LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#832: A person must refuel

Do not press, is the chest muscles.” “别按了,是胸肌。” The young youngster lowers the head, looked at who shrinks in oneself bosom. 小少年低下头,看了一眼缩在自己怀里的维莉。 The blonde young girl the restoration from just startled, she has not put out a hand to hold the youngster chest front clothes very much obviously subconsciously, but also used a strength to press slightly toward inside. 金发少女很显然还没有从刚刚的惊慌中的恢复过来,她下意识的伸手抓住了少年胸前的衣服,还稍稍用了一点力往里面压了一下。 But in instance that the words of youngster resound, that pure white slender hand was similar to receives an electric shock to receive immediately generally, was the young girl stutter sound, my my I 而在少年的话语响起的瞬间,那洁白纤细的手立刻如同触电一般收了回去,紧接着就是少女结结巴巴的声音,“我我我・・・” Her shoes department is not tight, had been thrown off in just intense movement, two snow white feet tighten slightly, overhang the arc the arch. 她的鞋系的并不紧,在刚刚的激烈动作中已经被甩掉,两只雪白的脚丫微微绷紧,撑出弧形的足弓。 At this moment, together golden color brilliance suddenly from far to near shoots. 就在这时,一道金色光辉骤然由远而近的射来。 He Ao holds in the arms shoulder single-handed, another hand rapid delimits along calf, has been leaving the instance of heel, lifts the hand fiercely, caught the thorn to be glorious to his golden color. 何奥单手搂住维莉的肩膀,另一只手迅速沿着维莉的小腿下方划过,在离开维莉脚跟的瞬间,猛地抬手,接住了刺向他的那道金色光辉。 The tall and slender golden lance appears the figure under the curtain of night, the sharp lance point, almost stopped before the surface gate of youngster. 细长的金色长矛在夜幕下显出身形,锋利的矛尖,几乎停在了少年的面门之前。 But under of youngster, above the ground, the new golden lance collects in the gold thread white robe priest hand. 而在少年的下方,地面之上,新的金色长矛在金丝白袍祭司手上汇集。 Stands firm the center of gravity.” “稳住重心。” He Ao grips the lance, is stepping on to the both feet on the roof, has controlled the slight nod of good center of gravity. 何奥握住长矛,对着双脚踩在屋顶上,已经控制好重心的维莉微微点头。 Then he loosened the hand that grasps, jumps to leap, changes to together the black flowing light following the curtain of night under. 然后他松开了抱住维莉的手,纵身一跃,化作一道黑色的流光顺着夜幕而下。 Body swayed, but stood firm quickly balanced, but waits for her to stabilize the figure completely the time, the youngster has stood in the ground, stood before the gold thread white robe priest body. 维莉的身子摇晃了一下,但是很快稳住了平衡,而等她完全稳定身形的时候,少年已经站在了地面上,站在了金丝白袍祭司身前。 Lois,” “伊洛,” The new golden lance has formed in the gold thread white robe priest hand, he is gazing at He Ao, looked like you to use what means concealing the truth the eyes of big priest,” 新的金色长矛已经在金丝白袍祭司手中形成,他注视着何奥,“看来你用什么办法‘瞒’过了大祭司的眼睛,” He lifts the golden lance, it horizontally in chest front, „, but you pass through that many time struggle hard, former bishop, is Brite, now injury is not weak, wants to defeat me, without is so easy, so long as and other big priests responded, came back to support, your time of death has arrived.” 他抬起金色长矛,将其横在胸前,“但是你经过那么多次苦战,无论是前主教,还是布莱特,现在身上的伤势也不弱吧,想要战胜我,也没有那么容易,只要等大祭司反应过来,回来支援,你的死期就已经到了。” He Ao looks at present the priest self-confident facial features, leaned slightly the head. 何奥看着眼前祭司自信的面容,微微侧了侧头。 Ignorant and arrogant fellow,” “无知又傲慢的家伙,” Sees the He Ao movement, the gold thread white robe priest laughs at one, on the golden brilliance collection golden color lance in his hands surging, unceasing congealing reality, 看到何奥的动作,金丝白袍祭司嗤笑一声,涌动的金色光辉汇集在他手中的金色长矛上,不断的凝实, Do not think that dealt with 12 individuals, the follower who can resist all eternal rays, granting of eternal ray, is not you can understand.” “不要以为对付了一两个人,就能对抗所有永恒光芒的信徒,永恒光芒的赐予,并不是你能理解的。” Hanging that are sending out the golden ray falls from his long gown gushes out, collects in in the air, formed one almost with barrier that’ hanging to fall to build. 一颗颗散发着金色光芒的吊坠从他的长袍下涌出,汇集在空中,形成了一道几乎完全用吊坠垒成的‘屏障’。 Before these hang the quantity of falling far exceeds , the quantity that to have been killed another that suffragan bishop Lokve use by He Ao. 这些吊坠的量已经远超过之前被何奥杀死的另一位‘副主教’洛克威使用的量。 So many hang the strength of falling to collect in within the body, the present new bishop will probably turn into a distortion thoroughly monster, will die after this fight directly. 这么多吊坠的力量汇集在体内,眼前的新主教可能会彻底变成一个扭曲的‘怪物’,甚至会在这次战斗之后直接死去。 But these hang to fall the strength that the collection becomes, perhaps far will before also exceed He Ao, any eternal esoteric buddhism follower who meets. 而这些吊坠汇集而成的力量,恐怕也会远超过何奥之前遇见的任何一个永恒密教信徒。 It seems like that archbishop, has not as if done to deal with the preparation of this sudden outbreak completely. 看来,那位‘大主教’,似乎也不是完全没有做应对这种突发状况的准备。 Experiences the eternal ray the strength!” “见识一下永恒光芒的力量吧!” As if saw the thinking in He Ao jet black vision, the gold thread white robe priest split the corners of the mouth, showed a somewhat crazy smile, I offered all in you, great eternal ray!” 似乎看到了何奥漆黑目光中的思索,金丝白袍祭司裂开嘴角,露出一个有些疯狂的笑容,“我将一切都献于您,伟大的永恒光芒!” That golden hanging falls suddenly shatter, the innumerable brilliance like crashing in the gas of balloon, crashed in the body of gold thread white robe priest, flesh of that distortion like bubble general creeping motion inflation. 那一颗颗金色的吊坠骤然破碎,无数的光辉如同冲进气球的气体,冲进了金丝白袍祭司的身躯,那扭曲的血肉如同泡沫一般蠕动膨胀。 Ha! Dies!” “哈哈哈!去死吧!” With flooding into of these strengths, his movement has not stood still, that has turned into the blood red eyeball to gaze at He Ao completely, he lifts the golden lance in hand, a lance punctures toward He Ao. 伴随着这些力量的涌入,他的动作并未停歇,那颗已经完全变成血红的眼球注视着何奥,他抬起手中的金色长矛,一矛向着何奥刺来。 As he approaches step by step, his body also in unceasing inflation, distortion. 而随着他一步步的靠近,他的身躯也在不断的膨胀,扭曲。 The He Ao tranquil gaze all these, were lifting the golden lance in hand simultaneously, then forward one step. 何奥平静的注视着这一切,同时抬起了手中的金色长矛,然后向前一步。 Orange brilliance collect in his left eye, center his jet black pupil, outlined in -line the triangle pattern of but actually tight closing one's eyes pupil. 一道道橙色的光辉在他左眼中汇集,在他漆黑的瞳孔正中,勾勒出一个内嵌着紧闭眼眸的倒三角图形。 This flash, the white robe priest looked up subconsciously to the sky. 这一瞬间,白袍祭司下意识抬头看向了天空。 Under this jet black curtain of night, in endless void, as if another eye unceasing opening, gazes at him to twist the body unceasingly. 在这漆黑的夜幕下,在无尽的虚空中,仿佛有一只又一只的眼睛不断的睁开,注视着他不断扭曲着身躯。 In the invisible nighttime, as if resounded some distortion sharp whistling by, that is in the lowest level world, some type of thing by cleaning sound. 在无形的黑夜里,仿佛响起了某种扭曲尖锐的啸叫,那是在最底层的世界里,某种东西被‘擦除’的声音。 The sore spot of direct link soul knows the sea the deep place to reappear in him. 直达灵魂的痛处在他识海的深处浮现。 That cleaning sound, like sharp pine needle, dense and numerous pricks his soft soul unceasingly. 那‘擦除’的声音,如同尖锐的松针,密密麻麻的不断刺入他柔软的灵魂。 Every time resounds one, his strength as if by cancelling a point. 每响起一声,他的力量仿佛就被‘抹去’了一分。 In sky eye are getting more and more, that cleaning the sound is also getting more and more anxious. 天空中的‘眼睛’越来越多,那‘擦除’的声音也越来越急。 Drops the raindrop in iron sheet like the storm, sends out sound that as if not cease forever. 如同暴风雨中滴落在铁皮上的雨滴,发出噼里啪啦仿佛永不会停息的响声。 But he originally full strength, like flowing swiftly the rubber ball of gas is ordinary, gradually withered. 而他原本‘充盈’的力量,也如同泻去气体的皮球一般,渐渐‘干瘪’。 The faint trace ice-cold aura fell on his cheeks, by scalding hot flesh melting. 丝丝冰冷的气息落在了他的脸颊上,又被灼热的肌肤融化。 His vision downward, looks to the front, the snowflake in sky does not know when crowded, slowly falls gently following the light that under the night survives. 他的目光向下,看向前方,天空中的雪花不知道什么时候密集了起来,缓缓的顺着黑夜下残存的灯光飘落。 He gazes at these to fall on the snowflake of ground gradually melting, is similar to the body that gazes at to decay gradually dry. 他注视着这些落在地上渐渐融化的雪花,就如同注视着自己渐渐枯朽的身躯。 The strength from gracious gift had been cancelled, damage that but that huge strength tearing body causes actually continuously. 来自恩赐的力量已经被抹去,但是那庞大的力量撕裂身躯所造成的伤害却一直都在。 He by double was grasped the lance to turn single-handed, in injured the right hand with the deviationist fight at this moment is almost once unuseful. 他由双手持矛变成了单手,曾经在与异端分子战斗中受伤的右手此刻已经几乎完全不能使用。 „!!!” “啊!!!” But his step still did not have the slight idle time, he shouts one angrily, toward opposite black robe youngster flushing away of without hesitation. 但他的步伐仍旧没有丝毫的停歇,他愤怒的嘶吼一声,朝着对面的黑袍少年毫不犹豫的冲去。 Incisive lance thorn to the chest of youngster. 尖锐的长矛刺向少年的胸口。 Youth's tranquil gaze he, then one step, the radiant lance is dancing a stick to be colored forward in his hands, having the terrifying power and influence on forward. 少年平静的注视着他,然后再向前一步,璀璨的长矛在他手中舞了个棍花,带着恐怖的威势向前。 The entire land as if reduces before the body of youngster, merely one step, the youngster crossed that also to calculate that remote distance, before arriving in his body . 整个大地都仿佛在少年的身前缩小,仅仅一步,少年越过了那还算遥远的距离,抵达了他的身前。 The golden lance arrived in his body before the flowing light generally. 金色的长矛如同流光一般抵达了他的身前。 How can, such quick 怎么会,这么快・・・ - 噗- With the severe pain of nape of the neck, his body is stopping finally at this moment, he opens mouth, the fresh hematorrhea filled his throat, finally what words have not said. 伴随着脖颈的剧痛,他的身子终于在此刻停下,他张开嘴,鲜血溢满了他的喉咙,最终什么话语都没有说出。 He Ao loosened hand that grips the lance, forward one step, with white robe priest wrong body. 何奥松开了握住长矛的手,向前一步,和白袍祭司错身而过。 Bang- 砰- The golden lance is loudly stave, the white robe priest body inclines, throws down forward on the ground, makes the clear sound. 金色长矛轰然破碎,白袍祭司身躯倾斜,向前摔倒在地上,发出清脆的声响。 Brought the orange brilliance blood to soak the ground, fused with the sky faded and fallen snowflake together. 带着橙色光辉的鲜血浸湿了地面,与天空飘零的雪花融合在一起。 The cold wind has stroked the incarnadine white robe slightly, has stroked that already by the tattered and torn body that the strength supports. 微微寒风拂过染红的白袍,拂过那已经被力量撑的千疮百孔的身躯。 He Ao turn head looked at priest one of the ground, then he jumps to jump, jumped on the roof again. 何奥回头看了地上的祭司一眼,然后他纵身跃起,再次跳到了屋顶上。 Solution, solution?” “解,解决了?” Stands on the roof, somewhat careful looks at He Ao. 维莉站在屋顶上,有些小心的看着何奥 Just the movements of two people could not catch to her quickly, she only noticed that the forms of two people interlocked probably, the white robe priest who then that was just still putting the aggressive statement did not have. 刚刚两个人的动作都快到她捕捉不到,她只看到两个人的身影好像交错而过,然后那个刚刚还在放狠话的白袍祭司就没了。 This is even quicker than a blink. 这甚至比一眨眼还快。 Un,” “嗯,” He Ao looked down to step on the foot on roof, the faded and fallen snowflake fell on that clear instep, the melting, spilled over a red pink color gradually. 何奥低头看了一眼维莉踩在屋顶上的脚丫,飘零的雪花落在那晶莹的脚背上,渐渐融化,泛出点点红粉色。 The outdoor temperature of present is not high, exposes in the outside this extremely short time merely, foot was frozen red. 现在的室外温度并不高,仅仅暴露在外面这极短的时间里,维莉的脚就被冻红了。 I have not thought that shoes quality is not good.” “我也没有想到,那鞋质量不行。” Looks that He Ao looked to foot that oneself expose, somewhat cautious pressed the left leg on the right foot instep, rubbed rubbing carefully. 维莉看着何奥看向自己裸露出来的脚丫,有些拘谨的把左脚压在了右脚脚背上,小心的搓了搓。 Actually her clothes also some breakages, reveal below flesh. 其实她身上的衣服也有一些破损,露出下方的肌肤。 Little mister!” “小先生!” At this moment, a form of wear exoskeleton armor flew excitedly, in his hand is proposing one black, a rose gold/metal two sets of exoskeleton armor handed over. 就在这时,一个穿着外骨骼装甲的身影兴奋的飞了过来,将他手里提着的一黑,一玫瑰金两套外骨骼装甲递了过来。 Before followed in Just behind young detective. 正是之前跟在加斯特身后的年轻探员。 He Ao puts out a hand, received that two sets of exoskeleton armor, is convenient the exoskeleton armor of that set of rose gold/metal, pressed down the switch, gave. 何奥伸出手去,接过了那两套外骨骼装甲,然后顺手将那套玫瑰金的外骨骼装甲,按下了开关,递给了维莉。 The putting out a hand card enters the exoskeleton armor to go in immediately hollowly, specially independently oversleeve, this set of exoskeleton armor quickly launches, packages her entire body. 维莉立刻伸手卡进外骨骼装甲凹陷进去的,专门放手的‘袖套’里,这套外骨骼装甲迅速展开,将她整个身躯包裹起来。 I said how you make me prepare this these two sets snow eagle, your did think?” “我说你怎么让我准备这这两套‘雪鹰’,你连这个都想到了?” Somewhat pleasantly surprised looks that by both feet that the exoskeleton armor packages, stepped on the ground gently. 维莉有些惊喜的看着被外骨骼装甲包裹的双脚,轻轻踩了踩地面。 This is snow eagle that’ Elvis space systems company researches and develops all wrapping type exoskeleton armor, is the high-end product, the interior has the special comfortable system, the foot is also has leather boots, can the putting on clothes clothing, can not putting on clothes clothing. 这是伊维斯空间系统公司研发的‘雪鹰’型全包裹式外骨骼装甲,属于高端产品,内部有专门的舒适性系统,脚部也是带有‘皮革靴’的,可以穿衣穿戴,也可以不穿衣穿戴。 This set of armor can package below user head all bodies. 这套装甲会包裹使用者头部以下的所有躯体。 Vian researches and develops Adam 1 st time, referred to this set of exoskeleton armor. 维安研发亚当一号的时候,就参考了这套外骨骼装甲。 However the disadvantage of this set of exoskeleton armor is quite obvious, is expensive, for the facile effect sacrificed the defensive power, accurate, in the high-grade unusualness eyes, is similar to the leatheroid. 不过这套外骨骼装甲的劣势比较明显,造价高昂,为了轻便效果牺牲了防御力,确切来说,在高等级的超凡者眼中,和纸皮差不多。 Naturally, the armor of conventional iron pot armor, only compared with leatheroid. 当然,常规铁罐头装甲的护甲,也只比纸皮强一点。 Eve has been this set of exoskeleton armor and Nowland Group now in selling this/should cryptotype miniature machine armor competes the analysis. 夏娃做过这套外骨骼装甲和诺兰卡集团现在在售的‘该隐型’微型机甲的竞品分析。 This set snow eagle exoskeleton armor construction cost is this/should hidden several times, the actual battle efficiency actually does not arrive at this/should cryptotype half. 这套‘雪鹰’外骨骼装甲造价是‘该隐’的数倍,实际战斗力却不到该隐型的一半。 He Ao looked by the graceful build that the exoskeleton armor outlined. 何奥看了一眼维莉被外骨骼装甲勾勒出来的曼妙体型。 Adjusts the young girl bright golden long hair and fair flesh that the color rose gold/metal armor is joined to especially, appearing mysterious and attractive. 特调色彩的玫瑰金装甲配上的少女亮金色的长发和白皙的肌肤,显得神秘而又有魅力。 Snow eagle the only advantage is, the armored design is quite attractive, compared with by the welcome of female user. ‘雪鹰’唯一的优势是,装甲设计比较好看,比较受女性用户的欢迎。 He Ao put out a hand to search in the hand this set of black exoskeleton armor oversleeve, the jet black exoskeleton armor wrapped his whole body rapidly. 何奥伸手探进了手中这套黑色外骨骼装甲的‘袖套’,漆黑的外骨骼装甲迅速包裹了他的全身。 He put out a hand to control, two brilliance spewed out from him behind, have his body float. 他伸手操控了一下,两道光辉从他身后喷涌而出,带着他的身躯悬浮。 Snow eagle also the merit, that has flight ability, after Eve covers its firmware, but can also ultra come one after another to send out the powerful acceleration. ‘雪鹰’还有一个优点,那就是拥有‘飞行’能力,在夏娃覆盖其固件之后,还能超频爆发出强大的加速度。 He Ao looked at one behind, the soldier who evening light meeting had penetrated, then he looked up top of the head float machine armor, turn head looked, 何奥看了一眼身后,暮光会的战士已经突入了进来,然后他又抬头看了一眼头顶悬浮的机甲,回头看向维莉, You continue to penetrate, regardless has anything, do not impulse, maintains the reason.” “你继续突入,无论发生什么,都不要冲动,保持理智。” He comes here goal is for this ‚the B level bishop, to him, this priest is very easy to solve, if he cannot stop doing, perhaps this bishop will become the change war strength. 他来这里的目的就是为了这个‘B级’的主教,对于他来说,这个祭司很容易解决,但是一旦他抽不出手,这个主教恐怕就会成为改变战局的力量。 This is also the reason that he had not just come, if this bishop discovered ahead of time his existence, may not go all out like this, but travels directly or in the Nuoweite area archbishop said. 这也是他刚刚一直没有现身的原因,如果这个主教提前发现了他的存在,可能就不会这样拼命,而是直接跑路或者把在诺维特区的‘大主教’叫来了。 Good!” “好!” Looks that the youngster was wrapped the body by the streamline jet black armor, gently nod. 维莉看着少年被流线型漆黑装甲包裹身躯,轻轻点头。 The breeze of roaming curls up the young girl golden sending tree top, the He Ao tranquil gaze the present girl, lifts the hand slowly, made a movement that wears the mask, then smiles saying that proprietress, a person time, must refuel.” 流荡的微风卷起少女金色的发梢,何奥平静的注视着眼前的女孩,缓缓抬起手,做了一个戴面具的动作,然后微笑道,“老板娘,一个人的时候,也要加油啊。” God, gazes at slightly is hanging at present in the in the air youngster, she opens mouth, wants to say anything. 维莉微微愣神,注视着眼前悬在空中的少年,她张了张嘴,想要说什么。 But finally, she brings back the corners of the mouth, the numerous nods, the eye becomes the crescent moon curved, said with a smile, 但最终,她只是勾起嘴角,重重的点头,眼睛弯成月牙,笑道, Good!” “好!” With the sonic boom sound of thundering, the jet black form disappeared under the gloomy curtain of night. 伴随着轰鸣的音爆声,漆黑的身影消失在了暗淡的夜幕下。 …… …… Nuoweite area 诺维特区 Lois, aren't you to all these, as if surprised?” “小伊洛,你似乎对这一切,‘并不惊讶’?” On the brilliance gloomy corridor, Kewen lowers the head, gazes at that to cover the form under hood long gown, you seem like, from entering this corridor starts, does not have any body language?” 光辉暗淡的走廊上,科文低下头,注视着那个笼罩在兜帽长袍下的身影,“你好像,从进入这个走廊里开始,就没有什么肢体语言?” This flash, Lehne realized anything suddenly, she extends the left hand fiercely, nearby youngster shoves open backward, at the same time, the right hand of her gripping dagger lifted rapidly, keeps off before the body. 这一瞬间,莱娜突然意识到了什么,她猛地伸出左手,将一旁的‘少年’向后推开,与此同时,她的握住匕首的右手迅速抬起,挡在了身前。 Bang- 砰- With the clear sound, the jet black dagger blocks the golden long blade that divided. 伴随着清脆的声响,漆黑的匕首挡住了劈来的金色长刀。 Kewen who grips tightly the long blade looks up a present red hair girl, in the vision revealed the surprise slightly, very strong fight intuition, Miss Lehne, you made me surprised very much.” 紧握住长刀的科文抬头看了一眼眼前的红发女郎,目光中稍显诧异,“很强的战斗直觉,莱娜小姐,你很让我惊讶。” I like you calling my little miss.” “我还是更喜欢你叫我小姑娘。” The Lehne left hand resists the right hand wrist/skill, the critical jaw, supports the long blade that Kewen chops stubbornly. 莱娜左手抵住右手手腕,紧要牙关,死死的架住科文劈来的长刀。 Oh.” “噢。” Cowen raised the long blade, brandished single-handed, divided again toward Lehne. 科文提起长刀,单手抡起,再次向着莱娜劈来。 Lehne lifts the dagger, prepares to keep off again to Kewen's long blade, at this time, she as if detected anything, body rapid toward side make way. 莱娜抬起匕首,准备再次挡向科文的长刀,这个时候,她仿佛察觉到了什么,身子迅速向着侧边闪开。 However at this moment has been too late, the foot that Kewen lifts has been trampled her lower abdomen, is pedalling to trample to trample to fly directly her, pounded to put on behind wall, will revolve a form by machine directly breaks, falls to fill the flesh in the workshop. 但是此刻已经为时已晚,科文抬起的脚已经踹中了她的小腹,一记正蹬踹直接将她踹飞出去,砸穿了身后的墙壁,直接将围绕在机器旁的一个身影砸碎,落入充满血肉的车间中。 Just divided to cut is only deceptive attack, this is pedalling to trample is Kewen prepares the good attack. 刚刚劈砍只是‘佯攻’,这个正蹬踹才是科文准备好的攻击。 Intuition is good, but responded slowly a point,” “直觉不错,但是反应慢了一点,” Kewen dangling golden color long blade, arrives in front of the hood youngster step by step, little fellow, making me have a look at your appearance.” 科文垂下金色长刀,一步步走到兜帽少年面前,“小家伙,让我看看你的样子。” He puts out a hand, prepares to tuck up the hood of youngster. 他伸出手去,准备撩开少年的兜帽。 Also in this instantaneous, a thing was placed in his hand by the youngster. 也就在这瞬间,一个东西被少年放在了他手中。 Then after the youngster is rapid, jumps. 然后少年迅速后跳。 Kewen lowers the head, looked at one that to be pulled out the grenade of blasting fuse, couldn't help laughing, small gadget.” 科文低下头去,看了一眼那颗被拔了引信的手雷,哑然失笑,“小玩意儿。” He makes an effort fiercely, pinched to explode this grenade suddenly. 他猛地用力,骤然捏爆了这颗手雷。 The flame of explosion embezzled his body instantaneously. 爆炸的火焰瞬间吞没了他的身躯。 The air wave of spout blows to fly along the corridor the body of hood youngster form, falls on the smooth floor. 喷涌的气浪将兜帽少年身影的身体沿着走廊吹飞出去,摔在光滑的地板上。 You made me be angry, little fellow.” “你让我生气了,小家伙。” Carries with the hand the gold thread white robe form of golden long blade to go out from the flame, he is gazing at indifferently falls on the ground youngster. 手提着金色长刀的金丝白袍身影从火焰中走出,他冷漠的注视着摔在地上的‘少年’。 That hood has fallen, maps in the male person eyes, but throws over is imitating the genuine leather mask fine, then after youngster who’ putting on make-up to decorate. 那兜帽已经落下,映入男人眼中的,只是一个披着精致仿真皮面具,然后经过化妆修饰的‘少年’。 This youngster and he has seen Lois in portrait is exactly the same, but he is very clear, this is false. 这个少年与他所见过的画像中的‘伊洛’一模一样,但是他很清楚,这是‘假的’。 The average people may not be able to distinguish clearly this type to be easy to accommodate, however under his vision, that imitates the disparity of genuine leather and real skin like the sand dune and mountain range, once exposes under the brilliance, basically does not have to hide. 普通人可能会分不清这种‘易容’,但是在他的目光下,那仿真皮与真实皮肤的差距如同沙丘和山峦,一旦暴露在光辉下,基本上无所遁形。 However, regarding in youngster that vague camouflage, but powerful unusualness aura, actually remains. 不过,围绕在‘少年’身上那种若有若无的伪装而出‘强大超凡者’气息,却依旧存在。 Therefore this is you did not make an appearance the reason?” “所以这就是你一直‘不露面’的原因么?” He shoots a look at the miniature loudspeaker that on a youngster mask mounted, the golden color chops brilliance instantaneously. 他瞥了一眼少年面具上镶嵌的微型喇叭,金色光辉瞬间劈下。 Bang- 轰- The heavy/thick wall blasted out directly, the fair palm stretches out from the mist and dust, catches the blade that cut. 厚重的墙壁被直接炸开,白皙的手掌从烟尘中伸出,接住了斩下的刀刃。
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