MGIAFM :: Volume #11

#1014: The infant manifest a presence

The talent one second remembers the net, provides splendid novel reading for you. Nattierblue magic scratch, on cold delicate arm partly visible, the charm surges. 天才壹秒記住網,為您提供精彩小說閱讀。淡青色的魔术刻痕,在凛细嫩的手臂上若隐若现,魔力涌动。 Cold cultivates, is not ordinary five elements profound qi, but is charm, Sun Yan has studied, charm actually is also alternative profound qi, the magician who in that world but she was at before, is depends on the magic circuit to derive passively, but the cold present actually saves the god on own initiative, cultivates it. Because was from the magic aristocratic family, had the magic circuit from a birth within the body, in some sense, cold was also cultivates since childhood. This lets she is hard to practice to pick such five elements profound qi again at the same time, makes her have the unusual foundation from the beginning, looks like an original stone, carves slightly, will disperse radiance. 凛所修炼的,并不是普通的五行玄气,而是“魔力”,孙炎早已研究过,“魔力”其实也算是一种另类的玄气,只不过她以前所在的那个世界的魔术师,是靠着魔法回路被动汲取,而凛现在却是主动存神,将它修出。因为出身于魔术世家,从一出生体内就拥有魔法回路,某种意义上,凛也算是从小修炼。这让她难以再去修行采采这样的五行玄气的同时,却也让她从一开始就拥有着不同寻常的根底,就像是一颗原石,稍加雕琢,就会散出光华。 Although cultivates charm, then becomes an immortal, before such road, no one passes through, but a path passes Rome, cultivates like Sun Yan, is never has the person truly by «Purple Flame Light that it becomes an immortal after». The main road is only, but the road to main road is actually myriad, even can say, everyone has each person own say/way, this said non- all living things have, can cultivate/repair on all living things. 虽然修炼“魔力”,进而成仙,这样的路以前没什么人走过,但条条道路通罗马,就像孙炎自己修炼的,也是从来没有人真正以之成仙的《紫度炎光经》。大道唯一,但是通往大道的路却是万万千千,甚至可以说,每个人都有每个人自己的道,此正是道非众生有,能应众生修。 Cold at this moment, to charm the cultivation, has the considerable result, is only was unable her the spiritual energy and different energies of magical girl of strength these three within the body magic and day female golden body, very good links, naturally, this also can only depend on her own effort, step by step come. 此刻的凛,对“魔力”的修炼,已经有了相当的成绩,只是还无法将她的魔法、天女金身的灵气、魔法少女力这三种自身体内的不同能量,很好的结合在一起,当然,这个也只能靠着她自己的努力,一步一步来。 ...... …… The day upper culmination, the golden leaf dances in the wind. 日上中天,金色的树叶在风中婆娑。 Sun Yan brings to pick with cold, stands before a temple. 孙炎带着采采和凛,立在一座神庙前。 They flew a morning, had not found the habitation, actually here, found this worn out ancient temple. This ancient temple, has abandoned obviously for a long time, but arrives from the surrounding trace looks, once, it was one well-frequented was also. The both sides of rock road, but can also see many incense burners and incense ashes, constructs much for the stone stool and stone who chair the person rests. 他们又飞了一个上午,没有找到人烟,却在这里,找到了这座废旧的古庙。这座古庙,显然已经废弃许久,不过从周围的痕迹来到看,曾经,它也是一个香火旺盛的所在。石路的两侧,还能看到许多香炉和香灰,也建有不少供人休息的石凳、石椅。 Sun Yan crosses the hands behind the back. Steps into the temple, two girls one on the left and other on the right, follow in his behind. Stepped into the fence of surviving, steps into treasure palace that the red lacquer falls. He raised the head, slightly one stunned. 孙炎负手。踏入庙中,两个女孩一左一右,跟在他的身后。踏入了残存的围墙,踏入朱漆掉落的宝殿。他抬起头来,略一错愕。 Cold is also actually astonished to say in him behind: Master, this is...... fire cloud Xieshen?” 凛却也在他身后讶道:“师父,这个是……火云邪神?” In stone platform, what modelling is an idol of child, the single foot is standing. Pours to welcome the long spear/gun, with imaginary dark green island fire cloud Xieshen, is not same in the posture, but obviously is the same boy. Cold actually does not know fire cloud Xieshen among the relations with masters, after „the Divine Dragon war ended, she had also once lived in days in the imaginary dark green island, remembers actually on imaginary dark green island, Spiritual God that this almost each family can consecrate. 石台上,塑着的是一个孩童的神像,单脚立着。倒迎长枪,与幻苍岛的“火云邪神”,在姿势上并不相同,但显然是同一个男孩。凛其实并不知道“火云邪神”与师父之间的关系,不过在“神龙战争”结束后,她也曾在幻苍岛住过一段日子,倒是记得在幻苍岛上,这个几乎家家都会供奉的神灵。 Picking is actually knows fire cloud Xieshen among the relations with master and big brothers, although she knows are not quite many, after all these matters. All is dragon Erjie, the beautiful dance elder sister and Xiaoman elder sister is participating, because she is young, although they do not have deliberately to hide the truth from her, has not told her. 采采却是知道“火云邪神”与师父兼大哥之间的关系的,虽然她知道的并不太多,毕竟这些事。全都是龙儿姐、美舞姐和小曼姐在参与,因为她年纪还小,她们虽然没有刻意瞒她,却也没怎么告诉她。 Sun Yan slightly hesitates, turns round to tread the main hall, turns around to raise the head, looks at the inscribed horizontal tablet, wields the sleeve suddenly, the inscribed horizontal tablet dust and spider web completely goes, changed beyond recognition. Reveals the red light shining four large characters: Infant king!!! 孙炎略一沉吟,回身踏出大殿,转身抬头,看着匾额,忽一挥袖,匾额尘埃与蛛网尽去,焕然一新。显露出红光灿灿的四个大字:圣婴大王!!! The infant king...... naturally is red child! 圣婴大王……自然就是红孩儿! „When the infant king is red child also in the world of mortals for the monster, the given name that takes, the sinister plot between willow views, put on gold/metal Guer afterward. Is just now forced to enter Heaven, becomes transports/fortunes the wealth young lad. Afterward, he himself will also go to the world of mortals occasionally, the incarnation manifests a presence, brings on oneself god name fire cloud Xieshen. “圣婴大王”是红孩儿还在下界为妖时,所取的名号,后来中了杨柳观间的奸计,被套上了金箍儿。方才被迫进入天界,成为运财童子。再后来,他自己偶尔也会前往下界,化身显圣,自取神名“火云邪神”。 Will really have „the infant king here temple. Sun Yan is startled unavoidably, steps into the palace again, looks up the infant king idol, hesitates secretly. 没有想到,在这里竟然会有“圣婴大王”的神殿。孙炎自是不免一怔,再次踏入殿中,抬头看着圣婴大王神像,暗自沉吟。 In him behind, cold is pursing the lips saying: Will not be wrong, this is fire cloud Xieshen, I have seen in the imaginary dark green island. At that time I am still thinking how to have likely that fire cloud Xieshen such bewildered god, seemed like on spooky......” 在他身后,凛抿着嘴儿道:“不会错的,这个就是火云邪神嘛,我在幻苍岛见过。那时候我还在想,怎么会有像那‘火云邪神’这么莫名其妙的神,看上去就妖里妖气的……” Cold......” picks the low voice say/way. “凛……”采采小声的道。 Cold continues saying: „It is not right, should say is slacken, odd. That fire cloud Xieshen idol, seems like installing lovably, he does not know that sells to sprout/moe is ignominious? Also, makes that lovably, is the boy girl? Also or is neuter, half male half female......” 凛继续道:“不对,应该说是邪里邪气,怪里怪气。那火云邪神的神像,看上去就是在装可爱,他难道不知道卖萌是可耻的?还有,弄得那么可爱,到底是男孩子女孩子?又或者是不男不女,半男半女……” Junior Sister......” picks the sound to be smaller. The latest chapter full text reading “师妹……”采采声音更小。最新章节全文阅读 Cold both hands hug toward the chest front: You look here infant king, is like that fire cloud Xieshen, as the Spiritual God, except for selling to sprout/moe does not know to be useful. Actually is my most repugnant this fake god, how those words mentioning? The clay buddha crosses the river, is unable to defend oneself, in my opinion, fire cloud Xieshen crosses the river is unable to defend oneself, was drown to death all of a sudden...... the master, what are you making?” 凛双手往胸前一抱:“你看这里的这个圣婴大王,就跟那个火云邪神一样嘛,身为神灵,除了卖萌也不知道有啥用。其实我最讨厌这种假神了,那句话是怎么说来着?泥菩萨过江,自身难保,依我看,火云邪神过江才是自身难保,一下子就被淹死了……师父,你在做什么?” She stares the big eye, sees only in her front, the master flies the spirit table, swinging the body is ordinary, first is flesh nihility, turned into one to disperse the god light/only, the powder carved, to exploding boy who lovably the jade carved. She looks at this surprised, lets she wants to throw to pinch his cheek, young young boy: Master and master?” 她瞪大眼睛,只见在她的前方,师父飞上神台,摇身一般,先是血肉虚无化,紧接着就变成了一个散着神光的,粉雕玉琢的、可爱到爆的男孩子。她吃惊地看着这个,让她很想扑上去捏他脸蛋的、比自己还小的小男孩:“师、师父?” Picks to hurry saying: Cold...... the master is fire cloud Xieshen, fire cloud Xieshen and Divine Dragon elder sister is one of the master incarnations.” 采采赶紧道:“凛……师父就是火云邪神,‘火云邪神’和‘神龙姐姐’都是师父的化身之一。” The cold eye stares in a big way, small mouth stretch/open to become o, about, the star of vertical even ruby also drilled from her small chest simply, is very surprised. 凛眼睛瞪得大大的,小嘴儿张成了“o”型,简直合不起来,纵连红宝石之星也从她的小胸脯钻了出来,很是吃惊。 Sun Xiaoyan has not actually gone to the female apprentice who manages oneself this under to punch, he in an instant, invests in the idol. In picking with cold eye , the master has disappeared does not see, the idol of infant king, is actually splitting the red light...... 孙小炎却没有去管自己这个欠揍的女徒弟,他刹那间,投入神像之中。在采采与凛眼中,师父已经消失不见,圣婴大王的神像,却在绽出红光…… At the same time, another side of mountain, there is a small village. 同一时间,山的另一边,有一个小村落。 The people in village, are worrying, the tax that on the one hand, above must collect were getting more and more, I heard that likely must go to war, on the other hand, the crop in field is more and more is not good. Does not know that because of what reason, the land is getting more and more barren, more and more difficult type the crops, the passing trade route, said that some places, the bottom emitted the mysterious black wind, by person who the black wind whirls away, is unable to come back again, makes flustered. 村子里的人们,都在发愁,一方面,上头要收的税越来越多了,听说,很可能会要打仗,另一方面,田里的收成却是越来越不好。不知道因为什么缘故,土地越来越贫瘠,越来越难种出庄稼来,还有过往的商旅,说有一些地方,地底冒出了神秘的黑风,被黑风卷走的人,就再也无法回来,弄得人心惶惶。 At this moment, the farmer in field, exasperated, is doing farm work the land, while complained mutually. Has not rained for a long time, gets down again, they planted the cereal crop seedling with great difficulty, feared that will all lose plant, an old person was saying to be saying, cannot help but flowed out the tears. 此时此刻,田里的农户,正在唉声叹气的,一边耕耘着土地,一边互相诉苦。已经有好久没有下雨了,再这么下去,他们好不容易种起了禾苗,怕是全都会枯死,一名老人说着说着,不由得流出泪来。 Suddenly, a man called out: What is that?” 忽的,其中一名汉子叫道:“那是什么?” Others raise the head, one looks toward the mountain that side, sees only together the red light, shoots up to the sky, in red light. Has the child to appear faintly, sends out the enormous and powerful invincible might. Dumbfounded, old man prostrating oneself of suddenly in the place, cries loudly saying: Is the infant king. The infant king manifested a spirit, the infant king manifested a spirit!” 其他人抬头,往山那边一看,只见一道红光,冲天而起,红光中。隐隐有孩童显现,发出浩荡神威。目瞪口呆中,一名老者忽的拜倒在地,嚎哭道:“是圣婴大王。圣婴大王显灵了,圣婴大王显灵了!” The people remember immediately, in that side of mountain, indeed has a temple of infant king, but before for a long time . They have no longer burnt incense to worship. Under, they prostrate oneself in great surprise in abundance in the place, or kowtows, cries to read aloud, the mouth shouted the infant the Saint number of king. 众人立时想起,在山的那一边,的确是有一座圣婴大王的神庙,只不过许久以前。他们就已经不再去烧香拜神。大惊之下,他们纷纷拜倒在地,或是磕头,或是哭诵,口喊圣婴大王的圣号。 In the afternoon, that is on the land that started the crack, had rain. 当天下午,那已是开始龟裂的土地上,下了一场久违的雨。 ...... …… Sun Xiaoyan the cloud penetration on, flies to the high place. 孙小炎穿云而上,飞至高处。 He closes the eye, raised the head, both hands backward. In revolving, is feeling the aura in wind. 他闭上眼睛,抬起头来,双手向后。旋转中,感受着风中的气息。 By his hoping strength, he is inducing this world strength between of belief. Through the body of his present Spiritual God, he can perceive, in this stretch of the world, indeed is scattered in disorder disorderly the strength of belief. The strength of this belief, came from people in this world, once to „the infant king worshipping. They are the without owners, weak, as you might guess, although here people. Had paid homage to the infant king, because „the infant king has not appeared truly, responded to their desires from also no one. 以自身的愿力,他感应着这片天地之间的信仰之力。通过他现在的神灵之身,他能够觉察到,在这片天地之间,的确是散乱着无序的信仰之力。这片信仰之力,来自于这个世界中的人们,曾经对“圣婴大王”的祭拜。它们是无主的、微弱着,可以想见,虽然这里的人们。曾经膜拜过圣婴大王,但因为“圣婴大王”从来没有真正的出现过,自也没有谁来回应他们的愿望。 Without the belief of Spiritual God, is the false belief. Although worshipping of common people, formed the strength of belief, but is actually not able to change hopes the strength and supernatural power, gradually, people naturally also no longer worship such Spiritual God, no wonder. That infant king the temple, leaves uncultivated hence. 没有神灵的信仰,是虚假的信仰。虽然百姓的祭拜,形成了信仰之力,但却无法化作愿力和神力,久而久之,人们自然也就不再崇拜这样的神灵,也就难怪。那“圣婴大王”的神庙,荒废至此。 Sun Xiaoyan by own hoping strength, is colluding the strength of surrounding land scattered in disorder belief, the strength of these weak beliefs, under the guidance of his supernatural power, fly in abundance, under goes to „the infant king idol, although is weak, has actually gathered to hope the strength, he is stretching out the arms in the clouds, wishing the strength to fly, entered his within the body, changed to the supernatural power. 孙小炎以自身的愿力,勾连着周围土地散乱的信仰之力,这些微弱的信仰之力,在他神力的引导下,纷纷飞来,投向下方“圣婴大王”的神像,虽然微弱,却已经聚成了愿力,他在云中张开双臂,愿力飞来,进入了他的体内,化作了神力。 He is „the infant king, „the infant king is he. 他就是“圣婴大王”,“圣婴大王”就是他。 Because this temple is in bad repair for a long time, had broken the incense and candle, this land strength on belief are not quite many, although gathered hoped the strength, but this hoped the strength is still extremely weak. 只是,因为这座神庙失修已久,也早就断了香火,这块土地上的信仰之力并不太多,虽然聚集了一些愿力,但这点愿力仍是极其微弱。 He, the floating body, so displays the supernatural power slowly, passes through the palace top directly, before returning to two girl bodies . His body swings, the body of Spiritual God reduces, has to appear own main body. The Spiritual God clone to sit the dantian, a Yuan god returns, he changes Sun Yan, crosses the hands behind the back to hesitate. 他缓缓的,飘身而下,就这般施展神力,直接穿过殿顶,回到两个女孩身前。他身子一摇,神灵之身缩小,重新具现出自己的本体。神灵分身坐回丹田,元神回归,他变回孙炎,负手沉吟。 Cold thought, the master you will change your mother to know? 凛心想,师父你这么会变你妈咪知道吗? The cold hand is somewhat itchy, she wants to pinch young master a moment ago face, but that after all is her master, does not have the guts to start eventually. Sun Yan is actually crosses the hands behind the back to hesitate, turning head suddenly looks at her: Some probably people scolded me a moment ago, said me to be spooky, odd, neuter?” 凛的手有些痒,刚才她很想去捏“小师父”的脸,但是那毕竟是她师父,终究还是没有胆量下手。孙炎却是负手沉吟,忽的扭头看她:“刚才好像有人骂我,说我妖里妖气,怪里怪气,不男不女?” „? Has...... to have?” “啊?有有有有……有吗?” Sun Yan catches directly her, on a swayed toward own leg, raises her skirt swayed, cold lies on the master leg, stares the big eye, revolts without enough time, several, have hit on her buttocks. Oneself is a girl, the master really has this hitting kindergarten child's method to punish her obviously, she air/Qi and bashful, obviously is spooky, odd, sometimes male sometimes female, neuter, you by me speaking of pain spot? Did you become angry out of shame? Bastards...... bad master...... 孙炎直接把她抓来,往自己腿上一摆,掀她裙摆,凛趴在师父腿上,瞪大眼睛,都还来不及反抗,啪啪啪的几声,就已经打在了她的屁股上。没有想到,自己明明是个女孩子,师父竟然有这种打幼稚园小朋友的手段惩罚她,她又气又羞,明明就是妖里妖气,怪里怪气,时男时女,不男不女,你这是被我说到痛点了吧?你这是恼羞成怒了吧?坏蛋……坏师父…… In the afternoon, outside the mountain rains, the sultriness in air, swept away. 当日下午,山外下了场雨,空气中的闷热,一扫而空。 The golden leaf drags in the rain, was hit to throw to make noise by the rainwater, in the air were many fresh many. The rainwater from the eaves, practice rolls down along the gargoyle water, pours into a broken big vat outside palace, the big vat broke an irregular perforation, the perforation cracked the slit toward the high and low two sides. When initial, the water current brings the dunghill in vat, flows out from the perforation, then slowly becomes limpid, outside palace the dust in stone steps, under scrubbing of rainwater, clear cleanness. 金色的树叶在雨中摇曳,被雨水打得扑扑作响,空气中多了许多清新。雨水从屋檐上,沿着滴水嘴水练般滚下,注入殿外的一口残破大缸里,大缸破了一个不规则的孔眼,孔眼朝上下两方裂出缝隙。初始时,水流带着缸中的脏物,从孔眼中流出,然后才慢慢变得清澈,殿外石阶上的灰土,也在雨水的洗刷下,清了个干净。 When Sun Yan has not continued to start off, flies in the air, he had seen the village outside mountain, they had arrived place that has the habitation. However, since this world, has „the infant king the belief, but he has attempted, when turns into Sun Xiaoyan, can taking advantage of the temple, absorb with the strength of infant king related belief, that this point, could use. 孙炎并没有继续上路,飞上空中时,他已经看到了山外的村子,他们已来到了有人烟的地方。不过,既然这个世界,存在着“圣婴大王”的信仰,而他已经尝试过,变成孙小炎时,可以借着神庙,吸收与圣婴大王相关的信仰之力,那这一点,或许能够利用起来。 He believes, like the temple, in this world, absolutely continues this. 他相信,像这样的神庙,在这个世界,绝对不止这一座。 He stands under the eave, outside looks at the string raindrop, is lost in thought. In him left side, picks behind at the back of the red mythical bird sword, does not dare to disturb the ponder of master and Big Brother, in the right side, after cold is actually both hands are covering the buttocks, some grievance...... this bastard, unexpectedly hits the place of virtuous young woman. Then, he originally my follower. Now was the master to be great? 他立在檐下,看着外头串串的雨珠,陷入沉思。在他身后左侧,采采背着红鸾剑,不敢打扰师父兼大哥哥的思考,在右侧,凛却是双手捂着臀后,有些委屈……这个坏蛋,竟然打淑女的这种地方。说起来,他原本还是我的从者呢。现在当了师父了不起么? In their front, the youngster remembered anything suddenly, turns the hand, a blue bead. Appears in his hands, his eye shines, obviously has the idea. In his hands what putting is...... adjoins the blue god bead! 在她们的前方,少年忽的想起了什么,将手一翻,一颗蓝色的珠子。出现在他的手中,他的眼睛亮了一亮,显然是已经有了主意。在他手中放着的是……毗蓝神珠! Evening time, picks with cold hand in hand, steps into from the palace. 傍晚的时候,采采和凛手牵着手,从殿外踏入。 In palace. Under the idol of infant king, their masters always sit cross-legged to sit, in Lin motionless, as if falls into the deep sleep to be the same. Good a while, the red light flashes through together, the master opened the eye, waves to them, making them also sit down in Lin. 殿中。圣婴大王的神像下,她们的师父始终盘膝而坐,在麟文席上一动不动,仿佛陷入沉睡一般。好了一会儿,一道红光闪过,师父睁开了眼睛,向她们招了招手,让她们也在麟文席上坐下。 Picks saying: Master, we have asked to the mountain, we now in lost/carrying first periphery of city. These people in village, are lost/carrying first city's people. Lost/Carrying first city lord in city, seems like called southern Cao lord, listening to these villagers saying that south this Cao lord was all-resourceful, under the place will have the wind hot thunder and lightning four wars, but this Cao lord two characters were his name some title, temporarily was not clear.” 采采道:“师父,我们到山下问过了,我们现在是在负先城的周边。村子里的那些人,算是负先城的子民。负先城的城主,似乎是叫作南曹主,听这些村民说,这位南曹主神通广大,座下又有风火雷电四大战将,不过这‘曹主’两字到底是他的名字还是某种称号,暂时还不清楚。” Sun Yan said: These villagers noticed that what you are responded?” 孙炎道:“那些村民看到你们是什么反应?” Picks saying: Somewhat surprised, but is not very shocking appearance, felt probably. Our two girls will rush to this place unexpectedly, therefore is somewhat strange. It seems like this village , is not too close. Moreover, listening to them to say. For a long time before, everywhere was the temples of infant king, but now, approximately only then demons country king monarch sovereign, but also common people in force demons country's, meeting year new year's celebration sacrificial offering infant king. Other places, are not basically serious ‚the infant king.” 采采道:“有些惊讶,但也不是非常震惊的样子,大概就是觉得。我们两个女孩子竟然会跑到这种地方来,所以有些奇怪。看来这个村子,也不算太封闭。另外,听他们说。许久以前,到处都是圣婴大王的神庙,不过现在,大约只有罗刹国国主,还在强迫罗刹国的百姓,逢年过年祭祀圣婴大王。其它地方,基本上早就不把‘圣婴大王’当一回事了。” Sun Yan thought that so long as knows, other places also once constructed the infant king temple everywhere, and now also some people of sacrificial offerings, enough. 孙炎心想,只要知道,其它地方也曾到处建有圣婴大王神庙,且现在还有人祭祀,也就够了。 He said: Picks, cold, plans to separate one for the master with you temporarily.” 他道:“采采、凛,为师打算暂时跟你们分开一阵。” Picks with cold to stare the big eye! Picks saying: Master, where do you want to go to?” 采采与凛瞪大眼睛!采采道:“师父,你要去哪里?” Sun Yan said: I want to try by the body of Spiritual God, the incense and candle of collection this world as far as possible, again through hoping the strength looks for your fragrance fragrant elder sister and Baochai elder sister and Daiyu elder sisters and six flowers, from the beginning will be quite difficult, you are also very difficult to help. Since this, we might as well separate temporarily, I first use these temples, the collection hope the strength, you first visit lost/carrying first city the situation. In lost/carrying first city, should have the temple of infant king, in addition, lost/carrying first city seems like a big city, could inquire the news of others.” 孙炎道:“我想试着以神灵之身,尽可能的收集此世界的香火,再通过愿力来寻找你们的香香姐、宝钗姐、黛玉姐和六花,一开始会比较困难,你们也很难帮得上忙。既然这样,我们不如暂时分开,我先利用这些神庙,收集愿力,你们则先到负先城去看看情况。在负先城内,应该也有圣婴大王的神庙,再加上,负先城似乎是座大城,说不定能够打探到其他人的消息。” Picks with cold to look one, nods. 采采与凛对望一眼,点了点头。 Sun Yan said: Although first separates temporarily, but this world, should have many magical powers, provides against contingencies, picks, I first give you several types of magical treasure, covered the day sword also to put on you.” At that moment, he took out covers the day sword and day seal and jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag. 孙炎道:“虽然暂时先分开,但这个世界,应该是有许多神通者的,为防万一,采采,我先给你几样法宝,掩日剑也放你身上。”当下,他取出掩日剑和番天印、玉清微尘遁空旗。 Covering the day sword was the Immortal World first sword, itself had the powerful strength, ordinary magical powers in this world, should be hard to block to cover the day sword struck conveniently. But day seal, even if the expert of True Person rank, under starts suddenly, can kill his brick, in addition the escaping spatial function of jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, but the war may escape, only depends on these three almighty troops magical treasure, can be said as absolutely safe. 掩日剑乃是仙界第一剑,本身就有强大的力量,这个世界的普通神通者,应该难以挡住掩日剑的随手一击。而番天印,哪怕是真人级别的高手,骤然发动之下,也可以将他一砖击毙,再加上玉清微尘遁空旗的遁空作用,可战可逃,单是靠着这三件神兵法宝,已经可以说是万无一失。 Day seal and usage and limit of jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag tell to pick , Sun Yan then looks to cold. 将番天印、玉清微尘遁空旗的用法和限制告诉采采,紧接着,孙炎便看向凛。 Master......” girl thinks excitedly, what you do want to deliver me? “师父……”女孩兴奋地想,你要送我什么? Sun Yan said: Cold, I remember, Tozaka family/home should have a magic, is called to make up the demon?” 孙炎道:“凛,我记得,远坂家应该有一种魔法,叫作补魔吧?” The girl is staring him, the cheek more suppresses is redder, finally suppresses is like the red eggplant. Sun Yan remembers, in «fate / staynight», makes up the demon to divide to make two types probably, one type is the harmonious version, one type is the unharmonious version, cold knows makes up demon, won't be unharmonious that? 女孩瞪着他,脸蛋越憋越红,最终憋得跟红茄子一样。孙炎想起,在《fate/staynight》里,补魔好像分作两种,一种是和谐版的,一种是不和谐版的,凛所知道的“补魔”,不会是不和谐的那种吧? What do you want to make?” Cold covers the chest to turn the body, visits him startled. “你想做什么?”凛捂胸扭身,惊慌地看着他。 Sun Yan thought, is really the unharmonious version? 孙炎心想,难道真的是不和谐版? He starts to the cold explanation, the cold own charm on the other hand, is too weak, moreover is unable strength union with her day female golden body the spiritual energy and magical girl. If can through make up demon, connects temporarily in profound qi of their two people together, makes cold in critical, can use his strength, he will also feel relieved. At this moment, depends on the charm to link, he also found them easily, but is insufficient again separately. Moreover, he also helped her think more further cultivation way, can make her further strengthen the charm and spiritual energy. 他开始向凛解释,凛自身的魔力相对来说,还是太弱,而且无法跟她天女金身的灵气和魔法少女力结合。如果能够通过“补魔”,将他们的两人的玄气暂时连通在一起,让凛在危急的时候,可以使用他的力量,他也会更放心一些。此刻,靠着魔力连结,他也容易找到她们,而不至于再次失散。另外,他也帮她想到了更进一步的修炼方式,可以让她进一步加强魔力和灵气。 Understands the idea of master, the girl face is red, looks to the one side, the means told the master makes up demon. Sun Yan starts to understand, making up demon method that she knows, generally speaking harmonious version, but the harmonious version, still needs the flesh contact to a certain extent even. Must form the charm bridge, must on two people bodies, carve the similar magic scratch, making two magic scratches form resonance, but in this process, two people must maintain the completely same body temperature, then, first forms the magic scratch on the cold flesh, then through the direct contact of body photocopying to his body. 明白了师父的主意,女孩脸红红的,看向一旁,把“补魔”的办法告诉了师父。孙炎开始明白,她所知道的补魔手段,总的来说还是“和谐版”的,只不过就算是和谐版,也还是需要一定程度上的肌肤接触。要形成魔力桥梁,就必须要在两人的身上,刻同样的魔术刻痕,让两个魔术刻痕形成“共鸣”,而在这个过程中,两人要保持完全一样的体温,然后,在凛的肌肤上先形成魔术刻痕,再通过身体的直接接触“复印”到他的身上。 The girl is somewhat embarrassed, because this is signifying, she must take off/escape to half-naked, then hugs with the master of same half-naked in the same place. Sun Yan actually thinks, said: I knew!” Changed, turned into Sun Xiaoyan, after lowering the head looked , to continue to change, oneself will turn into the girl from the boy. 女孩有些难为情,因为这意谓着,她必须要将自己脱到半裸,然后跟同样半裸的师父抱在一起。孙炎却是想了想,道:“我知道了!”摇身一变,变成了孙小炎,低头看了看后,继续变化,将自己从男孩子变成了女孩子。 Sun Xiaoyan said with a smile: This did not have the issue!” 孙小妍笑道:“这样就没有问题了!” Picks with cold to open the eye looks fresh-faced this, compared with they also young lovable little girl...... 采采与凛睁大眼睛看着这粉嫩嫩的、比她们还小的可爱小女孩…… *( to be continued.) *(未完待续。) ... ...
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