TDK :: Volume #4

#390: Betrays itself

„Does this named grid Neil's spear/gun, what characteristics have? Introduced to me.” Morea looks to the scarlet long spear/gun in Millie hand, he can the sensation to the great strength of this spear/gun, but has what ability not to know specifically. “这柄名为冈格尼尔的枪,有什么特性?给我介绍一下。”穆瑞亚看向蕾米莉亚手中的猩红色长枪,他可以感知到这柄枪的强大,但具体拥有什么能力就不知道了。 Your highness, this is a god spear/gun, in legend an ancient Spiritual God main battle equipment, but with falling from the sky of that Spiritual God, this spear/gun received the huge damage, the grade drops, according to the present standard, it can only be the legendary weapon. “殿下,这是一柄神枪,传说中一位古老的神灵的主战兵器,不过随着那位神灵的陨落,这柄枪受到了巨大的损伤,品级跌落,按照现在的标准,它只能算是传奇兵器。 Even so, this spear/gun is also retaining some basic characteristics of divine tool, tenacious, immortal. The most important ability, must, once throws, but surely hit target. 即便如此,这柄枪还保留着神器的一些基本特性,坚韧,不朽。还有最重要的能力,必中,一旦投掷而出就必定会命中目标。 This god spear/gun also had other compatible ability, can penetrate anything that it hits, because what a pity drops the grade, already not this ability. ” 这柄神枪原本还有另外与之相匹配的能力,可以击穿它命中的任何东西,可惜因为跌落品级,已经没有这种能力了。” These abilities are good, without ability that passes through surely, that depends upon the strength of user to shoot through the enemy.” Morea hears the god spear/gun grid Neil's ability, satisfied nod, his exclusive weapon, day after day lance also has ability that must, this is enough. “这些能力已经非常好了,没有必定贯穿的能力,那就依靠使用者的力量来射穿敌人。”穆瑞亚听到神枪冈格尼尔的能力,满意的点点头,他的专属兵器,逐日之矛也拥有必中的能力,这已经足够了。 Your Highness Morea, a grid Neil also ability in legend, any to the person who it pledged, its pledge will certainly realize. However present grid Neil had lost this ability.” 穆瑞亚殿下,传说中的冈格尼尔还有一种能力,凡是对它发誓的人,其誓言必将实现。不过如今的冈格尼尔已经丧失了这种能力。” Immaterial ability.” Did shaking the head that Morea thinks little, make the pledge to realize? Talking nonsense, then is really fierce, how the first owner of this god spear/gun will fall from the sky, how grid Neil will drop the grade. “无关紧要的能力。”穆瑞亚不以为意的摇摇头,许下誓言就能实现?扯淡,真那么厉害,这柄神枪的第一任拥有者怎么会陨落,冈格尼尔怎么会跌落品级。 Morea looked that grasps scarlet spear/gun grid Neil's small luoli to the hand, Millie, what you have to want?” 穆瑞亚看向手握赤红之枪冈格尼尔的小luoli,“蕾米莉亚,你还有什么想要的吗?” „......” Must snatching grid Neil closely hug Millie in bosom to shake the head, she only settled on this god spear/gun, although other weapons feel also well, but does not suit itself. “……”将必中之抢冈格尼尔紧紧抱在怀中的蕾米莉亚摇摇头,她只看中了这柄神枪,其余的武器虽然感觉也不错,但是不适合自己。 Your highness, what you have to want?” Felt after this little princess does not have the consumption desire, the black robe merchant will target on immediately on Morea, this is a big customer, in his investment, will gain absolutely doubled and re-doubled in the future, this is the business that gains steadily does not compensate. “殿下,您有什么想要的吗?”感觉到这位小公主已经没有购买欲望之后,黑袍商人立即将目标锁定在穆瑞亚身上,这可是一位大主顾,在他身上的投资,在未来绝对会成倍的赚回来,这是稳赚不赔的买卖。 All legendary metals that you have.” The Morea complexion said the thing that oneself wanted only calmly. “你拥有的所有传奇金属。”穆瑞亚面色平静地说出自己唯一想要的东西。 Weapon? Armor? He has, enough he used really for a long time, only to need to collect the legendary metal to make it swallow the growth enough. 兵器?铠甲?他已经有了,足够他用很久,只需要收集传奇金属让其吞噬成长就够了。 Restores the drugs? In his space ring is putting the secretion of trees of several bottles of life, eternal life tree has one bottle. 恢复药品?他的空间戒指里面放着好几瓶生命之树的树液,就连永恒生命树的都有一瓶。 Breath law? Contemplates the law? Fights the technique? This thing he many to not completing situation. 呼吸法?冥想法?战技?这玩意他已经多到学不完的地步了。 In certain aspects, Morea felt oneself have arrived not wanted just degree. Regarding destiny care who has not gained fame and fortune, with potential surface merchant every meets by chance one time, is a transformation, or the opportunity of large scale promotion strength. 在某些方面,穆瑞亚感觉自己已经到了无欲则刚的程度。对于很多还未发迹的命运眷顾者而言,与位面商人的每一次相逢,都是一次蜕变,或者大幅度提升战力的机遇。 However regarding Morea, can bump into this group of fellows, radically indifferent, bumped into bought a number of legendary metals, without bumping into also such, improved on perfection. 但是对于穆瑞亚而言,能不能碰到这群家伙,根本就无所谓,碰到了就买一批传奇金属,没碰到也就那样,锦上添花而已。 All legendary metals?” Hears the Morea demand, originally sits cross-legged the black robe merchant who sits to stand slowly, this is the big customer, must stress the politeness, gives enough respect. “所有的传奇金属?”听到穆瑞亚的需求,本来盘膝而坐的黑袍商人缓缓站起来,这可是大主顾,要讲礼貌,给予足够的尊重。 „Did you determine? The legendary metal that I have, may bump into the quantity that green skin dwarf has more than you.” “你确定?我拥有的传奇金属,可比您碰到那位绿皮矮子拥有的量更多。” With, isn't makes future me make a move? So long as the quantity is enough, several times.” “都拿出来,不就是让未来的我出手么?只要数量足够,几次都可以。” Hehe!” Heard the Morea so condition the words, the black robe merchant smiled, the guest who which merchant, liked the straightforward atmosphere, Your Highness Morea, you were my big customer, therefore, you can with trade with me in the thing changed/easy thing way.” “呵呵!”听到穆瑞亚如此状况的话,黑袍商人笑了,不论是哪一位商人,都喜欢豪爽大气的客人,“穆瑞亚殿下,您是我的大主顾,所以,您可以用以物易物的方式与我交易。” Morea looks at this black robe merchant from his loose sleeve robe, the extraction shape one after another varies, type various legend metals, by thing changed/easy thing? On me may nothing trade with you.” 穆瑞亚看着这位黑袍商人从他那宽松的袖袍之中,一块接一块的取出形状各异,种类各不相同的传奇金属,“以物易物?我身上可没有什么东西与你交易。” Not, Your highness, but on you some lots are other lifeform are long-awaited.” “不不不,殿下,您身上可是有很多东西都是其他生物梦寐以求的。” What thing do you want on me?” Morea narrowed the eye. “你想要我身上的什么东西?”穆瑞亚眯了眯眼睛。 Your blood, the scale of falling, or you inherit the contemplation law in memory, fights the technique, can be used to exchange with me.” “您的血液,掉落的鳞片,或者您传承记忆中的冥想法,战技,都可以用来与我交换。” My blood, scale?” Morea rejected directly without hesitation, is impossible, I inherit the thing in memory, do not think, I will not be used to exchange.” “我的血液,鳞片?”穆瑞亚直接毫不犹豫的拒绝了,“不可能,我传承记忆中的东西,你也别想了,我是不会用来交换的。” Has book of mourning Morea through black, but knows many knowledge about curse, most casts aside the full curse masters to pass the hair, the blood and other tissue incantations. 拥有悼亡者之书的穆瑞亚通过黑,可是知道了不少关于诅咒的知识,最撇足的诅咒法师都可以通过头发,血液等身体组织施咒。 But cursed the master wisely, then can through remaining in the aura of air, even was the image, the sound, can display the curse, but once the blood of Morea fell into this person hand. 而高明的诅咒法师,则可以通过残留在空气的气息,甚至是影像,声音,就可以施展诅咒,而穆瑞亚的血液一旦落入这种人手中。 Probably also has nothing, cursing is invalid to him. But even if not used to treat as to display the medium of curse, these tissues still have many functions, for example offers sacrifices, tracing. 好像也没什么,诅咒对他无效。但就算不是用来当做施展诅咒的媒介,这些身体组织也有很多作用,比如献祭,追踪等。 In brief, does not arrive at the situation of having no recourse, was fallen by own tissue to others hand, is a very stupid behavior. 总之,不到迫不得已的情况,让自己的身体组织落到他人手上,是一种非常愚蠢的行为。 ...... Trades the establishment.” In the black robe merchant hand is grasping a shining golden scale, 500 years later, without violating you wish, not crisis to the safe situation, you needs to go all-out to act three times.” ……“那么交易成立。”黑袍商人手中握着一枚耀金色的鳞片,“五百年后,在不违背您自身意愿的情况下,不危机到自身安全的情况下,您需要尽全力出手三次。” Un.” Future will sell Morea, piles to have a person of high legendary metal to receive the front fully, on the face also shows a smile, this transaction, said no that on owes and gains, can only say that satisfies him. “嗯。”将未来的自己卖了的穆瑞亚,将面前堆起来足有一人高的传奇金属收起来,脸上也露出一丝笑容,这场交易,说不上亏与赚,只能说让他非常满意。 Anticipation and your transaction again, Your Highness Morea.” Although only then a commitment of Morea, but felt oneself earn the full black robe merchant to bow toward Morea slightly, then, with front vending stall, is vanishing in the flash does not see, has not made Morea feel a space to fluctuate. “期待与您的再次交易,穆瑞亚殿下。”虽然只有穆瑞亚的一个承诺,但觉得自己赚得盆满钵盈的黑袍商人朝穆瑞亚微微躬身,然后,连人带着面前的货摊,在一瞬间消失不见,没有让穆瑞亚感受到一丝空间波动。 Morea.” Because of departure of potential surface merchant, let Morea and Millie restored their suppressed existence feelings instantaneously, letting stands in British imperialist of freezing thinks that all, then the starting to walk step rushed toward Morea. 穆瑞亚。”因为位面商人的离开,让穆瑞亚与蕾米莉亚瞬间就恢复了他们被压制的存在感,让站在原地不动的英帝拉想起来了一切,然后迈开步伐朝穆瑞亚奔去。 „Is she human that you want me to protect?” After arriving at the Morea side, the height was the nose that the three shortest British imperialist drew that slightly and very curls upwards twitched two, some doubts are staring at Millie. “她就是你要我保护的人类?”来到穆瑞亚身边之后,身高是三者最矮的英帝拉那小而挺翘的鼻子抽动了两下,有些疑惑盯着蕾米莉亚。 Right, Millie, she called the British imperialist, later she played with you together.” “没错,蕾米莉亚,她叫英帝拉,以后她跟你一起玩耍。” Morea introduced two people names mutually, as for these two luoli status, without necessity of introduction. 穆瑞亚将两人的名字互相介绍了一下,至于这两只luoli的身份,没有介绍的必要。 Buzz!” But finishing speaking of Morea, the British imperialist draws also no response, Millie grasped Morea just to probably spear/gun grid Neil who she bought, a spear pierces to British imperialist. “嗡!”但穆瑞亚的话音刚落,英帝拉还没有什么反应,蕾米莉亚就握着穆瑞亚刚刚为她买下的必中之枪冈格尼尔,一枪刺向英帝拉。
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