LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1240: one by one eight chapters of moving restlessly concerns ( 3 )

Chapter 1240 one by one 80 chapters of moving restlessly concerns ( 3 ) 第1240章第一一八〇章躁动的心事(三) Nighttime sky length and breadth. 夜空广袤。 In east land, 11 p.m. to 1 a.m has knocked, Fúzhou since June early morning of 1 st. 东边的大地上,子时的更敲过,福州进入六月初一的凌晨。 The lights of night market diverge gradually, the carriage and final tourist go home, a small number of night stores are also closed, before azure front door is hanging as before big red lantern, nighttime luminous, already are not many. 夜市的灯火渐渐地散去,马车与最后的游人回到家中,少数的夜间商铺也关上了门,除了青楼门前依旧挂着的大红灯笼,黑夜里的光亮,已经不多了。 Sparse motley, probably disperses the dream near sea. 稀疏斑驳,像是散在大海边上的梦。 Some dreams slightly obviously lively. 有的梦稍显活泼。 „......, if really had/left this matter. You and you...... you will be found by our brothers, including your wife and entire families, I will be in front of your, ga inch by inch they. Process some will not certainly feel better, but finally, you will help us find your Eldest Child...... to hmph hmph...... Wah Hahahaha......” “……如果真的出了这种事。你、你……你们会被我们兄弟找到,也包括你们的妻儿老小,我会当着你们的面,一寸一寸的噶了他们。过程当然会有些不好受,但最后,你们会帮我们找到你的老大……哼哼……哈哈哈哈哈……” Both hands fork waist, spreads the sketch on window to seem like a proud spit fire dragon, is speaking the energetic words in the laughter. 双手叉腰,涂在窗户上的剪影像是一条骄傲的喷火龙,在笑声中说着带劲的话语。 soon after hesitated. 随后迟疑了一下。 What next is coming?” “下一句是什么来着?” The laughter of young girl then passed on. 少女的笑声便传出来了。 Weak Ah…...” “幼稚啊……” Also some dreams seem treacherous. 也有的梦显得诡谲。 „After...... morning assassination, the Li Pin school and by the Crown Princess mansion strengthened the guard, the news also sealed up. However school after all must open the door to receive a guest, in the evening some people of visitation confirmed, Li Pin is all right, seems like the assassination not to go well, but assassin had not been held...... as for the Crown Princess mansion that side, the news had not determined, but some rumors said, in the afternoon the iron skyhawk had/left the palace, has been to there.” “……上午的刺杀之后,李频的学堂、长公主府两边都加强了守卫,消息也封住了。不过学堂毕竟要开门迎客,晚上才有探访的人确认,李频没事,看起来刺杀没得手,但刺客也没被抓住……至于长公主府那边,消息尚未确定,但有传言说,下午铁天鹰出了宫,到过那里。” „...... Princess Dwelling will have the banquet tomorrow, must invite the fellow who these deliver the daughter, inside will attach great importance to relatively , not extraordinary......” “……公主府明日有宴会,要宴请那些过来送女儿的家伙,里头会比较重视,也不出奇……” Perhaps...... various yamen news, must to tomorrow, be able to know probably......” “……各部衙门的消息,恐怕要到明日,才能知晓大概……” What...... I think is another matter...... Chen Shuangran...... this small black skin, how to have the today so strength?” “……我想到的是另一件事……陈霜燃……这小黑皮,怎会有今日这般实力?” Also has the serious and worried dream. 亦有严肃而苦恼的梦。 „...... That two, our will perhaps not be gathered...... complies to help for us......” “……那两位,恐怕不会受咱们的招揽……不过倒答应了替咱们助拳……” „...... The important matter, must above to decide.” “……大事,要让上头的人来定了。” „...... That our also has merit?” “……那咱们还有功劳吗?” „...... Some......” “……有的……” ...... …… Crown Princess mansion. 长公主府。 The star light is sparse. 星光寥落。 One side in the bedroom palace courtyard, the silver bottle is sitting in meditation under the eaves. Her back is stiff, the long and vigorous both legs plate is positive, both hands fall on the knee, five hearts face upwards, seems like the cultivator standard sitting in meditation stance. 寝殿一侧的院子里,银瓶正在屋檐下打坐。她脊背挺直,长而矫健的双腿盘正,双手落在膝上,五心朝天,看起来是修行者标准的静坐姿态。 But in dim under eaves, her eyes was still opened, is looking at the front courtyard, the limpid vision, changed occasionally. 但在屋檐下的昏暗里,她的双眼仍旧是睁开的,望着前方的院落,清澈的目光,偶尔变动。 The courtyard center is a big banyan fig, by the branches and leaves of banyan fig, ray parallel falling of star, under the tree is the stone table and stone bench. 院落中央是一颗大榕树,透过榕树的枝叶,星星的光芒一道道的平行落下,树下是石桌与石凳 In the mind, she already ran in this courtyard were innumerable, was pondering the different catching up skills, fought with assassin of in the daytime. 脑海之中,她已经在这院子里奔跑了无数次,思考着不同的发力技巧,与白日里的刺客交手。 Always missed the frontline. 总是差了一线。 The appearance of assassin, close to yesterday 9 to 11 a.m, indeed is being led the patrol by her meantime, discovered the clue. That grey form raids, sent a palm toward her, the palm raided the chest, meaning of some lower reaches, but in first put in an appearance, nevertheless very wise strategy, she immediately with its right a palm. 刺客的出现,临近昨日的巳时,其时正是由她带领着巡逻,发现了端倪。那灰色的身影袭来,朝她发了一掌,掌袭胸口,有下流的意味,但在第一个照面间,却是十分高明的策略,她在第一时间与其对了一掌。 What making a move is an old man, the hand has the callus and by no means to be full, but holds the strength to be vicious and wise, just fights, she discovered that oneself misplaced effort of opposite party, full power however a palm that has chops the courage vigor to turn wells up, is quite uncomfortable. The next quarter, to convenient flies to go toward nearby guard group whirlwind. 出手的是个老者,手有老茧、并不饱满,但掌力老辣而高明,甫一交手,她才发现自己错估了对方的用力,全力而出的一掌劈得血气翻涌,极为难受。下一刻,对方便朝着一旁的护卫群飚飞而去。 Qing gong tall Jue of opposite party, the silver bottle attempt catches up from the rear area, but that form already in wielding the arms struck to fly two people, soon after stepped on a thigh of female guard fiercely, among the blood spouts, that form also transferred the direction unexpectedly, escaped toward Princess Dwelling. 对方的轻功高绝,银瓶尝试从后方追上,但那身影已经在挥臂间打飞了两人,随后猛地一脚踩断了一名女侍卫的大腿,鲜血喷涌间,那身影竟还调转了方向,朝公主府外逃去。 Cannot catch up...... 没能追上…… Actually is not the issue of strategy. 却并非是策略的问题。 Ponders half evening, the silver bottle can understand, assassin that these kills time , or opposes the enemy on deal with changes vicious from inner strength from the qing gong, must be higher than oneself one section, particularly the qing gong movement, cultivation of opposite party has reached the stage of perfection, in the army most can hit, figure nimblest most and resourceful several , compared with him also is only perhaps about the same. 思考半晚,银瓶能够明白,这一次杀来的刺客,无论从内力、还是从轻功、亦或是对敌应变时的老辣上,都要高出自己一截,尤其是轻功身法,对方的修为已臻化境,军中最能打、身形最灵动的几位,与他相比恐怕也只在伯仲之间。 Not to mention the opposite party when fight, the body also sent out the iron sheet faintly dingdong the sound. 更别提对方在交手之时,身上还隐隐发出了铁片的叮当声。 Swallows cloud iron armor. “吞云铁甲”。 In the past had once heard the rivers and lakes / Jianghu anecdote, only has a matter of person, can correspond with it on. 在过去曾听到过的江湖轶闻中,也只有一个人的事情,能与之对应上。 In the past teacher's teacher Zhou Dong arrived in Shandong (mountain east), once had to act to this person one time, but after he unloaded armor, fled full power, the teacher's teacher has not pursued. 当年师公周侗抵达山东,也曾对此人有过一次出手,但他卸甲后全力奔逃,师公不曾追赶。 In the past the father once said, at that time the teacher's teacher received the order of Grand Marshal mansion, must intercept still had not exposed too many methods Mr. Ning with his Madame, Rivers and Mountains Iron Sword Lu Hongti, perhaps because of responsibility in body, Monk that therefore has not escaped to this was ruthless. 过去父亲曾说,当时师公受了太尉府的命令,要去截杀仍未展露太多手段的宁先生与他的那位夫人,“河山铁剑陆红提,恐怕是因为责任在身,因此未对这逃跑的和尚赶尽杀绝。 But now wants to come, as if may also be after because this Monk unloads armor , the qing gong also has the promotion, haven't the teacher's teachers even grasped unexpectedly catch up? 但如今想来,似乎也有可能是因为这和尚卸甲之后轻功又有提升,竟连师公都没有把握追上? The dim light of night is peaceful, from afternoon to this time, she already tried many methods, the drilling fights next time the possible deal with changes, at this time the people have all gone to sleep, she also can only recall passing studies, forms in one's mind in the mind. 夜色安谧,从下午到此时,她已经尝试了诸多的方法,演练下一次交手时可能的应变,此时众人皆已睡下,她也只能回忆过往的所学,在脑海中进行构思。 Also thinks situation that initially the teacher's teacher and Mr. Ning that fought. At that time heart demon extinguished Liangshan initially, has not been well-known by high martial arts certainly rivers and lakes / Jianghu, but the teacher's teacher kills as the Number One Under the Heavens person will pass, afterward I heard that truly had a ratio to fight, does not know that was the teacher's teacher and Mr. Ning singles, Mr. Ning went forth to battle with that Madame. 又不免想到当初师公与宁先生那一战的情形。那时候心魔初灭梁山,尚未以高绝的武艺闻名江湖,而师公作为天下第一人杀将过去,后来听说,确确实实地发生了一场比斗的,也不知是师公与宁先生单打,还是宁先生与那位夫人一齐上阵。 Even if two dozens one, can makes into the evenness on scene in positive/direct comparing notes and teacher's teacher, that was still the extremely extraordinary matter. 即便二打一,能够在正面的切磋中与师公打成场面上的平手,那也是极了不得的事情了。 She and Younger Brother outside the Xiangyang city, seen Mr. Ning have been the status of big Grandmaster and big hero, from beginning to end has not acted, but how followed to rout No. over a hundred Jurchen expert scene she still in his nearby people to come clearly into view with ease, particularly that stemmed from Tyrant Blade Liu Madame struck to kill Li Wanlian as well as Irregular Sky Blade Du Sha blade blade seizes the life the Grandmaster meteorology, even at that time were young, she can feel the naturally what kind of huge constriction. 她与弟弟在襄阳城外,见到的宁先生则早已是大宗师、大英雄的身份,从头到尾不曾出手,但跟在他身边的众人是如何轻松击溃上百号女真高手的情景她仍旧历历在目,尤其是那位出自“霸刀”的刘夫人击杀李晚莲以及“参天刀杜杀刀刀夺命的宗师气象,即便当时年纪还小,她都能感到那是何等巨大的压迫感。 The father came to meet oneself and Younger Brother afterward, after Mr. Ning spoke in detail, she and Yue clouds that once to the father inquired about martial arts of opposite party, but always the serious father also acknowledged personally: I cannot be victorious he.” 父亲后来过来接了自己弟弟,与宁先生一阵详谈之后,她与岳云曾经向父亲问及对方的武艺,而从来严肃的父亲也是亲口承认:“我是打不过他。” Those who carry in Wei army martial arts to be highest is the father and high General, even if they can surpass this to swallow to say Monk on martial arts, perhaps still had alone by the qing gong. 背嵬军中武艺最高的是父亲与高将军,但即便他们二人能在武艺上超过这吞云和尚,独论轻功恐怕仍有不及。 Now among the thick patches of grass was lifted to be the forest sect of Number One Under the Heavens person I, although others said that he is puts on forest northern ham, but the silver bottle actually knows that this is from the southwest ridicule. According to father's view, forest sect my big fatty because of the specialness of body, inner strength mixes great fears unprecedented certainly now, inner strength that he has rushed promotes the qing gong, there is the speed of among under the heavens ranking among the best, but pure must say first by the qing gong, is being hard makes one believe eventually. 如今草莽间被举作天下第一人的林宗吾,旁人虽然说他是“穿林北腿”,但银瓶却知道这是来自西南的嘲笑。按照父亲的说法,林宗吾这个大胖子因为身体的特殊,内力混宏恐已旷古绝今,他已澎湃的内力推动轻功,也有天下间数一数二的速度,但纯论轻功要说第一,终究是难以让人相信的。 Also does not know that immeasurably deep Mr. Ning acts, how can depress this to swallow cloud Eseng the qing gong, although has not personally seen, but she still felt, perhaps only has Mr. Ning, how exposes the profound skill, will not make her feel surprised...... 也不知深不可测的宁先生出手,能怎样压下这吞云恶僧的轻功,虽然不曾亲眼见过,但她仍旧觉得,或许只有宁先生,展露出怎样高深的身手来,都不会让她觉得吃惊…… Naturally, also has later oneself...... 当然,还有以后的自己…… ...... …… In the dream is moist and sultry. 梦里潮湿而闷热。 Zhou Pei wakes up from the dream, the ear bank as if is also making a sound the sound of ocean waves. 周佩从梦中醒来,耳畔似乎还响着海浪的声音。 But naturally is the illusion. 但当然是幻觉。 Does not know that was, even opened the window, in the side side room/concubine is shining the oil lamp ray was still motionless, without the wind, the room was stuffy and hot. The Fúzhou weather, she has not fully adapted. 不知道是什么时候了,即便开了窗户,侧面偏房里亮着的油灯光芒依然一动不动,没有风,房间闷且热。福州的天气,她至今也没有完全适应。 Losing sleep was also the old problem, always rested shallowly, pouring impure was the sultry weather is the result. 失眠也是老毛病了,从来睡得浅,倒不纯是闷热的天气所致。 She from the bed, rested in concubine's maidservant then also got up, after came to inquire carefully, took up the copper clepsydra toward wash bowl Riga some lukewarm water, soon after twisted the wet turban to her. This was be used to it, Zhou Pei woke up from the night, then must wipe the face immediately, will sober quickly, was only the safe/without matter time with the lukewarm water, had the matter the time, with cold water. 她从床上起来,睡在偏房的丫鬟便也起来了,来小心地询问过后,拿起铜壶往脸盆里加了些温水,随后拧了湿巾给她。这是习惯了,周佩从夜间醒来,便立即要擦脸,会清醒得很快,只是无事的时候用温水,有事的时候,则用凉水。 The feeling of dream then dissipated quickly. 梦的感觉很快便消散了。 But the calm night, the surrounding all appear spacious lonely. Goes out from the room, sits in meditation silver bottle also already that to come out in the next door courtyard, follows in behind. 但无风的夜里,周围的一切都显得空旷寂寥。从房间里出去时,在隔壁院子里打坐的银瓶也已经出来,跟随在后头。 Seven mother what kind of?” “七娘怎么样了?” The name of female guard the in the daytime thigh was pedalled, is called the Lu seven mothers. 白日里大腿被蹬断的女侍卫的姓名,便叫做卢七娘。 1 to 3 a.m. went to sleep, when does not have the sorrow of life.” The silver bottle said. “丑时已睡下,当无性命之忧。”银瓶道。 Um.” Zhou Pei nods, cannot fall asleep, I walk.” 。”周佩点了点头,“睡不着,我走一下。” Situation by no means that Crown Princess loses sleep at night is twice. Goes out from the bedroom palace side gate, side has a garden, the garden has the rockery of high spot slightly, on the rockery has the alcove. Arrived here, can feel some breeze, Zhou Pei often comes this, at present then makes the silver bottle also sit down. 长公主夜间失眠的情况并不是一次两次。从寝殿侧门出去,旁边就有个花园,花园有稍高点的假山,假山上有亭子。到得这边,能感受到些许的微风,周佩时常来此,眼下便让银瓶也来坐下。 Looks at the distant place, silent moment. 看着远处,沉默了片刻。 „...... The clothes in yesterday, you do not rest Ah? “……还是昨日里的衣服,你也不睡啊? When thinking assassin of in the daytime, is thinking next time will come, how to deal.” The silver bottle austere allows to reply, the soon after hesitant say/way, „...... your highness...... can't fall asleep?” “在想白日里的刺客,想着下次来时,如何应对。”银瓶肃容回答,随后犹豫道,“……殿下……又睡不着吗?” „...... The night had a dream.” “……夜里做梦了。” Zhou Pei smiled. 周佩笑了笑 „When...... for these years, often had a dream, wakes up can record clear few, the tonight's dream is quite but actually clear. Studied in Jiangning Cheng Princess Residence the dream to the childhood, was the family/home study of emperor's son-in-law Grandpa Kang management, one group of merit expensive/noble children in inside. My left is Count cloud secure the daughter of family/home, is called journey Shu, the right is to congratulate Teng, Huang An nian, was the merit expensive/noble child...... the so many year, in the dream the seating order unexpectedly has not changed......” “……这几年,时常做梦,醒来时能记清楚的少,今晚的梦倒颇为清晰。梦到小时候在江宁成国公主府里读书,是驸马康爷爷主持的家学,一群勋贵的孩子在里头。我的左边是云安伯爵家的女儿,叫做程姝,右边是贺腾、黄安年,都是勋贵之子……这么多年了,梦里座次竟一点都没变……” „...... In the dream did not have the age, unexpectedly also to see Grandma Imperial Aunt and Grandpa Kang...... because of old person, therefore everyone in the same place, played very safely, obviously was the school, seemed like in the wilderness outside Jiangning City. to congratulate is Teng...... does not know doing, with...... Heh, rubbed black ink of big inkslab with your majesty together, then black ink sprinkled, suddenly is on fire, to congratulate Teng shouted...... Zhou Pei in that side, you ran, run Ah…...” “……梦里没有年纪,倒是也看到皇姑奶奶和康爷爷了……因为老人家在,所以大家在一起,玩得很安心,明明是学堂,又像是在江宁城外的野地上。贺腾……不知道在干什么,跟……,跟陛下一起磨了好大一砚台的墨,然后墨洒了,突然起了火,贺腾就在那边喊……周佩,你快跑啊、快跑啊……” „After...... wakes up, thinks carefully, the arrangement in school, should be nine -year-old time...... ten -year-old time to congratulate Teng falls ill, crosses for two years dead suddenly, when your majesty young, with he often plays...... me in 20 years old to be able well the dream to the small time, in recent years, unexpectedly is few, childhood's matter remembered very clearly, when thought carefully, always did not feel right, only today the dream clearly......” “……醒来之后仔细想想,学堂里的布置,应该是九岁的时候……十岁的时候贺腾生了病,过了两年突然死了,陛下年幼时,跟他玩得不错……我二十岁上常能梦到小的时候,最近几年,倒是很少,儿时的事情记得很清楚,但仔细想时,却总感到不对,唯今日才梦得清楚些……” What...... does is a good dream......” “……做的是个好梦……” The dim light of night is peaceful, in the pavilions only has the breeze, Zhou Pei mentions slowly, the silver bottle also calmly listens. Her age also enough discussed these times, therefore by no means spoke thoughtlessly saying that looks to mention the dreamland, be with smile on the face Crown Princess, slightly was a little actually strange. Perhaps because of the disparity of age, which quarter past Crown Princess, appeared graceful and self-confident, although also had the impertinence occasionally, but little appeared likely a recollection extremely passing...... young girl. 夜色安谧,凉亭间只有微风,周佩缓缓地说起,银瓶也就静静地听。她的年纪还不到足够谈论这些的时候,因此并不随口接话,看着说起梦境,面带微笑的长公主,其实稍微有点陌生。或许是因为年纪的差距,过去的长公主在哪一刻,都显得雍容而自信,虽也偶有俏皮,但极少显得像个回忆过往的……少女。 Zhou Pei paused, just now said: Heard that Yue clouds often arrives in the mansion to look for you?” 周佩顿了顿,方才道:“听说岳云常到府里来找你?” The silver bottle nods: Um, he is young, acts sloppily in the city, always makes the matter.” 银瓶点了点头:“,他年纪还小,在城里胡来,老是闹出事情来。” Heh, actually I see your sister and brother, often then remembered me and your majesty childhood matter......” Zhou Pei smiles, that time...... we in Jiangning City, running around that also always boasts, slightly what had to be different from you, at that time lawless always my Elder Sister, your majesty he...... timid, likes matter that handled to toe the line, my unexpectedly always drew him to skip classes and climb a wall......” ,其实我见到你们姐弟,每每便想起我与陛下小时候的事情……”周佩笑,“那个时候……我们在江宁城里,也总是咋咋呼呼的到处乱跑,与你们稍有不同的是,当时无法无天的总是我这个姐姐,陛下他……胆子小,喜欢做循规蹈矩的事情,我倒是总拉着他逃课、爬墙……” Now...... may be unable to look......” “如今……可看不出来……” Um, at that time...... worry-free, the nearby matter had been arranged, your majesty grows up, will work as peaceful Prince, several years later the dissolute wicked day, no one can control him, I the biggest worry, then must get married...... Eh I also to escape the family/home to the age at that time for this reason, but...... gets married with Qu Zonghui finally......” ,当时……无忧无虑的,身边的事情早就被安排好了,陛下成年,会当个太平王爷,过几年荒淫无道的日子,就再也没有人能管束他,我那时最大的烦恼,是到了年纪便要嫁人……得我还为此逃过家,但最终……还是与渠宗慧成了亲……” She, silver bottle also faint frowns at this point, the eyebrow cancels melancholy moon. 她说到这里,银瓶也微微蹙眉,眉毛勾成忧郁的月亮。 Zhou Pei looks to smile. 周佩看着笑了起来。 She sat a while peacefully, not on bored, and asked for getting married issue that the person disliked to say anything again. 她又安静地坐了一会儿,没有就无聊且讨人嫌的成亲问题再说什么。 „...... The silver bottle, you know young, even more desirably what?” “……银瓶,你知道年纪轻轻,最好的是什么吗?” Silver bottle pondered: My father said, is not afraid.” 银瓶想了想:“我爹说,是不害怕。” Is Ah…..., because what matter has not happened, our future, will always have the countless possibilities, therefore anything did not fear......, but person, is always suddenly big on the association president, are many matter that you will unable to think, suddenly happened, what most Eh person will be, you have not thought clearly, matter on passed...... one day, you will respond suddenly, in the dream will be at sixes and sevens things, the childhood feeling, you some could not recall......” “是啊……因为什么事情都还没发生,咱们的将来,总有数不尽的可能,所以什么都不怕……但人啊,总是忽然就会长大,很多你想不到的事情,忽然就发生了,最人的是,你还没想得得清楚,事情忽然就过去了……有一天,你反应过来,梦里都是乱七八糟的东西,就连小时候的感觉,你都有些回忆不起来了……” Your highness how......” “殿下怎么……” Heh, today sees seven mothers, when had the infancy dream suddenly, does not have the reason to remember these...... the silver bottle, seven mothers they, when there is a worry-free youngster, gets married and have a child, Jurchen people came, more than ten years of drifting about destitute, to Fúzhou peaceful one, came assassin suddenly, a leg broke, almost must die, among this, perhaps which matter is hasty. These more than ten years, you said many people, hasty fresh and hasty death......” ,今日看见七娘,又忽然做了孩提时的梦,就没来由地想起这些……银瓶,七娘她们,也有无忧无虑的少年时,嫁了人、生了孩子,女真人来了,颠沛流离的十几年,到了福州太平一段,忽然来个刺客,一条腿就断了,差点要死,这中间,恐怕哪件事都是仓仓促促的吧。这十多年,你说有多少人,仓促的生、仓促的死……” Under the star light, the Zhou Pei words in pavilion are low and drawn out, the silver bottle grew up in the troops since childhood, although sees the life and death, but also remembered certain old friends at this moment probably, silent by right. Zhou Pei has put out a hand, rubbed her hair. 星光之下,凉亭之中的周佩话语低缓平静,银瓶自幼在军旅中长大,虽然见惯生死,但此刻大概也想起了某些故人,沉默以对。周佩伸过手去,揉了揉她的头发。 Was I was willful, could not fall asleep, said these to you......” “是我任性了,睡不着,跟你说这些……” No.” The silver bottle shakes the head, „...... I like listening to these, before the uncle in father and army also often said that but...... they are the man......” “没有。”银瓶摇摇头,“……我爱听这些,爹爹和军中的叔伯也常说以前,不过……他们都是男人……” Heh, actually I do not have the story of pleasant to hear to say to you listen to Ah…..., although also has the village marriage, but from beginning to end, has not dealt with......” ,其实我也没有好听的故事讲给你听啊……虽然也有庄亲事,但从头到尾,也都没有应付好……” She recalled the past matter in the brain, the childhood is drawing Younger Brother freely to stroll, pig racing Shitu in Jiangning City, is waiting for the monotonous future, to became the young girl suddenly, left home to the state of mind chaotically, sits ferry to go north, to Bianliang, she teacher said goodbye to...... then to pick up the speed at the night with will go to Liangshan probably, gets married, looks at the marriage gradually becomes in a complete mess, then the mountains and rivers fell to the enemy, she started with Grandma Imperial Aunt and Grandpa Kang studies various types of things, many things did not have the experience, but Grandma Imperial Aunt said, the life of person, was one. Sentence pushing someone take on a difficult job. 她在脑中回忆着过去的事情,儿时拉着弟弟无忧无虑地闲逛,在江宁城里猪奔豕突,等待着单调的将来,到忽然间成了少女,到心绪纷乱地离家,坐了大船北上,到了汴梁,她在夜晚与将去梁山的“老师”告了别……而后一切都像是加快了速度,成了亲,渐渐地看着亲事变得一塌糊涂,接着山河沦陷,她开始跟皇姑奶奶和康爷爷学习各种东西,许多的事情都没有经验,但皇姑奶奶说,人的一生,都不过是一句“勉为其难”。 Pushing someone take on a difficult job...... 勉为其难…… When does not know, wakes up from the dream, when young girl Jiangning, looks like a false fraud, when she carefully thinks, many matter have even happened, somewhat confuses. 不知道什么时候,从梦里醒来,少女时的江宁,就像是一个虚假的骗局,她认真想时,许多事情甚至连有没有发生过,都有些迷惑起来。 The people grew up, the passing recollection, will change the color continually. 人长大了,连过往的回忆,都会变了颜色。 Probably another person. 像是成了另一个人。 Before the body , only then headache, losing sleep and endless responsibility, regardless of she does want to take on, but forms, passing, present...... pours in one after another her at present, Grandma Imperial Aunt and Grandpa Kang died, the mountains and rivers fall to the enemy, Younger Brother rushes about when the blood rain, holds the long sword that the child of childhood did not like, the father dies seems like the skeleton to be the same, was telling her own lamented, when the decision that her routine pushing someone take on a difficult job, may make, wants carefully, does not know that actually is correct, wrong...... 身前只有头疼、失眠和无尽的责任,不论她想不想担,但一道道的身影,过往的、现在的……都陆陆续续地倒在她的眼前,皇姑奶奶和康爷爷死了,山河沦陷,弟弟在血雨中奔忙,执起了儿时的孩子绝不喜欢的长剑,父亲死时像是骷髅一般,跟她说着自己的悔恨,她习惯性的勉为其难,可做下的决定,细细想时,仍不知道那到底是正确的、还是错误的…… Unlike being separated by beyond several thousand li (0.5 km) that feminine appearance, she calculates myriad even, when making decision, most often felt that was still hesitant. 与相隔数千里外那位“女相”不同,她即便计算万千,在做决定时,最常感到的,仍旧是犹豫。 In contacting in merit expensive/noble children, the silver bottle is she especially intimate one person, even gives her also to feel to feel relieved the life, this not only because of Yue Fei's reason, what are more, she often in the silver bottle and Yue clouds that on this pair of sister and brother, sees oneself and Junwu passing appearance. 在接触过的勋贵儿女中,银瓶是她格外亲近的一人,甚至将性命交给她也感到放心,这不仅仅因为岳飞的缘故,更多的是,她常在银瓶与岳云这对姐弟身上,看见自己君武过往的样子。 Her faint sighed, soon after has changed the topic gradually, listening to the silver bottle to say a while assassin about in the daytime, as well as opposite party martial arts matter. Probably has the ruthless role of under the heavens ranking among the best qing gong regarding the person who this time comes, she pours extremely had not worried, in seeing the silver bottle mentioned then must try hard to exercise the qing gong limpid facial features, just now had the interest. 微微感叹了一下,随后渐渐转过话题,听银瓶说了一阵子关于白日里的刺客,以及对方武艺的事情。对于这次来的人可能是拥有天下数一数二轻功的狠角色,她倒并没有太过担忧,只是在看见银瓶说起接下来要努力锻炼轻功时的清澈面容,方才产生了兴趣。 Silver bottle, your such was big, does not agree gets married, will the future words, be want to work as female General?” “银瓶,你这么大了,也不肯嫁人,将来的话,是想要当个女将军吗?” Silver bottle pressed frowning: Your highness, I grow up in the troops, even if gets married, you and your majesty, won't block me not to let on me the battlefield?” 银瓶蹙了蹙眉:“殿下,我在军旅之中长大,即便嫁了人,你与陛下,也不会拦着我不让我上战场吧?” Urges, unexpectedly will not make an effort to block, your strength is big, I cannot block you.” Zhou Pei smiled, actually...... I want to ask, matter that the silver bottle, you in the future, most want most to handle, is what? For example, if one day, we do not go to war, is the matter that you also want to handle...... practices martial art?” “会劝一劝,倒是不会使劲拦着,你力气大,我也拦不住你呀。”周佩笑了笑,“其实……我是想问,银瓶,你将来,最想最想做的事情,是什么?就比如说,如果有一天,咱们不打仗了,你还想做的事情……是习武吗?” The silver bottle then understands that the opposite party refers to anything. She has grown up, already undergoes the battlefield, to see numerous life and death early, in those days and Yue clouds travels together, often was she acts bashful the idea, but in the Zhou Pei front, many times, she still seemed like Younger Sister or the little generation of niece. 银瓶这才明白过来对方指的是什么。她已然成年,也早已经历过战场、见过众多生生死死,往日里与岳云同行,往往是她拿捏主意,但在周佩的面前,许多时候,她仍旧像是个妹妹或是小一辈的侄女。 Pondered the moment. 思考了片刻。 „...... Um.” The silver bottle gathers the both legs, nods seriously, your highness,...... my martial arts is actually very good, the father and high General they also said, my talent is good, since childhood they also often told me, my teacher's teacher, was initially Number One Under the Heavens Zhou Dong. Therefore once I have also told Zhao Xiaosong, I want to work as Number One Under the Heavens big expert.” “……。”银瓶并拢双腿,才郑重地点了点头,“殿下,其实……我的武艺很好,父亲和高将军他们也说,我的天分好,从小他们也常跟我说,我的师公,便是当初天下第一周侗。所以有一次我也跟赵小松说过,我想当个天下第一的大高手。” Xiaosong wants to work as Number One Under the Heavens female Prime Minister, often said that Lou Shūwan is merely mediocre, contrasts with her. You two, among the female, pouring are the ambition are high. You want being on par week Grandmaster, Yue Shuaiting, was surely gratified.” Zhou Pei is smiling. “小松想当个天下第一的女宰相,时常说那楼舒婉不过尔尔,与她对比。你们两个,在女子当中,倒都是志向高的。你想要比肩周宗师,岳帅听了,必定欣慰。”周佩笑着。 The silver bottle then also smiles. 银瓶便也笑。 Actually since old times the fist feared young and strong, person of practicing martial art, although is bigger is vicious, but if big expert that wants achievement under the heavens to rank among the best, 20-30 years old can also see the hope. Your highness, I have not seen the teacher's teacher, if crosses for several years, in Fujian can reluctantly being on par father or high General, I thinks, best then can have a look to the southwest, face to face challenge that Number One Under the Heavens —— peaceful, person and slaughter.” “其实自古拳怕少壮,习武的人,虽然年纪越大越是老辣,但若是要成就天下数一数二的大高手,20-30岁也就能看到希望了。殿下,我没有见过师公,若过得几年,在福建能够勉强比肩父亲或是高将军了,我心里想啊,最好的便是能到西南去看看,当面挑战那位天下第一——宁、人、屠。” The silver bottle speaking of the final several word-time, faint paused, just now reveals completely. Zhou Pei hears this name, the sat up figure as if became under the star light relaxed, the vision also seemed gentle. 银瓶说到最后几个字时,微微顿了顿,方才全部吐露出来。周佩听得这个名字,坐起的身形在星光下似乎变得更加放松了,目光也显得柔和。 Goes to 20 spring, when the passing teacher, is similar to the childhood , the young girl recollection is ordinary, under the farewell like that year starry night was ordinary, started from some moment, recalling was unclear. 一去二十春,过往的老师,就如同童年时、少女时的回忆一般,如同那一年星夜下的告别一般,从某一刻开始,追忆不清了。 Her these years, actually often mentioned this name, no one could avoid him. But each time mentioned before others, in the heart actually has the intense feeling. But only at this moment, they mentioned under the heavens 1st expert the anecdote, unexpectedly does not need to bring anxiously, does not will certainly he regard the enemy, does not need the slight hostility. 她这些年来,其实时常说起这个名字,谁也避不开他。但每一次在旁人面前说起,心中其实都带着紧张的感觉。而唯独这一刻,她们说起“天下第一高手”的轶闻,倒是不必带着紧张,不必将他当成敌人,不必有丝毫的敌意。 That...... may probably win when the time comes.” “那到时候……可一定要打赢啊。” Um...... my unexpectedly has not grasped......” ……我倒是没有把握……” Overthrew many times, originally wants to remove this concern, but thinks or retained, should be interesting, regarding the following plot, is necessary...... other, «Jing clear(ly)» this book was also very interesting, recommends everyone to look. 推翻了很多次,本来想把这一段的心事去掉,但想想还是保留了,应该是有趣的,对于接下来的剧情,也是必要的……另外,《靖明》这本书也很有意思,推荐大家去看一看。
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