LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1250: Jet black night (Last Part)

The sound of rain rustle the sound, falls on the roof, falls along the room, behind the room small river course also becomes the water current to be rapid, opposite shore, was the boat covered with black matting of rope fluctuated in the water. 雨的声音沙沙的响,落在屋顶上,沿着房间落下,房间后方的小小河道也变得水流湍急起来,对面的岸边,系了绳索的乌篷船在水中起伏。 Has eaten lunch Ning Ji and bent/tune Longhan sits near the small flat roof, digs up the parapet to look at the rain. 吃过午饭的宁忌与曲龙珺坐在小露台边,扒着栏杆看雨。 Also is temporary expert exercises the period short rest. 也是临时高手锻炼期间的短暂歇息。 Situation already in Fúzhou city becomes anxious, because missing of writing from right to left boat, Ning Ji also no longer can stay out, walked by Ni breaks like last night, two people then possibly involve in the middle of the confusion. 福州城内的局势已经变得紧张,由于左行舟的失踪,宁忌也不再能置身事外,如同昨晚被倪破找上门一样,两人接下来都可能牵扯进混乱当中。 Under this background, in the training to bent/tune Longhan turned into an important matter every day, even if not possible to make her true expert, but unifies her dance foundation and coordination ability, lets she imitates the part expert characteristics, not is possible. 这个背景下,每日里对曲龙珺的训练就变成了一件大事,纵然不可能让她成为真正的高手,但结合她的舞蹈基础与协调能力,让她模仿出部分的“高手”特征,却并非毫无可能。 Vindicates in a two days time after heart mark, Ning Ji then strengthens in the courtyard is training bent/tune Longhan as expert hand eye movement step. Before such training, actually has had, but is more intimate now, has the limbs contact occasionally, to them, is especially novel and happy one step. 表白心迹之后的两日时间里,宁忌便在院子里加强训练着曲龙珺作为“高手的手眼身法步。这样的训练之前其实就有过,但如今更为亲密了一些,偶有肢体接触,对于两人来说,都是格外新奇而甜蜜的一步。 The morning training lunch just now stops, Ning Ji buys back the meals outside, bent/tune Longhan makes processing in the kitchen slightly, after having eaten, takes a bath, wears the loose clothes, gripped ponytail, at this time when is neat also has some fragrance fragrant flavors, Ning Ji in her nearby, stretches the four limbs, the sound and the boat water wind and rain is taking off and landing seems peaceful. 上午的训练到午膳时分方才停下,宁忌在外头买回膳食,曲龙珺在厨房稍作处理,吃过之后又去洗了个澡,穿上宽松的衣服,扎了马尾,此时身上清爽之余又带着些香香的味道,宁忌则在她身边,舒展着四肢,风雨之声、舟水起落都显得安静。 „...... Had/Left Ni breaks matter, person who we will think of well, tonight, perhaps to have Ministry of Justice will come the probe...... this matter left Wenxuan unable to say too clearly, what if will come will be iron skyhawk old dog, somewhat troubled, feared that you will unable to hide the truth from him. But also has the means......” “……出了倪破的事情,我们又装得不错,今天晚上,恐怕就会有刑部的人过来试探……这件事情左文轩不能说得太清楚,如果过来的是铁天鹰这只老狗,就有些麻烦了,怕你瞒不过他。但也不是没有办法……” „Do you want to fight him at the scene?” “你要当场跟他打吗?” That unexpectedly does not need, others are the high official, big crowd of people have no consideration for face now directly, that does not look to pull out...... one crowd of Police Chief to close, does not use the words of firearm, I am also very difficult to run......” “那倒是没必要,人家现在是大官,大庭广众直接撕破脸,那不是找抽吗……一群捕头一拥而上,不用火器的话,我也很难跑……” How...... left Wenxuan does they think?” “……左文轩他们是怎么想的?” Does not know, had not asked...... iron skyhawk with hatred of Huaxia army, is everyone knows in the southwest. He...... cooperated with the Manichaeism person, killed Tyrant Blade Village Liu Dabiao, this was the deepest death enmity, to afterward, Qin Family that government official was censured, several Police Chief hit a person when he is down, was not only the iron skyhawk hit...... a Mr. Ning fist facing the street, even also compelled to jump the river First Lady......” “不知道,没问……铁天鹰跟华夏军的梁子,在西南是人人都知道的。他……与摩尼教人合作,杀了霸刀庄刘大彪,这是最深的死仇了,到后来,秦家的那位相爷被贬,几个捕头落井下石,不光是铁天鹰当街打了……宁先生一拳,甚至还把大夫人逼得跳了河……” „...... During that time, the Mr. Ning original plan withdrew from Capital City, returning to Jiangning to be peaceful, because of the Official Qin matter and First Lady matter, making Mr. Ning discover, dog Emperor remembered him, the lackey also stared at his family member, therefore started to plan the rebellion...... the iron skyhawk from that time to be very rampant at that time, Zhu's many old person, wished one could to dig up his skin, like Chen Tuozi Chen Grandpa, he a few years ago led many children, said killed one's sovereign the matter of rebellion in the past, most regrettable cannot look for the iron skyhawk, to kill his entire family, to hit his mother......” “……那段时间,宁先生原本的打算是从京城撤走,回到江宁偏安,但因为秦相的事情、大夫人的事情,让宁先生发现,狗皇帝记住了他,狗腿子也盯上了他的家人,所以从那时候就开始筹谋造反……铁天鹰那时候很嚣张的,竹记的许多老人,都恨不得扒了他的皮,像陈驼子陈爷爷,他前些年带了很多孩子,讲当年弑君造反的事情,最遗憾的就是没能找上铁天鹰、杀他全家、打他妈妈……” Chen great hero name, I have also listened.” Digs up said in nearby bent/tune Longhan. “陈大侠的名字,我也听过。”扒在一旁的曲龙珺道。 Hehe.” Rather envies/avoid smiled, he old was very good, but young time is the evil person, said often, is his such evil person, can govern iron skyhawk such. Afterward he told several old seniors, at that time the Official Qin master fell from power, Zhu's internal disorder and foreign invasion, stared by various group of villains, if not rather...... Mr. Ning decides to kill Emperor, they then can only be ready for any sacrifice, exchanged the iron skyhawk......” “嘿嘿。”宁忌笑了笑,“他老了很好,但年轻的时候是恶人,也常常说,就是他那样的恶人,能治得了铁天鹰这样的。后来他跟几个老前辈都说,当时秦相爷倒台,竹记内忧外患,又被各路小人盯上,如果不是宁……宁先生决定杀皇帝,他们便只能豁出去,兑了铁天鹰的……” His slightly paused, sits under the eaves, the vision is slightly cloudy: Moreover also has sprinkles the excrement to the Official Qin master the matter, afterward also has ran up to the southwest assassination the matter...... one group of sons of bitches not to be inseparable from...... Zuo this crowd of tortoise bastard, when the small dark green river, in the southwest, by Chen Grandpa kindness, is known obviously two sides celebrating a holiday, returned to Fujian so long, unexpectedly has not looked for the means to be him...... to raise not ripe ungrateful person and traitor to China, this is sells out one's country for personal gain......” 他略顿了顿,坐在屋檐下,目光稍稍阴沉下来:“另外还有秦相爷泼粪的事情,后来还有跑到西南行刺的事情……一帮狗东西都脱不了干系……左家这群王八蛋,在小苍河的时候、在西南的时候,明明受过陈爷爷的恩惠,知道两边的过节,回到福建这么久了,居然还没找办法做了他……养不熟的白眼狼、汉奸、这就是卖国求荣……” Regarding entire under the heavens, the Huaxia army most extraordinary magnificent feat, always had in the past a blade in throne room, but in the Huaxia army, often the outstanding heroes gathered together, will naturally also speak of this matter. During that time, although Emperor perverse actions, but in the underlying bed personnel with Zhu's confronted most, actually Ministry of Justice various group of troops, these people during being ten several years fights many had passed away, but remaining, is stamps the feet the southwest high level that now all under the heavens must shake three to shake. 对于整个天下而言,华夏军最出奇的壮举,始终有当年金銮殿上的一刀,而在华夏军内部,每每群雄聚首,自然也都会说及此事。那段时间,虽说皇帝倒行逆施,但与竹记中低层人员对峙最多的,却始终还是刑部的各路人马,这些人在长达十数年的战斗当中多已去世,但如今剩下的,无不是跺跺脚天下都要震三震的西南高层。 In the past if did not revolt, Zhu's wanted to move out very difficultly, but according to the Ning Yi behavior pattern, the people discussed in already initially in secret many action plans, prepared for after Chen Tuozi left Zhu's extinguishes the iron skyhawk whole families, then alone anti- under charge. In addition also has attended to other Ministry of Justice several Police Chief, brings in new blood to the opposite party, the plan that even kills Tong Guan and king Fu and the others, hot blooded sent Zhu Biao to plan at that time attended to the matter of national capital then to go north to assassinate Qi Family, even prepared to draw Yue Fei to go together. 当年若不造反,竹记想要全身而退非常困难,而按照宁毅的行为方式,众人当初在私底下已经商议了许多的行动预案,包括陈驼子更是做好了离开竹记后就去灭铁天鹰满门、而后独自抗下罪名的准备。此外还有料理刑部其余几个捕头,给对方换血,甚至于袭杀童贯、王黼等人的预案,热血派祝彪那时候打算料理完京师的事情便北上刺杀齐家,甚至准备拉了岳飞一道去。 The people concerned this matter in the small dark green river and in the southwest afterward, is the strong bosom intense and generous, they had experienced the bloody battle of Xia Village at that time, broke the ordinary employment relations with Ning Yi early, afterward saw the Qin Family fate, as the Brigands person only felt, even if sacrifices the life unable to make in Ning Yi make same mistakes over again. Afterward what was good made because of Ning Yi was matter out of the ordinary, made the Zhu's people not disperse one group of senseless fury. 众人后来在小苍河、在西南论及此事,都是壮怀激烈、慷慨不已,他们当时经历过夏村的血战,与宁毅之间早脱离了普通的雇佣关系,后来又见到秦家的下场,作为绿林人只觉得就算豁出性命也不能让宁毅家中重蹈覆辙。好在宁毅后来做出的是更加出格的事情,才让竹记众人没有散一团无谓的光火。 At a young age Ning Ji listens is this class discussion grows up, is quite deep regarding the hatred of iron skyhawk. After arriving at Fúzhou, no doubt regards the old friend to regard Zuo Jia people, but mentioned them the standpoint at this matter, was never polite, at this time mumbled, son of a bitch and tortoise bastard and so on expression scolded good one, wished one could to call to come the southwest military law team, all cleaned up together with their mothers this group of cheap people. bent/tune Longhan looks at the profile that he is angry in the one side, nevertheless smiled, the face attaches, on his face, bo. 宁忌自小听的便是这类的议论长大,对于铁天鹰的仇恨颇深。来到福州后,固然是将左家人当成故友来看待,但提及他们在这件事情上的立场,却从不客气,此时嘟嘟囔囔,“狗东西”、“王八蛋”之类的言辞骂了好一阵,恨不得叫来西南的军法队,把这帮贱人连同他们的妈妈悉数清理掉。曲龙珺在一旁看着他生气的侧脸,却是笑了起来,面孔附上去,在他脸上,啵了一下。 The meat meat is soft. 肉肉软软的。 Ning Jibian face. 宁忌扁了脸。 „...... Do you do?” “……你干什么?” Lovable.” “可爱。” Snort. Said the proper business.” “哼。说正事呢。” Two legs shake shake, the board a face, rather resented other's ability to sigh, the vision is serious: „...... This time must kill the iron skyhawk in any case, is big with their changes face possibility, left Wenxuan is insufficient to betray me, but some do not estimate to have happily, therefore we must first be ready...... naturally, kills the iron skyhawk time, I am hoodwinking the face, at the worst killed to run......” 两条腿晃啊晃,板了一阵脸,宁忌才叹了口气,目光严肃:“反正……这次要杀铁天鹰,跟他们翻脸的可能性不小,左文轩不至于出卖我,但一些不愉快估计会有,所以我们也要先做好准备……当然,杀铁天鹰的时候,我蒙着脸去,大不了杀完了就跑……” He calculated verbosely, held the heart of a while, saw bent/tune Longhan the look relaxed nature, curls the lip: you do not find it interesting, even if disguises expert, said easily, practices difficultly still......” 他絮絮叨叨的计算,操了一会儿的心,见曲龙珺的神色轻松自然,也撇了撇嘴:“伱不要觉得有意思,就算是假装高手,说起来容易,练起来也难的……” Dragonet......” “小龙……” Um?” ?” I think, otherwise you really do teach me martial arts?” “我想,要不然你真教我武艺吧?” „...... Ah? “……啊? He turns turned the head, sees on bent/tune Longhan the face, has the serious earnestness. 他扭过头去,见曲龙珺的脸上,有着郑重的认真。 I know that oneself is not the material of practicing martial arts, perhaps also crossed the age, but these half under the heavens is going to war now, I follow you, where goes, actually does not want always to work as a burden, even practices some simple martial arts to be good, when can use the sword and spear, meets the matter that flustered then not......” “我知道自己不是练武的材料,或许也过了年纪,可如今这半个天下都在打仗,我跟着你,去哪里都可以,却不想总当个累赘,就算练些简单武艺都好,等到能用刀枪了,遇上事情便没有那么慌张……” Her words are soft, Ning Ji looks, vision unexpectedly sank, peaceful moment. 她的话语柔软温和,宁忌看着,目光倒是沉了下来,安静了片刻。 Practicing martial arts...... is not that the simple matter...... you are the girl......” “练武……不是那么简单的事情……你是女孩子……” „When however I in southwest, has seen the enlisted woman, moreover in other places, there are female to practice martial art, strict miss Ah… that for example they said...” 可是我在西南时,也见过女兵的,而且在其他地方,也有女子习武,就比如他们说的严姑娘啊……” Practiced martial arts to want the disposition......” Ning Ji saying that when next, sound unexpectedly lowered: Moreover any strict miss, is the flowery boxing......” “练武要心性……”宁忌说着,下一句时,声音倒是更加低了一些:“而且什么严姑娘,都是花拳绣腿……” Dragonet.” bent/tune Longhan said that not with your together time, I have also run outside, oneself face apply black, plays the role of the beggar, every so often, the bosom also holds the blade. This under the heavens was hit more than ten years by Jurchen people, now with you in the same place, if must kill people, I will not fear. Even if could not compare Huaxia army attended to Big Aunt they, the however dragonet do not look down on me.” “小龙。”曲龙珺道,“没有与你一起的时候,我也在外头跑过,把自己脸涂黑,扮成乞丐,很多时候,怀里也都揣着刀的。这天下女真人打了十多年了,如今跟你在一起,若是要杀人,我也不会怕。就算比不过华夏军的顾大婶她们,可是小龙你也不要小瞧我。” Has not looked down on you, however practices martial arts is really not that matter.” Ning Ji is saying low voice, looked at the front curtain of rain to cross one, „the matter that just now considering, the earnest opens the mouth, is practicing martial arts, can teach, however was very difficult to turn into expert, you have not practiced martial art, met the matter, you will run, but you practice martial art, sometimes must fight the person, the possibility that perhaps twice three times, may live, has really not run compared with you in a big way.” “没有小瞧你,可是练武真不是那回事。”宁忌小声说着,看了前方的雨幕过得一阵,方才斟酌着,认真开口,“练武的事情,是可以教,可是很难变成高手,你没有习武的时候,遇上事情,你会跑,可你习了武,有些时候就要跟人打起来,也许两次三次,可活下来的可能,真不比你一直跑大。” Slightly paused: Moreover, you are the girl, the strength were young, fight time, be more resolute, many fighting tooth and nail the ordinary person. You in the southwest, are the woman who sees these to hit, but these women, before can hit can kill, you cannot think that they experienced anything, has suffered hardships difficultly, the degree of really not going on living, did not work as people oneself, had that disposition.” 顿了顿:“而且,你是女孩子,力气本来就小,打架的时候,就要比一般的人更加果决、更多的搏命。你在西南,是见过那些能打的女人,可这些女人,能打能杀之前,你都想不到她们经历了什么事情,都是受过苦受过难,真活不下去的程度,不把自己当人了,才有了那种心性。” What good deed...... is this?” Calmly in the curtain of rain, Ning Jiwang the front, is continue say, „, moreover had this disposition, is the first step, they must slaughter, to live more than ten times dozens times, can turn into the true ruthless role, small...... the song, I am the military doctor, is Huaxia commander is since childhood big, you do not know, the child in Huaxia army, so long as is some talent, will study martial arts ; first, strong and healthy body, but to certain degree, can on the battlefield...... I am young time, Master Sect has many brothers and sisters, no matter however he were fierce, talent to be high at that time. It is not high, in a year will die several that some people...... live finally to become expert, but does not have many people to hope that the own family member...... becomes such expert......” “……这又是什么好事吗?”静静地雨幕中,宁忌望着前方,继续说道,“而且有了这种心性,也是第一步,她们要跟人厮杀十几次、几十次活下来,才能变成真正的狠角色、小……小曲,我是当军医的,从小也是华夏军长大,你不知道,华夏军里的小孩子,只要是有些天分的,都会学习武艺,一是强身健体,但到了一定的程度,都会上战场的……我小的时候,师门有很多兄弟姐妹,可是不管他当时厉不厉害、天分高不高,一年里都会死一些人……最后活下来的几个成了高手,但也没多少人希望自己的家人……成这样的高手……” Ning Ji turns head to visit her. 宁忌扭头看着她。 Really entered so-called rivers and lakes / Jianghu, to learn martial arts, solved the problem with the sword and spear, the wickedness of some enemies, you want unable to think that moreover must become expert, must fight tooth and nail dozens times, a person general idea/careless did not have...... me one time is because lucky, killed many times, sneaky lived, already lives now, the matter that must be worried about were less. however you, if studied martial arts, goes...... I to be afraid compared with the present facing these evil people......” “真进了所谓的江湖、学会了武艺,用刀枪来解决问题,有些敌人的恶,你是想都想不到的,而且要成高手,得搏命几十次,一个人大意一次就没了……我是因为侥幸,杀了很多次,偷偷摸摸地活下来了,已经活到现在,要担心的事情就少一些。可是你要是学了武艺,去面对那些恶人……我会比现在更害怕……” bent/tune Longhan is listening to his speech, looks at him, the clear vision, rocking of faint, passes the moment, she depends, grasps Ning Ji gently. 曲龙珺听着他的说话,也看着他,晶莹的目光,微微的晃动,过得片刻,她靠过来,轻轻地将宁忌抱住。 Ning Ji is also hugging her, probably is holding the brittle chinaware. 宁忌也抱着她,像是抱着易碎的瓷器。 Two people are hugging under the eave, so crossed good one, bent/tune Longhan received from the flat roof the both legs, she kneels to sit the body that envies/avoid before peaceful, the double pupil is looking at him, bites the lip, finally lifts three finger. 两人在檐下抱着,如此过了好一阵,曲龙珺将双腿从露台外收了回来,她跪坐在宁忌的身前,双眸望着他,咬了咬嘴唇,最终将三根手指举起来。 Dragonet, I pledged, I will be obedient, meet anything, I escape certainly, but I do not want only to study to deceive people, even is tired, I still want to study true martial arts, I am also afraid, the fear one day, will have the time that escaped unable to escape......” “小龙,我发誓,我会听话,遇上任何事情,我一定逃跑,可我不想只学骗人,就算累,我也想学真正的武艺,我也害怕,害怕总有一天,会有逃也逃不了的时候……” cannot.” 不会的。” Ning Jirang. 宁忌嚷了一句。 But bent/tune Longhan kneels the posture that sits not to move. 但曲龙珺跪坐的姿势没有动。 Ning Ji looks at the vision to one side, silent for a long time. 宁忌将目光望向一侧,沉默了许久。 Stuffy sound said: „...... I consider.” 闷声道:“……我考虑一下。” Outside porch, rain continuously under. 廊檐外,雨一直下。 Sometimes, the wickedness of some enemies, are you wants unable to think...... 在有些时候,有些敌人的恶,是你想都想不到的…… ...... …… Nearby the academy, the article celebrates the teahouse, the rain that in the eave corner/horn lets fall seems like the curtain screen, covers space that the tea aroma overflowed. 书院附近,文庆茶楼,檐角上垂落下来的雨像是帘子,笼罩了茶香四溢的空间。 „...... 1 st that day banquet, had the effect very much, the fact showed that opening as well as your majesty consideration that the en lifted, in upper layer Aristocratic Family to Fujian place, quite had the persuasive power...... Wang Zhan, upright Yidao, at that time then already laid bare one's true feelings, in secret, said some petty people's plans in this aspect, the Chen Shuangran and other bandit of the responses, showed exactly, they were anxious, must act out of desperation......” “……初一那天的宴席,很有效果,事实证明,恩举的开放以及陛下的考虑,对福建一地中上层世家而言,颇有说服力……王占、耿一道,当时便已经表明心迹,私下里,也说出了一些鼠辈在这次局面中的打算,陈霜燃等匪人的反应,恰恰证明,他们急了,要狗急跳墙……” Li Pin the revolutions begins the tea whisk, spoke with para-position Great Confucianist. 李频一面转动手中的茶筅,一面与对位的大儒说话。 „...... officials assassination, Chief Investigator to be killed, you cannot hold the person, could say the opposite party is acts out of desperation?” “……官员遇刺、总捕被杀,你们都抓不住人,说得上对方是狗急跳墙吗?” Assassination is minor path, could not decide the general situation.” “刺杀是小道,决定不了大局。” But you cannot prevent the assassination......” “可你们连刺杀都不能阻止……” Others act out of desperation, present under the heavens, who is very difficult to prevent.” “人家狗急跳墙,如今的天下,谁都很难阻止。” Southwest.” “西南可以。” But southwest truth where? The Rwandan brother, lies in his one mind, lay in his control to the army...... said that deeply, lay in his innovation. You looked, now your majesty also puts the imperial guard......” “可西南的道理在哪里呢?卢兄,在于他的上下一心,在于他对军队的掌控……说深一点,在于他的革新。你看,如今陛下也将禁军放出来了……” Does put the disaster relief previous time, how the effect? The matter that does, has not ended now...... Brother Li, since the ancient times the soldier such as has combed, why the bandit crosses such as the truth of fire grate is, aren't you do not know?” “上一次放出来赈灾,效果如何?搞出来的事情,现在都还没有收场吧……李兄,自古以来兵过如梳,匪过如篦的道理是为什么,你不是不知道吧?” Lu brother confessed that I also confessed that these words behind, but must add on an officer to cross such as shaves. Why? Because the army could not do to live since the ancient times fine, so long as let out, injured the people, remaining people and evil people inevitably, but even officials, so long as carelessly, they to the people, were still the shortcoming outweigh the advantage slightly. Carries Wei army to relief disaster previous time, was truly taken advantage of loopholes, but Lu brother you are a sensible person, you also know, naturally was taken advantage of loopholes by bad person, that army lets out, actually already can achieve the disaster relief, but did not injure the people, was only to the instigation of bad person, dealt to contain errors that's all.” “卢兄坦白,我也坦白来说,这句话的后头,还要加上一句官过如剃。为什么?因为军队自古以来干不了精细活,只要放出去,必然伤民、残民、害民,而即便是官员,只要稍微不慎,他们对民众而言,也是弊大于利。上一次背嵬军赈灾,确实是被钻了空子,但卢兄你是明白人,你也知道,那是坏人钻空子,那支军队放出去,其实已经可以做到赈灾而不伤民了,只是对坏人的煽动,应对有误罢了。” „......, If these does deal to contain errors time? Did you hold bad person inadequately?” “……哼,若这一次还是应对有误呢?你们抓住坏人了不成?” Here, what said is the big mentality of entire matter. Your majesty wants the entire army , to reorganize officials, after previous time has an accident, the military prepares the school to attend class every day, is preparing for these things. Imperial guard after entering Fúzhou, recently had the issue of rotting, your majesty remove two directors, this your majesty made the imperial guard launch the investigation in the city time, prepared the young officials coordination in school and Imperial Court with the military, was not only your majesty assumes personal command personally, was issues orders repeatedly the strict order, not allowed to excessively harasses...... Lu brother, with your knowledge, couldn't look? This is the real innovation, this will be the hope of future under the heavens......” “我们这里,说的是整个事情的大思路。陛下想要整军、也想要整理官员,上次出事之后,武备学堂每日上课,都是在为这些事情做准备。禁军方面在进入福州之后,最近有腐坏的问题,陛下撤掉了两任指挥,这一次陛下令禁军在城内展开排查,与武备学堂以及朝廷里的年轻官员配合,不仅是陛下亲自坐镇,更是三令五申地严令,不许过度扰民……卢兄,以你的学识,看不出来吗?这才是真正的革新,这才是未来天下的希望……” „......” “……” You are Fujian Great Confucianist, his under disciple disciple are innumerable. You is a sensible person, the small scale do not have the meaning, the new way of living and new method, were open had not had the new situation since old times! So long as coordination in these armies and officials in the disaster relief or management can form the ordinary case, does not harass to harm the people able to form to continue, your majesty selected the new fire seed truly, one inadequate also has twice, twice inadequate three times, but in the final analysis, so long as accomplished, then we killed Fujian, will not have toward is disadvantageous. Your majesty is such does, soon achieved, therefore I want to invite Lu brother, comes supervision this matter well...... Lu brother, Imperial Court has not given up you, we have hoped your disciple can come, altogether becomes the great undertaking.” “你是福建大儒,其下门生弟子无数。你也是个明白人,小打小闹没有意思,新的活法、新的玩法,才是开自古未有之新局!只要这些军队、官员在赈灾或者办事中的配合能够形成常例,不扰民害民能够形成延续,陛下就真正点起了新的火种,一次不成还有两次,两次不成有三次,可归根结底,只要办到了,接下来我们杀出福建,将无往而不利。陛下就是这么做的,也快要做到了,所以我想请卢兄来看,也来好好的监督这件事情……卢兄,朝廷没有放弃过你,我们一直希望你的门生能够过来,共成大业。” „......” “……” „......” “……” Li Pin looks at opposite the old Confucian named Rwandan black silk ribbon. 李频看着对面名叫卢纶的老儒。 The Rwandan black silk ribbon drank the tea in hand, in the surface the look is fluctuating, crossed one, bang threw the bowl on the desktop. 卢纶喝着手中的茶,面上神色变幻,过了一阵,砰的一声将茶碗掷在桌面上。 Naive!” “天真!” Lu brother please say.” “卢兄请说。” Li Pin you were not clear why my Lu Lun has the view to you, my today explains! Because you are doing these petty things from beginning to end! An army and a city, are assumed by your majesty, making them not harass, is really what important matter? What is your majesty? Your majesty is an emperor! The emperor is 95 revering, is the dragon, wyvern in the day, the emperor is to keep aloof, with dignity governing, can the Commanding Officer Nine Provinces ten thousand sides......” 李频你一直不清楚我卢纶为何对你们有看法,那我今日就说得明白一些!因为你们从头到尾就在搞这些小家子气的事情!一支军队、一座城市,由陛下坐镇,让他们不扰民,真是什么大事吗?陛下是什么?陛下是天子!天子是九五之尊,是龙,正所谓飞龙在天,帝王就是要高高在上,以威严御下,方能统领九州万方……” „......” “……” However you? Bullies your majesty young, always instigates him to handle some weak things, shows before the person, to civilian Shi En, even three days ago for the little benefit, the running whereabouts dozens little family small chamber of commerce Shi En things did personally, but you were also pleased with oneself. Yes, you misled and train appropriate County Magistrate your majesty, most was mansion Monarch! Sees his person, will feel your majesty to be wise, however Li Pin, big of this under the heavens, what are many are cannot see your majesty person, your majesty does not need to make these people feel intimate, does not have the means to be intimate with them, he must make under the heavens people think that has the dignity!” “而你们呢?欺陛下年轻,总是怂恿他做些幼稚的事情,在人前作秀,向小民施恩,甚至于三天前为了一点点利益,亲自跑去向几十个小家族小商会施恩的事情都做出来了,而你们还沾沾自喜。是,你们将陛下蛊惑、培养成了一个合适的县令,最多是个府君!一些看到他的人,会觉得陛下英明,可是李频,这天下之大,多的是看不见陛下的人,陛下不需要让这些人感到亲近,也没有办法亲近他们,他要让天下人觉得有威严!” „......” “……” I look at the southwest person am true fierce, their to stir up public sentiment by false statements, making you believe the view that set of what floor reformed. Even also felt, Confucianism must change, Confucianism is great you to know anything, control under the heavens, Overlord mixed it, so long as can achieve the punishment is not possible to know , then the prestige is inobservable, your majesty why everything before, does it yourself —— “我看西南的人才是真正的厉害,他们蛊惑人心,让你们都信了那一套什么底层改革的说法。甚至还觉得,儒学也要改,儒学的伟大你们知道些什么,统御天下,王霸杂之,只要能做到刑不可知则威不可测,陛下又何必事事在前,亲力亲为—— „......” “……” also has, the army sends out, has the contradiction with the common people, your cannot process previous time well, you really think that these can level time? Set out the army, wants not to harass for the face, do your not harassing people harass your what's to be done? Li Pin you dare to call boldly me, you do not know from the start has many means to make you dirty, lose all, your unexpectedly big self-confident you......” 还有,军队出动,与百姓发生抵触,你们上一次就不能好好处理,你们真以为这一次就能摆平了?出动了军队,为了面子又要不扰民,你不扰民民来扰你你怎么办李频你敢大胆地将我叫来,你压根不知道有多少种办法能让你们灰头土脸、鸡飞蛋打,你倒是好大的自信啊你……” The opposite party scolded a paragraph, Li Pin waited for the moment, just now spoke: My unexpectedly felt, since many things are the new matters, must experience the good conclusion repeatedly.” 对方骂到一个段落,李频等了片刻,方才说话:“我倒是觉得,许多事情既然是新事,总得一遍遍地经历才好定论。” Yes, I want to take a look but actually, how you experience, I thought that you have not read pass Confucianism, you do not know, the person has wicked —— “是啊,我倒想看看,你们如何经历,我看你们没有读通儒学,你们根本不知道,人有多恶—— The dialogue in room conducted good one, Lu Lun reorganizes the clothes to leave, Li Pin delivered the opposite party to go downstairs, when returned to the teahouse, just now took the written records, will previously talk the partial information record to be clear. Writing, the servant starts to arrange the room, prepares following entertaining guests at a banquet, Luo Shouwei arrived at the vicinity, looks thing that he wrote. 房间里的对话进行了好一阵,卢纶整理衣冠离开,李频送了对方下楼,待回到茶室,方才拿起纸笔,将先前对话中的部分信息记录清楚。书写当中,下人开始进来重新布置房间,准备接下来的宴客,罗守薇到了近处,看了一阵他写的东西。 Surnamed Lu looks like very discontented, could not win over, you must report Imperial Court......” “姓卢的看来很是不满,拉拢不了,你要不要上报朝廷……” „......” Li Pin faint stops the pen, thought the moment, can scold directly, perhaps is only discontented nothing more, really decides to do against, is...... in the final analysis, must look at the training of Imperial Court half a word words will not scold, can smooth......” “……”李频微微停笔,想了片刻,“能直接骂出来的,或许就只是不满而已,真下了决心要对着干的,是半句话都不会骂的……归根结底,还是要看朝廷的这次练兵,能不能顺利……” He said also right, the enemy is dark I to be bright, must add to the chaos to would many means.” “那他说的也对,敌暗我明,要添乱总会有很多办法。” So long as does not make the chaos that cannot suppress, even if we win...... that side the experience according to southwest, if the military prepares the military officer's in school the restraint and speech to the soldier is useful, the such army, on the battlefield can hit...... us no longer to fear Jurchen people on already.” “只要不闹出压不住的大乱,就算我们赢……按照西南那边的经验,如果武备学堂的武官对军人的约束和说话有用,这样的军队,上了战场就已经很能打了……我们不再怕女真人。” The drizzle rustle, later, in the teahouse is the new round note. 细雨沙沙,之后,茶楼之中又是新一轮的照会。 Cherishes in cloud Fang the courtyard, bent/tune Longhan exhibits the stance, as rather the death anniversary starts the learn fist, this guidance, compared with it previous several times , was also severer. 怀云坊的院子里,曲龙珺摆开架势,随着宁忌开始习拳,这一次的教导,比之先前的数次,又更加严厉了一些。 The similar time, Yue clouds in street races of official in charge of receiving guests district...... 同样的时刻,岳云在候官县的街头奔行…… The imperial guard trace scatters to the entire city, service in patrolling city starts to go to the street to play the gong, will go out to the people reminder tomorrow needs takes the proof status the article official document, because of running amuck of bandit, in the city already starts to conduct large-scale screening, reminded the people not to need to be flustered, as well as met the issue to accompanying the armed forces officials appeal simple...... 禁军的痕迹撒向整座城市,巡城的役员开始走上街头敲锣,向众人提醒明日出门需得带上证明身份的文牒,因为匪人的横行,城内已经开始进行大规模的筛查,同时也提醒着众人不必慌张,以及遇上问题向随军官员申诉的简单事宜…… Purposely takes certain actions so as to warn others already to start to present the result, several city gate places had the phenomenon of Brigands people scale departure, but arrived here soldier not to stop. 敲山震虎已经开始出现成效,几座城门处都出现了绿林人大规模离开的现象,但来到这里的军人也并未进行阻拦。 The real work and test, in tomorrow's early morning, will officially launch. 真正的工作与考验,会在明天的清晨,正式展开。 This was the Imperial Court preinstall good plan. 这是朝廷预设好了的计划。 However, at dusk, an accident/surprise, then two months ago the bell two official in charge of receiving guests district that expensive/noble die of punishment on a false charge, happened quietly...... 然而,傍晚时分,一场意外,便在两个月前钟二贵冤死的候官县,悄然发生了…… The article celebrates in the teahouse, when outside Luo Shouwei receives the report, when informs him, outside sky already is somewhat black, when Li Pin hears the matter, faint hesitated the moment, on the whole piece face cannot appear the appropriate expression. 文庆茶楼里,当罗守薇接到外头的报告,过来通知他时,外头的天色已经有些黑,李频听到发生的事情时,微微的迟疑了片刻,整张脸上都没能显出合适的表情。 The Crown Princess mansion, Yue Yinping after Zhou Pei reported that is riding a horse to run out of the front door, has transferred the front street, seeing the front crowd are many, she from gets down immediately, rushes toward the front with the both feet directly, is throwing over the form of rain clothes in the trace that on the evening street runs out of howls. 长公主府,岳银瓶在向周佩报告之后,骑着马冲出了大门,转过前方一条街,见前头人群较多,她从马上下来,径直用双脚朝前方奔去,披着蓑衣的身影在傍晚的街道上冲出呼啸的痕迹。 At some time ago, matter happening in official in charge of receiving guests district, unusual simple. 就在不久前,发生在候官县的事情,也非常简单 At noon shortly, because large-scale sending out of imperial guard, many snake mouse in city was alarmed, had various strange movements, but Yue clouds that obtained the information, two months ago, possibly falsely accuses one of the bell two expensive/noble chief instigators in the official in charge of receiving guests district, a nickname person mouse the given name section stand Brigands person received the wind sound/rumor, could run. 中午过后不久,由于禁军的大规模出动,城内的不少蛇鼠都被惊动,有了各种奇奇怪怪的动作,而岳云得到了信息,两个月前,可能是在候官县诬陷钟二贵的主谋之一,一位外号“人鼠”大名章立的绿林人接到了风声,可能要跑。 Yue cloud goes to the official in charge of receiving guests district immediately, found section stand who is just about to leave in the street. 岳云当即去往候官县,在街头找到了正要离开的章立。 The opposite party progress to dash about wildly, Yue cloud Jinzhui comes up, when passing through a street corner, sees the roadside to have several steed panicked and disorderlies, he also snatched one conveniently, pursues proceeds. 对方策马狂奔,岳云紧追上去,在经过一处街道转角时,见路边正有几匹骏马惊乱,他也顺手抢了一匹,追赶往前。 After more than half streets, the pitiful yell sound appears on the street, soon after is falling to the ground and person's of steed tumbling in muddy water, Yue clouds that wrecked several stalls of street, pounds ruthlessly in the corner of street. 冲过半条街道后,惨叫声出现在街道上,随后是骏马的倒地与人在泥水中的翻滚,岳云冲倒了街边的几个小摊,狠狠地砸在街边的墙角上。 He has not been injured, after crawling, the vision looks at the rearward, gawked gawked. soon after, charges into on the path to be hit the form that the limbs twists by the steed. 他并没有受伤,爬起来后,目光望向后方,愣了一愣。随后,冲向道路上一名被骏马撞得肢体扭曲的身影。 naturally suddenly appears in the speeding horse front little miss, the age probably is the 5 or 6-year-old appearance, in rain that continues to have, she twitches in the muddy water on path, wipes dark red, already infiltrates gradually from the corners of the mouth, changes to the greenish gray on the street only wipes the red. 那是一名突然出现在奔马前方的小姑娘,年纪大概是五六岁的样子,持续降下的雨中,她在道路上的泥水里抽动,一抹殷红,已经从嘴角渐渐地渗出来,化作青灰的街道上唯一的一抹红色。 Yue clouds that before the body of opposite party, stared in a big way the eye...... 岳云在对方的身前,瞪大了眼睛…… ...... …… The dark gray curtain of rain covers the city, the ancient city is just about to shine the lights. 灰黑的雨幕笼罩城池,古老的城池正要亮起灯火。 No one notices, from Yue clouds that above the houses in not far away, Chen Shuangran, Mr. gold/metal and Chen Yan, Deng Nian and the others are waiting and seeing on the long street here the development of situation, some people of facial expressions self-satisfied, some people of looks indifferently, the young girl of black skin is covering mouth, giggle smiled. 没有人注意到的、距离岳云不远处的一处房舍上方,陈霜燃、金先生、陈盐、邓年等人正在这里观望着长街上事态的发展,有人神情得意、有人神色漠然,黑皮的少女捂着嘴,咯咯地笑了起来。 The front of street is section stand who progresses to gallop ; The rear corner, is dragging several horses peddler ; But in the lane of street center-section, was clouds Monk in swallowing that nearby others seized the girl conveniently some time ago. Three people that was arranged, at this moment, in silent leave the line of sight of people. 街道的前方是策马奔腾的章立;后方的街角,是拖着几匹马的“贩子”;而在街道中段的巷子里的,是不久前在附近的人家顺手掳来女孩的吞云和尚。被安排好的三人,这一刻,都在无声地离开众人的视线。 Cluck-cluck...... cluck-cluck......” “咯咯咯咯……咯咯咯咯……” Chen Shuangran can smile heart to heart, her words are low and deep, only then nearby several people can hear. 陈霜燃笑得开心心,她的话语低沉,只有身边的几个人能够听到。 Gentleman weak Israel, the straight person...... may smear dirty to...... Yue clouds that is Yue Fei's only child, compelled him insanely, tried him, however was really better much things...... I to have a look, that usually straightforward selfless mountain General, then...... can what's to be done...... Hahaha...... Hahahaha......” “君子可欺之以方,直人……可污之以脏……岳云是岳飞唯一的孩子,把他逼疯了,比弄死他,可是好得多的事情……我真想看看,那位素来耿直无私的岳将军,接下来……能怎么办……哈哈哈……哈哈哈哈……” This time framing by planting stolen goods on, is smooth. 这一次的栽赃,又是顺利的。 Sometimes, the wickedness of some enemies, are you wants unable to think...... 在有些时候,有些敌人的恶,是你想都想不到的……
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