MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#934: Eight entirely destroys! Void explosion!

Young cold snort/hum, opens among the volumes suddenly gold/metal Yan, bang, township of everywhere flying flowing fire curls. 少年冷哼一声,突然睁开额间金眼,轰的一声,流火之乡漫天飞卷。 With nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan help, he jumps between the time and time. The day female who imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv and others were not good at fighting, looks infatuated in the distant place, sees only 12 industry with void conceals, the angry glare diamond kills from 12 angles to the youngster, however the youngster does not fear, the flickering flame unfolds layer on layer/heavily, all overspreads in the same place 12 spaces that pack unexpectedly. 在九灵太妙金眼的帮助下,他在时间与时间之间跳跃。幻琴天女等不擅长战斗的天女,在远处痴迷看去,只见十二位业用虚空藏,怒目金刚相从十二个角度杀向少年,然而少年丝毫不惧,幢幢火光重重铺开,竟将那叠在一起的十二层空间全都铺满。 Suddenly, the figure of youngster presents mysterious fluctuation, 12 angry glare diamond charge into his speed to be extremely quick, however the speed is fast, needs to spend time eventually, but the youngster resembles to regard the time unexpectedly , if no thing to be the same, the shuttles and jumps of various positions, transferred the mortal form to receive with really just two swords, the shining covering day sword in a short time, delimited the rays of 12 sparkles. 骤然间,少年的身形出现神秘的变幻,十二怒目金刚冲向他的速度极快,然而速度再快,终究是需要消耗“时间”,而少年竟似视时间如无物一般,各方位的穿梭、跳跃,转魄与真刚两剑全都收起,金光灿灿的掩日剑在极短的时间里,划出了十二道闪耀的光芒。 12 sword light, sparkle the astonishing semicircle sword arc in 12 spaces, the youngster stands in 12 splitting open sword arcs, is dazzling looks like sun god, is extremely dazzling. The sword arc interlocks in the overlapped space, cut to kill 11 angry glare diamond all of a sudden, 11 spaces caved. 十二道剑光,在十二层空间里闪耀出惊人的半圆剑弧,少年立在十二道绽开的剑弧之间,耀眼得就像是太阳神子,极是炫目。剑弧在重叠的空间里交错,一下子斩杀了十一名怒目金刚,十一层空间崩陷。 Last angry glare diamond avoids the sword light that chops, the complexion big change, no one can break his move hardly 12 anger. However, he can in too the nature, outer space and universe level construction space, this youngster open mysterious gold/metal Yan between volumes, can actually play with the time probably. 最后一位怒目金刚躲开劈来的剑光,脸色大变,从来没有人能够硬破他的这招“十二怒相”。然而,他能够在太质、太空、太虚层面构建空间,这少年张开了额间的神秘金眼,却像是能够玩弄时间。 12 anger even/including breaks 11, final one spouts the blood, does not dare to fight[ fights, a body revolution, goes toward the distant place rapid flight. “十二怒相”连破十一相,最后一相喷出鲜血,再也不敢战[斗,身子一转,往远处疾飞而去。 The youngster changed really just the sword again, is flying to escape the angry glare diamond who to the distant place, shook, a sound that the hand brushed, the sword light is entraining the long day lock, charged into the upper air again booklet to the distant place, in an instant industry will kill with the last clash of void conceals. 少年再换真刚剑,对着远处飞逃的怒目金刚,将手一抖,刷的一响,剑光拽着长长的天锁,冲向高空再折向远方,刹那间将业用虚空藏的最后一相击杀。 Industry makes ten two phases with the void concealed minute/share, ten two phases were all killed. This finally one is his true body, his whole person was hung in the day that really just the sword entrained locks, gives out unwilling angry roaring , then hung slowly, is unable to move again. 业用虚空藏分作十二相,十二相全都被杀。这最后一相便是他的真身,他整个人被挂在真刚剑拽出的天锁上,发出不甘的怒吼,紧接着,便慢慢的垂了下去,再也无法动弹。 ...... …… *** *** The imaginary zither | Jean and other day females, are hard to doubt that looks strikes youngster who killed industry used the void concealed Bodhisattvas. 幻琴等众天女,难以置疑地看着击杀了业用虚空藏菩萨的少年。 Defeated one of the five big void concealed Bodhisattvas unexpectedly, industry uses the void concealed Bodhisattva? This their name had not heard in the past the youngster, is in so the situation unexpectedly fiercely? 竟然击败了五大虚空藏菩萨之一的、业用虚空藏菩萨?这个以往她们连名字都未曾听说过的少年,竟然厉害到这般地步? Naturally, has not heard the Sun Yan name, cannot blame them. If in Heaven person, even if not know that the Sun Yan present score, at least still knows touches breast big god the name, but they are Abelow raised the day female in the world, year to year guards the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, contacts not many with Heaven. 当然,不曾听说过孙炎的名字,也不能怪她们。若是天界中人,就算不知道孙炎如今的战绩,至少也知道“摸乳大神”之名,但她们原本就是阿比罗提世界的天女,常年驻守妙喜树,与天界接触不多。 However, although had not listened to the name of Sun Yan before, the strengths of five big void concealed Bodhisattvas, they are clear. At Sun Yan age at this moment, they are unable to imagine, Bodhisattva who he can actually defeat five big void concealed this grade of ranks, although the Bodhisattva also divides to make many kinds. But five big void conceals represents the broken barriers of fifth wisdom Tathagata to disappear industry the diamond Bodhisattva, is this commonplace may compare? 但是,虽然以前不曾听过孙炎之名,五大虚空藏菩萨的实力,她们却是一清二楚的。以孙炎此刻的年纪,她们怎么也无法想象,他竟然能够击败五大虚空藏这等级别的菩萨,虽然菩萨也分作许多类。但五大虚空藏可是代表着如来之五智的破障消业金刚菩萨,此是等闲可比? The Sun Yan side committed suicide industry with void conceals, few, young and star young nun collaborated. Also killed off industry with these war arhats who void conceals brings. 孙炎方自杀掉了业用虚空藏,没几下,雏儿和星星小尼姑联手。也杀光了业用虚空藏带来的那些战罗汉。 Sun Yan vertical, saw for several days the female as before dumbfoundedly the year he, very surprised appearance. Therefore shakes to send natural, is thinking I do want to read the poem again? 孙炎纵了回来,见那些天女依旧在目瞪口呆地年着他,很吃惊的样子。于是潇洒地甩了甩头发,想着我要不要再念一下诗? At this moment, actually listens to the deafening sound of bang, the entire land is vibrating, bans the ban is protecting big sad Mandala Institute by the god, was shaken probably forcefully generally, protects the institute god light/only to sway intermittently. 就在这时,却听轰的震响,整个大地都在震动,以神禁禁制保护着的大悲曼荼罗院,亦像是被强行撼动了一般,护院神光阵阵摇晃。 The star young nun looks the god who runs back and forth in confusion bans Sanskrit, in the heart is shocked, covered the entire extrication institute and Fu wisdom institute, to be able full Yuan, the datura god in uses/gives Yuanyuan, Forder institute to ban the ban continually, will be disrupted this appearance, what disaster was this tribulations? 星星小尼姑看着乱晃的神禁梵文,心中震惊,连笼罩了整个解脱院、福智院、能满院、施愿院、福德院的曼陀罗神禁禁制,都会被扰乱成这个样子,这到底是什么样的天灾地劫? Sun Yan is also knits the brows...... a Polish draw, another arises, this what happened? 孙炎亦是皱眉……一波方平,一波又起,这又是发生了什么事? He said: Goes to have a look!” 他道:“出去看看!” They go toward outside rapid flight, resemble so, have arrived, the datura gate of greatly sad Mandala Institute edge. 他们往外头疾飞而去,似这般,一直来到,大悲曼荼罗院边缘的一座曼陀罗门。 Greatly sad Mandala Institute with eight institutes, adopts eight connected datura gate. 大悲曼荼罗院与八叶院,通过八座“曼陀罗门”相连。 In eight institutes every leaf, is equivalent to a microcosm, eight datura gates stand high, the blooming light, has, if eight lotus flower flower petals, in eight wisdom round altars/jars of five institute above with five institutes, has, if the lotus throne of lotus flower, this is the entire structure of lotus flower embryo conceals. 八叶院中的每一“叶”,都相当于一个小世界,八座曼陀罗门高高立起,绽放光明,有若八片莲花花瓣,八门内中的五院与五院上方的智慧圆坛,有若莲花的莲台,这就是莲花胎藏界的整个构造。 They stand in the datura gate, looks out. At this moment, the datura gate was also banned the ban to surround by the god together, but was actually shaken crazily by some strength makes a sound, the so powerful god bans the ban, will also swing this appearance unexpectedly, looks like shaken Mount Tai, indeed is astonishing, but the god bans the ban not to collapse eventually, datura gate from also perfect. 他们立在曼陀罗门,往外看去。此刻,曼陀罗门也一同被神禁禁制包围,但却被某种力量震得狂响,如此强大的神禁禁制,竟然也会摇成这个样子,就像是被撼动的泰山,的确是让人吃惊,但神禁禁制终究并未崩溃,曼陀罗门自也完好无损。 However they look toward outside, actually stares dumbfounded. 但是他们往外头看去,却是瞠目结舌。 In their outside, is one had the celestial mountain, to have the Ling River, the scenic spot, was equivalent to pure Buddha earth of small-scale heaven of heavens everywhere. 在他们的外头,本是一个有仙山、有灵河,处处名胜,原本相当于一个小型的极乐世界的清净佛土。 However at this moment, the land crack, the mountain tomb collapses, paint black, as if can swallow the myriad things the ray to shoot up to the sky, lets the entire world, becomes seems like one demolished armored glass, the irrelevant breakage, miserable does not endure shu, but is reluctant old feelings remain after a severed relationship, without collapse. 然而此刻,大地龟裂,山陵倒塌,一道道漆黑色的、仿佛能够吞噬万物的光芒冲天而起,让整个天地,变得像是一个已经被爆破的钢化玻璃,支离破裂,惨不忍暏,只不过是勉强藕断丝连,没有崩溃罢了。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv anxious say/way: This and this what's the matter?” 幻琴天女不安的道:“这、这到底是怎么回事?” Lotus flower embryo conceals institute, a world. If each piece leaf turned into this appearance, that this ruins entire lotus flower embryo conceals radically sufficiently the strength, what energy is, can cause destruction so? 莲花胎藏院,一叶一世界。如果每一片“叶”都变成了这个样子,那这根本就是足以毁掉整个莲花胎藏界的力量,到底是什么样的能量,能够造成这般的破坏? The Sun Yan complexion is dignified. 孙炎脸色凝重。 In such disaster tribulation, fragrance with Yaoyao their is well? In his heart was worried secretly. 在这样的天灾地劫中,香香和瑶瑶她们能否平安无事?他心中暗自担心。 At this moment, in him behind, broadcasts swallow Yinchu the blurry voice: Main...... person......” 就在这时,在他身后,传来燕引雏迷迷糊糊的声音:“主……人……” Sun Yan turns head, when sees only swallow Yinchu not to know, had turned into the girl appearance, is rubbing the eye, appearance that lacks very much sleepily very much. In his heart moves, making the stars and various Tiannv first return to the extrication institute, oneself hold in the arms young. 孙炎回过头来,只见燕引雏不知何时,已经变成了女孩模样,搓着眼睛,很困很乏的样子。他心中一动,让星星、诸天女先回解脱院去,自己搂住雏儿。 Young in he bosom one but actually, so rested. 雏儿在他怀中一倒,就这般睡了过去。 He holds young, flies a peaceful unmanned place, sits there. After a while, young then in his bosom, opened the eye spookily, decides visits him. 他抱起雏儿,飞到一个安静的无人之处,坐在那里。过了一会儿,雏儿便在他的怀中,幽幽的睁开了眼睛,定定地看着他。 He said in a low voice: Black cherry elder sister?” 他低声道:“黑樱姐?” Is attached to swallow Yinchu black cherry moonlight, breathes a sigh of relief: You do not have the matter to be good.” Single-handedly is supporting his chest, sits up on his leg, looks to the surroundings: „Is here greatly sad Mandala Institute? This is...... the god in greatly sad Mandala Institute bans the ban? Now the definite industry with void conceals is an enemy, this god bans the ban to want five big void conceals to assemble to open, how was it opened?” 附在燕引雏身上的黑樱月华,舒了一口气:“你没有事就好。”一手撑着他的胸膛,在他腿上坐起,看向周围:“这里是大悲曼荼罗院?这个是……大悲曼荼罗院的神禁禁制?现在已经确定业用虚空藏是敌人,这神禁禁制是要五大虚空藏齐集才能打开,它是如何被打开的?” After Sun Yan will enter, the happened matter told her, included the deaths of several void concealed Bodhisattvas. 孙炎将进入此间后,发生的事告诉了她,其中自是包括了几位虚空藏菩萨的死亡。 The black cherry moonlight said: So that's how it is!” 黑樱月华道:“原来如此!” Sun Yan said: Black cherry elder sister, outside what happened?” 孙炎道:“黑樱姐,外面发生了什么事?” The black cherry moonlight said: Subdue Yuan child acted!” 黑樱月华道:“镇元子出手了!” Did Sun Yan shake...... the town/subdues Yuan child to appear finally? 孙炎一震……镇元子终于出现了? The black cherry moonlight said: Even I have not thought beforehand, the town/subdues Yuan child to unify labor revering of altogether breath soil unexpectedly , derived the hot virgin supernatural power. Industry with void conceals is also a town/subdues Yuan child person, in hundred years, industry with void conceals in the lotus flower embryo conceals bottom, buried massive void explosion symbols, these explode the symbol void, all including approaching the lotus flower embryo conceals bottom. A town/subdues Yuan innertube the labor is altogether entering turns over to all generations ruins of ruins extremely deep place, absorbing is the extinguishing world supernatural power that the shepherd hot child of this tribulation keeps, after he controls is coming back to life labor altogether, making it have the hot virgin supernatural power of high density, in the chassis of lotus flower embryo conceals from exploding, and initiated industry with void conceals and a fragrant shape Bodhisattva many years of deployment, tries to ruin entire lotus flower embryo conceals.” 黑樱月华道:“连我事先也未曾想到,镇元子竟以结合了息壤的共工尊者,,汲取了火童神力。业用虚空藏亦是镇元子的人,在这一百年间,业用虚空藏在莲花胎藏界地底,埋了大量的虚空爆炸符,这些虚空爆炸符,全都连向莲花胎藏界的底部。镇元子带着共工进入归墟极深之处的万劫墟,汲取了原本是这一劫的牧羊者火童留下来的灭世神力,他控制着复生后的共工,让它带着高密度的火童神力,在莲花胎藏界的底盘自爆,并引发了业用虚空藏和香象菩萨多年的部署,试图毁掉整个莲花胎藏界。” Say/Way of Sun Yan doubts: Hot virgin supernatural power? All generations ruins?” Unexpectedly before is him, has not listened to thing. 孙炎疑惑的道:“火童神力?万劫墟?”竟全都是他以前不曾听过的东西。 ......( To be continued......) i1292 ……(未完待续……)i1292
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