TTAGITP :: Volume #8

#738: How stops past events ( 8 ) to forget

Mu You......” 沐游……” Sitting of Lin Xue delay on bed, as in her mouth puts out that name again, the innumerable memory fragments are similar to tidal flood into finally. 林雪呆滞的坐在床上,随着她口中再次吐出那个名字,无数的记忆片段终于如同潮水般涌入。 Once related Mu You picture, in flooding into brain one after another. 曾经有关沐游的画面,一幕一幕的涌入脑中。 Lin Xue covered the cheeks, the heart even more ache got up. 林雪不由捂住了脸颊,心愈发疼痛起来。 Originally, oneself forgot such important matter unexpectedly imperceptibly...... 原来,自己居然在不知不觉中忘记了这么重要的事情…… Lin Xue is still covering the eye, fears opens, own memory vanished. Two lines of tears actually already beyond control, flows off along her cheeks, the tears more gathered more, moistened a big piece her front quilt quickly. 林雪依然捂着眼睛,怕一睁开,自己的这份记忆就又消失了。两行泪水却已经无法控制,沿着她的脸颊流下,泪水越聚越多,很快将她面前的被子打湿了一大片。 After the moment, Lin Xue calmed down, to put down the hand finally, opened eyes slowly. 片刻后,林雪冷静下来,终于放下了手,缓缓睁开眼。 This time...... will not forget absolutely again......” “这次……绝对不会再忘记……” At present, was still that dark room, that bleak world that saw a moment ago, as if had a dream general. 眼前,仍旧是那个黑暗的屋子,刚才所见到的那个荒凉的世界,仿佛只是做梦一般。 However Lin Xue knows, that, not only pure dream, but during is some type is dark existence, is reminding her to forget the important matter. 但是林雪知道,那并不只是单纯的梦,而是某种冥冥之中的存在,在提醒她忘记了重要的事。 At this moment, she most important person was stranded in the time cage , compared with him, own bitter experience calculates what? 此时此刻,她最重要的人正被困在时间牢笼之中,和他比起来,自己的这点遭遇算的了什么? He is in such bleak world, passed lonely for trillion years, he also side the sovereign like himself crosses, confused? 他可是那样荒凉的世界里,孤独的度过了亿万年,他是否也像自己那样旁皇过,迷茫过? ...... His certainly strong many, before not losing memory, is still waiting for that day that she is going back, even if lost the memory finally, he has not given up hoping, was still using the stupidest means that even if makes compared with the day also high rocky mountain must go out that world, what kind of determination this does need and will can achieve? 不……他一定比自己坚强的多,一直到失去记忆之前,都还在等待着她回去的那一天,就算是最后失去了记忆,他也没有放弃希望,仍旧在用着最笨的办法,即使做出比天还高的石山也要出去那个世界,这需要有怎样的决心与毅力才能做得到? Because this world, only then Lin Xue knows the matter of time cage, only then has experienced her in that time river together, may go back to save him to come out. 因为这个世界只有林雪知道时间牢笼的事,也只有共同经历过那段时间长河的她,才有可能回去救他出来。 In tens of millions, even several hundreds of millions years of time, he defends certainly this hope to wait for agonizingly. 在数千万,甚至数亿年的时光里,他一定是守着这个希望在苦苦等待着。 Mu You trusts itself, like him finally without hesitation sends out to stop her, he is believing will also certainly save him. 沐游信任自己,就像他最后毫不犹豫的将她送出止界一样,他相信着自己也一定会去救他。 However, oneself actually disappointed his trust, in his suffering passes through in the innumerable time alone, oneself forgot his matter, all day is smiling with the friend family members, lives the life that has not been worrying. 然而,自己却辜负了他的这份信任,在他独自煎熬走过无数的时间里,自己遗忘了他的事情,整天和朋友亲人们笑着,过着没有烦恼的生活。 Lin Xue closely grasped firmly the fist, why can oneself...... make such cruel matter? 林雪不禁紧紧攥住了拳头,自己为什么会……做出这样残忍的事情? Not!” “不可以!” Lin Xue felt suddenly the brain starts the chaos, the precious memory that these recall with great difficulty, actually must start to be gradually far away at this moment probably. 林雪忽然感觉到脑子又开始混沌起来,那些好不容易回忆起来的宝贵记忆,此刻却好像又要开始逐渐远离。 This time, cannot lose absolutely......” “这次,绝对不可以在失去……” Lin Xue stared in a big way the eye immediately, quickly jumped down from the bed, rushes to nearby table, put out the written records, the Mu You matter, bit by bit all remembered. 林雪顿时瞪大了眼睛,急忙从床上跳下,冲到一旁的桌子上,拿出纸笔,将沐游的事情,一点一点的全记下来。 But was quick her both hands shiver to stop the pen. 只不过很快她就双手颤抖的停了笔。 Because her one page has not come and finished, the writing of that page of openings has started to desalinate, finally gradually is invisible. 因为她连一页都没来的及写完,那一页开头的文字已经开始淡化,最后逐渐消失于无形。 Then, the writing of disappearance are getting more and more, more and more quickly, does not have including a half minute, the complete writing that she remembered a moment ago has then vanished does not see. 然后,消失的文字越来越多,越来越快,连半分钟都没有,她刚才记下的全部文字便都已经消失不见。 Thump!” “咚!” Lin Xue beat on the table ruthlessly, the pen in hand broke off accordingly. 林雪不禁狠狠地捶到了桌子上,手里的笔应声折断。 Why, such opportunity did not give......, said this way the memory will be eliminated sooner or later again......” “为什么,连这样的机会都不给……这样下去,岂不是说记忆迟早会被再次剥夺……” Lin Xue is shivering, attempt record that does not give up, but tried various methods, the writing and image suggested that as long as related to Mu You, by her own subconscious was recognized the thing that for was she knew Mu You that’ is connected, all after appearing will vanish fast. 林雪颤抖着,不放弃的尝试记录,但尝试遍了各种方法,不论是文字、影像还是暗示,但凡涉及到了沐游,被她自己的潜意识认定为是和她认识的‘沐游’相关联的事物,全都会在出现后快速消失。 Arrived finally Lin Xue anxious, even brings the blade, on towards oneself arm punctures...... 到最后林雪急切之下,甚至拿来刀,朝自己手臂上刺下…… A moment later, on the Lin Xue arm has become bloody one piece, the blood dropped, was contaminated the floor. Lin Xue does not attend to quite the same as, is enduring the pain, a blade blade delimits one on the arm washing the glyph shape wound. 片刻之后,林雪手臂上已经变得血淋淋一片,鲜血滴落,浸染了地板。林雪浑然不顾,忍着痛楚,一刀刀在手臂上划出一个‘沐’字形状的伤口。 However useless, the wound of great difficulty making, very quickly changes fuzzy, heals in just several seconds, the wound scar still, actually gathered one group actually, became is hard to distinguish the handwriting. 然而没用,好不容易造出的伤口,很快变得模糊起来,在短短十几秒内重新愈合,伤口的疤痕倒是还在,却聚成了一团,变得难以分辨字迹。 Not......” “不……” Lin Xue somewhat despaired, had achieved this is not good, was she doomed to forget Mu You again? 林雪有些绝望了,已经做到这样都不行,难道她注定要再次忘记沐游 Wait...... 等等…… Lin Xue soon realizes anything. 林雪很快意识到什么。 The visible wound can heal, that invisible wound? 有形的伤口可以愈合,那无形的伤口呢? Lin Xue cannot attend to thinks, the right hand has wiped from the ring, the god of death sickle appears in her hands. 林雪顾不得多想,右手从戒指上抹过,死神镰刀出现在她手中。 The Lin Xue rotation sickle, the knife point has delimited the body, own soul body natural brought. 林雪转动镰刀,刀尖划过身体,将自身的灵魂体自然的带了出来。 Looks front is floating the human form quiet blue color soul, Lin Xue got hold of the hilt, steels one's heart, brandishes a blade to cut toward the position of chest. 看着面前漂浮着的人形幽蓝色灵魂,林雪握紧了刀柄,心一横,挥刀朝着心口的位置斩下。 !” “噗!” „......” “啊……” The fire of quiet blue soul emits to scatter, together resounds also has the Lin Xue pitiful yell sound. 幽蓝色的灵魂之火散溢四溅,一同响起的还有林雪的惨叫声。 Soul ignition, moreover is chest critical position, that is a pain of thorough marrow, a blade then makes her almost be in deep sorrow, weak in place. 灵魂灼烧,而且是心口这种要害位置,那是一种深入骨髓的痛楚,一刀便让她几乎痛不欲生,瘫软在地。 But compared with the brain in the memory of fast retrogression, this real pain seemed not anything, Lin Xue supported to stand, clenched teeth, cut again toward a soul body blade...... 可是比起脑中正在快速消退的记忆,这份真实的痛楚似乎又不算什么了,林雪强撑着站了起来,咬牙,再次朝灵魂体一刀斩下…… In the following time, the Lin Xue stuffy hum/snort and blade prick the soul the sound continuously, resound one after another. 接下来的时间内,林雪的闷哼声与刀刃刺入灵魂的声音此起彼伏,接连响起。 Lin Xue is enduring the faint past severe pain, a blade then blade cuts, quick, cut 19 wounds on the chest. 林雪忍着昏厥过去的剧痛,一刀接着一刀斩下,很快,在心口上斩出了十九道伤口。 19 wounds, just composed two inscriptions: Mu You. 十九道伤口,刚好组成了两个字样:沐游 Big Sister Xue!” 雪姐!” The entrance Little Ya screams resound. 门口小雅的惊呼声响起。 In Room Lin Xue such big sound, lives in Little Ya of her next door naturally must be able to hear. 林雪里这么大的动静,就住在她隔壁的小雅自然不会听不到。 Little Ya runs to examine in a hurry, who knew just passed through the gate, saw bloodstain everywhere. 小雅匆匆跑来查看,谁知刚进门,就看到满地的血迹。 But Lin Xue weak pouring in pool of blood, the whole person bends/bow one group, the complexion is pale, before the body, is fluttering her half soul body, similarly is dispirited, the scene that particularly soul body chest that is scarred, making Little Ya look at fearful and apprehensive. 林雪虚弱的倒在血泊中,整个人弓成一团,面色惨白,身前还飘荡着她的半个灵魂体,同样萎靡不振,尤其是灵魂体心口那伤痕累累的景象,让小雅看得一阵心惊肉跳。 Little Ya covers the mouth to call out in alarm one, rushes to run up to side Lin Xue, being thrown into confusion held her: Big Sister Xue, were you insane? Why wants damage?” 小雅掩嘴惊呼一声,赶忙跑到林雪身边,手忙脚乱的将她扶了起来:“雪姐,你疯了?为什么要伤害自己?” At this time Lin Xue has looked deathly pale, the whole body sweats profusely, no strength. 此时林雪已经脸色惨白,浑身大汗淋漓,没有一丝力气。 But looks before , soul that the midair flutters, she actually showed a smile: Has not vanished! 但看着身前半空飘荡的灵魂,她却露出了一个笑容:没有消失! She bet right, engraved the permanent damage in soul directly, did not have to be eliminated finally again. 她赌对了,直接刻印在灵魂上的永久型损伤,总算没有再被剥夺。 As the matter stands, if she forgot Mu You again, the chest has pained, remembered this name until her again...... 这样一来,如果她再忘记了沐游,心口就会一直隐隐作痛,直到她再次想起这个名字…… The big stone in heart falls to the ground, under sudden relaxation, Lin Xue only feels the consciousness to be murky, the consciousness blurred the past gradually. 心中的大石落地,突然的放松之下,林雪只感觉意识昏沉,意识渐渐模糊了过去。 But immediately, Lin Xue, in half dream partly awakes, discovered indistinctly the damage of soul body chest, as if also gradually is becoming with her consciousness fuzzy. 但随即,林雪在半梦半醒间,隐约发现灵魂体心口的损伤,似乎也在随着她的意识渐渐变得模糊。 Lin Xue awakens instantaneously, rushed to stabilize the spirit, strongly the attention, the wound on soul body then stabilized diligently. 林雪瞬间惊醒过来,赶忙稳定了精神,努力集中注意力,灵魂体上的伤口这才重新稳定下来。 Lin Xue realized immediately, even the wound in soul, is not eternally unchanging, wants to maintain these two handwriting, the premise is she must keep sober, otherwise, once goes to sleep, the soul of defect will not repay actually, but under the function of the world revision rule, like the wound on arm, will actually fuse one group of big scar a moment ago, turns shape that she is unable to identify. 林雪立即意识到,即便是灵魂上的伤口,也不是永恒不变,想要保持这两个字迹,前提是她必须保持清醒,否则,一旦入睡,缺失的灵魂倒是不会补回,但却会在世界修正规则的作用下,像刚才手臂上的伤口那样,融合成一团大的疤痕,变成她无法辨认的形态。 Little Ya, helping me......” Lin Xue unable to mention the strength, can only open the mouth to seek help weakly. 小雅,帮我……”林雪提不起力气,只能虚弱的开口求助。 Good, Big Sister Xue you said that regardless of anything......” Little Ya looks at the Lin Xue at this moment pitiful condition, loves dearly very much, nod that the anxious outflow tears, hears Yanxiang does not think. “好,雪姐你说,无论什么……”小雅看着林雪此刻凄惨的状态,很是心疼,急的流出眼泪,闻言想也不想的点头。 Leads me to go to Astral Spirit Realm...... the emerald city...... I to see......” “带我去星灵界……翡翠城……我要见莱莉……” Sees the big priest? Now?” Little Ya stares. “见大祭司?现在?”小雅一愣。 Although Little Ya of this world no longer is the city lord, but also obtained the fairy clan skin early, and because of own governing beast talent, was recognized by big priest, now the position in forest fairy is not low. 这个世界的小雅虽然不再是城主,但同样早早获得了精灵族皮肤,而且因为自身的御兽天赋,得到了大祭司的赏识,如今在森林精灵中地位不低。 But, Big Sister Xue your wound...... must first......” Little Ya hesitant looks at Lin Xue. “但是,雪姐你的伤……要不要先……”小雅犹豫的看着林雪 Did not have the time......” Lin Xue to shake the head, suppresses the pain to stand up. “没时间了……”林雪摇了摇头,强忍着痛楚站起身来。 Must know now passed every seconds, was in 1000 is so long in the time prisoner's cage, her love still suffered hardships in that place, her where had the time to waste...... 要知道现在度过的每一秒,在时间囚笼里都是一千年那么长,她的挚爱还在那个地方受苦,她哪有时间可以浪费…… Lin Xue just set out, the whole body involves, but the severe pain then raids again, nearly made her faint at the scene. 林雪刚刚起身,浑身牵连而起的剧痛便再次袭来,险些令她当场晕厥过去。 Lin Xue quickly suppresses the pain, gathers the attention diligently and ensure the spirit is stable. 林雪急忙强忍痛楚,努力聚集注意力,保证精神稳定。 Little Ya quickly supports by the arm Lin Xue, worries saying: Big Sister Xue, I led you to go to be good, you wanted the tired words first to rest......” 小雅急忙搀扶住林雪,担忧道:“雪姐,我带你去就好了,你要累的话就先休息吧……” No, cannot rest......” “不,不能休息……” Lin Xue shakes the head, looked that said to Little Ya: Little Ya, if discovered that I fell asleep, wants first to awaken me......, this is very important, is the request of my lifetime......” 林雪摇头,看向小雅道:“记着小雅,如果发现我睡着了,一定要第一时间叫醒我……真的,这很重要,算是我毕生的请求……” Good, I comply with......” Little Ya not to understand, but hears the Lin Xue so serious tone, has to nod should under. “好,我答应……”小雅不理解,但听到林雪如此郑重的口气,也只好点头应下。 Then Little Ya informs others without enough time, quickly carries Lin Xue, came to the basement ‚before gate . 接下来小雅来不及通知其他人,急忙背起林雪,来到了地下室的‘门’前。 This world does not have Mu You, the door that Lin Xue’s grandmother leaves behind, naturally left the granddaughter. 这个世界没有沐游,林雪奶奶留下的这扇门,自然是留给了孙女。 Lin Xue weak put out a hand to open the gate, out of the door as before was that frost snowfield. 林雪虚弱的伸手拉开了门,门外依旧是那片冰霜雪原。 Little Ya steps into the snowfield at the back of Lin Xue, immediately through teleportation array, transmitted Forest of Fairies...... 小雅背着林雪踏入雪原,随即通过传送阵,传送去了精灵之森…… After a half hour, two people went to the emerald city center, under of tree of the world. 半小时后,两人来到了翡翠城中心,世界之树的下方。 Two, asking makes us go, we really have the urgent matter request to see the big priest!” Before world tree entrance, Little Ya guards the entreaty toward entrance two. “两位,拜托让我们进去吧,我们真的有急事要求见大祭司!”世界树入口前,小雅朝门口的两名守卫哀求。 Two Ent guards have a look at Little Ya of fairy priest attire, has a look at the human female who she bears the severely wounded condition again, aloof, has not planned to allow to pass. 两名树人守卫看看精灵祭司装束的小雅,再看看她背上重伤状态的人类女性,无动于衷,并未打算放行。 Little Ya also wants to continue to entreat, in a tree cave of several people of not far away, broadcasts voice suddenly: Makes them come up.” 小雅还想继续哀求,几人不远处的一个树洞中,忽然传来莱莉的声音:“让她们上来吧。” Two Ent guards look at each other one, this made way the path. 两名树人守卫对视一眼,这才让开了道路。 Little Ya quickly brought Lin Xue to be on the rear wooden platform, the wooden platform like the elevator generally automatic rise, directly soared the top of the tree to go. 小雅急忙带着林雪登上了后方的木质平台,木质平台如同电梯一般自动上升,直奔树顶而去。 Lin Xue looks at the rapid rise the platform, first time thought that this distance is so long...... 林雪看着飞速上升的平台,头一次觉得这段路程这么漫长…… After the moment, two people finally saw in the resting palace of top of the tree. 片刻后,两人终于在树顶的寝宫中见到了莱莉。 I want to enter the dreamland world......” to see, the Lin Xue weak opens the mouth, rubbish, directly soars the subject. “我想要进入梦境世界……”见到莱莉,林雪虚弱的开口,毫不废话,直奔主题。 hears Yanzhou under the eyebrow, among the facial colors appeared disgruntledly some: I receive you, looks in the Little Ya face, if you look for me for this matter, that is leaves as early as possible, the dreamland world will not be open to the bystander, this is the custom of fairy clan.” 莱莉闻言皱了下眉,面色间浮现了一些不悦:“我接见你,是看在小雅的面子上,如果你来找我就是为了这种事,那还是趁早离开吧,梦境世界不会对外人开放,这是精灵族的规矩。” Then, then turns around to walk. 说完,莱莉便转身要走。 Little Ya somewhat worries, just thinks that the opens the mouth explained anything, Lin Xue made noise again: I come this as gods agent, requests to enter the dreamland, goes to the heart of time.” 小雅有些着急,刚想张口解释什么,身旁的林雪再次出声:“我是以神明代理人的身份来此,要求进入梦境,前往时间之心。” Footsteps live, turning head of surprise: How you will know...... consider as finished, this is not I should ask.” 莱莉的脚步顿住,诧异的回头:“你怎么会知道……算了,这不是我该问的。” Changed the attitude instantaneously, actually heaves a deep sigh: Since you represent the gods, must visit that legendary place, you really have the qualifications to go.” 莱莉瞬间转变了态度,却摇头叹息一声:“既然你是代表神明,要去拜访那个传说中的地方,那你确实有资格进去。” But, it is a pity that the dreamland world two months ago, had been sealed up the entrance, even if now I allow to pass, without the agreement of that person, you cannot go.” Said. “但,很遗憾的是,梦境世界已经在两个月前,被人封闭了入口,现在即便是我放行,没有那个人的同意,你也进不去。”莱莉说。 Lin Xue knits the brows: Artificial blockade? Is who does?” 林雪一皱眉:“人为封锁?是谁做的?” „The agent of another gods, inheritance of god of order.” Said. “另一位神明的代理人,秩序之神的传承者。”莱莉说。 „?” “?” Lin Xue hears this status absent-minded. 林雪听到这个身份一阵恍惚。 But is quick she to respond, is not Mu You. 但很快她就反应过来,不是沐游 In this world, because just did not have the disturbance of Mu You, finally snatches the daybreak city Lord, is the emperor and his monarchial power god gives. 在这个世界,正因为没有了沐游的干扰,最后抢到黎明城主的,是天子和他的君权神授。 A while ago detected the after crisis of dreamland world, the emperor was prompt the use order theocracy, blocked two even/including connections of the world, isolated forcefully the real world and dreamland world, this has not made the nightmare beast spread to the real world. 前段时间察觉梦境世界的危机后,天子便及时动用秩序神权,封锁了两个世界的连接口,将现实世界和梦境世界强行隔绝开来,这才没有让梦魇兽扩散到现实世界。 Understood......” “明白了……” „After I will find him, comes.” “我会找到他后再来。” Lin Xue has not pestered again, because she knows Doule unable to take responsibility. 林雪没有再纠缠,因为她知道莱莉做不了主。 ...... …… After quite a while . 半天之后。 Lu Yao catches up with Forest of Fairies in a hurry, according to the coordinates, found in the forest surrounding in Little Ya and Lin Xue that this recuperates. 陆瑶匆匆赶来精灵之森,按照坐标,在森林外围找到了在此休养的小雅林雪 Really acts unreasonably you two, at least notified me?” Sees two people to be safe and uneventful, Lu Yao relaxes, cannot bear complain. “真是乱来啊你们两个,起码跟我打声招呼吧?”看到两人安然无事,陆瑶松了口气,忍不住抱怨起来。 Sorry, the Lu Yao elder sister, really worried...... the Little Ya apology to say at that time. “抱歉,陆瑶姐,当时实在太着急了……”小雅歉意道。 „The news of emperor?” Lin Xue is covering the chest, weak asking. “天子的消息呢?”林雪捂着胸口,虚弱的问。 Before quite a while, two people have reported the news to give Earth that side Lu Yao, making her find the way to help contact with the emperor. 半天前,两人已经发消息给了地球那边的陆瑶,让她想办法帮忙联系天子。 I have asked that side Europe, said that was the emperor and he hand/subordinate recently continuously chased down that named Z traveler/ascetic the fellow, recently for half a month probably in Astral Spirit Realm, already very long not chapter of Earth.” “我问过欧洲那边了,说是天子和他手下最近一直在追杀那个叫‘Z界行者’的家伙,最近半个月好像都在星灵界,已经很久没回地球了。” Lu Yao said: As for the concrete position, I am still sending people to collect the information, the emperor that side to prevent the exposed position to the enemy, the news hides very solid, it is estimated that 1-2 weeks can have the news.” 陆瑶说:“至于具体的位置,我还在派人收集情报,天子那边为了防止暴露位置给敌人,消息藏得很严实,估计得1-2才能有消息。” 1-2 weeks...... are not good, were too long, he and others that long......” the Lin Xue surface is anxious presently. “1-2……不行,太久了,他等不了那么久……”林雪面现忧虑。 Now is she arrives at this world the 31 st day, according to the proportion calculates, Mu You had been stranded in the time prisoner's cage over 2.6 billion years...... makes him continue and other again hundreds of millions years? How Ok...... 现在已经是她来到这个世界的第31天,按照比例来算,沐游已经被困在时间囚笼中超过26亿年……再让他继续等十几亿年?怎么可以…… That does not have the means that emperor that great person, I can inquire that could not bear mumble on good......” Lu Yao, immediately suddenly saw Lin Xue stood totteringly, but also took up nearby god of death sickle. “那也没办法啊,天子那种大人物,我能打听到就不错了……”陆瑶忍不住嘟囔,随即忽然看到林雪跌跌撞撞的站了起来,还拿起了一旁的死神镰刀。 „Do you want to do?” Lu Yao is busy at asking. “你要干嘛?”陆瑶忙问。 Since could not find the opposite party, that can only make the opposite party ask us......” Lin Xue saying that strenuous grips sickle both hands, lifts, the hilt inserted under the ground. “既然找不到对方,那就只能让对方来找我们了……”林雪说着,费力的将镰刀双手握住,抬起,刀柄插入了地面下。 Invisible god of death aura, is centered on the god of death sickle, spreads toward the surroundings, suddenly the passing over gently and swiftly trim forest, continued to proliferate to go toward entire Astral Spirit Realm. 一阵无形的死神气息,以死神镰刀为中心,朝周围扩散开来,眨眼掠过整片森林,继续朝整个星灵界扩散而去。 In this world, probably is because does not have the butterfly effect that Mu You causes, in the sky has not presented that nine black holes, left mound, the red sleeve and Z traveler/ascetic is also living. 在这个世界,大概是因为没有沐游导致的蝴蝶效应,天空中至今没有出现那九个黑洞,左丘,红袖和Z界行者也都还活着。 However a little still and on the world was the same: She and red sleeve in various mistake arising out of chance circumstances, carved up the god of death theocracy once again. 不过有一点仍和上个世界相同:她和红袖在各种阴差阳错中,又一次瓜分掉了死神的神权。 Therefore between two people, can with the way that the theocracy is released externally, lets each other induce the position. 因此两个人之间,都可以用神权外放的方式,来让彼此感应到位置。 This is in the original world, the red sleeve attracts her and Mu You method. 这是在原本的世界,红袖吸引她和沐游的手段。 Now, is one's turn her to use on the red sleeve. 现在,轮到她用在红袖身上。 Since the emperor is chasing down the red sleeve and Z traveler/ascetic, so long as that brings in the red sleeve, the emperor will naturally also appear. 既然天子正在追杀红袖和Z界行者,那么只要将红袖引来,天子自然也会出现。
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