MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#985: Flame cool changes in temperature hot foreign mountain

Sun Yan lived in several days in Immortal World. 孙炎仙界住了几日。 Burns the thunder and purple ice two to present the matter of say/way of primal chaos law, temporarily hands over by Xiaoman and Ran Jingshan does, before then, first has also hit to call to two disciples, since then, two Senior Sister Junior Brother called by Senior Brother Junior Sister mutually, in the future will select the lucky day and time, altogether welcomed the primal chaos emperor idol, completed the ceremony. 焚雷、紫冰两宗共奉太极纪纲之道的事,暂时交由小曼和冉静珊来做,在此之前,亦已先向两宗的弟子打好招呼,自此之后,两宗以师兄师妹师姐师弟互相称呼,日后再选取良辰吉日,共迎太极天皇神像,完成仪式。 Regarding burning thunder sect the male disciples, this naturally is an exciting matter, only because of burning the thunder sect originally is the male female few, in girl student, not all attractive, only several attractive, such as the governing tender snow, clothes Wei, Ji Xiaoman, felt that on cannot pursue. 对于焚雷宗的男弟子们来说,这当然是一件兴奋的事,只因焚雷宗原本就是男多女少,女弟子中,也并非个个漂亮,仅有的几个漂亮的,如御娇雪、衣薇、吉小曼,感觉上都是追不到的。 But purple ice pavilion, because is the special female cultivates the school, the appearance beautiful is also one of the basic conditions, dresses up daily nicely. Naturally, because about faction, not and sect, therefore in fact was still different sect gate, but in the feeling, was at least more intimate. 而紫冰阁,因为是专门的女修门派,模样标致亦是入门的条件之一,日常也打扮得更为漂亮。当然,因为只是合派,并不并宗,所以实际上仍然是不同的宗门,但至少感觉上,亲近了许多。 Flying rainbow purple ice pavilion, starts to plan to give up another paradise, buys the matters concerned of flame ominous forest. Because only, if takes «Primal chaos Symbol Chart» as the town/subdues mountain precious book, in the future will walk is the path that ice flame aid and Yin-Yang adjust, that resembles burns the thunder sect to be common, moon/month ice two Sichuan seizes a paradise in the day flame and in respectively, obviously is the most reasonable arrangement. 飞虹紫冰阁,也开始谋划放弃另一座福地,买下焰凶林的事宜。只因,若以《太极符图》为镇山宝典,日后走的便是冰炎共济、阴阳相调的路子,那像焚雷宗一般,在日炎、月冰两川上各据一福地,显然是最为合理的安排。 In addition, to express two sect Youhao, brothers, the muddy evening burns thunder sect and flying rainbow purple ice pavilion, prepares to select several exchange to live mutually, enters studies to Fangshan. The male disciples who this lets the muddy evening mountain are very excited, if can become exchange to live, to purple ice pavilion that type is the miss families/home is, could fish in troubled waters, after beginning . The palace...... naturally, the fact showed that they want to be many, was arranged the purple ice pavilion to live as the exchange, is the girl student who burns thunder sect. 此外,为了表示“两宗友好、同气连枝”,浑夕焚雷宗与飞虹紫冰阁,亦准备互相选出几名“交换生”,进入对方山中学习。这让浑夕山的男弟子们很是兴奋,如果能够成为“交换生”,到紫冰阁那种都是姑娘家的所在,说不定能够浑水摸鱼,开建后.宫……当然,事实证明他们想多了,被安排进紫冰阁作为交换生的,全是焚雷宗的女弟子。 In these days, Sun Yan also continues to cultivate bodhi in within the body. 在这几日里,孙炎也继续修炼体内的菩提子。 So-called bodhi. What on behalf is own consciousness and wisdom, bodhi is intelligence materializing. 所谓“菩提”。代表的是自身的觉悟、智慧,“菩提子”则是自身灵性的物质化。 This matter. Sounding is somewhat inconceivable and unreadable, however bodhi non- tree and bright mirror also not stage, no matter you did understand, it there, there, it, if there, you did not strive for not being able to strive. 这种事。听上去有些不可思议、难以理解,然而菩提本非树、明镜亦非台,不管你理解不理解,它在那里,就是在那里,它若不在那里,你求也求不来。 Bodhi of Sun Yan within the body, inlays in the space between eyebrows that the Spiritual God clone, that weak Heavenly Emperor supernatural power and Le Moqi, then also hides in bodhi extremely. Because the bodhi child represents is solid wisdom. Therefore they actually also hide in he intelligence, can not disperse does not extinguish. But is this supernatural power and demon air/Qi, in addition before Buddha Nirvana , helping that grain of bodhi that Sun Yan is precise, then became his within the body, the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism about cultivating seed. 孙炎体内的菩提子,镶在神灵分身的眉间,那一点微弱的天帝神力和极乐魔气,便也藏于菩提子内。因菩提子代表的是“自身之实智”。所以它们其实也是藏于他自身灵性之中,得以不散不灭。而就是这一丝神力、一丝魔气,加上佛祖涅槃前助孙炎凝炼出的那一粒菩提子,便成了他体内,三教合修的萌芽。 Naturally, at present also merely is only the seed. 当然,目前也仅仅只是萌芽。 The fragrant and beautiful dance respectively through Yaochi and spirit flying tower, helping him look for actually the whereabouts of evil sword. But is unable to find, properly speaking, the evil sword has extremely strong restraint function to the monster class, in the event, is impossible not to have the news, but is not truly able to find at present with its related clue. 香香、美舞分别通过瑶池和灵飞塔,帮他寻找却邪剑的下落。但却怎么也无法找到,按理说,却邪剑对妖类有极强的克制作用,一旦出现,不可能全无消息,但目前确确实实无法找到与它相关的线索。 In addition, Immortal World once for a while. Also started to spread Yaoyao Empress to pound one, deliberately create trouble here a news there. The Immortal World various immortal response completely all relaxes, after passing through this unrest. Felt that Immortal World returned finally daily. 此外,仙界时不时的。又开始传出瑶瑶帝姬在这里砸了一顿、在那里胡闹一场的消息。仙界诸仙的反应是尽皆松了口气,在经过这一番骚乱之后。感觉仙界终于回到了日常。 Regarding this, Sun Yan can only suspect that the immortal gods of Heaven are m...... you do know what deliberately creates trouble in your supreme headquarters is who? 对此,孙炎只能猜想天界的仙神都是m……你们到底知不知道在你们的大本营里胡闹的是什么人啊? Small has the zither | Jean accompanied the elder sister several days later, then also left Heaven, returns to new demon to go, having a look at a Demonic Path side to have actually the whereabouts of evil sword, before, her has promised the brother-in-law, will not forget this matter. 小有琴陪了姐姐几天后,便也离开了天界,回新魔界去,看看魔道一方有没有却邪剑的下落,在走之前,她一直向姐夫保证,绝不会把这件事忘掉。 After handles the trivial matters of Heaven, Sun Yan because of by the request of fire cloud Xiaosheng, but must go to the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace, discussed that is mixing the desert world to construct the matter of being driven to death after suffering an injustice city, therefore, then passes the space and time winding corridor of mountain, enters mixes the desert world. 在将天界的琐事处理完后,孙炎因为“受火云小圣之托”,还要前往大红莲花宝殿,商量在混漠世界建枉死城的事,于是,便通过中岳的时空回廊,进入混漠世界。 Just, this time, he walks does not lead to the exceedingly high step of good Changshan, but leads to valuable Guishan...... 只不过,这一次,他走的并不是通往良常山的通天阶,而是通往宝圭山的…… *** *** Valuable Guishan was still in gifted general's control. 宝圭山仍然处在天兵天将的控制之中。 Sun Yan gets down after the exceedingly high step, by way of two days will inspect the status, got down offered a sacrifice to Temple of Heaven. 孙炎从通天阶下来后,经由两名天将查验了身份,下了祭天坛。 Looks up, the flags wave everywhere, the thunderclap soars. 抬头看去,四处旌旗舞动,霹雳腾空。 In mixing the war of desert world, this side is the main battlefield that the upfront and army zha Leeming king battles, but good Changshan is auxiliary attacks. Here gifted general, are more than good Changshan that side, but, good Changshan under the leadership of Yaoyao Empress, is on the whole smooth, but this side valuable Guishan, faced is the main force of army zha Leeming king, once experienced the acute communicable disease sovereign Great Emperor to rout, was only Jin World of mortals afterward, assumes personal command personally, further stabilized the aspect. 在混漠世界的战事中,这一边原本就是正面与军吒利明王作战的主战场,良常山一方而是辅攻。此处的天兵天将,自是比良常山那边更多,只不过,良常山一方在瑶瑶帝姬的带领下,大体上顺风顺水,而宝圭山这一边,原本面对的就是军吒利明王的主力,又曾经历了瘟皇大帝大败一事,只是后来金公下界,亲自坐镇,才进一步安定了局面。 Now, mixed the war of desert world to finish on the whole, even if war, snatched the partial war of domain mutually. Therefore, more say/way gates, come here, wants to mix the desert world to open sect Sanye, but, like from the world, the celestial mountain treasure trove and quantity of true spiritual energy alone bell is always limited, mostly was dared in the war initial period and victory and defeat fixed time, then not to enter the say/way gate to occupy with the gifted general, waits for the war to have the stable sign slightly, these gates further accelerate to expand, remaining , can only divide the soup. 如今,混漠世界的战事大体上已经结束,纵然还有战争,也都是互抢地盘的局部战事。于是,更多的道门,来到此处,想要在混漠世界开宗散叶,但是,像这样的从世界,真正灵气独钟的仙山宝地、数量总是有限,大多都被敢于在战事初期、胜负未定时,便跟着天兵天将进驻此间的道门所占据,等战事稍有稳定的迹象,这些道门进一步加速扩张,剩下的,也就只能分分汤水。 Left to offer a sacrifice to Temple of Heaven, Sun Yan flies toward the west side. 出了祭天坛,孙炎往西边飞去。 ancient flying upwards leads the disciples to enter mixes the desert world, then in the western hot foreign mountain. 古飞扬带着众弟子进入混漠世界,便是在西边的火夷山。 Actually this hot foreign mountain, is Abelow raised fearing of the world to keep the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, in process that in mixing the desert world forms, changes to the celestial mountain paradise, just when started, the surroundings are the evil spirit, after ancient Feiyang bring the disciples are entering mix the desert world, directly then first occupied this mountain. 其实这火夷山,乃是原阿比罗提世界之惧留洞天,在混漠世界形成的过程中,化作仙山福地,刚开始时,周围都是妖魔,古飞扬带着众弟子进入混漠世界后,直接便先占了此山。 ancient flies upwards when mixing the desert world or the chaos, then has set firm resolve, wants to mix the desert world to quarry a mountain to construct the sect, at that time Sun Yan and luck Xiaoman, somewhat hesitated unavoidably, after all at that time the situation was too chaotic, was not good, enters mixes the burning thunder sect disciple in desert world, then might be defeated. 古飞扬在混漠世界还是大乱之时,便已下定决心,要在混漠世界开山建宗,当时就连孙炎与吉小曼,都不免有些犹豫,毕竟那个时候形势太乱,一个不好,进入混漠世界的焚雷宗弟子,便有可能覆没。 But in fact, indeed has several say/way gate destruction in this. 而事实上,也的确是有好几个道门覆灭于此。 As for the present, with the stability of aspect, occupied feared keeps the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, and it changed name to hot foreign mountain burning thunder sect, does not know that made many people of same belief envy, not only occupied a good dwelling places of buddhist immortals, feared keeps many without owner Fubao that in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals hid, was burnt the thunder sect to result. Vertical even Sun Yan and luck Xiaoman , can only sigh one, is really dares to spell will win! 至于现在,随着局面的稳定,占据了惧留洞天,并将其改名“火夷山”的焚雷宗,不知让多少同道羡慕,不但占据了一座上好的洞天福地,惧留洞天内所藏的许多无主佛宝,也都被焚雷宗得了去。纵连孙炎与吉小曼,也只能感叹一声,果然是“敢拼就会赢”! Sun Yan flies, sees only on the road, everywhere is the county fairs, has started to appear the lively scene. army zha Leeming king destruction, now. Entire mixes the desert world, became panning for gold place. Daoism and evil spirit of each thousand world completely all catch up, wants to develop own influence in this, or exploration treasure hunt. 孙炎一路飞去,只见路上,到处都是市集,已开始显现繁华景象。军吒利明王覆灭,现在。整个混漠世界,都成了一块淘金之地。各个中千世界的玄门、妖魔尽皆赶来,想要在此发展自己的势力,又或是探秘寻宝。 Some hearsay said, in the past the willow Goddess of Mercy hid the buried treasure, and incessantly greater spotted eagle gorge. Moreover, in the process that in mixing the desert world forms, many Bodhisattvas fall down the Bodhisattva throne, cave mansion and Fubao that they leave behind, became the thing of without owner, similarly is also the target that these people seek. 更有传闻说,当年杨柳观音所藏宝藏,并不止乌雕涧一处。另外,在混漠世界形成的过程中,许多菩萨跌下菩萨宝座,他们留下的洞府、佛宝,也成了无主之物,同样也是这些人寻找的目标。 In addition. Although the big war had ended, but is mixing the karmic virtue value that the desert world obtains to turn the stipulation of time of computation, Heavenly Court has not cancelled, because before this world was chaotic, massive karmic virtue values, what followed was massive risks, although now was still the confusion. But the aspect has made one see clearly on the whole, the degree of hazard plummets, when many people naturally must not turn time this stipulation to cancel the karmic virtue value while Heavenly Court, catches up to slice. 此外。虽然大的战事已经结束,但在混漠世界得到的功德值可以翻倍计算的规定,天庭还未取消,以前因为此世界混乱不堪,大量的功德值,伴随的是大量的风险,现在虽然仍是混乱。但局面大体上已经让人看清,危险程度大降,许多人自然要趁着天庭还未把“功德值翻倍”这一规定取消时,赶来分一杯羹。 When flies on the way, Sun Yan saw, another side has cloud array to pass through, a group of gifted generals are detaining a prison van. In the prison van is closing. Unexpectedly is belongs to the acute communicable disease section and acute communicable disease taoist priest. 飞在途中时,孙炎看到,另一边有云阵经过,一批天兵天将押着一辆囚车。囚车内关着的。竟是原属瘟部的和瘟道士。 At this moment, with the acute communicable disease taoist priest full is dispirited. The shoulder blade was pierced, sits in the prison van, is extremely wooden. With the acute communicable disease taoist priest with the encouraging good behavior Grandmaster, when did not know, joined the Chengtian Avenue pledge in secret, once and plotted against five thunder Yuanzhu jointly, now, with death of appearance/allow Chenggong , these people of Chengtian Avenue pledge, by digging out and chasing down, can say, depending on the conclusion of wonderful camptotheca acuminata event, Heavenly Court will also hide the dissident in Immortal World, cleaned thoroughly. But these betray the Heavenly Court rebel at crucial moments, by the priority target that Heavenly Court chases down. 此刻,和瘟道士满是颓废。琵琶骨被刺穿,坐在囚车中,极是木然。和瘟道士与劝善大师,不知何时,暗中加入了承天大道盟,并曾联手暗算五雷院主,现在,随着容成公之死,承天大道盟的这些人,也被一个个的挖出、追杀,可以说,藉着妙喜树事件的结束,天庭亦将潜藏在仙界中的异己,彻底清洗了一遍。而这些在关键时刻背叛天庭的叛徒,更是被天庭追杀的首要目标。 Flies, ran into various people on the way, finally arrives at the hot foreign mountain. 一路飞行,途中遇到了各色各样的人,终于来到火夷山。 Falls on the foot, the two entrance door disciples in entrance place keeps off there, inquiry purpose in coming. Sun Yan has not spoken, another side, a young girl had called out: Leader Senior Brother?” 落在山脚,山门处的两名外门弟子挡在那里,询问来意。孙炎还未说话,另一边,一个少女却已叫道:“掌门师兄?” Sun Yan turns head to look, sees only calls his unexpectedly is clothes Wei! 孙炎扭头一看,只见叫他的竟是衣薇! More than one year have not seen, clothes Wei is also the growth is unexpectedly lovely, put on does not burn the thunder sect standard configuration the Daoist robe, but is gold/metal Baidie the short Chinese-style jacket clothes, the shell red red Chinese-style jacket vests. 一年多未见,衣薇竟也是发育娇好,穿的并非焚雷宗标配的道袍,而是金百蝶的襦衣,外罩绯红色对襟半臂。 Leaders? The several young girls of her side, with defending the entrance door disciple of mountain look simultaneously to Sun Yan, never expected that the leader kisses/intimate , a disciple hurries to climb mountains report/give report, before long, flew upwards to lead the person to welcome personally. 掌门?她身边的几名少女,与守山的外门弟子同时看向孙炎,没有想到掌门亲至,其中一名弟子赶紧上山禀报,不一会儿,古飞扬亲自带人迎了出来。 ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan flies upwards with ancient mounts the hot foreign mountain together. 孙炎随着古飞扬一同登上火夷山。 Although is only the paradise in the world of mortals, but this mountain spiritual energy alone bell, may compared with Immortal World, Sun Yan have to acknowledge unexpectedly, ancient Feiyang leads the disciples, indeed occupied a good place here. 虽然只是下界的福地,但此山灵气独钟,竟是可比得仙界,孙炎不得不承认,古飞扬带着众门人,的确是在这里占得了一块好地方。 The hot foreign mountain altogether has the Liufeng nine water, this passed certainly through ancient Feiyang and the others the transformation of immortal technique. On having big of occupying land area, actually compared with them in the main paradise muddy evening mountain of Heaven, wants on not to know many in a big way. Naturally, many things cannot the so direct comparison, Immortal World, but the inch of land worth an inch of gold, where arrives, is the profound qi full, connection heaven of heavens and net colored glaze world. 火夷山共有六峰九水,这当然是经过了古飞扬等人仙术的改造。论起占地之大,其实比他们在天界的主福地浑夕山,要大上不知多少。当然,许多东西不能这般直接比较,仙界可是寸土寸金,走到哪里,都是玄气充盈,又连通极乐世界和净琉璃世界。 This like, the similar area, is going north broad this first-tier city, with the houses in 34 cities, its value is no comparison between them. 这就像,同样的占地面积,在北上广这种一线城市,与三四线城市的住宅,其价值不可同日而语。 The peak peak, several hundred teenage boys and girls, in uneasy is accepting inspection that burns thunder sect, these to pursue the immortal said, but rookie who the first getting angry foreign mountain acknowledges as teacher, in can become the disciple, most only has ten people, even only then several people of most elite. 其副峰的峰脚下,数百名少男少女,正在忐忑不安的接受着焚雷宗的考核,这些都是为了追求仙道,而前来火夷山拜师的新人,其中能够成为内门弟子的,最多只有十人,甚至只有最精英的数人。 But can become the entrance door disciple, is the one in a ten cream of the crop and dozens people of quotas, when most entrance door disciples, initial is janitor general existence, but even so, these people also are extremely tense, for fear that oneself this type of dwelling place of celestial beings school janitor cannot make. 而能够成为外门弟子的,也不过就是十里挑一、数十人的名额,绝大多数的外门弟子,初始时不过就是杂役一般的存在,但就算如此,这些人亦极是紧张,生怕自己连这种仙家门派的“杂役”都做不成。 In there, conducts the trial and promotion to these rookies, is fuel/thin clear(ly), after Sun Yan takes over burns the thunder sect, depends on the flying pill marvelous medicine and brand-new merit law that the leader seeks, fuel/thin clear(ly) closes up for a year in the muddy evening mountain, finally successfully cultivates the becoming an immortal body, then the world of mortals helps. After all, in Immortal World that place, immortal is nothing, however in the world of mortals, many immortal, in the mortal, is then equal to being many a signboard. 在那里,对这些新人进行试炼、选拨的,乃是柴明,在孙炎接掌焚雷宗后,靠着掌门寻来的飞丹妙药、全新功法,柴明在浑夕山中闭关一年,终于成功修成仙体,紧接着便下界帮忙。毕竟,在仙界那种地方,“仙人”算不了什么,但是在下界,多一位仙人,在凡人中,便等于是多一块招牌。 Along the way, meets from other world comes to assist in disciple, burns thunder sect thousand world in many, the quarrying a mountain vertical sect, because at present, has burnt thunder sect quota in the Jade Emperor book to be limited, in not every the disciples can enter Immortal World, by these people, mostly had not seen their leaders in the past, at this moment knew that the leader immortal harnesses the crane, comes to salute upon meeting, in the vision was full of the respect. Sun Yan from also 11 volume heads. 沿途中,也遇到一些从其它世界前来相助的内门弟子,焚雷宗在许多个中千世界,都已开山立宗,但是因为目前,焚雷宗在玉皇簿上的名额有限,并不是每一个内弟子都能够进入仙界,是以这些人,以往大多都未见过他们的掌门,此刻得知掌门仙驾鹤至,纷纷前来见礼,目光中充满了崇敬。孙炎自也一一额首。 On the way, Sun Yan asked: „Doesn't teacher's younger brother ancient, why see a Yuanyang man (Han) Yuan Senior Brother?” 途中,孙炎问道:“古师叔,为何不见元阳汉元师兄?” The Yuanyang man (Han) and fuel/thin clear(ly), are in this generation of disciples, the strength is quite outstanding, similarly also in a while ago, just now cultivated/repaired the becoming an immortal body, then entered mixes the desert world to assist teacher's younger brothers ancient and various same side. 元阳汉与柴明,都是这一代的弟子中,实力较为杰出的,同样也是在前段时间,方才修成仙体,然后进入混漠世界相助古师叔和诸同门。 ancient Flying Field said: Yang Han is skilled in the disciple of road with some, handles outside. At the same time, constructs in regional Daoist temples, needs some people to inspect regularly, on the other hand, we are mixing the desert world to open a chain store that specializes in selling the profound soldier and rune/symbol Lu, disperses in various places, not only strengthens my sect income, and may for the rookie who we search for the aptitude. At present, mixes the desert world influence in a big way and strongest, was fire cloud Xiaosheng, Yang Han brought a number of caravans, went the Weimojie city, had a look whether to arrive at the fire cloud Xiaosheng sphere of influence on go the chain store of my sect, simultaneously was newly-built in good Changshan, imaginary dark green island and other places the Daoist temple of my sect.” 古飞场道:“阳汉与一些精通商道的弟子,都在外头打理。一方面,建在各地的道观,需要有人定期巡视,另一方面,我们在混漠世界开了一家专卖玄兵、符录的连锁店,分散在各处,既增强我宗收入,又可为我们搜寻有资质的新人。目前,混漠世界势力最大、最强的,乃是火云小圣,阳汉带了一批商队,前去维摩诘城,看看能否将我宗的连锁店开到火云小圣的势力范围去,同时在良常山、幻苍岛等处新建我宗的道观。” Sun Yan said with a smile: This feels relieved by all means that frankly, I with some fire cloud Xiaosheng place five thunder martial marquis friendship , the matter that burns thunder sect, has greeted with him. Moreover, fire cloud Xiaosheng will hold Buddha two amphibious congresses in the Weimojie city, I have reserved the quota of my mountain.” 孙炎笑道:“这个只管放心,实不相瞒,我与火云小圣座下的五雷武侯有些交情,焚雷宗的事,早就与他打过招呼。另外,火云小圣将会在维摩诘城办上一场道佛二门的水陆大会,我已经预留了我山的名额。” ancient flying upwards great happiness, so-called constructs Daoist temple, regarding the gate, in fact also has the meaning of minute/share of rudder, although they are in the correct path the person, is not the demon gate or the organized crime, generally speaking, will not stir up the repugnance of person in power, but if can the King or the full power support of powerful figure, working, naturally is also much easier. 古飞扬大喜,所谓的“建道观”,对于道门来说,实际上也有开分舵的意思在内,虽然他们是正道中人,不是魔门又或黑社会,一般来说,不会惹起当权者的反感,但如果能够得到王者又或实权人物的全力支持,做起事来,自然也就容易得多。 He long sighed: I burn the thunder sect to have the trillion of revival, all depended on master the nephew, without the master nephew, my sect afraid could not have dug.” 他长叹道:“我焚雷宗能够有复兴之兆,全都是靠了师侄,若是没有师侄在,我宗怕是早已一撅不起。” Sun Yan said: Teacher's younger brother overpraised, after entering a gate, the little nephew has not really made anything!” His is the truth truth, since entering burns the thunder sect, the imaginary dark green island, the Divine Dragon war, the nether world, the demon monkey event, the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, a series of matter happen, regarding burning thunder sect the development, he can say that basically has no participation, is gives to fly upwards with Xiaoman and the others. 孙炎道:“师叔过誉了,自进入宗门后,小侄实在是不曾做过什么!”他这是实话实话,自进入焚雷宗后,幻苍岛、神龙战争、阴曹地府、魔猴事件、妙喜树等,一连串的事情发生,对于焚雷宗的发展,他可以说基本上就没有什么参与,全都是交给古飞扬和小曼等人。 ancient flying upwards brow stretches: This saying to be not exaggerating, you ask other person of apparent, without the master nephew you, we only feared that the present still struggles in the mire, cannot arrive this step.” 古飞扬眉头舒展:“这话一点都不夸张,你问问其他人便知,若是没有师侄你,我们只怕到现在都还在泥潭中挣扎,根本走不到这一步。” Side him, clothes Wei and the others also nod in abundance. 在他身边,衣薇等人亦是纷纷点头。 In the Sun Yan heart has doubts, will inquire, a disciple flying your letter report: Leader! Teacher's younger brother ancient! The big lid washes Priest Xuanzong suzerain auspicious, to do bluish green Dongdong to advocate Kun positively charged electron Daoist priest and profound Hongshan manor Zhuangzhu and others, heard the leader crane, reached agreement to come to visit the leader!” 孙炎心中疑惑,正要询问,一名弟子飞来禀报:“掌门!古师叔!大盖涤玄宗宗主国瑞道长、乾碧洞洞主坤阳子道长、玄洪山庄庄主等,听闻掌门鹤至,相约前来拜访掌门!” A Sun Yan brow wrinkle: „Does big lid wash Xuanzong? I just now, they look together, is it possible that is seeks me to trouble?” In the heart sneers, the big lid washes flying between Xuanzong's in good Changshan and imaginary dark green islands calls under the mountain to become enemies with him, the cause of matter, is the big lid washes Priest Xuanzong of Pushan Lu the vertical beast to commit murder, Sun Yan then climbed mountains the giving a tongue-lashing iron that raised Pushan to cut directly, and on the 2nd day, leading the sister-in-law to sell the iron meat, provoked Pushan, although afterward, Lu Pushan died of the halfway, had nothing to do with him, but this enmity definitely tied. 孙炎眉头一皱:“大盖涤玄宗?我才刚到,他们就一同找了上来,莫非是来寻我麻烦的?”心中冷笑,大盖涤玄宗在良常山与幻苍岛之间的飞鸣山下与他结仇,事情的起因,乃是大盖涤玄宗的卢蒲山卢道长纵兽行凶,孙炎直接便上山将卢蒲山所养的呲铁斩了,并于第二日,带着小姨子卖呲铁肉,挑衅卢蒲山,虽然后来,卢蒲山死于半途,与他无关,但这个仇肯定是结了下来。 ancient flies upwards to shake the head saying: Should not be looks for trouble, but is the sincerity comes to visit master the nephew you.” 古飞扬摇头道:“应该不是来找麻烦的,而是真心前来拜访师侄你。” Clothes Wei pulls a long face in the one side: These people are so snobbish, before aimed at everywhere creates obstacles, now for fear that we create obstacles for them in turn, starts to become friends with.” 衣薇在一旁绷着脸:“这些人就是这般势利,以前处处针对刁难,现在生怕我们反过来刁难他们,才开始结交。” ancient flies upwards saying: Favor changes in temperature, the worldly-wise flame is cool, way things should be, even if said that the gate also does have what difference?” Said: Master nephew, they, since came, we then see together are.” 古飞扬道:“人情冷暖,世故炎凉,人之常情,就算道门又有何不同?”道:“师侄,他们既然来了,我们便一同去见见便是。” Sun Yan hears to be confused, but went along with him...... 孙炎听得一头雾水,但还是随他去了…… ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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