TSMGIWE :: Volume #6

#509: Rumor

Newest website: His quota was occupied, kicks, how enough? 最新网址:他的名额被占,一脚踢去,怎么会够? At this time, almost all people stand Wu Chunquan, is Wu Chunquan defends against injustice. 此时,几乎所有人都站在吴尊全这边,为吴尊全打抱不平。 As if, those who do the wrong thing is Lin Chao is the same. 仿佛,做错事的是林朝一样。 Should seek to forgive, is Lin Chao. 该寻求原谅的,是林朝 How do you want?” Zhao Qingyan is pressing the anger, „, do you want to kill Junior Brother Wu?” “那你想怎样?”赵清言压着怒火,“难道,你要杀了吴师弟?” Lin Chao hears this, in the eye has the smile: Naturally does not dare.” 林朝听到这,眼中带着笑容:“自然不敢。” Present he, has not joined Academic Palace, killed Wu Chunquan like this, definitely has the trouble. 现在的他,还未加入学宫,就这样杀了吴尊全,肯定有麻烦。 The retaliation, can later do, can quietly. 报复,可以以后做,也可以悄悄来。 Wu Chunquan coughed, as if must cough the blood, is pale: „ Senior Brother Zhao, this matter wrong in me, by Junior Brother Xia Yang a foot, is I earns. 吴尊全咳嗽了一声,似乎要咳出鲜血,脸色苍白:“赵师兄,此事错在我,受夏阳师弟一脚,是我应得的。 The quota of Junior Brother Xia Yang did not have, wants to retrieve, is very difficult, but wrong in me, this matter I will look for Young Master Wang Longyang, certainly makes him give Xia Yang your view. ” 夏阳师弟的名额没了,想要找回,无比艰难,但错在我,此事我会去找王龙阳公子,一定让他给夏阳你一个说法。” Senior Brother Wu is really the principle of righteousness!” “吴师兄实在是大义!” Senior Brother Wu, you was good.” “吴师兄,伱就是太善良了。” The Academic Palace scholar on the scene, is standing Wu Chunquan. 在场的学宫学子,都站着吴尊全这边。 Silent Liu Wenli, could not bear the eruption finally: You...... went too far, what is obviously wrong is Wu Chunquan!” 一直沉默的刘文力,终于忍不住爆发:“你们……太过分了,明明错的是吴尊全!” These once the disciple of clear empty gate, looks at Liu Wenli, in the eye is the disappointed looks, some also take pleasure in others' misfortunes. 这些曾经清虚门的弟子,看着刘文力,眼中都是失望神色,有的还幸灾乐祸。 In their opinion, Liu Wenli chooses with an unpromising Xia Yang same place, offends rising Wu Chunquan, is really stupid. 在他们看来,刘文力选择跟一个毫无前途的夏阳一起,得罪如日中天的吴尊全,实在是愚蠢至极。 Ok, this matter and gives up.” Zhao Qingyan spoke, decided the hammer, Xia Yang, did not know is innocent, you have taught Wu Chunquan, this matter ended to here.” “好了,此事就且作罢。”赵清言发言,一声定锤,“夏阳,不知者无罪,你已经教训过吴尊全,此事就到这里结束。” Zhao Qingyan said, wields the sleeve. 赵清言说完,挥袖。 Obviously, is pointing to the door. 很显然,在下逐客令。 Lin Chao looks at the person in room, the look is tranquil. 林朝看着屋子里的人,神色平静。 Good.” “好。” Lin Chao leaves directly. 林朝径直离开。 But Liu Wenli in room sees that with. 而屋子里的刘文力见状,跟了出去。 summer brother, waits for me.” “夏兄,等等我。” Obviously, Liu Wenli stood this side Lin Chao firmly. 很显然,刘文力坚定站在了林朝这一边。 Liu Wenli, many thanks.” Two people go out of the inn, Lin Chao said in a soft voice. “刘文力,多谢了。”两人走出客栈,林朝轻声说道。 Liu Wenli stands him, is the need very big courage. 刘文力站在他这边,是需要很大的勇气的。 summer brother, obviously is their mistakes, they went too far!” Liu Wenli said resentfully. “夏兄,明明是他们的错,他们太过分了!”刘文力愤懑说道。 Obviously, heavy that he air/Qi. 显然,他气的不轻。 summer should brother, what to do then?” On Liu Wenli face has the anxious look, your quota, is occupied by others now, looks for Wu Chunquan, could not solve the problem.” “夏兄,接下来该怎么办?”刘文力脸上带着忧虑神色,“你的名额,现在被其他人占去,找吴尊全,解决不了问题。” Right that Liu Wenli said. 刘文力说的对。 Even if Wu Chunquan agreed, also comes back the Xia Yang quota, the Wu Chunquan words, did not keep a promise. 就算吴尊全同意,把夏阳的名额还回来,吴尊全的话,也不算数。 Most importantly, looks for that person who occupies the Lin Chao quota. 最重要的,是找那个占去林朝名额的人。 Right that you said.” Lin Chao nods. “你说的对。”林朝点了点头。 Lin Chao will look for the child of that county protector. 林朝会去找那个郡守之子。 Naturally, regarding Wu Chunquan, Lin Chao will not let off with ease. 当然,对于吴尊全,林朝也不会就这么轻松放过。 But, that is the child of county protector, the power and influence is dreadful.” Liu Wenli is anxious extremely. “可是,那位是郡守之子,权势滔天。”刘文力忧虑万分。 In Liu Wenli opinion, the child of county protector is a great person. 在刘文力看来,郡守之子是一个大人物。 Wang Longyang occupies the quota, person who their small places come, does not have any ability of resistance. 王龙阳占去名额,他们这种小地方来的人,根本没有任何反抗的能力。 Relax, this matter I can solve.” “放心,这件事我能解决。” Lin Chao experienced the multiple reincarnations after all, lived the endless years. 林朝毕竟经历了多次转生,活了无尽的岁月。 This matter, the method of solution are many. 这种事情,解决的方法很多。 For example, to tempt with the promise of gain it, child Wang Longyang cooperation with the county protector, making him also come back the quota on own initiative. 比如说,以利诱之,与郡守之子王龙阳合作,让他主动把名额还回来。 simultaneous/uniform Yang uses some medical skill and pill techniques casually, or the money-making methods of other world, can move Wang Longyang. 齐阳随便施展一些医术、丹术,或者一些其他世界的赚钱法子,就能把王龙阳打动。 Even, but can also draw support from Wang Longyang, suppresses Wu Chunquan. 甚至,还可以借助王龙阳,打压吴尊全 Naturally, these methods, Lin Chao will not use. 当然,这些法子,林朝不会去用。 First, is troublesome, too cheap Wang Longyang. 一来,过于麻烦,二来,太便宜了王龙阳 The simplest method, that is...... the military force. 最简单的法子,那还是……武力。 The long years, Lin Chao understands, is only competent, is all bases. 漫长的岁月,林朝明白,唯有实力,才是一切的根本。 Deals with the person in this world, Lin Chao has many methods. 对付这个世界的人,林朝有很多方法。 However he does not have the too big ambition, only wants to cultivate tranquilly. 不过他没有太大野心,只想平平静静修炼。 If the person does not violate him, his peaceful life cultivation, sits to look to say cloud drop, if annoyed him, he did not mind that revealed own fang. 若是人不犯他,他安静生活修炼,坐看云起云落,若是惹到他了,他不介意露出自己的獠牙。 ...... …… Also living?” “还活着?” Wang Longyang. 王龙阳啧了一下。 Luck is good, in the future should be a character.” “运气挺好,未来应该算个人物。” Wang Longyang hear of Wu Chunquan have said that that Xia Yang was grasped by the mounted bandit , but also is living. 王龙阳吴尊全说过,那个夏阳被马匪抓去,没想到,还活着回来。 Can live from the mounted bandit nest, explained that he definitely has the forte. 能够从马匪窝活下来,说明他肯定有过人之处。 However, this forte, there is what using? 不过,这种过人之处,又有何用? This world, does not lack the talent. 这个世界,不缺天才。 What lacks is Dao weapon. 缺的是道兵 Everything attains a designated standard, who can wield Dao weapon. 凡是达标,谁都能够执掌道兵 Since can wield Dao weapon, why isn't person of being intimate with controls? 既然都可以执掌道兵,为什么不是自己亲近之人掌控呢? Young master, wants?” At this time, a guest official went forward, made a movement of hand blade. “公子,要不要?”这时,一位客卿上前,做了一个手刀的动作。 Wang Longyang chuckle: Why to kill, if he is not tactful, really looks for my trouble, my some are the methods, making him give way before difficulties.” 王龙阳轻笑:“何必打打杀杀,他若不识趣,真的来找我的麻烦,我有的是手段,让他知难而退。” But , he if forces one's way in the school, is noisy the matter, this matter to young master prestige, will be influential.” This guest official very for the Wang Longyang ponder. “不过,他若是强行闯入学院,把事情闹大,此事对公子声誉,也会有影响。”这个客卿很为王龙阳思考。 Wang Longyang smiled suddenly: „ You looked, I currently do have the alike town/subdues deep pool bright sovereign? 王龙阳突然笑了:“你看,我现在有没有像镇渊明皇? A Great Sage king absolute sincerity, because is controlling Saint most Dao weapon, was dreaded by the town/subdues deep pool bright sovereigns, finally was killed by the bright sovereign. ” 大圣王一片赤诚,就因为掌控着圣最道兵,被镇渊明皇忌惮,最终被明皇所杀。” Young master cautious word.” This guest official said hastily. “公子慎言。”这个客卿连忙说道。 Your worry, is not groundless.” Wang Longyang nods, „ he, although has not created the difficulty to me, but possibly creates the difficulty, good that first solves. “你的担忧,不无道理。”王龙阳点头,“他虽然还未对我造成困扰,但可能造成困扰,还是先解决的好。 You told some people, passed around, said that Xia Yang, colluded with the mounted bandit, therefore goes on living from the mounted bandit nest. 你吩咐一些人,传下去,就说那个夏阳,与马匪勾结,所以才从马匪窝活了下去。 With the deceitful villain who the mounted bandit cooperates, words that the Academic Palace scholar who frames bright future, perhaps he spoke, no one believes. ” 一个与马匪合作的奸诈小人,来构陷一位前途光明的学宫学子,恐怕他说的话,没有人会相信。” „The small present manages.” This guest official said hastily. “小的现在就去办。”这位客卿连忙说道。 After the half day . 半日后。 Lin Chao stands before a yard, he is standing peacefully, seems waiting for anything. 林朝站在一所大院前,他安静站着,似乎在等待什么。 In a while, a young male servant walked. 没过多久,一位小厮走了出来。 Young Master Xia Yang, our young masters is accompanying the honored guest, perhaps is unable to see you.” 夏阳公子,我们少爷正在陪贵客,恐怕无法见你。” This young male servant, is the Wang Longyang subordinate. 这位小厮,便是王龙阳的属下。 Lin Chao hears word, said in a soft voice: „Related to the Academic Palace quota, Young Master king should see my.” 林朝闻言,轻声说道:“事关学宫名额,王公子还是应该见一见我的。” Present Lin Chao, is according to the established rule, first visits Wang Longyang. 如今的林朝,还是按照既定的规则,先拜访王龙阳 If he gave back to oneself the quota, y all said. 他若把名额还给了自己,y一切好说。 If, that have not blamed Lin Chao not being impolite. 若是未曾,那就别怪林朝不客气了。 Young Master Xia Yang may tomorrow come again, perhaps tomorrow young master will then have the time.” 夏阳公子可明日再来,说不定明日少爷便会有时间。” The young male servants said, has not paid attention to Lin Chao again, leaves directly. 小厮说完,没有再理会林朝,径直离开。 Lin Chao looked at eye dwelling, does not have the anger. 林朝看了眼这处宅院,也没有愤怒。 He returned to the inn. But at this time, Liu Wenli went out, on his face has the angry facial expression. 他回到了客栈之中。而这时,刘文力走出,他的脸上带着愤怒的神情。 Xia Yang, is not good, now Academic Palace scholar there is passing on, you covet life and fear death, colludes with the mounted bandit, therefore escaped from the mounted bandit nest!” 夏阳,不好了,现在学宫的学子那里都在传,你贪生怕死,与马匪勾结,所以才从马匪窝里逃了出来!” Lin Chao hears this, stares. 林朝听到这,微愣。 This rumor, rather appears was too skillful, and is so quick. 这个流言,未免出现的太巧了,而且还这么快。 After all, he comes to shortly after here. 毕竟,他才来这里不久。 He is an ordinary scholar, few pays attention. 他本来就是一个普通学子,几乎没有人关注。 Now the rumor passes on, some back definitely people add fuel to the flames. 现在流言传出来,背后肯定有人推波助澜。 Lin Chao is narrowing the eye, he said: Yes?” 林朝眯着眼睛,他说道:“是么?” In his eye, emerges one wisp to kill intent. 他的眼中,涌现出一缕杀意。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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