TTAGITP :: Volume #7

#675: The result of machinist

You arrive to abstain from the wooden front, is wanting to go to nose the above prison.】 【你走到戒木前方,正欲前往查探上方的囚牢。】 Two savages jump out from the nearby suddenly, grasp the lance, staring of devils to you: Who?” Does?” 【两个野人忽然从附近跳出,手持长矛,凶神恶煞的瞪向你:“谁?”“干什么的?”】 You quickly beckon with the hand the retreat to hint itself without any malicious intent, simultaneously exposes the chest front the origami crane.】 【你急忙摆手后退示意自己没有恶意,同时展露出胸前的纸鹤。】 Two savages have not therefore relaxed, looks as before fiercely is staring you: Jail heavy...... is far away!” 【两个野人并未因此放松,依旧面露狰狞的瞪着你:“监牢重地……远离!”】 Mu You quickly controlled the character to retrocede, the complexion somewhat was simultaneously strange, was really this also a jail? 沐游急忙操控人物后退了一下,同时脸色有些古怪,这还真是监牢? However this jail and general prison are not quite same, such small prison, actually as if only closed/pass an appearance of person...... is, can by such grand independent detaining? 不过这监牢和一般的监狱不太一样,这么小的监狱,似乎只关了一个人的样子……究竟是什么人,要被这么隆重的单独看押? Under two savage's combative threats, you know unable to exchange, is wanting to leave, in the above prison, actually spreads together the vigorous sound suddenly: Hey, making him come up.” 【在两个野人杀气腾腾的威胁之下,你自知无法交流,正欲离开,上空的囚牢之中,却忽然传出一道浑厚的声音:“喂,让他上来。”】 Two savage hears word, receive the weapon immediately, made way the path, and look hints you to climb up to set up quickly.】 【两名野人闻言,立即收起武器,让开了道路,并且眼神示意你赶快爬上树去。】 Emmm......” “emmm……” Mu You was more vacant, can your here criminal also order the prison guard? Really is your a criminal? 沐游更茫然了,你这儿的犯人还能命令狱卒?你这真是犯人? In heart strange, Mu You or the earliest possible time controlled the character to climb up this to abstain from the wood. 心中奇怪,沐游还是第一时间操控人物爬上了这根戒木。 You depended on the riding the wind characteristics to climb up to abstain from the wood fast, before arriving at the jail in peak .】 【你靠着乘风者特性快速攀爬上了戒木,来到了顶端的监牢之前。】 In slightly narrow wooden jail empty, only has a furniture crude bed.】 【略显狭窄的木制监牢内空空荡荡,只有一副桌椅一张简陋的床。】 Near the window of jail, sits one to put on tattered, the sloven savage, this savage complexion is resolute, the figure big overwhelming power, the flesh is rough like the old tree, a thick black hair flutters with the wind, an eye sharp like falcon.】 【监牢的窗边,坐着一名穿着破烂,不修边幅的野人,这野人面色刚毅,身形高大威猛,肌肤如同古树般粗糙坚硬,一头浓密的黑发随风飘动,一双眼睛锐利的如同鹰隼。】 You come , the savage is cleaning a long bow in the window, has bowing cleaned shiny of fine pattern, savage once for a while drawing of looks to out of the window, tries the strength.】 【你进来的时候,野人正在窗边擦拭着一张长弓,有着精细花纹的弓身被擦拭的锃亮,野人时不时的拉弓瞄向窗外,试试力道。】 Seventh refuses the unknown outcomer visits without monitored, once discovered, all savages put to death immediately, this is one of iron rules the late king leaves behind.” The savages are maintaining the movement that adjusts the bowstring, opens the mouth suddenly: Savage tribe, although seems like the life to be sloppy, but some customs are very strict, if you rushed a moment ago, who no matter you are, the goal is anything, did not have the room for manoeuvre.” 【“第七层严禁不明身份的外来者在不受监视的情况下踏足,一旦发现,所有野人立即就地诛杀,这是先王留下的铁律之一。”野人保持着调节弓弦的动作,忽然开口:“野人部落虽然看起来生活散漫,但有些规矩却很严格,如果刚才你闯进去,不管你是什么人,目的是什么,都没有回旋余地了。”】 This savage opens the mouth is very fluent language, obviously is also the high intelligence savage. 这野人一开口就是十分流利的语言,显然也是个高智力野人。 But the words of opposite party, make Mu You understand that he somewhat was truly rash, luckily the opposite party intended to stop a moment ago promptly. 而对方的话,则让沐游明白他确实有些莽撞了,幸亏刚才对方及时出手制止。 You inquired the opposite party, why can save you?】 【你询问对方,为什么要救你?】 Does not save you, because I have the matter to need to hold you to do, when a person comes here is not easy, if you died, I must wait, could wait for many years.” The savages said.】 【“不是救你,只是因为我有事需要托你去做,等一个外界的人进来这里不容易,如果你死了,我就得重新等,可能要等很多年。”野人说。】 What matter?” You asked.】 【“什么事?”你问。】 Savage then stops to scratch the movement of bow, looks up to you: Before then, you need first to know my story.” 【野人这才停下擦弓的动作,抬头看向你:“在此之前,你需要先知道我的故事。”】 My appealing to heaven wolf, was from a bowman family, since childhood by the parental meticulous care, was exercised a god to shoot the skill.” 【“我叫天狼,出身于一个弓手家族,从小被父母精心培育,练就了一身神射本事。”】 1400 years ago, I won at the past warrior congress, became the past strongest soldier, later was appointed as the ancients sentry's first team leader, is commanding 472 loyal soldiers, was responsible for abstaining from east the forest daily patrol and guard work.” 【“距今1400年前,我在当年的勇士大会上夺魁,成为当年的最强战士,之后被委任为先民哨兵第一番队队长,手下统领着472名忠心的战士,负责戒林东侧的日常巡逻和守卫工作。”】 I only needed to work routinely, then can have a meteoric rise, does not need to worry about food or clothing life-long.” 【“原本我只需要按部就班的工作,便可以平步青云,终生衣食无忧。”】 Just I do not satisfy this, I am an position extend territory's radical faction, when execution daily patrol quest, hides the truth from the head of the clan to lead to explore hand/subordinate wantonly outward, and planter abstains from the wooden seed along the way, will attempt to abstain from the range of forest to expand secretly.” 【“只不过我并不满足于此,我是一个主张扩张领土的激进派,在执行日常的巡逻任务之余,瞒着族长带领手下大肆朝外探索,并且沿途种植戒木的种子,企图偷偷将戒林的范围扩张出去。”】 Just started for several years to be very smooth, as we are even more unscrupulous, the range of exploration is far away more and more abstains from the forest center, has an accident eventually.” 【“刚开始几年很顺利,但随着我们越发肆无忌惮,探索的范围越来越远离戒林腹地,终究还是出了事。”】 We, encountered desolate black outside......” 【“我们,在外遭遇了荒乌……”】 Desolate black? 荒乌? Mu You saw that here one stares, this name he is ripe, the flame has the clam desolate, desolate black is one of the four big disaster beasts, although desolate black is the last, but according to having the view of snake, the intensity of disaster beast does not act according to rank. 沐游看到这里一愣,这名字他熟啊,炎具蜃荒,荒乌是四大天灾兽之一,虽然荒乌排在最后,但根据具蛇的说法,天灾兽的强度并不是根据排位来的。 That moment that desolate black comes , the surroundings instantaneous thousand li (500 km), the plant withers scarlet, the animal tragic death, all lives all died in the desolateness fast.” 【“荒乌现身的那一刻,周围瞬间赤地千里,植物枯萎,动物惨死,所有生命全都在荒芜中快速死去。”】 I detect wonderfully, quickly do not want to bring to return hand/subordinate abstain from the forest, however, desolate black seemed enraged by us late, keeps tracing us along the road, causing us unable to be separated from the desolated range, my soldier one after another fell to the desolated ground, only then my, depended on the powerful physical quality, escaped from the desolated region forcefully, has been seriously injured, the whole body was thin, was almost on the verge of death, the luckily passed by clansman discovered, this saved a life. But my 472 brothers, kept that piece forever desolated.” 【“我察觉不妙,急忙想带着手下返回戒林,然而还是晚了,荒乌仿佛被我们触怒,沿路不停地追踪我们,导致我们始终无法脱离荒芜范围,我的战士一个个倒在了荒芜之地,只有我一个,靠着强大的身体素质,强行从荒芜区域逃了出来,也已经身受重伤,全身骨瘦如柴,几乎濒死,幸好被路过的族人发现,这才捡回一命。但我的472个兄弟,却永远的留在了那片荒芜地里。”】 Afterward, I, because violates the clan regulations, is concealed and unreported, behavior secretly causes the army to suffer the destructive heavy losses, but was eliminated the status of team leader, and condemns the imprisonment for life.” 【“事后,我因为违反族规,隐瞒不报,私自的行为导致手下部队遭遇毁灭性重创,而被剥夺了番队队长的身份,并判处终身监禁。”】 I do not care about these responsibility for an offense, this is my punishment is deserved, what I care is my 472 brothers, they also stay in the domain in desolate black.” 【“我不在乎这些罪责,这是我罪有应得,我在意的是我那472个弟兄,他们至今还留在荒乌的地盘中。”】 „, because is worried to have the clansman again by the desolate black attack, that region was decided as the restricted area by the head of the clan, refusing any clansman to approach there again, therefore I do not have the means to ask other clansmen to help me, can only ask the bystander to help.” 【“因为担心再有族人被荒乌袭击,那片区域被族长定为禁地,严禁任何族人再靠近那里,所以我没办法找其他族人帮我,只能找外人帮忙。”】 【The day wolf looks at this point to you: You are the outside world come, can come here, outside also calculates that the person was outstanding.” 【天狼说到这里看向你:“你是外界进来的,能来到这里,想必在外面也算人杰了。”】 I felt that some past matter fishy, then desolate black, had ability relaxed striking to kill us obviously, but without beginning, but followed, why making my clansman one after another drop down in desolateness...... does not know, I always felt that at that time that desolate black had goal......” 【“我感觉当年的事情有些蹊跷,当时的荒乌,明明有能力轻松的击杀我们,但没有动手,只是一路跟随,让我的族人一个个在荒芜中倒下……不知道为什么,我总感觉当时那只荒乌另有目的……”】 I do not matter, but I cannot let the inexplicableness that my brothers die, therefore I hope that you can re-enter that region for me, verifies matter that white past there had, no matter my brothers were live die, I needed a result.” 【“我自己无所谓,但我不能让我的兄弟们死的不明不白,所以我希望你能代我重回那片区域,查明白当年那里发生的事,不管我的兄弟们是生是死,我都需要一个结果。”】 You want to enter seven, should want to see the head of the clan? So long as you help me complete this matter, I will help you recommend the head of the clan, do not visit me is a prisoner, this face I have.” 【“你想进七层,应该是想见族长吧?只要你帮我完成这件事,我会帮你引荐族长,别看我是个囚犯,这点面子我还是有的。”】 【The day wolf proposed to you request of exploration desolated place, accepts?】 【天狼向你提出了探索荒芜之地的请求,是否接受?】 Mu You touches the chin, he actually has no interest in the matter that this savage requested, was interested in desolate Ukraine on the contrary very much. 沐游摸了摸下巴,他对这个野人请求的事其实没什么兴趣,反倒是对荒乌本身很感兴趣。 If before, making him go facing a disaster beast, he many runs absolutely far, present he had opened the Heavenly Dao, the strength of Heavenly Dao can restrain the disaster beast to a certain extent, to him goes to the territory of disaster beast to stroll one to leave again safely is not the difficult matter, even there is the opportunity and opposite of the disaster animal mask exchanges. 如果是以前,让他去面对一只天灾兽,他绝对有多远跑多远,不过现在的他已经开启了天道,天道之力是可以在一定程度上克制天灾兽的,对他来说去天灾兽的领地中逛一圈再安全离开并不是什么难事,甚至有机会和天灾兽面对面交流一番。 They resist to bite the god beast now, needs to win over the influence that all can win over as far as possible, if can enter the camp this desolate Wula, certainly can promote their odds of success sharply...... 他们现在对抗噬神兽,需要尽可能拉拢一切可以拉拢的势力,如果能将这只荒乌拉入己方阵营,一定能大幅提升他们的胜算…… Naturally, this matter he does not have the plan to go personally, after all comes to abstain from forest one is not easy, moreover this matter is not in the short time can handle obviously. 当然,这件事他没打算亲自去,毕竟进来戒林一趟不容易,而且这种事显然不是短时间内能搞定的。 Mu You prepares to make Nightwatcher bring to have the snake to go, with is the disaster beast, has the snake and desolate black should also some friendship, there is an ability of resistance desolate black, it acts appropriately. 沐游准备让打更人带着具蛇前往,同为天灾兽,具蛇和荒乌应该也有些交情,也有抵抗荒乌的能力,它出面最合适。 You complied with the request of day of wolf. The day wolf takes out an animal skin map to give you: „The map when this is we explored initially outward draws up, above labelling has us to encounter the exact location of desolate black.” 【你答应了天狼的请求。天狼取出一张兽皮地图交给你:“这是我们当初朝外探索时绘制的地图,上面标注有我们遭遇荒乌的具体位置。”】 You obtained abstained from forest east region topographic diagram.】 【你获得了‘戒林东部区域地形图’。】 No matter this quest can complete, is only this map, the value had returned to the price. 不管这任务能不能完成,光是这张地图,就已经值回了票价。 The discussion conclusion of Mu You and this savage archer, was just about to leave, suddenly remembered anything. 沐游和这名野人弓箭手的商谈结束,刚准备离开,忽然想起了什么。 The opposite party said a moment ago, he before 1400, the team leader of become ancients sentry team, but also is that period is labeled as the team leader is also missing probably, two people are the sentry team leader status, perhaps knows! 对方刚才说,他是在一千四百年前,成为的先民哨兵队的队长,而穆罗好像也是那个时期被封为队长并且失踪的,两人都是哨兵队长身份,说不定认识呢! 【Before leaving, you inquired a day of wolf suddenly, recognized unknown a savage named?】 【临走之前,你忽然询问天狼,认不认识一个叫穆罗的野人?】 „? Do you refer to the teams leader of three teams?” Day wolf hears word nods: Naturally knew, was the opponent in my past warrior congress, I in last round defeated him, just now won, attained a status of team leader.” 【“穆罗?你是指三番队的队长?”天狼闻言点头:“当然认识,穆罗是我当年勇士大会上的对手,我正是在最后一轮战胜了他,方才夺魁,拿到了一番队队长的身份。”】 I heard that he was missing afterward, again without presenting...... you have had his news?” 【“不过我听说他后来失踪了,再没出现过……难道你有他的消息?”】 Really knew! 果然认识! Mu You quickly said matter. 沐游急忙将穆罗的事情说了一下。 You informed a day of wolf deeds.】 【你将穆罗的事迹告知了天狼。】 So that's how it is, this silly boy also lives......” to listen to your narration, the day wolf sighing xu to sigh, as if in recollection in the past passing. After the moment, looks to you: You should want to look for mother Scythia?” 【“原来如此,这个傻乎乎的小子还活着啊……”听完你的讲述,天狼欷歔一叹,似乎在回忆当年过往。片刻后才看向你:“你应该是想找穆罗的母亲塞西亚吧?”】 I am not many, but heard in the past after who she understands was missing, Scythia as if received the stimulation, the personality big change, resigned from the status of sloppy pharmacist, carried out the tribe, lived in seclusion in the sixth end, in a southeast hut, because she a person lived year to year, rarely and clansman exchanged, now has not said...... you to have a look well also there.” 【“我对她了解的也不多,只是听说当年穆罗失踪之后,塞西亚似乎受了刺激,性情大变,辞去了草药师的身份,搬出部落,隐居在第六层尽头,东南方向的一个小屋里,由于她常年一个人居住,很少和族人交流,如今还在不在那里不好说……你去看看也好。”】 Mu You spoke thoughtlessly raises, has not thought that also really asked Luo mother's clue. 沐游本来只是随口一提,没想到还真问出了穆罗母亲的线索。 Then Mu You said good-bye a day of wolf, left the jail, went to the day of wolf instruction place. 接下来沐游辞别天狼,离开监牢,前往了天狼指示的地方。 You one seek in the sixth deep place, soon discovered one isolated in the courtyard in jungles.】 【你在第六层深处一番寻找,很快发现了一处孤立于丛林间的院落。】 Yard is not big, looks somewhat dilapidated, all around was covered with the weed. Before you arrive at the front gate, crude wooden door unlatched, the entrance encircled a plant nursery with the fence, is planting some crops.】 【小院不算大,看起来有些残旧,四周长满了荒草。你走到院门前,简陋的木门虚掩着,门口用篱笆围了一圈苗圃,种着一些农作物。】 In institute, a silver-haired female savage, from well strenuous proposed a bucket, carried the bucket to walk toward the family/home.】 【院内,一位白发苍苍的女性野人,正从水井中费力的提出一个水桶,拎着水桶往家中走去。】 Excuse me, are you herbal medicine master Scythia?” You make noise on own initiative the inquiry.】 【“请问,您是草药师塞西亚吗?”你主动出声询问。】 Hears the sound, the old person turn head looks like toward you, high and low sizes up your, shakes the head saying: You found fault the person, here had no herbal medicine master, only then a being on the verge of death old woman, you looked for the herbal medicine master, should go to the tribe to look......” 【听到声音,老人回头朝你看来,上下打量你一番,摇头道:“你找错人了,这里没有什么草药师,只有一个行将就木的老婆子,你找草药师,应该去部落里找……”】 【The old savage said, no longer pays attention to you, carries the bucket to continue toward the family/home to walk.】 【老野人说完,不再理会你,拎着水桶继续朝家中走去。】 Is makes me come.” You added.】 【“是穆罗让我来的。”你补充道。】 Bucket, when falls to the ground, the clear water irrigated full Yuan, the old person turn head surprise looks at you, in the eye flashes through some are flurried and anxious: Who...... is......? This name...... good familiar......” 【水桶哐当一声落地,清水浇了满院,老人回头诧异的看着你,眼中闪过一些慌乱和紧张:“穆罗……穆罗……是谁?这名字……好熟悉……”】 Mu You is somewhat sorrowful, the elderly man even forgot oneself son's name, no wonder had not reported in the past...... 沐游有些悲哀,老人家甚至忘记了自己儿子的名字,难怪当年没有报案…… You take out to your stone, goes forward to give Scythia.】 【你取出穆罗给你的石头,上前交给塞西亚。】 Scythia looks the villain design that in the stone carves, the eye stares the circle fiercely, the palm shivers, falling that the tears cannot stop: I, I thought that, was my son, my being lost son...... I forgot such important matter unexpectedly......” 【塞西亚看着石头上雕刻的小人图案,眼睛猛地瞪圆,手掌颤抖起来,眼泪止不住的掉落:“我,我想起来了,穆罗,是我的儿子,我那个走失的儿子……我居然忘记了这么重要的事情……”】 „Does make you come? In other words, he is also living, right?” The old person looked asked suddenly to you.】 【“穆罗让你来的?也就是说,他还活着,对吗?”老人突然看向你问。】 „, Is also living, live is very good, but was stranded outside......” you quickly situation informed to the old person.】 【“是的,穆罗还活着,活的很好,只是被困在了外面……”你急忙将穆罗的情况告知给老人。】 Is also living, lives to listen to grow the one breath on...... old person well, the stone in heart falls to the ground.】 【“还活着,活着就好……”老人听完长出一口气,心中的石头落地。】 【After affable moment, the old person then apology smiles, inviting you to enter the room to take a seat, poured one glass of green medicine juice for you.】 【舒缓片刻后,老人这才歉意一笑,邀请你进屋就坐,为你倒了一杯绿色的药汁。】 Was laborious you to rush about for him, the child, your outside people come to abstain from forest some not to adapt, this was my family's inherited abstention wooden medicine juice, drank, should make you feel better.” The old person said with a smile.】 【“辛苦你为他奔波了,孩子,你们外面的人进来戒林都会有些不适应,这是我家祖传的戒木药汁,喝下去,应该会让你好受一些。”老人笑道。】 You take the medicine juice to drink, filled the mouth like the traditional Chinese medicine bitter and astringent flavor immediately, but the bitter taste diverges quickly, other full are the delicate fragrances.】 【你取过药汁喝下,如同中药的苦涩味道顿时充满了口腔,但苦味很快散去,余下的满是清香。】 You felt thought Agility suddenly, the informer pure brightness. In the drug efficacy duration, your text delay reduces to 10-15 seconds temporarily.】 【你忽然感觉思维敏捷,耳目清明了许多。药效持续时间内,你的文本延迟临时降低至10-15秒。】 Mu You is somewhat surprised, has not thought that also has potion that can reduce the game to delay, the herbal medicine masters of these savages compared with imagination in fierce. 沐游有些惊讶,没想到还有能降低游戏延迟的药水,这些野人的草药师比想象中厉害啊。 You are savoring carefully the medicine juice, the side old person smiles looks at you, suddenly said: Said, before being very long, when I am a child, there is person of like you to arrive abstained from the forest, at that time my paternal grandmother also received with this medicine juice his.” 【你正细细品味着药汁,旁边老人微笑的看着你,忽然道:“说起来,很久以前,在我还是个小孩子的时候,也有个像你一样的人来到了戒林,当时我奶奶也是拿这种药汁接待他的。”】 Un? 嗯? Mu You stares, person like him? Other do Fool come to abstain from the forest? 沐游一愣,像他一样的人?还有其他愚者来过戒林? Is impossible, what the old person said was in childhood, that minimum several thousand even over ten thousand years ago? At that time Fool appeared does not say...... 不可能啊,老人说的是在她小时候,那起码几千甚至上万年前了吧?那时候愚者有没有出现都不好说…… Mu You responded quickly, like him, did not refer to the body shape with his same human, but referred to fighting armor, same put on machine the person of armor with him, the machinist? 沐游很快反应过来,像他一样,不是指身体形态和他一样的人类,而是指战甲,和他一样穿着机甲的人,机械师? You quickly inquired Scythia, what did that person have?】 【你急忙询问塞西亚,那人发生了什么?】 „, That person and you are the same, wraps oneself in this type of iron lump, at that time that person of towering intrusion abstained from the forest, was actually not treated by the clansman sees, shut out the action of driving away by everyone, can only wander around to hide in the tribe. Afterward my paternal grandmother looked at him to feel sorry, gave shelter to him with good intention.” 【“是啊,那人和你一样,把自己套在这种铁疙瘩里,当时那人突兀的闯入戒林,却不受族人待见,被所有人嫌弃驱赶,只能在部落里四处流浪躲藏。后来我奶奶看他可怜,好心收留了他。”】 This person actually person does not go bad, but the spirit is not quite normal, in my family lived in some time, one day suddenly like insane, said that must see the head of the clan, said that he found the thing that he wanted, in Yuehu, he must go to seek.” 【“这个人其实人不坏,但精神不太正常,在我家里住了一段时间后,有一天忽然像疯了一样,说要见族长,说他找到了他想要的东西,就在月湖里,他必须要进去寻找。”】 Head of the clan will certainly not comply, Yuehu is sacred place of my clan, is impossible to make bystander approach, therefore regards him lunatic chaotic stick drives out...... after that this portrait/people looks like is calm, becomes quiet, no longer makes monster, rarely exchanges with us again, clansman slowly faded from the memory he...... until one day, that year moon/month offered a sacrifice to at grand ceremony, raises in that evening full moon, everyone was busy sacrificial offering Yuehu time, this person ran out from corner suddenly, jumps to plunge into Yuehu......” 【“族长当然不会答应,月湖是我族的圣地,不可能让外人靠近,于是把他当成疯子乱棍赶了出去……自那之后,这人像是冷静了下来,变得沉默寡言,不再作妖,也很少再和我们交流,族人慢慢淡忘了他……直到后来有一天,那年的月祭大典上,在当晚圆月升起,所有人忙着祭祀月湖的时候,这人忽然从角落里冲出,纵身跳入了月湖……”】 Mu You looks at the complexion to be strange, did the machinist, plunge into Yuehu? 沐游看得脸色古怪,机械师,跳入了月湖? Sees the old person is only the feeling of sobbing, no longer told, you quickly closely examined afterward matter.】 【看老人只是唏嘘的感慨,不再讲述,你急忙追问后来的事。】 Afterward? Naturally died, jumped in Yuehu, at the scene putrefied skeleton not saved, cannot come out again.” 【“后来?当然是死了啊,跳进了月湖,当场被腐化的尸骨无存,再也没能出来。”】 Mu You is silent, the machinist, really died unexpectedly...... 沐游沉默,机械师,居然还真就这么死了…… Before he comes, may really not think, the machinist does not die a violent death, did not abstain from some lifeform in forest to kill, but throws the lake to commit suicide. 他来之前可实在没想到,机械师不是死于非命,也不是被戒林中的某种生物所杀,而是投湖自杀的。 The issue is, why does he want to jump in Yuehu? 问题在于,他为什么要跳进月湖? Actually in the lake to have anything, being worth him abandoning the life also to take......( this chapter ends) 湖里究竟有什么东西,值得他舍命也要去拿……(本章完)
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