SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3836: Said the evil?

The Tai Miao vision is wise, Divine Ability are general, was hardly said various clever methods confuse. 太妙眼光高明,神通广大,几乎不被道贼的各种手段所迷惑。 After careful inspection, he preliminarily determined in the livelihood paradise did not have other issue. 经过仔细的检查之后,他初步确定了日月福地之中没有别的问题了。 This also tallies with his guess. 这也和他的猜测吻合。 First, said that thief Sikong wing(s) sneaks the livelihood paradise using fire Yang True Monarch, before makes clear here situation thoroughly, should not cause complications to be right. 一来,道贼司空翼利用火阳真君潜入日月福地,在将这里的情况彻底搞清楚之前,应该不会节外生枝才对。 Secondly, said that thief Sikong wing some enormous, is not willing easily to expose, therefore has not acted at will, but has been waiting for the best making a move time. 二来,道贼司空翼所某极大,不愿轻易暴露,所以没有随意出手,而是一直在等待最好的出手时机。 After inspects over and over, after the definite livelihood paradise does not have other issue, Tai Miao must leave here. 经过再三检查,确定日月福地之中没有别的问题之后,太妙就要离开这里了。 At this time, after a fierce combat, said that thief Sikong wing almost Guizhou lv was at the end of the rope. 这个时候,经过一番激战,道贼司空翼几乎黔馿技穷了。 The strength of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals the cage surrounds him firmly. 洞天之力所化的牢笼将他牢牢困住。 Regardless of he makes an effort, what method uses, is unable to work loose from the cage. 无论他多么用力,施展什么样的手段,都无法从牢笼之中挣脱。 His resistance is getting more and more weak, saw with own eyes that must be without a fight. 他的抵抗越来越弱,眼见就要束手就擒了。 At this time, the Tai Miao form appeared from the livelihood paradise edge. 这个时候,太妙的身影从日月福地边缘出现了。 Said that thief Sikong wing(s) helpless sighing, took out a picture scroll cautiously. 道贼司空翼无奈的叹了一口气,小心翼翼的取出了一张画卷。 His fierce place launches this picture scroll, directly to Meng Zhang. 他猛地的将这张画卷展开,直接对着孟章 Saw only the picture scroll calm self-ignition, Sikong wing front presented a big human form empty shadow. 只见画卷无风自燃,司空翼前方出现了一道高大的人形虚影。 Carefully looks, this human form empty shadow is a youngster image. 仔细一看,这道人形虚影是一名少年形象。 This youngster whole face insolent smile, all in world will not as if pay attention. 这名少年满脸张狂的笑容,似乎世间的一切都不会放在眼里。 When the empty shadow appearance of this youngster, Meng Zhang is not wonderful on the feel situation of instinct. 在这名少年的虚影出现的时候,孟章就本能的感到情况不妙。 He had not had more movements with enough time, the empty shadow of that youngster started to take action. 他还没有来得及有更多的动作,那名少年的虚影就开始行动了。 Sees only its big sleeve to wield, the cage of strength of structure dwelling place of Buddhist immortals broke immediately. 只见其大袖一挥,洞天之力构造的牢笼立即就破碎了。 Sikong wing(s) changed to the electric light to disappear immediately same place. 司空翼立即化作电光在原地消失了。 When his figure presents again time, that electric light had broken through the Taiyi World defense system, vanished in remote void. 等他的身形再次出现的时候,那道电光已经突破了太乙界的防御系统,消失在了遥远的虚空之中。 The defensive system of Taiyi World is powerful and strict. 太乙界的防御体系强大而又严密。 Is centered on Moon God control Heaven, concentrated the innumerable arrangement, frequently some massive Taiyi World cultivator values defend. 月神掌控的天界为核心,集中了无数的布置,时时刻刻都有大量太乙界修士值守。 But such defensive system, in front of the thief Sikong wing, almost does not exist general. 可是如此的防御体系,在道贼司空翼面前,就几乎是不存在一般。 He easily broke through the defensive system of Taiyi World, during running into was void. 他轻易就突破了太乙界的防御体系,逃入了虚空之中。 At this time, is looking at that human form empty shadow that Meng Zhang was critical situation, immediately evolved the innumerable thunder lightnings, toward the opposite party bombardment in the past. 在这个时候,孟章如临大敌的望着那道人形虚影,立即演化出无数的雷霆闪电,向着对方轰击过去。 That human form empty shadow several types of Divine Ability, make Meng Zhang find it hard to cope with conveniently, has to resist full power. 那道人形虚影随手几样神通,就让孟章应接不暇,不得不全力招架。 Is good is limited because of the strength of that human form empty shadow implication, cannot long time exist, quick became weak. 好在那道人形虚影蕴含的力量有限,不能长时间存在,很快就变得虚弱了。 The eruption that as Meng Zhang and opposite party meet the tough head-on with toughness for the last time, that human form empty shadow dissipates all of a sudden, then vanished without the trace. 随着孟章和对方最后一次硬碰硬的爆发,那道人形虚影一下子就消散,然后消失无踪了。 The time of a moment ago fighting was not long, actually took to the Meng Zhang different experience. 刚才战斗的时间不长,却带给了孟章全新的体验。 The strength and method of opposite party extremely restrained cultivator. 对方的力量和手段太过克制修真者了。 His dwelling place of Buddhist immortals was shaken, the interior had several small earthquakes. 他的洞天都被撼动,内部发生了几场小小的地震。 If not the strength of opposite party is unendurable, perhaps Meng Zhang will pay a big loss. 如果不是对方的力量不能持久,孟章恐怕会付出不小的损失。 Clearly, that picture scroll is the thief Sikong wing(s) card in a hand. 很明显,那张画卷就是道贼司空翼的底牌。 Regarding that human form empty shadow status, Meng Zhang also had several points to guess. 对于那道人形虚影的身份,孟章也有了几分猜测。 The opposite party is only the portrait of brand mark above picture scroll, can have such prestige energy. 对方只是烙印在画卷之上的一副画像,就能拥有如此威能。 Such character, has very big possibility, is main road of evil land Yu Shindouyama. 这样的人物,有很大的可能,是真道山之主道孽陆宇。 The so-called say/way evil, is to the highest level say/way clever name. 所谓的道孽,是对最为顶级的道贼的称呼。 The formation of evil, has very harsh condition, for ten million years are not necessarily able the evils born. 道孽的形成,有着非常苛刻的条件,千万年来未必能够有一尊道孽诞生。 But evil once, so long as is born, is the Daoism biggest disaster, Golden Immortal want to eliminate it to be then quick. 可道孽只要一旦诞生,就是道门最大的祸害,就连金仙们都欲除之而后快。 General Immortal Venerable, is not the opponent of evil. 一般的仙尊,都不是道孽的对手。 To remove an evil, either many top Immortal Venerable collaborate, either sets out Golden Immortal. 要想除掉道孽,要么多位顶级仙尊联手,要么出动金仙 Said that evil land Yu many years ago, establishes Shindouyama, resists for many years with Daoism. 道孽陆宇在多年以前,建立真道山,和道门对抗多年。 Strongest influence of Daoism in as void, has the incomparably powerful strength, is actually not able to eliminate evil land Yu, may be called the great shame simply. 道门作为虚空之中最为强大的势力,拥有着无比强大的力量,却一直无法清除掉道孽陆宇,简直堪称奇耻大辱。 This is extremely formidable besides evil land Yu, with Daoism internal fight, among Golden Immortal holds back mutually related. 这除了道孽陆宇太过利害之外,也和道门内斗,金仙之间互相扯后腿有关。 About evil land Yu, all sorts of legend stories of Shindouyama, have spread over void ten thousand boundary/world. 关于道孽陆宇,真道山的种种传说故事,早就传遍了虚空万界。 These legend stories are actual and fictitious, may explain land Yu the great strength, his deceitful. 这些传说故事有真有假,可都说明了陆宇的强大,他的狡诈等。 The Meng Zhang nature has heard the corridor evil land Yu given name, and has understood its relevant information. 孟章自然早就听说过道孽陆宇的大名,并且了解过其相关信息。 The image is changeable, the image of that youngster, probably is its commonly used vivid one. 其形象多变,那名少年的形象,好像就是其常用的形象之一。 Said a wisp of strength that evil land Yu leaves behind, made Meng Zhang suffer many hardships, the fee/spent was mad to deal with every effort. 道孽陆宇留下的一缕力量,就让孟章吃了不少苦头,费尽力气才应付过来。 If its true body to this, perhaps Meng Zhang does not have the strength of slight resisting. 如果是其真身到此,孟章恐怕没有丝毫抵挡之力。 Naturally, as a result of south soon existence of moonlight Buddha, said that evil land Yu should easily not enter the dancing sea. 当然,由于南无日月光佛的存在,道孽陆宇应该不会轻易进入婆娑海。 The fellow of Sikong wing family background strong presence was really extremely disliked, the body card in a hand was numerous, the thing of maintaining life the top powerhouse bestowed. 司空翼这种出身强大势力的家伙真是太过讨厌了,身上底牌众多,还有顶级强者赐下的保命之物。 Meng Zhang does not know, this is on thief Sikong Yishen finally is also the most useful card in a hand. 孟章并不知道,这已经是道贼司空翼身上最后也是最为有用的底牌了。 Even if said that evil land Yu, under must make this type of maintaining life thing to bestow, is not an easy matter. 就算是道孽陆宇,要制造这种保命之物赐给属下,也不是一件容易的事情。 Shindouyama said the thief to be many, but were few he to favor, the character who wanted the key cultivation, had the qualifications to obtain this type of maintaining life card in a hand. 真道山道贼不少,可只有极少数他非常看好,要重点栽培的人物,才有资格得到这种保命的底牌。 The position of Shindouyama is not fixed, has transformed in void moves. 真道山的位置并不固定,一直在虚空之中变换移动。 The situation in Shindouyama even is more special than Taiyi World and City in the Cloud, is almost impossible to trace. 真道山的情况甚至比太乙界云中城都要特殊,几乎无法进行追踪。 Shindouyama can under Daoism chases down to insist now, it played very major role without a trace. 真道山能够在道门追杀之下坚持到现在,其无影无踪起了很大的作用。 The evil land Yucang year hides with the aid of Shindouyama, stealth. 道孽陆宇藏年借助真道山藏身,隐身不出。 If he dares to take a walk in void at will, perhaps will welcome chasing down of many Immortal Venerable and even Golden Immortal quickly. 如果他敢在虚空之中随意走动,恐怕很快就会迎来多位仙尊乃至金仙的追杀。 In Daoism most immortals, how regardless of the family background and standpoint, are want to eliminate it to be then quick. 道门之中大部分仙人,不论出身和立场如何,对其都是欲除之而后快。 If only thief Sikong wing(s) stares at Taiyi World, that issue is not very serious. 如果只是道贼司空翼盯上太乙界,那问题还不是很严重。 But if was evil land Yu stares at Taiyi World, perhaps that Meng Zhang must collapse. Looks for book park 可如果是道孽陆宇盯上了太乙界,那孟章恐怕要崩溃了。找书苑 Tai Miao arrived at the Meng Zhang front. 太妙来到了孟章的面前。 Meng Zhang has not gone to chase down thief Sikong wing(s), is intentional. 孟章没有去追杀道贼司空翼,是有意为之。 First, since Taiyi World presented a clever trail, that interior must conduct strict cleaning up and even the purification. 一来,太乙界既然出现了道贼的踪迹,那内部必须进行严密的清理乃至净化。 In this process, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao must assume personal command, to make up the shortcoming that Taiyi World Heaven Immortal is insufficient. 在这个过程之中,孟章太妙都必须坐镇,以弥补太乙界天仙不足的缺点。 Secondly, he left behind some methods on thief Sikong Yishen in secret. 二来,他暗中在道贼司空翼身上留下了一些手段。 He is seeking something big with foresight, must have a look at behind Sikong wing also to have anything secret. 他在放长线钓大鱼,要看看司空翼背后还有一些什么秘密。 When conducts internal cleaning up to Taiyi World, Meng Zhang also issues the order, at the maximum speed, recalled these to go out to explore and conduct the development Taiyi World cultivator. 在对太乙界进行内部清理的时候,孟章还下达命令,以最快的速度,召回了那些外出探索和进行开发的太乙界修士 If these cultivator meet a thief outside, Meng Zhang rescues without enough time, definitely is more unfortunate than fortunate. 这些修士如果在外面遇上道贼,孟章来不及救援的话,肯定是凶多吉少。 If they were said very kills directly is a good deed. 如果他们被道贼直接杀死还是一件好事。 Feared that a thief controls them with the special method, lets the puppet who they become unable to save.( This chapter ends) 就怕道贼用特殊手段将他们控制,让他们成为无法挽救的傀儡。(本章完)
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