OSH :: Volume #14

#1355: Six spirit worlds

The previous many fights merely are only the pieces of work of warming up link. 先前的诸多战斗仅仅只是热身环节的小打小闹。 The war of true spirit world, is just about to start now! 真正的灵界之战,现在才正要开始! Then, under Ou can/but, Wimol, Thea, Rona, the Liegat five people stare with total concentration, Ye Chen that the blood light/only bursts out from top to bottom, opened its by tranquil such as the water tone officially! 然后,在欧可、韦蒙、希雅、菲罗娜、厄里加特五人聚精会神的凝视之下,浑身上下血光迸发的耶尘,就这么以平静如水的口吻正式拉开了它的帷幕! Lets. I.. Opening. Beginning.!” “让.我.们.开.始.吧!” With this spoken language next that said from the Ye Chen mouth completely instantly, presented in other five people, Ou can/but took the lead to take the action! 伴随着这句言语从耶尘口中完整说出的下个刹那,在场其余五人之中,欧可率先展开了行动! Sees only the delightful smile on her face to vanish instantaneously does not see, the eye pupil under long hair opens the eyes suddenly, ice-cold murderous aura and blazing war intent such perfect integration in pupil, is changes into a bright red ray to bloom again! 只见她脸上的甜美笑容瞬间消失不见,长发之下的眼眸猛然一睁,冰冷的杀气与炽热的战意就这么在瞳孔之中完美融合,再是化为一片慧红的光芒绽放而出! Spirit world, starts.” “灵界,发动。” Grips the pinnacle strength that the energetic deep place starts to surge loudly steadily, Ou can/but completes recitation of ability with the tranquil aspiration instantly. 稳稳握住精神深处开始轰然涌动的极致力量,欧可即刻以平静的心声完成了能力的吟唱。 Alone light travel!” “孤寂光旅!” When to Europe may the aspiration falls at one fell swoop, takes the beginning by her oriental cherry long hair, took the end point by all her the limbs and bones, Ou can/but the view picture body blooms impressively the unequalled Hui red star light! 待到欧可的心声一举落下,以她的那头樱花长发作为起点,以她的四肢百骸作为终点,欧可的整幅身躯就这么赫然绽放出了无与伦比的慧红星光! Whish! 哗! Hui red star light, rises straight from the ground, goes nonstop to the world, at once at the terrifying speed of being on par speed of light, toward Europe may directly space deployment in all directions all-around the undifferentiated proliferation and washout! 慧红星光,拔地而起,直通天地,旋即以比肩光速的恐怖速度,直接朝着欧可四面八方的空间展开了全方位无差别的扩散与冲刷! Then, the Ye Chen boundless bloodshed is also good, Wimol's black dead spent clay is also good, Thea's Qi spirit Saint tree is also good, Rona's bent/tune Yue star ship is also good, Liegat's giant king stone tablet is also good...... 然后,耶尘的无涯血海也好,韦蒙的黑死废土也好,希雅的祈灵圣树也好,菲罗娜的曲跃星舰也好,厄里加特的巨人王碑也好...... Other five spirit worlds on the scene are covered by this bright red star light instantly instantaneously under! 在场的其余五座灵界即刻被这片慧红的星光瞬间覆盖而下! All spirit worlds then stopped the space motion completely! 紧接着,所有的灵界便是全部停止了空间运动! But five world respective masters, Ye Chen, Wimol, Thea, Rona, the Liegat five people, fell into the static condition without exception entirely! 而五座世界各自的主人,耶尘、韦蒙、希雅、菲罗娜、厄里加特五人,更是无一例外地通通陷入到了静止状态之中! Hence, along with publication across the sky alone travel, six spirit worlds is only assemble! 至此,伴随着孤寂光旅的横空问世,六座灵界就这么齐聚一堂! Compared with the spirit world on the scene, the alone light travel does not have many background factors, merely is only one by Ou Kecai under the body, simultaneously extends, broad and open road of contraction and expansion in the whole world infinitely, seems like together the gorgeous light tail that speeds along by the giant fiery red comet! 与在场的灵界相比,孤寂光旅并不存在过多的背景因素,仅仅只是一条被欧可踩在身下,同时在整个世界之间无限延伸、收缩、扩张的康庄大道,看起来就像是一道由巨大火红彗星所飞驰出来的绚丽光尾! In this radiant dazzling tissue background, does not save its thing, only has the ray! 在这片璀璨耀眼的薄纱背景之内,不存它物,唯有光芒! Entire world the essence, is star light it! 整个“世界”的本质,即为“星光”本身! This is follows Ou can/but to summon to arrive in this's world...... 这便是遵循欧可召唤而降临于此的世界...... Also only has Ou can/but to gain the freedom the time territory! 同时也是唯有欧可一人能够获得行动自由的时间领地! All outcomers who fall into this place, their abilities are also good, or is they, will become Europe may enter under the speed of light condition reference system completely! 所有陷入此地的外来者,无论是他们的能力也好,又或者是他们本人也罢,全部都将成为欧可进入光速状态之下的“参照体系”! Thus, Ou can/but who places the alone light travel, was is equivalent stopped the time! 由此一来,身处孤寂光旅的欧可,便是相当于停止了时间! Her teammate is also good...... 她的队友也好...... Her teammate is also good...... 她的队友也好...... In this framing time node, 在这个定格的时间节点之中, All people and thing, in Europe may completely at present stops all activities! 所有的人与物,全部都在欧可的眼前停止了一切活动! Is thorough along with the spirit world ability, Ou can/but raised the head to observe the Ye Chen condition immediately. 伴随着灵界的能力彻底奏效,欧可随即抬头观察耶尘的状态。 At this moment, saw only the blood light that Ye Chen bloomed from top to bottom to look like the ice piece of solidification to frame generally all in his side, but the eyes of Ye Chen stared at Europe to be possible stubbornly here position, uu read completed the security to her ability effect obviously ahead of time. 此时此刻,只见耶尘浑身上下绽放出来的血光就像是凝固的冰块一般尽数定格在了他的身边,而耶尘的双眼则是死死盯着欧可这边的位置,uu看书www.uukanshu.com显然已是提前对她的能力效果做好了警戒。 However, in intelligent light world that in this time stops, line of sight a kind of concept may be not meaningful. 然而,在这片时间停止的慧光世界之中,“视线”一类的概念可没有任何意义。 Sees only whole body intelligent light radiant Ou can/but, before an arrow step to/clashes, additional steps revolve again, in an instant then arrived at the Ye Chen behind field of vision dead angle, confirmed the above this truth by actual efforts. 只见全身上下慧光璀璨的欧可,一个箭步前冲,再加一个踏步回旋,转眼之间便是到达了耶尘身后的视野死角,身体力行地证实了上述这个道理。 After assiduous practicing of period of time, present Ou can/but in the single spirit world, most can stop lasted one minute, even if touched the back of Ye Chen, she has not chosen to start the surprise attack eagerly. 经过一段时日的刻苦修行,如今的欧可在单次灵界之中,最多可以停止长达一分钟的时间,所以就算摸到了耶尘的后背,她也没有急于选择发动奇袭。 After all, this can the spirit world of stand-by time, although is powerful, but also has an obvious shortcoming simultaneously but actually. 毕竟,这座能够停止时间的灵界虽然强大,不过同时倒也还存在一个明显的缺点。 That is, if Ou can/but wants to being in the alone light travel space launches the attack, regardless of the goal is the living creature or the dying thing, when carrying out the flash of this behavior, she must relieve the goal stops the condition, can create true killing to the goal. 那就是,倘若欧可想要对处在孤寂光旅空间之内发动攻击,无论目标是活物还是死物,那么在执行这个行为的一瞬间,她必须自行解除目标的时停状态,才能对目标造成真正的杀伤。 After all, at stops the trapped object under condition, even injury this behavior can also the time of releasing but is unable to obtain the normal development. 毕竟,处在时停状态之下的受困对象,甚至就连“受伤”这个行为本身也都会脱离时间而无法得到正常的发展。 For this reason, when stopped the fragmentation effect maximization of surprise attack, Europe may probably find the flaw that on Ye Chen most was hard to guard against as far as possible, thus started to pass that to hit his one in the time to be caught off guard instantaneously full power is good! 正因如此,为了将时停奇袭的杀伤效果最大化,欧可必须尽可能找到耶尘身上最难以防备的破绽,从而在时间开始流逝的那个瞬间全力打他一个措手不及才行! 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