其他同样露出惊讶之色的古龙们对视。 Finally, ancient Gold Dragon Bastus brings startled to accommodate, heart that pulls out from the chest of blood group Grand Duke receives this that is unable to cover up. This is blood group the source of strength, is especially precious, use widespread legend treasure. 最后,古金龙巴斯德带着无法遮掩的惊容,将这枚从血族大公的胸膛中掏出的心脏收起来。这可是血族的力量之源,尤为珍贵,用处广泛的传奇珍宝。 Has the blood group Grand Duke of legendary strength to lose the heart, although will not die, before the heart is long, the strength falls suddenly is inevitable. Therefore loses blood group Grand Duke basic few of heart also to live. 拥有传奇实力的血族大公失去心脏,虽然不会死亡,但是在心脏重新长出来之前,力量暴跌是必然的。因此失去心脏的血族大公基本没有几个还能活着。 „The blood group of crown prince rank?” Brass ancient dragon Hill Wei has the indefinite tone to have the sound said. “亲王级别的血族?”黄铜古龙希尔薇带着不确定的语气出声道。 Perhaps this response, does not stop Crown Prince in.” Wears bronze armor, bronze ancient dragon of soldier appearance shook the head, denied Hill Wei's speculation. “这种反应,恐怕不止于亲王。”一位身穿青铜甲,一副战士模样的青铜古龙摇摇头,否定了希尔薇的猜测。 Lower position blood group sees the high-rank blood group blood, the body can have nearly crazy infatuated and hope. Only the high-rank blood group regarding the blood of low-rank blood group, will not spare a glance. “下位血族看到上位血族的血液,身体会有近乎疯狂的痴迷与渴望。只有上位血族对于下位血族的血,会不屑一顾。 But even the isotopic blood group, will still be interested in the heart source of strength. But blood group Grand Duke the source of strength, I want the blood group crown prince not to shut out even. ” 但就算同位血族,也会对心脏这种力量之源非常感兴趣。而血族大公的力量之源,我想就算是血族亲王也不会嫌弃。” Blood group equivalent that in other words, this Princess Millie, the transformation becomes still above blood group crown prince.” An ancient Silver Dragon some incredible saying final conclusion, she transformed the blood group of real ancestor rank.” “也就是说,这位蕾米莉亚公主,转化而成的血族等阶犹在血族亲王之上。”一位古银龙有些不可置信的说出最终结论,“她转化成了真祖级别的血族。” This is impossible!” “这不可能!” But her response had shown all.” “但是她的反应已经说明了一切。” Absurd! Ella Sya has many ten thousand years of news that does not have the blood group real ancestor activity, even if the blood group real ancestor supports personally initially, still can only accomplish the crown prince rank the vampire. “荒谬!埃拉西亚已经有多少万年没有血族真祖活动的消息了,就算是血族真祖亲自初拥,也只能造就出亲王级别的吸血鬼。 To create a blood group real ancestor, needs a powerful real ancestor to give up own source, but this is impossible, for hundreds of thousands of years, had never heard which real ancestor will have this. 想要造就一名血族真祖,就需要一位强大的真祖割舍自己的本源,但这是不可能的,数十万年来,从未听说过有哪位真祖会这样做。 Therefore, a birth of real ancestor, is representing withering away of real ancestor, but this is impossible, the real ancestor falls from the sky, the world will have the induction, has the phenomenon, we must know. ” 所以,一名真祖的诞生,就代表着一名真祖的消亡,但这也不可能,真祖陨落,世界都会有感应,产生异象,我们不可能不知道。” Now does not have the real ancestor to fall from the sky, but historically has the real ancestor to fall from the sky, was struck has killed the instance.” “现在是没有真祖陨落,但历史上可是有真祖陨落,被人击杀过的事例。” Your meaning is, now has the powerhouse to give to a little princess in human kingdom these falling from the sky real ancestor's source blood? What attempts?” “你的意思是,现在有强者将那些陨落真祖的源血送给一位人类王国的小公主?图什么?” Not necessarily is the source blood, this type of treasure, who will see somebody off, even if the direct descendant blood relations will not bestow.” “不一定是源血,这种瑰宝,谁会送人,就算是嫡系血亲都不会赠送。” Hears here Morea to touch the nose, is somewhat embarrassed, then , to continue to listen to ancient Longmen to argue. 听到这里的穆瑞亚不由摸了摸鼻子,有些不好意思,然后,继续听着古龙们争论。 What to quarrel? The blood group real ancestor, tried not to know suddenly.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus made noise to interrupt all arguments. “吵什么?是不是血族真祖,试一下不就知道了。”古金龙巴斯德出声中断了所有争论。 How trial?” “怎么试?” I hear the real ancestor rank the blood group, is nothing weakness, Saint light, holy water, pure silver weapon and other all in view of blood group thing, to its invalid.” “我听闻真祖级别的血族,是没有任何弱点的,圣光,圣水,纯银武器等所有一切针对血族的东西,都对其无效。” ...... „ In Morea with many ancient dragon gaze, luoli Princess Millie of blue blushing pupil is holding one bottle of holy water essences, in the way of unusual virtuous young woman, the small mouth small mouth place drank. ……“在穆瑞亚与诸多古龙的注视之下,蓝发红瞳的luoli公主蕾米莉亚抱着一瓶圣水精髓,以非常淑女的方式,小口小口地喝下去了。 Can determine, this little princess is the blood group real ancestor.” “可以确定了,这位小公主就是血族真祖。” „It is not right, records with the books in does not tally.” “不对,还有一些跟书籍上记载的不相符。”
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