ROTO :: Volume #8

#254: The love of magician

1st, the Qigong Grandmaster...... Teacher Wu put on the ice-cold hand to beat by Capital City, she is somewhat cannot think through, how oneself become the legendary character Suet Nei's doctor who the world song world's first queen and musical world myth had, that casual merit, several million US dollars come in waves, what without thinking was how this matter to alarm, even if revealed once was the qigong master of some former state leader, that surnamed He is calling, evidently oneself were not lady's words, suffer several boxes on the ear on must the overhead, this surnamed He, basic the magnificent personal history of genuine and fake will not be serious, before, Even certain mayor governors, have to be fooled by oneself. In the luxurious living room in wonderful mountain villa, looks thinly, actually was still that brilliant Suet Nei, Tang leisurely aerobic and funny, complained: How you do, how what letter/believes? Qigong thing, I am not clear, do you dare to find a person to see a doctor casually?” Just like putting on white Shaqun the clear angel, the Suet Nei state of mind is actually good, said: Qigong, will the mysterious therapy of your country, how deceive people?” Her Chinese was to say mindful incomparable, was actually the standard Beijing accent, the level beautiful woman of gold and greens eye speaks the Beijing accent Chinese faintly, really has a flavor, moreover her sound that interesting to listen, just like Tiansu, making one to listen unable to forget for a lifetime. Tang leisurely helpless shaking the head you you, how also blindly believed in that our country did come? Does this country have to be worth your superstitious thing? Let these pay homage to the person in West to know, your European and US myth worships blindly China, must scare to death a group of people.” Suet Nei chuckle, laughter making person body and mind entirely drunk of pleasant to hear, Tang is leisurely, perhaps you are right. But this country, has my superstitious thing.” In Tang is contrary to convictions to sigh gently, changes the topic, said: You said that you can't eat meal? Without the appetite? Wants me to introduce that the true Chinese medicine highly respected person does show you?” Suet Nei shakes the head, suddenly said:, I, I was a little hungry! ” Tang is startled leisurely, is somewhat difficult, immediately said: That, I give under you plate stuffed dumpling.”, Good. ” Suet Nei smiled happily. When the stuffed dumpling, looks at Suet Nei to wolf down, Tang Yi cannot feel the mind, said: „Can your Western stomachs eat the authentic Chinese stuffed dumpling? Your this sickness......” is speaking, Tang is startled leisurely suddenly again, deeply looked at Suet Nei one eyes, no longer said., Has the garlic? ” Suet Nei raised the head suddenly, pitiful asking. Tang Qun aerobic and funny, reprimanded: Aunt maternal home, eats what garlic, was ill-smelling!”, I, I have not eaten, eats the stuffed dumpling not to want the garlic? Listened to your good. ” Suet Nei pitiful lowers the head to continue to eliminate the stuffed dumpling in plate. Orders the vinegar.” Tang took up hold Cu the bottle to eat in the small dish to Suet Nei leisurely but actually a point, said:, Selects vinegar, will not be greasy. ”, Is jealous? ” Suet Nei stayed, giggle smiles tenderly: Chinese is quite strange, I have wanted to ask, is jealous this literary reference real?” The miasma smiles leisurely, said: „The lot of years ago matters, who knows?” Suet Nei nods, ate on the heart dipping vinegar cautiously. Looks at Suet Nei, Tang carried the teacup leisurely slowly, blows tea aroma that under hiked up, immediately puts down, thinks saying: „Haven't you, made the boyfriend?” Suet Nei holds half stuffed dumpling, the nod ambiguous say/way: No, or do you use the magic to change one to come out to me?” Tang Yi said with a smile: You want to make the words of boyfriend, but also changes with me?” Suet Nei swallows the last stuffed dumpling, the mouth rinses mouth, the deep blue beautiful pupil stares at Tang to be leisurely, said with a smile lightly:, You change a Tang Yi to me, can? ” Tang leisurely again silent, looks at Suet Nei, silent the long time, Tang Yi sighed: I, want to chat with you early, Suet Nei, you know that our two are impossible. I and you speak the truth, I, am not the good man, I have the wife, lover, my not only overflowing sentiment, does not have the time and they gathers, with you, you know that my status, among us, is more impossible.” Suet Nei does wink stares at Tang to be leisurely, suddenly asked: „Do you like me?” Tang Wei stagnates, looks at the facial expression of Suet Nei that anticipation, finally has not been cruel-hearted the intestines, slight bow, said: Should be likes your? I think, without the man can not like you, but that is different, do you understand?” Suet Nei actually as if feels relieved, the smile said: I do not get married for a lifetime.” Tang is leisurely, really does not know that should say anything. Does not get married for a lifetime, doesn't make the boyfriend, the fans also likes?” Suet Nei said, could not see what hidden bitterness is sad, Tang's leisurely heart actually trembled gently. The gate was sounded gently, Tang Yi said the sound enters, what dense/woods emitted the head from the crack in a door: Elder Brother, has probably the reporter, the paparazzi nose really spirits, but they should not grasp, cannot come here.” Tang frowns leisurely slightly. what Sen understands immediately, said: „ My this finds the person to catch up with them to walk. 一,气功大师……吴老师被京城戴上冰冷的手拷的,她还是有些想不通,自己怎么就成了世界歌坛第一女王、乐坛神话般存在的传奇人物雪妮的大夫,就那么随便功,几百万美元滚滚而来,更没想到的是这件事怎么就惊动了,而且就算自己亮出了曾经是某前任国家领导人的御用气功师,还是被那姓何的吆喝着,看样子自己不是女士的话,就要当头挨几个耳刮子,这姓何的,根本不将自己真真假假的辉煌履历当回事,以前,就算某些市长省长,都有被自己唬住的呢。妙山别墅的豪华客厅里,看着骨瘦如柴,却仍是那么光彩照人的雪妮,唐逸又好气又好笑,埋怨道:“你怎么搞的,怎么什么都信?气功这东西,我都不清楚,你就敢随随便便找个人看病?”宛如穿着白纱裙的清纯天使,雪妮精神状态却是不错,笑着说:“气功啊,你们国家的神秘治疗法,怎么会骗人呢?”她的中文却是说得顺溜无比,竟然隐隐是标准的京腔,金碧眼的级美女讲京腔中文,实在是别有一番味道,而且她的声音是那么的动听,宛如天簌,叫人听了一辈子也忘不掉。唐逸无奈的摇头“你呀你,怎么还迷信起我们国家来了?这个国家有值得你迷信的东西吗?让那些膜拜西方的人知道,你这个欧美神话盲目崇拜中国,要吓死一批人。”雪妮轻笑,笑声好听的令人身心俱醉,“唐逸,也许你是对的。可是这个国家,有我迷信的东西。”唐违心里轻轻叹口气,岔开话题,说道:“你说你吃不下饭?没食欲?要不要我介绍真正的中医泰斗给你看看?”雪妮摇了摇头,突然说:,我,我有点饿了!”唐逸一怔,有些挠头,随即道:“那,我给你下盘饺子吧。”,好。”雪妮开心的笑了。当饺子上来,看着雪妮狼吞虎咽的,唐逸更是摸不着头脑,说道:“你们这些西方胃能吃得动正宗中国饺子?你这病……”说着话,唐逸突然再次怔住,深深看了雪妮一眼,就不再说。,有蒜吗?”雪妮突然抬头,可怜巴巴的问。唐逡又好气又好笑,斥道:“大姑娘家,吃什么蒜,难闻死了!”,我,我没吃过,吃饺子不是要蒜吗?听你的好了。”雪妮又“可怜巴巴”的低头继续去消灭盘里的饺子。“来点醋吧。”唐逸拿起盛醋的瓶给雪妮吃碟里倒了一点,说道:,来点醋,不会腻。”,吃醋?”雪妮呆了一下,就咯咯娇笑起来:“汉语好奇怪啊,我一直就想问,吃醋这个典故是真的吗?”瘴逸笑了笑,说:“千百年前的事,谁知道呢?”雪妮点点头,就心翼翼的蘸醋吃了起来。看着雪妮,唐逸慢慢端起了茶杯,吹了下飘起的茶香,随即又放下,想了想说道:“你,还没有交男朋友吗?”雪妮含着半个饺子,点头含糊的道:“没呢,要不你用魔术给我变一个出来?”唐逸笑道:“你想交男朋友的话,还用我变吗?”雪妮咽下最后一个饺子,口漱口,碧蓝的美丽眸子盯着唐逸,轻笑道:,你变一个唐逸给我,会不会?”唐逸再次默然,看着雪妮,沉默了半晌,唐逸叹口气道:“我,早想和你谈谈,雪妮,你知道的,我们两个不可能。我和你说实话吧,我这个人,不是好男人,我有老婆,也有情人,我不但滥情,也没时间和她们相聚,和你呢,你知道我的身份,我们之间,更加不可能。”雪妮一眨不眨的盯着唐逸,突然问道:“你喜欢不喜欢我?”唐违一滞,看着雪妮那期待的神情,终于没狠下心肠,微微点点头,说:“应该是喜欢你的吧?我想,没有男人会不喜欢你,但那是不同的,你懂吗?”雪妮却仿佛如释重负,微笑道:“那我就一辈子不嫁人。”唐逸默然,实在不知道该说些什么。“一辈子不嫁人,不交男朋友,歌迷们也都喜欢吧?”雪妮笑着说,看不出什么幽怨哀伤,唐逸的心却轻轻颤了一下。门被轻轻敲响,唐逸说了声进,何森从门缝冒出了头:“哥,好像有记者,狗仔队鼻子真灵,不过他们应该没把握,也进不来这里。”唐逸微微蹙眉。何森马上明白,说:“我这就找人赶他们走。 In the Beijing ground, Third Brother's friend, if were also possibly harassed, his what Sen did not need to see the person. You is right, I am your burden.” Suet Nei said in a soft voice. Tang hurts leisurely at heart slightly, shakes the head saying: Does not care about this.” Doesn't care?” Suet Nei stares at Tang to be leisurely. Tang nods leisurely, said: Does not care.” What do oneself care about? Tang leisurely do not know. Many years, like at this moment were not confused and paced back and forth., Said no matter how, you I will remember to the stuffed dumpling that I make forever, at that moment, is I am for a lifetime happiest. ” Suet Nei is saying in a soft voice. Tang is leisurely, called your friend, did we sing?” Suet Nei proposed suddenly full of enthusiasm. Tang leisurely nod silently. Tang leisurely friend......, in fact is what Sen, Tan, two people chatted outside in the pavilion. Although followed to record the side to experience the outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman of all forms in Tangshu, but when this world musical world legend queen takes the microphone, recorded to sing for Tangshu in Chinese «Moon Represented My Heart», Tan Xinli by an unusual mood is shocked. Suet Nei Tiansu singing sound sang is more beautiful, were many several points of exotic atmosphere. Tan can affirmed, the song that Suet Nei sings if spreads, the entire Republic musical world will vibrate, these worship the European and US musical world also to confess the fans who is a cut above others feared will be insane. But now, she is only a person sings. „ My sentiment does not move, my love is invariable, moon represents my heart......” Suet Nei is looks that Tang sang leisurely with a smile, the tears actually flowed slowly. How what Sen and Tan do not know, at heart some. In this impetuous summer, in some Capital City corner, there is a sad song. ”在北京地面上,三哥的朋友如果还可能被骚扰,那他何森也不用出去见人了。“你是对的,我就是你的累赘。”雪妮轻声的说。唐逸心里微微一疼,摇摇头道:“不在乎这个。”“不在乎吗?”雪妮盯着唐逸。唐逸点点头,说道:“不在乎。”到底自己在乎什么?唐逸自己也不知道。很多年了,都不像此刻迷茫、彷徨。,不管怎么说,你给我煮的饺子我会永远记住,那一刻,是我一辈子最开心的。”雪妮轻声的说着。“唐逸,把你的朋友叫进来,咱们唱歌吧?”雪妮突然兴致勃勃的提议。唐逸默默的点头。唐逸的“朋友……,实际上不过是何森、谭二人,两人在外面凉亭里聊天呢。虽然跟在唐书记身边见识了形形色色的绝色美女,但当这位世界乐坛传奇女王拿着话筒,用中文为唐书记演唱《月亮代表我的心》时,谭心里还是被一种异样的情怀所震撼。雪妮天簌般的歌声比原唱更美,多了几分异国情调。谭可以肯定,雪妮翻唱的这歌如果流传出去,整个共和国乐坛都会为之震动,那些崇拜欧美乐坛随之自认高人一等的歌迷们怕是会疯。可是现在,她只为一个人演唱。“我的情不移,我的爱不变,月亮代表我的心……”雪妮是看着唐逸笑着唱的,泪水却慢慢流淌。何森和谭不知道怎么的,心里都有些堵。在这个浮躁的夏天,在京城某个角落,有一支哀伤的歌。
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