MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#983: Good intention help

Sun Yan is driving the luxury car, is carrying the beautiful dance, goes toward the muddy evening mountain direction flight. 孙炎开着豪华轿车,载着美舞,往浑夕山方向飞行而去。 Must command the tender snow to return, but she was being drawn by slow Qiaoqin and the others, therefore then stays there to continue to help, these girls who just before leaving, Sun Yan sees these purple ice pavilions, draw her to question unceasingly, as for asking anything, can actually be imagined. 原本要将御娇雪送回,但她被徐巧沁等人拉着,于是便留在那里继续帮忙,临走时,孙炎见到那些紫冰阁的那些姑娘们,拉着她不断问话,至于问些什么,其实是可想而知的。 The toad moon/month moves in the east side high place, silver light that disperses bright like snow, duplicate filled Immortal World. Because at this moment, dragon Er in Heaven, still in not mixing mixing fire Shenfu of desert world, bright dark of toad moon/month, more depends on has zither | Jean Meiwu the mood, looking at it like this, beautiful dance is definitely happy. 蟾月移在东边高处,散出的银光皎洁如雪,覆满了仙界。因为此刻,龙儿并不在天界,仍在混漠世界的混火神府中,蟾月的明晦,更多的取决于有琴美舞的心情,这样看来,美舞的心情肯定是不错的。 However sits the beautiful dance side Sun Yan, actually resembles is very not happy appearance, the left hand supports on the chassis, the lovable cheek, slightly honk mouth, is turning head to look to another side out of the window, appearance that is angry very much. Sun Yan drives single-handed, the arm touched her fragrant shoulder, said with a smile: What's wrong?” 但是坐在孙炎身边的美舞,却似是很不高兴的样子,左手撑在车台上,支着可爱的脸蛋,略嘟着嘴儿,扭头看向另一边的窗外,很生气的样子。孙炎单手开车,手臂碰了碰她的香肩,笑道:“怎么了?” Wants you to manage?” beautiful dance Fairy Maiden continues honk the mouth. “要你管?”美舞仙子继续嘟嘴。 little Le?” Sun Yan continues to ask. “小乐呢?”孙炎继续问。 In muddy evening mountain, with Elder Sister Ling and Xiaoman in the same place!” The beautiful dance pulls a long face , to continue to look at another side. “在浑夕山,跟玲姐姐和小曼在一起!”美舞绷着脸,继续看另一边。 Sun Yan hehe smiling, first does not manage her. 孙炎嘿嘿的笑了一笑,先不管她。 The car(riage) arrives at the muddy evening mountain entrance place, stops the car(riage) there. 车开到浑夕山山门处,把车停在那里。 After getting out, two defended mountain Dizi to welcome: Leader!” 下车后,两名守山弟子迎了上来:“掌门!” Sun Yan nods, circles another side, helping the beautiful dance open the door. The beautiful dance gets out, Sun Yan the car(riage) gives a disciple, making him stop the car(riage), oneself have the beautiful dance to climb mountains. 孙炎点了点头,绕到另一边,帮美舞开门。美舞下了车,孙炎把车交给其中一名弟子,让他将车停好,自己带着美舞上山。 Had others a moment ago , the beautiful dance became moe moe all of a sudden , now two people in the same place, she start outstanding mouth. In Sun Yan heart funny, but the girlfriend, sometimes is this appearance. Nothing must obtain obviously irritably, is acting difficult. Will also go home with you by the evening, this named appeal. 刚才有他人在时,美舞一下子就变得萌萌哒,现在两人在一起,她又开始翘嘴儿。孙炎心中好笑,不过女朋友嘛,有的时候就是这个样子。明明没什么事情也要闹下别扭,闹着别扭。到了晚上也还是会跟你回家,这个叫情趣。 Arrives at the back side of the mountain no one to locate, he hugs the beautiful dance, takes advantage of opportunity to hug her. The beautiful dance is nipping the lower lip, makes an effort to step on toward his foot on...... sees others to be angry, did not coax others also even, appearance that but also was smiling. 来到后山无人处,他搂上美舞,顺势把她搂过来。美舞咬着下唇,往他脚上使劲踩……看到人家生气,不来哄人家也就算了,还嬉皮笑脸的样子。 Sun Yan presses her directly on a tree trunk of tree, kissed her mouth, the beautiful dance in he cherished, turned several. Also puts out a hand to beat him, actually softens quickly. 孙炎直接把她压在一棵树的树干上,吻上了她的嘴儿,美舞在他怀中,扭了几下。又伸手捶他,却很快就软化下来。 Supple, soft, frequently practices the dance waist, hugs in the bosom, looks like the honey that can melt momentarily to be the same, that slender waist. The fragrant buttocks that latter curls upwards, show charmingly moving, are making the curve that one is infatuated with. A Sun Yan hand tucks in her immortal skirt, touches, in she slender and fills on the thigh of tension. The beautiful dance clamps the thigh stubbornly, does not make him paw. 柔柔的,软软的,经常练舞的腰身,搂在怀中,就像是随时会化来的蜜一般,那纤细的腰身。后翘的香臀,展现着妩媚动人、令人迷恋的曲线。孙炎一只手撩起她的仙裙,摸在她纤细而又充满弹力的大腿上。美舞死死夹紧大腿,不让他乱摸乱摸。 Sun Yan said with a smile near her ear lowly: How did your merit law practice?” 孙炎在她耳边低笑道:“你的功法练得怎样了?” beautiful dance Fairy Maiden face red looks to the one side: What merit law?” 美舞仙子脸红红的看向一旁:“什么功法?” Sun Yan sexually harasses saying: „After repairing completely, lets merit law that I pick?” Is holding the beautiful dance downward one but actually, presses her on the lawn, the claw of wealth mountain slid into her front piece. 孙炎调戏道:“修完后让我采的功法啊?”抱着美舞往下一倒,将她压在草地上,禄山之爪滑入了她的衣襟。 The beautiful dance is blushing, turns head to look to the one side: Do not move heedlessly...... little Le to see!” 美舞红着脸儿,扭头看向一旁:“别乱动……小乐会看到的!” Relax. Does not need to be worried that she failed to study...... her compared with you badly!” He witnessed the ideologically impure of that small girl to be clean with own eyes. “放心啦。不用担心她学坏……她比你坏多了!”他可是亲眼见证了那小丫头的思想不纯洁。 Brother-in-law!” Bellows actually resounds in his head. You spoke my malicious remarks!” “姐夫!”一声大吼却在他的头上响起。“你说我坏话!” Sun Yan raised the head, seeing only slightly has in zither | Jean Ruye the elf to be the same. Flies in their above branches, does not know when she is. As the Yin demon, he is not even able to discover her existence. 孙炎一抬头,只见小有琴如夜中精灵一般。飞在他们上方的枝头,也不知她是什么时候到的。作为阴魔,连他都无法发现她的存在。 The beautiful dance shames very much hurries to push Sun Yan...... she to be worried own younger sister fails to study! 美舞羞得赶紧去推孙炎……她很担心自己的妹妹学坏! Small had the zither | Jean to fly, is hugging sitting up the neck of elder sister's from the back, hee hee say/way: Elder sister, you continue, I want to look!” 小有琴飞了下来,从后边搂着坐起的姐姐的脖子,嘻嘻的道:“姐姐,你们继续啊,我想看!” The beautiful dance said: „Did you and you......” really fail to study? 美舞道:“你、你……”果然是学坏了吗? Another side, Ling and Xiaoman also fluttered, although wants slightly to have the zither | Jean to carry off, but the young Yin succuba invisible does not have, they do not have the means to carry off. 另一边,玲儿与小曼也飘了过来,虽然想要把小有琴拉走,但小阴魔女无形无相,她们也没办法拉走。 Sun Yan thought that in any case safe/without matter, therefore leads them to go to the Heng evening city of snow crane territory to look at the nyctanthes arbor-tristis simply...... 孙炎心想,反正无事,于是干脆带着她们一去到雪鹤域的蘅暮城去看夜花…… *** *** The 2nd day early morning, beautiful dance Fairy Maiden had its matter, left the muddy evening mountain, slightly had the zither | Jean with Luo Ling in the same place. 第二日一早,美舞仙子另有它事,离开了浑夕山,小有琴则与骆玲在一起。 Sun Yan first in the mountain, handled the business in some, then to burns thunder sect don't a paradise nine curves mountain. 孙炎先在山中,处理了一些宗内的事务,然后到了焚雷宗的别一座福地九曲山。 Jiufeng of nine curves mountain, had been banned to cover again, Xiaoman spends mother-in-law's money not to love dearly, the entire nine curves mountain is changed beyond recognition, but burns thunder Zongnei the disciple to be limited, and majority still accumulated karmic virtue in the world of mortals, develops the school, although the nine curves mountain is big, now actually also only then few disciples are defending the entrance. 九曲山的九峰,都已重新被禁制笼罩,小曼花婆婆的钱不心疼,整个九曲山焕然一新,不过焚雷宗内门弟子有限,且大部分仍在下界积累功德,发展门派,九曲山虽大,现在却也只有寥寥几个弟子守着山门。 Sun Yan grazes in Jiufeng, a disciple flying your letter report, said the purple ice pavilion Ran Fairy Maiden interview. 孙炎在九峰之间飞掠,一名弟子飞来禀报,言紫冰阁冉仙子求见。 Sun Yan then makes him please enter Ran Jingshan. 孙炎便让他将冉静珊请入。 Quick, Ran Jingshan then flies from the entrance direction, Sun Yan moves forward to meet somebody. Two people fall before the mountain together, the surroundings ice flower dances in the air. Ran Jingshan slightly salutes, said: Many thanks the grandson leader lent a hand to assist last night, at that time the person were many, is not good to speak, today static Shan to come expresses thanks.” 很快,冉静珊便从山门方向飞来,孙炎迎了上去。两人一同落在山前,周围冰花飞舞。冉静珊略一施礼,道:“多谢孙掌门昨晚出手相助,当时人多,不好说话,今日静珊前来相谢。” Say/Way of Sun Yan smile: Static Shan Fairy Maiden was polite!” Looked at one toward her chest, seeing her milk-white bosom is full, touches to have the appearance of feeling very much, actually raised the head...... to feed, what am I actually thinking? 孙炎微笑的道:“静珊仙子客气了!”往她的胸脯看了一眼,见她酥胸饱满,摸起来应该会很有感觉的样子,紧接着却又抬起头来……喂喂,我到底在想什么啊? Although Ran Jingshan age already about hundred, but she is Spirit Immortal, over 900 years lives, in addition in childhood natural beauty is excellent, when cultivating becoming an immortal body was still young, at this moment seems like, is actually equivalent to Sun Yan. The purple ice pavilion is the female cultivates the school, she is also the unmarried girl, remembers yesterday to invite Sun Yan helped, made such commitment unexpectedly, oneself also cannot help but somewhat blushed. However the person of immortal cultivation, the heaviest promise, has made commitment under that if not abide by, feared that is the counter- intentionally demon. 冉静珊年纪虽已近百,但她已是灵仙,九百年以上的寿命,再加上幼时天姿过人,修成仙体时仍然年轻,此刻看上去,其实与孙炎相当。紫冰阁乃是女修门派,她亦是黄花闺女,想起昨日为了请孙炎帮忙,竟许下那样的承诺,自己也不由得有些脸红。然而修仙之人,最重诺言,既已立下那下的承诺,若不守约,怕是反成心魔。 Therefore said: „The commitment about last night static Shan, does not know that the grandson leader intends which......” 于是道:“关于昨晚静珊的承诺,不知孙掌门有意哪位……” Sun Yan hurries saying: At that time was only the slight effort, Ran Fairy Maiden does not need to care! The day flame and moon/month ice two Sichuan, ices Sky Sword to send with flame ominous forest entirely to extinguish, remained your my two, originally this/should brothers.” Jokes aside, making the purple ice pavilion continue to occupy the flying rainbow place, looks also beautiful. As for touches breast big god the name, if wants the means to throw away it as soon as possible. 孙炎赶紧道:“当时只是举手之劳,冉仙子不用放在心上!日炎与月冰两川,冰天剑派与焰凶林俱灭,就剩了你我两宗,本就该同气连枝。”说真的,让紫冰阁继续占着飞虹地,看着也养眼。至于“摸乳大神”之名,还是要想办法尽早将它甩脱。 He shifts the topic, said: Does not know how made the master injury?” 他转移话题,道:“不知令师伤势如何?” Ran Jingshan sighed one lightly, anxious said/tunnel: Was sent people to harm by the Meng one's teacher's older brothers forcefully in secret, the latter part of great bear body had been scattered, a Yuan god caused heavy losses, the seven inferior souls two mortal forms are damaged, this life, feared that is hopeless to cultivate/repair to True Person.” She knew in the heart, although last night Sun Yan lent a hand to assist, but this matter, Sun Yan helped for a while, actually could not help first, what was more important, the Jade Emperor congress was about to begin, was likely to cultivate/repair to the Flying True Person master, by the striking back immortal boundary, without True Person was assumed personal command, the prospect was not quite wonderful. 冉静珊轻叹一声,忧虑地道:“强行被孟师伯暗中派人所害,后天罡体已被打散,元神受到重创,七魄更有两魄受损,这一生,怕是再无望修至真人。”她心知,昨晚孙炎虽然出手相助,但她本门之事,孙炎帮得了一时,却也帮不了一世,更重要的是,玉皇大会在即,原本有望修至飞天真人的师父,被打回仙人境,没有真人坐镇,前景颇为不妙。 Sun Yan queries in detail, slightly hesitates, said suddenly: Senior Sister Ran, below has known on the whole made injury. Frankly, regarding curing to make master Yuanshen the incident, in some below many means......” 孙炎详细问清,略一沉吟,忽道:“冉师姐,在下已大体上知道令师的伤势。实不相瞒,对于治好令师元神一事,在下多少有些办法……” Ran Jingshan eyes one bright: „Does grandson leader have the means?” The Yuan god is wounded, two mortal form entirely destroys, feared that must the most excellent life hand over the law of jade tablet to have the means that but purple ice pavilion not this grade of merit law, she and master are desperate. 冉静珊眼睛一亮:“孙掌门有办法?”元神受创,二魄俱毁,怕是要最上乘的性命交圭之法才有办法,而紫冰阁并无这等功法,她和师父原本已是绝望。 Sun Yan said: But this means that actually some places of hindrance.” The means that oneself can think of only said. 孙炎道:“但这办法,却有些妨碍之处。”将自己唯一能够想到的办法说出。 Ran Jingshan hears dumbfoundedly, clenches teeth finally, said: Also asked the grandson leader to come along with me!” Regarding the person of immortal cultivation, in the life is most fearful, heads toward disaster, immortal hopeless, thinks after the master goes out brokenhearted desperate, in her heart is also sad, let alone, the prospect of even/including Zibing Pavilion also with the injury of master, but becomes overcast unclear. 冉静珊听得目瞪口呆,终一咬牙,道:“还请孙掌门随我来!”对于修仙之人来说,生命中最可怕的,是走上绝路,仙道无望,一想到师父出关后的心碎绝望,她心中亦是难过,更何况,连紫冰阁的前景也随着师父的伤势,而变得阴晦不明。 ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan with Ran Jingshan, had/left the nine curves mountain, arrives at the flying rainbow place. 孙炎随着冉静珊,出了九曲山,来到飞虹地。 Before the side arrives at the valuable pavilion originally, then has does not know that many purple ice pavilion girl student ran, surrounds him in the distant place, chatted, talks in whispers, several are blushing, wanted to speak with him, actually shy does not dare to go forward. 方自来到宝阁前,便已有不知多少紫冰阁女弟子跑了出来,在远处围观他,说说笑笑,窃窃私语,还有好几个红着脸儿,想要上来与他说话,却又羞涩的不敢上前。 Ran Jingshan brings to become a cabinet minister him, in the purple ice pavilion, used the space to fold the technique of barrier, each then had, if a city. She the Sun Yan belt/bring to upper-level practices heavily, making Sun Yan first wait temporarily here, oneself enter the secret room, sees only the master to sit before the mirror, the brow is tight. 冉静珊将他带入阁中,紫冰阁内,使用了空间叠障之术,每一层便都有若一个城市。她将孙炎带到上层的修行重地,让孙炎暂先等在这里,自己进入密室,只见师父正坐在镜前,眉头紧蹙。 The purple ice pavilion is the female cultivates the school, extremely heavy in accommodating the technique of improving the complexion, although the purple bright master too wears the black clothing, the falling hair practices, actually is actually in a gate the person, appearance Ruili, if with the vision of mortal, is 30 years old. 紫冰阁乃是女修门派,极重驻容养颜之术,紫慧师太虽穿缁衣,披发修行,其实却是道门中人,品貌瑞丽,若以凡人的眼光来看,也不过就是三十岁多些。 The inverted image from the mirror, sees the female disciples to enter, the purple bright master too said in a low voice: Shan has Er, you seen Sun Yan? He has not traced you......” 从镜中倒影,看到女徒进入,紫慧师太低声道:“珊儿,你已经去见过孙炎了?他有没摸你……” Ran Jingshan transfers to the master behind, is combing for the master beautiful hair, said in a low voice: Grandson few heroes not using the commitment that last night disciple makes, bullies disciple, but he told me, said that had the means to cure a Yuan god who the master was damaged. He added that he himself two years ago, the blood mortal form was destroyed, lord of loyal Madame brave scarlet lotus flower treasure palace the adopted daughter soul defect, is he is good by the similar merit rule of law. In this some places of hindrance......” she said the detail. 冉静珊移到师父身后,替师父梳着秀发,低声道:“孙少侠并没利用昨晚徒儿做出的承诺,欺负徒儿,但他告诉我,说有办法治好师父受创的元神。他还说,他自己两年前,血魄被毁,大红莲花宝殿之主贞英夫人的养女魂魄缺失,都是他以同样的功法治好。只是,这内中有些妨碍之处……”她将细节说出。 The purple bright master too to the colored glaze treasure mirror, was sending long time being startled. Ran Jingshan transfers to near her leg, kneels there, grabs her hand, raised the head: Master, Sun Shaoxia did not deceive people, he had boasted, will have the means surely. The disciples also make with him, after matter, he did not say, I and master will also not say, when has not happened generally.” 紫慧师太对着琉璃宝镜,发了半晌的怔。冉静珊移到她的腿边,跪在那里,抓着她的手,抬起头来:“师父,孙少侠不似骗人,他既已夸口,就必定会有办法。弟子也与他约好,事情过后,他不说,我与师父亦不会说,就当从来没有发生过一般。” Purple bright master Taidao: This......” can a Yuan god who restores her to be damaged, making her have the opportunity recasting immortal way, she thinks that is not excited difficult. Oneself good and evil is to become famous for a long time female immortal, is lord of the pavilion, unexpectedly must be been smaller than so many youngster him by one...... 紫慧师太道:“这……”能够恢复她受创的元神,让她有机会再铸仙途,她想不心动都难。只是自己好歹是成名已久的女仙、是一阁之主,居然要被一个比他小了那么多的少年…… Ran Jingshan grabs her hand, said: Master!!!” Pains persuasion. 冉静珊抓着她的手,道:“师父!!!”苦心劝说。 Sun Yan wait/etc. outside, crossed some little time, saw Ran Jingshan to flutter, therefore said: Ran Fairy Maiden!” 孙炎等在外头,过了好一会儿,见冉静珊飘了出来,于是道:“冉仙子!” Ran Jingshan said in a low voice: Master in inside, you goes in!” 冉静珊低声道:“师父在里头,你进去吧!” Sun Yan said: This matter is important, but also asked Fairy Maiden to help protect the law outside.” 孙炎道:“此事事关重大,还请仙子在外头帮忙护法。” Ran Jingshan elegant face one red, said in a low voice: Un!” 冉静珊俏脸一红,低声道:“嗯!” Sun Yan enters in the room, crossed several, in the room broadcasts the strange sound. 孙炎进入屋内,过了几下,屋内传来奇怪的声音。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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