TGWOH :: Volume #8 魔法的世界

#1018: Anton has looked extremely insightfully

The particularity of each organization is different, takes the class confrontation as the slogan food dead disciple probably, their methods will cannot help but favor slaughtering. 每一个组织的特殊性都是不一样的,就好像以阶级对立为口号的食死徒,他们的手段就会不由自主地倾向于杀戮。 But takes the ethnic group life and death as the slogan disciples, will be fastidious about the political the method. 而以族群生死存亡为口号的圣徒们,更会讲究政治的手段。 As for taking the justice for the slogan phoenix society, was full of the offer, to sacrifice and wait for the humane brilliance resistance fight. 至于以维护正义为口号的凤凰社,更是充满了奉献、牺牲、等等人性光辉的对抗战斗。 The leader of each organization can organize to give to have they thought and 每个组织的领导人都会给组织赋予带有他们自身思想和 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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