TM :: Volume #58

#5736: Works very Zi Chen

Newest website: Pastes to post a reward the command, that person from sacred place, smiles to Zi Chen cold, then goes upstairs. 最新网址:贴完悬赏令,那位来自圣地的人,冲着紫宸冷然一笑,然后就上了楼。 One side several other people have not looked at Zi Chen one much, the strength first place, completely looks at arrogantly completely. 其他几人都没有多看紫宸一眼,实力先放在一边,高傲尽览无余。 After sacred place several people go upstairs, others encircle immediately, sees to post a reward the command the content, is startled. 圣地几人上楼之后,其他人立刻围了上来,看到悬赏令的内容,全都吃了一惊。 Immediately the vision then falls on Zi Chen, after contrast, is startled. 随即目光便落在紫宸身上,对比过后,又吃了一惊。 Does not know that is who calls out in alarm one Zi Chen, restaurant One Layer as well as Two Layers, stir the great unrest immediately. 不知是谁惊呼一声‘紫宸’,酒楼一层以及二层,立刻引发轩然大波。 The name of Zi Chen, has liked thunder reverberating in one's ears, but has seen his person, are actually few. 紫宸之名,早已如雷贯耳,但见过他的人,实则非常少。 As for initial posting a reward command, does not deliver to the eastern courtyard divine land each city. 至于当初的悬赏令,也并非送到东庭神州每一座城市。 Looks at the above posting a reward content, looks to sit there Zi Chen again, the vision of many are flashing, the thoughts start to enliven. 看着上面的悬赏内容,再看坐在那里的紫宸,不少人的目光闪动着,心思开始活跃起来。 Obvious did such provocation, endure?” The ion star asked. “这么明显的挑衅,就这么忍了?”伊子星问道。 Being away from home, we should be more discrete.” simultaneous/uniform cultivate says immediately: Sir, we cannot make their sinister plots work.” “出门在外,我们应该谨慎一些。”齐修立刻说道:“大人,我们可不能让他们的奸计得逞。” Obviously was worried that Zi Chen is impulsive. 显然是担心紫宸冲动。 Zi Chen nods, said lightly: First does not need to pay attention to this matter.” 紫宸点了点头,淡淡说道:“先不用理会此事。” Ion star watches the fun does not dislike the matter big expression, your heart is actually big, you do not pay attention, but you take a look at these people again, that look wishes one could to tear into shreds you. Now hits, can avoid troubling.” 伊子星一副看热闹不嫌事大的表情,“你倒是心大,你不理会,可你再瞧瞧这些人,那眼神恨不得撕碎你。现在打过去,才能避免很多麻烦。” Zi Chen looks at the ion star: „Did you complete to massacre here everyone's plan?” 紫宸看着伊子星:“你们做好杀掉这里所有人的打算了吗?” Several people are startled, the ion star said puzzled: Kills them to do, above we went to kill the people in sacred place is not good directly.” 几人都是一怔,伊子星不解道:“杀他们干嘛,我们直接去上面弄死圣地的人不就好了。” „The person in eastern courtyard divine land, to sacred place has one type inexplicably frantic with the awe, but person in sacred place, extremely proud, if we person to sacred place make a move, you guess that the person in sacred place, can order these to rally together to attack?” “东庭神州的人,对圣地有着一种莫名的狂热与敬畏,而圣地的人,极度的自傲,我们若是对圣地的人出手,你猜圣地的人,会不会下令让这些人群起而攻之?” So won't be shameless?” “不会这么无耻吧?” Zi Chen smiles, without the explanation, asked for the liquor. 紫宸笑了笑,没有解释,伸手要了酒。 The vision of others, are staring at Zi Chen as before, the look are fluctuating, the mood of continually eating meal did not have. 其他人的目光,依旧在盯着紫宸,眼神变幻,连吃饭的心情都没有了。 Posts a reward clarity that made to write, so long as can massacre Zi Chen, can join sacred place. 悬赏令上写的清清楚楚,只要能够杀掉紫宸,就能加入圣地。 In other words, so long as now raises Zi Chen human head to go upstairs, then they with above person, will treat as an equal. 也就是说,现在只要提着紫宸人头上楼,那么他们就会与上面的人,平起平坐。 Becoming an member in sacred place. 成为圣地的一份子。 From now on, keeps aloof! 从今往后,高高在上! Small two carried the liquor, Zi Chen put out a hand but actually one bowl, but has not drunk directly, but sprinkled toward the left side. 小二端来了酒,紫宸伸手倒了一碗,但并没有直接喝,而是向着左侧泼去。 The liquor water sprinkles on a face, then wells up to make a debut instantaneously a white smoke, the opposite party covers the cheeks to call out pitifully, starts to sway back and forth on the ground. 酒水洒在一人脸上,瞬间便涌出道道白烟,对方捂着脸颊惨叫,开始在地上打滚。 In liquor poisonous!” Side transmits calls out in alarm. “酒里有毒!”旁边传来惊呼。 The ion star just the raising one's wine cup bowl delivered to the mouth, was shocked, hurries to put down the liquor bowl, exhibited me already the expression that knew. 伊子星刚把酒碗送到嘴边,便愣住了,赶紧放下酒碗,摆出一副我早就知道的表情。 Just carried the liquor to come small two, was scared directly. 刚刚端酒过来的小二,则直接吓傻了。 Customer...... I...... I......” “客官……我……我……” He speaks incoherently, the sound is shivering. 他语无伦次,声音颤抖着。 Zi Chen to opposite party slight nod, modest saying: All right, comes with two pots again.” 紫宸冲着对方微微点头,温和的说道:“没事,再拿两壶过来。” That was sprinkled the person of poisoned liquor by Zi Chen, suddenly stops struggling, then jumps, must flee since then. 那位被紫宸泼了毒酒的人,忽然停止挣扎,然后一个纵身,就要从此地逃离。 The window is getting more and more near to him, so long as, then day high Ren Niaofei. 窗户相距他越来越近,只要冲出去,便天高任鸟飞。 Looks at the close at hand light, his corners of the mouth appear the happy expression. 看着近在眼前的光,他嘴角不由浮现出笑意。 Zi Chen. 紫宸 Bah! 呸! Has black light flashes to pass suddenly. 有黑光忽然一闪而逝。 ! 噗! Fall to the ground two times, these cannot set out time again. 二次倒地,这一次再没能起身。 Zi Chen waves, an energy is coercing the opposite party, flies to the inn, pounds on the neat street. 紫宸挥了挥手,一股能量裹挟着对方,飞向客栈之外,砸在整洁的街道上。 Small two also took two pot liquor, when arrives at the Zi Chen side trembling. 小二又拿了两壶酒,来到紫宸身边时战战兢兢。 Before can face confidently , because did not know the status of opposite party, but not only knows now the status of opposite party, oneself had the suspicion of intoxication. 之前能够坦然面对,是因为不知道对方的身份,可是现在不仅知道了对方的身份,自己更是有下毒的嫌疑。 If really such as passed on a message among, a Zi Chen word did not kill people at earliest convenience, his poor life could not preserve. 如果真如传言当中,紫宸一言不合就杀人,那他的小命就保不住了。 In small two indulge in flights of fancy, Zi Chen received the wine pot, expresses gratitude on own initiative. 就在小二胡思乱想之时,紫宸接过酒壶,主动道了谢。 Has the rumor you to slaughter innocents, I had not believed before, today was sees with own eyes.” Broadcasts the together/one path sound from the building, later a person walks to downstairs. “有传言你滥杀无辜,我之前还不信,今日算是亲眼见到了。”从楼上传来一道声音,随后一人向楼下走来。 This is a man who wears the magnificent and expensive clothes robe, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, goes down the staircase slowly. 这是一个身穿华贵衣袍的男子,负手而立,缓缓走下楼梯。 Slaughters innocents?” “滥杀无辜?” How many people somewhat compel ignorant, is this is speaking to whom? 几人有些懵逼,这是在跟谁说话? The men go downstairs, then looks at Zi Chen, Zi Chen, I am saying you, do not feign ignorance here!” 男子下了楼,然后看着紫宸,“紫宸,我是在说你,别在这里装蒜!” You said that the Sir does slaughter innocents? Did you determine?” simultaneous/uniform cultivate looks at the opposite party startled. “你说大人滥杀无辜?你确定?”齐修愕然的看着对方。 Zi Chen looks at the opposite party lightly. 紫宸则淡淡的看着对方。 Male cold snort, this has not called to slaughter innocents, that what slaughters innocents?” 男子冷哼,“这还不叫滥杀无辜,那什么才是滥杀无辜?” On simultaneous/uniform cultivate the face had wiped the anger, you were blind, was being able to see he first poisons our?” 齐修脸上有了一抹怒意,“你眼瞎了,看不见是他先毒害我们的?” The men said: But you do not have the evidence to prove that is he intoxicates, kills people directly.” 男子说道:“可你们并没有证据证明是他下毒,就直接杀了人。” simultaneous/uniform cultivate stressed, he by poisoned liquor backlash, itself has not been the best evidence.” 齐修强调,“他没有被毒酒反噬,本身就是最好的证据。” The men also said: He intoxicates is not no doubt right, but the thoughts are not necessarily bad, perhaps this is only a small test.” 男子又道:“他下毒固然不对,但心思未必是坏的,或许这只是一个小小的考验。” Fart!” simultaneous/uniform cultivate could not bear again, gets angry: Intoxicating to talk into the test, can you also be shameless?” “放屁!”齐修再也忍不住了,怒道:“把下毒说成考验,你还能不能再无耻一些?” Felt oneself are unreasonable, therefore became angry out of shame?” “感觉自己没道理,所以恼羞成怒了?” The men said indifferently: Even is not the test, but you, since had discovered, should remind promptly, rather than kills him. He no doubt has the mistake also not to first, but you kill people directly are not right.” 男子淡然说道:“就算不是考验,但你们既然已经发现,就应该及时提醒,而不是杀死他。他固然有错也是不对在先,可你们直接杀人更是不对。” Repairs the short of breath together, has not seen is so shameless. 齐修气急,就没见过这么无耻的。 On the Lin Wei face also full is the anger, you pester endlessly, why he can intoxicate, can't we kill people?” 林薇脸上也满是怒意,“你这是胡搅蛮缠,凭什么他能下毒,我们就不能杀人?” The men shake the head, rational is not high at the sound, are less. You become angry out of shame immediately, explained you to be in the wrong, this also acknowledged indirectly you are slaughtering innocents.” 男子摇了摇头,“有理不在声高,更不在人多。你们当下恼羞成怒,说明你们理亏,这也间接承认了你们在滥杀无辜。” The opposite party hold the Fist Dao: „The reputation of myth alliance, has been good, how to present your to slaughter innocents, worthless human life person.” 对方抱拳道:“神话联盟的名声,一直都还算不错,怎么会出现你们这些滥杀无辜,草芥人命的人。” Several popularity result in the whole body to tremble. 人气得浑身发抖。 Silent Zi Chen, has smiled suddenly, 一直沉默的紫宸,忽然笑了起来, This view?” “还有这种说法?” He felt very novel. 他感觉很新奇。 Naturally! The world said you to slaughter innocents, a point is also good!” The opposite party righteousness stern words, I really feel sorrowful for the myth alliance, your existence is the shame of myth alliance.” “当然!世人说你滥杀无辜,一点也不错!”对方义正严词,“我真替神话联盟感到悲哀,你的存在就是神话联盟的耻辱。” Listened to reason.” “受教了。” Zi Chen said three characters. 紫宸说了三个字。 Then grasps nearby liquor bowl to sprinkle, the poisoned liquor that before the ion star poured directly soared the opposite party to go. 然后抓起旁边的酒碗一洒,之前伊子星倒出来的毒酒直奔对方而去。 „Are you doing?” “你在干什么?” The opposite party complexion changes, around the body has up the circulation, blocked these poisoned liquor, just said you to slaughter innocents, now do you want to kill me to be inadequate? Hasn't the person of myth alliance, educated?” 对方脸色一变,周身有光流转,挡住了那些毒酒,“刚说你滥杀无辜,现在你又要杀我不成?神话联盟的人,都这么没教养吗?” Zi Chen shakes the head again and again, „, you did not misunderstand, I am reminding you to be careful.” 紫宸连连摇头,“不,你误会了,我是在提醒你小心。” I am careful anything......” “我小心什么……” The words have not said, black light then menstruates to pass the heart to be cool in him. 话还未说完,黑光便在他身上来了一个透心凉。 Not fatal, but a blood hole actually clearly obviously, blood following wound. 没有致命,但一个血洞却清楚可见,鲜血顺着伤口汩汩而出。 Zi Chen!” The opposite party angry roar. 紫宸!”对方怒吼。 Zi Chen said lightly: Do not be anxious, I play a small joke with you, tests while convenient, looked that your mortal body is whether powerful enough. It seems like, some probably bad matters.” 紫宸淡淡道:“别紧张,我就是跟你开个小玩笑,顺便测试一下,看你的肉身是否足够强大。看起来,好像有些不济事。” At the same time is smiling, appears black light again, , comes one to pass the heart to be cool. 一边笑着,黑光再度出现,噗的一声,又来一个透心凉。 Zi Chen explained: Before is a small test, the present is to remind you, was away from home, happened carefully accidentally/surprisingly.” 紫宸解释道:“之前算是一个小考验,现在是提醒你,出门在外,小心意外发生。” Then , to continue to glitter black light. 然后,黑光继续闪烁。 Proof. Your mortal body, probably not Taihang.” “证明了。你的肉身,好像不太行。” Continues black light. 黑光继续。 „, This mortal body was not indeed good, seems like must collapse. Such mortal body, you cannot bring, will implicate your.” “啧啧,这肉身的确不行,看起来都要崩溃了呀。这样的肉身,你可不能带着,会拖累你的。” Fifth ray of light. 第五道光 The anger in opposite party eyes vanishes finally, what replaces it is thick panic-stricken. 对方眼中的愤怒终于消失,取而代之的是浓浓的惊恐。 Zi Chen speech time, on the face has the temperate happy expression, is the conduct decisively actually ruthless spicy. 紫宸说话的时候,脸上带着温和的笑意,可是行事果断却狠辣。 Pricks the sound of body black light, just like urgently presses the tune simply. 黑光刺入身体的声音,简直犹如催命曲。 The opposite party turn around to run, but just went out two steps, fell down directly. 对方转身想跑,但刚刚走出两步,就直接倒在了地上。 Then ray of light departs, is the soul of man. 然后一道光飞出,是男子的灵魂。 His mortal body has collapsed completely, but the spirit had not actually been affected. 他的肉身已经完全崩坏,但精神却没有受到丝毫影响。 Everyone saw, morning that luckily I reminded, his mortal body was not indeed good, just took several roads to collapse. If I reminded a meeting again late, he possibly died.” “大家都看到了吧,幸亏我提醒的早,他的肉身的确不行,刚走几步路就崩溃了。要是我再晚提醒一会,他可能就死了。” The people of delay, this recover. 呆滞的众人,这才回过神来。 Look at each other in blank dismay. 一个个面面相觑。 Zi Chen is saying with a smile to the man: As for life-saving efforts anything, you did not need saying that the meal of this table, considered you to invite.” 紫宸对着男子笑道:“至于救命之恩什么的,你就不用挂在嘴边了,这一桌子的饭菜,就当是你请了。” simultaneous/uniform cultivate and Lin Wei, only feel excitingly. 齐修与林薇二人,只感觉大快人心。 Really the Sir is experienced, has the means in view of these rare and beautiful flowers. 果然还是大人见多识广,有办法针对这些奇葩。 Xinghua also nods with the ion star. 星华跟伊子星也点了点头。 The surroundings are completely silent, die the general peace. 周围鸦雀无声,死一般的安静。 If, before Zi Chen even if killed one to receive the mountain, their in heart had various ideas as before. 如果说,之前紫宸哪怕杀了一位承山,他们心中依旧有各种想法。 Instead at this moment, in heart do not dare to have the slight evil thought. 反而此刻,一个个心中再不敢有丝毫的邪念。 Because among the short moments, a god gate was routed the mortal body. 因为短短片刻之间,一位神门就被击溃肉身。 Once Zi Chen acts full power, how can also? 一旦紫宸全力出手,又会如何? That soul body bound the mortal body to run, naturally before leaving, has not forgotten to pay up. 那个灵魂体裹着肉身跑了,当然临走之前没忘记结账。 You looked, the truth can also say.” “你看,道理也能这么讲。” Zi Chen filled to the brim the liquor with a smile, tosses down. 紫宸笑着倒满了酒,一饮而尽。 Lin Wei is admires with simultaneous/uniform cultivate, this type processes style, very Zi Chen. 林薇跟齐修则是佩服不已,这种处理方式,很紫宸 The previous depressed mood, sweeps away immediately. 先前的郁闷心情,顿时一扫而空。 ****** ****** ****** ****** The front door of Town Lord mansion was shoved open, cultivated/repaired not. 城主府的大门被推开,莫修走了进去。 Every cultivates one time not, can have some news. 每一次莫修来,都会带着一些消息。 Chen Mohe urgently asked: don't brother, has an accident?” 陈默河急切问道:“莫兄,又出了什么事?” Repairs to say not: Zi Chen came.” 莫修说道:“紫宸来了。” Chen Mohe stares, immediately said: Without being what big deal?” 陈默河一愣,随即说道:“没出什么大事吧?” Currently does not have actually.” “目前倒是没有。” Has not waited for Chen Mohe to relax, cultivates to continue to say not: Just died received the mountain, a god gate mortal body was destroyed.” 还不等陈默河松口气,莫修继续说道:“刚刚死了一承山,一位神门肉身被毁。” „Did this also call not to have the important matter?” Chen Mohe is shocked saying: That Zi Chen is the comet, where arriving at where can not be peaceful.” “这还叫没大事?”陈默河震惊道:“那个紫宸是扫把星吗,走到哪里哪里不得安生。” Repairs to warn not with the look: Family Head, cautious word.” 莫修用眼神警告道:“家主,慎言。” Chen Mohe awakens, hurries to hold the fist in the other hand to ask for mercy. 陈默河醒悟过来,赶紧抱拳告罪。 If by some chance were really heard by Zi Chen, Chen Family made the huge trouble even. 万一真的被紫宸听见,陈家就算是惹了天大的麻烦。 Repaired not then informs the blow-by-blow account, Chen Mohe heard the eyelid to jump, „was that idiot, the brain water penetration? Goes with a Zi Chen lecture of quibble unexpectedly, it is fortunate that Zi Chen reasons with, otherwise the soul body cannot escape.” 莫修接下来告知了详细经过,陈默河听得眼皮直跳,“那个白痴,是脑子进水了吗?竟然去跟紫宸讲歪理,得亏紫宸讲理,要不然灵魂体也跑不了。” Repairs the nod not, indeed, as long as Zi Chen did not speak truth some, he could not get away. However, because of this, then possibly greatly troublesome, that god gate may come from the Eastern county.” 莫修点头,“的确,但凡紫宸不讲道理一些,他都走不了。不过,正因为如此,接下来可能会有大麻烦,那个神门有可能来自东方郡。” Chen Mohe has a scare, Eastern county? The city of that not falling?” 陈默河吓了一跳,“东方郡?那座不落之城?” Repairs the nod not. 莫修点头。 Ended.” “完了。” Chen Mohe sits on the stool dispirited of face, „, once they hit, here can preserve?” 陈默河坐在凳子上一脸的颓废,“一旦他们打起来,这里能保住吗?” ****** ****** ****** ****** This time, was very perhaps difficult to find the inn.” “这个时间,恐怕很难找到客栈了。” simultaneous/uniform cultivate said. 齐修说道。 In addition that restaurant, they had previously been linking several places, place that does not have. 加上先前那家酒楼,他们已经连着去了几个地方,都没有住的地方。 Although to their Realm, had been used to living outdoors, but there is to keep out the wind to obstruct the rain the place, always feels better not to have. 虽说到了他们这个境界,早已习惯了风餐露宿,但有挡风遮雨的地方,总是好过没有。 No inn goes to outside the city to live.” Saying that Lin Wei not cares. “没有客栈就去城外住。”林薇毫不在意的说道。 Zi Chen smiles, that does not use.” 紫宸笑了笑,“那倒不用。” The front presents a person. 前方出现一个人。 Repairs not. 是莫修。 Must wait for Zi Chen specially. 应当是专门在等候紫宸
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