SDT2BMS :: Volume #6

#506: Big result, return, day defending god

Chapter 506 big result, return, day defending god 第506章大结局,归来,天守之神 Austin Griffing sees front form, the eyes narrows the eyes, dragon Hao early morning.” 奥斯汀格里芬看着面前的身影,双眼微眯,“龙皓晨。” dragon Hao early morning the complexion looks at him temperately, thought?” 龙皓晨脸色温和的看着他,“都想起来了吗?” Austin Griffing's look somewhat is obviously complex, „thought that but, you must know, now my strength has fully recovered, you did not fear that I opened the road of destruction again, became the scourge?” 奥斯汀格里芬的眼神明显有些复杂,“想起来了,但是,你要知道,现在我的力量已经完全恢复了,你就不怕我再次开启毁灭之路,成为天谴吗?” dragon Hao early morning shakes the head, said: So long as there is a bright moon, does not need to fear anything.” 龙皓晨摇摇头,道:“只要有皓月在,就不需要怕什么。” Austin Griffing sinking sound said: You build all these, was takes great pains.” 奥斯汀格里芬沉声道:“你营造出这一切,也算是煞费苦心了。” dragon Hao early morning sighed one lightly, said: I am not for you, I for the bright moon. Your slaughtering much, destruction are too too many, actually, from the angle of innermost feelings, I do not like you very much, I want, only then bright moon recovery, but you forever deep sleep, but is not good! You is a body, in that case, the bright moon will not come back. He is my brother, in any event, I if wants the means to make him live.” 龙皓晨轻叹一声,道:“我并不是为了你,我是为了皓月。你的杀戮太多、毁灭太多,其实,从内心的角度,我很不喜欢你,我更愿意只有皓月复苏,而你永远沉睡,但不行啊!你们本来就是一体,如果那样的话,皓月也就不会回来了。他是我的兄弟,无论如何,我都要想办法让他活着。” Austin Griffing smiles bitterly saying: I also really am unpopular.” 奥斯汀格里芬苦笑道:“我还真是不招人待见呢。” Therefore, although the ending somewhat is possibly illegible, but I actually like such ending. Perhaps this is also I grows the later mentality changes the different concepts after the age. 所以,虽然结尾可能有些潦草,但我其实自己更喜欢这样的结尾。这或许也是我随着年龄增长之后心态改变以后的不同观念吧。 - -- „After being ready, I let your evil thought and bright moon have a body respectively, the bright moon did ding-dong, but your destruction thought made Kong Kong. Even I also made an influence on your character. Other all, what are actually more is the development of allowing nature to take its course, naturally, I have a layout, for example, the islet tung oil tree and Hofn, are the status that I painstakingly arrange, this is the most important safeguard, I believe that has Hofn in situation, you do not have is so easy to go crazy.” “做好准备之后,我让你的恶念和皓月分别拥有一個身体,皓月做了当当,而你的毁灭意念做了空空。甚至我对你的性格也做出了一点影响。其他的一切,其实更多的是顺其自然的发展的,当然,我也有所布局,譬如,屿桐、赫本,就是我刻意安排的身份,这是一份最重要的保障,我相信,有赫本在的情况下,你没那么容易发疯。” The world that you experience is it can be said that real, is it can be said that unreal. This is most difficult. The entire temple federation is real, but the dead spirit state is illusory. But this remembering, will preserve in all human hearts, exists as the caution. All changes into dead spirit because of your parents, the original dead restores the remains as before, but the living changed into the dead spirit, will come back to life, puts behind that as the process of dead spirit. The order will gradually restore some time.” “你们所经历的世界可以说是真实的,也可以说是虚幻的。这个才是最困难的。整个圣殿联邦都是真实的,而亡灵国度却是虚幻的。但这份记忆,会留存在所有人类心中,作为警示而存在。所有因为你父母而化为亡灵者,原本的死者依旧恢复成遗骨,而原本生者化为亡灵的,将会重新复生,忘却身为亡灵的过程。秩序将会在一段时间内逐步恢复。” Austin Griffing gawked, what?” 奥斯汀格里芬愣了一下,“什么?” dragon Hao early morning said: Your this pledges actually need to change slightly, does not destroy any does not affect the universe balanced potential surface. Because, sometimes, truly is needs you to act, solves many problems.” 龙皓晨道:“你们这份誓言其实需要稍微改一改,不毁灭任何不影响宇宙平衡的位面。因为,有些时候,确实是需要你来出手,来解决很多问题。” Austin Griffing said: If I am a day of defending god, ding-dong what to do?” 奥斯汀格里芬道:“那如果我去做天守之神,当当怎么办?” dragon Hao early morning actually shakes the head, said: Actually cannot only achieve this point by my strength, but I seek help from a strong influence, with their help, I was successful. They also hope that a day of defending god can return, making the entire universe more orderly, but not because the universe corrects error forcefully, but releases the space and time turbulent flow unceasingly, thus causes many potential surfaces is not steady.” 龙皓晨却摇摇头,道:“仅凭我的力量其实是做不到这一点的,但我求助于一个强大的势力,在他们的帮助下,我才成功了。他们也都希望天守之神能够回归,让整个宇宙更有秩序,而不会因为宇宙强行纠错而不断释放时空乱流,从而导致很多位面不稳。” Ling Xue was silent, from dragon Hao early morning and in Austin Griffing's conversation, she has also understood what is heard, at this moment, in the innermost feelings has mixed emotions, is five senses mixed Chen. 凌雪沉默了,从龙皓晨和奥斯汀格里芬的交谈中,她也已经听明白了一些,此时此刻,内心之中百感交集,也更是五味杂陈。 Whatever dragon Hao early morning he pondered, at this time actually turned to nearby Ling Xue and Long Leilei, is on Audrey and mysterious of first matches Griffing, has experienced so many, I think, you also understood all. Can the retaliation really make you happy? Returns to the family, is together more joyful with the person who most love?” 龙皓晨任由他去思考,此时却是转向了一旁的凌雪与龙雷雷,也是上一世的奥黛丽和奥赛格里芬,“经历过这么多,我想,你们也明白了一切。报复真的能让你们快乐吗?还是回归家庭,和自己最爱的人在一起更加快乐呢?” dragon Hao early morning said: I joined the big influence of that seeking help, they have a very grand goal, I must do that matter, I hope that you also go with me together. You had come back, right? Day defending god!” 龙皓晨道:“我加入了那个求助的大势力,他们有一个非常宏伟的目标,我要去做那件事了,我希望你也跟我一起去。你已经回来了,对嘛?天守之神!” dragon Hao early morning nods, „, the powerful strength needs to restrict. But experienced this final several reincarnations, you did not feel, the day defending god is divided into two parts, is safest?” 龙皓晨点点头,“是的,强大的力量需要制约。而经历了这最后几次转世,难道你不觉得,天守之神分成两部分,才是最安全的吗?” Austin Griffing's ill-humored say/way: Lets ding-dong protect here for you, you? Do you go to do?” 奥斯汀格里芬没好气的道:“让当当替你守护这里,那你呢?你又去干什么?” Austin Griffing's wicked say/way: Really can think thanks to you, this whole life made him become the Elder Brother unexpectedly.” 奥斯汀格里芬恶狠狠的道:“真亏你想得出来,这辈子竟然让他当了哥哥。” Austin Griffing look complex looks at him, you will say right, the strong strength will make me unscrupulous. Perhaps without the absolute strength, will not have such problem. This is also you make me be divided into Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong reason.” 奥斯汀格里芬眼神复杂的看着他,“你说得对,过于强大的实力才会让我变得肆无忌惮。如果没有绝对的实力,或许就不会出现这样的问题了。这也是你让我分成龙当当龙空空的原因。” In the sky bright moon I wanted to write is longer, even among collisions including some brothers, but, I think afterward carefully, does not want to let the Kong Kong blackening, that is not I wants. Was cherished the younger brother who grows up by the Elder Brother, must have the conscience to have the kinship. 皓月当空我原本想要写的更长一些的,甚至包括一些兄弟之间的碰撞,但是,后来我又仔细想了想,还是不想让空空黑化,那不是我想要的。一个被哥哥爱护长大的弟弟,总要有良心有亲情。 dragon Hao early morning light say/way: Strength that powerful strength, cannot be restricted. You and create world god body both sides, creating the world deification is the universe, but the strength of you who leave behind, has was strong, you are the protector who is born, but once your blackening, cannot restrict your strength in the entire universe. This enables you definitely according to own likes and dislikes to handle anything. It looks like slaughter dragon few year's ends to become the Evil Dragon. Therefore, wants to solve your problem fundamentally, needs to make your strength be weakened, at least can also restrict.” 龙皓晨淡淡的道:“过于强大的力量,不可制约的力量。你和创世神一体两面,创世神化为宇宙,而留下的你,所拥有的力量过于强大了,原本你是诞生出来的守护者,可一旦你黑化,在整个宇宙中都没有能够制约你的力量。这就让你完全可以根据自己的好恶而做任何事情。就像是屠龙少年终成恶龙。因此,想要从根本上解决你的问题,就需要让你的力量被削弱下来,至少还能有所制约。” dragon Hao early morning shows a faint smile, said: That influence is called the big god circle.” 龙皓晨微微一笑,道:“那个势力叫做大神圈。” Made so many, you were also think through a matter.” Austin Griffing said. “做了这么多,你也算是用心良苦了。”奥斯汀格里芬说道。 dragon Hao early morning laughed at him keeps certainly this potential surface. As prints inheritance of throne with the god of creation eternal, he will replace me to continue to protect here. Also for your filial parents. Naturally, you can come back to have a look momentarily.” 龙皓晨笑了“他当然是留在这个位面。作为永恒与创造之神印王座的传承者,他将代替我继续守护这里。也替你孝顺父母。当然,你随时都可以回来看看。” Austin Griffing deep looks at him, thank you, dragon Hao early morning. Yes, I think, I have come back. Ding-dong has also distributed the pledge taking advantage of our common status, no longer destruction any potential surface.” 奥斯汀格里芬深深的看着他,“谢谢你,龙皓晨。是的,我想,我已经回来了。当当也借着我们的共同身份发下过誓言,不再毁灭任何位面。” dragon Hao early morning shows a faint smile, said: Previous time you resurrect listened to you to tell once story. I understand why you will become the god of scourge from the day defending god. Perhaps, to creating the world god is unwilling in you very much, but in fact, you are born, is not his reverse side, but is his protector, or is error correction in the whole world. Therefore, you should be a day of defending god, rather than the god of scourge. Just, arrives at the world, making you suffer the pitiful destiny, special capability that then had with you, as well as all sorts of coincidences were related.” 龙皓晨微微一笑,道:“上次你复活的时候听你讲述了曾经的故事。我才明白为什么你会从天守之神变成了天谴之神。或许,在你内心之中对创世神很有不甘,可实际上,你诞生的时候,并不是他的反面,而是他的守护者,或者说是整个世界的纠错者。所以,你应该是天守之神的,而不是天谴之神。只不过,来到人类世界,让你遭受到了悲惨的命运,那和你自身所拥有的特殊能力,以及种种巧合有关。” Therefore you did reactivate my parents? Resurrected Hofn, can you actually achieve?” Austin Griffing's expression temperate several points. “所以你复活了我的父母?复活了赫本,你竟然能够做到?”奥斯汀格里芬的表情温和了几分。 Austin Griffing nods, „after this, said, I now am a little chaotic. I only want to know, that influence that you must go to what is? Powerful.” 奥斯汀格里芬点了点头,“这个以后再说,我现在有点乱。我只想知道,你要去的那个势力是什么?到底有多强大。” Actually was very early wants to tell everyone, this year by the end of February, is actually I makes a debut the entire 20 th anniversary. Unknowingly, has written unexpectedly for 20 years. Altogether wrote many books, I could be can be completely clear for a long time, has to be close to 60 million characters probably. 其实很早就想跟大家说了,今年到二月底,其实是我出道整整二十周年。不知不觉,竟然已经写了二十年了。一共写了多少书,我可能自己都要算好久才能完全清楚,大概有接近六千万字吧。 dragon Hao early morning said: I said this for the bright moon. The bright moon is I best brothers, without him , there would be no once me, we are unable to defeat the demon clan, leading human to control the entire mainland, let the Saint demon mainland, in addition our stars had the order.” 龙皓晨道:“我说了这都是为了皓月。皓月是我最好的兄弟,没有他,就没有曾经的我,我们也就无法击败魔族,带领人类重新掌控整个大陆,让圣魔大陆,加上我们这颗星球重新有了秩序。” President dragon, you said that ding-dong is the bright moon, that now, he......” ice Monroe somewhat anxious saying. “龙主席,你说当当就是皓月,那现在,他……”凌梦露有些急切的说道。 dragon Hao early morning said: But you must acknowledge, you arrive, is human. Your father and mother are human. Your lover is human. Aren't the positive images of human? Just because of the pitiful bitter experience, enlarged the wickedness of human in your heart, thus made you take the road of destruction by the unapproachable strength. Therefore, after listening to your story, I understand, wish makes the bright moon live, the day defending god must return.” 龙皓晨道:“但你不能不承认,你降临的时候,是人类。你的父亲、母亲是人类。你的爱人是人类。难道他们就不是人类的正面形象吗?只不过因为悲惨的遭遇,在你心中过于放大了人类的恶,从而让你凭借自身无可匹敌的实力走上了毁灭之路。所以,在听完你的故事之后,我就明白,想要让皓月活下来,天守之神就必须回归。” With their help, I resurrected your parents, resurrected Hofn. This has in fact completed several thousand years ago, to construct the current all, I used for a long time to prepare very much. Even the dead spirit disaster law stick in your mother hand, was we obtains from once dead souls Saint law god dead spirit disaster Appliances's another apprentice hand with great difficulty. He now is wielding of that big influence, later I introduced that you knew.” “在他们的帮助下,我复活了你的父母,也复活了赫本。这在几千年前实际上就已经完成了,而为了构建当下的一切,我又用了很久做准备。甚至连你母亲手中的亡灵天灾法杖,都是我们好不容易从曾经的死灵圣法神亡灵天灾伊莱克斯的另一位徒弟手中获得的。他现在就是那个大势力的执掌者,以后我介绍你认识。” ( The book ends) (全书完) dragon Hao early morning temperate looks to her, said: Relax, he will keep side you. All dead spirits are illusory, but you are real, all that you experience are also real.” 龙皓晨温和的看向她,道:“放心吧,他会留在你身边的。所有的亡灵都是虚幻,但你们却都是真实的,你们所经历的一切也同样真实。” At the same time was saying he turns to Austin Griffing again, „does old companion, want to understand?” 一边说着他再次转向奥斯汀格里芬,“老伙计,想明白了吗?” Actually, when helps you arrange all these, I also thought through many issues. For example, why you cannot control your destruction thought that must destroy unceasingly. Beyond reason that except that you suffer the pitiful bitter experience, another important reason. Do you know?” “其实,在帮你们安排这一切的时候,我也想通了很多问题。譬如,为什么你控制不住自己的毁灭意念,非要不断的毁灭。除了你遭受悲惨遭遇的原因之外,还有另一个重要原因。你知道吗?” Austin Griffing gawked staring, but also fell into the thinking and silence. 奥斯汀格里芬愣了愣,但也陷入了思索与沉默。 Thank you, lets we also had again living the opportunity, can see our sons.” Long Leilei heartfelt saying. “谢谢你,让我们重新又有了活着的机会,又能见到我们的儿子。”龙雷雷由衷的说道。 dragon Hao early morning said: Is your son's part, is the bright moon, as I best partner, was always once accompanying me, I do that for him. Perhaps you have also studied my history, yes, the bright moon is my in the historical inheritance, by I deliberately covered mount partner. Therefore, in Saint demon mainland historical, is few regarding Austin Griffing's record.” 龙皓晨道:“是你们儿子的一部分,也就是皓月,曾经作为我最好的伙伴,始终陪伴着我,我是为了他才这么做的。或许你们也研究过我的历史,是的,皓月就是我那个在历史传承中,被我刻意掩盖了的坐骑伙伴。所以,在圣魔大陆的历史上,对于奥斯汀格里芬的记载很少。” dragon Hao early morning actually shakes the head, said: No, present you, is not once you. Your this last time rebirths, happened all things under my gaze, let alone, you unite with the bright moon now, in your body, itself has a part of bright moon. Moreover is the proportion very major part, not?” 龙皓晨却摇摇头,道:“不,现在的伱,已经不是曾经的你了。你们这最后一次重生,发生的所有事情都在我的注视之下,更何况,你现在是与皓月合一,在你的身体里,本身就有皓月的一部分。而且是比重很大的一部分,不是吗?” Right, very important things must inform everyone, makes a debut from 2004 now, I have 20 years to create continuously unceasingly. little Tang also turned into old Tang. Doing our lines is really very laborious, I have me am younger than ten -year-old writer friends, now is an occupational disease. Therefore, old Tang must rest. How long I rests not to know, has not thought that looks at the physical condition, hopes that can precipitate and accumulate, writes again, can take to everyone a better work. 对了,有一件很重要的事情要通知大家,从二零零四年出道到现在,我已经有二十年连续创作不断更了。小唐也变成了老唐。干我们这行真的还是挺辛苦的,我有比我年轻十岁的作家朋友,现在都是一身的职业病。所以,老唐也要歇歇了。休息多久我自己也不知道,还没想好,看身体状况吧,也希望能够多沉淀和积累一下,再写的时候,能够带给大家更好的作品。 Coincidence, you think that is the coincidence? Even if you made me make a human, I did not have to a human favorable impression.” Saying that Austin Griffing coldly. “巧合,你认为那是巧合?就算你让我又做了一次人类,我也对人类一点好感都没有。”奥斯汀格里芬冷冷的说道。 Remembers my new time, spoke a few words often, the support of reader is I creates the biggest power. Now also these words, 20 years! Many readers also accompanied my 20 years, here, old Tang bowed to everyone, thank you for 20 years helps one another in difficult time companion, are your encouragements and help, are your deep loves and support, making me arrive at today. 20 years, happened many, but create every day, every day make you see my( renewal) time, are I happiest times. Did not say exaggeratingly, you are I most important spiritual props, is my parents. 记得我刚出道的时候,就经常说一句话,读者的支持是我创作最大的动力。现在也还是这句话,二十年了啊!很多读者也都陪伴了我二十年,在这里,老唐给大家鞠躬了,谢谢你们二十年来相濡以沫般的陪伴,是你们的鼓励和帮助,是你们的热爱和支持,让我走到今天。二十年,发生了许许多多,但每天创作,每天让你们看到我的(更新)时候,都是我最开心的时刻。不夸张的说,你们是我最重要的精神支柱,也是我的衣食父母。 On the occasion of 20 years, thanked politely everyone again. Also asked everyone to pay attention to my micro blog and WeChat public number continually. When I have the new work is heavy the rivers and lakes, meets first informs everyone. Thanks, forever loves you. 值此二十年之际,再次拜谢大家了。也请大家持续关注我的微博、微信公众号。当我有新的作品重出江湖时,会第一时间通知大家。谢谢,永远爱你们。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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