MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#996: Vacuum hometown: Not fresh!

Sun Yan flies high to flutter, looks to the Shao green spin. 孙炎凌空飘飞,看向绍绿旋。 At this moment, the Shao green spin flutters in in the air, body Zhou Lanqi is billowing, the blue air/Qi has, if the shape of Dragon King, vanishes the non- body. In her hand the double cymbals do not see, the right hand binds the wind to grasp saying that the left hand grasps the blue sex fiend bead, the pearly luster is flashing, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 此刻,绍绿旋飘飞在空中,身周蓝气滚滚,蓝气有若龙王之形,幻灭不体。她手中双钹已经不见,右手裹风握云,左手握着蓝色魔珠,珠光闪动,神秘莫测。 In the Sun Yan heart moves slightly, the Shao green spin at this moment, becomes somebody obviously on body, like demon sovereign ni once by Ling for on body. However, does the shape like Dragon King, the right hand wind and cloud, the left hand grasp the bead...... this is not ten demons females adjoins the blue woman demons female's configuration in Buddhist literature ranked the second? 孙炎心中微动,此刻的绍绿旋,显然成为了某人的应身,就像魔皇婗曾以玲儿为应身一样。但是,形如龙王,右手风云,左手握珠……这不是“十罗刹女”中排在第二位的毗蓝婆罗刹女在佛经中的形相么? The metaphorical animal ghost demon falls side the Shao green spin. 獬豸鬼魔落在绍绿旋身边。 Shao green spin body Zhou Lanqi, assumes Dragon King, sends out to overlap her own and some mysterious old lady's voice: Why makes into this appearance?” A person of alliteration, Shao spins oneself sound to be clear green has, if the oriole, never may know is, taking advantage of sound that her body makes actually like crow, folds in the same place, strange inexplicable. 绍绿旋身周蓝气,呈龙王之相,发出交叠着她自己与某个神秘的老太婆的声音:“为何弄成这个样子?”一人双声,绍绿旋自己的声音清脆得有若黄鹂,从不可知的所在,借她身体发出的声音却如老鸦,叠在一起,怪异莫名。 Metaphorical animal ghost demon cold say/way: This boy looks for trouble!” 獬豸鬼魔冷然道:“这小子找麻烦!” „The Shao green spin blue air/Qi one volume, the dragon has, if Mount Tai, occupies a commanding position to overlook the youngster: Vacuum hometown, not fresh old mother! Fresh hasn't not old mother here, you knelt in a big hurry pays homage to?” A words exit|to speak, the invincible might sweeps across. “绍绿旋”蓝气一卷,龙相有若泰山,居高临下俯视少年:“真空家乡,无生老母!无生老母在此,尔还不快快跪地膜拜?”话一出口,神威席卷。 Sun Yan saw, on her indeed is sending out the invincible might that is willing the strength to form, truly is Spiritual God right, but he himself is fire cloud Xiaosheng, hope the strength accumulation, mortal body to become Saint, sees god Buddha, where will be threatened by this god? Let alone, the immortal Deity ghost monster, the truly competent person, rather makes the immortal, becomes god to look at the mood inadequately. The so-called god, more only has the deterrent force to the foolish couples. 孙炎看出,她身上的确是散发着愿力形成的神威,确实是“神灵”没错,但他自己都是“火云小圣”,愿力聚集,肉身成圣,又见惯神佛,哪里会被这点神威吓到?更何况,仙神人鬼妖,真正有实力的人,宁可做仙,成不成“神”全看心情。所谓的神,更多只对愚夫愚妇有威慑力。 Makes him somewhat alarmed and afraid truly, mysterious air/Qi field that actually periphery forms, swarming, all turned grey blue, the gravity as if vanished generally, the lethargic sleep in the girls of ground, performs all hikes up, here has become under not fresh old mother control vacuum hometown, in other words. Has become the home game of opposite party. 真正让他有些惊惧的,其实还是周围形成的神秘气场,远远近近,一切都变成了灰蓝,重力仿佛消失了一般,昏睡在地上的姑娘们,尽皆飘起,这里已成了无生老母控制下的“真空家乡”,换句话说。已经成了对方的主场。 He sneers saying: „Are you not fresh old mother?” 他冷笑道:“你就是无生老母?” Not fresh old mother said mean: Your my well water not interfering with river water, why must rush to my Buddhist temple, destroys me to teach the law?” 无生老母阴狠道:“你我井水不犯河水,为何要闯我道场,毁我教法?” Sun Yan ill-humored say/way: You pass on your teaching, I cross my road. But you actually use the cult tactic, all seized my companion, actually blames me to go bad your matters? Your Demonic Path conduct, is really overbearing.” Although he does not know why Luo teach and Demonic Path will pull in the same place, but looking back now. This not fresh old mother and demon ritual in Demonic Path five emperors is blue, obviously is one group. 孙炎没好气的道:“你传你的教,我过我的路。但你们却用邪术,把我的同伴全都掳了过来,却怪我坏你们的事?你们魔道行事,果然霸道。”他虽不知罗教与魔道为何会扯在一起,但现在看来。这“无生老母”和魔道五帝中的魔礼青,显然是一伙的。 In not fresh old mother heart dark anger, if the ceremony works normally, in more than 200 maidens, will pick up one most to have the person of organ of wisdom, then virgin Yuan Yin of others, all through her hand in adjoins blue demon bead, under hoping the influence of strength, shifts to that human body. Others will be passing away in an instant, finally remaining that people. Will obtain others 's Yuan Yin, intelligence, becomes a day of lovable girl, then took possession by her. 无生老母心中暗怒,如果仪式正常进行下去,这两百多个处女中,会挑出一个最有慧根之人,然后其他人的处子元阴,全都通过她手中的“毗蓝魔珠”,在愿力的影响下,转移到那一人体内。其他人都会在刹那间老死,最后剩下的那一人。将得到其他人的元阴、灵性,成为天之娇女,然后再被她附体。 Chaotic of result boy enters, makes the ceremony be defeated directly, the metaphorical animal ghost demon has to let adjoin the blue demon bead to contact with the young girl who she resides temporarily now directly, making her parasite to take possession ahead of time. This young girl body is soft, is also sweet and pretty, although is also good, but has not arrived at the perfect condition that she wanted after all, is to make her quite anger. 结果这小子的乱入,直接让仪式失败,獬豸鬼魔不得不直接让毗蓝魔珠与她现在寄身的这个少女接触,让她提前寄生附体。这少女身体柔软,亦算娇美,虽也不错,但毕竟还未到她原本想要的理想状态,自是让她颇为忿怒。 The metaphorical animal ghost demon said in a low voice: Old mother was careful. He is Sun Yan!” 獬豸鬼魔低声道:“老母小心。他就是孙炎!” Sun Yan?” Not fresh old mother sneers dark, „when old body became famous in the past, this boy has not known where nurses.” 孙炎?”无生老母阴阴冷笑,“老身当年成名之时,这小子还不知道在哪里吃奶。” Left hand demon bead one volume, wishing the strength to lose to enter crazily. Reradiation. The female who these weightlessness float, then flew, the body vicious tendencies are billowing, the specters are steaming, gather round Sun Yan, the diversion continuous. 左手魔珠一卷,愿力狂输而入。再辐射而出。那些失重漂浮的女子,便都飞了过来,身上戾气滚滚,魔影腾腾,围着孙炎,绕飞不休。 Imaginary zither | Jean and other various Tiannv. Although is still sober, wants to struggle, how is actually not able to shake off the control of blue sex fiend bead, similarly joins in the females, they dance, they sang, their destiny built up in together, in this vacuum hometown, formed the base demon sound. 幻琴等诸天女。虽然依旧清醒,想要挣扎,却怎都无法摆脱蓝色魔珠的控制,同样加入众女之中,她们舞,她们唱,她们的气运集结在一起,在这真空家乡,形成靡靡魔音。 Flatters the sorcerer dance? Strong pressure, having, if the sea is ordinary, overlapping, presses Sun Yan not to gasp for breath. Not fresh old mother, the vacuum hometown, not fresh old mother, the vacuum hometown, not fresh old mother, the vacuum hometown, not fresh old mother, the vacuum hometown...... in this vacuum hometown, as well as under the numerous female day dance, he looked like strip naked all, profound qi was defeated and dispersed, ** must look like the newly-born baby, did not have the protection, was incapable weakly. 媚神巫舞?强大的压力,有若大海一般,层层叠叠,压得孙炎喘不过气。无生老母,真空家乡,无生老母,真空家乡,无生老母,真空家乡,无生老母,真空家乡……在这“真空家乡”,以及众女的天舞之下,他就像是被剥光了一切,玄气溃散,**得就像是刚出生的婴儿,全无保护,虚弱无力。 Right now...... was...... was really finished...... 这下子……真的是……完蛋了…… The metaphorical animal ghost demon is cloudy and cold, the remaining these person of demons, perform all sneer. In this vacuum hometown, not fresh old mother is the only Spiritual God, since this boy had entered, was equal to entering the boundless hell, besides dying, did not have other again. Not fresh old mother right hand wind and cloud two air/Qi have the ready-made winged poisonous snake, the wing snake flee, in an instant flies into the witch dance, ties down Sun Yan, bites ruthlessly, bites on Sun Yan, the Sun Yan complexion starts becomes purple, body being defeated and dispersed bit by bit. 獬豸鬼魔阴阴冷冷,剩下的那些人魔,尽皆冷笑。在这真空家乡中,无生老母乃是唯一神灵,这小子既然已经入了此间,便等于是入了无边地狱,除死之外,再无其它。无生老母右手风云二气具现成带翼毒蛇,翼蛇一窜,刹那间飞入巫舞之中,缠住孙炎,狠狠一咬,咬在孙炎身上,孙炎脸色开始变紫,身体一点一点的溃散。 Not fresh old mother Jie however said with a smile: „The matter of this boy bad old lady, I then must make him suffer greatly, do not seek livehood, asked unable!” 无生老母桀然笑道:“这小子坏老娘之事,我便要让他受尽折磨,求生不得,求死不能!” The metaphorical animal ghost demon looks to these females, said: That these females how?” 獬豸鬼魔看向那些女子,道:“那这些女子又如何?” They could not have applied, grasped to grasp in any case, played to you.” Not fresh old mother's careless say/way. “她们已经派不上用场,反正抓都已经抓来了,就给你们玩去。”无生老母毫不在乎的道。 These person of demons completely all send out obscenely. Smiles, this was attracted by old mother's demon bead, is the virgin, moreover the days of many Buddhism female, and dancing Ji of goddess and Heaven of hot cloud temple, is all sweet and pretty, this, they gained sent greatly, waited to probably make them know surely, anything was the joy that wanted the immortal to want. 那些人魔尽皆发出淫.笑,此趟被老母的魔珠吸引来的,全都是处子,而且其中还有许多佛门的天女、以及火云神庙的神女、天界的舞姬,个个娇美,这一趟,他们可是赚大发了,等一下必定要让她们知道,什么是欲仙欲死的快乐。 Imaginary zither | Jean and other various Tiannv, jumps is flattering the sorcerer dance, while bursting into tears water. Compares periphery these also in the lethargic sleep, unconsciousness by young girl who not fresh old mother controls, their will is firmer, but can also keep sober, because just sober, instead pain. They watch Sun Shaoxia the whole body fester, in poisonous snake hiss bites to tumble, they are listening to the obscenities of these person of demons. Smiles, knew in the heart oneself under and others will experience suffering surely the humiliation. 幻琴等诸天女,一边跳着媚神巫舞,一边流着泪水。相比起周围那些还在昏睡中、无意识的被无生老母控制的少女,她们心志更坚,还能保持清醒,但正因为清醒,反而更加的痛苦。她们看着孙少侠全身溃烂,在毒蛇的嘶咬下翻滚,她们听着那些人魔的淫.笑,心知自己等下必定会受尽凌辱。 The blue sex fiend bead in not fresh old mother hand, is controlling them, keeping them from stopping own waving, making them strive for not being able to achieve. 偏偏无生老母手中的蓝色魔珠,控制着她们,让她们无法停止自己的舞动,让她们连求死都无法做到。 They look that was encircled by them in the central youngster, is dancing, dances the curse that attaches to harm him by the witch, while has tears streaming down the face, dropped out the blood at heart. 她们看着被她们围在中央的少年,一边舞着,以巫舞所附的诅咒伤害着他,一边泪流满面,心里头滴出了血。 Is this youngster, reckless rescuing in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata got down them, is this youngster, becomes only one men who have traced their chests, this time, his similarly also being duty-bound not to turn back comes to rescue them, but they, actually become by the item that the enemy uses, is harming him, is suffering him. 就是这个少年,在妙喜树内不顾一切的救下了她们,就是这个少年,成为了唯一一个摸过她们胸脯的男子,这一次,他同样也是义无反顾的前来救援她们,而她们,却成为了被敌人所利用的道具,伤害着他,折磨着他。 First killed that boy!” And an demon cannot wait, must open to these females kills. “还是先杀了那小子!”其中一魔已是等不及的,要对这些女子“开杀”。 Not fresh old mother right hand flings, entangles the winged poisonous snake of youngster to open the blood-stained mouth, bit the head of youngster directly. 无生老母右手一甩,缠着少年的带翼毒蛇张开血口,直接将少年的脑袋咬了下来。 The bloody water general splashes upwardly from the breaking neck place fountain of youngster. 血水从少年的断颈处喷泉一般向上溅出。 Bang! Pink dense splits open suddenly! 轰!粉红色的氤氲猛然间绽开! Is the gray-blue space, changes the world suddenly, entire vacuum hometown traded the appearance, everywhere is pink, that fills with the mysterious aura the pink color to be dense, is winding around men and women everyone. The gravity reappears, the young girls throw, performs all plants to fall, the pink air/Qi floods into their within the body, some wriggle in the sleep, some smile in the fond dream, the traces of spring are continuous, flatter the body to assume horizontally. 原本是灰蓝色的空间,突然间改天换地,整个“真空家乡”换了模样,到处都是粉红,那充满神秘气息的粉色氤氲,缭绕着男男女女每一个人。重力重新出现,少女们扑扑扑的,尽皆栽落,粉红之气涌入她们体内,有的在睡梦中蠕动,有的在美梦中微笑,春意绵绵,媚体横呈。 Has an accident? Numerous demons one startled, looks toward under, these young girls actually have the spring dream to sway from side to side probably generally, looks at them to have a parched mouth, consumed by passion. Bang bang bang bang bang...... short several snap fingers, the unexpectedly more than 20 people explode the body to perish, blood splash in in the air like smoke and fire one ** chaotic sprinkles, in the pink air current has, if rouge. 出了什么事?众魔一惊,往下方看去,那些少女却像是做着春梦一般扭动着,看得他们口干舌燥,欲火焚身。嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭……短短的几个弹指,竟有二十多人爆体而亡,血花在空中如烟火般一**的乱洒,在粉红色的气流中有若胭脂。 „Do four want the hole?” The metaphorical animal ghost demon remembers a treasure, lost one's voice to call out. “四欲洞?”獬豸鬼魔想起一宝,失声叫道。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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