LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1246 Part 2: Shadow (Last Part)

Chen Shuangran pressed frowning: This...... truly is I have not thought...... Ni breaks skill......” 陈霜燃蹙了蹙眉:“这……确实是我没想过的……倪破的身手……” martial arts of this youngster is very strong, moreover...... must be long tradition of family learning......” nearby window, follows the middle-aged man who Chen Shuangran is coming up to open the mouth. “这少年的武艺很强,而且……应当是家学渊源……”窗口一旁,跟随着陈霜燃上来的中年男人开了口。 Chen Shuangran as if quite respects about him, at this time said: Where way can mister see is?” 陈霜燃对他似乎颇为尊重,此时道:“先生能看出是哪里的路数吗?” „After not being able to look at...... Jing Ping, south the northern fist passes on, various factions blend, this person of rack is stern, inner strength in his age, can be called especially mixes great...... perhaps only then a few martial arts (social) circles Aristocratic Family, or unsurpassed Grandmaster, can teach so the disciple.” “看不出来……靖平之后,北拳南传,各派交融,这人的架子森严沉稳,内力在他这个年纪,尤其称得上混宏……或许只有少数几个武林世家、又或是无上宗师,能教出这般弟子。” For example?” “譬如呢?” For example forest sect I......” “譬如林宗吾……” During the speeches in building, the field of vision that side, Ni breaks already leaps toward nearby crowd, he knows that today is difficult to obtain the victory, both hands holds the fist in the other hand, smiles heroically. 楼上的说话间,视野的那边,倪破已经朝着一旁的人群跃开,他知道今日已难取得战果,双手抱拳,豪迈一笑。 Good, if really such as the person said that when dragon Shaoxia, Sun Shaoxia martial arts tall Jue, Ni experienced...... today does not take the easy way, if some day is predestined friends, rivers and lakes / Jianghu meets again and returns to ask for advice!” “好,果真如人所说,龙少侠、孙少侠武艺高绝,倪某见识了……今日时不讨巧,若异日有缘,江湖再会、复来领教!” His these words saying the majestic atmosphere, is the way of among Brigands mutually praising, field of vision that head, the youngster had not as if pursued, then sees Ni breaks several races to surmount, the alley in the work places drills into the middle of the darkness. 他这番话说得堂皇大气,原也是绿林间相互扬名的路数,视野那头,少年似乎也并未追赶,便见倪破几次奔行翻越,沿着坊间小巷钻入黑暗当中。 Intense fighting has not divided the victory and defeat, but in some sense, actually could also be the best result. But at this moment, Pu Xingui also roughly understood the abacus of opposite party. 一番激烈的打斗未分胜负,但在某种意义上来说,其实也算得上是最好的结果了。而这一刻,蒲信圭也大致明白了对方的算盘。 „...... I said that you look for fish king Eldest Child to do, originally for the escape route.” “……我道你找鱼王老大干什么,原来是为的这条退路。” That side window, Chen Shuangran is staring at luminous of distant place, looking pensive, spoke thoughtlessly to reply: What's the big deal?” 那边的窗口,陈霜燃盯着远处的光亮,若有所思,随口答道:“那又如何?” Pitifully, today your Ni breaks cannot praise, leaves from here, the lingering fear was also critical fish king —— you, when the yamen person did not know this place is who?” “可惜,今日你这倪破扬不了名,从这里离开,之后怕是又要害了鱼王——你当衙门的人不知道这块地方是谁的吗?” „...... The fish king is sensible.” Chen Shuangran smiles, „. Moreover, today harvest...... big, only then can't the elder brother you, look?” “……鱼王是懂事的。”陈霜燃笑起来,“而且,今日收获……有多大,只有兄长你,看不出来吧?” Ahem, when that this was your harvest......” Pu Xingui sneered two. “哼哼,那就当这是你的收获吧……”蒲信圭冷笑了两声。 The work place mouth of distant place bridge work place, several official investigator had caught up one after another. Two people are quarrelling, stands that middle age mister nearby window frowns suddenly, puts out a hand to take the observation tube from Chen Shuangran here: Not too to......” looked several toward the work place mouth. 远处银桥坊的坊口,已有数名捕快陆续赶了过来。两人正自拌嘴,站在窗口一旁的那名中年“先生”陡然蹙眉,伸手从陈霜燃这里拿过了望筒:“不太对……”朝着坊口看了几遍。 „...... How?” “……怎么了?” „The youngster disappears.” “那少年不见了。” Several people of faint in room hesitate, but the next quarter, then moved. 房间里的几人微微迟疑,但下一刻,便都动了起来。 Where the person of fish king arranges......” “鱼王的人安排在哪里……” I have not seen, but generally is the north side waterway.” “我未亲见,但一般是北边水路。” Has a look at the hidden place.” “看看暗处。” Where Ni breaks arrived at......” “倪破到哪里了……” I cannot find.” “我瞧不见。” „...... Here!” “……这边!” The people open the surrounding window one after another, looks carefully toward peripheral dim, crosses one, truly in money Ding first discovered that the dark institute on not far away river course road fork, must carefully look extremely, can see on a shore boat covered with black matting is hanging has the flag of strange design, from the people, separated several courtyards probably. 众人陆续推开周围的窗户,朝着周边的昏暗中细细望去,过得一阵,确实钱定中首先发现不远处河道岔口上的黑暗之所,要极仔细看,才能够看到岸边一艘乌篷船上挂着的带有奇怪图案的旗帜,距离众人这边,大概隔了数个院落。 Chen Shuangran takes up to look at the casing to take a fast look around toward the surroundings, in a minute, then also sees Ni breaks who in the darkness ran to come, he along riverside minor path, is moving toward that scheduled good boat covered with black matting, because was tunnelled the vision of that side path by the wall of courtyard, therefore can only see half head that he emits occasionally. 陈霜燃拿起望筒朝周围扫视,片刻,便也看到了黑暗中奔跑而来的倪破,他正沿着河边的小道,走向那艘预定好的乌篷船,由于被院落的墙壁挡住了那边道路的视线,因此偶尔只能看见他冒出的半个脑袋。 That form will soon arrive, at the same time, stood that middle age mister near window said one in a low voice: Good quick......” several other people to look toward another side, some instantly, the form has shuttled back and forth together suddenly the intersection. 那身影即将走到,同一时刻,站在窗边的那中年“先生”低声说了一句:“好快……”其余几人朝另一边望去,某个刹那,一道身影陡然穿梭过街口。 Wall that side Ni breaks, halted suddenly, the form comes out from the boat covered with black matting together, soon after shrank suddenly, looks at the situation, could not have been seen, concealment to drink in the courtyard wall rear future by the people probably at this time. 墙壁那边的倪破,陡然站住了,一道身影从乌篷船里出来,随后又陡然缩了回去,看情形,大概是被众人此时已看不到、隐匿在院墙后方的来者喝了回去。 Even if cannot see the person, the people can still guess, both sides are confronting...... 即便看不见人,众人也能猜出来,双方正在对峙…… ...... …… The courtyard wall rear area and riverside piled up on the path of many wooden box junks, Ni breaks saw races arrives at the front youngster, opposite party also large strides walks, looks that looks like him to enter that moment of bridge work place to be the same. 院墙后方、河边堆积了不少木箱杂物的道路上,倪破看到了奔行到前方的少年,对方也正大步走来,看着就像是他进入银桥坊的那一刻一般。 The boatman in boat covered with black matting braved, the youngster who soon after was walked referred to: Goes back.” This is fish king subordinate, not clear occurred any matter, went back by Eh suddenly. 乌篷船里的船工冒了出来,随后被走来的少年指了一下:“回去。”这是鱼王手下的喽啰,一时间不清楚发生了什么事情,被回去了。 Ni breaks smiles: today only does evenly, when you really Ni did not have assassin's mace again inadequately.” 倪破一笑:“今日只做平手,你真当倪某再无杀手锏了不成。” Hey, tie......” “嘿,平手……” The figure of youngster already to at present, his fist fast as before and was previously similar, is type that Ni breaks can catch. Ni breaks in the heart sighed, he knows that oneself today was somewhat unconventional, as if offended this martial arts excel youngster, this did not have the means that has to hit had said —— again in fact, when subdued this to Chen Shuangran to brothers, he also wants more compared notes with these two. 少年的身形已至眼前,他的拳速依旧与先前类似,是倪破能够接得住的类型。倪破心中一叹,他知道自己今日有些忘形,似乎得罪了这武艺高强的少年,这也没有办法,只好打过再说了——事实上,待到陈霜燃收服了这对兄弟,他还想更多的与这两人切磋一番。 Met two fists, soon after is the third fist, side arm will hurt suddenly, the strength will drain shortly, the soon after point brushed drew from his face in the past, was the lower abdomen, thigh and shoulder...... 接了两拳,随后是第三拳,侧面的手臂陡然间疼了一下,力量在顷刻间流失,随后锋芒刷的从他脸上画了过去,然后是小腹、大腿、肩膀…… The by no means extraordinary fist incurs as before on fighting with street not different, but Ni breaks knew the bad. Enters the fist to fight by no means to be extraordinary with the blade, he was known as that iron fist, in actual fighting, then can achieve with the weapon of fist or iron hardware and enemy opens mutually. But the fist sword of opposite party has, no indication silently, on the third fist then suffered a blade, this cannot even be regarded is the opposite party projects on the sneak attack of luxurious place while two people, but is that murderous aura and technique experienced circle melts the pinnacle, Ni breaks anything has not even felt. 并不出奇的拳招依旧与街道上的对打无异,但倪破知道糟了。以刀进拳在打斗中并不出奇,他号称“铁拳”,在实际的打斗中,便能够做到以拳头或是身上的铁器与敌人的兵器互拆。但对方的拳剑出得无声无息、毫无征兆,第三拳上便挨了一刀,这甚至都算不得是对方趁两人打到酣处的偷袭,而是那杀气与手法老练圆融到极致,倪破甚至什么都没感觉出来。 Interlocks he already to keep off and counter-attack with the iron hardware standard in the attempt, but interlocking of each fist, the opposite parties are quicker than on 1 point him, Ni breaks both hands grasp the strategic point, tries to withdraw full power, in the dim light of night, sees only the blood rain to flutter, the fist shadow and sword shadow that strikes just like everywhere to splash ink, in short tosses in a minute, pū pū pū pū covered the Ni breaks most body. He fell back on near the wall then to lose the strength, before soon after attempted furiously flushed, leaps forward in the river, but the sharp weapon on fist pū pū pū pū exploded continuously behind him, he knocked down the nearby several wooden crates, was vigorously grasped by the opposite party both hands, clutched...... 第四下交错他已经在尝试用铁器格挡、反击,但每一拳的交错,对方都比他快上一点点,倪破双手抱住要害,试图全力后撤,夜色中,只见血雨翻飞,那击来的拳影、剑影犹如漫天泼墨,在短短片刻间抛洒开来,噗噗噗噗的笼罩了倪破的大半个身体。他退到墙边便失了力量,随后试图奋力前冲,跃入河中,但拳头上的利器噗噗噗噗在他背后连续爆开,他撞倒了边上的几只木箱,被对方双手大力一抓,揪了回去…… ...... …… In the dim light of night, can feel Ni breaks to hit with the opposite party in that side, half that but immediately, he emits behind the courtyard wall sways and vanishes, in the air only drew several black blood lines, the form of youngster after the wall, swallowed Ni breaks. 夜色之中,能够感受到倪破在那边与对方打了起来,但随即,他在院墙后方冒出的半个头摇晃、消失,空中只划出了几道黑色的血线,那少年的身影在墙后,将倪破吞噬了下去。 By both sides previously when the intensity that on the street fought, in darkness, happening was much stranger, Pu Xingui and Chen Shuangran is unable to have anything clearly, soon after saw Ni breaks to attempt to swoop, knocked down the box. 以双方先前在街道上对打的激烈,黑暗中的这一幕,发生时诡异得出奇,蒲信圭与陈霜燃根本无法清楚发生了什么,随后看见倪破尝试飞扑出去,撞倒了箱子。 The field of vision that at this moment the people can see was finally big, Ni breaks swooped in in the air flickered, the double fist of youngster then fell behind the opposite party continuously, by no means knew the naturally anything weapon, but Ni breaks apparently already did not have the strength very much, destroyed the box to fall falls on the place, soon after puts out a hand to pull back near in the wall darkness by the youngster. 这一刻众人能够看到的视野终于大了点,倪破飞扑在空中的一瞬,那少年的双拳便在对方背后连续落下,并不知道那是什么兵器,但倪破很显然已经没了力量,砸破箱子摔落在地,随后又被少年伸手拉回墙边的黑暗里。 Boatman holding the blade in riverside boat covered with black matting stood, his chest is not very high, the same thing shell bang came, making his body turn back the shed but actually, the ships rippled loudly. 河边乌篷船里的船工持刀站了出来,他胸还没挺高,一样物件炮弹般的轰来,令他的身体又倒折回了棚子,船只轰然荡漾。 In the darkness, several people stood in the window silent the moment, soon after saw that in the field of vision the youngster stood, his shakes the head is saying anything, dragging Ni breaks the body of no resistance, soon after also to throw into the boat covered with black matting him, jumped, as if in wrapped in two people of oilcloth ship. 黑暗之中,几人站在窗口沉默了片刻,随后看到视野中少年站了出来,他摇头晃脑地说着什么,拖着倪破已毫无反抗的身体,随后将他也扔进了乌篷船,又跳下去,似乎在用油布将船里的两人包起来。 Ni is breaks...... also living?” Pu Xingui asked one. “倪破……还活着吗?”蒲信圭怔怔地问了一句。 In money Ding shakes the head: „...... Does not know.” 钱定中摇了摇头:“……不知道。” If must kill, on the street can also kill?” “若是要杀,街上是不是也能杀?” Perhaps...... doesn't want to know?” “……或许不想让人知道?” That side the field of vision, the youngster jumped up the shore from the ship, both hands fork waist, seems thinking anything, is sizing up the surroundings. 视野那边,少年又从船上跳上了岸,双手叉腰,似乎在想着些什么,打量着周围。 In the room five people can be has experienced various treacherous aspects senior Brigands people, has seen all kinds of fighting, blood and conspiracy, but why does not know, is coordinating on the previous street the imposing competition, saw in again the darkness Ni breaks did not have suddenly , the people suddenly, some chills down the spine, were just like sees the society ghost to commit murder unexpectedly. 房间里五人大都算得上是经历过各种诡谲局面的资深绿林人,见过各式各样的打斗、鲜血与阴谋,但不知道为什么,配合着先前街道上轰轰烈烈的比拼,再看到黑暗中倪破陡然间就没了的这一幕,众人一时间,竟都有些脊背发凉,俨如看见了人世间的鬼怪行凶。 This person is wisest killer......” near window, that middle age mister opens the mouth, his fists and feet rack, all covers up.” “此人乃是最高明的杀手……”窗户边上,那中年“先生”开了口,“他的拳脚架子,皆是遮掩。” This, several people in room must nod at this point., Sees only his step suddenly after walks, in the mouth drinks lowly: 这说到这里,房间里的几人都要点头。陡然间,只见他的步伐朝后走,口中低喝: —— draws back!” ——退回来!” The words exit|to speak, in money Ding already in transfers after the window, the third response, follows that cart driver who Chen Shuangran comes up, he and Pu Xingui draws the window conveniently. 话才出口,钱定中已经在往窗后挪移,第三个响应的,乃是跟随陈霜燃上来的那名车夫,他与蒲信圭顺手拉动窗户。 In five people, only then Chen Shuangran martial arts is lowest, that flash of also in the window soon closing, she sees not far away in darkness, that stood in riverside youngster already lifted the head toward here, the profound vision, locked toward here suddenly! 五人之中,只有陈霜燃武艺最低,也就在窗户快要关上的那一瞬间,她看见黑暗中的不远处,那站在河边的少年已经朝这里抬起了头,幽深的目光陡然间,向着这边锁了过来! murderous aura spread —— 杀气蔓延—— Chen Shuangran vision with amazement, sits toward the rear area but actually. 陈霜燃目光骇然,朝后方坐倒。
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