RP :: Volume #51

#3901 Part 1: great marshes

Chapter 3901 great marshes 第3901章大沼泽 Although Fanny does not know that must have anything, but in her heart is very hurried, may change mind thinks, in her heart is also steadfast, the reason does not have him, the opposite party is Hunter, how regardless to say, with the method like Offender like that, she will be definitely unhurried. 芬妮虽不知道要发生什么,但她心中很慌,可转念一想,她心中又踏实下来,原因无他,对方是猎杀者,无论怎么说,用出的手段肯定不会像违规者那般,这样的话,她就不慌了。 If some Offender know that the idea of Fanny, definitely suppresses can not smile to make noise , indicating, with you with team operational level, 90% Offender must distribute the cigarettes to politely call a big shot respectfully. 倘若有违规者知道芬妮的想法,肯定是强忍着才能不笑出声,并表示,就和你同队这位的操作水平,90%的违规者都得恭敬递烟尊称一声大佬。 Su Xiao presses down Skill Promotion Warehouse single-handed, attempts its income to individual storage space, his individual storage space has obtained level + 1, who knows, is still unable to gather this Skill Promotion Warehouse. 苏晓单手按上技能升级仓,尝试将其收入到个人储存空间,他的个人储存空间得到过位阶,可谁知,依然无法收取这技能升级仓 Let A' Mu lift this Skill Promotion Warehouse, the big hand of A' Mu covers bottom of the edge, the riveting full strength tries to lift this Skill Promotion Warehouse, result its ox muzzle jet to just like steam engine, has not shaken the Skill Promotion Warehouse slightest, finally can only pent up anger moo, the big hand scratches the head. 阿姆抬起这技能升级仓,阿姆的大手扣住边缘底部,铆足力气试图将这技能升级仓抬起些,结果它的牛鼻子喷气到宛如蒸汽机,也没撼动技能升级仓分毫,最后只能生闷气的哞一声,大手挠头。 Sees this, Su Xiao summoned the Overlord train, bellow from far to near, after several seconds, hit to put on the wall of main hall, stopped outside the secret room, he first built Transmission on Skill Promotion Warehouse, later entered to the train, received the thing of latter compartment bedroom right half area, built a good Transmission activation. 见此,苏晓召唤领主列车,轰鸣声由远到近,几秒后撞穿大殿的墙壁,停在密室外,他先是在技能升级仓上布设传送阵,之后进入到列车内,把后车厢卧室右半区的东西都收起,布设好传送阵激活。 Thump! 咚! From although short, but this is Extinguishing Law Transmission , shocks the feeling as before, this being away from several meters Fanny, startled withdraws half step, she muttered: Good uncouthly Transmission, is not used for the Transmission person luckily.” 距离虽短,可这是灭法传送,震撼感依旧,这把距离几米的芬妮,惊的退后半步,她喃喃道:“好粗鲁的传送,幸好不是用来传送人。” Hears this word, Baja looks like, on face reappearing meaningful smile. 听到她此言,巴哈看来,脸上浮现意味深长的笑容。 Skill Promotion Warehouse occupied bedroom many area, was good because of present Overlord row of today we are no longer as we have been, the area promoted 20 under the space Arte addition, in the train bedroom, Su Xiao determined after this Skill Promotion Warehouse did not have the issue, the attribute that examined the Overlord train, the constantly speed of train from 30 reduced to 16, obviously this Skill Promotion Warehouse weight. 技能升级仓占据了卧室不少面积,好在眼下的领主列今非昔比,面积在空间术式的加成下提升了20,列车卧室内,苏晓确定这台技能升级仓没问题后,查看领主列车的属性,列车的常时速度从30降低到16,可见这技能升级仓的重量。 Controls the Overlord train to be hidden alternate space, Su Xiao walks toward the main hall, just went out, discovered that outside the palace the place is the royal palace guard, new high-rank sending soul clan. Wogeshen half step goes forward, the pulling down sound of eye of reveal embarrassment said: 操控领主列车隐没到异空间,苏晓向大殿外走去,刚出门,发现殿外之处皆是王宫侍卫,新上位的寄魂族・格.沃戈什快步上前,目露难色的压低声音道: This...... Sir, about opening outer brake matter of Dashuiyuan, we encountered some hindrance.” “这位……大人,关于打开大水源的外闸这件事,我们遇到了些阻碍。” Speaking of this, standard. Wogeshen sighed, does not dare with Su Xiao looking at each other, he to order the guard who scattered this place again, the guards hesitant, finally chose to obey this new leader's order. 说到这,格.沃戈什叹了口气,不敢再与苏晓对视,他下令驱散此地的侍卫,侍卫们犹豫了下,最终选择听从这新领袖的命令。 This lets. Wogeshen smiled bitterly, vague expression, he although now says the plant clan leader, but the guards are not convinced, let alone these occupy when the capital many years, relates the complicate powerful officials, three elders are alive, situated in keeps in balance the relations with these powerful officials mutually. 这让格.沃戈什苦笑了下,隐晦的表示,他现在虽自称植物族领袖,可就连侍卫们都不太心服,更别说那些盘踞在王都多年,关系盘根错节的权贵们,三长者在世时,都是与这些权贵处于互相制衡关系。 Mentioned listens, what hindered?” “说来听听,什么阻碍?” Hears Su Xiao this word, the standard. Wogeshen relaxes, hesitant under said: Is this, I want to open the city center immediately the Dashuiyuan main valve, actually encounters impediments of five big royal family families, they said, said......” 听到苏晓此言,格.沃戈什松了口气,犹豫了下说道:“是这样的,我原本想立刻去打开城中心的大水源主阀,却遭到五大王室家族的阻止,他们说,说……” Word to here, standard. Wogeshen does not dare to continue, the follow-up words are very coarse. 言到此处,格.沃戈什不敢继续说,后续的话很难听。 Un, my comprehension your difficulty.” “嗯,我理解你的难处。” Su Xiao's is moderate, but the next second, crystal shortsword constructs in his hands instantaneously, has wiped the standard. Wogeshen throat neck, standard. Wogeshen is some strengths, but is away from Su Xiao such near at present, above in addition my comprehension your difficulty , standard. Opportunity that Wogeshen simply has not responded, he grasps to spurt the throat of blood single-handed, draws back several strides continually, the bloodstained index finger lifts trembling directional Su Xiao. 苏晓的语气平和,但下一秒,晶体短刀在他手中瞬间构建,抹过格.沃戈什的喉颈,格.沃戈什是有些实力的,但眼下距离苏晓如此之近,加之上一句还是理解你的难处,格.沃戈什根本没反应的机会,他单手握上喷血的喉咙,连退几大步,染血食指抬起颤巍巍的指向苏晓 By square. Wogeshen body and spirit, a blade breaks throat being insufficient to make his body die, but the wound of throat neck suppressed his self-recovery strength, what is more fearful, his source vitality flows with the blood, this makes him pass one to fall to the ground, he has not thought until death why the opposite party so executes him decisively. 以格.沃戈什的体魄,一刀断喉不足以让他身死,可喉颈的伤口压制了他的自愈力,更可怕的是,他的本源生命力随着鲜血流淌出,这让他噗通一声倒地,至死他都没想到,对方为何如此果断的格杀他。 square. Wogeshen goal is actually not difficult to judge, nothing but after is the high-rank , the foundation is not steady, wants to remove several royal family families with the aid of Su Xiao, backing off shocks it. 格.沃戈什的目的其实不难判断,无非是上位后根基不稳,想借助苏晓除掉几个王室家族,退而求其次是震慑之。 square. Wogeshen died is misjudging the situation, Su Xiao also treated about ten days in this world, when contest's second round of start, he by Transmission to Overlord Continent , if Plant Kingdom Yagova was the appetizer, Overlord Continent is the full meal. 格.沃戈什死在错判了局势,苏晓在本世界也就待十天左右,等到争夺战第二轮开始,他会被传送领主大陆,如果说植物王国亚戈瓦是开胃菜,领主大陆才是正餐。 Thunders from the royal palace antecourt transmits, here situation starts subtly, Su Xiao has not paid attention to this, after he moves toward the garden, in the way very long forests the alley, prepared to have in the city wall from the royal palace rear gate, what has saying that City Guardian Army of inner city tall wall was very fierce, several hundred people of scales, facing Su Xiao that and the others without written instructions must go out of town, immediately acted. 一声轰鸣从王宫前殿传来,这里的局势开始微妙,苏晓没理会这点,他走向后庭院,途径很长的林间小路,准备从王宫侧后门出了内城墙,不得不说的是,内城高墙的城卫军很勇猛,几百人的规模,面对无批文要出城的苏晓等人,当即出手。 The grey cloud blocks from Solar, in Chengmendong, on the face contaminates Star Star bloodstain Su Xiao, pulls out the long blade from a short treeman side neck, after flinging the dark blue bloodstain on throwing knife, he looks to sidewall Mark, is different from the pictographic seal emblem of plant clan, this Mark overall circular, the interior looks like a magnificent royal crown. 灰云遮住太阳,城门洞内,脸上沾染点点血迹的苏晓,从一名矮树人侧颈抽出长刀,甩飞刀上的深蓝色血迹后,他看向侧壁的一枚印记,不同于植物族的象形印徽,这印记整体圆形,内部酷似一枚华丽王冠。 Sees this Mark, the Su Xiao's pupil narrows several points, he in the Eternal Light World vestige area, has seen the appearance and this similar Mark, this is...... Overlord Mark. 看到这印记,苏晓的眸子眯起几分,他在永光世界的遗迹区,见过模样和这类似的印记,这是……领主印记 In addition, Su Xiao also discovers a point, guards high-level city gate the imperial guard in this, the battle efficiency, is the fighting will, ends to explode the royal palace guards, if former's comprehensive strength is 5000, the latter most is 8 ~ 10, a more important point is, several hundred imperial guards, achieved over 90 until the dying in battle quantity, they started to retreat, the death quantity achieved 95 to present a case to retreat. 除此之外,苏晓还发现一点,把守在这内高层城门的禁卫军,无论是战斗力,还是战斗意志,都完爆王宫侍卫们,如果说前者的综合战力是5000,后者最多是8~10,更为重要的一点是,几百名禁卫军,直到战死数量达到90以上,他们才开始退却,死亡数量达到95才出现个例溃逃。 A more essential point is, these City Guardian Army are mastering a special capability, their individual strengths when Ninth Order upstream degree , but when they work as one to fight, their individual all-round strengths increase Ninth Order Absolute Powerhouse. 更关键的一点是,这些城卫军掌握着一种特殊能力,他们的个体实力在九阶上游程度,可当他们齐心协力战斗时,他们的个体综合实力攀升到九阶~绝强之间。 What is more marvelous than this, after having the casualty, other surplus imperial guards, will receive Soul Strength in addition of dead allied force to hold, thus gets tempered by fighting. 比这更奇妙的是,当出现死伤后,剩余的其他禁卫军,会受到死去友军的灵魂力量加持,从而愈战愈强。 If this type of regiment unit is over 5000, matter starts the trouble, its strength has increasing of two stages, is stronger than the beforehand Warlord effect, when this type of regiment unit is over 50,000, must very prudent dealing, over 100,000, once in this regiment provides the trapped/sleepy enemy class with against enemy escapes from class the elite unit, matter is very troublesome. 倘若这种军团单位超过5000名,事情就开始麻烦,其战力有两个阶段的攀升,比以前战争领主的效果更强,而当这种军团单位超过5万名,就要很慎重的应对,超过10万名的话,一旦这军团内配备困敌类与防敌人逃脱类的精英单位,事情就特别麻烦。 Goes out from the broken city gate, the street outside royal palace is very lonely, burnt taste after combustion disseminates to come, Su Xiao walks in the main street, leads the way half kilometer, the front street vanishes, turns into the inland river, the inland river both sides are the tall building construct, while a small wooden boat, the group closes up to Dashuiyuan. 从残破的城门内走出,王宫外的街道很冷清,一股燃烧后的焦糊味弥散而来,苏晓走在主街,前行半公里,前方的街道消失,变成内河,内河两侧是高楼建筑,乘上艘小木船,一行人向大水源靠拢。 Overlooks capital from the sky, will discover that the central area of this city looks like a lake, has an island in this lake center, in the island is setting up stone columns, is these has in valve of seal characteristics, surrounded the water discharge of Dashuiyuan, the water discharge is restricted, naturally very difficult manifestation rivers, thus spreads to the south region, lets be called the rain half beast tribe territory, withers the drought to the vegetation. 从上空俯瞰王都,会发现这座城市的中心区酷似一片湖泊,在这湖泊中心有座小岛,岛上立着一根根石柱,就是这些有封印特性的内阀,困住了大水源的出水量,出水量受限,自然很难形成河流,从而蔓延到南部区域,让原本被称为雨地的半兽部落领地,干旱到草木枯萎。 Bang! 轰! A' Mu chops a seal stone column with the bloodthirsty battle axe, this makes the island center springhead the water fluid spread, when all seal stone columns were destroyed, this central island was submerged at the visible speed, now overlooks capital from the sky, will discover that here actually does not have the street, but is inland rivers, originally towering tall building, after the water level rises, shows the ample flow capital original beautiful scene. 阿姆以嗜血战斧劈断一根封印石柱,这让岛中心泉源的水液蔓延,当所有封印石柱被破坏,这座中心岛以肉眼可见的速度被淹没,现在从上空俯瞰王都,会发现这里其实没有街道,而是一条条内河,原本突兀的高大建筑,在水位升高后,展现出丰水王都原有的美景。 Boubo, A' Mu and Baja sneak to Dashuiyuan in collect water of Root of Beginning, Su Xiao sit on the water surface, soon, the aquatic animal of seeming Slime pokes head in the water surface, their curious sizing up Su Xiao, but the next quarter, they gather suddenly in the same place, constitutes a huge water fluid beast of prey, is launching the huge mouth and fang to Su Xiao. 布布汪阿姆巴哈都潜入到大水源内收集始源之水,苏晓坐在水面上,不多时,一个个好似史莱姆的水生物在水面探出头,它们好奇的打量苏晓,但下一刻,它们骤然聚拢在一起,构成一只庞大的水液猛兽,对着苏晓展开巨口与獠牙。 A bloody aura big hand constitutes in Su Xiao behind, is being one compels to fight to the water fluid beast of prey greatly, pulls out the water fluid beast of prey at the scene explodes, changes into hurries to the headless fly aquatic animals, they actually do not have the aggressivity, is the character comparison skin, otherwise, just now greets their is the bloody aura eruption corrodes, rather than compels to fight greatly. 一只血气大手在苏晓身后构成,对着水液猛兽就是一记大逼斗,把水液猛兽当场抽爆,重新化为慌忙到无头苍蝇般的水生物们,它们其实没攻击性,就是性格比较皮,否则的话,方才迎接它们的就是血气爆发侵蚀,而非一个大逼斗。 „,......” “乌古、乌古……” The aquatic animals send out, cry, what is interesting, they are studying the Human Race appearance unexpectedly, kneels to hold to Su Xiao, bows the head in greeting, obvious from now on the appearance that will follow Su Xiao to mix. 水生物们发出乌古、乌古的叫声,非常有趣的是,它们竟学着人族的模样,对苏晓跪扶,纳头便拜,显然一副今后跟着苏晓混的模样。 Regarding this, Su Xiao's bloody aura to the peripheral impact, to/clashes the aquatic animal that these moe dull flies, he does not want to work as these aquatic animals Boss , to continue to rise dramatically the story that through the Soul big book stacks by him, naturally knows these is anything, these little fellow named aquatic spirits, are no bad thoughts, but looks for trouble inborn. 对此,苏晓的血气向周边冲击,把这些呆萌的水生物都冲飞,他可不想当这些水生物的老大,以他通过灵魂大书库持续飙升的阅历,当然知晓这些是什么,这些小家伙名为水生之灵,属于没什么坏心思,但天生招灾惹祸。 Some many different lifeform like swallowing them, regarding inundating blind, without the desire different lifeform, swallows the aquatic spirit unique taste, is the good experience, therefore, the aquatic spirit also has the alias of different lifeform receiver, for they were not swallowed, was stranded in the darkness many years, especially likes following great strength. 有不少异生物喜欢吞掉它们,对于漫无目的,没有欲望的异生物来讲,吞掉水生之灵独特的口感,是不错的体验,也因此,水生之灵还有个异生物接收器的别名,它们为了不被吞,被困在黑暗中很多年,特别喜欢追随强大者。 Then, by great strength who these aquatic spirits send off, should result in three figures, if in ordinary, Su Xiao is interested in making them follow, after all strikes to kill the different lifeform also to have the income, at present is fighting the contest , without the time to manage them. 说起来,被这些水生之灵送走的强大者,应该得有三位数了,倘若在平常,苏晓有兴趣让它们跟着,毕竟击杀异生物也是有收益的,眼下正在打争夺战,没时间理它们。 The journey of strengthen is so, can always meet interesting is actually above the situation of expectation, or next second of life, always unknown and irony of fate, even if strongest divination department , can only spy on one in trillion possibility. 变强的旅程就是如此,总是能遇到有趣却超乎预料的情况,或者说,人生的下一秒,总是充满未知和奇缘,哪怕最强的占卜系,也只能窥探到亿万种可能中的一种而已。 You have completed to post a reward 1 the road of redemption: Successfully removes the fetter of Dashuiyuan.】 【你已完成悬赏一・救赎之路:成功解除大水源的束缚。】 Because of Hunting List Blood Contract multiple posts a reward + to post a reward to supplement and correct, you will obtain the total value are 4000 ounces Spacetime Energy reward.】 【因猎杀名单血契的多倍悬赏+悬赏补正,你将获得总价值为4000盎司时空之力的悬赏金。】 You obtain Spacetime Stone fragment 280( this is equivalent, may sell to Reincarnation Paradise at any time, obtains 2800 ounces Spacetime Energy).】 【你获得时空石碎片280(此为等价物,可随时出售给轮回乐园,获得2800盎司时空之力)。】 You obtain the miracle resin( this item in this Judgement, is equal to 1200 ounces Spacetime Energy value).】 【你获得奇迹树脂(此物品在本次判定中,等同于1200盎司时空之力的价值)。】 ...... …… Marvelous resin 【奇迹树脂】 Origin : First Generation Yuan being aloof Ancient Dragon Nation Eber Yath. 产地:第一纪元超脱之界・古龙国度埃伯亚思 Quality: Eternal Level. 品质:永恒级 Type: buff strengthens item. 类型:增益强化物品 Effect: After its heating, changes into the liquid, must promote the scroll immersion to be one of them, may this scroll promotion to Eternal Level( this item, is unable to promote Skill Scroll). 效果:将其加热后化为液体,把所需提升卷轴浸泡在其中,可将此卷轴提升至永恒级(此物品,无法提升技能卷轴)。 Grading: 6000 points( Eternal Level item Grading is 3000 ~ 6000 points). 评分:6000点(永恒级物品评分为3000~6000点)。 Synopsis: Vanished rare strange thing, after this congealment, just like the resin of gold, is the Eber Yath dragon blood apostles final honor. 简介:已绝迹的罕有奇物,这凝结后犹如黄金的树脂,是埃伯亚思龙血使徒们最后的荣光。 Selling price: 10500 Soul coin. 售价:10500枚灵魂钱币 ...... …… This thing is very good, but wants to display its maximum value, is definitely used to promote Skill Scroll, this thing is unable to promote Skill Scroll, this issue, Su Xiao also really has the means solution, he takes out to obtain for a long time scroll, after the Alchemy appliance miracle resin heats up, this scroll immersion is one of them, the scroll just submerged the liquid resin, its fast absorption. 这东西很不错,但想发挥出其最大价值,肯定是用来提升技能卷轴,偏偏这东西又无法提升技能卷轴,这问题,苏晓还真就有办法解决,他取出枚获得已久的卷轴,用炼金器具把奇迹树脂加热后,将这卷轴浸泡在其中,卷轴刚没入液态树脂,就将其快速吸收。 Sealed Scroll does not have 封印卷轴・无】 Origin : Reincarnation Paradise 产地:轮回乐园 Quality: Eternal Level 品质:永恒级 Type: Sealed Scroll. 类型:封印卷轴 Effect: After striking kills the enemy, may use this scroll to strip the one ability of enemy, conducts the seal, after the seal, this/should scroll the permanent transformation is Skill Scroll , has ability, is the seal ability. 效果:击杀敌人后,可使用此卷轴剥离敌人的一种能力,进行封印,封印后,该卷轴将永久性转变为技能卷轴,所拥有能力,即为所封印能力。 Prompt: The seal most high grade level ability is the Supreme Powerhouse level under echelon. 提示:封印最高等级能力为至强级・中下梯队。 Prompt: The seal ability must consume 1.2 million HP, 100,000 Mana, such as HP / Mana is lower than this request, use this scroll, will have the high probability to cause the vitality to dry up forcefully to perish. 提示:封印能力需消耗120万点生命值,10万点法力值,如生命值/法力值低于此要求,强行使用此卷轴,将有高概率导致生命力枯竭而亡。 Grading: 5999 points( Eternal Level item Grading is 3000 ~ 6000 points) 评分:5999点(永恒级物品评分为3000~6000点) Synopsis: Unbelievable, has this grade of pinnacle potential unexpectedly. 简介:难以置信,竟有这等极致潜力。 ...... …… This Sealed Scroll does not have, It is not Su Xiao does not hate to use up, is really no opportunity, before he Sealed Scroll does not have Promotes Mythical, but the seal ability maximum upper limit is Sixth Order, when he arrived at Seventh Order, is very difficult to use, therefore retains now. 这【封印卷轴・无】,并非苏晓舍不得用掉,是真没什么机会,之前他把【封印卷轴・无】提升到史诗级,但封印能力最高上限为六阶,等他到了七阶,就很难用到,所以保留到现在。 Su Xiao felt, this time uses up Sealed Scroll does not have The golden opportunity, enters the Daybreak ruins after particularly, meets the auxiliary ability that powerful is also in sole possession. 苏晓感觉,这次是用掉【封印卷轴・无】的绝佳机会,尤其是进入曙光废墟后,遇到强大又独有的辅助型能力。 Has obtained three Broken Origin inspection to Hunter, your war mission will activate.】 检核猎杀者已获得三块破碎本源,你的本次战争任务将激活。】 War mission the battle of Absolute Powerhouse.】 【战争任务绝强之役。】 Difficulty Level: Auto-adapted. 难度等级:自适应。 mission step ( 1 ): At least obtains together Broken Origin . 任务梯阶(一):至少获得一块破碎本源 Mission Reward: Does not have. 任务奖励:无。 mission step ( 2 ): Obtains over three Broken Origin , and had the final stage to finish. 任务梯阶(二):获得三块以上破碎本源,并持有到最终阶段结束。 Mission Reward: Ordinary commodity box 1. 任务奖励:普通物资箱一枚。 mission step ( 3 ): Obtains over five Broken Origin , and had the final stage to finish. 任务梯阶(三):获得五块以上破碎本源,并持有到最终阶段结束。 Mission Reward: Rare commodity box 3. 任务奖励:稀有物资箱三枚。 mission step ( 4 ): Obtains over ten Broken Origin , and had the final stage to finish. 任务梯阶(四):获得十块以上破碎本源,并持有到最终阶段结束。 Mission Reward: Revelation commodity box 1. 任务奖励:天启物资箱一枚。 mission step ( 5 ): Obtains 26 Broken Origin , and had the final stage to finish. 任务梯阶(五):获得二十六块破碎本源,并持有到最终阶段结束。 Mission Reward: After revelation commodity box 5, shelter treasure box 1( opening, obtains Revelation Paradise to be in sole possession of most high grade level asylum class item of output surely), revelation glorious badge( when wears Revelation Paradise the Skill Promotion Warehouse working costs reduce 20). 任务奖励:天启物资箱五枚、庇护宝箱一(开启后,必定获得一件天启乐园独有产出的最高等级庇护类道具)、天启・荣耀徽章(佩戴时天启乐园技能升级仓的使用费用降低20)。 Prompt: inspection to you for Reincarnation Paradise Hunter, you may this revelation the glorious badge sell, obtains 5 million Soul coin immediately. 提示:检核到你为轮回乐园猎杀者,你可将此天启・荣耀徽章出售,立即获得500万枚灵魂钱币 Mission Time Limit: Before this contest ended . 任务期限:本次争夺战结束前。 mission penalty: After completing the mission step ( 1 ), this/should mission does not have penalty. 任务惩罚:完成任务梯阶(一)后,该任务惩罚 Failure penalty: If before this World Snatching War finished, has not achieved the mission step ( 1 ), the entire Attribute -8, following three world progress income deductions 20. 失败惩罚:如本次世界争夺战结束前,未达成任务梯阶(一),将全属性-八,后续三个世界进度收益扣除20。 ...... …… Before seeing bottommost mission penalty and failure penalty, Su Xiao thinks that this mission fills up the topic, from the mission step ( 1 ), has filled in the mission step ( 5 ), is achieves, now looks like, this unexpectedly is the choice question, and Difficulty is very low, words that altogether 50 Broken Origin , cannot seize together, unavoidably seems odd. 在看到最下面的任务惩罚与失败惩罚前,苏晓认为这任务是填空题,从任务梯阶(一),一直填到任务梯阶(五),才算达成,现在看来,这居然是个选择题,且难度很低,一共50块破碎本源,一块都夺不到的话,难免显得离谱。 That the mission step ( 1 ), does not request to have this Broken Origin to arrive finally, after is seizes, has even if some time completes mission, even if following were robbed, still represents diligently, Revelation Paradise does not have penalty. 加之任务梯阶(一),并不要求持有这块破碎本源到最后,是夺到后,持有一段时间就算完成任务,哪怕后续被抢走,也代表努力过,天启乐园就没惩罚 ...... …… Rain place, east in half beast tribe Great Assembling Ground grey forest. 雨地,半兽部落大聚地东侧的灰森林内。 Enters this forest to feel that arrived at the giant state, each great tree towers in the world, the vine winds like the hanging bridge, various parasitic plants grows on these great trees, manifestation strange harmonious ecological structure. 走进这片森林会感觉来到了巨人国度,每棵巨树都耸立在天地间,藤蔓盘结的如同吊桥,各类寄生植物生长在这些巨树上,形成奇异又和谐的生态结构。 Past in the lively forests, at this time very quiet , on a great tree that lost plant to drop down, or stands or sits several people, including the attire strange black demon young fatty, just like mummy's bandage male, occupied Platinum Apostle of eyeglasses governing elder sister body, as well as wore the pale Purple long skirt, has the moon/month witch of full silver long hair, her gentle makings, making one look askance one after another. 昔日热闹的林间,此时很安静,一棵枯死倒下的巨树上,或站或坐着几个人,其中有装束奇异的黑魔小胖子,宛如木乃伊的绷带男,占据眼镜御姐身体的白金使徒,以及身穿淡紫色长裙,有着满头银色长发的月巫,她温婉的气质,让人不禁接连侧目。 On the losing plant great tree front open area, one over 3 meters in height, being barebacked upper body, the lion sends to hang loose crazily after behind man, is knitting the brows to look at the front several people. 位于枯死巨树前方的空地上,一名身高3米以上,赤膊上身,狮子般狂发披散在身后的男人,正皱眉看着前方的几人。 This is Howard, although he has the tall and strong feeling, but is not the unwieldiness of muscle strong man, is the powerful tall and strong coordinated feeling, as if his present body proportion, is this build pinnacle Strength and speed manifests. 这正是豪梼,他虽有魁梧感,但并非肌肉猛男的笨重,是强大的魁梧协调感,仿佛他现在的身体比例,就是这个体型的极致力量、速度体现。 Five, your tracking my 3 days, even if I am Offender, does not use such rigid, moreover I am Reincarnation Paradise Offender, should be Hunter chases down me, White Night has not come, your five brothers so should not be positive.” “五位,你们追踪了我三天,就算我是违规者,也不用这么执着吧,况且我是轮回乐园违规者,应该是猎杀者追杀我,白夜都没来,你们五兄弟就别这么积极。” Howard has not imagined like that overbearing, instead is the tone slightly feels reluctantly. 豪梼没想象中那般霸道,反而是语气略感无奈。 Opposite five brothers have not opened the mouth, they five are dressing in average the knight armor, the place of difference lies in the weapon, knight Boss has the great sword, the knight second child holds to grasp long great bent/tune blade, the knight third child both hands great hammer, the knight fourth child holds to grasp the great axe, the knight fifth child great round shield. 对面的五兄弟都没开口,他们五人均穿戴着骑士铠甲,差别之处在于武器,骑士老大持有巨剑,骑士老二持握长柄巨曲刀,骑士老三双手巨锤,骑士老四持握巨斧,骑士老五巨圆盾。 This is of Cavaliers Watcher Paradise two squads, these five brothers are very dedicated to the heavy weapon, such as their working styles. 这正是守望乐园两个小队之一的骑士队,这五兄弟对重武器很执着,亦如他们的做事风格。 Howard, we will not help, even if you were defeated dead, we will only see a play.” 豪梼,我们是不会帮忙的,哪怕你落败身亡,我们都只会看戏哦。” Sits the moon/month witch opens the mouth on dead tree, hears this saying, Howard smiles. 坐在枯树上的月巫开口,听到这话,豪梼只是笑了笑。 If... you died, in us... some people... will replace you to fighting Cavaliers.” “如果…你死了,我们中…会有人…接替你对战骑士队。” The black demon small fatty opens the mouth, the present is the young fatty is leading this body obviously, why as for still in the Offender squad, things have gotten to this point, the faction aspect, his impossible makes the choice again. 黑魔小胖子开口,可见现在是小胖子在主导这具身体,至于为何还在违规者小队,事已至此,阵营方面,他没可能再做出选择。
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