SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3824: Arrival

Sect Master immortal road Chapter 3241 arrives at() is put to death by Meng Zhang with the insect king of another Heaven Immortal rank, in the insect clan armies transmitted an intermittent violent anger mood. 掌门仙路第3241章降临()随着又一名天仙级别的虫王被孟章诛杀,虫族大军之中传来了一阵阵暴怒的情绪。 This is other insect king, had the feeling of like grieve for like. 这是别的虫王,生出了兔死狐悲的感觉。 The insect king of Heaven Immortal rank, most of the time, has enough spirit wisdom, understands all. 天仙级别的虫王,大多数时候,都有着足够的灵智,去理解发生的一切。 Meng Zhang can ignore the rest, prepares to strike while the iron is hot, looks for several insect kings again, exterminates it thoroughly. 孟章顾不得休息,准备趁热打铁,再次找上几名虫王,将其彻底诛灭。 At this time, the mutation happened finally. 这个时候,异变终于发生了。 Sees only a big insect clan, arranged a complex huge design. 只见一大片的虫族,排列出了一个复杂的庞大图案。 As in the insect clan armies resounds intermittent secretive recitation in a low voice, the innumerable insect clans explode suddenly, the entire body turned into beach flesh. 随着虫族大军之中响起一阵阵诡秘的低声吟唱,无数的虫族猛然爆裂,整个身体都变成了一滩血肉。 These flesh gather in together, in complete inflow that huge design. 这些血肉汇聚在一起,全部流入那个庞大的图案之中。 The design obtained the supplement of enough flesh, immediately fast revolving. 图案得到了足够血肉的补充,立即快速的旋转起来。 Quick, that huge design changed to a giant gateway. 很快,那个庞大的图案化作了一道巨大的门户。 More insect clans explode, change to the innumerable flesh, as if becomes some power, making it start to move slowly. 更多的虫族爆裂,化作无数的血肉,似乎成为了某种动力,让其开始缓慢的动了起来。 The giant gateway revealed a crack slowly. 巨大的门户慢慢的露出了一条裂缝。 Gloomy and cold, bloodthirsty, angry...... and other aura, fast passed from the gateway. 阴冷、嗜血、愤怒……等气息,快速的从门户之中透了出来。 More and more after many insect clan members explode, changes to the flesh, becomes stronger power that promotes this Daoism household. 越来越多的虫族成员爆炸后化作血肉,成为了推动这道门户的更强动力。 When that Daoism household appearance, Meng Zhang had the ominous premonition, wish of instinct overruns to prevent its revolution. 在那道门户出现的时候,孟章就有了不祥的预感,本能的想要冲过去阻止其运转。 But the innumerable insect clan armies well up one filling where the other drops, constrained his step with the life. 可是无数的虫族大军前仆后继的涌过来,用生命拖住了他的步伐。 In the fast transfer, is avoiding several insect kings of his chasing down, is not continue shift, but protects that Daoism household full power and ensure it was not damaged, can open smoothly. 就连原本正在快速转移,躲避他的追杀的几位虫王,都不在继续转移,而是全力守护那道门户,确保其不被损坏,能够顺利的开启。 Meng Zhang just killed the cannon fodder who powder teams of kill, wounded a being in the way insect king. 孟章刚刚杀散一队队杀过来的炮灰,击伤了一名挡路的虫王。 He close to that Daoism household, the strength of powerful repel had not kept off his together. 他还没有靠近那道门户,一道强大的排斥之力就挡了他一下。 Delays slightly, he lost the best opportunity. 就这么稍微耽搁一下,他就失去了最好的机会。 Sees only that Daoism household radical opening, revealed the gate following scene. 只见那道门户彻底开启,露出了门后面的景象。 Behind the gateway, first is void of being empty, then a huge insect appeared there, tried to come here through this Daoism household. 在门户后面,先是空无一物的虚空,然后一头庞大的虫豸出现在了那里,试图通过这道门户来到这边。 From its aura, this huge insect mostly was the female sovereigns of this insect clan. 从其身上的气息来看,这头庞大的虫豸多半就是这支虫族的母皇了。 If makes a true body of female sovereign arrive, that everyone on the scene had troublesome. 如果让一位母皇的真身降临,那在场的所有人都有麻烦了。 What a pity, arrival of female sovereign is the unstoppable matter. 可惜,母皇的降临已经是无可阻挡的事情了。 That huge insect movement is not only slow, instead very fast. 那只庞大的虫子动作并不慢,反而很是迅捷。 Sees only her to stretch out many double insects to dig up to draw that say/way giant gateway fully, pushed the huge body. 只见她伸出多双虫足扒拉着那道巨大的门户,就将自己庞大的身体挤了过来。 The true body of insect clan female sovereign just arrived, the entire insect clan armies as if received some invisible stimulation, the imposing manner surged upward suddenly, the shape changed. 虫族母皇的真身刚刚降临,整支虫族大军仿佛受到了某种无形的刺激,气势猛然高涨,就连形态都为之一变。 The body main part of insect clan female sovereign came, but the other parts of his huge body, but also stayed in that side. 虫族母皇的身体主要部分过来了,可其庞大身体的其他部分,还留在了那边。 Huge body swaying from side to side gently, had terrifying strength immediately. 庞大的身体轻轻的扭动,立即生出了恐怖至极的力量。 On her has several giant tentacles, seems entraining anything, desperate moves toward here. 她身上有好几只巨大的触手,似乎拉拽着什么东西,拼命的向着这边移动。 Meng Zhang prepared to break its movement, but thinks, the main part of opposite party body arrived here, his time making a move significance is not big. 孟章本来准备打断其动作了,可是想了一下,对方身体的主要部分都来到这里了,他这个时候出手意义不大了。 With an intermittent sharp shake, the giant tentacle that on the female sovereign extends, a hill same palace, forcefully drawing from gateway here. 伴随着一阵阵剧烈的震荡,母皇身上伸出的巨大触手,将一座小山一样的宫殿,从门户那边强行拉到了这边。 That palace struggling of keeping, but it tied down by the tentacle firmly did not say, but also received the suppression of female sovereign mystique, is unable to work loose. 那座宫殿在不停的挣扎,可是其被触手牢牢缠住不说,还受到了母皇秘法的压制,始终无法挣脱。 According to the observation of Meng Zhang, another side of that Daoism household, is very far away from here void. 孟章的观察,那道门户的另外一边,是距离这里非常遥远的虚空。 The insect clan female sovereigns to reenforce here insect clan armies probably fast, opens the space gateway forcefully, spanned the remote distance, arrived here directly. 虫族母皇大概是为了快速增援这边的虫族大军吧,才强行打开空间门户,跨越了遥远的距离,直接降临到这里。 But that by its palace of surrounding, mostly was his archenemy. 而那座一直被其困住的宫殿,多半就是其大敌了。 In such critical moment, the female sovereigns are not willing to let off this archenemy, hatred of both sides is very evidently deep. 在这么紧要的关头,母皇都不肯放过这位大敌,看样子双方的仇恨很深啊。 Another reason that Meng Zhang has not broken its movement, is wish makes him entrain forcefully that palace. 孟章没有打断其动作的另外一个原因,就是想要让其将那座宫殿强行拉拽过来。 This insect clan female sovereigns just came, starts unscrupulous release its powerful aura. 这尊虫族母皇刚刚现身,就开始肆无忌惮的释放其强大的气息。 After feeling its aura, always calm Meng Zhang, cannot bear on the face change color. 感受到其气息之后,一向冷静的孟章,都忍不住脸上变色。 From the intensity of strength, this insect clan female sovereigns has almost the strength of Heaven Immortal second boundary only. 单从力量的强度来看,这尊虫族母皇差不多有着天仙第二境的实力了。 If not had guessed to its weakness, Meng Zhang will unable to do well will order to retreat immediately. 如果不是对其弱点有所猜测,孟章搞不好会下令立即撤退。 This insect clan female sovereigns are Meng Zhang has not encountered the powerful enemies. 这尊虫族母皇是孟章从来没有遭遇过的强敌。 By his one's effort, may be unable to stand off the opposite party only very much. 单靠他一己之力,很有可能敌不过对方。 Although that palace was trigged by it, but diverted female sovereign part of strengths somewhat. 那座宫殿虽然被其制住,可多多少少还是牵制了母皇一部分力量。 After the insect clan female sovereigns that palace entrains, that say/way giant gateway rapidly vanishes. 虫族母皇将那座宫殿拉拽过来之后,那道巨大的门户就迅速消失了。 The female sovereign whole body covered entirely the dense and numerous compound eyes, to periphery was sweeping gently, presents all cultivator, felt afraid, in heart to tingle with numbness. 母皇浑身都布满了密密麻麻的复眼,对着周围轻轻扫了一圈,在场所有的修士,都感到不寒而栗、心中发麻。 Although female sovereign in observing surrounding all cultivator, is its key point, from the beginning centralized to the body of Meng Zhang. 母皇虽然在观察周围所有修士,可是其重点,一开始就集中到了孟章的身上。 The female sovereign sentiment is faint, but actually unusual bearing a grudge. 母皇感情淡漠,可却非常的记仇。 Meng Zhang put to death the insect kings of enough three Heaven Immortal ranks, looked for book park to cause the unprecedented losses to this ethnic group. 孟章诛杀了足足三位天仙级别的虫王,找书苑ww.zhoshuyua.cm给这支族群造成了前所未有的损失。 He previously was rampant incomparable, the provocation, had gotten up the female sovereign face to face must kill the list. 他此前更是嚣张无比,当面挑衅,已经上了母皇的必杀名单。 Female sovereign big mouth, emitted the innumerable luminous spots. 母皇大嘴一张,就喷吐出了无数的光点来。 These luminous spots changed to a brand-new insect clan army in void, moreover by insect Wang Tongling of two Heaven Immortal ranks. 这些光点在虚空之中化作了一支全新的虫族大军,而且由两位天仙级别的虫王统领。 Insect clan army who that tended to racing Kui, after the female sovereign arrives, inspired on the morale greatly, obtains a stronger in addition to hold, starts to secure the position. 原本那支趋于奔溃的虫族大军,在母皇降临之后,就士气大振,得到了更强的加持,开始稳住了阵脚。 This presents the insect clan armies to go to the battlefield newly immediately, joins the fight, battles with the original insect clan armies jointly. 这支新出现虫族大军立即奔赴战场,加入战斗,和原先的虫族大军联手作战。 Two insect clan armies come from the same ethnic group, originally is a body. 两支虫族大军来自同一族群,本来就是一体的。 Under leadership of a total of five insect kings, the entire army acts in harmony, the formation was orderly, erupts extremely strong battle efficiency. 在总共五位虫王的率领之下,整支大军配合默契,阵型严整,爆发出了极强的战斗力。 Taiyi World and cultivate/repair spirit, during fell into again struggled hard. 太乙界和灵修们,再次陷入了苦战之中。 Meng Zhang has not gone to manage other. 孟章没有去管其他。 By him who the insect clan female sovereigns stare, at this moment also has no time to attend to other things. 被虫族母皇盯上的他,此刻也是无暇他顾。 The insect clan female sovereigns have not joined the insect clan army, but in not far away empty void. 虫族母皇没有加入虫族大军,而是在不远处一片空荡荡的虚空之中。 Facing the unprecedented powerful enemy, the intention that Meng Zhang has not avoided. 面对前所未有的强敌,孟章没有丝毫躲避的意图。 He one step takes, the figure appeared in the front of female sovereign. 他一步迈出,身形就出现在了母皇的前方。 After Meng Zhang promotes Heaven Immortal, has encountered many opponents of same step. 孟章晋升天仙之后,遭遇过许多同阶的对手。 And, strongest, probably is chaotic breath heavenly demon that in the past just promoted must face. 其中,最强的,大概是当年刚刚晋升就要面对的乱息天魔 Finally, many deities and Heaven Immortal collaborate, struck to kill this powerful enemy thoroughly. 最后,多位天神和天仙联手,才彻底击杀了这位强敌。 Past chaotic breath heavenly demon compared with the female sovereign who today faced, only from the strength intensity, was huge difference. 当年的乱息天魔比起今日面对的母皇来说,单从力量强度上来说,就是天壤之别。 Meng Zhang knows, this must face a severe test. 孟章知道,这次自己要面对一场严峻的考验了。 Under the present situation, only if he is willing to abandon Taiyi World, abandons the disciple disciple to run away. 在目前的情况下,除非他肯抛弃太乙界,抛弃门人弟子逃走。 Otherwise, he only then meets head-on an opposite party road directly. 否则,他就只有正面迎战对方一条路。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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