LFAW :: Volume #11

#1159: Collision of Magic and curse

At this time, Riegel has not known, oneself planned Oberon that places copes with finally, unexpectedly by Morgan and Artoria this to the combination of Savior finding, and both sides also entered the showdown pattern. 此时,黎格还不知道,自己打算放在最后再来对付的奥伯龙,居然被摩根阿尔托莉雅这对救世主的组合给找到了,且双方还进入了对决模式。 He has put out all things, the investment of wholeheartedly at present in this fight. 他已经将所有的事情都置之脑后,全身心的投入到了眼前这场战斗中。 —— —— In the thundering deafening sound of atmosphere, innumerable is only condensed hand of hiding the sky and covering the earth that calamity becomes by the curse of substantializing is wielding, the build of each hand especially huge, not Riegel once in Norwich that so long as is smaller. 在大气的轰鸣震响里,无数只由实质化的诅咒凝聚而成的灾厄之手铺天盖地的挥动着,每一只手的体型都格外的巨大,不比黎格曾经在诺里奇的时候遇到的那只要小。 But the hand of this each calamity, the interior also has innumerable Moss only. 而这每一只的灾厄之手,内部又都有着无数只的摩尔斯 The curse expedited Moss, Moss composed the hand of calamity, the hand of calamity is controlled by Cernunnos, the offensive that probably its real hands and feet free extension, that formed naturally can describe with hiding the sky and covering the earth, Beast( beast) the black storm must come more violent. 诅咒催生了摩尔斯,摩尔斯又组成了灾厄之手,灾厄之手又被科尔努诺斯操控着,像是其真正的手脚般自由伸展,那形成的攻势自然能够用铺天盖地来形容,比Beast(兽)的黑色风暴都要来得更加猛烈些。 Facing the offensive of this grade of scale, common Fairy or Servant let alone were stand to cope, approached slightly, but also without was bumped into by that hiding the sky and covering the earth the hand of calamity, was first given the pollution by that fearful curse. 面对这等规模的攻势,寻常妖精或者从者别说是站出来对付了,就是稍微靠近些,还没被那铺天盖地灾厄之手碰到,便先被那可怕的诅咒给污染。 Without the means resists this curse the words, that would have no means to cope with the hand of calamity, does not have the means to cope to control Cernunnos of hand of calamity. 没办法对抗这诅咒的话,那就没办法对付灾厄之手,更没办法对付操控着灾厄之手的科尔努诺斯 Is good because, Riegel is few can hard anti- Cernunnos the person of curse. 好在,黎格便是为数不多的能够硬抗科尔努诺斯的诅咒的人。 Therefore, when that hiding the sky and covering the earth the hand of calamity extends, Riegel is a flowing light, shuttles back and forth to graze in hands of the only calamity back and forth, like meteor, the path is together mysterious, is free and flexible, gives to fling all attack the hands of calamity entirely in behind. 因此,当那铺天盖地灾厄之手伸来时,黎格已经是身化流光,在一只只灾厄之手间来回穿梭飞掠,像一道流星一样,轨迹玄奥,自由灵活,将所有来袭的灾厄之手通通都给甩在身后 【Jacob's Ladder】!” 【邪去侮天梯】!” Riegel launches to purify the curse technique/spell, making the pure white brilliance change to together exceedingly high penetrating place light pillar, in huge a technique/spell array from sky falls, falls on Cernunnos body. 黎格展开能够净化诅咒的术式,让纯白的光辉化作一道通天彻地的光柱,自天空中一个巨大的术式阵列中降了下来,落在了科尔努诺斯身上 chī chī —— 嗤嗤—— Was same in the fire like the water pouring, the light of unceasing ceremonial cleansing purification the curse of Cernunnos body, making Cernunnos body flutter unceasingly the ashes black fog demon, the great body shivers, in the mouth is sends out pain the cry. 有如水浇在了火上一样,净化之光不断的祓除着科尔努诺斯身上的诅咒,让科尔努诺斯身上不断飘出灰烬般的黑色雾魔,巨躯颤动,口中更是发出痛苦似的叫声。 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ——!!!” ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■——!!!” As if the demon sound of underground ghost angry howling changes to the sound wave, spreads from the Cernunnos mouth. 仿佛地底冤魂怒嚎似的魔音化作音浪,自科尔努诺斯的口中传出。 Cernunnos huge eyes is flooding the fearful ominous light, is going against the purification of 【Jacob's Ladder】 unexpectedly actually, released the attack to Riegel. 科尔努诺斯巨大的双眼充斥着可怕的凶光,竟硬是顶着【邪去侮天梯】的净化,向黎格释放出了攻击。 —— —— Atmospheric again thundering deafening sound. 大气再次轰鸣震响。 This time appears the hand of calamity actually no longer is hiding the sky and covering the earth, but is the innumerable black red light beams. 这次出现的却不再是铺天盖地灾厄之手,而是无数黑红色的光束。 The light beams are dense and numerous, inexhaustible, almost covered surrounding area several kilometers range centered on Cernunnos all within, and created bombing of undifferentiated to all these. 光束密密麻麻,无穷无尽,几乎覆盖了以科尔努诺斯为中心的方圆数公里范围内的一切,并对这一切造成了无差别的轰炸。 boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom ——!” 轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰——!” Fearful explosion then emergence one after another, destroys the land, the building crushes, causes curse more further pollution all around, making all reduce in the sea of fire, evolves a disaster. 可怕的爆炸便接连的出现,将大地摧毁,建筑物击碎,更是使诅咒更进一步的污染四周,使一切都沦落在火海中,演化成一阵灾难。 This black red light beam without a doubt is also substantializing the coagulum of curse, not only itself has the destructiveness, but also has the polluting and corrosiveness. 这黑红色的光束毫无疑问也是实质化的诅咒的凝聚物,不仅本身具备破坏性,还具备污染性及侵蚀性。 Although Riegel did not fear, actually does not want by the long jab, thus the under foot blasts out one group of roaring flame, turns into the flame from the flowing light, from time to time turn left, right turns from time to time, from time to time dives, from time to time shoots up to the sky, but also once for a while circles a great-circle, after the light beam and light beam that will attack explode , the incantation that raises explodes gives one by one to avoid. 黎格虽然不怕,却也不想被直击,因而脚下炸开一团烈焰,从流光变成火光,时而左转,时而右拐,时而俯冲,时而冲天而起,还时不时的绕一个大圈,将来袭的光束以及光束爆开以后掀起的咒爆都给一一避开。 eyes glittering the transparent gloss, Transparent World is opening from beginning to end Riegel naturally can see through all attacks, even the Cernunnos rug undifferentiated bombing attack range and attack frequency are quite scary, he follows the route that dark is seeing through, it casts off with " flexible " and 『Agility』 that most excels all. 双眼闪烁着透明光泽,通透世界自始至终都开启着的黎格自然能够看穿所有攻击,即使科尔努诺斯的地毯式无差别轰炸打击范围及打击频率都相当吓人,他还是遵循着冥冥中看穿的路线,用最擅长的「灵活」及「敏捷」将其尽数甩开。 This mobility, even if were Melusine saw here, feared that must feel ashamed of one's inferiority. 这种机动性,哪怕是梅柳齐娜在这里看到了,怕是都得自愧不如。 Shuā! 唰! Until after Cernunnos to certain distance, Riegel glittering, was close to Cernunnos by the high-speed movement that 【Blue】 derived suddenly. 直到接近科尔努诺斯到一定的距离以后,黎格才忽然一个闪烁,以【苍】衍生出来的高速移动接近了科尔努诺斯 But, but also without and other Riegel launches the attack to the close great body, Cernunnos body the strength of curse then erupts again. 但,还没等黎格对近在咫尺的巨躯发动攻击,科尔努诺斯身上的诅咒之力便再次爆发。 —— —— The familiar atmosphere thunders, this time appears was not the black red light beam, but was the black red curse mighty current. 熟悉的大气轰鸣中,这次出现的不是黑红色的光束了,而是黑红色的诅咒洪流。 Moreover, this curse mighty current is not a direction detection, but is ordinary like the tsunami, toward advances in all directions. 而且,这诅咒洪流并不是定向的,而是如同海啸一般,向着四面八方推进。 Bang!” “嘭!” Before close to a Riegel unexpectedness to Cernunnos body, is given to hit by the curse mighty current that the tsunami pushes, probably was flown to be the same by the ocean waves racket, the whole person changed to the shell to fly upside down, body is also twining the black fog demon ashes. 接近到科尔努诺斯身前的黎格一个猝不及防,被海啸般推来的诅咒洪流给击中,像是被海浪拍飞一样,整个人都化作炮弹倒飞了出去,身上还缠绕着黑色雾魔般的灰烬。 The curse of Cernunnos is invalid to him, and 【Limitless】 inviolability has been launching, this, even if by Riegel's current strength, must be emptied half blood. 要不是科尔努诺斯的诅咒对他无效,且【无下限咒术】不可侵一直在展开着,就这一下,哪怕以黎格如今的实力,都得被清空半管血。 Fierce.” “厉害。” Riegel does not conceal own acclaiming. 黎格毫不掩饰自己的赞叹。 Worthily is the creation world god in Britain legend, even if is only left over a skeleton, relied on was saving more than 10,000 years of curses, can erupt astonishing power as before. 不愧是不列颠传说中的创世神,就算只剩下一具尸骸,凭借着积攒了一万多年的诅咒,依旧能够爆发出惊人的力量 Riegel attempted several times, by high-speed movement, by Teleportation Magic, several times approaches to the Cernunnos front, but Cernunnos can respond each time instantaneously, and erupts that curse mighty current, drives back him, made him obstinately close to the opposite party. 黎格又尝试了几次,又是凭借高速移动,又是凭借传送魔法,数次接近到科尔努诺斯的面前,但科尔努诺斯每次都能在瞬间反应过来,并爆发出那股诅咒洪流,将他逼退,愣是令得他靠近不了对方。 【Boogie Woogie】 is also invalid to Cernunnos, because Riegel Cursed Energy cannot extend Cernunnos body, will extend to be twined in the curse of its around the body corrodes to the pollution, will thus deteriorate, will be basic the effect of shift position. 【不义游戏】科尔努诺斯也无效,因为黎格咒力根本延伸不到科尔努诺斯身上,一延伸过去就会被缠绕在其身周的诅咒给污染侵蚀,从而变质,根本起不到转移位置的效果。 Even if Riegel starts 【Boogie Woogie】 with the way of clapping, Cernunnos can still resist the technique/spell shift effect, it is estimated that is because is like other Fairy or Servant, having what Divine Protection or is the relations of 【Magic Resistance】 Skill. 即便黎格用拍手的方式发动【不义游戏】,科尔努诺斯也能抵抗术式的转移效果,估计是因为和其他的妖精或者从者一样,拥有什么加护或者是【对魔力】技能的关系。 „Can in other words, only cope with it by the long-distance attack?” 也就是说,只能靠远程攻击来对付它了吗?” Riegel figure like teleportation back and forth glittering, time and time again avoids the attack of black red colored light bunch and calamity hand, in the hiding the sky and covering the earth offensive moves aside flexibly, while calm ponder. 黎格身形瞬移般来回闪烁,一次又一次的避开黑红色光束及灾厄之手的攻击,在铺天盖地的攻势中一边灵活躲闪,一边冷静的思考。 It seems like, must use some real skills to be good.” “看来,得用些真本事才行了。” Thought aloud, above Riegel top of the head, a ship's rudder array quiet appearance. 自言自语间,黎格的头顶上方,一个船舵般的法阵悄无声息的出现。 Shuā! 唰! shortly afterwards, a Riegel high-speed movement, appeared in Cernunnos behind. 紧接着,黎格一个高速移动,出现在了科尔努诺斯身后 Flash, the illness/quick drives, cuts darkness, I am the Executor light essence, the incarnation of light, Queen of light( king) —— “【闪光啊,疾驱吧,划破黑暗,我乃代行者光精,光之化身,光之女王(君王)——】” With Magic Chant, under Riegel's foot launched pure white Magic Array. 伴随着久违的魔法咏唱,黎格的脚下展开了纯白的魔法阵 Aurora rupturing!” “【极光爆裂】!” The diameter has about about ten meters giant aurora together immediately violently shoots, falling directly in Cernunnos body. 一道直径约有十米左右的巨大极光顿时暴射而出,径直的落在了科尔努诺斯身上 BOOM!” 轰隆!” The fierce explosive sound resounds, the Cernunnos great body was also bombed one to stagger, has almost not thrown down on the ground directly, falls into the big cavern. 剧烈的爆炸声响起,科尔努诺斯的巨躯也被轰炸得一个踉跄,差点没有直接摔倒在地面上,跌进大洞穴里。 This makes Cernunnos as if somewhat angry, is controlling hand of the calamity only, like ghost demanding one's life in hell, continuous grasping approached Riegel. 这让科尔努诺斯似乎有些恼怒,操控着一只只的灾厄之手,像地狱中的冤魂索命一样,接连不断的抓向了黎格 Shuā! 唰! In the instance that Riegel in hand of hiding the sky and covering the earth calamity drops the high-speed movement leaves, appears in the Cernunnos side. 黎格灾厄之手铺天盖地落下的瞬间里高速移动离开,出现在科尔努诺斯的侧面。 Ground, low roar —— “【地面啊,低吼吧——】” Saw that Cernunnos sway is standing, Riegel chants again, Magic Array under body also turned into the black iron color from the pure white, the range actually expanded. 眼看着科尔努诺斯正摇摇晃晃的站起来,黎格再次咏唱,身下的魔法阵也从纯白色变成了黑铁色,范围却是扩大了许多。 Comes, come, come, the shell of land, the treasure of black iron( light), flashes the iron hammer of star, to open contract, assigns/life you to reverse, burns down sky, the crushing ground, builds the bridge, about for world( a body), the axe of lowered sky, distress of disaster —— destruction “【来吧,来吧,来吧,大地之壳,黑铁之宝(光),闪星之铁锤,以开辟之契约,命你反转,焚烧天空,击碎地面,架起桥梁,合为天地(一体),降下的天空之斧,破坏之厄灾——】” incantation lengthened, turned into the long article to chant from original short incantation. 咏唱文变长了,从原本的短文咏唱变成了长文咏唱。 By the name of order Executor, gives my name is the goblin, the incarnation of land, Queen of land( king) —— “【以代行者之名命令,赋予我的名字是地精,大地之化身,大地之女王(君王)——】” Riegel catches up before Cernunnos haunches the body, completed this chanting time. 黎格赶在科尔努诺斯撑起身体之前,完成了这一次的咏唱。 Stars crash!” “【繁星坠落】!” Instantly, sky presented starry skies, probably shines innumerable stars, making the meteor rain appear under the nighttime sky. 霎时,天空出现了一片星空,像是亮起无数的繁星似的,让流星雨出现在了夜空之下。 The meteor rain cuts the horizon, forms meteorites, is dragging the long light tail, the missile that has probably located beforehand is common, the collection declined in the big cavern, bang in Cernunnos body. 流星雨划破天际,形成一块块陨石,拖着长长的光尾,像是已经事先定位完毕的导弹一般,集中落在了大洞穴中,轰在了科尔努诺斯身上 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!”...... “轰!”“轰!”“轰!”“轰!”“轰!”…… Thunders the explosion immediately like firecracker one after another resounding, an intermittent flame also blooms in Cernunnos body, making the Cernunnos pain shout again and again, the great body shivers one after another, a being unable to withstand the load appearance. 轰鸣爆炸顿时如爆竹般接二连三的响起,一阵阵火光也在科尔努诺斯身上绽放,让科尔努诺斯痛呼连连,巨躯接连颤抖,一副不堪重负的模样。 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ——!!!” ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■——!!!” This time, Cernunnos as if really got angry, gives out demon sound angry roaring, while power of eruption curse, made in the air have the meteor rain unexpectedly. 这一次,科尔努诺斯似乎真的怒了,一边发出魔音般的怒吼,一边爆发诅咒的力量,居然也让空中降下了流星雨。 only, this lowering meteor rain is not beautiful, opposite is quite evil ominous, each meteor is the black red, and its regular script is not the meteorite, but is the black red roaring flame of flaming combustion, no matter the destructiveness, polluting or the corrosiveness, increased a stair. 只是,这次降下的流星雨并不美,相反的还极为邪恶不祥,每一道流星都是黑红色的,且其正体还不是陨石,而是熊熊燃烧的黑红色烈焰,不管是破坏性、污染性还是侵蚀性,均攀升了一个台阶。 The rain of black red curse lowers, the range almost covers the entire battlefield, lets Riegel this time, even to evade still impossible to avoid. 黑红色的诅咒之雨降下,范围几乎覆盖整个战场,让黎格这次就算想避也不可能避开了。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!”...... “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”…… The dense and numerous explosions appear in this stretch of land immediately, conducted to this stretch of land did not know several bombing and destruction, the terrain thorough change did not say, welcomed a disaster from near Camelot completely probably, was bombed completely degenerated into stretch of ruins. 密密麻麻的爆炸顿时出现在这片大地上,对这片大地进行了不知道第几次的轰炸及破坏,以至于地形彻底改变不说,距离较近的卡美洛更是完全像是迎来了一场天灾,被轰炸得完全沦为了一片废墟。 Riegel similarly inevitable by the rain of curse hitting, the black red explosion looks like the retaliation to be the same, blasts out in its around the body unceasingly. 黎格同样不可避免的被诅咒之雨给命中了,黑红色的爆炸就像是报复一样,在其身周不断炸开。 What a pity, has the inviolability isolation of 【Limitless】, the injury of explosion does not touch Riegel, the curse is also invalid to him, this wave of vast momentum map artillery gives the influence that Riegel has is quite then limited finally. 可惜,有【无下限咒术】不可侵隔绝,爆炸的伤害触及不到黎格,诅咒又对他无效,这一波声势浩大的地图炮最终给黎格造成的影响便相当有限。 clang!” 铛啷!” On Riegel float array starts to send out bell sound, turning round revolving. 黎格头上悬浮着的法阵开始发出钟声,滴溜溜的旋转了一圈。 But the movement on Riegel has not stopped, withstand/top curse meteor that the rainstorm is lowering unexpectedly, chants again. 黎格手上的动作也没有停下,竟是就这么顶着暴雨般降下的诅咒流星,再次咏唱。 Fire, come —— “【火啊,来吧——】” Black iron color Magic Array rapid transformation for fiery-red, and range expands again, to an inconceivable situation. 黑铁色的魔法阵迅速的转化为了火红色,且范围再次扩大,大到一个不可思议的地步。 Angrily roars, angrily roars, vortex of flames, the Red Lotus cliff, Karmic Fire roared, with the aid had of closed force world gale suddenly, combustion sky, the combustion land, the combustion sea, the spring water of combustion, the mountain of combustion, the life of combustion, changed into the scorched earth all, put the number artillery of anger and sigh, pays Hero that I loved( he) the life price, by the name of order Executor, gave my name is the hot essence, the incarnation of flame, Queen of flame( king) —— “【怒吼吧,怒吼吧,火焰漩涡啊,红莲峭壁啊,业火咆哮啊,借助忽起强风之力封闭世界,燃烧的天空,燃烧的大地,燃烧的海洋,燃烧的泉水,燃烧的高山,燃烧的生命,将一切化为焦土,放起愤怒与叹息的号炮,付出我所爱的英雄(他)的生命代价,以代行者之名命令,赋予我的名字是火精,火焰之化身,火焰之女王(君王)——】” Third chanting! 第三次的咏唱! And the ultra long article of highest scale chants! 且还是最高规模的超长文咏唱! In the middle of all Magic that in Riegel grasps, incantation is longest, the might is also Magic of cream of the crop rank, by the use of its no trace of politeness! 黎格所掌握的所有魔法当中,咏唱文都是最长,威力亦是最顶尖级别的魔法,被其毫不客气的使用了出来了! Although Riegel like Alaya like that cannot conduct ultra High-speed Chant of ultra specification, that is the skill that only then Spirit the special race can achieve, available High-speed Chant skill, this ultra long article chanted the time needed to be compressed by Riegel as before within ten seconds! 虽然黎格不像阿莱耶那般,能够进行超规格的超高速咏唱,那是只有仙精这样的特殊种族才能做到的技巧,可用高速咏唱的技巧,这段超长文咏唱所需的时间依旧被黎格压缩在了十秒以内! Scary Magic Power likes the storm to burst open from Riegel's body immediately, making Cernunnos resemble to detect that the danger was ordinary, gives out the startled anger happened simultaneously angry roaring. 骇人的魔力顿时有如风暴般从黎格的身上迸开,让科尔努诺斯都似察觉到了危险一般,发出惊怒交加般的怒吼。 Present Riegel ability the system is distinct, within the body 《Gate》 has also repaired, in addition Silune and Jelina these two Nymph day and night life aura exaggerations, and evolution depuration of Marfa Sword to bloodlines, making its within the body Magic Power compare before, has tremendous changes. 如今的黎格一身能力已经体系分明,体内〈门〉亦是已经修复好了,加上希露恩洁莉奈这两个宁芙日日夜夜的生命气息渲染,以及玛尔法之剑对血脉的进化提纯,使得其体内魔力相较于以前,已然是有了一个翻天覆地的变化。 Past Riegel within the body Magic Power also on the equivalent to Tactical-Class Magician specification, but also far and not on these Strategic-Class Magician. 过去的黎格体内魔力也就相当于战术级魔法师的规格,还远及不上那些战略级魔法师 But now, does not calculate the Magic Power quantity that Mental Power can transform, discussed his within the body Magic Power only, that must over many Strategic-Class Magician, even if in Strategic-Class Magician were compared with Magic Power outstanding type Yuri, had no time to let. 可现在,不计算精神力能够转化成的魔力量,单论他体内魔力,那也要超过许多战略级魔法师,就算和在战略级魔法师中都算是魔力出众的类型的尤莉相比,亦不遑多让。 Therefore, when Riegel not parsimonious spends freely within the body Magic Power, pours into it entirely when following Magic, how the this strike might, can be imagined. 所以,当黎格毫不吝啬的挥霍体内魔力,将其通通灌注在接下来的魔法里时,这一击的威力如何,已经可想而知。 Roaring flame storm!” “【烈焰风暴】!” Flame huge Magic Array shines immediately under the body of Riegel, its brilliance illuminates the entire battlefield sufficiently, entire horizon. 火红色的巨大魔法阵顿时在黎格的身下亮起,其光辉足以照亮整个战场,整个天际。 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” The next second, the Red Lotus hell appeared. 下一秒,红莲地狱出现了。 The storm that is formed by the roaring flame emerges out of thin air, the bang falls above the land, the tattered and torn land in confusion will rout completely. 由烈焰形成的风暴凭空出现,轰落在大地之上,将千疮百孔的狼藉大地完全击溃。 The storm of roaring flame embezzled the land, embezzles ashes that everywhere black haze formed, embezzled the hand of that innumerable calamity, gives the combustion, evaporation and melting the hands of all calamity. 烈焰的风暴吞没了大地,吞没了漫天的黑色雾霾形成的灰烬,更是吞没了那无数的灾厄之手,将所有的灾厄之手都给燃烧、蒸发、熔化。 Cernunnos that huge body was also given to embezzle by the storm of roaring flame, by Red Lotus Karmic Fire roaring flame unceasing burning down. 科尔努诺斯那巨大的身躯也被烈焰的风暴给吞没,被红莲业火般的烈焰不断的焚烧。
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