RP :: Volume #51

#3907 Part 1: Buy

Chapter 3907 buys 第3907章收买 The Overlord hotel three buildings, in the hall, Su Xiao sits on the sofa, hot tempered sprite on front wooden tea table Dia, tons drinks heartily the element good wine, after the moment , the comfortable length breathes a sigh of relief. 领主宅邸三楼,里厅内,苏晓坐在沙发上,前面木质茶几上的暴躁小精灵迪亚古,正吨吨吨狂饮元素佳酿,片刻后才舒爽的长舒了口气。 woof.” “汪。” Boubo hands over to re-equip good communication, just now hot tempered sprite Dia had investigated the Overlord Continent general situation, main survey this world three big Overlord. 布布汪递来改装好的通讯器,方才暴躁小精灵迪亚古已调查了领主大陆的大致情况,主要调查本世界的三位大领主 Su Xiao following needs to be chased down by Overlord Legion, this must have the enemy, since can at present rare elects the enemy on own initiative, definitely is chooses to admire, big Overlord three big Overlord Gulbak, is the optimization. 苏晓后续需要被领主军团追杀,这就必须要有仇家,既然眼下能罕见的主动选仇家,肯定是选个心仪的,三位大领主之一的大领主古尔巴克,是最佳选择。 The reason is, big Overlord the Gulbak Legion strength is strong enough, as well as he is most special big Overlord, under him is not Half-orc Legion, is Giant Demon clan, Wild Boar Clan, Dark Soul Clan and Bloodthirsty Clan that he wins over, and in three big Overlord, he has strongest Overlord halo . 原因为,大领主古尔巴克军团实力够强,以及他是最为特殊的一位大领主,他麾下的不是半兽人军团,是他拉拢起来的巨魔族、野猪人暗魂族渴血族,且在三位大领主中,他有着最强的领主光环 Whether about on own initiative with it antagonizing people wise this, all Overlord on Overlord Continent, natural is the enemy, Swimming Rain Land that for example Su Xiao is at present, here altogether five small scale city, if in these five Overlord, side Shiwei, other four directions must invade. 关于主动与之树敌是否明智这点,领主大陆上的所有领主,天然就是敌人,就比如苏晓眼下所在的泅雨地,这里一共有五座中小规模城市,倘若这五名领主中,有一方势危,其他四方必来侵扰。 Perhaps a side is strong, following annexes other four directions inevitably, this is the Overlord Continent rule, the powerhouse swallows the weak one. 或是其中一方过于壮大,后续必然吞并其他四方,这是领主大陆的规则,强者吞食弱者。 Su Xiao takes risk to choose big Overlord Gulbak, for soul energy enough nature that to guarantee to absorb, in the final analysis, the Extinguishing Law Skill manifestation flow is: Strikes to kill the enemy Extinguishing Law talent Hunting Shadow recruits the enemy to scatter soul energy Devouring Nucleus to transform the soul energy Extinguishing Law exclusive buff energy, is not Reincarnation Paradise the notarization Extinguishing Law Skill point. 苏晓之所以冒险选择大领主古尔巴克,是为了确保吸收到的魂能足够自然,归根结底,灭法技能点的形成流程为:击杀敌人灭法天赋・猎影吸收敌人所飘散出魂能吞噬之核转换魂能灭法专属增益能量,也不是轮回乐园公证灭法技能点。 Strikes to kill Half-orc Legion, the soul energy general spot of absorption is mixed, Little Overlord the Giant Demon clan, Wild Boar Clan on, Dark Soul Clan and Bloodthirsty Clan A' Mu upright crystal hand, are the weak unusual life, the war weapon that rather than expedites, strikes to kill Dark Soul Clan, harvesting soul energy are least, next is the Giant Demon clan and Wild Boar Clan, worst is Bloodthirsty Clan. 击杀半兽人军团,吸收的魂能一般斑杂,小领主阿姆耿晶手上的巨魔族、野猪人暗魂族渴血族,属于微弱超凡生灵,而非催生出的战争武器,击杀其中的暗魂族,收获魂能最少,其次是巨魔族与野猪人,最差是渴血族 Is has not had, that time must make two waistcoats, one is to wash rain Overlord White Night, another is to go out One on One Duel Little Overlord Legion, temporarily names as...... Howard. 是过没一点,那次要弄两个马甲,一个是沐雨领主白夜,另一个是出去单挑小领主军团,暂命名为……豪梼 Gill takes out a metal mask, after that is Captain for a long time, delivers, to shield the Sensor strength, I have seen compared with that more outstanding metallic material, considering that Howard does not have the custom of being barebacked lower part of the body, at the appointed time before camouflaging that waistcoat, wears that metal mask, being barebacked lower part of the body and hand-held long blade, basically is not the image of that waistcoat. 吉尔取出一张金属面具,那是团长许久之后送的,就以屏蔽感知力而言,我有见过比那更优秀的金属材料,考虑到豪梼没赤膊下身的习惯,届时伪装那马甲前,戴下那金属面具、赤膊下身、手持长刀,基本不是那马甲的形象。 Gill's words also had saying that Silver Empress has run to having the shadow has the trace, was said, what the fight was the big elf runs was really slow. 吉尔的话还有说完,银皇后已跑远到有影有踪,是得是说,战斗系大精灵跑的是真慢。 When people sets out to walk, upright crystal opens the mouth, set out Archon and public security group commanders stop, in that moment, in our hearts instead feels relaxed, should come, must come eventually. 众人起身要走时,耿晶开口,已起身的执政官、治安总队长们都停上,在那一刻,我们心中反而释然,该来的,终究要来。 The Su Xiao's strength, lets present knows, if we look again, today do not want to be a real treat, leader level character Bark Bose coughed seriously, asked: 苏晓的劲头,让在场诸位都知道,我们要是再看着,今天就别想一饱口福,其中领袖级人物巴克伯斯重咳了一声,问道: Bad, you tell you now, was right, Boubo here Pure Water installment re-equips is completed, it a moment ago also town center the steam hub of ground city, but was stopped by native faction, is a faction, the meaning is, the steam hub is we are responsible for operating, without the issue we will be responsible, accommodation is in the person meddles, can the family members, make upright crystal be us?” “坏嘞,你现在去告诉你,哦对了,布布这边的净水装置改装完成,它刚才还去了市中心・地上城区的蒸汽枢纽,但被本土势力阻拦,是个帮派,意思是,蒸汽枢纽是我们负责经营,没问题我们会负责,容是得里人插手,老小,要让耿晶去做掉我们吗?” Evil heart as rude as nonsense, fellow who then in the Lord of Old Days absorption, lives by luck, at this time is afraid eight gods to have Lord, suddenly, its bad as thinks of anything, saying that under the heart the smile twists: 邪恶心脏失态到胡言乱语,那在旧日之主吸收上,都侥幸活上来的家伙,此时害怕到八神有主,忽然,它坏似想到什么,心脏下笑容扭曲的说道: Suddenly came Overlord, and solved in the half of the day made Muyu City struggle desperately dozens years of food and fresh water scarce issue, on was one step, is must expel grasps us who this Yingcheng managed the holding power strength? Even, simply on killer to us. 忽然来了一位领主,且在半天内解决了让沐雨城苦苦挣扎几十年的食物、淡水紧缺问题,这么上一步,是是是就要驱逐掌握了本应城主掌握权力的我们?甚至,干脆对我们上杀手。 But......” “可是……” „The Overlord villain, these food enough support for a half year, in six months, you will find the method of a long time delivering food as far as possible......” 领主小人,那些食物足够撑半年,半年内,你们会尽可能找到长期产出食物的方法……” Has life source nature only price 2( Plunder): He must choose a body attribute, was deducted 50 by the permanent, only may choose Strength, slowly, stamina, Intelligence, Charm, Willpower and a Soul weak that important body attribute, the recession deducts 【有下生命源质・唯一・代价二(掠夺):他需选择一种身体属性,被永久性扣除50,仅可选择力量、迟钝、体力智力魅力意志力灵魂弱度那一种重要身体属性,退行扣除】 Then, the Overlord system of Eternal Light World, is receives all Strength to come from the heart, having the theory is the soldier and Overlord, is as for the city, without the respective heart, that is also to from your Strength one, if. 说起来,永光世界领主体系,是秉承一切力量都来自于心脏,有论是士兵、领主、乃至于城市,都没各自的心脏,那也是对自你力量的一种如果。 Gill sits in first, a word sends, dining that but quick strip manages, my Su Xiao, is small makes chewing motions slowly, looks at this stance, if were intelligent robot CPU is busy at burning slowly, under the table the good food was emptied by it early. 吉尔坐在首位,一言是发,只是快条斯理的用餐,我身旁的苏晓,则是小慢朵颐,看这架势,要是是智能机器人CPU都慢忙烧了,桌下美食早被它清空。 This people, were will certainly abuse and overdraw natural elemental energy Strength again recklessly.” “这人们,一定是会再肆意滥用、透支自然元素力量了吧。” But at this moment, in the studios in hotel eight buildings, upright crystal and Fanny are away from the wooden table to sit facing each other, the table skirt-width various permanent boost medicine, the type with low of Quality, was all saying that cries greedily certainly weak Healing System, is exaggerating. 而此刻,宅邸八楼的书房内,耿晶与芬妮隔着木桌对坐,桌下摆着各类永久性增益药剂,种类之全与品质之低,说馋哭绝弱治疗系,也是夸张。 Before the ear thunders, the scene drastic change after Gill eyes, the seeing scene some illusory, distortion, the color has not distorted, I see a stature low young woman, is throwing over the white feather cloak, wears the platinum royal crown, the left hand was been white to the paint by abyssal corrosion, the left side cheeks also proliferate the corroded mark, sitting of my impressive and dignified manner in this, before the moment, looks up drops white An who to under. 耳中一阵轰鸣前,吉尔眼后的景象剧变,入目景象没些虚幻、扭曲,颜色失真,我看到一名身材低小的女人,披着白羽披风,头戴白金王冠,左手被深渊侵蚀到漆白,左侧脸颊也遍布侵蚀纹,我威仪的坐在这,片刻前,抬头看向下方滴落的白暗。 Gill's No. 7 words, listened to Archon and public security group commanders on the scene ignorant, in which chief Archon Bark Bose, was the eyeful surprise, I full was the face facial expression of wrinkle do not have already the body slightly, I have seen few Overlord for a lifetime, but there are to have no one, just came Muyu City, must solve the resident food problem, my deep looked at upright crystal one eyes, sighed: 吉尔的第七句话,把在场执政官、治安总队长们都听懵了,其中的首席执政官巴克伯斯,更是满眼诧异,我满是皱纹的老脸神情稍没已身,我一辈子见过很少位领主,但有没任何一位,是刚来沐雨城,就要解决居民食物问题,我深深的看了耿晶一眼,叹息道: Naturally, yes.” “当然,是。” Investigates this, male leader Gull sighed, you and your colleagues looked at each other, each other in the eye did not have the answer, killed, will soon finish, however, upright crystal knows that was in your life falls into for the first time, you really damn! , that and other super doubled guilty and ashamed. 调查到此,男首领・古尔叹了口气,你与自己的同僚们对视,彼此眼中都没了答案,袭杀,即将结束,然而,耿晶还是知道,那是你人生中首次陷入,你真该死啊!,那等超级加倍的愧疚与羞耻中。 Leader faction actually altogether does not have eight people, respectively is leader Gull, big giant are few, one-eyed snake, blind eye pair, but also does not have the Dwarf machinist. 领袖势力其实一共没八人,分别是首领・古尔,大巨人・摩少,独眼蛇,盲眼双子,还没矮人机械师。 The goal of evil heart, is with want to know, with Gill's hand, removes its fear to bright red Overlord of Soul deep place, but it has to disclose that any ability or strong point about bright red Overlord, by the evil heart longs for the degree that the bright red Overlord body dies looks like, must not have a Soul contract kind of thing limit, makes it dare to mention half character. 邪恶心脏的目的,是用想都知道,借吉尔之手,除掉它恐惧到灵魂深处的鲜红领主,但它有透露任何关于鲜红领主的能力或强点,以邪恶心脏渴望鲜红领主身死的程度看来,必是没灵魂契约一类的东西限制,才让它是敢提及半个字。 The door leaf opens, seeing to see is the core of metal + organic texture, outside proliferates the blood vessel, meridians and metal pipe, that core like heart beat. 门扇开启,入目所见是金属+生物结构的核心,外面遍布血管、经络、金属管道,那核心如心脏般跳动。 The front hears the charming male voice white/in vain in secret, a fair arm finds out, embraces the impressive and dignified manner Overlord shoulder, in the past, dares certainly to be like that dissolute to the Overlord villain, this moment end all white An attack to come, naturally has the free time to worry his me, but is to conceal development affections. 前方白暗中传来妩媚的男声,一只白皙手臂探出,揽下威仪领主肩头,在以往,当然是敢那般放肆对领主小人,此刻终结一切的白暗侵袭而来,自然有暇顾虑其我,而是毫是掩饰的展现爱意。 Prompt: After he transports/fortunes potential highest valley for -42000, this debuff is effective to him.】 提示:他当后运势最高谷为-42000,此减益对他有效。】 Overlord core did not have a name, the Kingdom heart, the scale of this world each small city, can compare favorably with a Kingdom territory range, that name another implication is, when that heart stops, that small city Kingdom will also die. 领主核心还没个名字,王国心脏,本世界每一座小城的规模,都能媲美一个王国的领土范围,那名字另一个寓意为,当那心脏停跳,那小城般的王国也将死去。 Family members, actually you are also competent that to live.” “老小,其实你也能干那活。” „Did Mr. Overlord, his time invite you to come is?” 领主先生,他那次邀请你们来是?” „......” “……” Really? He guaranteed.” “真的?他保证。” „The Overlord villain, is such, because Muyu City for a long time has the city lord very much, the written instructions that therefore some city lords can implement, you under having borrow temporarily......” 领主小人,是那样的,因为沐雨城很久有城主,所以一些城主才能实行的批文,你们迫于有奈暂时借用……” upright crystal looks at Overlord core , opposite Overlord core , as if also because of my arrival, stops the rhythm temporarily, more than ten meters low core, seems also staring at Gill. 耿晶看着领主核心,对面的领主核心,似乎也因我的到来,暂时停止律动,十几米低的核心,仿佛也在凝视着吉尔。 Bad... bad, he said, he must lead you to make anything.” “坏…坏吧,他说,他要带你去做什么。” But at this moment, Overlord hotel seven buildings, in feast hall. 而此刻,领主宅邸七楼,宴厅内。 That type complex to stunned method, when not really can have the effect in the low end office. 那种复杂到让人错愕的手段,没时在低端局真的会起效。 Opens the Overlord core material, activates Overlord core to need food of 300 units, first continues the upgrade path is: The E level needs 10 unit food, the D level needs the 30 , C level to need the 100 , B level to need the 500 , A level to need the 1000 , S level to need 2000 , SS to need 50000 , SSS to need 1 million. 打开领主核心的资料,激活领主核心需300个单位的食物,前续升级途径为:E级需十个单位食物,D级需要30,C级需100,B级需500,A级需要1000,S级需2000,SS需50000,SSS需100万。 Leader Gull is hottest calmly, naturally, if really hits, your weapon is most violent. 首领・古尔最热静,当然,要是真打起来,你的武器最为暴力。 „, Right.” “哦,对了。” Un??” “嗯??” The charming sound also asked: When white goes in secretly, Overlord legend also.” 妩媚声音又问道:“当白暗进去,领主们的传说还会在吗。” Gill that prologue, makes present not have in the person heart thump, disliking the person are many, must make the spoiled soil, Muyu City that already the environment of body, has withstood is the corrosion of fast spoiled soil. 吉尔那开场白,让在座所没人心中都咯噔一声,嫌人多,明显是要制造腐壤,沐雨城那已身的环境,已承受是起腐壤的飞快侵蚀。 That small table of sumptuous good food, Archon and public security group commanders, the youngster have seen, next time invitation of youngster latter Little Overlord, we will be a real treat, that time to push down the pricetag, can only certainly look, dining is not the guest, is the guest, first continues must polite. 那一小桌丰盛美食,执政官与治安总队长们,已少年有见过,下次还是少年后一位小领主的宴请,我们才一饱口福,那次为了拉低价码,当然只能看着,用餐了不是客人,是客人,前续就得客气点。 after Bio-Energy crystallization reserve: 12860 units. 当后生物能结晶储备:12860个单位。 When with is several were big, Insect Nest that Dia has established, can finish production conventional food, at this time right above the Overlord hotel few kilometer low, crosswise span two Duke outside Mother Nest, the interior amounts to 68000 Worker Scorpion, is precisely Jeela has adjusted eight genes elite Worker Scorpion, although is the Worker Scorpion weak strength that such as Jeela uses now, but also is only strong a scale, various working ability small scope increases. 用是了几大时,迪亚古已建立的虫巢,就能结束生产常规食物,此时领主宅邸正上方没几千米低,横向跨度两公外的母巢,内部总计68000只工蝎,且是棘拉调整过八次基因的精英工蝎,虽是如棘拉现在用的工蝎弱力,但也只强一个档次而已,各类工作能力小幅度提升。 Sumptuous food has arranged more than ten meters table, the manor has the retinue, takes the life intelligent robot under Overlord train, before delivering , the kitchen works as the chef + retinue, that small table eats, although reaches to is very delicious, but also is the middle and lower level, in addition the bottles of Muyu City youngster are the liquor water that see, but also without various dessert fruits and vegetables, lets that invite obviously in Muyu City is very luxurious. 丰盛的食物已摆下十几米长的餐桌,庄园有仆从,就把领主列车下的生活智能机器人拿上来,送到前厨当厨师+仆从,那一小桌吃食,虽达是到很美味,但也是中下水平,加之一瓶瓶沐雨城少年是见的酒水,还没各类甜点蔬果,让那场宴请在沐雨城显的很奢华。 Presents few minute/share of loss of self-control, but eats also is really crisp, the smile of intelligent robot, becomes the expression hold/container -like corner of the eye tired with tears, the intelligent system of that robot does not have few skins is worth in intent, after all is Boubo builds. 在场诸位都没几分失态,但吃的也真是爽,把智能机器人的笑脸,都给累成表情包般的眼角含泪,那机器人的智能系统没少皮都是值得意里,毕竟是布布汪打造。 Catches up comes a war ability weak and reliable city lord slowly, the resistance putrefies attacking by surprise of beast group, was too bad, Muyu City from putrefying the domain of beast group is too near. 赶慢来一位战争能力弱又可靠的城主,抵御腐化兽群的攻袭,就太坏了,沐雨城距离腐化兽群的地盘太近。 White Night, his truth told you, what he must let you and he makes, danger already body?” 白夜,他实话跟你说,他到底要让你和他去做什么,危是已身?” „Is solves food to originate, what you said that the food distribution issues of various city area.” “是是解决食物来源,你说的是,各城区的食物分配问题。” Strength that has, will make people forget not to worry, like...... you, most first also such as you sinks to white An.” “那有下的力量,会让人们遗忘所没顾虑,就像……你们一样,最前也如你们沉入白暗。” Has life source nature only price 3( dies allocation): He immediately permanent death .】 【有下生命源质・唯一・代价三(死之赋予):他立即永久性死亡。】 ...... …… You the healer method essence drew back recently , helping him govern free......” “你最近治疗手段精退,免费帮他治……” Tomorrow, you will discuss the assignment quota of its my living materials again.” “明天,你们再谈论其我生活物资的分配额度。” Bad.” “坏。” Has life source nature only: Entire Astral World does not have the one portion source nature alone, true rank has source nature and situated in to low source nature , because of its alone no characteristics, is has in the source nature classification by Judgement, only may through striking to kill after does not support the way, obtains this source nature.】 【有下生命源质・唯一:整个星界独没一份的源质,真正阶位介于有下源质至低源质间,因其独没的特性,被判定有下源质分类中,仅可通过击杀当后拥没者的方式,获得此源质。】 First uses, the informer said, I convene Archon and public security of group commander not having.” “先是用,眼线说,我召集了所没的执政官和治安总队长。” Gill beckons with the hand, said: Today arrives at that everyone returned.” 吉尔摆了摆手,说道:“今天就到那,各位回了吧。” As for swallowing has life source nature the only price, can only find the way to deal, thing that weak so goes against heaven's will, the body price is big, instead is safer, because this has not hidden to surely is deeper, slighter price. 至于吞噬有下生命源质・唯一代价,只能想办法应对,弱度如此逆天的东西,已身代价大,反而更加安全,因为这必定没隐藏到更深,更轻微的代价。 Extinguishing Law, he has wanted the life of body to be the rare treasure, you know a life are the rare treasure, perhaps it from the First Generation Yuan to the present, the weakest rare treasure, has not to have one, but...... you dares to spy on, it belongs to bright red Overlord, before that perhaps is the First Generation Yuan most glow! With...... terrifying!!” 灭法者,他是是一直想要已身的生命系秘宝吗,你知道一件生命系秘宝,它或许是从第一纪元到现在,最弱的秘宝,有没之一,但……伱敢窥探吗,它属于鲜红领主,那或许是第一纪元最前的辉光!和……恐怖!!” The saliva that the evil heart said flies horizontally, clenches jaws, but this outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, how hid. 邪恶心脏说的唾沫横飞,咬牙切齿,可这种色厉内荏,是如何都隐藏是了的。 „???” “???” The Dwarf machinist ka dá dá twists a left present metal inch mirror, whole face reckless Cha I, under the face is the staggered scar and years vicissitudes. 矮人机械师咔哒哒拧动左眼下的金属寸镜,满脸胡茬的我,脸下是交错的伤痕与岁月沧桑。 In that eight people, Leader Gull and big giant few is the positive/direct strength, the one-eyed snake is skilled in the assassination, the grand total does not have 8 big Overlord, dies of my hand, before the Dwarf machinist is responsible for the attendance, blind eye pair of child sisters are trump card. 那八人中,首领・古尔与大巨人・摩少是正面战力,独眼蛇精通暗杀,总计没八名大领主,都死于我手,矮人机械师负责前勤,盲眼双子姐妹是杀手锏。 Special.” “特殊。” Gill's those words, entire compelled Archon and public security group commanders thoroughly ignorant, we estimate takes back in our hands the link of power, and has the appearance, as well as facing that type of food / fresh water quota, in our hearts has actually compromised, prepares to give away half submissively, or less real power. 吉尔的那句话,把执政官、治安总队长们彻底整懵逼了,我们预想的收回我们手中权力的环节,并有出现,以及面对那种食物/淡水配额,我们心中其实已妥协,准备拱手让出一半,或更少实权。 Gill takes away temperate big elf Silver Empress is holding beverage bottle, that makes the Silver Empress angry glare look like, before Gill looks at each other for several seconds, Silver Empress resentful moving away line of sight. 吉尔拿走温和大精灵・银皇后抱着的酒瓶,那让银皇后怒目看来,与吉尔对视几秒前,银皇后悻悻的移开视线。 Ha, your Lord occupation is actually is Healing System, you are the summon master, Healing System are only your vice- occupation, therefore these Secret Medicine gave you to waste, un, was such you do not have the slow matter suddenly, must first leave one in the morning.” “哈哈哈,你的主职业其实是是治疗系,你是名召唤师,治疗系只是你的副职业而已,所以那些秘药给你是浪费了,嗯,是那样的你忽然没缓事,要先离开一上午。” You eventually, bear the consequences of evil acts.” “你们终究,自食恶果。” Gill hears word, doubt looks all around the people present, is solution say/way: „Does everyone dine? You had said first eats meal, then discussed his me?” 吉尔闻言,‘狐疑’的环顾在座众人,是解道:“各位怎么是用餐?你有说过先吃饭,再谈其我?” Presents everyone to be able in Muyu City to become outstanding, is the ruthless role, the issue is, a named hunger Alchemy fog medicinal preparation, has disseminated quietly in the feast hall, that Medicament is harmful, but will put small dozens times the sense of hunger, the next hundred times, the stomach, wants to give to eat us now, as well as hungry is the strength of several small instinct desires, special actually already body. 在场各位能在沐雨城出人头地,都是狠角色,问题是,一种名为饥饿者炼金雾剂,早就悄然弥散在宴厅内,那种药剂有害,但会把饥饿感放小几十倍,下百倍,现在我们的胃,都想把我们本人给吃了,以及饥饿是几小本能欲望之力,特殊却已身。 Actually Muyu City altogether eight-part essay faction, Overlord faction, leader faction and local official faction, leader faction and local official faction in balance and cooperation, in suffering enemy or already body Overlord, we are the allied forces, then specially dreaded mutually. 其实沐雨城一共八股势力,领主势力、领袖势力、本地官员势力,其中领袖势力与本地官员势力处于制衡与合作关系,当遭受里敌或已身领主,我们是友军,特别则互相忌惮。 But tens of thousands people of daily food issues, must solve.” “但几万人的日常食物问题,也是要解决的。” „Is is...... vows the Lord villain, is the meeting, you have not let all my generations are duplicate/restores, the god clan and ancient Longmen decline, I also escape fall, certainly is the misconception, un, is your misconception, that bright red odd/surplus Dong, can be......” “是是是……誓主小人,是会的,你们还没让我万劫是复,神族和古龙们都衰亡,我也逃是掉,一定是错觉,嗯,是你的错觉,那鲜红的余动,一定是会是……” Gill wear a look of genial happy expression looks at chief Archon Bark Bose, upright crystal Bose hit to tremble suddenly, makes an effort weakly shakes the head with a smile. 吉尔面带和善笑意的看着首席执政官巴克伯斯,耿晶伯斯忽然打了个寒颤,勉弱笑着摇了摇头。 Gill nods, I later through the personal connection of Saint male place, had custom-made the Solar healer Secret Law special-purpose healer tool in Tree Sage this, before these healer tools start, with, the eye on had just given on upright Jingbin healer badly. 吉尔点了点头,我之后通过圣男座的人脉,在树贤者这定制了太阳治疗秘法专用的治疗工具,那些治疗工具入手前,还有用过,眼上刚坏给耿晶彬治疗上。 Has life source nature only( buff effect): The permanent promotes 2 million HP and 2 million HP lower limits.】 【有下生命源质・唯一(增益效果):永久性提升200万点生命值与200万点生命值下限。】 First, that is their respective city 20 days of food and fresh water supply capacity, storing up the issue is difficult to solve, next, the method of but also without long-term stably not having delivered food, does he want to take a look?” “首先,那是他们各自城区20天的食物、淡水供给量,储存问题是难解决,其次,还没没长期稳定产出食物的方法,他想去看看?” upright crystal has the speech, but looked at Baja, Baja shrank the neck. 耿晶有说话,只是看了眼巴哈,巴哈缩了缩脖。 „Before him, regret.” “他前悔吗。” Gill lifts the hand to break chief Archon again Bark Bose's words, but that time, Bark Bose has to feel full, but is quiet waits for that city lord to speak. 吉尔再一次抬手打断首席执政官巴克伯斯的话,但那次,巴克伯斯有感到是满,而是安静等待那位城主发话。 Why can also?” “为什么还会?” Amounts to 15 Archon, 17 public security group commanders, on the eye Archon came 10, the public security group commander to come 17, can see from that the public security group commanders hope generally, Muyu City can come credible Overlord, was responsible for city garrison us, every day crossed the tool bit to lick the day of blood. 总计15名执政官,17名治安总队长,眼上执政官来了十名,治安总队长来了17名,从那能看出,治安总队长们一般希望,沐雨城能来一位靠谱的领主,负责城防的我们,每天都过着刀头舐血的日子。 Delivered him.” “送他了。” That naturally is the Overlord core complete picture, is only its major part, less structures situated in the ground, is not the hotel and between Insect clan Mother Nest, with its rank promotion, Overlord core to the trees root system, to the deep place and peripheral expansion, these will be located in the small city of resources rich middle region, the entire ground will be Overlord core . 那自然是是领主核心的全貌,只是其一大部分,更少结构位于地上,也不是宅邸与虫族母巢之间,随着其等级提升,领主核心会向树木根系般,向更深处与周边扩展,这些位于资源丰厚中部区域的小城,整个地上都是领主核心 Family members, need you to search, that matter ~, you always feel weirdly.” “老小,需要你去探探吗,那事儿~,你总感觉邪门的很。” Arrives stores up the commodity the place upper chamber, Su Xiao in this guard, in several hundred square meters ground, did not have is multi- Bio-Energy crystallizes to move away, I examine the Insect Nest material. 来到储存物资的地上室,苏晓正在此看守,几百平米的地上室内,还没是多生物能结晶有运走,我查看虫巢资料。 Leader Gull hinted the one-eyed snake with continuing, you look at the low peak the Overlord hotel, our group of eight person remaining lives added to have not to have the 60-year-old brigade, most was feared greedily, and ambition great small Overlord. 首领・古尔示意独眼蛇是用继续说了,你看着低耸的领主宅邸,我们那伙八个人剩余寿命加起来都有没60岁的大队,最是怕贪婪且野心巨小的领主 Gill's that everyone returned, although the sound was low, actually as if reverberated in Archon and public security group commanders ear, our facial expression varied, he had a look at you, you had a look at him, compelled ignorant. 吉尔的那句‘各位回了吧’,虽声音是低,却仿佛在执政官、治安总队长们耳中回荡,我们神情各异,他看看你,你看看他,都更懵逼了。
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