LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1254: Vein (Last Part) of net

Aaahhhh...... was dying......” 啊啊啊……要死了……” The moan that suppresses the ache is mixing with the slight respite, bent/tune Longhan the whole body is the perspiration, sits is pushed up the arm on the stool under eaves by Ning Ji with the palm, has rubbed the body. 强忍疼痛的呻吟声夹杂着轻微的喘息,曲龙珺全身都是汗,坐在屋檐下的凳子上被宁忌用手掌推上手臂,揉过身体。 The tooth fastens to nip, hair became one wisp of one wisp wet. 牙关紧咬,发丝湿成了一缕一缕的。 The enhancement exercise of morningtide just finished, the following pushing palace blood by no means has felt better, due to the promotion of inner strength, rather envies/avoid palm boiling hot, guiding bent/tune Longhan the vitality acceleration to operate, immediately brings, is the unequalled acid, hemp and pain, making bent/tune dragon unable to bear lowly to call. 晨间的加强锻炼刚刚完毕,随之而来的推宫过血并不好受,在内力的推动下,宁忌的手掌滚烫,引导曲龙珺的气血加速运行,随即带来的,则是无与伦比的酸、麻、痛感,令得曲龙珺忍不住低唤出来。 Also some ambiguous aura are one of them. 也有些许暧昧的气息在其中。 The youngster and young girl's after vindicating the concern already have had many kisses and hugs, said that in the heart already recognized the opposite party, but the love taste proceeds in an orderly way, after all has not bridged over a deeper that step. At this moment under this early morning eaves, this is difficult the pushing palace that suffers in the blood, with that palm has rubbed, two people in the heart actually have a softer mood to spread together. 少年与少女在表白心事后已经有过许多次的亲吻与拥抱,说起来心中已经认定了对方,但爱情的滋味循序渐进,毕竟还没有跨过更深的那一步。此刻在这清晨的屋檐下,这难捱的推宫过血之中,随着那手掌的揉过,两人的心中其实也有更加柔软的情绪在一起蔓延。 She bites very tightly the tooth, sent out sound, is quite slight. 她将牙咬得很紧,发出的声音,也颇为轻微。 After such early morning the class ended, two people are holding hands on the stool sat a while, bent/tune Longhan said continually several are good to hurt, just now goes to the bathroom to take a bath to change clothes, Ning Ji leaves the courtyard, in a big way bought one to come back toward the food to outside, ate with bent/tune Longhan together. 这样的晨课结束后,两人牵着手在凳子上坐了一会儿,曲龙珺连说了几声“好疼”,方才去浴室洗澡换衣裳,宁忌则离开院子,到外头买了一大顿朝食回来,与曲龙珺一道吃了。 „...... That Chen Shuangran young seductress makes you to pass, not necessarily the good intention of bosom. You...... consumed the mental effort for me in the morning, but is much more certain the line......” “……那个陈霜燃小妖女约你过去,未必怀的好意。你早晨为我……耗了心力,可一定得小心才行……” „...... Um, this has what putting self to trouble strength, I good to.” Ning Ji is beaming and buoyant. “……,这有什么耗心力的,我好得很。”宁忌神采奕奕。 This inner strength merit pushing palace the blood will have truly made one somewhat consume, the subtle and strange feeling that but that makes the will of the people ancient banner shake, both people who is unable saying that also made up some losses, even makes him feel that compared with usually can hit. This is good to explain because of time by no means immediately, if to the later generation, generally should describe that holds —— this for hormone in addition is a scientific truth. 这种内家功的推宫过血确实会让人有些消耗,但那让人心旌摇动的、两个人都无法说出来的微妙而又奇异的感受,又将些许的损耗补了回来,甚至让他感到比平时更能打了。这在当下时代并不好说明,若到得后世,大抵该形容为荷尔蒙的加持——这是一种科学道理。 „...... unexpectedly you, I also quite worried, today delivers to Zuo nearby teahouse to kill the time you.” “……倒是你这边,我还比较担心,今天还是把你送到左家附近的茶楼打发时间。” Um.” 。” Chen Shuangran that side...... I thought. So long as I am worse than her, she should take me to have no means.” “陈霜燃那边……我想好了的。只要我比她更坏,她应该就拿我没什么办法。” These are bad person, should not be tenderhearted.” “那些都是坏人,你不要心软。” Um.” Ning Ji is eating the thing, the nod, immediately paused, „...... depended on yesterday a mountain Yunnei matter, this group of people, killed anyone not to calculate that was unfair to them.” 。”宁忌吃着东西,点头,随即顿了顿,“……就凭昨天岳云那件事,这帮人,杀谁都不算冤枉他们。” Finished eating the breakfast, cleaning and changed/easy appearance/allow, soon after takes the proof status the article official document to go out, in that morning, the atmosphere on street in a business area withered much. Imperial guard already defends in the city surrounding value, it is said meets the doing status investigations of downtown streets, although excuse orally is not strict, but who knows that the matter will not be small. 吃完早餐,刷洗、易容,随后带上证明身份的文牒出门,这日早晨,街面上的气氛又肃杀了不少。禁军已经在城池外围值守,据说会一个一个坊市的做身份排查,口头上的说辞虽不严格,但谁都知道事情不会小。 Led bent/tune Longhan, Ning Ji to make several investigations and gets rid of the action of surveillance. he already is top scouting, some people in, generally are after death difficult to escape his discernment, but for bent/tune Longhan the safety, these actions, strengthened one time to feel relieved. 带着曲龙珺,宁忌做了几次探查和摆脱监视的行动。他已经算是顶尖的斥候,有人在身后跟,一般都难逃他的法眼,但为了曲龙珺的安全,这些行动,又加强了一倍才放心。 Chen Shuangran meeting wish was last night fish king brings, but from the plans of that lowly person, who knows that she can from cherishing cloud Fang starts to plan to observe closely two people. 陈霜燃的会面意愿是昨晚鱼王带来的,但从那小贱人的心机来说,谁知道她会不会从怀云坊开始就打算盯住两人。 If so, to these following closely, Ning Ji did not plan that makes them live, begins in the city also indifferently. 如果真是这样,对那些盯梢者,宁忌一个都不打算让他们活着,在城里动手也无所谓。 Is good because has not discovered the such informer. 好在并没有发现这样的眼线。 To Zuo on the way, even then can feel by far, atmosphere some near official in charge of receiving guests district are not right, on the road even can also hear person's discussion. 去往左家的途中,甚至远远便能够感受到,候官县附近的氛围有些不对,路上甚至还能听到人的议论。 That side feared that do not cause trouble Oh......” “那边怕不是要闹事……” Ning Ji and bent/tune Longhan have a look mutually. 宁忌与曲龙珺相互看看。 Yesterday evening when two people compiled the news, this already was possibly then determined, framed by planting stolen goods on small Palace Guard next, naturally was the riot. 昨天晚上两人汇总消息时,这一可能便已经被确定了,栽赃小衙内的下一步,当然是暴乱。 When the line to the teahouse that nearby Zuo opens the alley, lower hem corner that bent/tune Longhan Ranim envied. 行至左家开设的茶楼附近小巷时,曲龙珺拉了拉宁忌的衣角。 I guessed correctly probably the young seductress made you to pass, had what idea......” “我大概猜到小妖女约你过去,打了什么主意了……” What idea?” “什么主意?” bent/tune Longhan is attached to near his ear, said several in a soft voice. 曲龙珺附在他耳边,轻声说了几句。 ...... …… Settles bent/tune Longhan, rather envied toward last night agreement place in the past , that side the official in charge of receiving guests district atmosphere seemed like already to quarrel by far, he climbed up several high spots to look into the distance, discovered that some imperial guards and official soldier, are coming toward the city north, in many watchtowers already arranged the observer, had the flag indicator to brandish, imperial city direction, even raised the hot-air balloon of security. 安顿好曲龙珺,宁忌朝着昨晚约定的地方过去,远远的,候官县那边的氛围似乎已经吵起来,他攀上几处高点眺望,发现一些禁军、衙役,正在往城池北面过来,许多的望楼上都已经安排了观察员,有旗语在挥舞,皇城方向,甚至升起了警戒的热气球。 The Fúzhou flag indicator and southwest are different, Ning Ji cannot understand, but deploying troops and forming lines in observation city, he then discovers surrounding and arrangement of several places slightly, obviously has the relations that differentiation in brief, as well as takes care of mutually, this explained that Imperial Court is prepared early. 福州的旗语与西南不同,宁忌看不太懂,但略略观察城内的排兵布阵,他便发现几个地方的围堵与布置,明显是有详略区分、以及相互照应的关系的,这说明朝廷这边早有准备。 Also is not extraordinary, a such matter, without preparing that also damn. 也不出奇,这么点事情,没有准备那也该死了。 He then no longer worries, toward approximately good place in the past. 他便不再多操心,一路朝着约好的地方过去。 Soon, the distant place unrest sound gets up, Imperial Court to the crowd of unrest, initiated surrounding and capturing. 不多时,远处骚乱声起,朝廷向骚乱的人群,发起了围捕。 ...... …… Official in charge of receiving guests district toward north, on Ministry of Justice several paths to lead to city, with imperial guard surrounds, participates in lively in people, somewhat was suddenly ignorant. 候官县往北,通向城内刑部的几条道路上,随着禁军的围堵过来,参与到“热闹”里的人们,一时间都有些懵了。 Was crowded around the victim's family member who cries in front also to be shocked by the people, according to the surroundings being on intimate terms the view , their time goes to Ministry of Justice is the family member of suffering asks for just, cries one round, this kind of affair two months ago in the official in charge of receiving guests district has also happened, that side Imperial Court besides sending for comforting is nothing temperament, even that soldier commits suicide at the scene, the army also can only apologize, how to this time, oneself to occupy the principle obviously, Imperial Court also sends to come out the army? 被众人簇拥在前头哭哭啼啼的受害者家属也感到了震惊,按照周围相亲的说法,他们这次只是去刑部为受害的家人讨个公道、去哭一轮,这样的事情两个月前在候官县也发生过,朝廷那边除了派人安抚外是没什么脾气的,甚至于那个士兵当场自杀,军队也只能道歉,怎么到了这次,明明自己这边占理,朝廷还把军队派出来了呢? „...... Bureaucrats protect one another!” Some people hesitated, cried out loudly, everyone really thinks right, their already secretly small Palace Guard letting escape —— “……官官相护!”有人迟疑了一下,放声呐喊,“大伙儿果然想的没错,他们已经偷偷地把小衙内给放跑了—— Carrying Wei army is also this grade of goods......” “背嵬军也是这等货色……” „The small Palace Guard vertical horse commits murder Ah—-” “小衙内纵马行凶啊——” Government how can......” 官府岂能如此……” also has law of the land?” 还有王法吗?” One after another, having the public sentiment is turbulent. 陆陆续续的,有群情汹涌。 Circle person who in the crowd, the Government secret agent directs, soldier already of high place stared at the important goal in crowd. 人群里,官府的密探指指点点的圈人,高处的士兵则已经盯好了人堆里的重要目标。 The 9 to 11 a.m moment, holds the first row of manpower of club used by yamen underlings to push to the crowd, execution seizing. 巳时一刻,执水火棍的第一排人手推向人群,执行抓捕。 Clang ——, in the crowd some people draw a sword, soon after, arrow that was flown by the high place shoots to turn in the place. “锵——”的一声,人群里有人拔刀,随后,被高处飞来的箭矢射翻在地。 The moment that the blood splashes, mingles among middle of crowd other Brigands people erupts suddenly, some of them receive the backbone that above incited, already understand that this time matter different in the past, also has were more after hearing Chen Shuangran great achievements the Brigands hero who came to join in the fun to mix the qualifications, at this moment wanted to seek the place to escape, this discovered, from all sides several streets and alleys, already by Government. 鲜血溅起的一刻,混迹于人群中的其余绿林人陡然爆发,他们有的是受到了上头指使的骨干,已经明白这次的事情不同往常,还有更多是在听说了陈霜燃丰功伟绩后过来凑热闹混资历的绿林豪杰,此刻想要寻地方逃跑,这才发现,前前后后几条街巷,已然被官府堵起来了。 Kills Ah—-” “杀啊——” The club used by yamen underlings, fishing net and cangue chain jumped into the crowd, the confusion blast out...... 水火棍、渔网、枷链扑入人群,混乱炸开了…… West, in farther under a building, Chen Shuang sets off the telescope, is staring to smile: Also really...... hit......” her vision to look to Mr. gold/metal at the same time. 西面,更远一些的楼房上,陈霜燃放下望远镜,瞪着眼睛笑起来:“还真的……打起来了……”她目光望向一边的金先生。 Mr. gold/metal also smiles: Has said early, Imperial Court will not swallow an insult constantly, the second noise, must hit.” 金先生也是笑:“早说过,朝廷不会一味忍气吞声,第二次闹,是一定要打的。” Is good because, has the direction of mister.” “好在,有先生的指点。” What depended is in the bureau fighting bravely of person.” “靠的是局中之人的奋战。” „...... Qiu Laohu is a violent temper, no mind, beam sleek/moist that group of people are also...... they have to fight.” “……裘老虎是个暴脾气,没什么心眼,梁润那帮人也是……他们不得不战。” Two people took are looking at the tube to look at the moment. 两人拿着望筒又看了片刻。 The Brigands person who in the downtowns in distant place, gathers hands tied has not tied up, under the instigation of some leaders, draws out the weapon to slaughter furiously, some people are seeking for the path of departure. Sieging of nearby officers are several blocks, the such big region, they are thinking can always have the means to flee, but was encircled by chance in the middle common people, was being commanded mostly squatted on the ground, the small part was coerced is firing into the front, wept and wailed sound one piece. 远处的街市间,聚集起来的绿林人并没有束手就缚,在一些领头人的煽动下,拔出兵器奋力厮杀起来,一些人则在寻找着离开的道路。附近官兵的围困长达几条街区,这么大的区域,他们想着总能有办法逃离,而恰巧被围在中间的百姓,大部分被喝令着蹲在了地上,小部分则被裹挟着冲向前方,哭喊声一片。 Previously was responsible for the heads of two Brigands influences instigated and connects in the crowd, Qiu Laohu, beam sleek/moist, really did not have first to surrender, but chose the expanded situation. 先前在人群里负责煽动、串联的两股绿林势力的首脑,一名裘老虎、一名梁润的,果然没有第一时间投降,而是选择了扩大事态。 Mr. gold/metal puts down the observation tube: I should passed.” 金先生放下了望筒:“我该过去了。” Mister takes care.” Chen Shuangran said, inadequate might also as well, only asked the mister to come back safely.” “先生保重。”陈霜燃道,“不成亦无妨,唯求先生能安全回来。” The opposite party sneer, turned around vanishes outside the door. 对方冷笑,转身消失在房门外。 ...... …… Shortly after the killed sound resounds from the distant place, Ning Ji arrived in the agreement place. 打打杀杀的声音从远处响起不久,宁忌抵达了约定的地点。 The city west luxuriant long street, can avoid the surveillance of some high places, but path by no means calculates the pedestrian to be scarce, is not at least considered as that good place that kills. 城市西面一条林木葱郁的长街,能够躲避一些高处的监视,但道路并不算行人稀少,至少不算是打打杀杀的好地方。 He walked one toward the front slowly, some front people hit. 他朝着前方缓缓的走了一阵,前方有人撞了过来。 young person of naturally falling hair, should also practice some martial arts, pretends that does not look at the road, to the vicinity, envied the bosom to press toward peaceful a paper, in the mouth spoke: My Patriarch person said that under Mt. Jiuxian Dutch Yun Tan see.” 那是个披发的年轻人,应该也练过些武艺,假装不看路,到了近处,将一张纸条往宁忌怀里按,口中说话:“我家主人说,九仙山下荷芸谭见。” Rather envied already to catch that paper, opened looked, on the paper is drawing the simple map crooked, drawing does not know that was Chen Shuangran. 宁忌已经接住了那张纸,打开一看,纸上歪歪扭扭地画着简单的地图,绘画者也不知道是不是陈霜燃。 unexpectedly is quite humorous. 倒是颇为幽默。 Conveying a message young person already rushes to several feet toward the rear area, he has completed the task, here no longer has the matter, however the thoughts a loosen , some people held his arm suddenly. 传话的年轻人已经朝后方奔出数丈,他已完成了任务,这里不再有事,然而心思才一松,陡然间,有人抓住了他的手臂 That youngster who conveys a message by him, at this time like the ghosts and demons appearance in his nearby, pressed firmly between the fingers his arm. 由他传话的那名少年,此时如同鬼魅般的出现在了他的身边,捏住了他的手臂 Uh......” ……” Turns head to look at each other, he too did not understand. 扭头对视,他不太理解。 Your Patriarch person is who?” “你家主是谁?” You...... you saw apparent......” “你……你去见了便知……” You said that sees me to see Ah? “你说见我就去见啊? You......” he gawked the moment, you to not see that person...... come?” “你……”他愣了片刻,“你不是为了见那人……过来的吗?” The figure of young fellow is lower than him, the aura that but the body passes absolutely is not the good kind, his these words fall, an arm pain, the opposite party increases the strength of stressing grasps suddenly, he almost felt that the skeleton must disrupt. 少年人的身形比他低些,但身上透出来的气息绝对不是善类,他这番话才落下,手臂陡然一痛,对方加大了抓握的力量,他几乎感到骨骼都要碎裂开来。 Aaaaahhhhhhhh...... wait/etc, few heroes, I am conveying a message, I am convey a message, my family Eldest Child is not the person who you must see, he also the order that receives from others that why Ah— the biography opens the paper to pass on words nothing more few hero —— I not to know your-” 啊啊啊啊啊……等等等等等等,少侠,我就是个传话的、我就是个传话的,我家老大不是你要见的人,他也是从别人那收到的命令,传张纸条传句话而已啊少侠——我不知道你们干什么的啊——” You go with me together.” “你跟我一起去。” Wha, anything...... you look......” “什、什么……你看……” This person turns head toward side, soon after then works loose tries to make noise to shout, but the next quarter, another hand grasped directly on his throat, pinched his whole person kneels down on the ground, after the figure, supine. 这人朝着旁边扭头,随后便一面挣脱一面试图出声大喊,而下一刻,另一只手直接抓在了他的喉咙上,将他整个人捏得跪倒在地上,身形后仰。 His anything sound cannot send, only then the mouth and nose aura is weaken, the face rises red. 他什么声音都发不出来,只有口鼻气息减弱,脸上涨得通红。 The youngster occupy a commanding position, coldly looks at him. When almost became the liver colored to that face, he let loose gently blocked opposite party throat hand. 少年居高临下的、冷冷地看着他。待到那张脸几乎成了猪肝色,他才轻轻地放开了扼住对方喉咙的手 Just came back young person that to kneel from the Gate of Death on the ground, cough coughed and breathes difficultly. 刚从鬼门关回来的年轻人跪在地上,艰难地嗽、呼吸。 You dare to yell.” He heard that youngster to say in his ear, I am in front of everyone, choked to death you.” “你敢大叫。”他听到那少年在他耳边说,“我当着所有人的面,掐死你。” On the street not no one, not far away Big Aunt that does grocery shopping to go home looks at this dumbfoundedly, soon after enclasps the basket to walk quickly. 街道上并非没有人,不远处一个买菜回家的大婶目瞪口呆地看着这一幕,随后抱紧篮子赶快走过去。 Why few heroes...... I really received five money money to convey a message nothing more Ah…... you to want me in the past......” “少侠……我真的收了五钱银子传个话而已啊……你要我过去干嘛……” young person does not dare to revolt again, brings the road, toward reaching an agreement the place walks. 年轻人不敢再反抗了,带着路,朝说好了的地点走去。 He hears that youngster, in the rear area replied. 他听到那少年在后方回答。 With I approximately good that person, is not the good thing. If she makes a show, I make you die on her face......” “跟我约好的那个人,不是什么好东西。她要是耍花样,我让你死在她脸上……” Here is actually not far from Mt. Jiuxian already, two people in tandem, walk toward that side. Walks, youngster is also chatting various topics with conveying a message young person, for example Eldest Child is who, where lives hand to mouth to eat, home has several people wait/etc, young person is almost crying the reply. 这边距离九仙山其实已经不远,两人一前一后,朝那边走。一面走,少年还一面跟传话的年轻人闲聊着各种话题,例如老大是谁,在哪里混饭吃,家里有几口人等等,年轻人几乎是哭着回答的。 Arrived near the so-called Dutch Yun Tan's pond, the pond is big, the surroundings have several loess crossings and roadsides to have the trees, swarming even can see several tea stalls, is only where as if not very special character and others. Ning Ji knits the brows, waited for with the opposite party in the branch road junction. 抵达了所谓荷芸谭的池塘附近,池塘不小,周围有几条黄土岔道、路边有树木,远远近近的甚至能看到几张茶摊,只是似乎并没有非常特殊的人物等在哪里。宁忌皱了皱眉,与对方在岔道口等了等。 Where is person at?” “人在哪呢?” He asked front young person. 他问前方的年轻人 The young person whole body trembles: I am only conveying a message Ah…...” 年轻人浑身发抖:“我只是传话的啊……” During the such dialogues, a middle-aged Brigands person walked from one side, to the vicinity, opens the mouth saying: Middle , transfers forward right.” 这样的对话间,一名中年绿林人从侧面走了过来,到得近处,开口道:“中间这条,向前、转右。” This saying passed, he leaves toward the front, but also without going out two steps, the shoulder was then held. 这话传到了,他朝着前方离开,还没走出两步,肩膀便被抓住了。 Brigands person turned the head around, the look is bad: You, I convey a message, your...... aren't some then polite?” 绿林偏过头来,神色不善:“兄台,我只是传话,你这样……便有些不礼貌了吧?” He regarding his learned skill, has the considerable confidence, immediately then must instead take on the shoulder with the eagle claw palm. 他对于自身艺业,亦有相当信心,当下便要以鹰爪反拿肩膀上的手掌 The next quarter, such as the mountain general heavy pressure grinds, his figure one crooked, bang the dull thumping sound, kneels down ruthlessly on the loess road. 下一刻,如山一般的重压碾来,他身形一歪,砰的闷响,狠狠跪倒在黄土路上。 Will turn turning toward the rear area again, that complexion ice-cold young fellow looks at him exhaltedly. 将头再往后方扭了扭,那面色冰冷的少年人居高临下地看着他。 You.” He cups one hand in the other across the chest, I convey a message, you are......” “兄台。”他拱手,“我只是传话的,你这是……” Conveying a message......” “传话的……” The young fellows raised the hand, fiercely a Palestinian slap on his face. 少年人举起了手,猛地一巴掌扇在他的脸上。 soon after is a palm of the hand. 随后又是一巴掌。 I called you to convey a message! I called you to convey a message! Ask you to leave......” “我叫你传话的!我叫你传话的!让你走了……” In the middle of the sound of being foul-mouthed, hit after that continuously 56, until hits to swell his face, the nasal mucus and blood mix up. 骂骂咧咧的声音当中,此后连续打了五六下,直到将他的脸打得肿起来,鼻涕与鲜血混在一起。 The trees of solar near by pond drops the tree shade, soon, on the path of loess, whole face unlucky young person made into the Brigands person of pig head to walk toward the front with one abreast in row, two people a little cry. In their rear areas, the youngster leads the way indifferently. 太阳透过池塘边的树木落下树荫,不久之后,黄土的道路上,一名满脸晦气的年轻人与一名被打成猪头的绿林人并排着朝前方走去,两人都有点哭哭啼啼。在他们的后方,少年冷漠地前行。 No matter Chen Shuangran inexpensively to what degree, so long as the oneself wrong behavior, will not lose to her! 不管陈霜燃贱到什么程度,只要自己更加不当人,就绝不会输给她! Eh wants Eh dead this tortoise bastard —— 都要死这个王八蛋—— ...... …… North the official in charge of receiving guests district, slaughters with chaotic, continued one. 候官县以北,厮杀与混乱,持续了一阵。 Government prepared seizing, but in a Chen Shuangran side, as if also understands that will have the such matter, therefore arranges to take advantage of opportunity to act in the Brigands person, the troublemaker got up, caused not too big nor too small casualties. 官府做好了抓捕的准备,而在陈霜燃一方,似乎也明白会发生这样的事,因此安排在其中的绿林人顺势出手,闹将起来,引起了一阵不大不小的伤亡。 Was stranded in the Brigands person, perhaps by no means understands that oneself became abandoned the child, from the beginning even slaughtered especially vigorously, thought that this was also Chen Shuangran completed the bureau, had back of the hand / subsequent party that surely can make oneself leave. 被困在其中的绿林人,或许并不明白自己成了弃子,一开始甚至厮杀得格外起劲,觉得这也不过是陈霜燃做好了的局,必定有能让自己离开的后手在。 Because of this vigorous resistance, the aspect controls in the difficulty compared with the imagination, the person who some military officer positive fate captures while making do matter, the iron skyhawk after left Wenxuan communicates, personally enters, first stopped one group of martial arts excel Brigands people. 因为这阵激烈的反抗,局面控制得比想象中困难,部分军官积极的下场捕捉趁乱搞事的人,铁天鹰在与左文轩沟通后,也亲自入阵,首先制止了一拨武艺高强的绿林人。 After a bandit Leader uniform/subdue, the iron skyhawk then knows, here riot already no longer can cause the problem, Imperial Court is prepared, Chen Shuangran as if also has the arrangement, both sides got up one move outwardly, the advantage that Imperial Court took are not as if big, thing that but today must uncover truly, currently is actually That side left Wenrui that line. 将一名匪人头领制服后,铁天鹰便知道,这边的暴乱已经不再能造成问题,朝廷有准备,陈霜燃似乎也有布置,双方明面上过了一招,朝廷占的便宜似乎不算大,但今日真正要揪出的东西,目前其实是左文瑞那边的那条线。 Should also already start...... 应该也已经开始了…… His within the heart is calculating the progress of arrangement, but also always has some type, if has spying on that resembles not to have, making him alert. 在心中计算着布置的进展,但也总有某种若有似无的窥探,令他警醒。 The vision of iron skyhawk cruised toward the encirclement ring surrounding, later, brings several official investigator, in some direction by the past. 铁天鹰的目光朝包围圈外围巡弋了一圈,之后,带着几名捕快,朝着某个方向靠过去。 Downtown that head outside encirclement ring, the form falls into his vision together suddenly. 包围圈外的街市那头,一道身影陡然落入他的目光。 The look concentrates, he quickens pace, overruns toward that side. 眼神一凝,他加快了步伐,朝着那边冲过去。 Distant place that form is also turned around, vanished in the corner of street. 远处那身影也是一个转身,消失在了街道的转角。 The iron skyhawk pulls an army horse, rushes toward that side, nearby official investigator also seeks for the mount to follow respectively. 铁天鹰牵起一匹军马,朝着那边冲上,附近的捕快也各自寻找坐骑跟上。 If that form has to resemble not to have, like the ghosts and demons, the iron skyhawk has transferred several long streets, the rear area resounds the panicked and disorderly the sound, should have the vegetable vendor on street slightly to block the path and one of the entourage chaotic. But he has not stopped the waiting, but continues to pursue toward the front. 那道身影若有似无,如同鬼魅,铁天鹰转过几条长街,后方响起惊乱的声音,应该是有街上的菜贩挡住了随行人员的道路、一阵小混乱。但他没有停下来等待,而是继续朝前方追赶过去。 Even discontinues in the tunnel somewhere, on foot races, even is old, but his breath is symmetrical, the step is similar to the speeding horse as before fast. 在某处巷道甚至下了马,徒步奔行,即便年事已高,但他的呼吸匀称,步伐依旧如同奔马般迅捷。 In the branch road junction near Mt. Jiuxian, as if with losing face, but the iron skyhawk does to consider slightly, leisurely strolls to walk in some direction. 在九仙山附近的岔道口,似乎跟丢了人,但铁天鹰稍作斟酌,朝着某个方向信步走去。 The sunlight by the leaf, create shades on the loess road scattered, the iron skyhawk passes through the light and shade staggered path, transfers curved, he saw sat that grey robe person under not far away tea stall, the opposite party hoodwinked a mask strangely, but his first eyes then recognized. 阳光透过树叶,在黄土路上错落成荫,铁天鹰走过明暗交错的道路,转一个弯,他看到了坐在不远处茶棚下的那名灰袍人,对方奇奇怪怪地蒙了个面罩,但他还是第一眼便将人认出来了。 Fence is heavy, fence brothers...... is really you.” “樊重,樊兄弟……果然是你。” old person smiled. 老人笑了起来。 Gold/Metal eye thousand plumes. Living up to reputation. so many year......” “‘金眼千翎’。名不虚传。这么多年了……” ...... …… „...... Runs is such rapidness.” “……跑得还是如此之快。”
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