LISIL :: Volume #10 长夜过春时

#1214 Part 2: Burning without flames ( 4 )

Two heroes, in do not cover-up, our Fujian place, obeys king change/transform, the rebellion naturally nobody rebellion, however Emperor nearby these corrupt officials, everyone cannot tolerate, that naturally may kill. From now on to Fúzhou, two, as long as there is head of yellow dog to fall to the ground, each region large clan all has to wind around, the difficult expense to offer, so long as two so long as will observe carefully, each region will also all like Yu so to have the loyal Lu Sousong grain to shed to cut value Qian to say revolts to know blows the reef rubber to ask that bright the mediocre brain will wash the umbrella? “两位英雄,于某也不藏着掖着,咱们福建一地啊,服膺王化,造反那是无人造反的,可是皇帝身边的这些贪官污吏,大家看不过去,那自然可杀。自此地到福州,两位,但凡有黄狗的人头落地,各地大族皆有盘缠、劳苦费用奉上,只要两位只要细细观察,各地也皆有如于某人这般心存忠逯嗽凇饩褪切值芊讲叛识焕吹礁胶问碌脑涤伞? He, lowered the sound at this point. Opposite bent/tune Longhan vision is confident, rather envied actually already to smile: You want to revolt, that Cao Jinlong, Pu letter/believes what, is could it be your political lines?” 他说到这里,压低了声音。对面的曲龙珺目光坦然,宁忌却已经笑了起来:“你们就是想造反,那个曹金龙、蒲信圭什么的,难道就是你们的上线?” Yeah, is the magnanimous acts, where gets online, actually really withstand/top in the front these chivalrous people, if not evade the raid of falcons and dogs, must die mostly, although we have the loyalty, but resists some corrupt officials that's all, does not dare really to enrage the emperor's countenance.” “哎,都是义举,哪有上线,其实真顶在前头的这些义士啊,若是躲不过鹰犬的搜捕,多半是要死的,咱们虽心存忠义,不过对抗一些贪官污吏罢了,不敢真的触怒龙颜啊。” Has not related, I am not good person.” Ning Ji raised the head, these that you said that pouring also is really very interesting.” “不过没有关系,我也不是什么好人。”宁忌抬起头来,“你说的这些,倒还真是挺有意思的。” I know certainly that you are not good person...... in Hezhang in the heart said that in the surface nevertheless smiles, general introduced in a low voice each region kills yellow dog enjoying volume, later said: 那我当然知道你不是好人……于贺章心中说道,面上却是笑起来,又低声大概地介绍了一下各地杀“黄狗”的赏额,之后才道: Actually, two few heroes must do anything, in does not dare to gesticulate, but, knew two skills, now also the liveliness, wants to inform two...... two heroes also to know, Fúzhou is present falcons and dogs accumulation the place of bad risk, all heroes, went repeatedly, with that iron skyhawk and Yue Yinping, Yue clouds that and the others resisted, in the past all lost, but this kind of affair, naturally will not give up one time twice, Cao Jinlong Cao great hero that now, that just now says, also has Pu Xingui, Chen Shuangran and other chivalrous person children., Heard that in Fúzhou, the accumulation strength, waiting for an opportunity to achieve some great accomplishments...... two , if interested to these important matters, for example just now said that few heroes, if wants for the iron skyhawk that in the family/home the elder killed that to face retribution for a life of crime, actually might as well went to Fúzhou, sought some companions, in here, regarding this then some clues, for example: Tongfu Inn......” “其实,两位少侠要干些什么事情,于某是不敢指手画脚的,只是,也知道二位的身手了得,如今也有一场热闹,想要告知二位……两位英雄也知道,福州乃是如今鹰犬聚集的凶险之地,各方英雄啊,去了多次,与那铁天鹰、岳银瓶、岳云等人对抗,过去皆铩羽而归,但这样的事情,当然不会一次两次就罢手,如今,那方才所说的曹金龙曹大侠,还有蒲信圭、陈霜燃等义士子女,听说都在福州,聚集力量,伺机要做一些大事……两位若是对这些大事有兴趣,譬如方才说的,少侠若是想要为家中长辈杀了那恶贯满盈的铁天鹰,倒也不妨去福州,寻些同伴,于某这里,对此便有一些线索,例如:同福客栈……” Above the tea stall, in Hezhang lowered the sound, one told carefully, will certainly not say regarding the concrete thing many, so long as two people have a mind to put to death yellow dog, or goes to be some thorn kings to kill the matter of harnessing to Fúzhou, already enough they look for some attachment clues. When said to these topics, in Hezhang also asked that whether two people intend to stay in Pucheng County some time, kills several yellow dog to try, but after rejected reply, he is not then many pesters, handing over made one send a farewell gift of travel expenses of 12 money. 茶摊之上,于贺章压低了声音,一番细细讲述,对于具体的东西当然不会讲得太多,但只要两人有心“诛杀黄狗”,或是去到福州做些刺王杀驾之事,也已经足够他们去寻找到一些接头线索。待到这些话题说完,于贺章才又问了一遍,两人是否有意留在浦城县一段时间,杀几只“黄狗”试试,但得到拒绝的回答后,他便也不多纠缠,转手让人送来了一份十两银子的程仪。 Two people leave this tea stall, when to county city, regarding the present situation in entire Fujian, understood a very major part finally. Now in the entire Fujian, on almost nobody dares to come out to oppose Fúzhou small Imperial Court outwardly, however each region large amount of large clans, nevertheless is supporting the innumerable desperados secretly, starts each region assassination wantonly officials that sends from the above, these chivalrous person is the personal behavior, but each region patriarchal clan is giving to enjoy the silver is also shielding these chivalrous person fugitive with hiding in secret. 两人离开这茶摊,去往县城时,对于整个福建的现状,总算明白了很大的一部分。如今在整个福建,明面上几乎无人敢出来反对福州的小朝廷,然而各地大宗大族,却是暗地里支持着无数亡命之徒,开始大肆的暗杀各地从上方派下来的官员,这些“义士”一个个都是个人行为,但各地宗族又在暗中给出赏银并且掩护着这些“义士”的逃亡与躲藏。 This slogan attempts to start the floor by honoring the emperor and repel the barbarians, to small Emperor that the large clan seizes power, at this time submerged unexpectedly like this unusually in people's war in vast ocean. 以“尊王攘夷”这种口号尝试发动底层,向大族夺权的小皇帝,此时竟淹没在了这样奇特的“人民战争”的汪洋大海里。 Does not know this matter across Fujian, actually intense to what degree nothing more. 只是不知道这种事情在福建各地,到底激烈到了什么程度而已 bent/tune Longhan has studied, regarding the significances of these things, naturally understands, as for Ning Ji in west south to receiving more similar knowledge, both sides mentioned at this time, had the strange feeling to raise in the heart. bent/tune Longhan said with a smile: That...... you said that they go to Fúzhou, wants to kill one's sovereign to kill Emperor, kills Emperor nearby these running dog Ah? also has...... the dragonet you think what's to be done Ah? 曲龙珺读过书,对于这些事情的意义,自然明白,至于宁忌在西南接受过更多类似的知识,此时双方说起,都有奇怪的感觉在心头升起。曲龙珺笑道:“那……你说他们去福州,是又想要弑君杀皇帝,还是杀一杀皇帝身边的那些走狗啊?还有……小龙你想怎么办啊? Rather envies/avoid pondered: Actually...... this small Emperor comments in the southwest wind also well, moreover also has has participated in one group of Zuo brothers of Huaxia army, now is helping them carry out the reform, that what Cao Jinlong and so on puppy wants to do the destruction, I naturally must help them get rid of Cao Jinlong. However......” 宁忌想了想:“其实……这个小皇帝在西南的风评还不错,另外还有参加过华夏军的一帮左家兄弟,如今在帮他们搞改革,那个什么曹金龙之类的小狗想要搞破坏,我当然是要帮他们干掉曹金龙的。不过……” he paused, soon after has a look at bent/tune Longhan, look faint is complex: If possible, I must meet meeting wife's parents'family's that to the sister and brother, then...... butchers that son of a bitch named iron skyhawk.” 他顿了顿,随后看看曲龙珺,神色微微复杂起来:“如果可能的话,我要会会岳家的那对姐弟,然后……宰掉那个叫铁天鹰的狗东西。” bent/tune Longhan also looks at him, later understands the implication in his eye, smiles, pulled his hand. 曲龙珺也看着他,之后明白了他眼中的涵义,笑起来,挽了挽他的手 All right.” “没事的。” She said. 她道。 When the time comes, I will first hide.” “到时候,我会先躲起来。” In the morning, the pedestrian on mountain road are not many, Ning Ji then also pinched her hand. Stupidly smiled...... 上午,山路上的行人不多,宁忌便也捏了捏她的手。傻乎乎地笑了起来…… Two people enter a city, regarding Fúzhou anticipated, hence, finally becomes concrete...... 两人一路进城,对于福州的一些期待,至此,也终于变得具体起来……
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