TSMGIWE :: Volume #6

#505: Urgent

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! After half double-hour . 半个时辰后。 Ground one pile of corpses. 地上一堆的尸体。 The mounted bandit eldest child whole body is the blood. 马匪老大全身都是鲜血。 At this moment, on his face is the frightened facial expressions. 此刻,他的脸上都是恐惧的神情。 You are the person...... or ghost!” The mounted bandit eldest child fears. “你是人……还是鬼!”马匪老大无比恐惧。 The present person, is a devil. 眼前的人,是魔鬼。 If, the opposite party is a martial arts top player, he so will not fear. 如果说,对方是一位武道顶级高手,他还不会这么恐惧。 But, the strength of opposite party is obviously weaker than him, is more flexible than him. 可是,对方的力量明明比他弱,也就比他灵活。 However, all mounted bandits, were cut to kill by it all. 但是,所有的马匪,尽数被其斩杀。 They felt obviously, tries harder to be able it to cut again to kill. 他们明明感觉,再加把劲就可以将其斩杀。 But always almost. 可是总是差一点。 Finally, all mounted bandits, all death. 最后,所有的马匪,尽数死亡。 Only is left over mounted bandit eldest child, he responded. 只剩下马匪老大一人,他才反应过来。 In the Lin Chao hand takes a new broadsword, in the eye brings to kill intent: Went to the hell, you then know.” 林朝手中拿着一把新的大刀,眼中带着杀意:“去了地狱,你便知道。” A blade chops, is still very succinct, the mounted bandit eldest child body dies. 一刀劈下去,依旧十分简洁,马匪老大身死。 Lin Chao then sits on the ground, the big mouth puts on the thick air/Qi, becomes by own breath is gentler. 林朝这才坐在地上,大口穿着粗气,让自己的呼吸变得更平缓一些。 To Lin Chao, kills this group of mounted bandits, consumed the huge energy. 林朝而言,将这群马匪杀死,也耗费了巨大的精力。 Present he, the arm numb and aching, the feeling is not own is the same. 现在的他,手臂酸麻,感觉不是自己的一样。 Time is urgent, must hurry to hurry back.” But Lin Chao knows, he cannot drag again, must hurry. “时间紧急,得赶紧赶回去。”但林朝知晓,他不能再拖了,得赶紧回去。 Without catching up washed in the Saint went back other day, all late. 若是没有赶在圣沐日前回去,一切都晚了。 ...... …… Clear empty gate. 清虚门。 Jiang Boye changes the formal clothes, the whole person seems full of energy. 姜伯业换上礼服,整个人显得精神抖擞。 The beforehand that leisurely and carefree makings vanish do not see, 之前的那种悠闲气质消失不见, Is bringing some dignity. 身上自带着一些威严。 Seven elders, the gate Lord are waiting for you in the main hall.” At this time, Zhao Tai walked, showed the respectful look. “七长老,门主在大殿里等着您。”这时,赵泰走了过来,露出恭敬神色。 After Lin Chao walks, asking Zhao Tai to help take care of the master. 林朝走后,拜托赵泰帮忙照顾师父。 Jiang Boye also knows Zhao Tai is the disciple in the clear empty gate rare several good friends. 姜伯业也知晓赵泰是弟子在清虚门少有的几个好友。 Therefore, he then makes Zhao Taigen work in the side. 所以,他便让赵泰跟在身边做事。 You follow I.” Jiang Boye said. “你跟着我。”姜伯业说道。 Jiang Boye meeting host Saint bathe day, Zhao Tai will follow he, this has many advantage to Zhao Tai in the clear empty gate. 姜伯业将会主持圣沐日,赵泰会跟着他,这对赵泰在清虚门有不少的好处。 Two people walk toward the main hall. 两人往大殿走去。 According to the time, Xia Yang should also arrive at Academic Palace at this time.” Jiang Boye said. “按照时间,夏阳此时应该也到了学宫。”姜伯业说道。 Zhao Tai nods: Generally almost.” 赵泰点了点头:“大抵差不多。” Hope is uneventful.” In the eye pupil of Jiang Boye, appears a anxiety. “希望一路风平浪静。”姜伯业的眼眸之中,浮现出一丝忧虑。 Actually, before the disciple goes to Academic Palace, he then gives his good friend to write a letter, exhorts that good friend to consider his disciple. 其实,在弟子前往学宫之前,他便给他的一位好友写信,嘱咐那位好友照顾一下他的弟子。 What a pity, has not replied in writing. 可惜,没有得到回信。 After all, in this world, most unimportant is the favor. 毕竟,这个世界上,最不重要的便是人情。 However wants to come, should not have the important matter. 不过想来,应该也是没有大事。 After all, he has drawn back so many years. 毕竟,他已经退下去这么多年。 Zhao Taigen in Jiang Boye behind, in the eye pupil has an anxious look: Seven elders, I hear some rumors, this Saint bathe day, is not possibly peaceful.” 赵泰跟在姜伯业身后,眼眸中带着一丝忧虑神色:“七长老,我听闻一些风声,这次圣沐日,可能不太平。” oh?” In the Jiang Boye eye flashes through doubts, „ I also heard the gate lord saying that possibly some matter will happen , your disciples also knew. ?”姜伯业眼中闪过一丝疑惑,“我也听闻门主说过,可能会有些事情发生,没想到,你们这些弟子也知晓了。 However, the issue is not big, the gate Lord is prepared early. ” 不过,问题不大,门主早有准备。” Zhao Tai hears this, at heart stability some. 赵泰听到这,心里安定些许。 Jiang Boye is getting Zhao Tai, two people hurry to toward the main hall of clear empty gate. 姜伯业领着赵泰,二人往清虚门的大殿赶去。 However at this moment, the front hears noise suddenly. 然而就在这时,前方突然传来一阵嘈杂声。 Jiang Boye decides the eye to look, saw only the direction of clear empty gate main hall to burn the flame. 姜伯业定眼一看,只见清虚门大殿的方向燃烧起了火焰。 Decorative band over a curtain!” “走水了!” Fire fighting!” “救火啊!” The innumerable shouts resound, in the Jiang Boye heart had the unclear premonition, but does not need he to think, sees only clear empty out, suddenly rushes ahead many bandits and rebels. 无数的喊声响起,姜伯业心中有了不详的预感,只是不待他思索,只见清虚门外,突然冲杀出来许多贼匪。 These bandits and rebels hands take the weapon, is firing into the clear empty gate main hall. 那些贼匪手拿着武器,在冲向清虚门的大殿。 Seven elders, walk quickly!” Zhao Tai sees that holds on the Jiang Boye sleeves hastily. “七长老,快走!”赵泰见状,连忙拉住姜伯业的衣袖。 Jiang Boye sees that is also the heart startled: Walks quickly!” 姜伯业见状也是心惊:“快走!” Just talked about will have an accident, finally really had an accident. 刚谈到会出事,结果就真的出事了。 Jiang Boye is also calm. 姜伯业也还算镇定。 After all, these mountain bandit are threatening, but is only the motley crew. 毕竟,这些山匪来势汹汹,但只是乌合之众。 Waits for the clear empty gate to respond, decides to meet the organization disciples to revolt. 等清虚门反应过来,定会组织弟子反抗。 At the appointed time, these mountain Feiding can the rout. 到时,这些山匪定会溃败。 At this moment, hears one to drink suddenly greatly. 只是就在这时,突然传来一声大喝。 Greatly, I saw Jiang Boye, in that!” “大当家,我看到了姜伯业,就在那!” With this sound, Jiang Boye then saw that a figure tall and strong man is staring at him in the distant place. 随着这道声音,姜伯业便看到一位身形魁梧的男子在远处盯着他。 Jiang Boye stunned. 姜伯业一阵错愕。 Because, he discovered that conducting the back of man, is carrying clear empty gate Dao weapon. 因为,他发现男子的背上,正背着清虚门的道兵 Walks quickly!” Jiang Boye bellows, he understands that the opposite party future is bad, as if must begin to oneself. “快走!”姜伯业大吼,他明白对方来者不善,似乎要对自己动手。 Zhao Tai sees that also follows Jiang Boye to run away toward the back side of the mountain. 赵泰见状,也跟着姜伯业往后山逃窜。 But eldest child who the big glow robs not entire, in the eye reveals the greedy look: Pursues to me, he must take.” 而大芒盗的老大莫全,眼中流露出贪婪神色:“给我追,他必须拿下。” Immediately, several manage a household to follow not entire, pursues to Jiang Boye. 顿时,几位当家跟着莫全,向姜伯业追过去。 As for other big glow robbers, like going crazy, kills and burns to rob crazily. 至于其他的大芒盗,则像发疯了一样,疯狂烧杀抢劫。 But these people, bandits and rebels who were also all given up not. 而这些人,也是被莫全放弃的贼匪。 In the clear empty gate main hall decides however the incomparable security, but the bandits and rebels also gather around that. 清虚门大殿里定然无比安全,可是贼匪也都聚集在那周围。 Jiang Boye has to lead Zhao Tai, runs toward the back side of the mountain. 姜伯业只好带着赵泰,往后山跑过去。 Jiang Boye was old, although has the status of military, how long but without running, then pants. 姜伯业毕竟年龄大了,虽然有着武者的身份,但没跑多久,便气喘吁吁。 Zhao Tai, we separate, their goals are I.” The Jiang Boye big mouth is breathing heavily, distant place, but also hears the bawl. “赵泰,我们分开吧,他们的目标是我。”姜伯业大口喘着粗气,身后远处,还传来叫骂声。 „It is not good, I have complied with Xia Yang.” Zhao Tai rejects, elder, we walks quickly, so long as drags some time, the gate main reaction, these bandits and rebels must die!” “不行,我答应过夏阳。”赵泰拒绝,“长老,我们快走,只要拖一段时间,门主反应过来,这些贼匪都得死!” Jiang Boye looked at Zhao Tai one eyes, the vision is somewhat complex: Xia Yang has not misread you.” 姜伯业看了赵泰一眼,目光有些复杂:“夏阳没有看错你。” However Jiang Boye also knows, the gate main reaction, these mountain bandit can the rout. 但是姜伯业也知道,门主反应过来,这些山匪会溃败。 But before this, he will die. 但这之前,他会死。 After all, the rear area pursues more than ten mountain bandits who dare to come, is in mountain bandit elite characters. 毕竟,后方追敢过来的十几个山匪,都是山匪中的精锐人物。 We first escape, wait to meet......, if were caught up, I constrain them, you run directly. “我们先逃,等会……若是被追上,我拖住他们,你直接跑。 They will not pursue your. ” Jiang Boye said. 他们不会去追你的。”姜伯业说道。 The bandits and rebels manage a household greatly do not know where lane clear empty gate Dao weapon, what now definitely thinks leaves the clear empty gate fast, so as to avoid Dao weapon falls into a Lord hand again. 那贼匪大当家不知哪里弄来的清虚门道兵,现在肯定想的是快速离开清虚门,免得道兵再落入门主手中。 Therefore, that managed a household the estimate also to have a liking for own Dao weapon embryo greatly. 所以,那大当家估计也是看上了自己的道兵胚。 Therefore, will not create side issues to pursue insignificant Zhao Tai. 所以,不会横生枝节去追一个微不足道的赵泰。 If you are living, remembers that writes a letter to Xia Yang, said that the old man cuts off with his masters and disciples relates.” On the face of Jiang Boye covers entirely the wrinkle, like withered and yellow bark. “如果你活着出去,记得给夏阳写封信,就说老夫断绝与他的师徒关系。”姜伯业的脸上布满皱纹,就像枯黄的树皮。 If he is also living, to Xia Yang is the boost. 他如果还活着,对夏阳来说是助力。 But he died, Xia Yang with his disciple conduct, will be unable to take a single step forward in Academic Palace again. 但他死了,夏阳再以他的弟子行事,在学宫之中将寸步难行。 Seven elders, cannot.” A Zhao Tai face is anxious, he and Jiang Boye has made contribution escapes again, but the following person more overtakes near. “七长老,不会的。”赵泰一脸焦急,他与姜伯业已经尽力再逃,可是后面的人越追越近。 This time clear empty gate, in great confusion. 此时的清虚门,乱成一团。 Several mountain bandits are raising the broadsword, is cutting carelessly. 几个山匪提着大刀,在胡乱砍着。 Here lives, many are the janitors, the body does not have the weapon of self-defense, facing the ferocious mountain bandit, is unable to revolt. 这里居住的,多是杂役,身上没有防身的武器,面对穷凶极恶的山匪,根本无法反抗。 Zhao Ting looks to charge into his mountain bandit, in the eye shows the frightened look, he loudly exclaimed: Li Tangxue, I am Zhao Ting, I had borrowed the silver coins before to you!” 赵廷看着冲向他的山匪,眼中露出恐惧神色,他大吼道:“李棠雪,我是赵廷,我以前借过银两给你!” In the mountain bandit, the female, this female also wears the clear empty gate disciple clothing/taking impressively. 山匪之中,赫然有一位女子,这位女子还穿着清虚门的弟子服。 But Li Tangxue who this female, Zhao Ting knows, is in their group of janitors, first becomes the official disciple. 而这位女子,正是赵廷认识的李棠雪,也是他们那一批杂役之中,第一个成为正式弟子的。 Initial Li Tangxue, at the night, had once looked for him alone, taking advantage of silver coins. 当初的李棠雪,在夜晚的时候,曾单独找过他,借银两。 In manner, some ambiguous. 举止之中,还有一些暧昧。 However afterward, Zhao Ting heard, Li Tangxue finds many people to borrow the silver coins, but as price, is some transactions. 不过后来,赵廷听说,李棠雪找过很多人借过银两,而作为代价,则是一些交易。 After knowing these things, the image avalanche of Li Tangxue goddess in Zhao Tingxin. 后来知道这些事情后,李棠雪在赵廷心中女神的形象崩塌。 However sometimes late at night, he incomparably regretted, initially oneself like that innocent? 不过有时深夜,他又无比后悔,当初自己怎么那般纯情? Otherwise...... 不然的话…… But now Li Tangxue, seeming like with the bandits and rebels is a passer-by. 而如今李棠雪,看起来和贼匪就是一路人。 Zhao Ting looks at the ground the corpse, is afraid is hacked to death by the mountain bandit, is afraid, bellows like this. 赵廷看着地上的尸体,害怕被山匪砍死,心生恐惧,才这样大吼。 Hopes Li Tangxue looked in the initial face, let off his horse. 希望李棠雪看在当初的面子上,放过他一马。 Li Tangxue looked at Zhao Ting, in the mind appeared some memories: Originally is that has the color center not to have the fellow of color guts, on, killed him.” 李棠雪看了眼赵廷,脑海里浮现出一些记忆:“原来是那个有色心没色胆的家伙,上,杀了他。” She does not care about the beforehand friendship. 她根本不在意之前的交情。 If before two people, has anything to make her satisfy, she will perhaps also read in the former friendship lets off. 如果两个人之前发生过什么让她满意的话,她说不定还会念在旧情上放过。 Such a spiritless incompetent person, she is disinclined to pay attention. 这样一个懦弱无能之人,她根本懒得理会。 Hears this, Zhao Ting heart like dying embers. 听到这,赵廷心如死灰。 However the next second, in his eye reveals to shock the look. 然而下一秒,他的眼中露出震撼神色。 Sees only, a giant stone threw, is pounding on Li Tangxue face. 只见,一块巨石抛了出来,正砸在李棠雪的脸上。 Li Tangxue that delicate bright cheek, became the meat sauce instantaneously, covered with blood. 李棠雪那清秀明丽的脸蛋,瞬间变为了肉酱,血肉模糊。 Saw the goddess that this once kept thinking about turns into so the appearance, Zhao Ting cannot bear the disgusting gastric disorder, the food that this morning has vomits. 看到这曾经日思夜想的女神变成这般模样,赵廷忍不住恶心反胃,今早吃的饭都呕吐出来。 But at this time, the familiar form appeared in front of Zhao Ting together, was Lin Chao. 而这时,一道熟悉的身影出现在赵廷前面,正是林朝 Zhao Ting, you know where my master is at?” Lin Chao asked. “赵廷,你知道我师父在哪吗?”林朝问道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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