SSIDWTWH :: Volume #6

#581 Part 2: Heaven mutation

Un, so long as opened sealed stamped certificate, Heaven inevitably chaos, if the luck were good, perhaps we can also live, sought a secret corner to be dormant to dive to cultivate/repair dozens Yuan meetings, not necessarily cannot become the Saint to revere the giant!” “嗯,只要打开了封印结界,天界势必大乱,如果运气好的话,我们说不定还可以活下来,寻个隐秘角落蛰伏潜修数十个元会,未必就不能成为圣尊巨头!” Makes sense......” “有道理……” The people are saying chaotically, the fish Saint feather pupil light relaxed several points slightly, even if the current political situation is so difficult, these Junior Brother Junior Sisters are willing to be intimate with eventually oneself. 众人七嘴八舌地说着,鱼圣羽眸光略微缓和了几分,纵然时局如此艰难,这些师弟师妹终究还是愿意亲近自己的。 „, Since everyone is such idea, that goes together!” “罢了,既然大家都是这样的想法,那就一起去吧!” The fish Saint feather is finally saying. 鱼圣羽最后说着。 When do we start to take action? They stare now very tightly, wants to leave the territory boundary, but was not discovered, perhaps is very difficult.” “那我们什么时候开始行动?他们现在盯得很紧,想离开领地边界而不被发现,恐怕很难。” Some people knit the brows to ask, do not count on that these great people will make the low level mistake, they affirmed that has expected the possibility that some people will have acted out of desperation and taken risks. 有人皱眉问着,别指望那些大人物会犯低级错误,他们肯定早就料到了会有人狗急跳墙、铤而走险的可能。 Furthermore, the direct descendant elite regiment that side Luo Houmo deep pool also many Saints revere the giant guards in turn, these great person non-periodical pasts will also do an inspection, are not you want to enter to mix. 再者,罗喉魔渊那边也有诸多圣尊巨头的嫡系精锐军团轮流驻守,那些大人物也会不定期过去巡查,并不是你想进就能混进去的。 Fish Saint feather cloudy said/tunnel: Sect territory boundary is not very remote from Narro throat demon deep pool, I have the rare treasure that a teacher granted, can shield the secret and ensure we left the Sect territory safely, infiltrated the space and time seal position of Luo Houmo deep pool!” 鱼圣羽阴沉沉地道:“宗门领地边界距离那罗喉魔渊并不是特别遥远,我有一件师尊生前赐予的秘宝,可以屏蔽天机,确保我们安然离开宗门领地,混进罗喉魔渊的时空封印位置!” I am also open about the facts you, the risk is truly big, moreover acts is very likely to be defeated, but my goes not to earn a living coming back! You best not follow I to bring death. Perhaps that creates the world blue lotus personality not to go bad, in the future can help you cross comfortably?” “我也不瞒着你们,风险确实很大,而且行动极有可能失败,但是我此去就没想过活着回来!你们最好还是别跟着我去送死了。没准那创世青莲性情不坏,将来能够让你们过得舒坦些呢?” However finally, Junior Brother Junior Sisters still chose trusted the big Senior Brother, does with him together. 然而最终,师弟师妹们仍旧选择了信任大师兄,跟着他一起干。 ...... …… Thunder sound macrocosm. 雷音大世界。 Next morning, Qin Muling then led Senior Sister Junior Sisters to start. 翌日一早,秦沐凌便带着师姐师妹们重新启程了。 Repair as for these new Buddhism females, one and entered the moon reflection in the water sandalwood palace to dive to cultivate/repair, so long as the Qin Muling need, can come to take care of him momentarily to cultivate. 至于那些新来的佛门女修们,都一并进入了水月檀宫潜修,只要秦沐凌需要,随时都可以过来服侍他修炼。 This act makes Fengyi say that reveres, Tushan Yu rong they somewhat is quite uncomfortable, when ponders over and other future Little Junior Brother were going to their macrocosm, must arrange what program to try to flatter him, cannot make Buddhism lineage/vein alone enjoy renown in before in any case. 此举让凤仪道尊、涂山煜烿她们颇有些不爽,纷纷琢磨着等将来小师弟去了自家的大世界时,要安排些什么样的节目来取悦讨好他,反正不能让佛门一脉专美于前。 The inexhaustible space turbulent flow storm tide deep place, the moon reflection in the water sandalwood palace changes to the flowing light to go through speedily. By the Qin Muling present mighty force magical powers, does not need the halfway to stay, the chance within surrounding area 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 li (0.5 km) range will be induced by him to with ease and absorbs. 无穷无尽的空间乱流风暴潮汐深处,水月檀宫化作流光疾速穿行着。以秦沐凌现在的伟力神通,根本不需要半途停留,方圆亿兆里范围内的机缘就会被他轻松感应到并摄取回来。 The time is not long, in the Qin Muling within the body space, all kinds of harvests then piled dozens mountain peaks. Even the most precious innate primordial chaos most precious object, is not infrequent. 时间不长,秦沐凌的体内空间里,各种各样的收获便堆成了数十座山峰。即便是最珍贵的先天鸿蒙至宝,都不在少数。 „...... Little Junior Brother was really fierce, like this unexpectedly white/in vain in the chaos void greatly ominous place, harvested the chance with pick was the same!” “……小师弟真的是太厉害了吧,在混沌虚空中这样的大凶之地,收割机缘居然就跟白捡的一样!” Su clear Yuan stared round the beautiful pupil, tone full inconceivable, her first chapter of experience as rookie to the Qin Muling method, naturally thought that incomparably shocked. 苏昭媛不由瞪圆了美眸,语气满满的不可思议,作为新人的她头一回见识到秦沐凌的手段,自然是觉得无比震撼。 Su clear poor|Fei is also saying: Which initially our time entered the chaos void is not with trepidation and cautious? To look for some chances is also the countless sufferings and hardships, has not thought Little Junior Brother here, unexpectedly after strolling oneself garden, is really......” 苏昭菲也说着:“当初我们哪次进入混沌虚空不是提心吊胆、如履薄冰?想找些机缘也是千难万难,不曾想到了小师弟这里,竟然跟逛自家后花苑似的,真的是……” Su clear Yun look is disconsolate: If in the past had Little Junior Brother in the side, that crowd of innate chaos god demons couldn't do to us? how to go so far as to severe wound deep sleep so many years?” 苏昭芸神色惆怅:“当年要是有小师弟在身边,那群先天混沌神魔根本奈何不得我们吧?何至于重伤沉睡了这么多年?” Naturally this matter is also thinks that time they also have not thought that the three sisters some day will meet the creation world blue lotus after shape manner, even becomes his dao companion. 当然这种事情也就是想想而已,那时候的她们同样不曾想到,自己三姐妹有朝一日会遇到化形为人后的创世青莲,甚至成为了他的道侣 The buddhist tea benefit covering the mouth chuckle said: Little Junior Brother now is the beginning of the universe sage, later makes the matter that you shock surprisedly many, looks safely well!” 梵茗惠掩口轻笑道:“小师弟如今已是混元圣人,以后让你们惊讶震撼的事情还多着呢,安心看着就好!” So long as served Little Junior Brother, later such many chances, how must have their one, Qin Muling are always generous in this aspect. 只要侍候好了小师弟,以后这样多的机缘,怎么都少不了她们的一份,秦沐凌在这方面一向出手大方。 () ()
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