SG4 :: Volume #6

#544: Demise of numerous temple

Total military defeat. 兵败如山倒。 The gods defeat such as the mouse to flee. 神败如鼠窜。 God king Congwei sees has escaped the so to escape simple regiment. 神王从未见过逃跑逃得如此干脆的军团。 It can be said that almost disperses instantly. 几乎可以说是一哄而散。 However thinks is also, this group of people coveted life and feared death, to maintain a livelihood arrived here, truly has the courage and uprightness person is not many. 不过想想也是,这群人本来就是贪生怕死,为了活命才来到这里,真正有血性的人并不多。 Previously she can through falling from the sky of war-god, and end sequence compels the dead end them, arouses courage and uprightness that the people fought. 此前她能够通过战神的陨落,以及末日序列将他们逼到绝路,激起众人战斗的血性。 But once their background were broken by Pangu, even god king acts personally, cannot take Pangu time, this fight can have at present this aspect, could be said as the matter in reason. 但他们的底蕴一旦被盘古破开,甚至就连神王亲自出手,都拿不下盘古的时候,这场战斗会出现眼前这个局面,就可以说是情理之中的事情了。 The god of journeys light toward shoots together without hesitation in all directions. 一道道神光毫不犹豫地朝四面八方射去。 Does not hit one greeting, starts to use the mystique to escape. 连招呼都不打一个,一个个就开始动用秘法逃跑。 This is the terrifying of end sequence......” “这就是末日序列的恐怖吗……” The god king looks at the members of fleeing in panic, death of dying, wound wound. 神王看着一个个仓皇逃遁的成员们,死的死,伤的伤。 The numerous temples have changed to fragments, the crash ocean. 众神殿已经化作一道道碎片,坠落大洋。 God has changed to the disorderly the energy turbulent flow, wreaks havoc in the world. 神阵已经化作无序的能量乱流,在天地间肆虐。 Assigns the god to flow the tears of blood, looks at present this. 命神流着血泪,看着眼前这一幕。 Of being expected. 早有所料的一幕。 All members in numerous temple, do not have in the future. 众神殿的所有成员,都是没有未来的。 She could not have seen the future of these people. 她已经看不见这些人的未来了。 Naturally, escaping is also useless. 当然了,逃跑也是没有用的。 Pangu comes to here, to kill them, how possibly to make them escape. 盘古来这里,就是为了杀他们,怎么可能让他们逃。 Middle-aged man smiles, while stretches out the palm, five fingers did to draw in the shape, the god mark in eye child change into ten million/countless black and white light, bloomed. 中年男子一边笑,一边伸出手掌,五根手指作收拢状,眼童中的神纹化为千万黑白道光,绽放而出。 World prisoner's cage! 天地囚笼! The fetter of main road in next quarter appearance. 大道的束缚在下一刻出现。 All existences of running away, felt that oneself body was fixed by the entire world. 所有逃遁的存在,都感觉自己的身体被整个天地所固定。 As if in space that this cannot see, is full of the extrusion in the hindrance, fettered their action completely. 仿佛在这看不见的空间中,充满着挤压于阻碍,完全束缚住了他们的行动。 Desperate and panic-stricken, appears again on the face of people. 绝望与惊恐,再度浮现在众人的脸上。 „...... Did not ask you, forgave me......” “不……求求您,饶了我……” Forgave me!” “饶了我啊!” I am willing to work as the dog!” “我愿意当狗!” I am willing forever and ever to be a servant! “我愿意永生永世为仆! I am willing to fight for Lord! I am willing to help you kill your enemies!” “我愿意为了主而战!我愿意帮你们去杀死你们的敌人!” Seeks livehood temple members who want the explosive table, does not count the price to beg for mercy. 求生欲爆表的众神殿成员们,纷纷不计代价地求饶。 The god king looks the organization that oneself form laboriously, and finally, almost the whole staff chose the treachery, was bitter and astringent smiles. 神王看着自己辛辛苦苦组建起来的组织,到了最后,几乎全员选择倒戈,不禁苦涩一笑。 Really one crowd of fight waste...... 真是一群战斗废物…… The numerous temples to this moment, are perish thoroughly...... 众神殿到了这一刻,算是彻底亡了啊…… Pangu naturally cannot pay attention to their begging for mercy. 盘古自然不会理会他们的求饶。 Her bullet hit finger, each springing, can several members change to the blood fog gently. 她轻轻弹着手指,每弹动一次次,都会几个成员化作血雾。 Suddenly killed over a hundred people. 眨眼间又杀了上百人。 Everyone by the world prisoner's cage fetter, is unable to revolt, is unable to work loose, like by the fish meat that hangs up high, no matter what it butchers. 所有人都被天地囚笼束缚,无法反抗,无法挣脱,就像被高高挂起的鱼肉,任其宰割。 At this moment, assigned/life the gods to be harvested. 这一刻,就连命神都被收割了。 This potential flow the tears of blood, are keeping the god who gives the numerous temples to tell fortunes, double was referred to cutting off the head by Pangu, is unable to make any resistance until death. 这位流着血泪,不停给众神殿算命的神祗,被盘古双指斩断了头颅,至死都无法做出任何的反抗。 Did not have in the future......” “没有未来了……” We do not have in the future......” “我们是没有未来的……” Before assigning/life the god falls from the sky, was still muttering words. 命神陨落前,仍是喃喃着一句句话语。 In harvesting of Pangu, the solemn half god with these A level awaken, without the least bit difference, is snaps fingers to kill. 在盘古的收割中,堂堂半神跟那些A级觉醒者,没有半点区别,都是弹指可杀。 Pangu annotated anything to be called all living things equality truly. 盘古真正诠释了什么叫做众生平等。 Before kept harvesting the temple members of the world resources, in this moment, realized finally allowed to be oppressed is anything felt. 以前不停收割着世界资源的众神殿成员们,在这一刻,终于也体会到了任人宰割到底是什么感觉。 The god king is an exception. 神王是个例外。 She has the strength of principle, worked loose the world prisoner's cage forcefully. 她拥有法则的力量,强行挣脱了天地囚笼。 The orange yellow god fire gushes out from within the body, has the imposing manner that is increasing successively. 橙黄色的神火从体内喷薄而出,带着一股节节攀升的气势。 Taboo secret technique crazy god technique! 禁忌秘术・狂神术! The god king is burning her god blood, burns her state of mind! 神王在燃烧她的神血,燃烧她的神魂! Strength that what replaces it is he rises suddenly again. 取而代之的是他再度暴涨的力量。 The orange yellow god fire explodes loudly, as if one round of peerless big day flew high, the twinkling evaporated trillion tons sea water. 橙黄色的神火轰然爆开,仿佛一轮绝世大日凌空,瞬息蒸发了亿万吨的海水。 The inexhaustible principle gushes out at the same time. 无穷无尽的法则在同一时刻喷薄而出。 Concentrates to turn into an invincible divine sword of vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered thousand li (500 km). 凝化成一柄纵横千里的无敌神剑。 Supreme technique unparalleled emperor sword! 至尊术・无双帝剑! The orange yellow emperor sword belt the unsurpassed dignity, the appeared instance, was opening ten thousand li (0.5 km) cloud layer, becomes two halves below ocean. 橙黄色的帝剑带着无上的威严,出现的瞬间,就噼开了万里云层,将下方的大洋噼成两半。 The emperor sword punctures courageous toward Pangu. 帝剑勐地朝盘古刺来。 Pangu is double refers to gathering as before, has the empty shadow of hatchet in referring to obviously, then to emperor sword courageous one. 盘古依旧是双指并拢,有小斧的虚影在指间显化,然后对着帝剑勐地一噼。 Instantaneously, the people as if saw to have the axe shadow together to open the endless chaos, opened a brand-new boundless world. 瞬间,众人仿佛看见了有一道斧影噼开了无尽的混沌,开辟了一个崭新的无边的世界。 Bang! 砰! Instance of collision. 碰撞的瞬间。 The space and time blooms, material explosion. 时空绽放,物质爆炸。 The huge white hole and black hole interweave, the quantum overlaps, burst out inexhaustible light, making one as if see newborn and avalanche of the world. 庞大的白洞与黑洞交织,量子重叠间,迸发出了无穷无尽的道光,让人仿佛看见了一个世界的初生与崩塌。 Is the emperor sword disintegration sound. 紧接着就是帝剑崩碎的声音。 Thousand li (500 km) emperor sword numerous disintegrations. 千里帝剑重重崩碎。 But when the emperor sword disintegration becomes the fragment. 但在帝剑崩碎成碎片的时候。 The god king actually same finger gathered, flashes to the front of Pangu, the courageous place to the heart of Pangu, the pocket-sized divine sword, pricked the skin of Pangu, having a blood blood splash to bloom. 神王却同样手指并拢,闪至了盘古的面前,勐地点向盘古的心脏,有一枚袖珍般的神剑,刺入了盘古的皮肤,带起一片鲜血血花绽放。 The figure of Pangu in a flash, looks at the chest that the blood blooms slightly, full is the surprise looks at the god king, finally on the face appears wipes the appreciation: This sword...... good.” 盘古的身形微微一晃,看着鲜血绽放的胸口,满是诧异地看着神王,最后脸上浮现一抹欣赏:“这一剑……不错。” The god king whole body supernatural power interweaves the principle to explode loudly, exploded the giant cavity the sea, refers to killing intent that bloomed, as if must stir thoroughly broken the body of Pangu. 神王浑身神力交织着法则轰然爆开,将大海都炸出了巨大的空洞,指间绽放的杀意,似乎要将盘古的身体彻底搅碎。 Death! “死! ! ” !” The god king angrily roars. 神王怒吼。 Then Pangu was coming to her body. 然后盘古就对着她的身体来了一下。 Double refers to delimiting. 双指划过。 The body of god king then cracked two halves. 神王的身体便裂成了两半。 This from beginning to end, is situated in nine days arrogantly to tall Shenwang, on the present face has several points, helpless with disappointed. 这位自始至终,都傲立于九天的至高神王,如今的脸上却带着几分无奈和怅然。 She, is not omnipotent. 她,并不是无所不能的。 In the front of Pangu, her strength appears so emaciated. 在盘古的面前,她的实力显得是如此的孱弱。 Such collapses at the first blow...... 如此的不堪一击…… I can believe you......” “我能够相信你吗……” The god king at the last minute of life, looks void, muttered the opens the mouth. 神王在生命的最后一刻,看着虚空,喃喃开口。 Naturally was OK.” “当然可以了。” The quiet and beautiful sound from resounds void. 清幽的声音从虚空响起。 Suddenly, the space of disruption, has form together to appear suddenly. 突然间,碎裂的空间,有一道身影蓦然出现。 Her black hair dance, the stature is slender, on the simple and beautiful refined face has several points to be fragile and immature, in the eye actually appears the profoundness that is too deep to see the bottom. 她青丝狂舞,身材窈窕动人,清丽脱俗的脸上带着几分娇气与稚嫩,眼中却浮现出深不见底的深邃。 When everyone sees the future the facial features, will feel an astonishment. 当所有人看见来者的面容的时候,都会感觉到一阵惊愕。 Because that is they are familiar with the strange person. 因为那是一个他们熟悉又陌生的人。 Because of knowing her, because in her who the information of understanding god knows. 因为知道她,都是因为在了解神主的情报而知道的她。 Young girls like lotus, quiet and beautiful peerless. 少女如莲,清幽绝世。 Song Siyao! 宋司遥! The form that this everyone has not thought, appears in everyone's field of vision suddenly, the temple members who let surviving stare dumbfounded. 这个所有人都不曾想到的身影,就这么蓦然出现在所有人的视野中,让残存的众神殿成员们瞠目结舌。 Young girls behind appearance in Pangu. 少女是在盘古的身后出现的。 Pangu is wanting to turn around. 盘古正欲转身。 Explodes!” “爆!” God king sudden angrily roars. 神王突然一声怒吼。 within the body all strengths use in that divine sword. 体内所有的力量倾尽在那枚神剑中。 That passed through the divine sword of Pangu to explode suddenly. 那贯穿了盘古的神剑突然爆开。 Changes to the most terrifying supernatural power, explodes the hemorrhage fog the body of Pangu. 化作最为恐怖的神力,将盘古的身体炸出血雾。 The heart of Pangu was almost annihilated, figure courageous. 盘古的心脏几乎被湮灭,身形勐地一顿。 At this time, Song Siyao has extended slender both hands, covered the eyes of Pangu, the world changes into at the same time jet black. 这个时候,宋司遥已经伸出纤细的双手,捂住盘古的双眼,天地在同一时刻化为漆黑。 At this moment, everyone as if saw another form. 这一刻,所有人仿佛又看见了另外一道身影。 That wears the magnificent formal clothes, the manner is graceful, woman who the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman brings ten thousand characters and styles, she beautifully is very very beautiful, having the soul that can produces season Dong the beauty, is seeing the instance of female, everyone's soul, as if must perish. 那是穿着华丽的礼服,神态优雅,倾国倾城又自带万种风情的女人,她很美很美,有着能够让人的灵魂产生季动的美,在看见女子的瞬间,所有人的灵魂,仿佛都要为之沉沦。 The people once when the youngster summoned seven gods, has seen this form...... 众人曾经在少年召唤七位神的时候,见过这道身影…… Guessed from the sequence of family members, good that if they guess, that form should be Chen Ping's mother! 从家人们的序列来猜测,若他们猜的不错,那道身影应该就是陈平的妈妈! Will mother's form overlap with the little girlfriend's form? 妈妈的身影怎么会跟小女友的身影重叠? This...... 这…… Was this too also exciting? 这也太刺激了吧? The people are the heart shake. 众人都是心头一震。 But at this time, that say/way quiet and beautiful form, with both hands the eye camouflage of Pangu. 而这时,那道清幽的身影,用双手将盘古的眼睛遮蔽。 Words of thorough soul, reverberate in the world. 一句深入灵魂的话语,回响于天地。 You......” “你……” „It is not Pangu!” “不是盘古!”
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