MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#948: Abode of the immortals: Kills the idea of thief!

The war develops is fiercer. 战事愈演越烈。 Greatly sad Mandala Institute and periphery, was submerged by the bloodshed, the innumerable bone demons, with a military of army zha Leeming king side, gather around eight datura gates. 大悲曼荼罗院及其周围,都被血海淹没,无数的骨魔,与军吒利明王一方的兵力,聚集在八座曼陀罗门周围。 Thinks, the sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva, strive the Bodhisattva to enter lotus flower embryo conceals greatly quickly, finally had not actually seen them to appear, appeared were actually more, joined the Chengtian Avenue pledge enemy, making one know, lotus flower embryo conceals outside, perhaps had/left other accidents. 原本以为,日光菩萨和月光菩萨、大精进菩萨很快就会进入莲花胎藏界,结果却一直都未看到他们出现,倒是出现了更多的,加入了承天大道盟的敌人,让人知道,莲花胎藏界的外头,恐怕是出了其它的变故。 The Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and left Famo makes, right cut down the demon to cause and other Heavenly Court senior generals, commands troops to attack to the datura gate, slaughters everywhere, reign of terror. 武曲星主、破军星主、左伐魔使、右伐魔使等天庭大将,率兵攻向曼陀罗门,四处杀戮,腥风血雨。 Yaoyao Empress and silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch commands troops, sets out in greatly sad Mandala Institute direction slowly, has not participated in the fight eagerly. Has not waited for them to be close to the datura gate, in their rear areas, strives the Bodhisattva to lead large numbers of diamond arhats to catch up greatly, although brought the reinforcements to them, actually also brought a news that made one shock...... the law prince to be killed! 瑶瑶帝姬与银牙耀目天君率兵,朝大悲曼荼罗院方向缓缓进发,并没有急于参加战斗。只是,还没有等他们接近曼陀罗门,在他们的后方,大精进菩萨带着大批的金刚罗汉赶来,虽然给他们带来了援军,却也带来了一个令人震撼的消息……法王子被杀了! No one knows, the law prince was killed by whom, makes a move to strike to kill on that day, fuses after together Kua Fu with them, because of consuming too the Dover strength, the law prince was transferred to the seven treasures woods, there the Buddha strength that restores five wisdom secret pleasant Baozhuli to hide, while to await calmly. 没有人知道,法王子到底是被谁杀死的,在那日出手击杀,与“它们”融合在一起的夸父后,因消耗了太多佛力,法王子被移送到了七宝树林,一边在那里恢复五智三昧如意宝珠里所藏的佛力,一边以静待动。 In the seven treasures woods, had to ban to protect, gold/metal phoenix moonlight and Mount Tai third sons and other military officers, guards there, protects the removed wounded person, prepares to go near the frontline at any time. 七宝树林里,原本就有禁制守护,金凰月华、泰山三郎等后方将领,也都驻守在那里,保护被撤的伤员,随时准备接近前线。 Finally at that time, one group of killers of unknown origin, resembled to know that unexpectedly seven treasures woods all arrangement, in the numerous protections, struck to kill the law prince. 结果那个时候,一伙来历不明的杀手,竟似知道七宝树林所有的布置,在重重保护中,击杀了法王子。 Even by law prince own powerful Buddhist doctrine, had not perceived beforehand to his attack, but this is the not possible matter. law prince is not well-known by the military force, but by him as the Bodhisattva's first spirit sleep/felt. Can avoid his sensation, assassinates him, entire say/way, demon and Buddha Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism. Such person it can be said that few. Feared that is even the three sovereigns of Demonic Path, is unable to achieve. 即便以法王子自身的强大佛法,事先也未觉察到对他的袭击,而这原本是不可能的事。法王子并不以武力闻名,但以他身为菩萨第一尊的灵觉。能够避开他的感知,对他进行刺杀,整个道、魔、佛三教。这样的人都可以说是寥寥无几。怕是连魔道的三皇,都无法做到。 Let alone. Not only need avoid his spirit sleep/felt, but must in the entire ban to seven treasures woods, and in force allocation knows from A to Z, can maintain composure like that dives side law prince. 更何况。不但要避开他的灵觉,还要对七宝树林里的整个禁制、和内中的兵力分配了如指掌,才能那般不动声色的,潜到法王子身边。 Because of such mutation, keeping the sunlight Bodhisattvas, the moonlight Bodhisattvas and Eastern net colored glaze world 12 medicine fork gods from entering lotus flower embryo conceals immediately. 就是因为这样的异变,让日光菩萨、月光菩萨、东方净琉璃世界十二药叉神将无法马上进入莲花胎藏界。 Although the Spirit Mountain law prince is Bodhisattva, but after god demon war time, Spirit Mountain true management, his death. To various Buddha quiet Buddhism, without doubt is a huge blow. What is more important, who has such skill, can in various numerous protections, can the powerful spirit think in law prince, assassinates him? 灵山法王子虽是菩萨之列,但作为后神魔大战时代,灵山真正的主持,他的死。对诸佛沉寂的佛门,无疑是一个巨大的打击。更重要的是,到底谁有这样的本事,能够在诸将的重重保护中,能够在法王子强大的灵觉下,将他刺杀? law prince was assassinated by the enemy, such sad news, lets Yaoyao Empress and in the silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch heart similarly vibrates. 法王子被敌人刺杀,这样的噩耗,同样也让瑶瑶帝姬和银牙耀目天君心中震动。 It can be said that this is since child and army zha Leeming king, nine has burnt a Zhou demon side to make war with the town/subdues Yuan, Heavenly Court and Spirit Mountain biggest loss. 可以说,这是自与镇元子和军吒利明王、九焚纣魔一方开战以来,天庭与灵山最大的损失。 Death of law prince. Makes silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch, strive the Bodhisattvas as well as other military officers greatly, rushed to Yaoyao Empress directly rear area, in any event is not willing to make her clash again in the frontline. 法王子的死。使得银牙耀目天君、大精进菩萨以及其他将领,直接将瑶瑶帝姬赶到了后方,无论如何不肯再让她冲在前线。 Although this is a being important war. But if in this war, sacrificed the Spirit Mountain law prince and golden flower Empress simultaneously, that this fights, even if gained the final victory, still lets Heavenly Court the hard victory that is unbearable, it can be said that caused heavy losses to the immortal and Buddha simultaneously two. 虽然这是一场事关重大的大战。但若是在这一场战争中,同时牺牲掉灵山法王子和金华帝姬,那这一战就算取得了最后的胜利,也只是让天庭难以承受的惨胜,可以说是,同时重创了仙、佛两界。 Yaoyao Empress is not naturally glad, she leads troops to kill here, do not become everyone's burden, but various Jiang really insisted. She also has no means. 瑶瑶帝姬自然不怎么乐意,她带兵杀到这里,不是要成为大家的累赘的,只是诸将实在坚持。她却也没什么办法。 In approaching greatly sad Mandala Institute that valuable Tan magnificence Dianli, Yaoyao Empress sitting angrily under valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva image of Buddha. 在靠近大悲曼荼罗院的那座宝檀华殿里,瑶瑶帝姬气鼓鼓的坐在宝檀华菩萨佛像下方。 Sits in her side fragrant is comforting her. Yaoyao defends in the rear area, does not need to go forth to battle. To her, appearance that relaxes actually. 香香坐在她的旁边安慰着她。瑶瑶守在后方,不用上阵。对她来说,倒是松了一口气的样子。 Yaoyao Empress both hands insert the waist, the gas channel/angrily said: Incense stick|Fragrant, we have arrived here, actually on the battlefield, what don't we come to here to make? Comes the picnic?” 瑶瑶帝姬双手插腰,气道:“香香,我们都已经来到这里,却不上战场,那我们来这里到底是做什么的?来郊游的么?” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden said: They do not want to make Yaoyao you have an accident......” at this time, outside the palace, deep and young searches to come to see her, waves to her, she thought, is Brother Sun asks her to have the matter? 香香仙子道:“他们也是不想让瑶瑶你出事嘛……”就是在这时,殿外,冥儿和雏儿探进头来看着她,向她招手,她心想,难道是孙大哥找她有事? Yaoyao Empress is pushing her: Goes to go, to look your boyfriend!” Pushes out her actually. 瑶瑶帝姬推着她:“去吧去吧,去找你的男朋友吧!”硬是将她推了出去。 Outside fragrant Fairy Maiden arrives, deep and young is drawing her, rushes toward the distant place together. The fragrance had recognized that they are lead her to see Sun Yan, from had not asked. She walks is not long, a youngster has then plundered into the palace, said submissively: Your highness......” 香香仙子来到外头,冥儿和雏儿拉着她,一同往远处奔去。香香已经认定她们是带她去见孙炎,自也没有多问。她方走未久,一个少年便已掠入殿中,拱手道:“殿下……” Not how long, fragrant Fairy Maiden anxious hurrying back treasure Tan magnificence hall, in palace already nobody left. 未过多久,香香仙子急急的赶回宝檀华殿,殿内已空无一人。 She looks at air-to-air Buddhist temple hall, stares blankly in that. 她看着空空的佛殿,在那发怔。 ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan is getting Yaoyao and lotus lotus, flies in unmanned wilderness. 孙炎领着瑶瑶、莲莲,飞在无人的旷野间。 The big cracks in the earth clear the way a huge mouth, the jet black ray jumps out from the place bottom, the broken feeling, is passing the unforgettable misery. 大地裂开道道巨口,漆黑的光芒从地底窜出,山河破碎的感觉,透着令人难忘的凄凉。 Yaoyao Empress falls on a big stone, both hands insert the waist: Golden boy 1st, you did not say that has the means to massacre the chief criminal directly? What are your means?” 瑶瑶帝姬落在一块大石上,双手插腰:“金童一号,你不是说有办法直接杀掉罪魁祸首么?你的办法到底是什么?” Sun Yan said: Your highness, the goal of enemy head, is to enter the peak of this ficus religiosa, is this world void is. If we can hide in greatly Luo Heaven, using magical treasure monitors the wonderful camptotheca acuminata peak void sound, after discovering the enemy, the direct amphi-position surface strikes to kill him, can tear up the enemy head thoroughly.” 孙炎道:“殿下,敌首的目标,是进入这棵菩提树的最高点,也就是此世界‘虚空’之所在。如果我们能够藏在大罗天上,利用法宝监视妙喜树最高点‘虚空’的动静,发现敌人后,直接跨位面将他击杀,就可以彻底撕毁敌首。” Yaoyao Empress snort/hum: This Empress also thinks that you have any great idea, your is not possible to achieve. First, how can we be able to enter the abode of the immortals? We now in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, even in Heaven, do not enter the abode of the immortals, but must first pass through four Brahma, then mounts the Taoist trinity day, after this Empress becomes Heavenly Emperor, enters the Taoist trinity day is not a problem actually......” 瑶瑶帝姬哼了一声:“本帝姬还以为你有什么好主意,你这根本就是不可能做到的嘛。首先,我们要怎么才能进入大罗天?我们现在可是在妙喜树里,甚至都不在天界,要进入大罗天,可是先要穿过四梵天,然后再登上三清天的,等本帝姬成为天帝后,进入三清天倒是不成问题……” Sun Yan said: Your highness, haven't we entered the Taoist trinity day?” 孙炎道:“殿下,我们不是已经进入过三清天吗?” What you said is that time?” The Yaoyao left hand inserts the waist, the right hand swayed the swayed, that is to have a dream, we have the spring dream together!” “你说的是那一次?”瑶瑶左手插腰,右手摆啊摆,“那个是做梦啦,我们一起做春梦啦!” Sun Yan looks to lotus lotus: You also thought that has a dream?” 孙炎看向莲莲:“你也觉得是做梦吗?” lotus lotus both hands close up, clip gently in the legs, is crooked the head: I felt , if having a dream will be better.” 莲莲双手合拢,轻轻的夹在腿间,歪着脑袋:“我觉得如果是做梦的话会更好一点。” This...... 这个…… Sun Yan looks to Yaoyao Empress: But Your highness, that does not have a dream, we indeed entered the Taoist trinity day, moreover I have the means that goes again one time.” 孙炎看向瑶瑶帝姬:“但是殿下,那并不是做梦,我们的确是进入了三清天,而且我有办法,再去一次。” Yaoyao Empress said: Good, even if we really entered the Taoist trinity day, to the abode of the immortals, what magical treasure we used, comes to monitor the wonderful camptotheca acuminata from the abode of the immortals? Defends Southern Heavenly Gate the eye of far-sighted person , can only see Mortal World from Heaven, moreover only defines in Mortal World of main world?” 瑶瑶帝姬道:“好吧,就算我们真的进入了三清天,到了大罗天,我们用什么法宝,来从大罗天监视妙喜树?守南天门的千里眼的眼睛,也只能从天界看到人间,而且还只限定于主世界的人间吧?” Sun Yan said: But I have the Yin-Yang treasure mirror!” Took the Yin-Yang treasure mirror. 孙炎道:“但是我有阴阳宝镜!”将阴阳宝镜取了出来。 Yaoyao and lotus lotus probe head looks together, sees this valuable mirror flowing light to overflow, Yin, Yang. 瑶瑶与莲莲一同探头看去,见这宝镜流光四溢,一面阴,一面阳。 Their that simple and beautiful appearance mappings in mirror, or charming, naive, has lovable. 她们那清丽的容颜映射在镜中,或是娇媚,或是天真,别有一番可爱。 Yaoyao Empress is astonished saying: Yin-Yang treasure mirror?......” It is not Yaochi Empress, she is knows the function of the Yin-Yang treasure mirror the past Heavenly Queen held, it was in Immortal World the rare most precious object, afterward broke to pieces two pieces. Say/Way that she has doubts: „Hasn't it broken to pieces? Why your here?” 瑶瑶帝姬讶道:“阴阳宝镜?唔……”身为瑶池帝姬,她自是知道以往的王母娘娘所持的这面阴阳宝镜的作用,它原本就是仙界中少有的至宝,后来碎成了两片。她疑惑的道:“它不是已经碎掉了吗?为什么会在你这里?” Sun Yan it with lotus the lotus, letting her, when mirror photo. He said: This matter did not need to manage it!” 孙炎把它拿给莲莲,让她当镜子照。他道:“这种事就不用管它了!” Sun Yan said that does not need to manage, Yaoyao Empress was really disinclined to manage. She said: Good, even if we can mount the abode of the immortals, takes the Yin-Yang treasure mirror, can monitor the wonderful camptotheca acuminata from the abode of the immortals, but we how from Luo Heaven, downward straddling of zones murder?” 孙炎说不用管,瑶瑶帝姬就真的懒得管了。她道:“好吧,就算我们能够登上大罗天,拿着阴阳宝镜,可以从大罗天监视妙喜树,但我们怎么从大罗天上,往下跨界杀人?” Sun Yan said: Your highness, can you also bring the universe blade?” 孙炎道:“殿下,您可还带着太虚刀?” A Yaoyao Empress tender body revolution, in the hand had/left a curved long blade much, is the universe blade. The universe blade bends and long, simply and she is equally high, was shouldered by her on the shoulder. 瑶瑶帝姬娇躯一转,手中多出了一柄弯弯的长刀,正是太虚刀。太虚刀又弯又长,简直跟她本人一样高,被她扛在肩上。 Sun Yan said: „Didn't this have the issue?” 孙炎道:“这不就没有问题了?” Yaoyao Empress shoulders the blade, ignited cheek...... really not to have the issue single-handedly probably. 瑶瑶帝姬一手扛刀,一手点着腮子……好像真的没有问题了。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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