SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3834: Help

Under the invitation of Meng Zhang, is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable and feather to live Immortal Venerable and meat dishes True Immortal and the others, returned to Taiyi World along with him together. 孟章的邀请之下,绝尘仙尊、羽生仙尊和肴真仙尊等人,都一起随他返回了太乙界 Bright Heaven Immortal and ruby fairy maiden and the others, without many thoughts goes to and that helps Spirit Clan have to do, under the Taiyi World high-level accompaniment, returned to Taiyi World with them simply together. 明净天仙、红玉仙子等人,也没有多少心思去和那帮灵族打交道,干脆在太乙界高层的陪同之下,跟着他们一起返回了太乙界 Honored guest who Taiyi World high and low naturally entertainment these well help. 太乙界上下自然好好的招待这些帮了大忙的贵客。 Niu Dawei as the Meng Zhang big disciple, acts with occupy the Spirit Clan negotiation of star district spirit, helping them process various damage control measures. 牛大为作为孟章的大弟子,出面和灵居星区灵族交涉,帮助他们处理各种善后事宜。 The spirit occupies star district Spirit Clan this time to be attacked by Sky Pantheon, the loss is serious, the den was almost broken through, was almost at the extermination of the clan edge. 灵居星区灵族这次遭到天神殿攻击,损失惨重,老巢都差点被攻破,几乎处在了灭族的边缘。 The post-war troublesome matter were many. 战后的麻烦事情还不少。 By Meng Zhang this time status, has had no need deliberately to win over them. 孟章今时今日的身份,已经用不着刻意去拉拢他们。 Let Niu Dawei act, enough has indicated his attaching great importance. 牛大为出面,已经足够表明他的重视了。 The spirit occupies star district Spirit Clan, brings Taiyi World to help regarding Meng Zhang promptly, naturally is the gratitude. 灵居星区灵族,对于孟章带着太乙界及时来援,自然是感激不已。 Was counted the previous time, Meng Zhang has saved them twice in the water and fire. 算上上次,孟章已经是两次救他们于水火之中了。 Because cannot express thanks to Meng Zhang temporarily face to face, they all senses of gratitude, put on Niu Dawei. 由于暂时不能当面向孟章致谢,他们将所有的感激之情,都放到了牛大为身上。 Another side, Meng Zhang during the reception falls feather sect Heyu really teaches the reinforcements, in ponder then what to do. 另外一边,孟章在接待落羽宗和玉真教援军的同时,也在思考接下来怎么办。 The enemies retreat on own initiative, the main force has not damaged, the strength still saves. 敌人主动退走,主力未损,战力犹存。 Especially god emperor Gueret this group of top powerhouses, still retained very good condition. 尤其是神帝盖雷这帮顶级强者,仍然保留了很好的状态。 They are not definitely glad to accept this failure. 他们肯定是不甘于接受这次的失败的。 Perhaps, they will stage a comeback. 说不定什么时候,他们就会卷土重来。 When the time comes, is an intense war. 到时候,又是一场激烈的大战。 Only by the Taiyi World strength, and even the strength of centralized entire endless alliance, is unable to exceed them. 单靠太乙界的力量,乃至集中整个无尽联盟的力量,都无法胜过他们。 The both sides maximum disparity, is on the top powerhouse. 双方最大的差距,还是在顶级强者上面。 This time has the whereabouts feather sect and jade really to teach and be above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to help luckily promptly, can flare out reluctantly the difference in this aspect. 这次幸好有着落羽宗、玉真教和绝尘仙尊及时来援,才能勉强拉平这方面的差距。 The feather lives Immortal Venerable they are a guest, sooner or later must leave Taiyi World. 羽生仙尊他们都是客人,迟早都要离开太乙界的。 In fact, the feather lives Immortal Venerable to be able in spite of being very busy to leave to join, has let the Meng Zhang full feeling great kindness. 实际上,羽生仙尊能够在百忙之中抽身前来助阵,已经让孟章足感盛情了。 The jade really teaches with the earth-mother god has a grudge, meat dishes True Immortal did not mind that are many stays some time in Taiyi World, but she after all is not Taiyi World one, is impossible to keep Taiyi World forever. 玉真教和地母神系有仇,肴真仙尊不介意多在太乙界停留一段时间,可她毕竟不是太乙界一员,不可能永远留在太乙界 Is above mundane thoughts the Immortal Venerable situation is also similar. 绝尘仙尊的情况也差不多。 He to help Meng Zhang, is willing to waste some time, but he has not joined in Taiyi World. 他为了帮助孟章,愿意浪费一段时间,但他可没有投身太乙界 If the feather lived Immortal Venerable they to leave Taiyi World, Meng Zhang and enemy did resist with what? 如果羽生仙尊他们离开了太乙界,孟章拿什么和敌人对抗? He thought that best before they leave, completely takes care of the threat that god emperor Gueret brings. 他想了一下,最好是在他们离开之前,彻底解决掉神帝盖雷带来的威胁。 Leaves the Meng Zhang time is not many, has difficultly. 留给孟章的时间不多,困难却有很多。 By assembles only at present in the Taiyi World strength, most and enemy is well-matched, is actually not able to solve the enemy. 单靠目前集结在太乙界的力量,最多和敌人旗鼓相当,却无法解决掉敌人。 To gain more foreign aids, falls feather sect Heyu really to teach that side to have very major difficulty, temporarily is unable to reassign many Immortal Venerable to come. 要想获取更多的外援,落羽宗和玉真教那边都有着很大的困难,暂时无法抽调更多的仙尊过来。 Immortal Venerable is not the cabbage, during is void Immortal Venerable to have several. 仙尊不是大白菜,虚空之中的仙尊是有数的。 Meng Zhang as new promote Immortal Venerable, the human relations has not completely established, understanding Immortal Venerable is few, he is very difficult to invite other Immortal Venerable help. 孟章作为新晋仙尊,人脉关系还没有完全建立起来,认识的仙尊很少,他很难请来别的仙尊帮忙。 But, he lags behind the face finally, from being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable they seeks help, looked whether they could invite being on good terms some Immortal Venerable, helped cope with god emperor Gueret and other enemies. 无奈之下,他最后还是拉下脸来,向绝尘仙尊他们求助,看他们能否请来一些交好的仙尊,帮助对付神帝盖雷等敌人。 Naturally, the Immortal Venerable favor is not good to owe, Meng Zhang must pay for this reason. 当然,仙尊的人情不好欠,孟章要为此付出许多。 In his heart hopes secretly, these Immortal Venerable should better not to have a lion's share, the condition that put forward was best is can withstand. 他心中只有暗暗期盼,那些仙尊最好不要狮子大开口,提出的条件最好是自己能够承受的。 To be honest, Meng Zhang promotes shortly after the Immortal Venerable time, the grasped resources are not enough. 老实说,孟章晋升仙尊时间不久,掌握的资源不够多。 Must put out to move other Immortal Venerable things, is actually not easy. 要拿出能够打动其他仙尊的东西,其实并不容易。 Most Immortal Venerable, do not see the rabbit not to scatter the goods of eagle, not possible because of several idle talk vernacular, the friendship of so-called fellow daoist, easily will intend to help. 大部分仙尊,都是不见兔子不撒鹰的货色,不可能因为几句空口白话,所谓的同道之谊,就会轻易出手帮忙。 The feather lives Immortal Venerable they to exhibit own face, helping Meng Zhang relate other Immortal Venerable, is the limit. 羽生仙尊他们摆出自家的老脸,帮助孟章联系一下其他仙尊,就已经是极限了。 They not possible are Meng Zhang pay too many prices. 他们不可能为孟章付出太多的代价。 Is good does not have the advantage because of Meng Zhang. 好在孟章也不是全无优势。 Now entire practices, almost thinks that he and heavens Golden Immortal relates closely. 现在整个修行界,几乎都认为他和乾元金仙关系密切。 Heavens Immortal Venerable similarly was new promote Golden Immortal, may in one of the highest level secret immortal masters as void, regarding entire Daoism, have the special value. 乾元仙尊同样是新晋金仙,可身为虚空之中最为顶级的天机仙师之一,对于整个道门来说,都有着特殊的价值。 Also, new promote Golden Immortal is also Golden Immortal, many Immortal Venerable want to flatter not to flatter. 再说了,新晋金仙也是金仙,许多仙尊想要巴结还巴结不上呢。 Perhaps, looks in the heavens Golden Immortal face, will have some Immortal Venerable to be willing to help, is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to be the same probably. 也许,看在乾元金仙面子上,会有一些仙尊愿意帮忙,就好像绝尘仙尊一样。 As the matter stands, Meng Zhang and heavens Golden Immortal causes and effects were deeper, owed him more. 只是这样一来,孟章和乾元金仙的因果更深了,欠他的更多了。 Moreover, Meng Zhang also made other preparations. 另外,孟章还做了一些别的准备。 He orders Tai Miao to return to the ghostdom temporarily. 他命令太妙暂时回到冥界。 Facing powerful enemy who is unable to solve time, swinging the person called the guardian is common means. 面对无法解决的强敌的时候,摇人叫家长是一个常见的办法。 Golden Immortal Taiyi and say/way lotus Golden Immortal situation is special, temporarily is unable to help Meng Zhang, he only then seeks help from heavens Golden Immortal. 太一金仙和道莲金仙情况特殊,暂时无法帮助孟章,他只有向乾元金仙求助。 Because is worried to arouse the interest of Golden Immortal Taiyi enemy, heavens Golden Immortal after the previous meeting, interrupted and relation of Meng Zhang temporarily. 因为担心引起太一金仙仇家的关注,乾元金仙在上次会面之后,暂时中断了和孟章的联系。 Meng Zhang contacts with him even, is still hard to obtain him to respond timely. 孟章即使是施法联系他,也难以得到他及时的回应。 He thinks heavens Golden Immortal the arrangement that leaves behind in ghostdom that city ruins. 他想到了乾元金仙在冥界那座城市废墟之中留下的布置。 The samsara pond relations are major, as new promote Golden Immortal heavens Golden Immortal, definitely not to its careless, perhaps has been paying attention. 轮回池关系重大,作为新晋金仙的乾元金仙,肯定不会对其疏忽大意,说不定一直在对其进行关注。 Tai Miao will enter in that city ruins, thinking means contact heavens Golden Immortal to leave behind the arrangement that strives for in the relation heavens Golden Immortal. 太妙会进入那座城市废墟之中,想办法接触乾元金仙留下的布置,争取联系上乾元金仙 Heavens Golden Immortal will not lend a hand to help Meng Zhang oppose the enemy generally directly, may give him at least some useful directions. 乾元金仙一般不会直接出手帮助孟章对敌,可起码会给与他一些有用的指点。 Moreover, heavens Golden Immortal cut to kill the earth-mother god in the past is the lid soil deity of key training, had the bitter hatred with it. 另外,乾元金仙当年斩杀地母神系重点培养的盖壤天神,和其结下了深仇大恨。 Finally what even if obliterates to cover the soil deity surviving vitality is Meng Zhang, helping him share came from the hatred of earth-mother god department, but the earth-mother god will be should easily not let off him. 即便最后磨灭盖壤天神残存生机的是孟章,帮助他分担了一些来自地母神系的仇恨,可地母神系应该不会轻易放过他。 The Lord God earth-mothers of earth-mother god department were the established powerhouses, its qualifications and prestige in the entire Shintoism/Divine Dao system, were the top position. 地母神系的主神地母是老牌强者了,其资历和威望在整个神道体系之中,都是排名前列的。 As for its strength, is immeasurably deep. 至于其实力,更是深不可测。 Many Golden Immortal, look for book park not to provoke him on own initiative. 就连不少金仙,找书苑ww.zhaoshuun.com都不愿意主动招惹他。 Even heavens Golden Immortal achievement Golden Immortal, to facing earth-mother time, will not feel absolutely relaxed. 即便乾元金仙成就了金仙,到了面对地母的时候,也绝对不会感到轻松。 He to earth-mother god department time, best or needs some aid. 他对上地母神系的时候,最好还是需要一些援助。 Present Meng Zhang, has been able to help him share came from the pressure of earth-mother god department. 现在的孟章,已经能够帮助他分担一些来自地母神系的压力了。 Not to mention, Meng Zhang looked is that type has a bright future, the achievement limitless generation. 更别提,孟章一看就是那种前途远大、成就不可限量之辈。 Perhaps which day, Meng Zhang on the achievement Golden Immortal, had the position and strength that and he treated as an equal. 说不定哪一天,孟章就成就了金仙,拥有了和他平起平坐的地位和实力。 Until now, heavens Golden Immortal favors the Meng Zhang potential, intends to become friends with him. 一直以来,乾元金仙都是看好孟章的潜力,才有意和他结交的。 This time helps again, is the helping other helps oneself. 这次再帮个忙,也是助人助己。 After Tai Miao receives the order of Meng Zhang, immediately returns to Taiyi World Netherworld, then arrived at the ghostdom. 太妙收到孟章的命令之后,立即就返回太乙界阴间,然后到达了冥界。 The sign that now the enemy has not staged a comeback temporarily, Tai Miao can temporarily leave some time. 现在敌人暂时没有卷土重来的迹象,太妙可以暂时离开一段时间。 After Tai Miao arrives at the ghostdom, quick arrived in that city ruins.( This chapter ends) 太妙来到冥界之后,很快就来到了那座城市废墟之中。(本章完)
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