MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#944: dragon Er and young

Sealed beautiful to have valuable Tan magnificence hall, on the way, the doubts have returned, looks at that batches, excited entry treasure Tan magnificence hall , the tautness chest front front piece, what the day female of happy coming out...... was their is making? 封美出了宝檀华殿,途中,疑惑地回过首来,看着那一批批,兴奋的进入宝檀华殿,又拉紧胸前衣襟,开心的出来的天女……她们这是在做什么? This lining up enter, but exciting and proud covering chest scene, what's the matter? 这一个个排队进入,兴奋而又骄傲的捂胸而出的情景,是怎么回事? Last what enters in the palace is imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv, in the palace treating the time, also compared with other day of female long time in many, come out, the cheek also compares other day of females red. 最后一个进入殿里的是幻琴天女,在殿内待的时间,也要比其他天女久上许多,出来的时候,脸蛋也比其他天女更加的红。 various Tiannv and to seal/confer beautiful, star and other all assembleds in the same place, under the protection of that group of gifted generals, are about to leave lotus flower embryo conceals. 诸天女与封美、星星等聚齐在一起,在那批天兵天将的保护下,准备离开莲花胎藏界。 Sun Yan stands on the cliff, the Daoist robe floats and turns, charming threatening. For serveral days the female turned head, magpie, waved goodbye to him, joyful inexplicable, because they also for these saved the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, to save the war of the world, performed an own breast quantity...... is not, was completely one was their intentions, from now on, that handsome charming few hero is not a person is fighting, his also carrying/sustaining their faith and load bearings their consciousness and load bearings their selfless offers and intentions. 孙炎立在崖上,道袍飘卷,帅气逼人。那些天女纷纷回过头来,喜雀儿般的,向他挥手告别,一个个欣喜莫名,因为她们也为这一场拯救妙喜树、拯救世界的战争,尽了一份自己的乳量……不是,是尽了一份属于她们的心意,从现在起,那位英俊帅气的少侠不是一个人在战斗,他还承载着她们的信念、承载着她们的觉悟、承载着她们无私的奉献和心意。 Their smiling smiles, you push me to push over. 她们嬉嬉笑笑,你推我搡。 Sun Yan raised the head, looks at the sky melancholily......, although ate many tofu, but always felt that own compelling standard fell...... 孙炎抬起头,忧郁地看着天空……虽然吃了很多的豆腐,但总感觉自己的逼格掉了很多…… Really is the tofu with compelling the standard cannot have both? He crosses the hands behind the back the deep sigh: Road endless its long and far, I will seek up and down......” turn around proudly, cross the hands behind the back the line, top of the head five fights of canopies, wear seven early morning profound essences, the five colors flying rosy cloud, the mix appear together...... , felt oneself filled the electricity!!! 果然是豆腐与逼格不能兼得么?他负手长叹:“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索……”傲然转身,负手而行,头顶五斗华盖,身披七晨玄精,五色飞霞,混合交并……唔,感觉自己充满电了!!! ...... …… Sun Yan brings, with the greatly sad Mandala Institute related news, made silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch and other military officers is startled. 孙炎带回来的、与大悲曼荼罗院有关的消息,令银牙耀目天君及其他将领吃了一惊。 Five big void conceals had all died, before diamond void conceals dies luckily, opened the god in greatly sad datura institute to ban the ban, otherwise, entire lotus flower embryo conceals feared that will collapse. 五大虚空藏俱已死去,幸好金刚虚空藏死前,打开了大悲曼陀罗院的神禁禁制,否则,整个莲花胎藏界怕是都会崩溃。 In military compound. Yaoyao Empress acts willfully, immediately then must march toward greatly sad datura institute, silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch, way-opening god and other various Jiang. Actually is calms down her stubbornly. Although Heavenly Court soldier, because of eight institute's layouts and altogether labor after exploding the disaster that causes tribulations to be scattered. But is forced to divide forces is the matter in estimate, at this moment, the Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and left Famo makes, right cut down the demon to cause to command troops surely respectively, sets out to greatly sad datura institute. 军营内。瑶瑶帝姬一意孤行,立刻便要往大悲曼陀罗院进军,银牙耀目天君、开路神等诸将。却是死死将她劝住。虽然天庭兵将,因八叶院本身的布局和共工自爆后引发的天灾地劫而被打散。但被迫分兵原本就是预计中的事,此时此刻,武曲星主、破军星主、左伐魔使、右伐魔使必定已各自领兵,向大悲曼陀罗院进发。 In addition, the sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva, strive Bodhisattva and other reinforcements greatly, should also enter lotus flower embryo conceals one after another. 此外,日光菩萨、月光菩萨、大精进菩萨等援军,应该也已经相继进入了莲花胎藏界。 12 medicine fork gods who the sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva lead, but also is the Eastern net colored glaze world famous diamond Bodhisattva. various Tianjiang, various diamond compel the center of lotus flower embryo conceals from various path soldier/weapon, believes that storms into greatly sad Mandala Institute. Sweeps clean all enemies, will be sooner or later matter, regarding silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch, way-opening god and other, they courageously current, naturally, but cannot make Your Highness Yaoyao follow they to take risk together. 日光菩萨与月光菩萨所率的十二药叉神将,可也都是东方净琉璃世界有名的金刚菩萨。诸天将、诸金刚从各路兵逼莲花胎藏界之中心,相信攻入大悲曼荼罗院。扫清所有敌人,乃是早晚的事,对于银牙耀目天君、开路神等诸将来说,他们自己奋勇当前,理所当然,但不能让瑶瑶殿下跟着他们一同冒险。 Especially, an enemy side has the stamp immortal broken day crime air/Qi, poking the immortal broken day crime air/Qi is one of the four big broken day crime air/Qi, and names pokes immortal, specifically aims at the immortal body to suppose. Although Your Highness Yaoyao is report/give Qicheng the real immortal body, is actually not necessarily able to block to poke the immortal broken day crime air/Qi, they have protected side your highness. Has no alternative but the security concern for your highness. 尤其是,敌人一方有戳仙破天罪气,戳仙破天罪气原本就是四大破天罪气之一,且取名“戳仙”,是专门针对仙体而设。瑶瑶殿下虽是禀气成真的仙体,却也未必能够挡得住戳仙破天罪气,他们既已守护在殿下身边。就不能不为殿下的安全考虑。 Although Yaoyao Empress wants to kill directly to the enemy, does to various Jiang to stop, she does not have the means. Must obey various Jiang to suggest, in the lotus flower Yuelunshan recuperation, while sends out the scout, tries to inquire the enemy side to arrange, as well as tries various troops who contact us to lose contact. 瑶瑶帝姬虽然想要直接杀向敌人,奈何诸将阻拦,她也没有办法。只得听从诸将建议,一边在莲花月轮山休整,一边派出探子,试图打探敌方布置,以及设法联络我方失联的各部人马。 That night, Sun Yan brings swallow Yinchu and deep, guards outside the valuable Tan magnificent palace palace gate. 那夜,孙炎带着燕引雏和冥儿,在宝檀华殿殿门外把守。 The army is stationed. This valuable Tan magnificence hall, naturally then by Yaoyao Empress taking over for use. lotus magnificence Taicang is the Buddhism pure land, constructs many pagodas as well as various buildings. Because of the cataclysm of that earth-shattering, most constructions have collapsed to destroy, only has this valuable Tan magnificent palace to be safe and uneventful. 全军驻扎。这宝檀华殿,自然便被瑶瑶帝姬征用。莲华胎藏界本是佛门净土,建有许多佛塔以及各种建筑。但因为那场天崩地裂的灾变,大多数建筑都已塌毁,唯有这座宝檀华殿安然无事。 Valuable Tan magnificence Dianli , the moon pond, in the pond is pure stainless lotus Heavenly Water, at this moment, Yaoyao, the fragrance and lotus Liandu take a bath in inside, the water splash sound that the happy talks and laughters and play, often transmits from the palace, even Yaoyao must with lotus lotus compared with the smiling sound of chest growth size. 宝檀华殿里,又有一座月轮池,池里乃是纯净无垢的莲华天水,此时此刻,瑶瑶、香香、莲莲都在里头洗澡,欢声笑语和嬉戏的水花声,从殿内不时传来,甚至还有瑶瑶要跟莲莲比胸部发育大小的嘻笑声。 Sun Yan stands on the cliff outside the palace, prevents the gifted general, astrays for the report military situation, then a stick was battered to death by Your Highness Yaoyao, while is losing both hands, looks up the day...... good to go in the charge. 孙炎立在殿外崖上,一边防止有天兵天将,为报军情而误入,然后被瑶瑶殿下一棒砸死,一边负着双手,抬头看天……好想进去充电。 On the other hand, now takes a bath in inside, one will be future Heavenly Emperor, one will be under the generation of day demons? In the future Heavenly Emperor and under the generation of day demons take a bath together, this matter passes on, how many people can frighten to fall down close to? However, if the struggle of immortal demon, who wins who lost/carrying depends on their chest growth, only then the winner can a series immortal demon two...... 话又说回来,现在在里头洗澡的,一个是未来天帝,一个是下代天魔啊?未来天帝和下代天魔一起洗澡,这事传出去,得有多少人吓掉下巴?不过,如果仙魔之争,谁胜谁负取决于她们的胸部发育,只有胜出者才能一统仙魔两界的话…… He raised the head, the static thinking, through own experience, whom determines to be the final winner, finally thought that...... lotus lotus should slightly win little! 他抬起头,静静的思索,通过自己的经验,来判定谁会是最后的赢家,最后觉得……莲莲应该会略胜一点点点! However really must by the words that the chest growth measures strength, stands declares the victory there, is his girlfriend is without a doubt fragrant, he has started to imagine Yaoyao and lotus lotus is stepped on fragrant in the under foot, together the scene of sighing woefully disastrous defeat...... was really the phase difference too. 不过真要以胸部发育来一决高下的话,站在那里宣告胜利的,毫无疑问是他的女朋友香香,他已经开始想象着瑶瑶和莲莲被香香踩在脚下,一同哀叹惨败的情景……实在是相差太多了。 Fire chi and deep phoenix wait on his two sides, sees him to look up the day, the vision is distant, lofty morals and honorable behavior, is above mundane thoughts, if the Saint, is thinking together what life philosophy...... the master is pondering? 火螭与冥凤侍在他的两边,见他抬头望天,目光悠远,高山景行,绝尘若圣,一同想着……主人在思考什么人生哲理吗? Valuable Tan magnificence Diannei, fragrant Fairy Maiden soaks in the water, sees Yaoyao to grab lotus lotus to compare with her. Her both hands cover the chest, quite some proud. 宝檀华殿内,香香仙子泡在水中,见瑶瑶抓着莲莲要跟她比。她双手捂胸,颇有一些自豪。 She has doubts looks to Yaoyao and lotus lotus: Yaoyao, before you......, has seen?” 她疑惑的看向瑶瑶和莲莲:“瑶瑶,你们……以前见过吗?” Yaoyao haha said with a smile: We have had the spring dream together!” 瑶瑶哈哈笑道:“我们一起做过春梦啦!” Does Du Xiangxiang open the eye...... the spring dream? Has the spring dream together? 杜香香睁大眼……春梦?一起做春梦? lotus lotus startled say/way: That is only, that is only...... a dream!” 莲莲惊道:“那只是、那只是……一个梦!” Yaoyao said: Right, our together dream to golden boy 1st, but also hugs him to roll together!” 瑶瑶道:“对啊,我们一起梦到金童一号啊,还一起抱着他滚来滚去!” The Du Xiangxiang a little delay...... do their two same places have the spring dream? Together dream to my boyfriend? Also rolls on the ground with him? This and this are the pair and pair in legend in pairs...... 杜香香有一点儿呆滞……她们两个一起做春梦?一起梦到我的男朋友?还跟他在地上滚来滚去?这、这就是传说中的双、双双双…… Outside, deep and young turns head to look together to their masters. 外头,冥儿和雏儿一同扭头看向他们的主人。 Their masters cross the hands behind the back to stand, will work as the ice extremely, glance numerous mountain little...... 他们的主人负手而立,会当凌绝顶,一览众山小…… *** *** Around lotus flower Yuelunshan had pouring shower. 莲花月轮山周围下了一场倾盆阵雨。 This shower, is not the real weather change, is more like extremely the war of distant place, the climate of initiates is unusual. The scout who sends inquiry has not come back, in the shower, the arrange/cloth in the sky, cloud Zhai one after another, with the ground with the stage that immortal technique puts up temporarily, forms the scattered and organized rain scenery, dim, magnificent, the noise of the rain that brushes has not brought many noises, instead because of its monotonous, but makes the entire world seem tranquil. 这阵雨,并非真正的天气变化,更像是极远处的战事,所引发的气候反常。派去打探情况的探子还没有回来,阵雨中,布在天空,一圈又一圈的云寨,与地面用仙术临时搭起的高台,形成错落有致的雨景,朦胧,壮观,刷刷的雨声并没有带来更多的喧嚣,反因其单调,而让整个天地显得宁静。 In hut that nearby the valuable Tan magnificent palace, profound wooden becomes, Sun Yan with his two mount beauties, supports to rest. 宝檀华殿附近,一座玄木制成的小屋内,孙炎与他的两个坐骑美眉,相拥而睡。 , He has the induction suddenly, opened the eye. He noticed when young does not know, has sat in the entrance, she backs on near the gate, a leg straightens, a leg brings back. Her beautiful hair, gentle is hanging loose, the skirt swayed of garnet builds on the left knee of bringing back, the slender and clear right leg, stretches out from the skirt, the ankle place is wrapping a round gold/metal link. 忽的,他生出感应,睁开了眼睛。他看到雏儿不知何时,已是坐在门口,她背靠在门边,一腿伸直,一腿勾起。她的秀发,轻柔的披散着,石榴红的裙摆搭在勾起的左膝上,纤细而晶莹的右腿,从裙下伸出,足踝处套着一个圆圆的金环。 Young is attractive and beautiful, she and dragon Er, can say that is much longer. 雏儿原本就是漂亮而又美丽的,她与龙儿,可以说长得一模一样。 Even when is doing that matter, Sun Yan also strange feelings, young looks like dragon Er the twin younger sister unavoidably simply, the when curve of body, is joyful the response, is almost also same. dragon Er will be maturer, but as if is also only because, she seems like bigger, young younger, the disparity in age section of same person, the maturity is somewhat different. 甚至在做着那种事儿的时候,孙炎亦不免有一种奇怪的感觉,雏儿简直就像是龙儿的双胞胎妹妹,身体的曲线,愉悦时的反应,几乎也是一样的。龙儿会更成熟一些,但似乎也只是因为,她看上去更大一些,雏儿则更年幼一些,同一个人的不同年龄段,成熟度自是有些不同。 Dragon is previous generation Chang E, is the Immortal World most beautiful female immortal, young except for seeming like younger, is almost exactly the same as her, just when ran into him, because on the face has that deep bloodstain, seems fierce, now that bloodstain has cured, is naturally beautiful. 龙儿原本就是上一代嫦娥,是仙界最美的女仙,雏儿除了看上去更年幼些,几乎与她一模一样,刚遇到他时,因为脸上带着那深深的血痕,自是显得狰狞,现在那血痕早已治愈,自然也是绝美的。 However at this moment, he knows, sits there, is actually not young. 但是此时此刻,他知道,坐在那里的,其实已不是雏儿。 Although, in the difference except for age, dragon Er and young is long a mold not to have two, but young ambition, with the gentleness of dragon, actually probably the fire and water general distinction, on young, is very difficult to see this moon/month general tranquility. 虽然,除了年龄上的差异,龙儿与雏儿长得一模无二,但雏儿身上的野心,与龙儿的温柔,却像是火与水一般的分明,在雏儿身上,很难看到这种月一般的宁静。 He deep will hug one side, making her continue to fall asleep, oneself transfer to gate another side, sits facing each other with dragon woman. Outside, the heavy rain such as the waterfall is common, the water splash that overcoming, splashes, lets the cool moisture, in a permeating room of faint trace. 他将冥儿抱到一边,让她继续睡着,自己移到门的另一边,与龙女相对而坐。外头,大雨如瀑布一般,啪啪的打下,溅起的水花,让清凉的水气,一丝丝的渗入屋内。 He looks to the dragon female, who wants to clarify her now is. Present she, does not seem like young, actually does not seem like the black cherry elder sister. 他看向龙女,想要弄清她现在是谁。现在的她,不像是雏儿自己,却也不像是黑樱姐。 dragon woman visits him, gentle, graceful, her gently bends the right leg, turns upwards the fragrant buttocks, moved toward him, tight is holding his waist, the pillow in his chest. The gold/metal collar on neck, was soaked by the moisture, flows is wiping the flowing light, she raised the head, visits him, in the eye pupil is passing the beautiful chilly fan. 龙女看着他,文静,娉婷,她轻轻的弯起右腿,翘起香臀,往他移了过来,紧紧的抱着他的腰,枕在他的胸膛。颈上的金项圈,被水气浸湿,流动着一抹流光,她抬起头来,看着他,眼眸中透着美丽的凄迷。 Sun Yan held in the arms her, implored the one breath: Dragon?” 孙炎将她搂住,吁了一口气:“龙儿?” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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