LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1218 Part 1: Redemption

Chapter 1218 redeems 第1218章救赎 The wind above land, stayed probably flickered. But immediately, flows the cloud to fluctuate, the moon/month and stars are overlooking the ancient land, the footsteps of night, still in the mighty waves fluctuate flow indifferently forward. 大地之上的风,像是停留了一瞬。但随即,流云变幻,月与星辰俯瞰着亘古的大地,夜的脚步,依然在波澜变幻中漠然地向前流淌。 star moves moon/month to trade, the ray of sunrise gradually takes over control of all in this piece of land, in the land the number starts the new day of practical training by trillion lives. The corner in southwest land, is called furious by no means that the nearby of little Ye Village once shone to interrupt the life of people in that 223 after that explosion of night, some aroused mighty waves horizontal calm down in 2nd day gradually. 星移月换,日出的光芒逐渐接管这片大地上的一切,大地上数以亿万的生灵又开始新一天的劳作。西南大地的一隅,在那名叫小叶村的附近一度亮起的光火并不会打断人们的生活,223所在夜里发生的那次爆炸之后,激起的些许波澜又在第二天渐渐地平静了下来。 Some new subjects that except that people shortly after add in the practical training and life, many changes, probably in being away from the town/subdues this place ten several li (0.5 km) away, that past rickets the body every morning with the Huaxia army members who the night fragrant women purchased the excrement after that a long time, has not returned to here again, more than ten days later, there is a new member to replace this work, even hung up a sign of eliminating illiteracy private school class in side, had the proper teacher, took over numerous night of fragrant women or his relatives' child for him. 除了人们此后不久在劳作与生活里添的些许新谈资,不多的变化,大概是在距离此地十数里外的文普镇,那过去佝偻着身子每天早晨跟夜香妇们收购粪便的华夏军成员在此后很长的一段时间内,没有再回到这里,十多天后,有新的成员来接替了这份工作,甚至在旁边挂上了一块扫盲私塾班的牌子,有正经的老师,过来替他接手了一众夜香妇或是其亲属们的孩子。 The new teacher has not read the newspaper that the outside world buys again, but distributed the unified private clan school teaching material routinely, the such education was continuing after that tranquilly, crosses for a half year, then the few night fragrant women, in the occasional conversation, will mention once that soup Scholar. Even if many years later, there are matured people to return to here, mentioned that growing out of nothing great waves surging years, here the children who gave a night of fragrant woman taught of private clan school to receive the excrement labor regarding once first, the people's to his status and name, basically did not have too many impressions, probably along with the mighty waves of time, melted in the years of that laminar flow gold/metal...... 新的老师没有再读外界买来的报纸,而是按部就班地发下了统一的蒙学教材,这样的教育在此后平静地持续了下去,过得半年,便只有极少数的夜香妇们,才会在偶尔的交谈中,说起曾经的那位“汤夫子”了。而即便在许多年后,有已然成才的人们回到这里,说起那段从无到有的波澜壮阔的岁月,谈起曾经第一个在这边给夜香妇的孩子们教书蒙学的那位收粪工,人们对他的身份和名字,也基本没有了太多的印象,像是随时光的波澜,消融在那片流金的岁月里…… Two celebrate the land reform advancement of village, has some lags, but knows that the reason person by no means are many, soon, all also took the right track again routinely. 二庆村的土改进程,有着些许的滞后,但知道原因的人并不多,不久之后,一切也就再度按部就班地走上了正轨。 Only then in the most covert place, involvement of causes and effects quietly toward is bigger, a farther place to extend...... 只有在最隐蔽的地方,因果的牵连在悄然地朝着更大、更远的地方延伸过去…… In March/three months 14, late at night close to 11 p.m. to 1 a.m time, second in command reckless Tai of district police system rushed to behind the little Ye Village summit, aimed at Tang Minjie the side land to launch to confront the bow and arrow with already. He the veteran who draws back from the battlefield, now belongs to the period of five days five zones of the globe public security system, because the body has the wound, on martial arts definitely is can be victorious side land and the others, but the matter develops here, no longer is the violence can decide to move toward. 三月十四,深夜临近子时的时候,文普县警察系统的二把手胡泰赶到了小叶村后方的山顶,与已经将弓箭对准了汤敏杰的方陆展开对峙。他是从战场上退下来的老兵,如今归于候五带着的治安系统,由于身上有伤,武艺上肯定是打不过方陆等人的,但事情发展到这里,也不再是暴力能决定走向的了。 „...... I already knows the matter that you do, was being verified by the request. You silence a witness of crime now, already does not have the significance......, if the matter, he has not been truly living, you were all right, died, will also have many investigations of continue ; If the matter truly, kill(ed) him, the you crime adds first-grade......” “……我已经知道了你们干下的事情,受委托在进行查证。你们现在杀人灭口,已经没有意义……如果事情没有确实,他活着,你们没事,死了,还会有更多的调查继续;如果事情确实,杀了他,伱们罪加一等……” „...... My brothers died! I am fifth armed forces' third division major Staff Officer side land, my brothers died! You are what qualifications keep off my —— “……我的兄弟死了!我是第五军第三师少校参谋方陆,我的兄弟死了!你是什么资格过来挡我—— „...... Your is who was useless, to be in front of my to silence a witness of crime you unable to escape responsibility for an offense —— “……你是谁都没有用,当着我的面杀人灭口你们就逃不了罪责—— „...... My brothers died who unable to keep off me to kill his —— “……我兄弟死了谁都不能挡我杀他—— In the dim light of night confrontation of both sides is hysteric, that whole body is the young soldier of blood was even yelling hits —— his both hands fetter not to solve toward Tang Minjie, will otherwise hold the blade to kill people probably, at this time thrashes, to give the side land provides the final opportunity, but reckless Tai grasps the flintlock, side land pulls the strong bow, both sides confront intensely...... 夜色之中双方的对峙歇斯底里,那满身是血的年轻士兵甚至大叫着朝汤敏杰撞过去——他的双手束缚未解,否则大概会持刀杀人,此时的厮打,也是为了给方陆提供最后的机会,而胡泰手持火枪,方陆挽起强弓,双方激烈的对峙…… Until the statement lets lead more people to encircle...... 直到陈辞让带着更多的人合围过来…… 2nd day, then some people arrive at county government to dredge and ask for leniency, but entire matter already is unable to stop in fact, in March/three months 14 night, reckless Tai already a correspondence, transmits to a huge system, at the same time, the methane explosions of 223 research institutes, because not possible to be covered, in 15 afternoons of this day, the initial report that as the statement lets, the long and short of the story that some first can say, sends out the center. 第二天,便有人来到文普县政府疏通和说情,但事实上整个事情已经无法停止,三月十四的夜晚,胡泰已经将一封信函,发送到一个更为庞大的系统当中,与此同时,223研究所的沼气爆炸,因为不可能被掩盖,也在十五这天的下午,随着陈辞让的初步报告,将一些首先可以说的来龙去脉,发往中枢。 Matter underwent several days of fermentation, but the feedback of soon after, imagines reckless Tai is more serious than and fierce. In March/three months ten seven this morning, he in 223 the injury of having looked at Tang Minjie, rephrased in own words to him the initial development, after coming out, then saw silent soldier and group of carriages who toward here come, later, saw how is him to imagine, does not understand why will present No. 1 officer Ning Yi here. 事情经过了几天的发酵,但随后的反馈,远比胡泰想象的要严重和厉害。三月十七这天上午,他在223所看过汤敏杰的伤势,给他转述了事情的初步发展,出来之后,便看到了无声无息朝这边过来的军人与车队,之后,见到了任他如何想象,都不明白为什么会出现在这里的一号首长宁毅 Theoretically, the development of land reform is just like a raging fire, Ning Yi will assume personal command in any event in the center of entirely succeed, will not easily leave, but on the other hand, no matter Tang Minjie the status is much complex, will not be worth making the opposite party run —— he definitely Tang Minjie to summon toward the small corner in specially to go to entirely succeed. The appearance of Ning Yi, can only show, he previously because of certain things, arrived in nearby. 理论上来说,土改的发展正如火如荼,宁毅无论如何都会坐镇在成都的中枢,不会轻易离开,而另一方面,不管汤敏杰的身份多复杂,也不值得会让对方专程往文普的小角落里跑上一趟——他完全可以将汤敏杰召去成都。宁毅的出现,只能说明,他先前就因为某些事情,抵达了文普附近。 Naturally, these thing by no means are reckless Taigan thinks deeply. After having been received, reckless Taijiang previously the relations with Tang Minjie, as well as made a clean breast to his understanding and to this matter understanding one by one of: He pays attention to Tang Minjie , because last year some day Peng Yueyun will come here one time please hold, but does not know regarding Tang Minjie the concrete status, after that has only received an opposite party's request in very long time, hopes that ordered some newspapers through reckless Tai to entirely succeed fixed time, this matter by no means violated the taboo, reckless Tai rendered the assistance, afterward also heard the opposite party used these newspapers to one group of night of fragrant woman children's private clan school. 当然,这些东西并不是胡泰敢去深思的。在得到接见之后,胡泰将此前与汤敏杰的关系,以及对他的了解、对此次事情的了解都一一和盘托出:他关注汤敏杰,乃是因为去年某天彭越云来到这边的一次请托,但对于汤敏杰的具体身份不知,此后在很长的时间内则只接到过对方的一次请求,也就是希望通过胡泰这边到成都定时去订购一些报纸,这个事情并不犯忌讳,胡泰给予了帮助,后来也听说对方将这些报纸用在了给一帮夜香妇孩子的蒙学上。 But to March/three months ten four this morning, Tang Minjie looked for him, hopes that to two celebrates the landlord in village to conduct the treatment of secret through him, under reckless peaceful questioning, Tang Minjie seems like feels necessary, therefore also to two celebrates the partial question of village, made one to pass on and file: He currently is sceptical to the entire matter, does not hope that harmed that side staff casually, therefore also asked reckless Tai to conduct the investigation of simple, and emphasized this was personal please hold, hopes that temporarily was not in the procedure/program, do not make the unnecessary trouble to the opposite party. 而到了三月十四这天上午,汤敏杰过来找他,希望通过他对二庆村的一名地主进行秘密的救治,在胡泰的追问下,汤敏杰似乎是觉得有必要,因此也对二庆村的部分疑问,做了一个转告与备案:他目前对整个事情存有疑问,也不希望随随便便地伤害了那边的工作人员,因此也拜托胡泰进行简单的调查,并且强调了这是私人的请托,希望暂时不进入程序,不要给对方造成不必要的麻烦。 By March/three months 14 afternoons, reckless Taicha arrived at side land the conduct attitude of status background and part, soon, heard that the opposite party ties the group news that leaves county city, stemming from seeing clearly keen, he ponders over, then also brought the spear/gun to pursue toward little Ye Village at the same night...... 到三月十四的下午,胡泰查到了方陆的身份背景与部分的行事作风,不久之后,听说对方结群离开文普县城的消息,出于洞察的敏锐,他思前想后,便也带着枪连夜追往了小叶村…… When Ning Yi inquiry, he these matter each article leaves about the cake tray, has not made the beautification, later, was inquired all kinds of details, hold the process of school including the opposite party to the night fragrant woman children extremely, as well as that night confrontation condition. 宁毅询问时,他将这些事情桩桩件件的合盘托出,未做修饰,之后,又被询问了各种各样的细节,包括对方给夜香妇极其孩子们开学堂的经过,以及那天晚上的对峙状况。 In March/three months 17, the 1 to 3 p.m moment, Tang Minjie saw in the afternoon arrived here Ning Yi...... 三月十七,下午未时一刻,汤敏杰见到了来到这里的宁毅…… ...... …… The traces of spring are just abundant. 春意正盛。 Even little Ye Village close to barren Liangshan mountainous area, in the such world, can still see everywhere the open wild flower. 即便是接近贫瘠凉山山区的小叶村,在这样的世界里,也能够看见遍地开放的野花。 People already in village was busy at plowing in the spring busiest some time, but also had many forms still outside busy, nearby the composting fields of 223 research institutes, the trace of explosion has not removed. The body entangled Tang Minjie of bandage, follows Ning Yi to detour this place, walks toward nearby mountain on. 村子里的人们已经忙过了春耕最忙的一段时间,但也有不少的身影仍旧在外忙碌,223研究所的沤肥场附近,爆炸的痕迹还未去除。身上缠了绷带的汤敏杰,跟随着宁毅绕行过这处地方,朝一旁的山上走去。 He does not understand why Ning Yi will arrive at this. 他不明白宁毅为什么会来到这。 But Ning Yi soon after informed his result about the side land. 宁毅随后告知了他关于方陆的结局。 „...... yesterday evening, side land in the statement of confession embraced all issues, with chopsticks holds to put on the throat suicide.” “……就在昨天晚上,方陆在认罪书上揽下所有的问题以后,用一根筷子捅穿喉咙自杀了。” Tang Minjie the body swayed, cannot speak, passed the moment, Ning Yi takes several papers from the pocket: This is by that young person confession named odd/surplus Jiao you hold under duress, I have also looked, with your statement, basically agrees, repeats these things that you chat in the evening......” 汤敏杰的身体摇晃了一下,没能说话,又过了片刻,宁毅从口袋里拿出几张纸来:“这是被你挟持的那个叫余觉的年轻人的供词,我也看过了,跟你的陈述,基本一致,复述了你们当晚聊的那些东西……” Ning Yi gives him that paper: Has a look, what to need to supplement?” 宁毅将那纸递给他:“看看,有什么需要补充的吗?” Tang Minjie spread out to look at the confession, he blinks, thought the moment: This...... the young soldier, works decisively, the deal with changes is good, does not fear death, even...... he is willing to give self up to for the companion, if...... if not this time matter, he is a very good soldier......” 汤敏杰将供词摊开看了,他眨了眨眼睛,想了片刻:“这个……年轻战士,做事果断,应变好,不怕死,甚至……他愿意为了同伴舍身,如果……如果不是这次的事情,他是个很好的战士……” Ning Yi nods, sighed: These that...... he said that also very rouses the deaf, yes?” 宁毅点了点头,也叹了口气:“……他说的那些,也很振聋发聩,是吧?” Tang Minjie actually shakes the head: These views, are not worth refuting, but if...... the interior had many such sounds......” 汤敏杰却摇了摇头:“这些说法,不值一驳,但如果……内部有了很多这样的声音……” When interior will have this and that sound, particularly extreme sound. Moreover, person who wants to make money, once there is a right reason, fishing was also satisfied.” Ning Yi beckons with the hand, soon after said that according to...... this odd/surplus Jiao confession, with reckless peaceful rephrased in own words, you do not want to live, after composting the field has an accident, determined that they have the issue, you can in person many places of obviously to the research institute or the village shout loudly, matter was solved, but you do not have to do this, but how turned around to run up to the mountain...... you to consider?” “内部什么时候都会有这样那样的声音,尤其是极端的声音。而且,想要捞钱的人,一旦有了正当的理由,捞得也就更加心安理得了嘛。”宁毅摆了摆手,随后道,“根据……这个余觉的供词,和胡泰的一些转述,你是不太想活了,沤肥场出事之后,确定他们有问题,你明明可以到研究所或者村子里人多的地方大喊大叫,事情就解决了,但你没这样做,而是掉头跑到了山上……你怎么考虑的?” Two people stand near mountain stream that in Tang Minjie 14 thrashes with odd/surplus Jiao in the evening, Ning Yi looks at him. Tang Minjie thinks: I feared that their people were many, take risks, harmed the person of entire research institute.” 两人站在汤敏杰十四晚上与余觉厮打的溪水边上,宁毅看着他。汤敏杰想了一想:“我怕他们人多,铤而走险,害了整个研究所的人。” Um......” Ning Yi nods, „, if were not they said that you let loose that odd/surplus Jiao finally, pointed at the side 61 arrows to shoot dead you, I also letter/believed your reason.” ……”宁毅点点头,“如果不是他们说你最后放开了那个余觉,就指着方陆一箭射死你,我也就信你这个理由了。” Tang Minjie is silent. 汤敏杰沉默不语。 But you are also ruthless enough, determined the issue, decided wants dead, by that time, you also deceived to think, said Qiu Zishu came out dead in the night-soil bucket, in fact, he was admitted by reckless Tai, to 16 in the evening died finally, ruthless Ah…..., even if side land were ready for any sacrifice to kill you, relaxes, they do not know, Qiu Zishu was still also living, even also has reckless Tai this double insurance, therefore you spoke the word of praise to them even if, thought that odd/surplus Jiaoren was good, was at death's door, except for borrowing their blade killed oneself, you. Does not have a wee bit turning on the water to them, how does your...... make me see you Tang Minjie?” “但是你也够狠的,确定了问题,决定了想死,到了那种时候,你还骗余觉,说裘自书在粪桶里出来就死了,实际上,他由胡泰收治,是到十六的晚上才终于死了的,狠啊……就算方陆豁出去杀了你,松了一口气,他们也不知道,裘自书仍然还活着,甚至还有胡泰这个双保险,所以哪怕你给他们说好话,觉得余觉人不错,死到临头,除了借他们的刀杀自己,你对他们也没有一丁点的放水,你这样……让我怎么看你呢汤敏杰?” On the hillside, Ning Yi looks at him, the tranquil eyeground also has complex and even the look fluctuation of grief. But Tang Minjie has not detected this appearance. 山坡上,宁毅看着他,平静的眼底也有复杂、甚至悲悯的神色浮动。但汤敏杰并没有察觉到这一幕的出现。 I have not thought so many.” He said. “我没有想那么多。”他道。 Ning Yi then also no longer pestered, they look to hillside below village, so crossed one, Ning Yi just now started talking. 宁毅便也不再纠缠了,他们望向山坡下方的村子,如此过了一阵,宁毅方才开口说话。 „After defeating Jurchen people, the Huaxia army show off very much, on, the seventh military control the trade route in Sichuan, has been taking an advantage outwardly, afterward received purged greatly, but Chengdu, merchant and heroic who vagabond from outside comes, is willing to become friends with the Huaxia army internal member, regarding containment and investigation of this matter, is doing every year, but definitely also has massive fish slip through. On good image space land person, odd/surplus Jiao to say in confession, side land draws cash, more than ten orphans who provide for the ally, this situation is true, but in another aspect, his personality straightforward having a wide circle of acquaintances, is loyal to the friend, lives to own, there is a very high request, part of money of spent on the ally of dying, part of money of led living the ally indulged in dissipation to spend money like it is going out of style...... the body not extra money of this person, so long as did to money, surely was with the ally and friend together flower, even had the person to lend money with him, he was also the unretentive help. Tang does Minjie, you want the such friend, said honestly, I want.” “打败女真人之后,华夏军很出风头,明面上,第七军管着出川的商路,占过一阵便宜,后来受到了大整肃,而成都方面,很多从外头过来的商贾、英雄好汉,都很愿意结交华夏军内部的成员,对于这件事的遏制和调查,每年都在做,但肯定也有大量的漏网之鱼。就好像方陆这种人,余觉在供词里说,方陆拿了钱,供养战友的十几名遗孤,这个情况属实,但在另一个方面,他性格豪爽交游广阔,对朋友讲义气,对自己的生活,也有很高的要求,一部分的钱花在死去的战友身上,一部分的钱带了活着的战友花天酒地一掷千金……这个人的身上没有余钱,只要搞到钱,必定是跟战友和朋友一道花了,甚至有人跟他借钱,他也是毫无保留的帮忙。汤敏杰,你想不想有这样的朋友,坦白说,我都想有。” This type of timely rain and rivers and lakes / Jianghu Big Brother, most is always popular outside , some brothers, are willing to help him go all out. However where does his money come? These two years time, help some external vagabond various types bring both sides together . Moreover the heroic vagabond brain that outside these comes is flexible, knows, so long as is authorized, how can the realization, therefore became friends with for two years, but starting from six months, the news of land reform put, their already made various calculations and preparations......” “这种的及时雨、江湖大哥,在外头向来是最得人心的,也有一些兄弟,会很愿意帮他拼命。但是他的钱从哪里来?这两年的时间,就帮着一些外来的好汉各种牵线搭桥,而且这些外头来的英雄好汉脑子灵活,知道只要有权,怎么都可以变现,所以结交了两年,而从半年前开始,土改的消息放出来,他们就已经做了各种的推算和准备……” Arrived official start of land reform, the initial hundred village pilots, is grasping by me personally, therefore the issue also emerges not much, but starts toward bigger place proliferation by hundred villages, I was impossible really to hold, they also at this time, started the own plan. Even uses internal viewpoint difference, they can have the own concept and slogan...... that at this time, Tang does Minjie, you also sympathize with them?” “到了土改的正式开始,最初的百村试点,是由我亲自在抓,所以问题出现得还不多,但是由百村往更大的地方扩散开始,我就不可能真抓得住了,他们也就在这个时候,开始了自己的计划。甚至于利用内部的观点分歧,他们都能有自己的观念和口号……那么这个时候,汤敏杰,你还同情他们吗?” The wind blows the mountain ridge, Tang Minjie has not spoken, Ning Yi said: Land reform is conducted also well, that side entirely succeed, four people and so on discussion start slowly fell to the ground, everyone said, no longer the empty talk of probably beforehand that young junior. However this reform must work, where the biggest problem will emerge, do you know?” 风吹过山脊,汤敏杰没有说话,宁毅道:“土地改革进行得还不错,成都那边,四民之类的讨论慢慢的开始落地了,大家说起来,不再像是以前那种年轻小辈的空谈。但是这个改革要进行下去,最大的问题会出现在哪里,你知道吗?” In.” Tang Minjie said. “内部。”汤敏杰道。 Yes, interior.” Ning Yi nods, „the principle of operation and collapse of all social models, to put it bluntly, but is the unfair interest distribution way under the long-term operation, finally will accumulate to the moment of collapse. In the slogan we can pursue idealized fair, but in the actual operation, we must seek accepted, the previous method is better than a point operation model, by lengthens this time as far as possible, to put it bluntly, this was also the polite and liberal process...... the village notables had the assignment power in the basic unit in the past, they had an assignment proportion, now we must replace this assignment right, we must guarantee, the proportion of actually falling, will be better than them.” “是啊,内部。”宁毅点点头,“一切社会模型的运作和崩溃的原理,说白了,不过是不公平的利益分配方式在长期运行之下,最终都会积累到崩溃的一刻。口号上我们可以追求理想化的公平,但在实际操作当中,我们是要寻找行得通的、比上一个方法更好一点的操作模型,以把这个时间尽可能地延长,说白了,这也就是文明进步的过程……过去乡贤在基层掌握分配权力,他们有一个分配比例,现在我们要取代这个分配权利,我们也就必须保证,实际落下来的这个比例,会比他们更好。” Land reform, if carries out, the control and mobilization to the basic unit strength, will increase ten times compared with before, the civilization of society will progress a big truncation compared with before. However the person have the tendency of self-destruction...... side land, odd/surplus Jiao, these people considered the tendency of their self-destruction to reveal. Tang Minjie, if the land reform can maintain for ten years or 20 years in the benign result, everyone of later generation will think that the such equality and human rights are perfectly justified, the discussions about four people by that time, will probably turn into a general knowledge, therefore in any event, we must maintain it at least 20 years of benign development, must do everything possible, contains our interior these dress up ‚the way things should be the self-destruction tendency......” “土改如果落实下来,对基层力量的控制和动员,会比以前增加十倍,社会的文明会比以前进步一大截。但是人都有自毁的倾向……方陆、余觉,这些人就当是他们自毁的倾向表露出来了吧。汤敏杰,如果土地改革能够在良性的结果当中维持十年或者二十年,后世的所有人都会觉得这样的平等和人权是天经地义的,关于四民的讨论到那个时候,可能才会变成一种常识,所以无论如何,我们都要维持它至少二十年的良性发展,要想尽办法,遏制我们内部的那些打扮成‘人之常情’的自毁倾向……” My this coming, to not look your.” Ning Yi said that „the after matter of entirely succeed made the arrangement, I come out secretly, planned as far as possible looks to the frontline village of land reform, collected various possible issues...... to meet you exactly the matter.” “我这次过来,原本不是为了找你的。”宁毅道,“成都的事情做了安排之后,我是偷偷地出来,打算尽可能的到土改的前线村子去看一看,搜集各种可能出现的问题……是恰好遇上了你这边的这件事。” „...... The teacher, doesn't such have the confidence?” Long time, Tang Minjie asked one. “……老师,这么没信心吗?”良久,汤敏杰问了一句。 Ning Yi has turned head to come to see him, smiled: Village notables have its advanced nature and inevitable, wants to depend upon the sole bureaucrat to replace it, either regarding supervisory already of discipline strict to certain extent, either, is needs their oneself on enough nobleness, if only some relaxed forgives oneself, is shouting loudly the person of way things should be, could not make this revolution. The backward material, establishes the society that did not enter at first.” 宁毅扭过头来看了看他,笑了笑:“乡贤本身就是有它的先进性和必然性的,想要依靠单一的官僚取代它,要么对于纪律的监察已经严格到了一定程度,要么,是需要他们自己就足够的高尚,如果只是一些轻轻松松就原谅自己,高喊着人之常情的人,闹不了这个革命。落后的材料,建立不起先进的社会。” Tang Minjie raised the head: But we employ two methods to achieve one goal.” 汤敏杰抬起头来:“但我们是双管齐下。” Therefore we can depend upon present organization to let first round of land reform true landing.” Ning Yi said, „the following development, we can also promote reluctantly, but which step already stretches very much tightly...... hundred village pilots, 1000 work teams, 10,000 people, this already is the administration that we accumulate elite, but you know how many people the back supervision does want? Then they develop to 1000 villages, 10,000 villages, moreover attracts the rookie in the continuous land reform, with the supervision of what degree, can guarantee that their head times have the pressure, and are insufficient to affect the efficiency. Tang Minjie, if you speaking of the confidence...... right, I do not have ten tenths confidence, most likely (80%) and 70% do not have......” “所以我们能依靠现在的组织度让第一轮土改真正的落地。”宁毅道,“接下来的发展,我们也勉强可以推动,但是哪一步都已经绷得很紧……百村试点,一千个工作组,一万人,这已经是我们积累下来的行政精锐,但你知道背后的监察要多少人?接下来他们发展到一千个村子,一万个村子,而且在源源不断的土改中又吸纳新人,用什么程度的监察,可以保证他们的头上时刻有压力,而又不至于过于影响效率。汤敏杰,如果你说到信心……没错,我没有十成的信心,八成、70%也没有……” That already was also very high, we already is in this world...... this time, some organization highest people, no matter what kind of, I felt at this point......” Tang Minjie, paused slightly, we...... can succeed......” “那也已经很高了,我们已经是这个世上……这个时代,组织度最高的一些人了吧,不管怎么样,我觉得……”汤敏杰说到这里,微微顿了顿,“我们……会成功的……” Sees him to mention the attitude of this matter, Ning Yi smiled, but his actually has not refuted. Only crosses one, inhales a breath of air. 看到他说起这件事的态度,宁毅笑了起来,但他倒也没有反驳。只过得一阵,吸了一口气 In brief, matter is a such matter...... I thinks on the road how should draw the issue of recruit everywhere, happen to heard, you do not want to live, I think suddenly, happen, makes use of waste, you come out to work.” “总而言之呢,事情就是这么一个事情……我在路上想,该怎么到处拉壮丁的问题,也正好听说,你这边不想活了,那我就忽然想到,正好,废物利用一下,你出来做点事吧。” I......” “我……” Tang Minjie subconscious, when rejects, Ning Yi beckons with the hand, the vision enforces. 汤敏杰下意识的正待拒绝,宁毅摆了摆手,目光严肃起来。
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