SS :: Volume #10

#83: Ares's ambition

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Since the sunlight is not fearful like the legend, why a dark elf clan wants to frighten itself, withdraws is conservative and complacent in the dark region? 既然阳光并不像传说中那么可怕,黑暗精灵一族为什么要自己吓唬自己,龟缩在幽暗地域故步自封? Surface world not hateful Sun, the forest steppes, the rivers mountains and fertile farmland fertile plains, have the countless prey and resources. 地表世界不只有可憎的太阳,还有森林草原、河流山川与良田沃野,有数之不尽的猎物和资源。 Why does not leave the resources deficient place bottom world, moves to the surface world of product productivity collectively, conquers small and weakly these, does not match to enjoy the surface nationalities of these resources, slave who they reduce to the noble Takuji elf entirely? 为什么不离开资源贫乏的地底世界,集体迁徙到物产丰饶的地表世界,征服那些弱小的、不配享有这些资源的地表民族,将他们通通贬为高贵的卓尔精灵的奴隶? These thoughts made Ares be excited, however not long from now, an unexpected accident, gave him the overhead to throw one bucket of cold water. 这些念头令阿瑞斯感到兴奋,然而时隔不久,一场意料之外的变故,就给他当头泼了一桶冷水。 The spider elves arrive at the three day of surface world detection later, in the forest had an earthquake. 就在蛛化精灵们来到地表世界侦查的三天后,森林中又发生了一场地震。 This earthquake is the aftershock of previous earthquake, when is modestly sized, actually shaking of coincidence the spider elves came very much that path. 这场地震是上一次大地震的余震,规模不大,却很巧合的震垮了蛛化精灵们来时的那条道路。 Returns to the crack of dark region, completely dies of suffocation by the mud and grit, Ares and his partners, have not been able to return to the hometown now. 返回幽暗地域的裂缝,完全被泥浆和沙石堵死,阿瑞斯和他的伙伴们,现在已经无法返回故乡了。 Hears here, soars and the others to relax. 听到这里,高飞等人全都松了一口气。 When the spider elf disclosed, they present a Takuji city's ruler's order, comes to explore the squad of surface world, soars was worried that following also has the dark elf to catch up to reinforce. 当蛛化精灵透露,他们是奉一位卓尔地城的统治者的命令,前来探索地表世界的小分队,高飞就担心后续还有更多黑暗精灵赶来增援。 Now knew that the path to dark region has died of suffocation, is remaining pending for a long time the heart can fall in the stomach finally. 现在得知通往幽暗地域的道路已经堵死,久悬着的心终于可以落回肚里。 Ares and his companions, have the ambition that conquers the surface world, actually clear realizing, cannot only accomplish by their four spider elves. 阿瑞斯和他的同伴们,有着征服地表世界的野心,却也清醒的认识到,只靠他们四个蛛化精灵成不了事。 They are unwilling the next half a lifetime of like this passing is forced to leave native place, but also is thinking returns to the dark region, reports this surface detection to the family mistresses the achievement, agitates a Takuji clan digs out that by the silt jamming navel, enters the surface world. 他们不甘心就这样度过背井离乡的下半生,还想着返回幽暗地域,向家族主母汇报这次地表侦查的成果,鼓动卓尔一族掘开那条被泥沙堵塞的“地脐”,进军地表世界。 Since order to realize this goal , Ares has actively been planning to return to the dark region in the half year, and draws up one seemingly feasible plan. 为了实现这一目的,这半年以来,阿瑞斯一直在积极谋划返回幽暗地域,并且拿出一套看似可行的方案。 Ares kidnapped surface elf of one crowd of life in jungle, before suffers the old enemies of these dark elves until death, dug out many information from the surface elf mouth. 阿瑞斯绑架了一群生活在丛林中的地表精灵,在把这些黑暗精灵的宿敌折磨至死之前,从地表精灵口中挖出了不少情报。 And most important one, is feudal lord Ms. Grinda in Durling township, is a consummate big sorceress, it is said also grasped the transmission magic. 其中最重要的一条,就是奎德林乡的领主格林达女士,是一位法力高强的大女巫,据说还掌握了传送魔法。 Ares knew that this news, the thoughts are flexible. 阿瑞斯得知这一消息,心思就活泛起来。 If can try to break through Grinda's castle, subdues the southern sorceress, cannot force her to use the transmission magic, and companion returns to itself the dark region? 如果可以设法攻破格林达的城堡,制伏南方女巫,不就能够强迫她施展传送魔法,把自己和同伴送回幽暗地域? Naturally, Ares did not have to challenge Grinda's degree extremely arrogantly immediately, to realize this plan, he has been arranging in the half year actively, prepares for war. 当然,阿瑞斯也还没有狂妄到立刻就去挑战格林达的程度,为了实现这一计划,这半年来他一直在积极筹备,招兵买马。 Goon who Ares recruits, is various variation spiders. 阿瑞斯招募的打手,就是各种变异蜘蛛。 As 8 levels of masters, Ares is good at domesticating and controlling the insect class especially the magic arts. 身为一位八级术士,阿瑞斯尤其擅长驯化和支配虫类的法术。 He the jungle searches for the great spider in the burrow and, domesticates own loyal subordinate them. 他在地穴和丛林中搜寻巨蜘蛛,将它们驯化成自己的忠诚部下。 Afterward also subdued one flock of ultra-large variant female spiders and phase spiders, the former can reproduce more great spiders for him, the latter is the elite assassin in spider web gulf. 后来还收服了一群超大型变种母蜘蛛和相位蜘蛛,前者可以为他繁殖更多巨蜘蛛,后者则是蛛网深坑中的精锐刺客。 Ares takes such many spiders to gather under oneself, orders their from dawn to dusk weaving a fishing net, like this in the middle of the natural gulf that the subsidence of the earth forms, constructs a huge lair, as attacking the base in Grinda castle. 阿瑞斯把如此之多的蜘蛛聚集在自己麾下,命令他们从早到晚的织网,就这样在地陷形成的天然深坑当中,构筑起一座庞大的巢穴,作为进攻格林达城堡的基地。 «Ming Dynasty First Feudal official» 《大明第一臣》 Besides his magic, Ares also has a mysterious scepter, can turn into the great insect the gnat temporarily, obeys his control. 除了自身的魔法,阿瑞斯还拥有一柄神奇的权杖,可以将小昆虫临时变成巨虫,服从他的支配。 According to the captive, Ares utilization great insect scepter, can change appropriate to endure an ordinary spider compared with the great spider . Moreover the vitality and battle efficiency, compare the ordinary great spider to be strong a big truncation. 据俘虏透露,阿瑞斯运用“巨虫权杖”,能将一只普通的蜘蛛变得体型堪比巨蜘蛛,而且生命力和战斗力,都比普通的巨蜘蛛强出一大截。 But the charm of scepter reserve is limited, cannot use this move frequently. 只不过权杖储备的魔力有限,不能频繁使用这一招。 Moreover big spider who transforms with the scepter, can only maintain some time, from now on will restore the original form. 而且用权杖转化出来的大蜘蛛,只能保持一小段时间,过后就会恢复原形。 Information that the captives provide, only then so many. 俘虏提供的情报,就只有这么多。 The iron-covered person interrogated the captive time, soared investigates this spider elf with the astrolabe while convenient, discovered he was the chaotic evil camp large-scale different strange, had at the same time insect shape subspecies and elf subspecies. 铁皮人审问俘虏的时候,高飞顺带用星盘侦查这只蛛化精灵,发现他属于混乱邪恶阵营的大型异怪,兼有“虫形亚种”和“精灵亚种”。 The spider elf has 123 HP, various attributes are: Strength 19, agile 18, physique 18, intelligence 13, sensation 16, charm 18. 蛛化精灵有123点HP,各项属性是:力量19,敏捷18,体质18,智力13,感知16,魅力18。 The when bloodline of dark elf makes his immunity sleep, the resistance attracts exempt is preponderant, is good at using the long sword, the thin sword and bow and arrow inborn, has the magic resistance, but also has sunlight is sensitive the weakness. 黑暗精灵的血统使他免疫睡眠,对抗魅惑时豁免具有优势,天生擅长使用长剑、细剑和弓箭,拥有魔法抗性,但是也具有“日光敏感”的弱点。 When the spider elf in the sufficient illumination , the attack examination and detected that the examination has the disadvantage. 当蛛化精灵处于充足的光照下,攻击检定和察觉检定具有劣势。 The lower part of the body of spider shape, provided trembling sensation and spider line and spider web traveler/ascetic and other talent special skills, a pair can secrete the venomous fang of lethargic sleep toxin. 蜘蛛形态的下身,提供了“震颤感知”、“蛛行”、“蛛网行者”等天赋特长,还有一双能够分泌昏睡毒素的毒牙。 The spider elf also grasped fight and double to hold guest and weapon to study( wields cuts)” and weapon to study( puncture)” and ability to study( toxin)” and multiple attacks and other specialties. 蛛化精灵还掌握了“战斗施法”、“双持客”、“武器专攻(挥砍)”、“武器专攻(穿刺)”、“能力专攻(毒素)”和“多重攻击”等专长。 Finally, all grown spider elves are equivalent to 7 levels of masters, learns the following talent magic arts automatically: 最后,所有成年蛛化精灵都相当于七级术士,自动习得下列天赋法术: 0 points- dance light technique, detects the camp ; 0环-舞光术,侦测阵营; 1 point- monster fire ; 一环-妖火; 2 points- dark technique, aerostation ; 二环-黑暗术,浮空术; 3 points- suggestion technique. 三环-暗示术。 ...... …… In spider web gulf lowest level, three spider elves. 在蛛网深坑最底层,还有三只蛛化精灵。 And two strengths with were soared that and the others caught almost, one, is leader Ares of spider elves. 其中两个的实力与被高飞等人捕获的这一只差不多,还有一个,就是蛛化精灵们的首领阿瑞斯。 The captives cannot provide the information about Ares, only knows that he is 8 levels of masters, is good at controlling the insect group. 俘虏没能提供更多关于阿瑞斯的情报,只知道他是一位八级术士,擅长操控虫群。 The high frisbee considers as finished, is only the background of spider elf has 7 challenge ranks, 8 master ranks...... this Ares, the synthesis challenge rank will perhaps not be lower than 11 levels again in addition, indeed is a dangerous opponent. 高飞盘算了一下,光是蛛化精灵的底子就有七个挑战等级,再加上八个术士等级……这个阿瑞斯,综合挑战等级恐怕不会低于11级,的确是一个危险的对手。 After the interrogation ended, iron-covered person Nick asked horse Yun: „Does master young lady, how handle this captive?” 审讯结束后,铁皮人尼克问马芸:“法师小姐,怎么处置这个俘虏?” horse Yun has not made up mind, Dimitri shouts. 马芸还没拿定主意,迪米特里就嚷嚷起来。 What does this have to be good to think? Your make way, making me bite the dog head of this fellow!” “这还有什么好想的?你们都闪开,让我来咬碎这家伙的狗头!” First do not impulse, friend of mine!” The scarecrow blocks the hot tempered lion hastily, „the captive confessed a moment ago, road that Ares to lair occupies, set many traps, we should not massacre him eagerly, keeps him to guide to us, so as to avoid steps on the trap.” “先别冲动,我的朋友!”稻草人连忙拦住暴躁的狮子,“刚才俘虏交代,通往阿瑞斯居住的巢穴的路上,设置了很多陷阱,我们不该急于杀掉他,留着他给咱们带路,免得踩上陷阱。” I do not trust this full belly venom the monster!” The lion shakes the head again and again, makes him guide to us, guarantees brings to come up to the dishonest means certainly! Might as well makes Jeannette continue to work as the guide!” “我才不信任这个满肚子毒液的怪物!”狮子连连摇头,“让他给咱们带路,保准带到歪路上去!还不如让珍妮特继续当向导!” „...... Embarrassed, has a matter I to talk clearly ahead of time.” Female tiger embarrassed saying, starts from here, until the lair of spider elves, I have not stepped, perhaps is unable to be competent the responsibility of guide.” “呃……不好意思,有件事我得提前说清楚。”雌虎难为情的接过话茬,“从这里开始,直到蛛化精灵们的巢穴,我都未曾涉足过,恐怕无法胜任向导的职责。” Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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