SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3826: Leeward

Especially the lineup of opposite party is so powerful, even always the militant military commander cultivator thousand blade Son of Heaven, want to avoid with the opposite party erupting the fight. 尤其是对方的阵容如此强大,就算是一向好战的兵家修士千刃天王,都想要避免和对方爆发战斗。 Saw with own eyes that Wang Xuefeng their obvious intent moves, the big Bodhisattvas start to persuade Moon God they. 眼见王雪峰他们明显意动,大余菩萨紧接着开始劝说月神他们。 Big odd/surplus Pusa said that they to Taiyi World and without any malicious intent, but wants to borrow the faith token in Meng Zhang hand to use. 大余菩萨表示,他们对太乙界并没有恶意,只是想要借孟章手中的信物一用。 After using up, they naturally can return in full to owner, Meng Zhang can continue to use. 用完之后,他们自然会完璧归赵,孟章可以继续使用。 They can also provide some expenses, as borrowing price. 他们还可以提供一些费用,作为借用的代价。 The big Bodhisattva eloquence, the words truth was clear, was very sincere, has the strength of touching the will of the people. 大余菩萨口才了得,一番话道理清楚,十分诚恳,有着打动人心的力量。 He has not depended the team strength to be stronger, one arrogant appearance, but very polite and everyone discussed. 他并没有仗着己方队伍实力更强,就一副盛气凌人的样子,而是十分客气的和大家商量。 As Wang Xuefeng and thousand blade Son of Heaven of observer, in the heart start favors the big Bodhisattvas. 作为旁观者的王雪峰和千刃天王,心中都开始倾向于大余菩萨。 They do not know the faith token in Meng Zhang hand are what treasure, can let one group of Bodhisattvas and Heaven Immortal never forgets, has pursued to four corner/horn star district. 他们并不知道孟章手中的信物是什么宝贝,能够让一群菩萨和天仙都念念不忘,一直追到四角星区来。 Big odd/surplus Pusa of being with good intention guessed correctly their thoughts, explained for them carefully. 善解人意的大余菩萨猜到了他们的心思,仔细为他们解释了一下。 Hearing the faith token is enters the key of Golden Immortal mystical place the time, they have several to divert attention. 听说信物是进入金仙秘境的关键的时候,他们都有几分心动。 Brings salvation to the Golden Immortal given name, they also heard. 普度金仙的大名,他们也有所耳闻。 Wang Xuefeng and thousand blade Son of Heaven are not that type are insatiably greedy, the generation of being blinded by greed. 王雪峰和千刃天王不是那种贪得无厌、利令智昏之辈。 The practicing system of Daoism and Buddhism is very big with their practicing system difference, brings salvation to the mystical place that Golden Immortal leaves behind, is not worth them being involved in the dispute. 道门和佛门的修行体系与他们的修行体系差异很大,普度金仙留下的秘境,不值得他们卷入纷争之中。 Meng Zhang closes up to practice now the critical moment, Tai Miao and Moon God temporarily contact not on he. 孟章现在闭关修行正到了关键时刻,太妙月神都暂时联络不上他。 They cannot take responsibility for Meng Zhang. 他们不能替孟章做主。 Without permission of Meng Zhang, they are impossible to replace Meng Zhang to comply. 没有孟章的允许,他们不可能代替孟章答应。 Tai Miao and Moon God silent by right, has not paid attention to the big Bodhisattva's persuasion. 太妙月神沉默以对,没有理睬大余菩萨的劝说。 The big Bodhisattvas first were the persuasion of good words good language. 大余菩萨先是好言好语的劝说了一番。 Saw with own eyes that the pure good words persuaded not to have the effect, his tone started slowly becomes heavy. 眼见单纯的好言相劝没有效果,他的语气慢慢开始变重了。 Tai Miao and Moon God do not seem to heard the words that he spoke to be the same, does not have any response. 太妙月神就仿佛没有听见他所说的话一般,没有任何的回应。 The big Bodhisattvas are very patiently good, does not worry. 大余菩萨耐心很好,一点都不着急。 Behind others in team in him, actually without such good patience. 在他身后队伍中的其他人,却没有这么好的耐性了。 Ding Lake Heaven Immortal goes forward several steps, sends out disdaining cold snort/hum, is pointing at Tai Miao and Moon God curses. 鼎湖天仙上前几步,发出一声不屑的冷哼,然后指着太妙月神大骂起来。 Ding Lake Heaven Immortal established one in Spirit Space Immortal Realm by his cultivation sect gate of given name name. 鼎湖天仙灵空仙界建立了一家以他的名号命名的修真宗门。 The Ding Lake sects govern to develop for many years in Spirit Space Immortal Realm, has certain sphere of influence, trained the innumerable disciple disciples. 鼎湖宗在灵空仙界治下发展多年,有着一定的势力范围,培养了无数的门人弟子。 Has immortal cultivation sect gate who the Heaven Immortal old ancestor assumes, slightly has the position in entire Spirit Space Immortal Realm. 有着天仙老祖坐镇的修仙宗门,在整个灵空仙界都算是小有地位。 Ding Lake Heaven Immortal was usually held by the innumerable disciples and followers, has been fostering the temper of keeping promises. 鼎湖天仙平日里被无数的徒子徒孙捧着,早就养成了说一不二的性子。 Others have the disobedience to him slightly, will initiate his anger very much easily. 旁人对他稍有忤逆,很容易就会引发他的怒气。 The side and at present is the same step powerhouse, he has been constraining the temperament, has not easily manifested suddenly. 身边和眼前都是同阶强者,他才一直压抑着脾气,轻易没有发作。 In his opinion, the big Bodhisattvas are polite enough, the condition that pledges is good enough. 在他看来,大余菩萨已经足够客气了,开出的条件已经够好了。 Tai Miao and Moon God have actually played the fool there, is unappreciative simply. 太妙月神却一直在那里装傻,简直就是不识抬举。 Saw with own eyes that Ding Lake Heaven Immortal starts to curse, the big Bodhisattvas have not interfered. 眼见鼎湖天仙开始大骂,大余菩萨也没有干涉。 Two people sang a duet. 两人一唱一和。 Sang the white face, sang the red painted-face, originally was the common method. 一个唱白脸,一个唱红脸,本来就是常见的手段。 Tai Miao and Moon God know that Meng Zhang is closing up breaks through Heaven Immortal, when can perhaps succeed. 太妙月神知道孟章正在闭关突破天仙,说不定什么时候就能成功。 Once Meng Zhang achievement Heaven Immortal, that aspect were critically different. 一旦孟章成就天仙,那局面就大为不同了。 They are not that type are good at the generation of expression, was worried that cheated the opposite party to be seen through, simply continuously silent by right, as far as possible protracted time. 他们都不是那种善于言辞之辈,担心哄骗对方被识破,干脆一直沉默以对,尽量拖延时间。 Although does not know that they in protracted time, is their such attitudes, really enraged many people. 虽然不知道他们在拖延时间,可是他们这样的态度,真的激怒了不少人。 Somewhat performed the ingredient Ding Lake Heaven Immortal, is really mad wants to begin directly. 原本有几分表演成分的鼎湖天仙,气得真想直接动手。 The big Bodhisattvas open the mouth to calm down finally he, then turns to thousand blade Son of Heaven they. 大余菩萨终于开口劝住他,然后转向千刃天王他们。 Tai Miao their attitudes let thousand blade Son of Heaven and Wang Xuefeng are very uncomfortable. 太妙他们的态度让千刃天王和王雪峰都很不爽。 They have not given up them, has the scruples. 他们之所以还没有放弃他们,也是另有顾忌。 They worried that the opposite party is displaying the strategy of defeat in detail. 他们担心对方在施展各个击破的策略。 If the opposite party attacks Tai Miao and Moon God time, they have not lent a hand to assist, after opposite party success, then attacks them, they were isolated and cut off from help. 如果对方攻击太妙月神的时候,他们没有出手相助,那对方成功之后,转而攻击他们,他们就孤立无援了。 They are the worldly-wise people, although in the heart start favors the big Bodhisattvas, but entirely still had not believed him. 他们都是老江湖,尽管心中开始倾向于大余菩萨,可仍然没有完全相信他。 Big Bodhisattva eyes saw through their scruples. 大余菩萨一眼就看穿了他们的顾忌。 Under the big Bodhisattva's leadership, the member in this mix swore, their goals are only the faith tokens in Meng Zhang hand, will not start to them on own initiative...... 在大余菩萨的带领之下,这支混合中的成员纷纷立誓,他们的目标只是孟章手中的信物,不会主动对他们下手…… Wang Xuefeng and thousand blade Son of Heaven measured after the period of time, finally was convinced by odd/surplus Pusa greatly. 王雪峰和千刃天王权衡了一阵子之后,终于被大余菩萨说服了。 They do not need to be involved in this dispute, does not need to maintain Tai Miao they. 他们没有必要卷入这种纷争之中,更没有必要一直维护太妙他们。 Thousand blade Son of Heaven and Wang Xuefeng comply to place oneself beside, Tai Miao and Moon God were isolated. 千刃天王和王雪峰答应置身之外,太妙月神就被孤立了。 As for has hidden dust heavenly demon in demon nest, cannot stand on the side of them. 至于一直躲在魔巢之中的灰土天魔,就更不能站在他们一边了。 Saw with own eyes that one side Wang Xuefeng and thousand blade Son of Heaven let arrive directly, a staying out appearance, Tai Miao and Moon God withdraw immediately, returned above Taiyi World directly. 眼见王雪峰和千刃天王直接让到一边,一副置身事外的样子,太妙月神立即后撤,直接退回了太乙界上方。 They have the home advantage in Taiyi World, resists using the Taiyi World strength, should be able to insist some time. 他们在太乙界有着主场优势,利用太乙界的力量进行抵抗,应该可以坚持一段时间。 Previously Tai Miao and Moon God discovery not wonderful time, has ordered, making these collect the resources in the pink clouds macrocosm cultivator, temporarily stayed outside, sharply do not return to Taiyi World. 此前太妙月神发现情况不妙的时候,已经下令,让那些在彩云大世界采集资源的修士,暂时就留在外面,不要急着返回太乙界 They return sky over Taiyi World, looks for the defensive system of book park Taiyi World to start to open. 他们退回太乙界上空,找书苑www.haosuyan.com太乙界的防御体系开始开启。 Quick, the team that three Bodhisattvas and three Heaven Immortal compose, has pursued was arriving at Taiyi World front not far away. 很快,三位菩萨和三位天仙组成的队伍,就这么一直追着来到了太乙界前方不远处。 Thousand blade Son of Heaven and Wang Xuefeng arrived around Taiyi World similarly, looks on one side silently. 千刃天王和王雪峰同样来到了太乙界附近,在一旁默默旁观。 When the big Bodhisattvas start to persuade Tai Miao they, Meng Zhang in that closed room, entered the most crucial time with the True Demon Loches's fight. 在大余菩萨开始劝说太妙他们的时候,孟章在那个封闭空间之中,和真魔罗什的战斗也进入了最为关键的时刻。 Before closing up, Meng Zhang True Immortal boundary cultivation base already completion. 在闭关之前,孟章真仙境界的修为就已经圆满 Before commencing of action, he has adjusted the optimum condition. 战斗开始之前,他就已经调整到最佳状态。 The fight from the beginning, he meets head- in own initiative, does not have the potential of slight making concessions. 战斗一开始,他就主动迎战,没有丝毫退让之势。 Although does not have helping of immortal item, he still displayed the strongest battle efficiency, incisiveness that an ability displays. 尽管没有仙器之助,他仍然发挥出了最强的战斗力,将一身本领发挥的淋漓尽致。 According to the common sense, Meng Zhang and fight between True Demon Loches , to continue even for dozens years and even several hundred years, is very normal matter. 按照常理来说,孟章真魔罗什之间的战斗,就算持续数十年乃至数百年,都是十分正常的事情。 Since closing up, Meng Zhang isolated and all relations on own initiative. 自从闭关之后,孟章就主动隔绝了和外界的所有联系。 Until now, he has not known that outside situation also has the change. 到现在为止,他还不知道外面的局势又有变化。 However, before closing up, he has induced, knows that the tranquil day will not continue is too long. 不过,在闭关之前,他就有所感应,知道平静的日子不会延续太久。 If matter once changes, only by Tai Miao and Moon God, is not necessarily able to preserve Taiyi World. 如果事情一旦有变,单靠太妙月神,未必能够保住太乙界 He must fight a battle to force a quick decision, breaks through the Heaven Immortal boundary as soon as possible, becomes the Taiyi World genuine pillar/backbone. 他必须速战速决,尽快突破天仙境界,成为太乙界的真正支柱。 Therefore, in the True Demon Loches's fight during, he departs from the norm, has not continued to hit the steady fight style steadily, not with enemy slowly dogfight. 于是,在和真魔罗什的战斗之中,他一反常态,没有继续稳打稳扎的战斗风格,更没有和敌人慢慢缠斗。 He violates the danger by the body, braves the mutually wounded danger and enemy wrestles at risk of life. 他以身犯险,冒着两败俱伤的危险和敌人拼死一搏。 Unexpected True Demon Loches, unexpectedly Meng Zhang so will be wild, slightly one hesitant, suffers a loss, falls leeward. 猝不及防的真魔罗什,没有想到孟章会如此狂野,稍一犹豫,就吃了大亏,落到了下风。
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