MIG :: Volume #10

#965: Love already to become Gui

" Han Fei? Does he want to do? " 韩非?他想要干什么?」 The players know that Han Fei goes out to explore the village alone, knows that the Han Fei strength is very strong, they had suspected all kinds of possibilities, have not thought only Han Fei can bring the ghost of village to come to the old dwelling. 玩家们知道韩非独自外出去探索村子,也知道韩非实力很强,他们猜想过各种各样的可能,惟独没想到韩非会带着全村的鬼怪来老宅。 The primary mission of seventh wild goose dream exorcises, but Han Fei turns into the ghost chief now. 第七层雁梦的主要任务是驱邪,可现在韩非变成了鬼怪头子。 " Makes way. " Han Fei stops in front of the old dwelling threshold to buddhism: " No matter this class dream is Yao strong, is Yao Yuan, to them the old dwelling is a prisoner's cage, their souls and life imprisonments in this. Must ruin here, can dispel the evil spirits truly. 「都让开吧。「韩非停在老宅玄关前面:「不管这班梦是姚强的,还是姚远的,对他们来说老宅都是一个囚笼,将他们的灵魂和人生禁锢在此。必须要把这里毁掉,才能真正祛除邪祟。 Hangs keeps ringing in the old dwelling house four corner/horn town/subdues evil bells, the threshold to buddhism above mirror presented fissures, the gloom swept across, from approached the old dwelling in all directions. 挂在老宅房屋四角的镇邪铃响个不停,玄关上方的镜子出现了一道道裂痕,阴气席卷,从四面八方逼近老宅。 The ghost children hold the rubber ball, the mouth are being laughing and playing, probably in playing what very fun game, they jump in the garden, is shouting Yao Yuan name downstairs the old dwelling, hopes that he can get down to play together. 鬼孩子们抱着皮球,嘴里嬉笑着,好像在玩什么很好玩的游戏,他们在花园里蹦蹦跳跳,在老宅楼下呼喊着姚远的名字,希望他能一起下来玩。 The neighbor domestic kitty of jumped up the courtyard wall, that only puts on shroud looking of some white cat worries to old dwelling third floor. 邻居家养的猫咪跳上了院墙,那只穿着寿衣的白猫有些担心的望向老宅三楼 The wet big sister crawled the pond, posted black on the body, she also leads one box by the cake of pool of water spoil by soaking. 湿漉漉的大姐姐爬出了池塘,黑发贴在身体上,她还带着一盒被池水泡烂的蛋糕。 Old people close to the door, their rickets are weak, the mouth is accusing Yao strong, raps the shutter repeatedly. 一位位老人靠近房门,他们佝偻虚弱,嘴里指责着姚强,重复敲击门板。 More and more ghosts appear, everyone is summoning Yao Yuan, wants to carry over this room Yao Yuan. 越来越多的鬼怪出现,大家都在呼唤姚远,想要把姚远带出这个房间。 If not the clear truth, the present scene is truly terrifying, various types " evil spirit is calling the soul, wants to carry off the old dwelling child. Was stranded, in third floor Yao Yuan heard the voice outside room, his body cheek shakes is getting more and more fierce, innermost feelings probably incomparable struggling, on the eye pupil, in the double pupil is the white of the eye. 如果不清楚事情真相的话,眼前的这个场景确实非常恐怖,各种」厉鬼在叫魂,想要把老宅里的孩子带走。被困在三楼的姚远听到了屋外的声音,他身体颐抖的越来越剧烈,内心好像无比的挣扎,眼眸上都,双眸之中全是眼白。 In call the soul, Yao Yuan also subconscious start response, he goes all out to break free of the arms of father, the head is hitting the wall, even if the whole face is the blood does not stop. 在一声声叫魂里,姚远也下意识的开始回应,他拼命想要挣脱父亲的怀抱,头颅撞击着墙壁,哪怕满脸是血也不停止。 This is the standard coming under a spell scene, Yao Qiangda sound called for help, the players present very hesitates. 这就是标准的中邪场景,姚强大声呼救,玩家们现在很是犹豫。 On the one hand Han Fei truly seems like the big villain in ghost piece now, all ghosts are also truly calling the soul ; But on the other hand Han Fei is the vice-chairman in Xingfu Community, he should not turn to the dream, betrays the player. 一方面韩非现在确实很像是鬼片里的大反派,所有鬼怪也确实是在叫魂;但另一方面韩非又是幸福社区的副会长,他应该不会投靠梦,背叛玩家。 The time minutes and seconds pass, clock and watch indicator each rotation, tearing of nightmare is more serious, under the leadership of Han Fei, the ghost starts to attempt to enter the old dwelling. 时间分秒流逝,钟表指针每一次转动,噩梦的撕裂就越严重,在韩非的带领下,鬼怪开始尝试进入老宅。 In room all kinds of exorcising evil spirits goods under gloomy corrosion shatter, the resentment and Pure Hatred are multiplying, but most powerful and virulent hate does not come from outside the room. 屋内各种各样的辟邪物品都在阴气侵蚀下破碎,怨气和恨意在滋生,只不过最强大、恶毒的恨并不是来自屋外。 " Blocks them! Blocks them! These are the ghosts! Can't you see? They all are the ghosts of injuring someone! They want to claim my son, ruin my child! " Yao strong hysteric yelling. 「拦住它们!拦住它们!那些都是鬼!你们看不见吗?它们全都是害人的鬼!它们想要把我儿子夺走,毁掉我的孩子!「姚强歇斯底里的大叫。 The shadow spreads in the building, the sound of footsteps is even more stormy, the ghost walks in the staircase in old dwelling, Yao Yuan response even more is also fierce. 阴影在楼内蔓延,脚步声愈发密集,鬼怪走在老宅的楼梯上,姚远的反应也愈发剧烈。 In the previous quarter of 12 : 00 arrivals, Yao Yuan broke free of the arms of father finally, he goes all out wants to flee the home! Is far away from own father! 在十二点到来的前一刻,姚远终于挣脱了父亲的怀抱,他拼了命的想要逃离这个家!远离自己的父亲! The close room, hangs all over rune/symbol Zhuan the wall, piles up with the books and inexhaustible learn/study materials of corner, this is the entirety of Yao Yuan world. 封闭的房间,挂满符篆的墙壁,堆满角落的书籍和无穷尽的学习资料,这就是姚远世界的全部。 When the ghost calling the soul sound, he runs full power, but when his hand touches the third floor door, 0 : 00 o'clock at night ding resounds. 在鬼怪的叫魂声中,他全力奔跑,可就在他的手触碰到三楼房门时,午夜零点的钟声响起。 That flash, Yao Yuan lost probably the control to the body, his whole body skeleton makes the strange sound, tall and slender blood lines passed through his body, him from a person, turned into *** person who controls occasionally! 那一瞬间,姚远好像失去了对身体的控制,他全身骨骼发出奇怪的声响,一根根细长的血线贯穿了他的身体,把他从一个人,变成了一个可以***控的人偶! " Why can leave? The world's most loves your person is I, only then I am the sincerity am good to you, why you rather run to the ghost, must be far away from me! 「为什么要离开?世界上最爱你的人是我,只有我是真心对你好,为什么你宁愿跑向鬼,也要远离我啊! The hatred sound spreads from Yao Qiangzui, his look becomes somewhat scary, calculates the normal body starts the disassimilation, he each walks forward one step, the body will fall some viscous black materials. 怨毒的声音从姚强嘴里传出,他的眼神变得有些吓人,原本还算正常的身躯开始异化,他每向前走一步,身上都会掉落出一些粘稠的黑色物质。 " Do I make you study to harm you? I do not want to ask you to leave my old route, helping you resist all seductions, this is harming you! Why aren't you willing to understand me? All that I make completely for your own good 「我让你读书是为了害你吗?我不想让你走我的老路,帮你挡住所有诱惑,这是在害你吗!为什么你就是不愿意理解我?我所做的一切全部都是为你好 The place that Yao strong passes through, remains together the jet black trace, his skin surface grew azure black patterns, 姚强走过的地方,残留着一道漆黑的痕迹,他皮肤表面长出了一根根青黑色的花纹, But the source of that pattern in his pocket. 而那花纹的源头则在他的口袋里。 All ugly and distortion spreads from his pocket, to love that the child twists also in that thing enlargement by his pocket. 所有丑陋和扭曲都是从他口袋当中传出的,对孩子扭曲的爱也是被他口袋里那东西放大的。 " Do not go out! In this world only then I love truly your! ‚ 「别出去!这世界上只有我是真正爱你的!‘ Yao strong puts out a hand forward, he and Yao Yuan were separated by several meters away, so long as he opens the mouth, these fine laces that on Yao Yuan grow will tow to entrain Yao Yuan to approach to him. 姚强向前伸手,他和姚远相隔了好几米远,但只要他开口,姚远身上长出的那些细线就会拖拽着姚远向他靠近。 In Yao strong " education " , Yao Yuan turned into one to lose the self- puppet, he will not ponder, true also wrote off slowly, in the name of loving the excuse enough eliminated Yao Yuan all resistances! 在姚强的「教育「下,姚远变成了一个丧失自我的傀儡,他不会自己思考,真正的自我也被慢慢抹杀掉,以爱为名的借口足够打消姚远所有的反抗! " Bang! " 「嘭!」 The third floor gate was trampled ruthlessly, Han Fei and in the village gate doorframe in Yin ghost's room gave to tear down. 三楼的门被狠狠踹开,韩非和村子里的阴鬼将屋内的门门框都给拆掉了。 " Yao strong, you should not be great, at this moment, did you who oneself said also want to continue to cheat on your child? " Han Fei withstand/top the terrifying aura that on Yao Qiangshen is lending, said loudly: " Why will your child come under a spell? Why will go crazy? In this real reason can you not know? 「姚强,你别把自己说的那么伟大,事到如今,你还想要继续欺骗自己的孩子吗?「韩非顶着姚强身上散发出的恐怖气息,大声说道:「你的孩子到底为什么会中邪?为什么会发疯?这里面真正的原因你会不知道? Han Fei looks to Yao Qiang's pocket, looked that to place that all dream marks flow out, in the middle of this nightmare true evil spirits on concealed in the cell phone of Yao Qiang's! 韩非看向姚强的口袋,看向所有梦痕流出的地方,这噩梦当中真正的邪祟就藏在姚强的手机里! " In the child who downstairs your family plays, likes raising the cat the neighbor, in bookstore these outside readings, in village warm old people, they do not affect the Yao Yuan primary cause! Lets your child pain truly the old ailment, on yourself! 「在你家楼下玩耍的小孩,喜欢养猫的邻居,书店里那些课外读物,村子里热情的老人们,他们都不是影响姚远的主要原因!真正让你孩子痛苦的病根,就在你自己身上! The bedroom gate that two buildings close was opened, an appearance is ordinary, the middle-aged woman of facial features delay carried over by poem magnificent, she is foolish, will only repeat the simple words, probably an obedient puppet. 二楼关闭的卧室门被打开,一位长相普通、面容呆滞的中年女人被诗华带出,她痴痴傻傻,只会重复简单的话语,好像是一个听话的傀儡。 What is quite terrifying, after the middle-aged woman leaves two building own rooms, on her skin starts to present the scrap livor mortis, as if this woman had died in the Yao far life. 比较恐怖的是,当中年女人离开二楼属于自己的房间后,她的皮肤上开始出现小块尸斑,似乎这个女人已经在姚远的生活中死去。 " You talked nonsense! Yao Yuan! Do not listen to him to break wind! " Yao strong discovered that Yao Yuanzou stops to half suddenly, he starts to worry: " I am your family member! I live you, to raise you, provide all for you! You must listen to my words! 「你胡说八道!姚远!不要听他放屁!「姚强发现姚远走到一半忽然停下,他开始着急:「我是你的家人!我生你、养你、为你提供一切!你必须要听我的话! " You lived him, raised him, can therefore eliminate him unscrupulously? " Han Fei entered in the room, this seventh nightmare most essential places have not made clear, in Yao Yuanyan what evil is? 「你生了他,养了他,所以就可以肆无忌惮的剥夺他吗?「韩非进入了屋内,这第七层噩梦还有一个最关键的地方没有搞清楚,姚远眼中的邪到底是什么? Yao Qiangyan evil is all the thing that affects Yao Yuan to study, was these discovered the child of his secret, if this were his nightmare, that dispelled all ghosts in village to be then OK ; But this, if Yao Yuan nightmare, who in Yao Yuanyan evil can be? Yao strong? Mother? Also or makes concrete to something? Some thing? 姚强眼里的邪是所有会影响姚远学习的事物,是那些发现了他秘密的小孩,如果说这是他的噩梦,那祛除村子里的所有鬼怪便可以了;可这若是姚远的噩梦,那姚远眼中的邪会是谁?姚强?母亲?又或者具体到某一件事情?某一个东西? Has not been reborn in paradise the blade in the hand, Han Fei does not dare to approach, his eyes are staring at Yao strong pocket, uses word spirit ability wish to make Yao Yuan retrieve itself. 没有往生刀在手,韩非也不敢太靠近,他双眼紧盯着姚强的口袋,使用言灵能力想要让姚远找回自己。 Incessantly is Han Fei, other ghosts are also summoning Yao Yuan, the child stands between Han Fei and Yao strong, the body was penetrated by the innumerable blood lines, probably the next quarter will be torn. 不止是韩非,其他鬼怪也都在呼唤姚远,那孩子站立在韩非和姚强中间,身体被无数血线穿透,好像下一刻就会被撕裂。 When Yao Yuan is bearing the acute agony, an emergence of form completely changed the aspect. 在姚远忍受着剧烈痛苦时,一个身影的出现彻底改变了局面。 Was always locked mother Yao Yuan in two buildings to arrive at third floor, her whole body livor mortis, is very fearful, but after seeing Yao Yuan, on the face revealed laughing foolishly, Yao Yuan mother seems more like a child compared with Yao Yuan. 总被锁在二楼的姚远妈妈走到了三楼,她满身尸斑,无比可怕,但在看见姚远后,脸上露出了傻笑,姚远的妈妈似乎比姚远更像是一个小孩。 " Goes out! You go out to me! " Yao strong scolded toward own wife, poem magnificent actually arrived at that female corpse at this time behind, holds the arm of opposite party, is supporting her with the body. 「出去!你给我出去!「姚强朝着自己妻子呵斥,诗华却在这时候走到了那具女尸身后,托着对方的手臂,用身体支撑着她。 " I found some pictures and clues in two building bedrooms, their when Yao Yuan was very small had/left the traffic accident, mother Yao Yuan injured the brain, the stupor was very long, waits to wake up again had turned into the lunatic. " Poem magnificent gave Han Fei some pictures: " Yao strong most starts is not biased, treats an illness for mother Yao Yuan, takes care of Yao Yuan to live to go to school ; But afterward possibly was the appearance of third party, making Yao strong prepare to abandon mother Yao Yuan, gave up falling the patient who insanely, I suspected that Yao Yuan peeped Yao strong cell phone, after knowing Yao strong gave up mother, had no interest in learn/study, as if came under a spell. " 「我在二楼卧室里找到了一些照片和线索,他们一家在姚远很小的时候出了车祸,姚远妈妈伤到了脑子,昏迷了很久,等再次醒来已经变成了疯子。「诗华把些照片递给了韩非:「姚强最开始没有那么偏执,为姚远妈妈治病,照顾姚远生活上学;但后来可能是第三者的出现,让姚强准备抛弃姚远妈妈,放弃疯掉的患者,我怀疑姚远偷看了姚强的手机,在得知姚强放弃自己妈妈后,才无心学习,仿佛中邪般。」 " Your guess was too gentle. " Han Fei roughly swept a picture, looks to mother Yao Yuan livor mortis, as well as its obedient appearance: " Yao strong possibly was in conspiracy with others to kill mother Yao Yuan, finally certain things were discovered by Yao Yuan, the intense stimulation caused him to come under a spell. " 「你的猜测还是太温柔了。「韩非大致扫了一眼照片,又看向姚远妈妈身上的尸斑,以及其听话的模样:「姚强可能是伙同他人杀死了姚远妈妈,结果某些东西被姚远发现,强烈的刺激导致他中邪。」 The discussion of players spread to Yao strong and in Yao's far ear, father and son's response is entirely different, on the Yao Yuan numb fearful face presented the pain and struggling, he full was in the eye of white of the eye shed tears. Yao strong face starts to twist little, was long the azure black trace that to climb up his skin every inchs from the pocket, making his appearance more and more terrifying! 玩家们的议论声传入了姚强和姚远的耳中,父子俩的反应截然不同,姚远麻木可怕的脸上出现了痛苦和挣扎,他满是眼白的眼睛里流出了眼泪。姚强的脸则开始一点点扭曲,从口袋里长出的青黑色纹路爬上了他的每一寸皮肤,让他的外貌越来越恐怖! " I have not killed people! Is she goes crazy! Is her brain is not sober to fall from third floor! " Yao strong body starts to accelerate the disassimilation, he takes out one to be used for the town/subdues evil blade from rune/symbol Zhidui, that blade rusty stain stained, hides very secret: " You were misled by the ghost completely! You all are the ghosts! 「我没有杀人!是她发了疯!是她脑子不清醒才从三楼摔下去的!「姚强的身体开始加速异化,他从符纸堆里取出一把用来镇邪的刀,那刀锈迹斑斑,藏得非常隐秘:「你们全部都被鬼蛊惑了!你们全都是鬼! The clothes were torn, the azure black trace changes into the hate to cover Yao strong body, the cell phone that in his pocket vibrates unceasingly also fell, inside spread the words of another strange woman, the general meaning is she is not willing to look after a lunatic and a small child in such an arrangement, only if Yao strong can reduce " burden " . 衣服被撕裂,青黑色的纹路化为怨恨笼罩姚强的身体,他口袋里不断震动的手机也掉落了出来,里面传出了另外一个陌生女人的话语,大概意思就是她不愿意照顾一个疯子和一个小拖油瓶,除非姚强能够减轻身边的「负担「。 The words of strange woman become sharp grating, after hearing that sound, Yao Yuan goes crazy thoroughly, the seven orifices start to bleed, shivers fiercely, the body must be torn into shreds by some strength probably, he wants to flee, but his world only then this room. 陌生女人的话语变得尖锐刺耳,听到那个声音后,姚远彻底发疯,七窍开始流血,剧烈颤抖,身体好像要被某种力量撕碎,他想要逃离出去,但他的世界就只有这个房间。 " Shut up! Let alone! Do not cry! Shuts up to me! " The frightened collection of entire terrifying on Yao Qiangshen, all black materials drills into his body, making him send out aura that was close to Pure Hatred! 「闭嘴!别说了!别哭了!都给我闭嘴!「整个恐怖的恐惧汇集在姚强身上,所有黑色物质钻入他的身体,让他散发出了接近恨意的气息! The players have not killed the ghost in village, Yao strong capture complaint probably only then half of this nightmare world, but this still is very even formidabe. 玩家们没有杀死村子里的鬼怪,姚强吸收到的怨念大概只有这噩梦世界的一半,可即使这样也很难对付。 " Why you must oppose with me! I for hello! I am good for everyone! Why you must compel me, why wants to persecute to death me! " Yao strong is completely insane, he grabs that to strike off toward Han Fei the town/subdues evil rust blade! 「你们为什么全都要跟我作对!我是为了你们好!我是为了大家都好!你们为什么都要逼我,为什么都想要逼死我!「姚强已经完全疯了,他抓着那把镇邪的锈刀朝韩非砍去! Han Fei stands forefront all players, if he avoids, the player will meet with a disaster, others did not say, the poem magnificence Heyao far mother will definitely be killed. 韩非站在所有玩家最前面,他如果躲开的话,身后的玩家就会遭殃,别人不说,诗华和姚远的妈妈肯定会被杀死。 " It is not others who you persecute to death, is yourself. " Han Fei stands in same place, blood sex maniac marks hover on the body, his raised the hand refers to front: " Big evil! " 「把你逼死的不是别人,是你自己。「韩非站立在原地,一道道血色鬼纹在身上游动,他抬手指向前面:「大孽!」 The cruel roaring sound gets up, four giant arms stretch out from Han Fei, the old home withstand/top is lifted, big evil incomparably barbaric and Yao Qiangzhuang in one. 残暴至极的咆哮声响起,四条巨大的手臂从韩非背后伸出,老宅屋顶被掀开,大孽无比野蛮的和姚强撞在了一起。 The house trembles, the bricks disruption, Yao strong of complete disassimilation lost all human natures, but he is unable to defeat the big evil as before directly. 房屋震颤,砖瓦碎裂,完全异化的姚强失去了一切人性,但他依旧无法正面击败大孽。 The cell phone was stepped on the broken, light black flame in Yao strong heart combustion, if can make the fuel with the trim nightmare, Yao strong can definitely become Pure Hatred that lights the black fire, but pitifully in this nightmare besides him, all ghosts and Han Fei stood in one. 手机被踩碎,淡淡的黑色火苗在姚强心底燃烧,如果能够用整片噩梦做燃料,那姚强完全能够成为点燃黑火的恨意,但可惜这噩梦里除了他之外,所有鬼怪都和韩非站在了一起。 They complaint was not only cured by Han Fei, but also is helping Han Fei attack Yao strong. 他们不仅自身怨念被韩非治愈,还在帮助韩非攻击姚强。 In inverse proportion, Yao strong was suppressed by the big evil little, the town/subdues evil blade in its hand knocked down, Yin evil was teared and bited by the big evil unceasingly. 此消彼长,姚强一点点被大孽压制,它手中的镇邪刀被打落,身上的阴邪不断被大孽撕咬。 As his strength is getting more and more weak, Yao who went crazy in retrieves the reason slowly, the child must break out of the condition of coming under a spell finally. 随着他的力量越来越弱,原本发疯的姚远在慢慢找回理智,那孩子终于要摆脱中邪的状态了。 Two great ghosts slaughter mutually, the players hide in Han Fei behind, no one dares to move heedlessly. In their eyes the Han Fei back is also very big, even wishes one could to treat as the adoptive father Han Fei. 两头巨鬼相互厮杀,玩家们躲藏在韩非身后,谁也不敢乱动。在他们眼中韩非的背影也无比高大,甚至恨不得把韩非当做义父。 Yao lingering spirit is grave, even if half of bodies were ruined, is not willing to give up as before, he wants to tow everyone dead together, the mouth railed the curse unceasingly. 执念深重,就算一半的身体被毁掉,依旧不愿意放弃,他想要拖着所有人一起死,嘴里不断谩骂诅咒。 He prepares to give up the big evil, first kills these players , when he plunges mother of Han Fei and that whole body livor mortis, one a town/subdues evil blade that is covered with the rusty stain pricks from his back of the body! 他准备放弃大孽,先去杀死那些玩家,可当他扑向韩非和那位满身尸斑的母亲时,一把长满锈迹的镇邪刀从他后心刺入! Has the incredible vision, Yao strong turns head to look to behind, Yao Yuan both hands are grasping that the blade, like the lunatic is saying anything unceasingly. " Was you killed me? " Unwilling Yao strong sees own child entire life, together as the life elapses probably also has other things. 带着不可置信的目光,姚强扭头看向身后,姚远双手握着那把刀,像个疯子一样的不断说着什么。「是你杀了我吗?「一生不甘的姚强看着自己的孩子,随着生命一起逝去的好像还有其他的东西。 The clock and watch on wall stops taking a walk, Yao Qiangguo responded for a long time, he full is the complaint hand extends backward, but he cannot catch oneself child: " You and your mother really look like 墙壁上的钟表停止走动,姚强过了好久才反应过来,他满是怨念的手向后伸去,但他已经抓不到自己的孩子了:「你和你妈妈真像啊 Yao strong nape of the neck was cut by biting by the big evil, the resentment and Pure Hatred scatter in all directions, the edge of dreamland starts to collapse. 姚强的脖颈被大孽咬断,怨气和恨意四散,梦境的边缘开始崩溃。 While Yao Qiangsi goes , mother of whole body livor mortis also lost the complete vitality, changed to cloths that write mother two characters 在姚强死去的同时,满身尸斑的母亲也失去了全部生机,化作了一个写着妈妈两个字的布 Occasionally. 偶。 Old dwelling third floor only had Yao Yuan, he is grasping that the town/subdues evil blade, looks at the spell of room. 老宅三楼只剩下了姚远自己,他握着那把镇邪刀,看着满屋子的符咒。 Hides sees this in the following poem magnificent, picks up the rag doll, arrived at side Yao Yuan, grasped him. 躲在后面的诗华见到这一幕,捡起布偶,走到了姚远身边,将他抱住了。 " In childhood in your father family/home was very poor, he is called Yao strong, poor, feels inferior, sensitive and biased, he studies assiduously, the good university graduates, he wants to change the destiny wholeheartedly, but something do not only depend can achieve diligently. After failure, he becomes extreme, afterward he, he named to call Yao Yuan to oneself child in old age, hoping the child can stand compared with he higher mountain peak on, seen farther scenery. But he has not thought of the distances between their father and son, will turn into the world's most remote distance. 「小时候你爸爸家里很穷,他叫做姚强,贫穷、自卑、敏感、偏执,他刻苦读书,名牌大学毕业,他一心想要改变命运,但有些事情不是光靠努力就能做到的。一次次失败后,他变得偏激,后来他老来得子,他给自己的孩子取名叫姚远,希望孩子能够站到比他更高的山峰上,看到的更远的风景。但他没想到他们父子之间的距离,会变成世界上最遥远的距离。 Yao Yuan looks up poem magnificent, probably thought that poem magnificent is somewhat familiar, but this nightmare must dissipate. 姚远抬头看着诗华,好像是觉得诗华有些熟悉,不过这噩梦已经要消散了。 All in dream toward the Han Fei ghost mark well up, Yao Yuanbao the rag doll, has not been speaking a few words from beginning to end again. 梦中的一切朝着韩非的鬼纹涌来,姚远抱着布偶,至始至终都没有再说一句话。 Han Fei receives the big evil, in the final stage of nightmare avalanche, arrived at side Yao Yuan and poem magnificent: " Are you understanding? 韩非收起大孽,在噩梦崩塌的最后阶段,走到了姚远和诗华身边:「你们是不是认识? " My full name is Yao Shihua, my elder brother is called Yao strong, he wants to train the most outstanding talent oneself child, but his child Yao distant relative hand killed him afterward, but also joined what murder group to chat, becomes the most wanted terrorist. " 「我全名叫做姚诗华,我的哥哥叫做姚强,他想要把自己的孩子培养成最出色的人才,可后来他的孩子姚远亲手杀死了他,还加入了什么杀人群聊,成为了通缉犯。」 The butterfly pattern crawled completely Yao Yuan body, this child dissipated with the nightmare together. 蝴蝶花纹爬满了姚远的身体,这个孩子随着噩梦一起消散了。 Urgent notice: Begins using new address-, please collect the bookmark! 紧急通知:启用新地址-,请重新收藏书签! Free reading 免费阅读
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