MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#998: Follows Sun Xiaosheng, salvation Guangci is sad!

Shao green spin tender snort/hum, weak opening eye. 绍绿旋娇哼一声,虚弱的睁开眼睛。 At this time, the metaphorical animal ghost demon was killed, other person of demons also all explode the body to perish, Sun Yan to leaping, to pursue to adjoining the blue demon bead, simultaneously the left hand grasps, receives four to want the hole. He offers a sacrifice to four to want the hole, to replace not fresh old mother vacuum hometown, gets rid of these person of demons simultaneously directly. But if four want the hole to put too for a long time, these girls will turn with the lingering fear except for the obscenity that man anything does not want. Kids. 此时,獬豸鬼魔被杀,其他人魔也全都爆体而亡,孙炎冲腾而起,追向毗蓝魔珠,同时左手一抓,收起四欲洞。他祭出四欲洞,是为取代无生老母的“真空家乡”,同时直接干掉那些人魔。但若是四欲洞放得太久,这些姑娘以后怕是都会变成除了男人什么都不要的淫.娃。 Specters that departs from Shao green spin within the body, pursues to is adjoined the blue demon bead that Sun Yan selects to fly, while turns head to look to Sun Yan, the poisonous python bites as before on the arm of youngster, the arm of youngster is actually entangling sword silk, that hangs Jian sword unexpectedly. 从绍绿旋体内飞出的魔影,一边追向被孙炎挑飞的毗蓝魔珠,一边扭头看向孙炎,毒蟒依旧咬在少年的手臂上,少年的手臂却缠着一条条剑丝,那竟然是悬翦剑。 Brushes, the silk hangs Jian sword generally, has, if turns tight the spiral spring that actually loosens suddenly to be the same forcefully, gathers round the arm of youngster, shouted whistling the chaotic spin, exited the innumerable sword light, the tornado common sword silk buzz humming sound the pulling out sound, the poisonous python was cut the innumerable sections, changed to the light breeze slightly cloud, the dissipation goes. 刷,丝一般的悬翦剑,有若强行扭紧却又骤然松开的发条一般,围着少年的手臂,呼呼呼的乱旋,转出无数的剑光,龙卷风一般的剑丝嗡嗡嗡的抽响,毒蟒被斩成了无数段,化作轻风微云,消散而去。 Although knows why the youngster arm was nipped unexpectedly the safe/without matter, but actually does not know when he will hang Jian Jianchan to the arm on. The specters are fearful, continue to pursue to adjoining the blue demon bead, although this matter defeats, she actually must carry off the demon bead in any event. 虽然知道了为什么少年手臂被咬竟然无事,但却又根本不知道他是什么时候将悬翦剑缠到手臂上的。魔影心寒,继续追向毗蓝魔珠,此事虽败,她却无论如何要将魔珠带走。 The youngster have actually also understood, this at all is not not fresh old mother on body, this only feared that is her life Yuan god. The goal of this ceremony, do not seek on the body, but must find this life Yuan god to seize the sending body of shed. If only on body, when he expels from the Shao green spin the specters, it should vanish directly is right. 少年却也已经明白过来,这根本不是无生老母的“应身”,这只怕就是她的本命元神。这个仪式的目的,不是要寻找应身,而是要找到她本命元神夺舍的寄体。如果只是“应身”的话,当他将魔影从绍绿旋身上赶出时,它应该直接消失才对。 At this time, he has received four to want the hole, if were captured that blue sex fiend bead by this specters again, only feared that will be controlled imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv, Shao green spin and other girls by it. He abhors pursues to go, that specters stretch out the evil clutches from the gloominess, not fresh old mother the hoping strength wells up to go crazily. The blue sex fiend bead flies toward her. The youngster see this blue sex fiend bead, will be hoped the strength attraction unexpectedly, immediately also changes. Turns into the fresh-faced boy, hand one move. Similarly the use hopes the strength. 此时,他已收起了四欲洞,若再被这魔影夺得那蓝色魔珠,只怕又会被它控制住幻琴天女、绍绿旋等姑娘。他疾追而去,那魔影从灰暗中伸出魔掌,“无生老母”的愿力狂涌而去。蓝色魔珠往她飞来。少年见这蓝色魔珠,竟会受愿力吸引,立时也摇身一变。变成粉嫩嫩的男孩,将手一招。同样使用愿力。 Not fresh old mother vacuum hometown has broken! Although here is not the imaginary dark green island, but the destiny has been united as one body with the imaginary dark green island, the young boy is the local god! 无生老母真空家乡已破!这里虽然不是幻苍岛,但气运早已跟幻苍岛连成一体,小男孩乃本地神主! The blue sex fiend bead by stronger hoping strength attraction, was flown directly to him. That specters have not thought that adjoining the blue demon bead unexpectedly is not not fresh old mother her control, saw that the youngster turns into the lovable boy, sets up the time to understand, sends out the old scream: Fire cloud Xiaosheng?!” 蓝色魔珠受更强的愿力吸引,直接向他飞来。那魔影怎么也没有想到,毗蓝魔珠竟不受身为“无生老母”的她的控制,眼看着少年变成可爱男孩,立时间明白过来,发出苍老的尖叫:“火云小圣?!” Sun Xiaoyan directly by hoping the strength captures the blue sex fiend bead. That specters heart and gall is all cold. A buddhist sang, in an instant opened a space channel, the whole person flew. Sun Xiaoyan knew in the heart, once ran away by her, Sun Yan is fire cloud Xiaosheng the matter, will be known by the entire day servants, when the time comes does not know will have many to trouble, pulls out the sword fast, covered the day sword to cut, will penetrate that directly soon the closed space channel. Cuts on that specters, in the space channel closed that flash, another end transmits the sad and shrill and desperate pitiful yell. 孙小炎直接以愿力抓取蓝色魔珠。那魔影心胆皆寒。一声梵唱,刹那间打开一条空间通道,整个人飞了进去。孙小炎心知,一旦被她逃走,“孙炎”就是“火云小圣”的事,就会被全天下人知晓,到时候不知会有多少麻烦,快速抽剑,掩日剑一斩,直接穿入那即将闭合的空间通道。斩在那魔影身上,在空间通道闭合的那一瞬间,另一端传来凄厉而绝望的惨叫。 Meanwhile. Extremely extremely far, in a close secret room, the whole body dry skin, is somewhere old old lady who is unable to move. 与此同时。极远极远的某处,一个封闭的密室里,有一满身枯皮、已是苍老得无法动弹的老太婆。 The Yuan marvelous method from the homing, the eye has not even opened with enough time, the sword air/Qi has then broken comes, to cut void on her body, a pitiful yell, the body explodes, direct relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 元神方自归位,连眼睛都还没来得及睁开,剑气便已破虚空而来,斩在她的身上,一声惨叫,身体爆裂,直接形神俱灭。 In the small boy heart estimates. Knows that specters had been covered the day sword sword air/Qi to cut, must die without doubt. Received to cover the day sword. Grasps the demon bead, falls floating. Looked again, heart say/way is not wonderful, sees only the imaginary zither | Jean and Shao green spin, these clear day females, all open the eye as before, visits him dumbfoundedly. Sun Xiaoyan thought that ended, now what to do? Can silence a witness of crime? 小男孩心中估算。知道那魔影已被掩日剑剑气斩中,必死无疑。收起掩日剑。手持魔珠,飘然落下。再一看,心道“不妙”,只见幻琴、绍绿旋,还有那些依旧清楚的天女们,全都睁大眼睛,目瞪口呆地看着他。孙小炎心想“完了”,现在怎么办?难道要杀人灭口? Not only at this moment, vacuum hometown was broken, the mirage was also covered similarly day sword broken broken the effect bang, they re-enter in the world. The mist has dissipated, in the sky, the moonlight is bright, the group star shines, in the ground, the girls of these lethargic sleep, pour there as before, but there are, if had a spring dream, smiles in the sleep. However the Shao green spins and day females, are actually tender body near bare, beautiful body reveal completely, is exposing the wonderful scene under the moonlight. 此时此刻,不但“真空家乡”被破,蜃楼也同样被掩日剑破界的将效果轰破,他们重回天地之间。雾气早已消散,天空中,月色明朗,群星辉映,地面上,那些昏睡的姑娘们,依旧倒在那里,只是有若做了一个春梦般,在睡梦中微笑。然而绍绿旋和众天女,却是娇躯近裸,美体毕露,在月光下展露着美妙的景象。 However, at this moment, they are no one can give a thought to the rude appearance unexpectedly, cannot attend to blushing bashfully, their vision, all fall on fresh-faced this, good to pinch on the lovable young boy of his face. 然而,这一刻,她们竟是没人顾得上自己失态的模样,更是顾不上脸红害臊,她们的目光,全都落在这粉嫩嫩的,让人好想捏他脸的可爱小男孩身上。 Is Sun Yan fire cloud Xiaosheng, fire cloud Xiaosheng is Sun Yan? 孙炎就是火云小圣,火云小圣就是孙炎 The Shao green spin stares dumbfounded, that has taken a bath with her together, likes throwing to the small flame that her arms rub, unexpectedly is Young Master Sun Yan? 绍绿旋瞠目结舌,那个跟她一起洗过澡儿,喜欢扑到她怀里蹭蹭的小炎,居然就是孙炎公子? Imaginary zither | Jean and other various Tiannv are dumbfounded, they have offered the grandson few heroes of suckling child, actually occupied about half to mix the desert world, will soon be mixing fire cloud Xiaosheng of who desert world foundation god country's? 幻琴等诸天女目瞪口呆,她们奉献过乳儿的孙少侠,其实就是占了近半个混漠世界,即将在混漠世界开创神国的火云小圣? What situation is this? Are they having a dream? 这到底是什么情况?她们是在做梦吗? Sun Xiaoyan actually is also a headache, now what to do? What to do now should? Is silences the witnesses? Silences a witness of crime? Silences a witness of crime......, what person kills, what mouth extinguishes, cannot achieve, the been able to achieve matter thinks that what so many do make? 孙小炎却也是一阵头疼,现在怎么办?现在到底应该怎么办?是杀人灭口呢?还是杀人灭口呢?还是杀人灭口啊……唉,杀什么人,灭什么口啊,根本做不到嘛,做不到的事想那么多做什么? He looked at them, looked at the blue sex fiend bead in hand, is attempting own hoping strength input demon bead. Demon bead shining has the red light, the red light photo to Shao green spin, imaginary zither | Jean and other girls. The girls set out to pay homage, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform praised: Fire cloud Xiaosheng, vacuum hometown! Follows Master Sun sadly, salvation Guangci......” 他看了看她们,又看了看手中的蓝色魔珠,尝试着将自身的愿力输入魔珠。魔珠耀出红光,红光照向绍绿旋、幻琴等姑娘。众位姑娘起身膜拜,齐齐赞道:“火云小圣,真空家乡!追随孙大侠,救世广慈悲……” ...... …… *** *** Du Xiangxiang enters in the bleak wooden stronghold with the Li old mothers. 杜香香随着骊山老母进入荒凉的木寨中。 This wooden stronghold leaves uncultivated obviously for a long time, except for living in seclusion the Li old mother here, does not have others again. 这木寨显然荒废已久,除了隐居在这里的骊山老母,再无他人。 Their all around, extend black trees, on the tree the green leaf, the thin branch is not investigating mutually, but is not ugly. That black branch, has, if black jade, in thousand synthesis ten thousand wrong disputes, is outlining mysterious designs. 她们的四周,伸展着一株株黑色的树木,树上并无绿叶,细枝互纠,但却并不丑陋。那一根根黑色的枝条,有若黑玉,千综万错的纠葛中,勾勒着一幅幅神秘的图案。 In stronghold, before plain log cabin, Du Xiangxiang sits on the wooden stool, the Li old mothers take out the tea set, boils water to make the tea. 寨中,古朴的木屋前,杜香香坐在木凳上,骊山老母取出茶具,烧水煮茶。 Du Xiangxiang looks quietly, sees the Li old mother appearance, although such as common old woman, hand that but extends from the sleeve, actually shape such as black claw. She knew in the heart, the Li old mother's true status, is the blue women of ten demons girls'school, the blue woman demons female, the shape such as the medicine fork...... she knows that she has not found fault the person. 杜香香悄然看去,见骊山老母模样虽如寻常老妇,但从袖中伸出的手,却形如黑爪。她心知,骊山老母真正的身份,乃是十罗刹女中的蓝婆,蓝婆罗刹女,形如药叉……她知道自己没有找错人。 The Li old mothers are actually narrowing the eye, looks to her sleeve, said: In your sleeve, what is also hiding?” 骊山老母却是眯着眼睛,看向她的袖子,道:“你的袖中,还藏着什么?” In the Du Xiangxiang heart is astonished secretly, hides in her sleeve, naturally slightly has the zither | Jean. However slightly has the Yin demon that the zither | Jean is invisible does not have, even as a next generation day, to the demon air/Qi is extremely sensitive she. Also cannot induce slightly to have the demon air/Qi of zither | Jean completely. These days, slightly had the zither | Jean to run around in Heaven, no one discovered her. 杜香香心中暗讶,藏在她袖子里的,自然是小有琴。然而小有琴乃是无形无相的阴魔,即便是身为下一代摩利支天,对魔气极是敏感的她。亦完全感应不到小有琴的魔气。这些日子,小有琴在天上到处乱跑,也没有谁发现她。 Cannot think that the blue woman demons the eyesight unexpectedly was so? 想不到蓝婆罗刹的眼力竟是如此了得? She is just thinking how should reply. 她正想着该如何回答。 Quite stuffy!” Small had the zither | Jean actually to fly from her sleeve. “好闷啊!”小有琴却已经自己从她袖子里飞了出来。 „A Yin demon?” The Li old mothers are astonished to say. Fairy Maiden as next generation day. In sleeve conceals unexpectedly is a Yin demon? This is actually more than she expected. “一只阴魔?”骊山老母讶道。身为下一代摩利支天的仙子。袖中藏的居然是一只阴魔?这倒是大出她的意料。 What is a Yin demon?” Small has the zither | Jean gas channel/angrily said, only heard that Luo beautiful can use only. Had not heard that the Yin demon can also use only, when you I am the kitten?” “什么叫一只阴魔?”小有琴气道,“只听说罗丽可以用‘只’。没听说阴魔也可以用‘只’的,你当我是小猫啊?” Du Xiangxiang thought, Luo beautiful can't use only? Moreover you are the Yin demon, the Yin demon, was tried to try itself by others to jump, do not say that is the Yin demon, can't the normal demon like this? 杜香香心想,罗丽也不可以用“只”吧?而且你是阴魔,阴魔啊,被别人试上一试就自己跳出来,不要说是阴魔,正常的魔都不会这样吧? Li old mothers hehe say/way: Interesting, interesting! The light tomorrow's day female accompanies with the succuba who he melts the comfortable day unexpectedly. Is the Yin demon also is so obviously naive, the old body has not gone out for a long time, it seems like outside, many many strange matters.” Also has not asked these two people again what's the matter, but said: „Do you want to look to hold the string of pearls demons female?” 骊山老母呵呵的道:“有趣,有趣!光明天的天女居然与他化自在天的魔女结伴。明明是阴魔却又如此天真,老身许久不曾出去,看来外头,又多了许多奇奇怪怪的事。”也没有再问这两个人是怎么回事,只是道:“你们想要找持璎珞罗刹女?” Du Xiangxiang said: Mother-in-law, we want to look, actually held string of pearls demons female, is actually the evil sword that Princess Iron Fan carries off.” 杜香香道:“婆婆,我们想要找的,其实是被持璎珞罗刹女,也就是铁扇公主带走的却邪剑。” The Li old mothers said: Actually evil sword, although has the effect of restraint monster class, but in Immortal World many treasured swords, ranking cannot actually be regarded to go near. Immortal World ten great swords. Can include ten big almighty troopses, but covered day, can be called was treasure soldier. Also cuts off the water supply and transfers the mortal form again in addition. As for other swords, although various available energies, but such as exorcises evil spirits, expel evil spirits and other effectiveness, is thing that many symbols record then can achieve. You to look for that although acquires fame because of the Heavenly Queen, in Immortal World compares it to be sharp and useful the evil sword that much swords have everything expected to find, is so troublesome, even found old body this to come, how the old body knows. You really only for that only actually evil sword, has other goals?” 骊山老母道:“却邪剑虽有克制妖类之效,但在仙界诸多宝剑中,排名却也算不得有多靠前。仙界十大名剑。能够列入十大神兵的,不过就是掩日,称得上是宝兵的。也不过就是再加上断水和转魄。至于其它的剑,虽然各有效能,但诸如辟邪、驱鬼等效用,乃是许多符录便能做到的事。你们为了找那支,虽因王母娘娘而得名,仙界中比它锋利、有用得多的剑却是应有尽有的却邪剑,如此麻烦,甚至找到老身这来,老身怎知。你们是真的只为那只却邪剑,还是另有其它目的?” At the same time saying. At the same time was Du Xiangxiang and slightly has the zither | Jean to pour out one cup of tea respectively. 一边说着。一边为杜香香和小有琴各自斟了一杯茶。 Du Xiangxiang expresses gratitude, carries the tea. Gently is drinking. Small has the zither | Jean to take that small teacup for roaming pond, takes a bath in inside, steaming hot, she slides in that boiling hot tea within. 杜香香道了声谢,端起茶。轻轻的喝着。小有琴则以那小小的茶杯为游池,在里头洗澡,热气腾腾,她在那滚热的茶水间滑来滑去。 Du Xiangxiang puts down the teacup, said hesitant: We indeed are seeking for actually the evil sword, or I and friend of mine, am collecting that eight immortal swords that in the past the Heavenly Queen left behind.” 杜香香放下茶杯,犹豫道:“我们的确是在寻找却邪剑,或者说,我和我的朋友,正在收集当年王母娘娘留下的那八支仙剑。” The Li old mothers said with a smile: „Do you want to summon Divine Dragon?” 骊山老母笑道:“难道你们想要召唤神龙?” Du Xiangxiang choked, slightly had the zither | Jean to fly, was astonished saying: Old lady, how do you know?” 杜香香呛了一下,小有琴飞了起来,讶道:“老太婆,你怎么会知道?” The Li old mothers shake the head saying: „Before pre-Qin, has no eight immortal swords, the serious famine period, had presented the serious famine eight beads actually, is only this serious famine eight beads, takes the Immortal World eight immortal swords with the Heavenly Queen, the effect is almost same. The hearsay, in the serious famine period, once had the volume of simultaneous/uniform serious famine eight beads, can summon the legend that Divine Dragon made a vow, naturally also no one tried is. You must collect eight immortal swords, except for summoning Divine Dragon, the old body cannot find out them to have other uses. Only if, you under the pretext of seeking for actually evil sword, the true goal, are other, but the old body believes you now, indeed to finish the evil sword came.” 骊山老母摇头道:“先秦之前,根本没有什么八大仙剑,倒是大荒时期,曾经出现过大荒八珠,只是这大荒八珠,与王母娘娘带上仙界的八大仙剑,效果几乎相同。传闻,在大荒时期,曾有集齐大荒八珠,就能召唤神龙许愿的传说,当然也无人试过就是。你们既要收集八大仙剑,除了召唤神龙,老身也想不出它们有其它用处。除非,你们原本就是以寻找却邪剑为借口,真正的目的,乃是其它,但是老身现在相信你们,的确是为了却邪剑而来。” Small has the zither | Jean to find out the small head from the tea, strange say/way: You had not believed a moment ago, why now on letter/believes?” 小有琴从茶中探出小脑袋,奇道:“刚才你还不信,为什么现在就信了?” The Li old mothers looked that to Du Xiangxiang both hands are grasping teacup, looked that to regards the young Yin succuba of swimming pool the tea, loses says with a smile: You with old body first meeting, the truth that against person's heart may not have do not understand, old body tea but actually, you said that drinks drinks, said that the bubble on the bubble, so does not pass the worldly affairs, the old body really must be deceived by you, that is old body is also too stupid.” 骊山老母看向杜香香双手握着的茶杯,又看向把茶水当成泳池的小阴魔女,失笑道:“你们与老身初次见面,连防人之心不可无的道理都不懂,老身倒的茶,你们说喝就喝,说泡就泡,如此不通世情,老身真要被你们骗了,那也是老身自己太蠢。” Du Xiangxiang face one red, looks down to the tea in hand. 杜香香脸一红,低头看向手中的茶。 The Li old mothers said with a smile: Relax, in tea non-toxic, said again it is even virulent, you still have drunk.” Also sighed: Was a pity, you want to look for Princess Iron Fan, the old body is very difficult to add on you. In the past, Princess Iron Fan cultivated/repaired True Person, depended on the palm-leaf fan, lived in Mt. Huoyan, just now no one dares to annoy, so many years passed by, her life span already completely. Even if she is also living, the old body cannot tell you her hiding place, only because of......” 骊山老母笑道:“放心,茶中无毒,再说它就算有毒,你也已经喝了。”紧接着却又叹道:“只是可惜,你们想要找铁扇公主,老身却是很难帮上你们。当年,铁扇公主不过就是堪堪修到真人,靠着芭蕉扇,住在火焰山,方才无人敢惹,这么多年过去了,想必她寿命已尽。就算她还活着,老身也不能将她藏身之处告诉你们,只因……” Looks up to the distant place, sighed: „To look her, not, only then you!” 抬头看向远处,叹道:“想要找她的,并不只有你们!” Bang! The entire Xiandao is vibrating! This shakes, on the table the tea splashes randomly, in the sky, is cloudy suddenly, overlapping, dark cloud from all directions. Wells up, accumulation toward their top of the head high place. Only in a flash, they look like by the grey circle are covered. Then, starts to whirl around void. 轰!整个仙岛都在震动!这一震,桌上茶水乱溅,天空中,骤然间乌云密布,层层叠叠,乌云从四面八方。往她们头顶高处涌来、聚集。只一瞬间,她们就像是被灰色的圆罩盖住。然后,虚空开始翻卷。 All. Those can float, probably the weightlessness is ordinary. Floats off gently, all that the naked eye can see, all became the grey, this is a does not have any color ash, as if in the world only other black and white two colors, actually felt a mysterious sense of depth. 所有的一切。凡是能够漂浮的,都像是失重一般。轻轻浮起,肉眼能够看到的一切,全都成了灰色,这是一种没有任何色彩的灰,仿佛天地间只余下了黑白两色,却又充满了一种神秘的层次感。 The Du Xiangxiang skirt suspends the fluttering, she is pressing the table, uses the five elements technique law. Has the gravity in their, surprised say/way: This is......” 杜香香裙摆翻飞,她按着桌子,强用五行术法。在她们的下方产生重力,惊讶的道:“这是……” Not fresh old mother, vacuum hometown!” The Li old mothers said, adjoins the blue woman to have one son and one daughter, her daughter practices not deeply, although also meets vacuum hometown, but does not have the so big range certainly, come should be her son!” “无生老母,真空家乡!”骊山老母道,“毗蓝婆有一子一女,她女儿修行不深,虽然也会‘真空家乡’,但绝无这般大的范围,来的应该是她的儿子!” Adjoins the blue woman? In ten demons females adjoins the blue woman demons female ranked the second? 毗蓝婆?十罗刹女中排在第二位的毗蓝婆罗刹女? The entire Xiandao, was covered by vacuum hometown, outside island. Broadcasts the dark supple male voice: New demon demon ritual is blue, comes to visit the blue woman demons Li old mother!!!” 整个仙岛,都被“真空家乡”所覆盖,岛外。传来阴阴柔柔的男子声音:“新魔界魔礼青,前来拜会蓝婆罗刹骊山老母!!!” One of Demonic Path five emperors...... the demon ritual is blue!!! 魔道五帝之一……魔礼青!!! *** *** The weather has started to shine. 天色已开始发亮。 These lethargic sleep females, long awaking extensions. Some are startled, some fears , some brave, each other inquired, wants to know what happened. 那些昏睡的女子,也一个个悠悠的醒转。有的惊慌,有的害怕,也有一些胆大的,彼此询问,想要知道发生了什么事。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv leads the sisters, explanations in the past, told them, had the evil spirit by the cult tactic, got so far as here them. To catch the refine the pill of immortality them, has grandson few heroes who luckily burn thunder sect come to rescue. Now they is well, quick will have thought the means to send back them. 幻琴天女带着姐妹们,一个个的解释过去,告诉她们,有妖魔以邪术,将她们弄到这里。想要将她们抓去炼丹,幸好有焚雷宗的孙少侠前来相救。如今她们已经平安无事,很快就会想办法将她们送回去。 The young girls look toward the high place. Sees only on the hillside, a handsome youngster, wears the Daoist robe, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, natural, the demeanor of some few heroes, obviously are grandson few heroes who day of females said that therefore sets out in abundance, is saluting thanks to the slope on, many thanks few heroes make a move to rescue. 少女们往高处看去。只见山坡上,一个英俊的少年,身穿道袍,负手而立,潇潇洒洒,很有少侠的风度,显然就是天女们所说的孙少侠,于是纷纷起身,对着坡上施礼感谢,多谢少侠出手相救。 And some people, remember vaguely own last night as if had some shy and wonderful dreams, recalls, still blushes. 其中一些人,依稀记得自己昨晚似乎做了一些害羞而又美妙的梦,回想起来,兀自脸红。 Quick , many goddess, leading the soldiers of imaginary dark green fire cloud army to catch up. Only discovered because of some people, nearby fire cloud Shenmiao has the goddess to be missing, serving on the fire cloud Zun goddess to be abducted, this is not the minor matter, after reporting, had the person to lead troops to catch up. Until arrived here, the knowledge is Luo teach evil person behavior, everyone had been saved luckily by grandson few heroes. Therefore, these profound soldiers arranges, to escort the females to go home respectively, while searches, has a look whether also has Luo Jiaocan party. 很快,又有许多神女,带着幻苍火云军的兵将赶来。只因有人发现,附近火云神庙有神女失踪,侍奉火云尊上的神女被人掳走,这可不是小事,上报之后,自有人带兵赶了过来。直至到了这里,才知乃是罗教邪人所为,幸好大家都已经被孙少侠救下。于是,这些玄兵一边安排,护送众女各自回家,一边搜寻,看看是否还有罗教残党。 Sun Yan also invited them , helping be blue the Daoist priest and his disciple's corpse restraining, and tried to inform ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect. The matter of last night, sudden, although saved the girls in color Unzen park promptly and day females, the azure Daoist priest masters and disciples actually also died because of this matter, let some Sun Yan quite regrets. 孙炎又请他们,帮忙将青都道长和他弟子的尸体收敛,并设法通知古都阖辟宗。昨晚之事,事发突然,虽然及时救下了彩云仙苑的姑娘们和众天女,青都道长师徒却也因此事而死,让孙炎颇有一些遗憾。 Follows the Shao green spin these to dance Ji , not clear last night exactly what happened, only knows wakes up very early in the morning, the azure Daoist priest and others had died, they luckily safe/without matter. Also learned from green spin that all got down everyone by grandson few heroes, to grandson few heroes is grateful. 跟随绍绿旋的那些舞姬,也都不清楚昨夜到底发生了什么事,只知一早醒来,青都道长等已死,她们自身幸好无事。又从绿旋那得知,全是靠孙少侠就下了大家,对孙少侠自是感激。 In the afternoon, Sun Yan and imaginary qins, the Shao green spins and various Tiannv avoids others, gathers together. 下午时,孙炎和幻琴、绍绿旋、诸天女避开其他人,聚在一起。 The cool breeze sways to come from the East, bamboo grove with the wind light swayed on mountainside. These bamboos are actually Hsinchu, mixes the desert world side from starting to give full play to the vitality, the bamboo was long the quickest plant. The horizon has several trace of clouds, flutters, the auspicious clear and bright weather, let a last night night of fright, mist that has passed probably. 清风从东方吹拂而来,山腰上的竹林随风轻摆。这些竹却都是新竹,混漠世界方自开始焕发生机,竹类原本就是长得最快的植物。天际有几丝云彩,飘飘荡荡,祥和清朗的天气,让昨晚的一夜惊魂,都像是早就过去的云烟。 Sun Yan looks at the girls, they are actually also all visiting him. Should a Sun Yan headache, should do now? Sees his headache the appearance, various Tiannv you push me to push over, keep laughing. They have known he biggest secret, now what to do does he want them? After is first deceitful, kills? After first kills, deceitful? Or kills and deceitful? 孙炎看着姑娘们,她们却也全都在看着他。孙炎一阵头疼,现在到底该如何是好?看到他那头疼的样子,诸天女你推我搡,笑个不停。她们已经知道了他最大的秘密,他现在要把她们怎么办呢?是先奸后杀呢?还是先杀后奸呢?要不就又杀又奸呢? If must silence a witness of crime, obviously they had died last night. Since he cannot start, they naturally also had nothing to fear. Now completely goes timidly, the thoughts are instead detachable. Originally, Sun Shaoxia with them is has traced and is traced the relations, now they know him small secret, let alone he has also saved them again and again. The young hero, is the object who being in love young girl most looks forward, stands before them let alone now, is simply various collection miracles in a God's favored one. 如果要杀人灭口,显然她们昨晚就已经死了。既然他下不了手,那她们自然也没有什么好怕了。现在胆怯尽去,心思反而活络过来。原本,孙少侠跟她们就是“摸过和被摸过”的关系,现在她们又知道了他的“小秘密”,何况他还三番五次的救过她们。年少英雄,原本就是怀春少女最憧憬的对象,更何况现在站在她们面前的,是简直集各种奇迹于一身的天之骄子。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv understands compared with other girls, is more intelligent. In her heart clear, took four to want the hole and last night that blue sex fiend bead Sun Yan, even if did not kill them to eliminate a potential informant, actually can still brainwash them, even was forces them to become his nature. Slaves, but he actually this. Obviously is the so big secret, should not let the secret that the person knows obviously, finally he actually takes the risk of secret exposition, the choice to let off them, this lets in her heart , were not only many for several points to feel grateful, instead increased more affections. 这其中,幻琴天女又比其他姑娘懂得更多,也更为聪慧。她心中清楚,拿着四欲洞和昨晚那颗蓝色魔珠的孙炎,就算不杀她们灭口,其实也是可以将她们洗脑,甚至是强迫她们成为他的性.奴的,但他却没有这样做。明明是这般大的秘密,明明是不该让人知道的秘密,结果他却还是冒着秘密暴露的风险,选择放过她们,这让她心中不但多了几分感激,反又增添更多爱意。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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