TDK :: Volume #4

#391: The courage vigor fills the air

Tittered!” The metal sharp weapon cuts the sound of flesh skeleton to resound, the pale golden blood sprinkles. “噗嗤!”金属利器划破血肉骨骼的声音响起,淡金色的血液洒落。 Morea somewhat stunned is looking at present this, wears petite, wears the princess skirt, seems somewhat moe lovable Millie to grasp a scarlet long spear/gun softly, passed through compared with she petiter British imperialist. 穆瑞亚有些错愕的望着眼前这一幕,身穿娇小,身穿公主裙,看起来有些软萌可爱的蕾米莉亚手持一柄猩红色的长枪,贯穿了比她更加娇小的英帝拉。 The aggressive and fierce spear head punctures from the back of British imperialist drawing, the pale golden blood drops from the triangle spear head, the thick spear head and British imperialist draw the seemingly petite delicate body to form the sharp contrast, has the happy thing destroyed brutal aesthetic sense. 霸气而又狰狞的枪头从英帝拉的背后刺出,淡金色的血从三角枪头上滴落,粗大的枪头与英帝拉看似娇小柔弱的身躯形成鲜明的对比,带着美好事物被毁灭的残酷美感。 But pitifully, can let the injury that the mortal is killed violently instantaneously, without letting the British imperialist has a long face on presents the color of any pain, she knits the brows merely slightly, the immature cheek then returned to normal, then looks to Morea, she attacks me! I should be able to counterattack.” 但可惜,能够让凡人瞬间毙命的伤势,没有让英帝拉脸上出现任何痛苦之色,她仅仅是微微一皱眉,稚嫩的脸蛋便恢复了平静,而后看向穆瑞亚,“她攻击我!我应该能还击吧。” „......” So towering change, making Morea slightly astonished flickers, hears the British imperialist to draw after the tone of statement asked that Morea subconscious wanted to prevent, in his mind, Millie was body tender physically weak young luoli. “等……”如此突兀的变化,让穆瑞亚略微惊愕一瞬,听到英帝拉用陈述的语气发问之后,穆瑞亚下意识的就想要阻止,在他的印象之中,蕾米莉亚就是一位身娇体弱的幼龄luoli。 But Morea just said a character, the body passed through British imperialist draws then acted, no unnecessary movement, the small palm grips the fist, rumbles toward a Millie fist. 穆瑞亚才刚刚说出一个字,身体被贯穿的英帝拉便出手了,没有什么多余的动作,小小的手掌就这么攥成拳头,朝着蕾米莉亚一拳轰出。 Even if studies Morea to turn into the human shape, British imperialist who strength majority is unable to display, has the great power as before, she relied on a powerful body and spirit fist to pound fist astral. 纵然学着穆瑞亚变成人类形态,力量大部分无法发挥出来的英帝拉,依旧拥有强大力量,她凭借着强大的体魄一拳砸出了拳罡。 Bang!” The air was hit to explode, makes the slating sound, visible fist astral rumbles in Millie abdomen, is not accidental/surprised, this has not reached ten -year-old little princess to be struck to fly instantaneously. “轰!”空气被打爆了,发出雷鸣般的声音,肉眼可见的拳罡轰在蕾米莉亚的腹部,毫无意外的,这位还没有满十岁的小公主瞬间就被击飞了。 The luxuriant flowering shrubs had/left a long mark by Millie plow , the vegetation has broken along the way, then smashes in a palace, the sound of giant stone shatter blasting open resounds, finally the mist and dust rises from all directions. 繁茂的花丛被蕾米莉亚犁出一道长痕,沿途所过,草木断折,接着砸进一间宫殿之中,巨石破碎炸裂的声音响起,最后烟尘四起。 British imperialist, who makes you make a move?” All happen in bold, to Morea prevents, to look quickly without enough time Millie hit to collapse angrily the palace of half, Morea toward British imperialist drawing is exclaimed. “英帝拉,谁让你出手的?”一切都在兔起鹘落之中发生,快到穆瑞亚都来不及阻止,望着被蕾米莉亚撞塌了半边的宫殿,穆瑞亚愤怒的朝英帝拉吼道。 Is she first attacks my.” Puts in great inconvenience anxiously by British imperialist who god spear/gun grid Neil passes through the body answered. “是她先攻击我的。”被神枪冈格尼尔贯穿身体的英帝拉委屈巴巴的解释道。 You were punctured a spear/gun by her, what is not, but can she by your fist, withstand?” “你被她刺一枪,根本就不算什么,但是她受你的一拳,能承受得吗?” Can.” The British imperialists draw the tone affirmative replied. “能。”英帝拉语气肯定的回答道。 „......” Morea is slightly silent, then turns head to look that to was pounded the collapsing half by Millie the palace. There has gradually becomes powerful the unusual life internal energy, is familiar and strange. “……”穆瑞亚微微沉默,然后扭头看向被蕾米莉亚砸塌半边的宫殿。那里有一股逐渐变得强盛起来的异样生命气机,熟悉而又陌生。 Stands honestly, later tidies up you again.” Morea stared the British imperialist to draw one, then took a step to walk in the direction that Princess Millie pounded to fall. “老实站好,待会再来收拾你。”穆瑞亚瞪了英帝拉一眼,然后迈步朝着蕾米莉亚公主砸落的方向走去。 Obviously, on this princess had the unknown change, but this change should in the process that in travels with Beira Dean happened, therefore Morea anything does not know. 很显然,这位公主身上发生了不为人知的变化,而这变化应该是在跟贝拉迪恩旅游的过程中发生的,所以穆瑞亚什么都不知道。 He arrives at Millie who here sees at first, may not have this body and spirit, that time little princess withstood the British imperialist to draw a fist, Morea can take advantage of opportunity her funeral now with a king Beira Dean's office. 他最初来到这里见到的蕾米莉亚,可没有这种体魄,那时候的小公主承受了英帝拉一拳,穆瑞亚现在可以顺势将她的葬礼跟君王贝拉迪恩的一起办了。 Bang!” The scarlet courage vigor fills the air from Millie the place of crash, the crushed stone jumps shoots, under the Morea somewhat dignified vision gaze, is lingering courage vigor Millie hangingly, back one contrasts her person also to want the giant wing to launch, has feeling of the evil charm. “轰隆!”猩红的血气从蕾米莉亚的坠落之地弥漫,碎石迸射,在穆瑞亚有些凝重的目光注视之下,萦绕着血气的蕾米莉亚悬空而起,背后一对比她人还要巨大的羽翼展开,带着一种邪魅之感。 Blood group?” The Morea complexion becomes a paleness instantaneously, a successor in human kingdom, turned into a dark race unexpectedly, although not under his eye hides happened, but actually after he arrived here trick that presents. “血族?”穆瑞亚脸色瞬间变得一片铁青,一位人类王国的继承人,居然变成了一位黑暗种族,虽然不是在他眼皮子底下发生的,但却是在他来到这里之后才出现的幺蛾子。 „!” Behind Millie launches contrasts her person also to want the big black wing, puts out a hand, but also inserts, in the British imperialist draws god spear/gun grid Neil in body to depart instantaneously, falls to her hand, then, aims at Morea. “咻!”蕾米莉亚背后展开一对比她人还要大的黑翼,伸出手,还插在英帝拉身体中的神枪冈格尼尔瞬间飞出,落到她的手中,而后,指向穆瑞亚 „Do you also want to begin to me?” Sees to point at own grid Neil, especially that is contaminating the lance point of pale golden blood, the Morea complexion was uglier. “你还想对我动手?”看到指着自己的冈格尼尔,特别是那沾染着淡金色血液的枪尖,穆瑞亚的脸色更加难看了。 Hears the Morea issue, the original blue pupil has turned into is much more beautiful, seems Millie of two glittering and translucent carving rubies to hurry to shake the head, put down god spear/gun grid Neil in hand. 听到穆瑞亚问题,原本的蓝瞳已经化成美得惊心动魄,好似两颗晶莹剔透红宝石的蕾米莉亚慌忙摇头,将手中的神枪冈格尼尔放下了。 Sees this, the Morea complexion was slightly good, to be then on the rise toward is issued the order by the Giant guard who here sound attraction came, drew back to me, without my order, no one must approach here.” 看到这一幕,穆瑞亚的脸色稍微好了一些,而后抬头向着被这里的动静吸引而来的巨人守卫下达命令,“都给我退下,没有我的命令,谁都不许靠近这里。” Hears the Morea familiar sound Giant to diverge in abundance, since is your highness's order, then the matter of inside had nothing to do with them, regardless has anything, treats as has not seen. 听到穆瑞亚熟悉声音的巨人们纷纷散去,既然是殿下的命令,那么里面发生的事情就与他们无关了,不论发生什么,都当做没看见。 Millie, comes, told me how you do turn into this?” Morea was been diligently gentle by own sound, the ugly complexion becomes genial, simultaneously squeezes out the smiling face forcefully. “蕾米莉亚,过来,跟我说说,你到底是怎么变成这样的?”穆瑞亚努力让自己的声音柔和,难看的脸色变得和善,同时强行挤出笑脸。 Why will I turn into this?” Millie somewhat doubts lowers the head to take a look at itself, then did not move two wings to attract her attention voluntarily, until this time, she discovered oneself were many a giant wing. “我为什么会变成这样?”蕾米莉亚有些疑惑的低头打量着自己,然后不自觉动了两下的翅膀吸引了她的注意力,直到这时候,她才发现自己多了一对巨大的翅膀。 „Is this my wing?” After is startled, in Millie Llama is calm, even also puts out a hand traces itself never to have the wing. “这是我的翅膀?”一阵惊慌之后,蕾米莉亚马上就镇定下来,甚至还伸出手摸了摸自己从未拥有过的翅膀。 Sees Millie that blurry expression, Morea also feels immediately has a headache extremely, evidently, she as if not know why oneself will turn into now this appearance. 看到蕾米莉亚那迷糊的表情,穆瑞亚顿时也感到极为头疼,看样子,她似乎都不知道自己为什么会变成现在这个样子。 You with your father travels, bumped into what strange existence?” Directly cannot ask, Morea can only make a veiled attack, on for example was similar to just that fellow who wore the black robe, except for our two, others could not see him.” “你跟你父亲旅行的时候,有没有碰到了什么奇怪的存在?”直接问问不出来,穆瑞亚只能旁敲侧击,“就比如类似于刚刚那位身穿黑袍的家伙,除了我们两个,其他的人都看不见他。” Has.” Millie thinks deeply about the moment to give the unexpected answer, I remember one night, I saw a very pretty big sister on father's ship, but besides me, my father, other guards could not have seen that big sister.” “有。”蕾米莉亚思索片刻就给出乎意料的答案,“我记得有一天晚上,我在父亲的船上看到了一位很漂亮的大姐姐,但是除了我以外,我的父亲,还有其他侍卫都看不到那位大姐姐。” Is the potential surface merchant.” The Morea complexion sinks , to continue to pursue asks, what did that big sister make to you?” “又是位面商人么。”穆瑞亚脸色一沉,继续追问道,“那位大姐姐对你做了什么?” Elder Brother Morea, that big sister is very good to me, she red gem same candy probably will eat to me to me every day, is attractive and sweet, that is I have eaten the best candy.” 穆瑞亚哥哥,那位大姐姐对我很好的,她每天都会给我红红的好像宝石一样的糖果给我吃,又漂亮又甜,那是我吃过最好的糖果。” En, I knew.” Morea is with smile on the face, arrives in front of Millie, somewhat favors traces her who drowns is still pale blue and shoulder short hair, “恩,我知道了。”穆瑞亚面带微笑,来到蕾米莉亚面前,有些宠溺的摸了摸她仍旧是淡蓝色的及肩短发, What that big sister who does feed your candy to eat is long? You described with Elder Brother Morea in detail, if later Elder Brother had the opportunity to bump into this big sister, certain meeting layer on layer/heavily thanks she.” “那位喂您糖果吃的大姐姐长什么样?你详细跟穆瑞亚哥哥描述一下,以后哥哥如果有机会碰到这位大姐姐,一定会‘重重’的感谢她。” Real?” A Millie face is naive, eventually was too young, she did not train as the royal family successor. “真的吗?”蕾米莉亚一脸天真,终究是太年轻了,她本就不是作为王室继承人培养的。 Naturally.” “当然。”
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