LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1248 Part 1: Is puzzled (Last Part)

„...... I saw,...... you , stole and looked a moment ago......” “……我看到了,刚才……你、在、偷、看……” Humid, the pale yellow lights only illuminate in the shop some places, the solid stuff of fish and seaweed pile chock full on the worn-out rim, table, the shadow of person climbs up the wall, becomes in the night huge. 天气闷热,昏黄的灯火只照亮店内些许的地方,鱼与海藻的干货在破旧的框子里、桌子上堆得满满当当,人的阴影爬上墙壁,在黑夜中变得巨大。 The youngster hand that comes from outside took the sepia to do, struck nearby desktop, he is looking at the fish king, the words were bad. Behind the shop, then has the darkness form to shove open the stool, stood. 从外头进来的少年手上拿着墨鱼干,敲打了一旁的桌面,他望着鱼王,话语不善。店铺后方,便有黑暗的身影推开凳子,站了起来。 Does not know what the little elder brother said is what, what in the shop must take a break...... had to buy?” “不知道小哥说的是什么,店里要打烊了……有什么要买的吗?” As the local local bully, the figure of fish king is not very big, but the skeleton is wide, although at present already gets old, the right eye scabs that but the capable face as well as were divided together by the slash can still to see his rather complicated. Perhaps previously official investigator came several rounds reasons, although behind the shop form got up, but has not encircled immediately toward here. 作为本地的地头蛇,鱼王的身形不算特别高大,但骨架宽,眼下虽然已经上了年纪,但精干的面孔以及被一道刀痕劈下的右眼伤疤仍旧能够让人看出他的不简单。或许是先前捕快来了几轮的缘故,店铺后方的身影虽然起来了,但并没有立刻就朝这里围上来。 One basket of fishing bang fell the ground, later was crash-bang one pile of fish does, before entering the youngster in shop to shove open, on the square table was suspending the cargo conveniently, soon after puts out a hand toward fish king chose/point. 一筐渔货砰的一声掉到了地上,之后又是哗啦啦的一堆鱼干,进店的少年顺手推开了前方桌上摆着的货物,随后伸手朝鱼王点了点。 I heard that the local gang has mentioned you.” He said, said here has anything to come, the gefilte fish, is the fish...... surnamed Gao, he said that here turns over to you to manage. Did not acknowledge that is also useless, you, peep in the building.” “我听说本地帮会说起过你。”他道,“说这里有个什么来着,鱼丸,还是鱼……姓高的,他说这里归你管。不承认也没有用,你,在楼上偷看。” The fire in oil lamp calmly burns, fish king stands there, rare has not lost one's temper, does not have any response, but saw with own eyes that the fishing in shop was pushed on the ground, some rear already people come, bridge over fish king nearby, is away from the table to put out a hand to grasp. 油灯里的火静静地燃烧,鱼王站在那里,罕见的没有动怒、没有什么反应,但眼见店里的渔货被推在地上,后方已经有人过来,跨过鱼王身边,隔着桌子伸手一抓。 Your young hooligan knows this......” “你个小泼皮知道这……” The words have not shouted, he stretched out hand seems like attracted by the front, in the dim light of night, saw only that more than hundred jin (0.5 kg) body to fly in in the air, next quarter then bang, the whole person reversed, the straight inserting gate exhibited the cargo in the cabinet. Bean lights swing fiercely, the person's shadow also runs back and forth in confusion in the shop, the body of youngster looks like has not moved generally, as before to the front fish king, behind can hear the sound of weapon, several people of strategic places will then come, was blocked by the fish king cross arm. 话还没有喊完,他伸出的手就像是被前方吸了过去,夜色中,只见那百余斤的身体飞起在空中,下一刻便轰的一声,整个人倒转过来,直嵌入门边陈列货物的柜子里。豆点般的灯火剧烈摆动,人影也在店内乱晃,少年的身体就像是没有动过一般,依旧对着前方的鱼王,后头能听到兵器的声音,几人便要冲将过来,被鱼王横臂挡住了。 „.” “一个。” Rear area youngster finger referred to the person in being embed tattered shelf, later turns around, the chest of fish king. 少年的手指了指后方嵌进破烂货架里的人,之后转过来,点点鱼王的胸口。 Two.” “两个。” Shifts to other forms in shop again slowly. 再缓缓转向店内的其他身影。 Three and four...... five six...... also has?” “三个、四个……五个六个……还有没有?” The youngster pull out a stool, before being shoved open the fishing table sits down, looks at opposite people. 少年抽起一张凳子,在被推开了渔货的桌前坐下,看着对面的众人。 Is the native...... has the family member? Wife and kid...... good friend? Said to look how many people I must kill tonight, is to cut weeds and eliminate the roots?” “是本地人……有没有家人?老婆孩子……好朋友?说说看,我今晚要杀多少人,才算斩草除根?” The rear some people roared: Your his mother's actually is —— 后方有人吼了起来:“你他娘的到底—— Shuts up —— “闭嘴—— Fish king Dasheng drank to stop the rear hot-head(ed) spoken language, he inspires: This Little Brother, Gao has not annoyed you......” 鱼王大声喝止了后方的鲁莽言语,他吸了口气:“这位小兄弟,高某并没有惹过你……” Especially despicable, added that has not peeped.” The youngster coldly smiled, „an idiot surnamed Ni looks for a job, ship that you prepare, what rowing a boat is your person, peeps in the building is also you, now you saw the thing......” “特么的下贱,还说没有偷看。”少年冷冷地笑了笑,“一个姓倪的蠢货过来找事,你准备的船,划船的是你的人,在楼上偷看的也是你,现在你看到好东西了……” Fish king hesitant: „The friend between Brigands encroaches upon, Gao also according to custom and being accommodating, as for seeing anything......” 鱼王犹豫一下:“绿林间的朋友过来借道,高某人也只是照规矩、行个方便,至于看到什么事……” However sits in the table opposite youngster has not paid attention to his speech, in his hand takes the sepia to do strikes bored, soon after bang a fist, broke nearby cabinet solid log rim, in the lamplight, the fishing changes to the dark landslide to fall. 然而坐在桌对面的少年没有理会他的说话,他手上拿着墨鱼干无聊地敲打,随后砰的一拳,打断了旁边一个货柜坚实的原木框子,灯影之中,渔货化作黑暗的塌方掉落。 Especially the cheap person...... said comes to see the way of the world, ran up to Jiangnan, hit to kill everywhere, the appearance of courting death made the labor disgusting, speaks of what Fúzhou to have a look at the scenery to set up a stall, makes good person, two, endless, what Zhan Yunhai, what Yue clouds, every other day hit, you helped the range chicken earthenware dog, but also said daily must achieve the great accomplishment, made your mother's death head well......, now is odder, your anything Ni breaks, killed Ministry of Justice Chief Investigator, to the person dai Chinese zither is not good, but also dares to run to cause trouble, why, to give the labor. good people that presents Duke law-abiding annoys the bureaucratic airs, your group of Fúzhou men, tired of living......” “特么的贱人……说出来看看世道,跑到江南,到处打来杀去,找死的样子让劳资恶心,说到了什么福州看看风景摆个摊子,做个好人,一个两个的,没完没了,什么詹云海、什么岳云,三天两头打来打去,你们一帮土鸡瓦狗,还天天说要做大事,做你娘的死人头……好吧,现在更离谱了,你们什么倪破,才杀了个刑部总捕,给人嘚瑟的不行了,还敢跑来闹事,干嘛,给劳资一个奉公守法良民惹官气,你们这帮福州佬,活腻了……” His words were verbose, vicious tendencies ominous seemed like must overflow, speaking of final several, looked at the fish king: „......, Said especially.” 他的话语絮絮叨叨,戾气凶的像是要溢出来,说到最后几句,才又望定了鱼王:“……特么的,说吧。” What said......?” “说……什么?” Said why Ni breaks must look!” Racket of youngster palm on toward the table, stood, said! You are one group of what things, tired of living dares to annoy me! Why he looks for me!” “说倪破为什么要找过来!”少年的手掌往桌子上一拍,站了起来,“说!你们都是一帮什么东西,活腻了敢来惹我!他为什么来找我!” The sound of sound of angry roaring humming sound in the room, almost on outside street, can hear faintly. Fish king stands there, sinking sound said: We encroach upon, what said was rivers and lakes / Jianghu morality and justice, why must annoy brothers as for that Ni breaks, I was really not clear —— 怒吼之声在房间里嗡嗡的响,几乎在外头的街道上,都能隐隐听闻。鱼王站在那儿,沉声道:“我们只是借道,讲的是江湖道义,至于那倪破为何要去惹到兄弟这边,我着实是不清楚—— He felt that must lose control to act crazy to the convenience, words saying also urgently, but is maintaining some neither arrogant nor servile impressions with all might and main. However the words just fell, youngster already approaches, is a fierce palm of the hand wielded, does including on sepia together, beats on his face, in fish king brain is almost buzz a sound, he has not wanted to hit back, first wields toward side the hand. 他感到对方便要失控发飙,话语说得也急,只是竭尽全力地维持着些许不卑不亢的印象。然而话语才刚刚落下,少年已经走近,已是猛的一巴掌挥了过来,连同手上的墨鱼干,打烂在他脸上,鱼王脑中几乎是嗡的一响,他没想要还手,第一时间将手往旁边挥。 However nothing more after evening. 而已经晚了。 Some body side people drink fiercely greatly: My grass you......” 身侧有人猛地大喝出来:“我草你……” Follows in his nearby, and can call at this moment, many are in the fish market the hostile aggressive man, and has not participated in tonight's peeping, the doggedly sincere, does not want to be insulted. At this moment, a thin person who grasps the water diversion to puncture first then supports the table board to jump, the rear man brandishes a blade the anger to cut. 跟在他身边、且能在此刻叫过来的,也多是鱼市上好勇斗狠的汉子,兼且没有参与今晚的偷窥,一腔热血,是绝不想受辱的。这一刻,一名手持分水刺的瘦子首先便撑住桌板要跳跃过来,后方一名汉子挥刀怒斩。 Thin person body also in in the air, a fist already bang on his chest, making on his whole person exude the ripple, the body in in the air almost stopped flickering. In his side, to the man steel knife chops to cut , the next quarter, the water diversion on thin person hand punctures by high raising, brushes a thorn that to fall from the long blade handshake place of that holding the blade man, the point that the water diversion punctures pierced the palm of holding the blade man, soon after pricked that thin person to support in the table downward the hand back, bang across the entire thick table board, two people at the same time nail on desktop. 瘦子身体还在空中,一只拳头已经轰在了他的胸口上,令他整个人身上都泛起了波纹,身体在空中几乎是停止了一瞬。在他身旁,冲来的汉子钢刀劈斩而下,下一刻,瘦子手上的分水刺被高高的扬起,从那持刀汉子的长刀握手处刷的一下刺落,分水刺的锋芒刺穿了持刀汉子的一只手掌,随后往下刺入那瘦子撑住桌上的手背,轰的一声穿过整块厚桌板,将两人同时钉在了桌面上。 Near the gate of shop, was previously pounded into the middle of shelf that person to struggle to crawl, wants to escape toward the entrance ; Front, the body of thin person pounds to fall on the table, an holding the blade hand was pierced, the upper part plunges the front, in his hand the long chopper was brought by that youngster criminal in the past, sees only him to kick to was broken open behind the cabinet, in the hand the steel knife howls to dance in circles, in arriving in the instance of upper air, on two people according to table, the anger chops under. 店铺的门边,先前被砸入货架当中的那人挣扎着爬起来,想要朝门口逃跑;前方,瘦子的身体在桌上砸落,持刀者一只手被刺穿,上半身扑向前方,他手中长长的砍刀被那少年凶徒带了过去,只见他一脚踢向身后被砸开了的货柜,手中钢刀呼啸旋舞,就在抵达高空的瞬间,照着桌上的两人,怒劈而下。 Does not hit —— not to hit —— “不打——不打—— The sound that the fish king shouts stirs in the room, the shutter that the shop entrance, last has not sealed at this moment stops up by the disorderly cabinet and fishing, stopped up entrance that person of route that wants to escape, some fishing crash-bang fall toward outside the shop street on. 鱼王嘶吼的声音在房间里鼓荡,店铺门口,最后一块尚未封上的门板此刻被杂乱的柜子与渔货堵住,也堵住了门口那人想要逃跑的路线,一些渔货哗啦啦的往店铺外头的街上掉。 Deng Nian who the head of long street, is watching this fishing shop sound from afar, saw vibration in that the departed cabinet camouflaged not the bright ray, the roar of fish king shouted oneself hoarse, sounded, there seemed like performing a exterminating an entire family massacre simply. 长街的一头,正远远看着这处渔货铺动静的邓年,也看到了那门上的震动,飞出的柜子遮蔽了本就不亮的光芒,鱼王的吼声声嘶力竭,听起来,那里头简直就像是在上演一场灭门惨案。 such ominous...... 这么凶的吗…… When his in the heart floating off youngster kills Ni breaks renouncing, however at that time not seen secretly thought/passage, at present at this moment, official investigator has patrolled the shop of fish king, the youngster dares in others home, to perform this unexpectedly directly. 他的心中浮起少年打杀倪破时的决绝,然而那时候是没被看见的暗道,眼下这一刻,捕快才巡过鱼王的店铺,少年居然就敢在别人家里,直接上演这一幕。 If walks near, inside sound he can see clearly, hears is also clearer, but considering that the opposite party martial arts are most sincere detected keenly, Deng Nian who brings has not proceeded again, but hides in the corner, is about to leave at any time. 如果走得近些,里头的动静他能够看得更清楚、听得也清晰些,但考虑到对方“武道至诚”带来的敏锐察觉,邓年并没有再往前走,只是躲在街角,随时准备离开。 The enemies commit murder are seen, has turned the head to come exterminating an entire family, if discovered that exterminating an entire family was seen again, he cannot imagine actually to have anything...... 对方行凶被看到,转过头就要来灭门,倘若发现灭门再一次被看到,他都不太能想象到底会发生什么…… ...... …… In the solid stuff shop, the lamplight on wall rocks fiercely, suddenly several want to extinguish. 干货铺里,墙上的灯影剧烈晃动,一时间几欲熄灭。 But has not destroyed completely eventually. 但终究没有灭掉。 The small lights are shining tenaciously, making in the room not fall into the thorough darkness, the fish king waves in shouting, this moment already blocked the rear other two. But on the front wooden table, two forms was put on the palm by the water diversion barbed nail, the repeat there. 小小的灯火顽强地亮着,令得房间里没有陷入彻底的黑暗,鱼王在呼喊间挥手,此刻已经挡住了后方的其余两人。而在前方的木桌上,两道身影被分水刺钉穿手掌,迭在了那里。 They have not shouted propaganda. 他们没有喊话。 Howling long blade already fell layer on layer/heavily, it cuts on the neck of that holding the blade man, the blade edge has broken open the skin on neck, some entered the meat, this stops. But in the front, youngster both hands is grasping that steel knife steadily, he grasps the imposing manner of blade to be entirely different from the man who previously this holding a blade, but the atmosphere the ominous offense, the bloody feeling spreads toward the surroundings recklessly. 呼啸的长刀已经重重地落了下来,它砍在那持刀汉子的脖子上,刀锋已然破开脖子上的皮肤,些许的入了肉,这才停下。而在前方,少年双手稳稳地握着那柄钢刀,他握刀的气势与先前这持刀的汉子截然不同,大气而凶戾,血腥的感觉朝周围肆意蔓延。 The palm was sewn the man on table urinates the pants, because of just now that flash, only needs blade edge carefree falling, at present his head already thoroughly separates with the neck, blade light that even cuts, will also be sewn the thin person on table also affects. 手掌被钉在桌上的汉子尿了裤子,因为方才那一刹那,只需要刀锋畅畅快快的落下,眼下他的头已经彻底跟脖子分离开,甚至于斩下的刀光,还会将被钉在桌上的瘦子也波及进去。 Does not hit —— “不打—— The fish king shouts, from beginning to end, he wants to make the opposite party know with all might and main: We do not hit. 鱼王嘶吼,从头到尾,他只是竭尽全力地想让对方知道:我们不打。 Perhaps is also therefore, opposite party that beheading blade, does not have thorough wielding to fall. 或许也是因此,对方那一记断头刀,才没有彻底的挥落。 By turning static moment, in the room peaceful a while, the vision of youngster shifted to nearby oil lamp slowly, his soon after looks to the fish king. 由动转静的片刻,房间里安静了一会儿,少年的目光才缓缓转向旁边的油灯,他随后望向鱼王。 Knows, a moment ago that fire, if extinguishes...... you are dies now.” “知不知道,刚才那一下,火要是灭了……现在你们都是死的。” The fish king nods. 鱼王点头。 soon after, selected two. 随后,又点了两下。 At night in the such environment, both sides play out, once the lights are put out, perhaps regardless of the skill height, will slaughter at the same time full power, was on the wall that tenacious oil lamp saved they six people of lives. 夜晚这样的环境中,双方剑拔弩张,一旦灯火熄灭,那不论身手高低,恐怕都会在同一时间全力厮杀,是墙上那顽强的油灯救了他们六人的性命。 „...... Said.” “……说啊。” I......” fish king Tun saliva, is...... should and should be Chen Shuangran...... yesterday at night, should be previously follows a Chen Family water bandit, is called the list...... the single alley, suddenly comes to look for me, making my these days give to arrange a ship momentarily, waits to aid the person to leave, he...... he gave money, I work, is always the such office, but cannot think that they come today, but...... should be Chen Shuangran...... certainly is Chen Shuangran......” “我……”鱼王吞了一口口水,“是……应该、应该是陈霜燃……昨日夜间,早先应该是跟着陈家的一个水匪,叫做单……单小路的,突然过来找我,让我这几日随时给安排一条船,等着接应人离开,他……他给了钱,我做事,一向是这么办的,只是想不到他们今天就来了,但……应该是陈霜燃……一定是陈霜燃……” Naturally is Chen Shuangran.” The youngster stretch out the tongue, licked licking on the lip, in city kills the officer to revolt, just made Chief Investigator, how possibly isn't Chen Shuangran? But why does she look for me? little does tall, you deceive me? Said that point(s) me not to know.” “当然是陈霜燃。”少年伸出舌头,在嘴唇上舔了舔,“城里杀官造反,刚刚做了一个总捕,怎么可能不是陈霜燃?但她为什么找我?小高,你糊弄我?说点我不知道的。” I......” the opposite party felt embarrassed good one, Little Brother, why he...... his Ni breaks comes to look for you suddenly, I...... I am not clear. You said that...... these things, they are impossible to tell me. But brothers...... arranged the ship, naturally must arrive in the building, has a look to have an accident, but this matter, everyone rivers and lakes / Jianghu hand and foot...... Gao always is also rotten in the oneself belly......” “我……”对方为难了好一阵,“小兄弟,他……他这个倪破为什么突然过来找你,我……我也不清楚啊。你说……这些事情,他们也不可能告诉我。而兄弟这边……安排了船,自然要到楼上,看看出了什么事,可这个事情,大家江湖手足……高某一向也都是烂在自己肚子里的……” Said! Point! I! No! Knowledge! Said! —— “说!点!我!不!知!道!的—— In the youngster mouth the roar resounds, in the hand a steel knife revolution, the next quarter, in the room only listens to bang a sound to get up, the palm was sewn on the thin person face on table is wielded one fiercely, the time mouthful is the blood, two teeth were struck to fly from the mouth. 少年口中吼声响起,手中钢刀一转,下一刻,房间里只听砰的一声响起来,手掌被钉在桌上的瘦子脸上被猛地挥了一记,顿时间满嘴是血,两颗牙齿从口中被打飞出来。 Frigid cry reverberation. 惨烈的叫声回荡。 The fish king clenched the teeth, raised the hand: Has the means that to have the means......” 鱼王咬紧牙关,举起了手:“有办法、有办法……” What Ah? “什么啊? Gao...... Gao previously had old with Ministry of Justice yamen Police Chief, hit several to tie hatred in secret, Ni breaks has killed Song Xiaoming, Chen Shuangran sold a big favor to me, she does the matter in the city now, can want me surely, Gao in aquatic had the face...... some faces, matter was noisy, this friendship will certainly make contact with again, when the time comes I can ask, I helped certainly you inquire —— full power “高某……高某先前与刑部衙门捕头有旧,私下里打过几回结过梁子,倪破杀宋小明,陈霜燃卖了一个大人情给我,她如今在城内搞事情,必定会要我还,高某在水上有面子……有些面子,事情闹大,这交情一定会再搭上,到时候我可以问,我一定全力帮你打听—— Protracted time, do you shake select me?” “拖延时间,你晃点我?” Gao takes an oath —— to take an oath —— by the ancestor by the life “高某以性命起誓——以祖宗起誓—— Ning Ji the vision fastens him for a very long time, soon after looked over a wide area to look in all directions, has looked in this moment room or wails or the frightened several people of facial expressions. If finds the person to torture, should be able to ask that something come, but at present, his actually is unable to distinguish are more. 宁忌的目光久久地钉住他,随后又游目四顾,看过了此刻房间里或是哀嚎或是恐惧的几人的神情。若是找人来严刑拷打,应该能问出一些事情来,但眼下,他倒也无法分辨更多了。 Also stared at the moment, he puts on the steel knife the table, moves in the stool, sits down. Later also brings sepia together to do, in hand being swindled fan fan. 又盯了片刻,他将钢刀放到桌子上,搬来凳子,坐下。之后又拿来一块墨鱼干,在手上当扇子扇。 Doesn't matter.” He strikes on the desktop finger, at heart fishily when lies, dragging,...... to kill people cannot kill. The gefilte fish and fish...... is fish what coming?” “没有关系。”他将手指在桌面上敲打,“说谎、拖延、心里有鬼……杀人什么时候不能杀呢。鱼丸、鱼……鱼什么来着?” Few heroes said are anything, is anything......” “少侠说是什么,就是什么……” Um, you are here local bully......” ,你是这里的地头蛇……” Gao does not dare......” “高某不敢……” You special......” “你特么……” Yes.” “是的。” Um, you are here local bully...... in other words, having a wide circle of acquaintances, the person of all sorts of people, should know.” ,你是这里的地头蛇……那就是说,交游广阔,三教九流的人,应该都认识。” „...... Truly knows some.” “……确实认识一些。” That today, brothers I meet a such matter, Chen Shuangran this small XX must do me. You looked, I am very innocent, I arrived at Fúzhou, whom without looking for annoys anyone, I do not want to kill, does not want the matter to be all right must kill people entire family, I am very temperate, but two, how did not know, wanted to cope with me. I found them, was them, isn't excessive?” “那今天,兄弟我就遇上了这么一个事情,陈霜燃这个小XX要搞我。你看,我很无辜的,我到了福州,没有找谁惹谁,我不想打打杀杀,也不想有事没事就要去杀人全家,我很温和,但是一个两个的,不知道怎么了,就想要对付我。那我找到他们,做了他们,不过分吧?” Really is...... the inherent connotation.” “实在是……应有之义。” You said right.” Ning Ji nods, soon after stretches out finger, that just right, you are a local bully, you help me inquire, find the person, why no matter makes clear Ni breaks to come me, found Chen Shuangran, Ok.” “你说得对。”宁忌点了点头,随后伸出手指,“那正好,你是地头蛇,你帮我去打听、去找人,不管是搞清楚倪破为什么要来动我,还是找到陈霜燃,都可以。” brothers certain......” 兄弟一定……” Gives you...... two days of time.” Rather the death anniversary stretches out three finger, soon after breaks off one, tomorrow will inquire, will have the result, will tell me, or to the day after tomorrow, I asked your one time again. If will not have the news to give me the day after tomorrow...... that is you do not want to make contribution. You is a native, perhaps will have the family member, the also has child, to have the friend...... they dead, your six will, be...... is fair?” “给你……两天时间。”宁忌伸出三根手指,随后又掰回一根,“明天打听到,有结果,就来告诉我,或者到了后天,我再来问你一次。如果后天还是没有消息给我……那就是你们根本不想尽力。你是本地人,有家人、说不定还有孩子、有朋友……他们都会死的,你们六个,都是……公不公平?” „......” The complexion of people changes, nobody speech. “……”众人的脸色微变,无人说话。 Rather envied to stand slowly: Naturally, if this matter, you can help me handle, later in this, you can be said as me simultaneous/uniform Tianxiao the Saint Sun Wukong covering, in the future, offended anyone again, I pledged that helps you make a move one time. I thought that you should treasure this opportunity.” 宁忌缓缓地站了起来:“当然,如果这件事,你们能帮我办好了,以后在这一块,你们可以说是我‘齐天小圣’孙悟空罩的,再往后,得罪了什么人,我承诺帮你们出手一次。我觉得你们应该珍惜这个机会。” One...... certain.” Fish king stands, soon after also said: Certainly.” “一……一定。”鱼王站了起来,随后又道:“一定。” Ning Ji looks at his one eyes, walked toward the entrance. 宁忌看他一眼,朝门口走了过去。 Place already that because opens wide was blocked by the cabinet, he will raise legs a foot the side two shutters to kick to break to pieces, walked. 由于敞开的地方已经被柜子挡住,他抬腿一脚将旁边的两块门板踢碎了,走了出去。 The distant place of street, Deng Nian turned around leaves. 街道的远处,邓年转身离开。 Farther point place, two official investigator noticed here sound, walked. 更远一点的地方,也有两名捕快注意到了这边的动静,走了过来。 The destruction that a person looks at fish Wangdian Shop, directs, another person looks at Ning Ji, was the look erratically talked with the companion surprisedly several, quite suspected that this was Fangqian and Ni breaks fires off Sun Wukong who then disappeared. 一人看着鱼王店铺的破坏,指指点点,另一人看着走来的宁忌,也是神色惊疑不定地与同伴交谈了几句,颇为怀疑这便是坊前与倪破打完了架便不见了的孙悟空。 As can with martial arts (social) circles expert that Ni breaks meets as an equal, the opposite party vanish long such some time, then the complexion comes out from in the shop of fish king bad, this middle possibility, was quite then thought-provoking. 作为能与倪破分庭抗礼的武林高手,对方消失这么长一段时间,然后面色不善地从鱼王的铺子里出来,这中间的可能性,便颇为耐人寻味了。 both sides welcomed mutually. 双方相互迎了上来。 Ning Ji first opens the mouth: Offical mission attendant Big Brother, some behind that shop people fight.” 宁忌首先开口:“官差大哥,后面那个铺子有人打架。” Was called Big Brother, two offical mission attendant faint somewhat gawked, one of them pondered: Oh, the shop of naturally fish king......” 被叫大哥,两名官差微微有些愣了,其中一人想了想:“,那是鱼王的铺子……” Heard that is your here organized crime.” “听说是你们这里的黑社会。” „...... Ah? “……啊? Is bad person, local bully, hooligan, maggot......” “就是坏人、地头蛇、流氓、蛆虫……” Right.” “没错。” That should be eats black black, did you look in the past?” “那应该是黑吃黑,你们过去看吗?” Ate black black on...... is casual they......” official investigator to make contact with the words difficultly, soon after said, may I ask this little elder brother, but was Elder Brother Sun Wukong who Sun little before the night market set up a stall?” “黑吃黑就……随便他们了……”捕快艰难地把话搭上,随后道,“敢问这位小哥,可就是夜市前头摆摊的孙悟空孙小哥吗?” Um, is I.” ,是我啊。” Sun Xiaoge previously slaughtered with that criminal Ni breaks......” “孙小哥先前与那凶徒倪破厮杀……” Right, I am a victim.” The opposite party cannot speak, rather envied already to embrace his shoulder, „did you catch that bastard?” “没错,我就是苦主。”对方没能说完话,宁忌已经揽住了他的肩膀,“你们抓到那个混蛋了吗?” Uh...... Ah? ……啊? Hadn't held the person? Ah… why you eat...” “还没抓住人?你们干什么吃的啊……” In downtown lights gloomy some, because evening's already starts the curfew, at this time, pedestrian also already reduced. Ning Ji returns to bridge Fangqian with two official investigator, having a look at bent/tune Longhan not to create obstacles, visits all around again, on in the heart has own calculations. 街市上灯火暗淡了些许,由于晚上已经开始宵禁,这个时候,行人也已经减少了许多。宁忌与两名捕快回到银桥坊前市,看看曲龙珺并未被刁难,再望望四周,也就心中有数
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