MGIAFM :: Volume #9

#898: brocade/bright box ingenious plan

The immortal jade feather space died. 仙玉羽宇死了。 Between both armies, puts up the stage, Sun Xiaoyan is in front of three services, cuts to kill to respect the crown disaster personally, holds a memorial service for the ghost. 两军之间,搭起高台,孙小炎当着三军之面,亲手斩杀敬冠殃,祭奠亡魂。 The rear ambusher completely does not have, fire cloud Xiaosheng reveres both armies to rendezvous with sovereign ghost, the army covers kills, the front enemy has, if loses the rational wild animal, does not know the fear, is not the fear. 后方伏兵尽没,火云小圣与中皇鬼尊两军交会,大军掩杀,前方敌人有若失去理性的野兽,不知恐惧,不是害怕。 The blood overspread the land that cannot see the stars, the crazy aura is filled, this is one has not won and war of failure, perhaps said that when that moment of war, everyone in battlefield is a loser. The destiny looks like a joke, it does not plan to make fun of anyone, but no one can escape its making fun , the person who can break the destiny is a victor, what however did the victory represent? This is the answer without the issue. 鲜血铺满了看不到日月星辰的大地,疯狂的气息四处弥漫,这是一场没有胜利和失败的战争,或许说,当战争发生的那一刻,战场上的所有人就都是失败者。命运就像是一场玩笑,它不打算捉弄谁,但谁也逃不过它的捉弄,能够打破命运的人是胜利者,然而胜利本身又代表了什么?这是一个没有问题的答案。 Moment god army's interception to a Yaoyao Empress side, to shield to respect the ambusher of crown disaster, but respects being annihilated of crown disaster, making the plans of eight big gods go bankrupt thoroughly. The Yaoyao Empress army meets no resistance, further enters, forms the potential of yi corner/horn with the imaginary dark green fire cloud army finally, and leads the army to echo with Jin, hence, a army zha Leeming king side is doomed to suffer a defeat and flee the bureau. 分阴神主大军对瑶瑶帝姬一方的拦截,原本就是为了掩护敬冠殃的伏兵,但是敬冠殃的全军覆没,令八大神主的计划彻底破产。瑶瑶帝姬的军队如入无人之境,进一步杀入,终与幻苍火云军形成猗角之势,并与金公亲身所率大军呼应,至此,军吒利明王一方已经是注定败亡之局。 However, who knows, the result in battlefield, is not the true key point, the final result, will depend on all that in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata has finally. 然而,谁都知道,战场上的胜负,并不是真正的关键点,最后的结果,终将取决于妙喜树内所发生的一切。 On that day, in army an unexpected visitor. 那一日,军中来了一位不速之客。 Sun Xiaoyan welcomed into own main stronghold the guest, then changed original feature, looks at front this black long straight beautiful woman: Black cherry elder sister?” 孙小炎将客人迎入自己的主寨,然后变回本来面目,看着面前这黑长直的美女:“黑樱姐?” Black cherry moonlight black clothes, the slender physique, the slender figure, the beam skirt in waist ingenious drawing, is outlining that slender waist. Pitch-black beautiful hair throws over after the brain, a wisp sends the silk in the right shoulder, proceeds to build, hangs to that wonderful chest front. 黑樱月华一身黑裳,修长的体态,苗条的身形,束腰裙在腰间巧妙的收拢,勾勒着那纤细的腰身。乌黑的秀发在脑后披下,一缕发丝在右肩,往前搭下,垂至那美妙的胸前。 The black cherry moonlight visits him. The corners of the mouth overflow a mysterious smile, the right hand are lifting, tucking in gently sends the silk. Front that bound water common sending silk, tucked by her. Has slid in the fingertip mild-mannered, after falling to the shoulder . She smiles saying: What kind of? Looks at you probably very tired appearance!” 黑樱月华看着他。嘴角溢着一丝神秘的笑容,右手抬起,轻轻的撩起发丝。胸前那束水一般的发丝,被她撩起。在指尖柔顺地滑过,落至肩后。她微笑道:“怎的了?看你好像很累的样子!” Sun Yan said: Black cherry elder sister, this war, can we really win?” 孙炎道:“黑樱姐,这一战,我们真的能够赢吧?” The black cherry moonlight said: In fact, I don't know either! No one really can completely understand the future, I do not know how the final result can be, but I know, something we must do!” 黑樱月华道:“实际上,我也不知道!没有谁真的能够看透未来,我不知道最后的结果会是怎样,但是我知道,有些事我们必须要去做!” Sun Yan continues to visit her: But. The black cherry elder sister...... can I believe you?” 孙炎继续看着她:“但是。黑樱姐……我可以相信你吗?” The black cherry moonlight steps comes, with slender white hands, gently is touching his face: „Don't you...... believe me?” 黑樱月华踏上前来,用纤纤玉手,轻轻的抚摸着他的脸:“你……不相信我吗?” Sun Yan visits her, said: I know, the black cherry elder sister you will not harm our. You had once said that your only hope, in final of this story, saw our well, happy is living......” 孙炎看着她,道:“我知道,黑樱姐你绝不会害我们的。你曾说过,你唯一的希望,就是在这个故事的最后,看到我们好好的、幸福的活着……” The black cherry moonlight smile said: What are you also worried about?” 黑樱月华微笑道:“那你还担心什么?” Sun Yan said: I think suddenly, the black cherry elder sister, you had not guaranteed. This story finally...... you will also be happy!” 孙炎道:“我只是突然想到,黑樱姐,你没有保证。这个故事的最后……你也会幸福!” Black cherry moon/month Huaqing sighed one, said: I have said that my happiness very simple. So long as in final of this story, can see your well, happy is living, that already enough!” 黑樱月华轻叹一声,道:“我说过的,我的幸福非常的简单。只要在这个故事的最后,能够看到你们好好的、幸福的活着,那就已经够了!” Sun Yan said in a low voice: But, if in this story finally does not have you, I and fragrant will not be happy.” 孙炎低声道:“但是,如果在这个故事的最后没有你,我和香香都不会幸福的。” The black cherry moonlight smiles: What are you worried about? You were worrying that I will sacrifice myself to help you? I thought that you thought many! If this story finally some people will really die, that let that dying person is our enemies, making us live well finally, isn't this we now the matter that wanted to do?” 黑樱月华笑了一笑:“你到底在担心什么?你在担心我会牺牲自己来成全你们?我觉得你想得太多了!如果这个故事的最后真的有人会死,那就让那个死掉的人是我们的敌人,让我们好好的活到最后,这不就是我们现在想要做的事?” Sun Yan stretch/leisurely has the one breath, is rubbing own temples: Black cherry elder sister you said right...... possibly is the death of immortal jade feather space. Let me receive some attack.” 孙炎舒出一口气,揉着自己的太阳穴:“黑樱姐你说的没错……可能是仙玉羽宇的死。让我受了一些打击。” The black cherry moonlight said: Immortal jade feather space?” 黑樱月华道:“仙玉羽宇?” Sun Yan told her the matter, then sighed deeply: Although knows. That is his own last option, but could not save him. Makes me a little sad, always feels the life to be variable, before many matters are hard to grasp...... obviously me, has killed his one time.” 孙炎把事情告诉她,然后长叹了一声:“虽然知道。那是他自己最后的选择,但是救不了他。还是让我有点难过,总觉得生命无常,有许多事都难以把握……明明我以前就已经杀过他一次。” Why does not know, since childhood starting from, he has one type including himself also the tired feeling that is hard to be clear, seems like the heavy burden of many worlds, heavy pressure on oneself, after running into Monk Tang, the conducted the back heavy burden seemed taken by Monk Tang, the entire talent was more relaxed. He does not know that Monk Tang made anything, but before that and after that felt that really had very big difference, the life was also full of many pleasure probably. Until this time, the death of immortal jade feather space, makes him feel the life again the helplessness, suddenly was attacked unavoidably. 不知道为什么,从小的时候开始,他就有一种连自己也难以明白的劳累感,就好像许多世的重负,沉沉的压在自己身上,直到遇到唐僧后,背上的重负仿佛都被唐僧取走,整个人才轻松了许多。他不知道唐僧到底做了什么,但在那之前和在那之后,感觉确实有了很大的不同,生活也像是充满了更多的乐趣。直到这次,仙玉羽宇的死,再一次让他感受到生命的无奈,一时间自是不免受到打击。 The black cherry moonlight said: Immortal jade feather space chose this result , because he had lost to oneself confidence, lives not to have the love. Did you also lose self-confidently? Do you also live not to have the love?” 黑樱月华道:“仙玉羽宇选择了这种结果,是因为他已经失去了对自己的信心,同时也生无可恋。你难道也失去了自信?你难道也生无可恋?” Sun Yan said: Lives not to have the love?, Some of my many matters have not done, dragon Erling Xiaoman is still waiting for me, fragrant has not married, the beautiful dance has not picked, picks not to grow up, the magical girls...... in brief, some of my also many things must be done, I was full of the hope to the future.” 孙炎道:“生无可恋?不不不,我还有许多事没做,龙儿玲儿小曼都还在等着我,香香还没有娶,美舞还没有采,采采还没有长大,魔法少女们……总之,我还有许多事情要做,我对未来充满了希望。” Black cherry moonlight ill-humored say/way: You a moment ago......” 黑樱月华没好气的道:“那你刚才……” Person will always have writing azure time, the black cherry elder sister you regarded me a moment ago writing azure sickness outbreak, injured spring sad autumn one, but I thought that my life should be a crisp article, was not writing azure article, therefore the writing azure sickness knew when to stop well......, I thought that I saw the hope of life, my future is quite bright. Oh, ok, we first said the proper business, the black cherry elder sister, your time comes is......” “人总是会有文青的时候的,黑樱姐你就当成我刚才文青病发作,伤春悲秋一下吧,不过我觉得我的人生应该是一篇爽文,绝不是什么文青文,所以文青病适可而止就好……啊,我觉得我又看到人生的希望了,我的未来好光明。唉,算了,我们还是先说正事,黑樱姐,你这次来是……” The black cherry moonlight shows the whites of the eyes attractively, said: This war, must be able to end in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, therefore, you must enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata......” 黑樱月华漂亮地翻了个白眼,道:“这一战,必须要在妙喜树里才能结束,所以,你必须要进入妙喜树……” Waits for, the black cherry elder sister, why can I also go in? In Immortal World so many experts, three old? thunder Zun? 36 part of great bear 72 evil spirits? Lei bu 24 gods? Spirit Mountain Protector four great heavenly gods? Do so many great people there, why being probable let my unimportant person extreme danger? I just saw the hope black cherry elder sister who life desperately don't be immediately good to me?” “等一下,黑樱姐,为什么我也要进去?仙界里那么多高手,三老呢?雷尊呢?三十六天罡七十二地煞呢?雷部二十四正神呢?灵山护法四大天王呢?那么多的大人物在那里,为什么非得让我这种小人物羊入虎口啊?我才刚刚看到人生的希望黑樱姐你不要马上给我绝望好不好?” The black cherry moonlight said: „Did this fear? You did not say that your life is a crisp article? What since is the crisp article you also fears?” 黑樱月华道:“这就怕了?你不是说你的人生是一篇爽文吗?既然是爽文你还怕什么?” As the lead, I believes that I have to jump the ranks the ability of challenge, commonplace 1-2 True Person I do not fear him, opens hangs to hit Flying True Person, but in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata the present is Golden Immortal walks everywhere, Remote Antiquity True Person is inferior to the dog! We and Heavenly Court three groups march, but the punishment day of rebirth, the labor and Kua Fu, the Great General zha Leeming kings of enemy side, nine burn Zhou demon and Moroccan clouds crown prince wait/etc not to appear, has the town/subdues Yuan not to mention, apprentice who town/subdues Yuan child another has not made an appearance bright moonlight, has not in addition known that many eats the expert who sapodilla plum we had not however known, they ten had * all entered the wonderful camptotheca acuminata. The black cherry elder sister, dragon Erling Xiaoman in I, fragrant has not married, the beautiful dance has not picked, picks not to grow up, can you make me all complete these, after did not have the regret, enters the wonderful camptotheca acuminata?” “作为主角,我相信我有越级挑战的能力,等闲1-2真人我不怕他,开挂能打飞天真人,可妙喜树里现在是金仙满地走,太上真人不如狗啊!我们与天庭三路进军,但重生的刑天、共工、夸父,还有敌方的大将军吒利明王、九焚纣魔、摩霄太子等等一直都没有出现,更别提还有镇元子,还有镇元子的另一个始终没有露面的徒弟‘明月’,此外还不知有多少吃了人参果但是我们还不知道的高手,他们十有*全都进了妙喜树。黑樱姐,龙儿玲儿小曼还在等我,香香还没娶,美舞还没采,采采还没有长大,您能不能让我把这些全都做完,了无遗憾后再进妙喜树?” The black cherry moonlight said: How long do you need?” 黑樱月华道:“你需要多久?” Sun Yan said: I felt for ten years eight years should enough.” 孙炎道:“我觉得十年八年应该够了。” The black cherry moonlight said: Good!” 黑樱月华道:“好吧!” Sun Yan exhales the one breath: Thanks the black cherry elder sister, I thought that my life saw the hope.” Ten years eight years later, here matter should end. 孙炎呼出一口气:“谢谢黑樱姐,我觉得我的人生又看到希望了。”十年八年后,这里的事情应该已经结束了。 The black cherry moonlight said: But the fragrance has followed Yaoyao to enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata!” 黑樱月华道:“但是香香已经跟着瑶瑶进入妙喜树了!” Sun Yan...... stiff! 孙炎……僵! The black cherry moonlight shrugged: Without relations, although without fragrance, but dragon Erling Xiaoman still in you, the beautiful dance still in you, picking is also about to grow up, you had them enough, fragrance was fragrant, discards well.” 黑樱月华摊了摊手:“不过没有关系,虽然没有了香香,但是龙儿玲儿小曼还在等你,美舞还在等你,采采也快长大了,你有她们就够了,一个香香,扔掉就好。” Sun Yan tears...... fragrant is the big wife, cannot throw! 孙炎泪目……香香是大老婆,不能扔的! Thinks, his low voice say/way: But, the black cherry elder sister, I am not quite clear, why even/including Xiangxiang can go in?” Technique of the fragrant art of making oneself invisible art of making oneself invisible truly, but is young, in the Heavenly Court god, the technique of art of making oneself invisible can have with the expert who she compares, moreover she has not proven to obtain enlightenment the position. Wonderful camptotheca acuminata war, no one knows that what arrangement army zha Leeming king and nine burn Zhou demon also to have in secret, after all that four big revering of their even serious famine period made, the strength is slightly worse, entering the wonderful camptotheca acuminata is also brings death. 想了想,他小声的道:“但是,黑樱姐,我不太明白,为什么连香香都要进去?”香香的奇门遁甲之术确实了得,但毕竟年纪还小,天庭的正神之中,遁甲之术能够与她相比的高手还是有的,而且她也还没有证得果位。妙喜树这一战,谁也不知道军吒利明王和九焚纣魔暗中还有什么样的布置,毕竟他们可是连大荒时期的那四大尊者都弄了出来,实力稍差一些的,进入妙喜树也不过就是送死罢了。 The black cherry moonlight visits him, said: Fragrance must go, is because you and Yaoyao must go. No matter how other fight difficultly, but can massacre the town/subdues Yuan truly, having three people...... you and Yaoyao are two. Why do not ask me, by that time, you naturally knew. Moreover, swallow Yinchu and deep your also belt/bring goes, this......” 黑樱月华看着他,道:“香香要进去,是因为你和瑶瑶都必须进去。不管其它战斗如何艰难,但是能够真正杀掉镇元子的,只有三个人……你和瑶瑶就是其中两个。你不要问我为什么,到了那个时候,你自然就知道了。另外,燕引雏和冥儿你也都带进去吧,还有这个……” She puts out a hand, takes out a fine small brocade box, holds in the hand, gives Sun Yan. 她伸出手,取出一个精致的小锦盒,托在手中,交给孙炎 Sun Yan receives: What is this?” 孙炎接了过来:“这是什么?” The black cherry moonlight said: Do not manage it are anything, only need remember, after entering the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, opens it.” 黑樱月华道:“你不要管它是什么,只需记得,进入了妙喜树后再将它打开。” Sun Yan thought, others are excellent plan, can the black cherry elder sister come one brocade box ingenious plan? 孙炎心想,别人是“锦囊妙计”,黑樱姐要来一个“锦盒妙计”么? ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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