MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#957: God demon and: swallow Fenfei!

Above lotus flower embryo conceals of avalanche, 33 levels of exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagodas blossom in radiant splendor, forcefully suppressed below bloodshed. 崩塌的莲花胎藏界上方,三十三级的玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔大放光明,强行压制下方的血海。 The bloodshed was suppressed by Fokuang, slowly rise. However, 33 levels of golden pagodas, although slows down the speed that the bloodshed rose, but the entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata had been corroded by ten thousand Xuxue , the blood light is in all directions getting more and more abundant, the bloody water has inundated the Fokuang surrounding, wells up again from the above. 血海受到佛光压制,缓缓上涨。然而,三十三级的黄金宝塔虽然减缓了血海上涨的速度,但整个妙喜树都已经被万墟血侵蚀,四面八方,血光越来越盛,血水漫过佛光外围,再从上方涌来。 Saw, the entire golden pagoda must be submerged by the bloodshed, some people receive the tower, bringing the pagoda to fly to escape. 眼看着,整个黄金宝塔都要被血海淹没,有人将塔一收,带着宝塔飞逃而出。 The pagoda goes, the bloodshed further rises. 宝塔一去,血海进一步上涨。 High spot somewhere, the flowing light grazes together fast, calling out in alarm sound that in sends out the little girl: „, What happened? Brother-in-law where?......” Was hiding the truth from the master the young Yin succuba who comes to look for the brother-in-law, with as the powerful sensation of Yin demon, perceived that has, if abyss danger, dying flies to escape upward. 更高点的某处,一道流光快速飞掠,内中发出小女孩的惊叫声:“呀呀呀呀呀,发生了什么事?姐夫在哪里?呀呀呀呀呀呀呀……”原本是瞒着师父进来找姐夫的小阴魔女,凭着身为阴魔的强大感知,觉察到那有若深渊般的危险,没命的往上飞逃。 In her above, is entire inverted the seven treasures woods. She sees three and nine items and six arms, the fearful goddess, with the Heavenly Court article tunes and broken army two star lords, is leading many gifted generals, within flies into Fokuang of seven treasures woods to ban, met with in others. 在她的上方,是整个都颠倒过来了的七宝树林。她看到一个三头、九目、六臂的,可怕的女神,与天庭的文曲、破军两位星主,带领着众多天兵天将,飞入七宝树林的佛光禁制之内,与内中的其他人会合。 In their, suppresses Fokuang withdrawing of suddenly bloodshed, the bloodshed upwells fast, in the energy is billowing, the bloodshed spins the turbulent flow, has, if can swallow and tear the myriad things the black hole. The bang, the axe light flash, the above of seven treasures woods, has cracked together the huge mouth, this type day of general strength, obviously from ten big almighty troopses operates a day of axe. 在他们的下方,压制血海的佛光忽的撤去,血海快速上涌,内中能量滚滚,血海旋成涡流,有若可以吞噬、撕扯万物的黑洞。轰,一道斧光闪过,七宝树林的上方,裂出一道巨口,这种开天一般的力量,显然是来自十大神兵中的开天斧。 Operated a day of axe to start out to above path, a however originally on turned upside down stone, because operated a day of axe the divided, has, if the sky collapsed, unceasing pounded downward. 开天斧开出了一条通往更上方的道路,然而原本就已经上下颠倒的土石,因为开天斧的这一劈,有若天塌,不断的往下砸。 Among stones that the young Yin succuba is falling randomly yelling, the seven treasures woods direction, the gifted generals have formed groups, toward the giant opening that operating a day of axe chops, the rapid flight goes. 小阴魔女在乱坠的土石间哇哇哇的大叫,七宝树林方向,众天兵天将已经成群结队的,往开天斧劈出的巨大裂口,疾飞而去。 ...... …… The deep lonesome ghost demon and southern nest Jiumo, silver soft hail Jing demon, the Yin hou silver demon, go together the above rapid flight. 冥寂鬼魔、南巢酒魔、银霰景魔、阴犼银魔等,一同往上方疾飞。 Near south nest Jiumo the edge said: Exactly what happened?” 南巢酒魔边飞边道:“到底发生了什么事?” No sex fiend mother comes by cloud Qixian: It seems like black cherry failure. She cannot void massacre the ancestor in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata peak, even yes, her plan had been seen through by the place ancestor, in turn used her plan.” 无色魔母以云气现出身来:“看来黑樱失败了。她并没有能够在妙喜树最高点‘虚空’杀掉地祖,甚至是,她的计划早就已经被地祖看穿,反过来利用了她的计划。” Deep lonesome ghost demon sinking sound said: Looks at like this. The entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata was inverted, the wonderful camptotheca acuminata is the ficus religiosa, who is, can achieve this situation?” 冥寂鬼魔沉声道:“看这样子。整个妙喜树都被颠倒了过来,妙喜树乃是菩提树,到底是什么人,能够做到这种地步?” This should be the mirror otherwise technique,” no sex fiend mother say/way. So wide scope and large-scale mirror otherwise technique, even I and person occasionally, must spend on for many years, but must have Ni sovereign to send out large quantities of troops to assist, may achieve, moreover is impossible to do such silently, beforehand does not make Heavenly Court discover completely. Even if there is the ancestor and army zha Leeming king and the others assisting in secret, can in the silence, under the arrange/cloth the person of so large-scale mirror otherwise technique, in entire Immortal World. Perhaps only has one person.” “这应该是镜反之术,”无色魔母道。“如此大范围、大规模的镜反之术,就算是我和人偶,也要花上多年的时间,还要有倪皇派出大批兵队协助,才有可能做到,而且不可能做得这么无声无息,事先完全不让天庭发现。就算有地祖、军吒利明王等人的暗中相助,能够在悄无声息中,布下如此大规模的镜反之术的人,在整个仙界中。恐怕只有一人。” That ikebana: What person?” 那蛮花道:“什么人?” No sex fiend mother say/way: appearance/allow Chenggong!” 无色魔母道:“容成公!” The deep lonesome ghost demon changes countenance: appearance/allow Chenggong? Can be he unexpectedly?” 冥寂鬼魔动容:“容成公?竟会是他?” Silver soft hail scenery Demonic Path: appearance/allow Chenggong?” Looks one with south nest Jiumo, the Yin hou silver demon, discovered that opposite party to this name, is first hearing. 银霰景魔道:“容成公?”与南巢酒魔、阴犼银魔对望一眼,发现对方对这个名字,都是第一次听闻。 No sex fiend mother say/way: You cultivated/repaired for the date and time were still short, before appearance/allow Chenggong was actually 2000, character who then has become famous. At that time, said that the gate main minute/share made last clear and spiritual treasure two schools, these two schools distinguished right from wrong, although was far from as incompatible as fire and water , was not harmonious. appearance/allow Chenggong is a leader of spiritual treasure department, god immortal technique and sex manual that he hands down, were once all the rage in the entire say/way gate. About before 1000 . He entered Heavenly Court, then goes into hiding slowly. Some people guess that he had died, because the sex manual is his manager, but saves the god to cultivate/repair his is. Not is quite high. But also has the hearsay, said that he knew studies the side door, after entering Immortal World, then has discarded the sex manual that he had excelled, studies the technique and the strategy pill stone single-mindedly, depends on the pill of immortality efficacious medicine. Has lived now. The following hearsay considers, actually in Immortal World, some people had guessed, Wang of Immortal World three Chinese is he.” 无色魔母道:“你们修为时日尚短,容成公却是两千年前便已成名的人物。那个时候,道门主要分作上清、灵宝两派,这两派泾渭分明,虽谈不上水火不容,却也并不如何和睦。容成公乃是灵宝一系的领袖,他所传下的神仙术、房中术,一度风靡于整个道门。大约一千年前。他入了天庭,然后便慢消声匿迹。有些人猜他早就已经死去,因为房中术乃是他的所长,但是他自身的存神修为。并不太高。但也有传闻,说他自知所学过于偏门,入了仙界后,便已舍弃了他原本擅长的房中术,专一研究丹石之术和阵法,靠着仙丹灵药。一直活到现在。后面一个传闻当是真的,其实仙界之中,早就有人猜测,仙界三老中的‘王公’就是他。” south nest Jiumo, silver soft hail Jing demon, Yin hou silver demon also cannot help but together look changes...... nobility? 南巢酒魔、银霰景魔、阴犼银魔也不由得一同色变……王公? Deep lonesome ghost demon sinking sound said: During high and low ups and downs inversions, main road popular heaven! Until now, the sex manual that allowing the geographical unit of government to set the record , is still also popular in demon, compromises, the law of male and female cross coupling by the Yin-Yang, feared that no one exceeds in him again. Peng Zu and appearance/allow Chenggong can be said as double cultivates the two founders of technique and sex manual, but such technique law, eventually is only the immortal with auxiliary of practicing, rather than the immortal and main road basis, sometimes long in the course of time, he from also slowly faded from the memory, but all pair of cultivating laws of present, can say, is based on Peng Zu and appearance/allow Chenggong the theory develops. Afterward appearance/allow Chenggong abandoned in the room, repaired pill stone and strategy, but pill stone and strategy, were the managers of Wang.” 冥寂鬼魔沉声道:“上下沉浮颠倒间,大道流行遍上天!直到现在,容成公所创下的房中术,在魔界也依旧流行,论阴阳调和、男女交感之法,怕是再无人超越于他。彭祖与容成公可以说是双修术、房中术的两位祖师,只不过此等术法,终究只是长生与修行之辅助,而非长生与大道之根本,时长日久,他自也慢慢被人淡忘,但现在的一切双修之法,可以说,都是以彭祖和容成公的理论为基础发展而出。后来容成公弃房中,改修丹石与阵法,而丹石与阵法,正是‘王公’之所长。” No sex fiend mother say/way: appearance/allow Chenggong in the past was the leader of spiritual treasure faction, the time of god demon war after this, can become three old one, was not strange. Has not thought, he is also the ancestor arranges the Immortal World spy unexpectedly. If so...... he has the enormous possibility, is the Chengtian Avenue pledge hegemon. On the other hand, in this moment that Wang acts, his status has then been equal to exposing, it seems like that this war, is not the fish dies is the net broken...... the Immortal World danger!” 无色魔母道:“容成公当年乃是灵宝派之领袖,在这个后神魔大战的时代,能够成为‘三老’之一,并不奇怪。只是没有想到,他竟然也是地祖安排进仙界的奸细。如果是这样的话……他有极大的可能,就是承天大道盟的盟主。话又说回来,在‘王公’出手的这一刻,他的身份便已等于是自行暴露,看来这一战,不是鱼死便是网破……仙界危矣!” ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan at the back of Yaoyao, looks with lotus lotus together that hangs in the high place, has , but if actually bamboo shoots common and giant blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 孙炎背着瑶瑶,与莲莲一同看着,那挂在高处,有若倒笋一般、巨大的血色妙喜树。 Big of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, had, if Tienchu, what is more important, it is ficus religiosa, each world has void, but the ficus religiosa is on void the only steps, it and Heaven and between the day step from the world are similar, one ten thousand li (0.5 km), are not the strange matters. 妙喜树之大,本就有若天柱,更重要的是,它原本就是“菩提树”,每一个世界都有“虚空”,而菩提树是登上“虚空”的唯一阶台,它跟天界与从世界之间的天阶相似,一步万里,并非奇怪的事。 In their high place, all things are falling downward, only has their celestial mountain, with blood ruins another side, has become another mountain of earth of Wojiao, float in empty/sky. 在他们高处,一切事物都在往下掉,唯有他们脚下的这座仙山,与血墟另一边的、已成沃焦之土的另一座山,悬浮于空。 But the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, so hangs upside down between two mountains, getting down conveniently is that makes the blood ruins of person scalp tingles. 而血色妙喜树,就这般倒悬在两山之间,下方便是那令人头皮发麻的血墟。 In the Sun Yan heart ponders saying: If we are really turning over to the ruins deep place, that these two celestial mountains, perhaps are the round high peaked mountains and Dai sedan chair. We are standing the is the round high peaked mountains, that side that is the Dai sedan chair. In the past Sister Hou initiated the fire of all generations, for must on the Dai sedan chair mountain, child perish together with the town/subdues Yuan, but the fire of all generations bewildered was suppressed, the entire Dai sedan chair mountain completely became the scorched earth , the lucky letting town/subdues Yuan child escapes.” 孙炎心中忖道:“如果我们真的是在归墟深处,那这两座仙山,恐怕就是圆峤和岱舆。我们站着的这座是圆峤,那边那座是岱舆。当年侯姐姐引发万劫之火,就是为了要在岱舆山上,跟镇元子同归于尽,但是万劫之火莫名其妙的被扑灭,整个岱舆山尽成焦土,同时也幸运的让镇元子逃过一劫。” He looks to that Wojiao mountain of distant place. 他看向远处的那座沃焦山。 That mountain...... is the place that Sister Hou died! 那座山……就是侯姐姐死掉的地方! Why does not know, sees that scorched Dai sedan chair mountain. Before his unexpectedly one type as if, had seen, the familiar feeling, then is a faint heart pain. 不知道为什么,看到那座被烧焦的岱舆山。他竟有一种仿佛以前曾经见过般的,熟悉的感觉,然后便是一种隐隐的心痛。 Side him, lotus lotus said suddenly: What is that?” 在他身边,莲莲忽道:“那是什么?” He and Yaoyao turns head to look together. Sees only in the punishment day breaking into pieces blood putties, there is any thing to flick. 他与瑶瑶一同扭头看去。只见在刑天碎散的血泥间,有什么东西一闪一闪。 Yaoyao since he conducts the back to jump down: That fires off the equipment that wave ss blows out?” 瑶瑶从他背上跳了下来:“那是打完波ss爆出的装备?” They continue to maintain being a happy couple, is close toward that sparkling mysterious thing together. Has not waited for them to approach too, suddenly, void one volume. The mysterious strength is pulling them, attracts to go toward that sparkling thing anxiously. Sun Yan does not know in the heart wonderfully, wants to lead Yaoyao and lotus lotus vertical flies, however the suction is too strong, keeps them from withdrawing unexpectedly. 他们继续保持着“比翼双飞”,一同往那闪闪发光的神秘事物接近。只是还没等他们靠近太多,忽的,虚空一卷。神秘的力量拉扯着他们,往那闪闪发光的东西急吸而去。孙炎心知不妙,想要带着瑶瑶和莲莲纵飞,然而吸力实在太强,竟让他们无法脱身。 He is the discovery, that flicks, mysterious thing that they blot, unexpectedly is a fishhook. 他更是发现,那一闪一闪,将他们吸去的神秘事物,竟是一个鱼钩。 They look like voluntarily toward the small fish that on the hook sends, is unable to throw off. Meanwhile, has sea water. Unceasing upwelling, submerges them together. 他们就像是自行往钩上送去的小鱼,怎么也无法甩掉。与此同时,更有“海水”。不断的上涌,将他们一同淹没。 Yaoyao was startled to call out: World this solitary one vast?” 瑶瑶惊叫道:“天地孤渺阵?” Can scatter world this solitary one vast that and transmit the enemy? In Sun Yan heart again startled, jumps the same place, two air/Qi are the wings, spreads the wings to fly. The fishhook at the extremely quick speed, delimits the arc, has delimited among them, this stroke, what matter also did not know, Yin-Yang cross couplings between three people. Unexpectedly forcefully was broken, being a happy couple direct expiration. 可以将敌人打散、传送的天地孤渺阵?孙炎心中再惊,纵身一起,二气为翼,展翅欲飞。鱼钩以极快的速度,划出弧形,在他们之间划过,这一划,也不知出了何事,三人之间的阴阳交感。竟然硬生生的被打破,“比翼双飞”直接失效。 How does this achieve? Sea water such as the pump turbulent flow is ordinary, unceasing rolling up and pushing along, they were attracted simultaneously. The feeling actually seems like more and more far. lotus lotus calls out in alarm, being a happy couple was broken, Sun Yan is unable to maintain the connection with her again, is close toward her desperately. Yaoyao called out in him behind loudly: Golden boy......” 这到底是如何做到的?“海水”如抽水涡流一般,不断的卷动,他们同时被吸了进去。感觉却像是越来越远。莲莲一声惊叫,“比翼双飞”被破,孙炎无法再与她保持连系,拼命地往她接近。瑶瑶则在他身后大声叫道:“金童……” Surging sea water, sank all of a sudden, they with that as if has never presented the sea water. Vanishes together does not see. 涌起的“海水”,一下子又沉了下去,他们随着那仿佛从未出现过的海水。一同消失不见。 ...... …… *** *** When Sun Yan swims away toward lotus lotus, Yaoyao also tries to be close toward them. 孙炎往莲莲游去的时候,瑶瑶也试图往他们接近。 She compared with Sun Yan and lotus lotus, clearer this world this solitary one vast the function, this strategy will not harm them, even can say, does not add various on them, but around them, forms the mysterious force field, through the law of void fold, scatters them to other places. 她比孙炎和莲莲,更加清楚这“天地孤渺阵”的作用,这阵法并不会伤害到他们,甚至可以说,并不是加诸于他们身上,而是在他们周围,形成神秘的力场,通过虚空折叠之法,将他们打散到其它地方。 When waits for her to recover, Sun Yan and lotus lotus, had lost the trace. She looks to the surroundings, is such short flash, she had arrived at a close space, she seemed stranded in egg shell, in her front, in that giant stone, sits a fishing old person. 只是等她回过神来时,孙炎与莲莲,就已经失了踪影。她看向周围,就是这么短短的一瞬间,她已经到了一个封闭的空间,她仿佛被困在一个蛋壳之中,在她的前方,那巨大的石头上,坐着一个垂钓的老人。 Grandpa Wang?!” She stands there, raised the head. “王公爷爷?!”她立在那里,抬起头来。 Sits on the stone, is a Heaven three old Wang! 坐在石上的,便是天界三老之一的“王公”! Wang visits her exhaltedly, around her, presented dozens evil spirit that wears the dark long gown. What obviously appears is the image varies the monster body that thrown over has, if the priest common long gown, how sees how strangely, these evil spirit demon air/Qi are billowing, the demon air/Qi assembles in together, surrounds like the canary Yaoyao generally. 王公居高临下的看着她,在她周围,出现了数十名身穿暗黑长袍的妖魔。明明现出的是形象各异的妖身,披的却是有若祭司一般的长袍,怎么看怎么怪异,这些妖魔魔气滚滚,魔气集结在一起,将瑶瑶如同金丝雀一般困住。 As a Immortal World three old Wang, trained so many demon to be the goon unexpectedly? 身为仙界三老之一的“王公”,居然培养了这么多魔物做打手? Yaoyao Empress said with a smile: Grandpa Wang, are you also an unprincipled person?” Unknowingly, used being used to word usage of lotus lotus. 瑶瑶帝姬笑道:“王公爷爷,原来你也是坏人?”不知不觉中,用了莲莲的惯用词。 Wang sits on the stone, sighed: Yaoyao, you are a good child, only Grandpa Wang has no alternative but to kill you pitifully!” 王公坐在石上,叹道:“瑶瑶,你是一个好孩子,只可惜王公爷爷不能不杀你!” Yaoyao Empress loses says with a smile: Grandpa Wang, although your strategy is very fierce, in Heaven, I took you not to have the means that but compared with fighting, you revered to fall far short compared with Grandpa Jin and yellow the woman mother-in-law and god of thunder day. But really must kill my words, yellow the woman mother-in-law and god of thunder day reveres cannot achieve, only then Grandpa Jin I will fear him!” 瑶瑶帝姬失笑道:“王公爷爷,虽然你的阵法很厉害,以前在天界的时候,我都拿你没办法,但比起打架,你可是比金公爷爷、黄婆婆婆、雷神天尊差得远了。而真要杀我的话,就连黄婆婆婆和雷神天尊都做不到,只有金公爷爷我会怕他!” Wang shakes the head saying: Hugely big, you actually do not know the immensity of heaven and earth! Even the day simultaneous/uniform Great Sage, a Buddha regulations or system handed down by the royal ancestors he, you are reported the diamond who the innate air/Qi becomes does not go bad, is it possible that really thinks own unmatched in the world? How could it not be to hear innate loses without the shape, the day after tomorrow will stagnate in the visibility, innate how , if not have to incur to absorb the day after tomorrow, how could the day after tomorrow cannot innate adjust? Only must calcine to refine to clarify, the visible within bosom does not have real of shape, whether there is to mix to melt only then, relationship of form and spirit entirely Miao, gathers with the say/way really!” 王公摇头道:“天大地大,你却不知天高地厚!就算是天齐大圣,都还有一个佛祖制他,你不过是禀先天之气而成的金刚不坏,莫非真以为自己天下无敌?岂不闻先天者失于无象,后天者滞于有形,先天若无后天何以招摄,后天不得先天岂能变通?唯需煅炼澄清,有形之内怀无象之真,方可有无混融,形神俱妙,与道合真!” Yaoyao said: „Before this Grandpa Wang you, has taught.” 瑶瑶道:“这个王公爷爷你以前教过了。” Wang smiles to stroke to: „Before Grandpa Wang, teaches you , because you cannot learn, you must really be able to learn, Grandpa Wang does not dare to teach!” 王公微笑拂须:“王公爷爷以前教你,是因为你学不会,你要真学得会,王公爷爷就不敢教了!” Yaoyao pulls out toward the ear, pulls out the Ru Yi Bang. Pounds toward the ground ruthlessly , the golden light scatters in all directions: That makes this/Ben Empress have a look, Grandpa Wang you have what skill!” Tender body one vertical. Flies goes to brandish the stick to hit. 瑶瑶往耳朵里一掏,掏出如意金箍棒。往地上狠狠一砸,咣一声,金光四散:“那就让本帝姬看看,王公爷爷你到底有什么本事!”娇躯一纵。飞上前去抡棒要打。 In all directions resounding demon sound suddenly, these wear the evil spirit of dark long gown, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform chanted incantations, crazy demon air/Qi, crazy flooded into Yaoyao Empress within the body. That her whole person throws falls down. The golden cudgel pounds none in the side. The demon sound permeates her diamond not bad body directly, has, if myriad mosquito ants, are worrying her, is tearing her. 四面八方忽的响起魔音,那些身披暗黑长袍的妖魔,齐齐念咒,疯狂的魔气,疯狂的涌入瑶瑶帝姬体内。她整个人扑的一声倒在地上。金箍棒在身边砸出精光。魔音直接渗入她金刚不坏的躯体,有若万千蚊蚁,撕咬着她,撕裂着她。 It is reported that the air/Qi of golden flower heart and kidney lives, has innate diamond not bad her, since birth, the first pain is so unendurable. The entire body like must be torn general, she transports/fortunes the chaos supernatural power, wants to resist the demon sound, but this demon sound seizes every opportunity unexpectedly. 禀金华少阴之气而生,拥有先天金刚不坏的她,有生以来,第一次痛得这般难以忍受。整个身子就像要被撕裂一般,她强运混沌神力,想要抵御魔音,但这魔音竟是无孔不入。 In her body week. These evil spirit minutes/shares do two, one toward the laevo rotatory, one toward the dextrorotation, is dancing around her. To their transforming demon air/Qi, she definitely is unable to resist unexpectedly. 在她身周。那些妖魔分作两圈,一往左旋,一往右旋,绕着她跳着舞着。对它们的幻化魔气,她竟是完全无法抵御。 Wang shakes the head said: Silly thing! The old men visit you to grow up, to your skill, has known from A to Z. Innate loses does not have the shape, this does not have the alike day demon to crepe the offense to burn immortal big, imitates extremely carefree demon demon sound, invisible does not have. By the demon to subdue|grams immortal, special to subdue|grams your golden flower heart and kidney innate body. Even if there is you thousand vigorously, the ability, to cope with you specially supposes by this. Does not have the alike day demon, to crepe the offense to burn an big of restraint immortal, these also has not fresh.” 王公摇首道:“傻丫头!老夫看着你长大,对你的本事,早已了如指掌。先天者失去无象,这无象天魔绉戾焚仙大阵,仿极乐天魔魔音而成,无形无相。以魔克仙,专克你的金华少阴先天之体。你纵有千般大力,万般能耐,被这专门为了对付你而设的。无象天魔、绉戾焚仙之大阵克制,这一趟也是有死无生。” The bad people running wild, crepes the offense to burn the immortal, Le Moyin, enters the body to burn the heart extremely. 群魔乱舞,绉戾焚仙,极乐魔音,入体焚心。 Yaoyao Empress, must die without doubt...... 瑶瑶帝姬,已是必死无疑…… ...... …… At the same time. 同一时间。 In a mysterious main hall. The azure light flashes, lotus lotus side Zixian comes, brushes, after six, six days lock from six directions, in an instant fly, lock in her. 在一处神秘的大殿中。青光一闪,莲莲方自现出身来,刷刷刷刷刷刷,六声过后,六道天锁从六个方向,刹那间飞来,将她锁住。 She in startled, struggles unceasingly, is actually not able to work loose, although she has Le Moqi extremely, but Le Moqi did not grow perceptibly at the strength extremely, how she also never studies let alone has used. On her, the cyanogen presently, the lock could not injure her for the first time for serveral days, but she is actually not able to leave. 她在惊慌中,不断挣扎,却是怎么也无法挣脱,她虽有极乐魔气,但极乐魔气原本就不以力量见长,更何况她也从未学过如何使用。她身上,青气乍现,这些天锁伤不到她,但她却也无法脱出。 The day lock entrains to six directions, six fight the arhat to hold the out of phase respectively, the hand entrains the day lock, is built in the stage. 天锁拽向的六个方向,六位战罗汉各持异相,手拽天锁,立于台上。 These six fight the arhat, nine of alias fragrant shape Bodhisattva burn side Zhou demon six big Protector, is the bloodstain law and day prints, hardship to cut, ancient Lingzhi, thunder Hewu, flatter to bury the sea respectively. 这六位战罗汉,正是化名香象菩萨的九焚纣魔身边的六大护法,分别是血印法、天都印、度厄斩、古灵指、雷鹤舞、阿葬海。 lotus lotus tied up there, link looked that or makes the tiger shape to these six, or reveals dragon Xing, resembles the crane phoenix, such as beast such as the war monk of bird, low voice say/way: „Do several Grandmasters...... you eat meal?” 莲莲被绑在那里,环首看向这六位或作虎状,或显龙形,似鹤似凤,如兽如禽的战僧,小声的道:“几位大师……你们吃了饭没有?” Six big Protector did not answer. 六大护法却是不答。 lotus lotus continues to attempt with them to talk, but they are actually move also motionless. 莲莲继续尝试与他们交谈,但他们却是动也不动。 The extremely high place, outside the temple, has two people, these two people, unexpectedly are the army zha Leeming king and Moroccan clouds crown prince. Although lotus lotus cannot see them, their lines of sight, have actually penetrated the temple, is observing by six lotus lotus that fights the arhat to seize. 极高之处,神殿之外,藏有二人,这二人,竟是军吒利明王与摩霄太子。莲莲虽未能看到他们,他们的视线,却已穿透神殿,观察着被六位战罗汉擒下的莲莲。 The Moroccan clouds crown prince sneers saying: This girl with Le Moqi, inborn then can confuse all living things extremely, but she eventually is not the true day demon, is unable the direct chaotic god and being puzzled heart. This moment six Grandmasters have shut the five desires, to break five feelings, has the eye not to regard and have the ear not to listen to and have the nose not to hear and have not saying that touching, but unconsciously, no matter what her demon word deludes the people and distorts the facts, is completely also useless to them.” 摩霄太子冷笑道:“这丫头身带极乐魔气,天生便能迷惑众生,但她终究不是真正的天魔,无法直接乱神、惑心。此刻六位大师已闭了五欲、断了五感,有目不视、有耳不听、有鼻不闻、有口不言、触之而不觉,任她魔言惑众、颠倒黑白,对他们也全然无用。” The voice of army zha Leeming king, not happy, has not worried, but not does not have the anger happily, light say/way: Un!” 军吒利明王的声音,既没有喜,也没有忧,只是无喜无怒,淡淡的道:“嗯!” The Moroccan clouds crown prince sneers saying: „After wants to wait, copes with her, has not actually thought, she delivers unexpectedly. This is also good, that lets her, now becomes...... by another that we control wave ten-day period.” 摩霄太子冷笑道:“原本想等到以后再来对付她,却没有想到,她竟然自己送上门来。这样也好,那就让她,现在就成为……被我们控制的另一个‘波旬’。” Loudly, a powerful and mysterious strength, from the deep place of all generations ruins, the direct impact, rushes to lotus lotus within the body. 轰然间,一股强大而神秘的力量,从万劫墟的深处,直冲而出,涌向莲莲体内。 Day demon wave ten-day period, is the king of demon Luo in the Buddhist literature records, is in the Buddhism classics makes, as the fiendish person of opposite Buddha, goes against the Buddha chaotic monk. It is a fabricated thing, the Buddhism classics make such king of the demon Luo, is to serve as contrast Buddha Weiguang, the fiendish person wave ten-day period is powerful, sees by various crooked knowledge evilly, tries to twist the Buddhist opinion, Buddha in various replies, argues down it, by card Buddhism genuine solution. 天魔“波旬”,乃是佛经中所记的魔罗之王,是佛门经典中造出,作为佛祖之对立面的魔王,逆佛乱僧。它本是一个虚妄的事物,佛门经典造出这样一个魔罗之王,乃是为了衬托佛陀的“伟光正”,魔王波旬强大无匹,以各种歪知邪见,试图扭曲佛家见解,佛陀在各种答辩中,将它驳倒,以证佛门真解。 However no one has thought that when 100 years ago, world great misfortune, really day demon wave ten-day period appears unexpectedly across the sky, by the unsurpassed demon air/Qi, a series demon Luo, kills the Buddha, destroys Heaven, created to make all things destroy the most greatest catastrophe. 但是谁也没有想到,在一百年前,天地大劫时,竟真有一位天魔“波旬”横空出现,以无上魔气,一统魔罗,杀佛祖,毁天界,造成了令三千世界毁去大半的莫大浩劫。 But presently does the king of demon Luo...... want born? 而现魔罗之王……就要出世了吗? ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website clear, no ball window and refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站清晰、无弹窗、更新速度快)
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