TDK :: Volume #4

#392: Reason

Morea now is annoyed this not to know that because of what reason, transforms Millie as the blood group potential surface merchant. Ate to the full supported, looked for trouble for him only. 穆瑞亚现在非常恼火这位不知道因为什么原因,将蕾米莉亚转化为血族的位面商人。吃饱了撑得,净给他找麻烦。 The princess who has the kingdom throne only right of inheritance turns into such a appearance, simply is laughable. 一位拥有王国王位唯一继承权的公主变成这么一副模样,简直就是可笑。 Indeed, is blood group Millie, its bloodlines rank in the sequence of blood group, absolutely is very high, this point can from Millie now the stance with having the strength looks. 诚然,已经是血族的蕾米莉亚,其血脉等级在血族的序列之中,绝对是非常高的,这一点能从蕾米莉亚现在姿态与拥有的力量看出来。 Transforms the low blood group, the strength not so large scale growth, unexpectedly has a spear/gun to pierce the strength that the British imperialist draws, with withstanding the British imperialist draws the body and spirit that a fist does not die. 转化成低等的血族,力量可不会如此大幅度的增长,居然拥有一枪刺穿英帝拉的力量,与承受英帝拉一拳而不死的体魄。 Must know that the British imperialist draws existence that the earth element feudal lord, but faces the legendary rank does not die. 要知道英帝拉可是面对传奇级别的土元素领主而不死的存在。 But, Morea is not even cheerful, wants the strength, changes what blood group, looking for him was good, he can directly transform Millie with oneself blood as higher dragon Yi, the strength growth rate will not compare her present stance to be disappointing absolutely. 但就算如此,穆瑞亚也是非常不愉,想要力量,变什么血族,找他就行了,他可以直接用自己的血液将蕾米莉亚转化为高等龙裔,力量增长幅度绝对不会比她现在的姿态差劲。 Is listening in Morea to Millie to that big sister potential surface merchant, after her appearance description, remembered that fellow thoroughly, and decides the opportunity to well thanks she. 穆瑞亚在听完对蕾米莉亚对那位大姐姐般的位面商人,她的外貌描述之后,彻底记住了那个家伙,并决定有机会一定要好好“感谢”她。 When Morea starts in the caring this potential surface merchant, in Rauchman kingdom the corner of some lively city, is peaceful the black hair governing elder sister who sits the ponder life to have a shiver suddenly, interrupts advancement that oneself were in a daze. 而在穆瑞亚开始惦记上这位面商人的时候,在洛克曼王国的某座繁华城市的角落之中,一位正在安静在坐着思考人生的黑发御姐突然打了一个冷颤,中断了自己发呆的进程。 You two select not to have, the speed a bit faster, must buy buys, does not buy to get the hell out.” Had a premonition has what not good matter is going to happen in oneself black hair governing elder sister, the mood is extremely uncomfortable. Therefore she who the pharmacist dresses up to this shop , the only two young guests shout. “你们两个挑好没有,速度快点,要买就买,不买滚蛋。”预感到有什么不好事情的将要发生在自己身上的黑发御姐,心情极度不爽。于是药剂师打扮的她冲这位店铺中,唯一的两位小客人喊道。 „Our walks.” By shop owner so impolite treatment, because the accident/surprise found in this shop the young fellow to draw own female companion to apologize to her hastily. “我们这就走。”被店主如此不客气的对待,因为意外找到了这家店铺之中少年人连忙拉着自己的女伴向她道歉。 In common shop that this hidden in the city corner, quantity and type all kinds of gold metallurgy of medicament on the above shelf placing, each is the rare treasure. If name real, here each medicament can change him now the embarrassed situation, making him be reborn. 这间隐藏于城市角落的不起眼小店中,上面的货架上摆放的数量与种类五花八门的炼金药剂,每一剂都是稀世珍品。如果名字都是真的话,这里的每一支药剂都可以改变他现在窘迫的处境,让他脱胎换骨。 What a pity, even, these medicament he cannot afford, regarded the slave to sell him, was unworthy the money of these medicament crystal bottles, this point, the youngster has several very much, he knows, these things were not can have. Oneself can have a look to be lucky. 可惜,就算是真的,这些药剂他也买不起,将他当成奴隶卖了,都不值这些药剂水晶瓶的钱,这一点,少年还是很有数的,他知道,这些东西不是自己能够拥有的。自己能够看看就非常幸运了。 As for seizing, steals anything, does not even think about it, sufficing to suspend the sell these medicament, absolutely is the big shot who he cannot stir up, offended them, wants dead happily not. 至于强抢,盗窃什么的,想都不要想,够能将这些药剂摆出来出售的,绝对是他惹不起的大佬,得罪了他们,想死都没有痛快。 But, in this youngster draws a face discontented young girl is leaving this vanishing shop, had responded that is the governing elder sister shop owner saw oneself roared to run destiny care, made noise to detain hastily: Few Toshiro, does not buy medicament to walk again, leaves empty-handed?” 但,就在这位少年拉着一脸不满的少女离开这间即将消失的店铺时,已经反应过来是御姐店主看到自己吼跑了一位命运眷顾者,连忙出声挽留:“少年郎,不买一支药剂再走,就这么空手离开?” Sir, your medicament, no is I can buy, I do not have money.” Looks on oneself also brings the clothes robe of patch, the youngster complexion somewhat bitter and astringent response to say. “大人,你这些药剂,没有一支是我可以能够买下的,我没有钱。”看着自己身上还带着补丁的衣袍,少年脸色有些苦涩的回应道。 Sir?” How many blue veins on the black hair governing elder sister forehead explodes, such big person, might as well a child was sensible, did she look very old? Does not know that called the little elder sister? “大人?”黑发御姐额头上爆起几根青筋,这么大的人了,还不如一个小孩子懂事,她看起来很老吗?不知道叫小姐姐吗? A month ago, that status honored little princess pursues to shout the elder sister daily, under oneself impulse for a while, crystallized the blood group real ancestor source blood of using energy thoughts collection throws completely feeds to that little princess. Although was found time the defective product of source strength, but that is also the world-wide difficult homing treasure, can let the treasure that the person is reborn. 一个多月前,那位身份尊贵的小公主可是天天追着自己喊姐姐,自己一时冲动之下,就将自己费劲心思收集的血族真祖源血结晶全部投喂给那位小公主了。虽然都是被抽空了源力的残次品,但那也是举世难寻的奇珍,能够让人脱胎换骨的瑰宝。 Must endure patiently, the little fellow is innocent.” The black hair governing elder sister warned herself, later had opportunity a lot of times to gain from this little fellow, the pit died he, making him know that called the wrong name, price that needs to pay.” “要忍耐,小家伙不懂事。”黑发御姐告诫自己,“以后有机会千百倍从这位小家伙身上赚回来,坑死他,让他知道叫错称呼,需要付出的代价。” Thinks of here, the surface leads the gentle smile black hair governing elder sister to stand, few Toshiro, you can bump into me, is the arrangement and care of destiny, such being the case, I give you a giving credit opportunity, you currently have the opportunity, since I pick medicament, but in the future, you will need ten times of hundred times will repay.” 想到这里,表面带着柔和笑容的黑发御姐站起来,“少年郎,你能够碰到我,就是命运的安排与眷顾,既然如此,我就给你一个赊账的机会,你现在有机会从我挑走一支药剂,但是未来,你需要十倍百倍的进行偿还。” The youngster who hears the so attractive condition does not bring hesitant, half has gone out of the foot of shop to receive, enters in the shop, rushed to already the medicament that favored...... 听到如此诱人条件的少年根本就不带犹豫,半只已经走出店铺的脚收回来,重新走进店铺之中,奔向一支自己早就看好的药剂…… When the youngster being filled with joy hand grasps a splendid attire just like the combustion purple flame crystal bottle, after drawing the female companion of friends from childhood is going out of the shop, under female companion's reminder. 当少年满心欢喜手握一支盛装着宛如燃烧紫色火焰水晶瓶,拉着自己青梅竹马的女伴走出店铺后,在女伴的提醒下。 He discovered oneself behind, when that place common shop does not know, turned into a wall. Or here is a wall, but does not know when presented this mysterious shop, makes him bump into exactly. 他才发现自己身后,那处毫不起眼的店铺不知何时,变成了一堵墙。或者说,这里本来就是一堵墙,只是不知何时出现了这一间神秘的店铺,又恰好让他碰到而已。 The so marvelous experience makes the youngster feel oneself just like places the dream to be common, but in hand that belt/bring the crystal bottle of blazing aura, the ominous beast roaring sound that spreads faintly, is reminding him, all these exist. 如此奇妙经历让少年感觉自己犹如身处梦幻一般,但手中那带着炽热气息的水晶瓶,还有其中隐隐传出的凶兽咆哮声,都在提醒着他,这一切都是真实存在的。 ...... …… In the royal palace, above the palace ruins, why ascertaining Millie will have turned into such Morea complexion to be gradually quiet, things have gotten to this point , there is nothing to be angry, finding the way to solve the problem is the correct path. 王宫之中,宫殿废墟之上,已经问清楚蕾米莉亚为什么会变成这样的穆瑞亚脸色逐渐平静下来,事已至此,没有什么好生气的,想办法解决问题才是正道。 At this time, lowered the head, in the eye socket British imperialist with tears arrived at side Morea, color of the face grievance, ominous is staring Morea, „her matter did not have obviously, you also blamed me.” 这时,低着头,眼眶中含着泪的英帝拉来到穆瑞亚身边,一脸委屈之色,凶巴巴的瞪着穆瑞亚,“她明明一点事都没有,你还怪我。” Morea somewhat looks at Millie that fair tender smooth smooth lower abdomen awkwardly, a fist that the British imperialist draws destroys Millie of princess skirt abdomen together, in addition, has not created what injury to her. 穆瑞亚有些尴尬看着蕾米莉亚那白皙柔嫩光滑的平坦小腹,英帝拉的一拳只是将蕾米莉亚的公主裙腹部的那一块打碎了而已,除此之外,并没有对她造成什么伤势。 Morea, I was angry, does not give me to be delicious, does not forgive your.” 穆瑞亚,我生气了,不给我好吃的,就不原谅你的那种。” Hears the British imperialist draws just like acting like a spoiled brat words, some Morea headaches rubbed the temples, then the helpless extraction hot attribute scarlet treasure steel gives British imperialist together, this not on flagrant demanding food as compensation? 听到英帝拉宛如撒娇般的话,穆瑞亚有些头疼的揉了揉太阳穴,然后无奈的取出一块火属性的赤钰钢递给英帝拉,这不就明目张胆的索要食物作为补偿么? „!!” Under the gaze of Millie curious vision, the British imperialist drew happily received in the Morea hand that higher unusual metal that is sending out the scarlet red scalding hot miraculous glow, then just like chewing the biscuit gnawed. “咔嚓!咔嚓!”在蕾米莉亚好奇目光的注视下,英帝拉一脸开心的接过穆瑞亚手中那块散发着赤红色灼热灵光的高等超凡金属,然后宛如嚼饼干般啃了起来。 „, Millie will, why you attack British imperialist suddenly?” Successfully after comforting the British imperialist drew, Morea is frowning to look that to blue Millie who sends the scarlet pupil, asked to her. “那么,蕾米莉亚,你为什么会突然攻击英帝拉?”成功安抚了英帝拉之后,穆瑞亚就皱着眉头看向蓝发赤瞳的蕾米莉亚,向她质问道。 Big Brother Morea, she looks at my time, her eye makes me quite be afraid, therefore I could not bear hit her.” Millie somewhat timid replied. 穆瑞亚大哥哥,她看我的时候,她的眼睛让我好害怕,所以我忍不住就打她了。”蕾米莉亚有些怯生生的回答道。 Morea speechless pulled out the corners of the mouth , because British imperialist looks at anyone is food that look reason. 穆瑞亚无语的抽了抽嘴角,得,还是因为英帝拉看谁都是食物那种眼神的原因。
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