ML :: Volume #6

#521: Opportunity

When the god wave ten-day period beheads, in Tornado Spiritual God hunters of many being ready to make trouble, stabilizes again, fell into quietly. 神波旬断头之际,战风界内众多蠢蠢欲动的神灵猎手,再一次安定下来,陷入了沉寂。 In which three few goddess clearances held breath cold air. 其中的三眼少女神净空更是倒吸了一口寒气。 Her look is startled crazily, complexion blanch: What knife skill is this? These superiors eternal are not the opponents, is breaks the rules simply?” 她眼神痴怔,面色发白:“这是什么刀法?连这些上位永恒都不是对手,简直是犯规吧?” The martial arts of person clan, can actually be in so the situation fearfully! 人族的武道,竟然能够可怕到如此地步! Really is fierce!” “真是厉害!” God Jinding praised without cease: „ Worthily is unparalleled Heaven's Chosen of person clan, could become the person of person clan Saint sovereign, he has left a cardinal based on blood ya blade Mr . 神金鼎赞叹不已:“不愧是人族的盖世天骄,有望成为人族圣皇之人,他已在血睚刀君的基础上别出枢机了。 This is the blade of causes and effects, is skidded the causes and effects by the retribution, again since the causes and effects start, shuts off relation between our eternal Spiritual God and world sources. Without means extraction elementary force, then our strengths will abandon the larger part, even has no way a free operation day of gauge. ” 这还是因果之刀,由报应撬动因果,再从因果下手,切断我们永恒神灵与天地本源之间的联系。没办法抽取元力,那么我们的力量就会废去一大半,甚至没法自如的操纵天规。” Three young girl facial colors are paler: Such knife skill, invincible in world?” 三眼少女面色更加苍白:“这样的刀法,岂不是无敌于世?” All eternal Spiritual God, are not his opponent. 所有的永恒神灵,都不是他的对手。 That is impossible.” “那不可能。” God Jinding shakes the head: „ This knife skill is also far from perfectly, gathers the potential the time is too long, at present the value of actual combat is not big. He should have the extremely high attainments in the law of chaos, therefore saw clearly the flaws of our these eternal Spiritual God foundations. 神金鼎摇了摇头:“这刀法还远没有完善,蓄势的时间太久,目前实战的价值不大。他应是在混沌之法上有了极高的造诣,所以洞察了我们这些永恒神灵根基的破绽。 However this flaw is not that easy broken, otherwise we were also insufficient to exist for 20 million years in this world. Especially his strength is insufficient, what walked is by exposing the method of surface, skids full power, causes to crash overall, this increases the difficulty. 不过这破绽也不是那么容易破的,否则我们也不至于在这世间存在了两千万年。尤其是他的力量不够,走的是以点破面的法子,全力撬动一点,导致全盘崩塌,这就更增难度。 Therefore that several have not guarded for its will take advantage, they will meet next time so will not be distressed. Let alone in the eyes of these Emperor ancestor gods, the world in their eye and we are different. ” 所以那几位是没有防备才会为其所趁,他们下次遇见就不会如此狼狈了。何况在那些帝君祖神的眼里,他们眼中的天地与我们是不一样的。” Your this saying cannot make me feel at ease.” “你这话一点都不能让我安心。” Three few goddess clearances swallowed saliva: „ Next time? I thought that their injuries are very serious, particularly that quiet controls with black water controls, the speed that the wound restores is very slow. ~ already by fine health/guard god clouds heavenly thunder bang did not have. In brief after this is cloudy , the strength of leaving behind, they feared with. Missed today, can they have next time? 三眼少女神净空吞了一口唾沫:“下次?我看他们的伤势都很重,尤其是那幽都主宰与黑水主宰,伤口恢复的速度很慢。呃~已经被精卫的‘神霄天雷’轰没了。总之这阴后遗留的力量,他们怕是拿不下来了。错过了今日,他们还会不会有下次? Chu Xisheng is impossible to mark, his talent is very high, practices to ten years high, can be on par with various gods. His blade, if, that is worthy of name of various God the dusk just as you said that this is destroys our eternal Spiritual God the existence foundation. ” 楚希声不可能原地踏步,他的天赋很高,高到十年修行,就可以与诸神比肩。他的这一刀,如果正如你所说的,那就无愧于诸神黄昏之名,这是破坏我们永恒神灵的存在根基。” She in sound of talking: Was inferior, we do draw back three thousand li (500 km) again?” 她在语声一顿:“不如,我们再退个三千里?” God Jinding somewhat speechless looked at three young girl one eyes, the one who clamored must take the Chu Xisheng head/number of people was she, feared the war is also she who wanted to evacuate. 神金鼎不由有些无语的看了三眼少女一眼,叫嚣着要来取楚希声人头的是她,临阵畏战想要撤离的也是她。 He shakes the head: Waits again, we have the opportunity. That South Pole star Monarch, is not very simple, in these people only then he returns safe and sound. And-” 他摇了摇头:“再等等吧,我们还有机会。那个南极星君,很不简单,这几人中只有他毫发无伤。而且-” God Jinding looks at the front to be void: Chu Xisheng is stronger, these ancestor god emperors jump over did not allow that he is living.” 神金鼎看着前方虚空:“楚希声越强,那些位祖神帝君越不容许他活着。” Three few goddess clearance willow eyebrows slightly pressed: But I look at many blood god hunters, has prepared to evacuate.” 三眼少女神净空柳眉微蹙:“可我看许多血神猎手,已经准备撤离了。” that made many people eliminate obviously read absurdly. 刚才的那一幕,显然让许多人打消了妄念。 Withdrawing was good.” God Jinding is unemotional: great waves wash out the sand, the mixed fish was short, the water is limpid.” “撤走了才好。”神金鼎面无表情:“大浪淘沙,杂鱼少了,水才清澈。” If three young girls have become aware. 三眼少女若有所悟。 Indeed, the person are less, the Chu Xisheng strength is also weaker. 的确,人越少,楚希声的力量也就越弱。 Here in another side of Tornado, the god string of pearls and god who observe, if Yin sisters, startled palpitates regarded one mutually. 在战风界的另一侧,在这里观战的神璎珞与神若阴姐妹,也都惊悸不已的互视了一眼。 If the gods the Yin breath is thick: String of pearls elder sister, you must first explain with me, how do you actually think?” 神若阴的呼吸浊重:“璎珞姐,你得先跟我说明白,你到底是怎么想的?” She even more determined that person clan emperor, is not their moon/month hidden clan can stir up. 她越发确定,那个人族皇帝,不是他们月隐一族惹得起的。 The god string of pearls should not really want to take the life of entire ethnic group, goes to spell with Chu Xisheng? 神璎珞该不会是真想拿全族群的命,去与楚希声拼吧? If the gods do not want their to break the arm Yin. 神若阴已经不想要自己的那条断臂了。 The god string of pearls is looking pensive: I must find the way to discuss with him.” 神璎珞则是若有所思:“我得想办法与他谈一谈。” However this was determining in situation that divine land person sovereign, can live. 不过这是在确定那位神州人皇,能够活下来的情况下。 Morning time, beside demon, in the boundless starry sky, hovering seemed enlarging several thousand times of battleship huge tree. 更早一点时间,在魔界之外,无垠的星空之中,悬停着一座仿佛放大了几千倍战舰般的庞大树界。 The interior of tree has the innumerable flowers and plants trees, almost gathered of the whole world all vegetation. 树界的内部有着无数的花草树木,几乎聚集了整个世界所有的草木之属。 Inside temperature also respective different, east, south, west, and north some cold like prison, the plant that some warm as spring, causes all types, can the growth reproduction in this piece of tree. 里面的气温也各自不同,东南西北四方有的寒冷如狱,有的温暖似春,使得所有种类的植物,都能在这片树界内生长繁殖。 But in the central place of tree, towering a statue is being the good fortune god sets up the same great tree. 而就在树界的中央处,耸立着一座像是造化神树一样的巨树。 1/10 sizes that this great tree only then the good fortune god sets up, but its official's cap actually also same obstructs the day to shade, the surroundings several thousand li (0.5 km), camouflaged half tree. 这巨树只有造化神树的十分之一大小,可它的冠盖却也一样遮天蔽地,周围数千里,遮蔽了半个树界。 Then, did the loosen prolong the life had been separated from the day of candle star ahead of time?” “这么说来,松延年已经提前脱离了天烛星?” In the official's cap of great tree, has a grand palace that depends on the great tree crotch to complete. 在巨树的冠盖之中,有着一座依托巨树树桠建成的宏伟宫殿。 At this time wooden god spirit prestige erect in palace edge, the vision passes puts on numerous void, the contemplation is bewitched fights the territory. 此时‘木神’灵威正立在宫殿边缘处,目光透穿重重虚空,观照着魔界战域。 Then he now where? Big is such a blood pine tree, always impossible to vanish baseless?” “那么他现在在何处?这么大的一株血松树,总不可能就这么凭空消失?” I do not know.” “我不知道。” In wooden god spirit prestige behind, is floating a giant Mulong impressively. 在‘木神’灵威的身后,赫然浮着一条巨大的木龙。 This shape in Mulong, in Qinglong of era with the legend not the slightest difference, only its from top to bottom, inside and outside the body, all scale lackeys, were the wooden. 这木龙的形状,与传说中上古时代的‘青龙’一般无二,唯独它的浑身上下,躯体内外,所有的鳞片爪牙,都是木质。 Not spirit prestige flesh like wooden god like bark, but is the genuine wood/blockhead. 不是像‘木神’灵威那样肌肤如同树皮,而是真正的木头。 However the eye of Mulong is very nimble and resourceful, in the eye is revealing the color of doubts, helplessness: After all the starry sky is boundless, the loosen prolongs the life is the saint of law of truncation day, can interrupt the succession, takes a walk willfully the shuttle in the succession cross section, we are very difficult to judge its trail.” 不过木龙的眼睛却很灵动,目中流露着疑惑之色,还有无奈:“毕竟星空无垠,松延年又是截天之法的圣者,可以截断时序,在时序断面中任意走动穿梭,我们很难判断它的踪迹。” The main body that the wooden sword immortal loosen prolongs the life is a innate and fresh blood pine tree, but the trees not only the physique is giant, but also has the root. 木剑仙松延年的本体是一株先天而生的血松树,而树木不但形体巨大,而且是有根的。 Normally prolongs the life existence like the loosen, the escaping Buddhist meeting is extremely limited, the main body is unable the freedom like other lives to walk. 按说像松延年这样的存在,遁法会受到极大限制,本体无法像其他的生灵那样自由行走。 However the loosen prolonged the life actually to amend the saint level the law of truncation day. 不过松延年却将截天之法修到了圣者层次。 He meets eternal, enters at the beginning of the foreign territory, the whereabouts mysteriously appears and disappears, even if better than the Emperor ancestor god, is hard to catch his trail accurately. 以至于他照见永恒,进入外域之初,行踪就神出鬼没,哪怕强如帝君祖神,也难以准确捕捉到他的踪迹。 Also gave the wooden sword immortal loosen prolonging the life opportunity, making him usurp the day of candle star. 也就给了木剑仙松延年可乘之机,让他强占了天烛星。 But now, the loosen prolongs the life vanishes under their noses does not see. 而现在,松延年又在他们的眼皮底下消失不见。 „Has possibly submerged demon, some time ago some people observed demon to fight nearby the territory to have a powerful succession perturbation, but is unable to determine.” “很可能是已经潜入魔界,不久前有人观察到魔界战域附近有过一段强大的时序扰动,不过无法确定。” That Mulong congealing sound said: Three big Si heaven also attempts to deduce his whereabouts, but cannot succeed. It is expected that the law of this truncation day, has possibly been close to the Emperor level.” 那木龙凝声道:“三大司天也尝试推演他的行踪,不过未能成功。预计这位的截天之法,可能已经接近于帝君层次。” He becomes the god three years, is adapting to the Spiritual God the strength, the supernatural power is also increasing day by day, was really stronger and stronger. Three big division days ago has no way to deduce his trail, now does not have the means.” “他成神三年,正在适应神灵的力量,神力也在与日俱增,确是越来越强了。三大司天以前没法推演他的踪迹,现在就更没办法。” Wooden god spirit prestige spoke, while the low body, from a front hundred zhang (333 m) high blood pine tree, took off a pine cone. ‘木神’灵威一边说话,一边低下身躯,从前方的一株百丈高的血松树上,摘下一颗松果。 This blood pine tree impressively is also the close relative heir who the wooden sword immortal loosen prolongs the life, does not know that wooden god spirit prestige obtains from where. 这血松树赫然也是木剑仙松延年的近亲子嗣,也不知‘木神’灵威是从何处取得的。 But this hundred zhang (333 m) high blood loosen, in he Gundam/reaches as high as in front of more than 800 zhang (3.33 m) god bodies, is similar to the grass to be the same. 而这株百丈高的血松,在他高达八百多丈的神躯面前,就如同小草一般。 Wooden god spirit prestige is holding appreciatively in his hand this small the pine cone, the eye contains the profound meaning: „ In any event , he since left the day of candle star, that do not want to go back again. ‘木神’灵威把玩着他手里这颗‘小小’的松果,眼含深意:“不过无论如何,他既然离开了天烛星,那就别想再回去了。 Notice day of candle star Monarch returns as soon as possible, you passed on to him, regardless of then what situation he must defend this stars. If this he threw this stars time again, then he later does not want to bribe any stars for a lifetime again. ” 通知天烛星君尽快返回吧,你转告他,接下来无论什么情况他都要守住这颗星辰。这一次他要是再把这颗星辰丢了,那么他以后一辈子都别想再染指任何星辰。” Mulong immediately dragon Shouwei fu: Understood! I think that day of candle star Monarch he himself, should also know fairly well.” 木龙当即龙首微匐:“明白!我想天烛星君他自己,应该也心中有数。” What idea the wooden Spiritual God prestige did not care about on that day candle star Monarch obviously is. 木神灵威显然是不太在意那天烛星君是什么样的想法。 His sound of talking is ease: Informs Antarctic again, now can start. Key on the body of that brat, only then compels that brat to the hopeless situation, may compel the wooden sword immortal the trail.” 他语声悠然:“再告知南极,现在可以发动了。关键还是在那竖子的身上,只有将那竖子逼至绝境,才有可能逼出木剑仙的踪迹。” Obeys on the god the command!” “遵神上之令!” In the language of Mulong actually holds sorrow intent: South Pole star Monarch forces the wooden sword immortal to intend not to have the issue, the issue is demon fights in territory that three person clan war-gods. I worried, once buries the day to detect the clue, South Pole star Monarch is unable to fight the territory to move out from demon.” 木龙的语中却含着忧意:“南极星君逼迫木剑仙出手没问题,问题是魔界战域里面的那三位人族战神。我担心,一旦葬天察觉端倪,南极星君无法从魔界战域全身而退。” Demon fights the territory is buries the day of three sacred criteria monopoly region, the operation for a long time. 魔界战域是葬天三神独占的地域,经营已久。 If various God wants to bury day of three sacred criteria here suppression, must use over two times strengths. 诸神要想在此处压制葬天三神,就必须动用两倍以上的力量不可。 But now the distance previous ancestor gods and emperors are unretentive, collaboration that works as one truly, had passed for over a million years. 而如今距离上一次诸位祖神与帝君们毫无保留,真正齐心协力的联手,已经过去了上百万年。 The South Pole star Mr.'s strength to wooden is various gods the extreme importance, makes no mistake. 南极星君的力量对木系诸神来说极端重要,不容有失。 Relax, so far, black water and quiet, Antarctic, they will act-” “放心,目前为止,黑水与幽都,南极,他们会出手-” Wooden Spiritual God prestige suddenly sound of talking, decided looks at the distant place to be void, looked that demon fights the territory. 木神灵威忽然间语声一顿,定定的看着远处虚空,看那魔界战域。 Long time later, the wooden Spiritual God prestige pinched the fragment powder that pine cone in hand: This brat, good overbearing knife skill.” 良久之后,木神灵威将手中的那枚松果捏成了齑粉:“这竖子,好霸道的刀法。” He also saw in Tornado, in that great Oomiyadai. 他也看见了战风界内,那座巨大宫台上发生的一幕。 Mulong of spirit prestige body side, is afraid: On god! Does his blade secret art, as if attack our eternal Spiritual God the basis?” 灵威身侧的木龙,更是不寒而栗:“神上!他这刀诀,仿佛是直攻我们永恒神灵的根本?” At this time his at heart only then a thought that cannot make Chu Xisheng go on living again! 此时他的心里只有一个念头,不能让楚希声再活下去! What such does a person also make him live is making? Let him grow by some future day, cuts off various God the foundation? 这样一个人还让他活着做什么?让他成长到未来某日,斩断诸神的根基吗? The natural talent of brat, rather fearsome! 那竖子的天资,未免可怖! various God dusk?” “诸神黄昏?” The wooden Spiritual God prestige shakes the head slightly, eye presently smile intent: various God is foundation where so simple? In the eyes of true powerhouse, his blade, such as baby fly cutter laughable, one such as their martial arts, vulgar. However his talent, truly the victory buried a day of past years. Even I, must be apprehensive.” 木神灵威微微摇头,眼现哂意:“诸神的根基哪有这么简单?在真正强者的眼里,他的这一刀,就如幼儿舞刀般的可笑,就一如他们的武道,难登大雅之堂。不过他的天赋,确实更胜葬天当年。即便是我,也要忌惮三分。” He will cover the hand of wooden texture to lay out immediately: Goes! Reason that various God has not broken a promise, truth that also has not looked on. Chu Xisheng, is that wooden sword immortal, is they want , except that.” 他随即将覆盖着木质纹理的手摆了摆:“去吧!诸神没有毁约的理由,也没有坐视的道理。无论是楚希声,还是那个木剑仙,都是他们想要除去的。” Meanwhile, in every middle, Li Tan Earth cave. 与此同时,在凡界当中,黎贪地窟。 Chu Yunyun is standing in front of asking the thick ice ice piece of white clothing incarnation. 楚芸芸正站立在问素衣化身的玄冰冰块面前。 Her look slightly somewhat complex looks at the female in ice piece, long time does not have the movement. 她眼神略有些复杂的看着冰块中的女子,良久都没有动作。 Asked that the correct manners discipline look of white clothing, is like the frozen beforehand appearance, does not have any change. 问素衣的仪容相貌,还是如同冰封之前的模样,没有任何变化。 The complexion is tender and beautiful, the lip angle holds to smile. 面色娇艳,唇角噙笑。 That women's clothing, is asking the white clothing to be in front of her to put on. 那身衣裙,也是问素衣当着她的面穿上的。 The Chu Yunyun complexion is blue, but waves, patted on that cold biting cold thick ice. 楚芸芸脸色青黑,不过还是一挥手,拍在了那寒冷彻骨的玄冰上。 This thick ice flash had the innumerable fissures, by outside, but, extends toward the deep layer of thick ice. 这块玄冰一瞬之间产生了无数的裂痕,由外而内,往玄冰的深层延伸。 This time asking white clothing has not changed, but Chu Yunyun actually knows, at this moment her consciousness had regained consciousness some. 此时的问素衣还是没有变化,不过楚芸芸却知道,此刻她的意识已经苏醒了些许。 You should wake up!” “你该醒来了!” Chu Yunyun is unemotional: „ Hopes the sound he to make me pass on, soon after is your best ascending god time! Pays attention to look at the celestial phenomenon, when the South Pole star vanishes from the sky, do not hesitate, instantly meets eternal! 楚芸芸面无表情:“希声他让我转告,不久之后就是你最佳的登神时机!注意看天象,当南极星从天空消失的时候,就不要犹豫,即刻照见永恒! At the appointed time Yin god moon/month Xi, ices the god profound emperor, has no way to care about you immediately, this period of time makes you complete secret Yi in eternal sufficiently, stands firm. This possibly is in dozens years, your only opportunity. ” 届时无论是阴神月羲,还是冰神玄帝,都没法在第一时间顾及你,这段时间足以让你在永恒中完成秘仪,站稳脚跟。这可能是几十年内,你唯一的机会。” She the robe sleeve flings later, pot compounded drug, a silver-white arm guard, placed the front of ice piece. 她随后又袍袖一甩,将一壶丹药,一只银白色的护臂,放在了冰块的前方。 Compounded drug is by without god sect refining up about 13 efficacious medicine sacrifices, can increase to the heyday your strength. This arm guard is my sect for an ultra divine tool that you are tailor, my sect originally will want to take you to ascend the capital of god by this thing in the future. “丹药是由无相神宗合十三种灵药祭炼而成,可以将你的力量增至极盛。这护臂本是我宗为你量身打造的一件超品神器,我宗原本欲以此物作为你未来登神的资本。 Chu Xisheng actually dislikes it is too weak, in addition in his pleasant law, near god step mediation good fortune the remaining prestige, boost will enter the low-rank eternal level. ” 楚希声却嫌它太弱,另以他的‘如意之法’,还有近神阶‘斡旋造化’的余威,将之推升入下位永恒的层次。” The line of sight of Chu Yunyun, looked that has the moon the end to the ice piece, uniquely-shaped long sword: „ Taichu moon after all was the thing of ice god profound emperor, by Yin god moon/month Xi god blood invasion, once entered the foreign territory, the Taichu moon cannot rely on. 楚芸芸的视线,看向了冰块里面那把尾部有着冰轮,造型独特的长剑:“‘太初冰轮’毕竟是冰神玄帝之物,又被阴神月羲神血侵染,一旦进入外域,太初冰轮绝不可恃。 Only has this thing, although the might was inferior that Taichu moon, is more suitable your god Yin bloodlines and frozen law, is you ascends the war of god, can take advantage truly. ” 唯有此物,威力虽然不如‘太初冰轮’,却更适合你的神阴血脉与冰封之法,也是你登神之战,真正能够依仗的。” Her sound of talking: I have the matter to manage, then you put best into it, do not disappoint him.” 她的语声顿了顿:“我还有事要办,接下来你好自为之,别让他失望。” Chu Yunyun knows that asked the white clothing, once to become God, has the enormous advantage regarding the whole person clan. 楚芸芸知道问素衣一旦成神,对于整个人族都有极大好处。 But she is actually uncomfortable very much. 可她心里却很不是滋味。 That fellow's to help in ice layer the woman meets eternal, may really make extraordinary painstaking efforts, risks one's life. 那个家伙为助冰层里面的这个女人照见永恒,可真是苦心孤诣,出生入死。 Chu Yunyun the flying, flies immediately in the south direction. 楚芸芸随即飞身而起,朝着南面方向飞去。 She does not want to stay here. 她是一刻都不想在这儿呆下去。 If not Chu Xisheng asks, Chu Yunyun comes not to come. 如果不是楚希声拜托,楚芸芸来都不想来。 She also really has the matter to manage. 她也确实有事要办。 Chu Yunyun then must walk a Xishan of Wang'an city. 楚芸芸接下来还得走一趟望安城的西山。 Chu Xisheng and various Shenjian the playing chess, an opening meteorology is then great, the necessary its head and tail cannot look at each other. 楚希声与诸神间的这一场对弈,一开局便气象宏大,必要其首尾不能相顾。 Also at this time, that ice layer cracked again, more fissures multiplied in the thick ice. 也就在这个时候,那冰层再次开裂,更多的裂痕在玄冰里面滋生。 Meanwhile the innumerable cold air four emit, immediately toward expands in all directions. The place visited, all life vegetation total freezes, the thick white ice covers entire Li Tan Earth cave. 与此同时无数的寒气四散溢开,随即往四面八方扩张。所过之处,一切生灵草木全数冻结,厚实的白冰覆盖整个黎贪地窟。 Chu Yunyun induced weak spirit knowledge that asked the white clothing, her form lived immediately: „Did you ask my him where?” 楚芸芸感应到了问素衣的微弱灵识,她的身影当即顿住:“你问我他在何处?” She raised the head, looks to the sky: „Others in foreign territory. Asked that white clothing you how fortunately, that fellow, he not only unretentive is helping you, now with own life, is seeking one to become the opportunity of god for you!” 她抬起头,看向了天空:“他人在外域。问素衣你何其有幸,那个家伙,他不但毫无保留的在帮你,如今更是用自己的命,在为你博取一线成神之机!” Chu Yunyun felt that own fist is a little itchy. 楚芸芸感觉自己的拳头有点痒。 She really thinks, really wants to punch his! 她真想,真想揍他一顿!
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