LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5286 Part 2: to become God with Divine Treading Watchtower( big result)

Daoist Dá cannot repress, exclaimed loudly, revealed the truth in a big hurry, my Dragon Territory corps meritorious military service was countless, certainly was first Divine Treading Watchtower.” 龘真人按耐不住,高声吼道,“快快揭开谜底吧,我龙域战队战功累累,一定是第一个踏神阙的。” What with anything!” “什么跟什么啊!” Feng Wu also called out, my Monster Alliance corps are the meritorious military service are highest!” Tablet 凤梧也叫道,“我妖盟战队才是战功最高!”碑 Haha ~ “哈哈~” Dīpankara Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World said with a smile, saluted Amitabha, benefactor was patient, all had the divine envoy judgement, all had The Legend and Hero to record!” 燃灯上古佛世尊笑道,“南无阿弥陀佛,诸位檀越稍安勿躁,一切皆有封神使裁决,一切皆有封神榜记载!” Has work Brother Xu ~ “有劳徐兄~” Had The Legend and Hero, does not need Xiao Hua to take the trouble, he bows to Xu Zhi said, this matter to Xiao is somewhat thorny.” 有了封神榜,也不必萧华多费神,他冲徐志稽首道,“这事儿对萧某来说还是有些棘手。” Haha ~ “哈哈~” The Xu Zhi mood is excellent, he also laughs saying that this is some job.” 徐志心情极好,他也大笑道,“此乃某家分内之事。” Brushes ~ tablet “刷~”碑 As the day punishes divine lance Wangcai to wave, in The Legend and Hero the blood-color turns wells up, the gold light sparkle, the blood-color name and golden name simultaneous/uniform Qichong being on the list top, the blood-color and golden color pester in together, approximately count breaths, the large character that the blood-color and golden color interweave engraves in the first place of The Legend and Hero, is not just: Honored day Star Territory immortal!!! 随着天罚神矛旺财舞动,封神榜上血色翻涌,金光闪耀,血色名字和金色名字齐齐冲上榜顶,血色和金色纠缠在一起,约有数息,血色和金色交织的大字镌刻在封神榜的榜首,不正是:钧天星域道仙!!! Bang ~ “轰~” Said that immortal combat general simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform rave, entire honored day Star Territory seemed blasted open generally, the numerous are really joyful exceptionally. 道仙战将齐齐狂吼,整个钧天星域好似炸裂了一般,众将着实是欣喜异常啊。 Hehe “嘿嘿” Xiao Hua also smiled, although in his heart does not have any deviation, but he is an immortal, saying Immortal World can first win, he naturally is also proud. 萧华也笑了,虽然他心中没有什么偏向,但他本身就是道仙,道仙界能第一个胜出,他自然也感到自豪。 Said after Immortal World numerous immortal revelries, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks to Xiao Hua. 仙界众仙狂欢之后,齐齐看向萧华 But Xiao Hua has a look at all around, pondered over slightly, said: Fundamentally, Xiao is an immortal, from cultivating true virtue to Immortal World, from the refining to Heavenly King, Xiao obtains from the immortal too, therefore honored day Star Territory can attain first to seal the god quota, Xiao was from the bottom of the heart happy, Xiao congratulates the thunder fellow daoist and manger Immortal King......” tablet 萧华则看看四周,略加思忖,说道:“从根本上讲,萧某乃是道仙,从修真界到仙界,从炼气到天王,萧某从道仙中得到太多,所以钧天星域能拿到第一个封神名额,萧某打心底高兴,萧某恭喜雷霆道友、枥仙王……”碑 Daoist Lei Ting and manger Immortal King and other great happiness, they quickly depart, salutes to say respectfully: I and other desolate Heavenly King!” 雷霆真人、枥仙王等大喜,他们急忙飞出,恭敬施礼道:“我等谢萧天王!” Polite ~ “诸位客气~” Xiao Hua on sealing the spirit table lifts the hand, saying with a smile, this is obtained that you and other merit accumulated, does not need to thank Xiao, please seal divine envoy to announce.” 萧华在封神台上抬手,笑道,“这是你等功劳累积的所得,不必谢萧某,还是请封神使宣布吧。” Good ~ “好~” Xu Zhi sees that the hand culmination punishes divine lance Wangcai slightly in a flash, in the mouth said, in view of this, I to seal the name of divine envoy to announce, honored day Star Territory wins have Plane are...... say Immortal World!” 徐志见状,手中天罚神矛旺财微微一晃,口中说道,“既如此,吾以封神使之名宣布,钧天星域出之界面为……道仙界!” As the Xu Zhi sound falls to the ground, bang ~ golden stair blasts open immediately, changes to 10000.00000001 trillion stairs to fall being correct immortal under foot. 随着徐志声音落地,“轰~”金色的台阶登时炸裂,化作亿亿万台阶落到所有道仙脚下。 Facing the present golden stair, in being correct immortal eye flashes earnestly, no matter what no one is at all first steps. Tablet 面对眼前的金色台阶,所有道仙眼中都闪动热切,但是任谁都不敢当先踏上。碑 Was on a spirit table with previously Xiao Hua, who looks to Daoist Lei Ting and manger Immortal King. 跟先前萧华登上封神台一样,谁都看向雷霆真人、枥仙王等。 Manger Immortal King waited till this time, did not have what victory to be heartless, all Immortal King Heavenly Venerable looked to Daoist Lei Ting, said with a smile: Daoist Lei Ting is I says Captain Immortal World, but also invited honorable person Divine Treading Watchtower.” 仙王等到了此时,都没了什么胜负心,所有仙王天尊都看向雷霆真人,笑道:“雷霆真人乃我道仙界首领,还请真人踏神阙。” Haha, haha ~ “哈哈,哈哈~” Daoist Lei Ting may not have Xiao Hua to act with constraint, he laughs to all around bows said, is the support of Fellow Daoist Xiao, is fellow daoist supports, this poor Daoist thanked.” 雷霆真人可没有萧华那么矜持,他哈哈大笑冲着四周稽首道,“都是萧道友的支持,也是诸位道友捧场,贫道谢过诸位。” Then, Daoist Lei Ting must step the golden stair. 说完,雷霆真人一脚要踏上金色台阶。 ~ “咳咳~” desolate Jing quickly holds on Daoist Lei Ting, coughs to say lightly, also has mother!” Tablet 萧靖急忙拉住雷霆真人,轻咳道,“还有娘亲呢!”碑 ~ “哦哦~” Daoist Lei Ting awakens, quickly melts female immortal Qingqing to say to, hasn't come, waits for father to invite?” 雷霆真人醒悟过来,急忙冲普化元君青青道,“还不过来,等着老子请么?” Un un ~ “嗯嗯~” Melts female immortal Qingqing chuckle one, the flying falls to Daoist Lei Ting one side. 普化元君青青轻笑一声,飞身落到雷霆真人一侧。 Walks ~ “走~” Daoist Lei Ting draws to melt female immortal Qingqing, is drawing desolate Jing single-handedly, said that our together Divine Treading Watchtower.” 雷霆真人一手拉着普化元君青青,一手拉着萧靖,说道,“我们一家一起踏神阙。” desolate Jing another has drawn the Sichuan tung oil tree, four people step the golden stair together. Tablet 萧靖另外一手早就拉了川桐,四人一起踏上金色台阶。碑 Haha ~ “哈哈~” Daoist Lei Ting laughs saying that fellow daoist, together Divine Treading Watchtower!” 雷霆真人大笑道,“诸位道友,一起踏神阙!” Together Divine Treading Watchtower ~ ~ “一起踏神阙~~” Manger Immortal King and other simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform shouted loudly, raised legs the stair. 仙王等齐齐高呼,抬腿上了台阶。 When, therefore said that the immortal steps the stair, buzz ~ a stretch of golden land congeals baseless. 而待得所以道仙踏上台阶,“嗡~”一片金色的大地凭空凝结出来。 desolate Heavenly King ~ “萧天王~” Daoist Lei Ting wait/etc. stood above the golden stair, looks that Xiao Hua simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform said that I and others wait for desolate Heavenly King here, our together Divine Treading Watchtower.” Tablet 雷霆真人等站在金色台阶之上,看着萧华齐齐说道,“我等在此处等候萧天王,我们一起踏神阙。”碑 Haha ~ “哈哈~” Xiao Hua laughs saying that „said that you and others, and waited a bit.” 萧华大笑道,“好说,你等且稍等。” Walks ~ “走~” Xu Zhi wields day to punish divine lance again, said, some accompanies Daoist Xiao cheek Xuan star Yu Fengshen!” 徐志再次挥动天罚神矛,说道,“某家陪萧真人颐煊星宇封神!” Elder sister ~ “姐姐~” Saint Emperess looks that Qingqing and desolate Jing step the golden stair, waves saying that I wait a while to see in Higher Realm!” 坤圣帝看着青青和萧靖踏上金色台阶,挥手道,“我等一会儿在上界见!” Good ~ tablet “好~”碑 In Qingqing excited eye moist, said with a nod, later sees.” 青青激动的眼中湿润,点头道,“待会儿见。” Although the victory in Qingqing heart heartless as before, but there is first glory of stepping the golden stair, she covers the excitement in heart difficultly. 虽然青青心中的胜负心依旧,但有了第一个踏上金色台阶的荣耀,她还是难掩心中的激动。 Brushes ~ “刷~” Xu Zhi wields day to punish divine lance again, to seal/confer Shenlei light/only raises the raging tide, leading the surplus immortal soldier combat general to arrive at the cheek Xuan star space. 徐志再次挥动天罚神矛,封神雷光扬起狂潮,带着剩余的仙兵战将到得颐煊星宇。 Xiao Hua with sealing the spirit table falls to the numerous immortal soldier combat general center, he has a look at all around, the vision to fall to The Legend and Hero raises the sound said: Please seal divine envoy to renew The Legend and Hero ~ 萧华则随着封神台落到众仙兵战将中央,他看看四周,目光落向封神榜扬声道:“请封神使更新封神榜~” Seals divine envoy Xu Zhi to show a faint smile, the hand culmination punishes divine lance Wangcai to select to to seal/confer Shenlei light/only, brushes ~ thunder Guangfen falls, gold light and blood-color tumble again, names rush to the The Legend and Hero first place, is about a moment later, these names congeal several large characters: Honored day Star Territory Shaman Mountain! 神使徐志微微一笑,手中天罚神矛旺财点向封神雷光,“刷~”雷光纷落中,金光和血色再次翻滚,一个个名字冲上封神榜榜首,约是片刻之后,这些名字凝结成几个大字:钧天星域巫山 Shaman Mountain??” Tablet 巫山??”碑 Even if Daoist Shaman cannot believe that own eye, he has not thought second seals the god quota unexpectedly is Shaman Race. 即便是巫道人都不敢相信自己的眼睛,他怎么也没想到第二个封神名额居然是巫族 Xu Zhi also somewhat is actually surprised, when Xu Zhi has read The Legend and Hero with rapt attention, said with a smile: Shaman Race corps, although goes to battle few, but each time is the showdown, let alone recently a war, if not has Shaman Race to act, even if desolate Heavenly King must lose to the valley god's hand......” 徐志其实也有些纳罕,只不过,待得徐志凝神看过封神榜,笑道:“巫族战队虽然出战较少,但每次皆是关键之战,更别说最近一战若非有巫族出手,即便是萧天王都要败于谷神之手……” Saying, the Xu Zhi culmination is punishing divine lance to wield, brushes ~ in The Legend and Hero the tactical situations flash through again, the people look, in heart can it be that suddenly. 说着,徐志手中天罚神矛挥动,“刷刷~”封神榜上再次有一幕幕战况闪过,众人看去,心中莫不是恍然。 Friendly ~ “善~” Xiao Hua said with a smile, Shaman Mountain was says Immortal World to be basic, but the Shaman Mountain corps itself/Ben was also Xiao Good Fortune Sect disciple, but honored day Star Territory said Immortal World to collapse, Shaman Mountain revealed, the Shaman Mountain corps became the independent corps, Xiao cannot think that absolutely the Shaman Mountain corps were my honored day Star Territory cavalry, in the war of sixth star Yu Dafeng god repeatedly performed outstanding service, Xiao congratulated the witch fellow daoist, congratulated Shaman Race all generals.” 萧华笑道,“巫山是道仙界根本,而巫山战队本也是萧某造化门弟子,只不过钧天星域仙界崩溃,巫山显露,巫山战队才成了独立的战队,萧某也绝对想不到巫山战队乃我钧天星域一支骑兵,第六次星宇大封神之战中屡建奇功,萧某恭贺巫道友,恭贺巫族诸将。” Good ~ “好~” Xu Zhi sees that the hand culmination punishes divine lance Wangcai slightly in a flash, in the mouth said, in view of this, I to seal the name of divine envoy to announce, the cheek Xuan star space wins Plane is...... honored day Star Territory Shaman Mountain!” Tablet 徐志见状,手中天罚神矛旺财微微一晃,口中说道,“既如此,吾以封神使之名宣布,颐煊星宇胜出之界面为……钧天星域巫山!”碑 As the Xu Zhi sound falls to the ground, bang ~ golden stair blasts open immediately, changes to 10000.00000001 trillion stairs to fall to all Shaman Race combat general. 随着徐志声音落地,“轰~”金色的台阶登时炸裂,化作亿亿万台阶落到所有巫族战将脚下。 Father ~ “父亲~” The Xiao Ming eye is bright, says with a smile, child also please go down a spirit table, with my Shaman Race combat general together Divine Treading Watchtower.” 萧明眼睛明亮,笑道,“孩儿还请走下封神台,跟着我巫族战将一起踏神阙。” Good ~ “好~” Xiao Hua nods with a smile. 萧华含笑点头。 Mother ~ “娘亲~” Xiao Ming said to Zi Ming, you do go along with child?” Tablet 萧明子明说道,“您随孩儿去么?”碑 Mother does not go ~ “娘亲就不去了~” Zi Ming shakes the head saying that mother is accompanying your father here!” 子明摇头道,“娘亲在这里陪着你爹爹!” all generals ~ 诸将~” The Xiao Ming flying falls to Daoist Shaman side, exclaimed toward all around Shaman Race combat general, glory belonged to Shaman Race, the glory was all combat generals, come, come, come, I and others together Divine Treading Watchtower!” 萧明飞身落到巫道人身边,朝着四周巫族战将吼道,“荣耀属于巫族,荣耀属于所有战将,来,来,来,我等一起踏神阙!” Good ~ “好~” The Shaman Race combat general great happiness, simultaneous/uniform simultaneously said, I and others thanked Shaman King, I am equal to Divine Treading Watchtower.” 巫族战将大喜,齐齐道,“我等谢巫王,我等同踏神阙。” Brushes ~ tablet “刷~”碑 All Shaman Race combat generals step the golden stair, then simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks to sealing the spirit table, exciting high shouting, desolate Heavenly King, we are waiting for you, visits Higher Realm together.” 所有巫族战将踏上金色台阶,而后齐齐看向封神台,兴奋的高喊道,“萧天王,我们等着您,一起踏足上界。” Haha, good ~ “哈哈,好的~” Xiao Hua looks that Shaman Mountain appears from the numerous Shaman Race combat general body, laughed, he raises the sound said, Brother Xu, I and others, and went to zhan ( zhn ) sandalwood star Yu Fengshen.” 萧华看着巫山自众巫族战将身下浮现出来,大笑了,他扬声道,“徐兄,我等且去旃(zhn)檀星宇封神。” What The Legend and Hero's third appears the name is: Honored day Star Territory Dragon Race. 封神榜第三个显出名字的是:钧天星域龙族 Seals divine envoy Xu Zhi to announce that the sealing god quota of zhan ( zhn ) sandalwood star space turns over to honored day Star Territory Dragon Territory! 神使徐志宣布旃(zhn)檀星宇的封神名额归钧天星域龙域 The Daoist Dá great happiness, saw with own eyes that the golden stair falls numerously, Daoist Dá brings Dragon Race to step the stair, similarly said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xiao, I and other Dragon Race am also waiting for you!” 龘真人大喜,眼见金色台阶纷落,龘真人带着龙族踏上台阶,同样笑道:“萧道友,我等龙族也等着你!” Meanwhile, Dragon Territory also appears under the Dragon Race combat general body. Tablet 与此同时,龙域也出现在龙族战将身下。碑 When jade xuan star space, what The Legend and Hero appears: Honored day Star Territory Heavenly Court. 待得到了琅嬛星宇,封神榜出现的是:钧天星域天庭 Seals divine envoy Xu Zhi to announce that the jade xuan star Yu Fengshen quota turns over to honored day Star Territory Heavenly Court Ruan Immortal, five emperors Nine Palaces to have a look mutually, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform steps the golden stair. 神使徐志宣布琅嬛星宇封神名额归钧天星域天庭儒仙,五帝九宫相互看看,齐齐踏上金色台阶。 Naturally, a stretch of pale golden land also appears, Heavenly Court again recast. 当然,一片淡金色的大地同样出现,天庭再次重铸。 The sealing god quota of distant glimmer star space belongs to honored day Star Territory Monster Alliance, the sealing god quota of taichao star space belongs to honored day Star Territory Buddha State. 遐荧星宇的封神名额归于钧天星域妖盟,太昭星宇的封神名额归于钧天星域佛国 Although is last steps the golden stair, but stands above, Vairocana Revered One of the World or Dīpankara Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World, can it be that long relax. 虽然是最后一个踏上金色台阶,但站在其上,无论是大日如来世尊还是燃灯上古佛世尊,莫不是长长松了口气。 They together to sealing the Xiao Hua double palm on spirit table gather ten: Salutes Amitabha, I and other desolate benefactor! If no desolate benefactor, my Buddha State is hard to arrive really this step.” 他们齐齐冲着封神台上的萧华双掌合十道:“南无阿弥陀佛,我等谢萧檀越!若无萧檀越,我佛国着实难以走到这一步。” Salutes Amitabha ~ tablet “南无阿弥陀佛~”碑 The Xiao Hua double palm gathers ten, returns salute saying that „the difficulty of Buddha State corps, Xiao and even the Seven Worlds corps look in the eye, so long as Buddha State wants, I and others even in Higher Realm, still same can help hand in hand!” 萧华双掌合十,还礼道,“佛国战队的艰辛,萧某乃至七界战队都看在眼中,只要佛国愿意,我等即便是在上界,也一样可以携手共助!” An honored day Star Territory god finished, The Legend and Hero does not have the crevice again. 钧天星域封神完毕,封神榜再无空隙。 But seals under the spirit table, as before many corps. 而封神台下,依旧有很多战队。 Daoist Xiao ~ 萧真人~” Seals divine envoy Xu Zhi to read The Legend and Hero, the forced smile said that „when Seven Worlds discussed together The Legend and Hero, has not mentioned other star spaces, therefore some are unable to determine with The Legend and Hero, but also asked Daoist Xiao to adjudicate!” 神使徐志看着封神榜,苦笑道,“七界共商封神榜时,并没有提及其它星宇,所以某家无法用封神榜判定,还请萧真人裁决!” Also good ~ “也好~” Xiao Hua pondered over slightly, raises the sound said, Heavenly Court former azure emperor Wu Dan protects the fragrant territory azure, Xiao wait/etc. received the Wu Dan azure kindness, Xiao announced, admires the congealing star Yu Fengshen quota to belong to fragrant territory Buddhism wave law!” Tablet 萧华略加思忖,扬声道,“天庭原青帝吴丹青守护香域,萧某等都受过吴丹青恩惠,萧某宣布,歆凝星宇封神名额归于香域佛宗波律界!”碑 Incense stick|Fragrant product Buddha heard, is pleasantly surprised, his double palm gathers ten: Salutes Amitabha, my wave law various bodhisattvas thanked desolate benefactor.” 香积佛闻听,着实又惊又喜,他双掌合十道:“南无阿弥陀佛,我波律界诸佛子感谢萧檀越。” Brushes ~ “刷~” As fragrant product Buddha steps the golden stair, wave law also appears in the numerous bodhisattva under feet. 随着香积佛踏上金色台阶,波律界也出现在众佛子脚下。 Last is the jade faint star space, Xiao Hua stands on sealing the spirit table, in the mind counts various corps meritorious military service, then looks with a smile to paradise Yao teng Immortal World, the day ancestors sees that cannot bear excitedly is moved to tears, he knows that Xiao Hua must seal the god quota last to oneself, although Xiao Hua had previously complied to bring their ascension Higher Realm, but how can that way compare with oneself frank and upright Divine Treading Watchtower? 最后一个是玉微星宇,萧华站在封神台上,脑海中细数各战队战功,遂含笑看向福地瑶縢仙界,日祖见状,忍不住激动的热泪盈眶,他知道萧华要将最后一个封神名额给自己,虽然萧华先前已经答应带着他们飞升上界,但那种方式如何能跟自己光明正大踏神阙相比? Really, Xiao Hua opens the mouth saying: This last seals the god quota, Xiao prepares to the paradise......” 果然,萧华开口道:“这最后一个封神名额,萧某准备给福地……” What a pity did not wait for Xiao Hua to say the words, Jiu Xia asked at heart in a soft voice: Beloved, you thought why the valley god can keep six to seal the god quota? Is because he does not know that Demon World does have the demon to transport?” 可惜不等萧华把话说完,九夏心里轻声问道:“萧郎,你觉得谷神为什么要留六个封神名额?是因为他不知道魔界有魔运么?” “Oh?” tablet “哦?” Xiao Hua gawked, in the heart asked that summer big military strategist, your what meaning?” 萧华愣了一下,心中反问道,“夏大军师,你什么意思?” I and others once had previously thought ~ “先前我等曾想过~” The Jiu Xia minute/share said, valley god possibly is lord five servants, therefore needs six star spaces the sealing god quotas, may arrive finally, I and others truly knows the Dao Vallis gods is six good fortune jade small dish fragments, therefore he needs six to seal the god quota.” 九夏分说道,“谷神可能是一主五仆,所以需要六个星宇的封神名额,可到得最后,我等确实又知道谷神乃六个造化玉碟残片,所以他需要六个封神名额。” May arrive finally ~ “可到得最后~” Xiao Hua, said with a nod, „the valley god also Demon World good fortune jade small dish fragment, his sealed the god quota looking pensive unexpectedly is wastes.” 萧华若有所思了,点头道,“谷神居然还有一个魔界的造化玉碟碎片,他这一个封神名额算是白费了。” You feel this quota ~ “你觉得这个名额~” Jiu Xia said with a smile, valley god is prepares to waste?” Tablet 九夏笑吟吟道,“谷神是准备白费的么?”碑 Your meaning is ~ “你的意思是~” Xiao Hua replied, valley god made a preparation, feared that he was the good fortune jade small dish, what accident/surprise seals the god quota to have?” 萧华回答道,“谷神是做了一手准备,怕他是造化玉碟,封神名额会有什么意外吧?” Yes ~ “是的~” Jiu Xia said with a nod, eon space is not simple, to seal/confer God fights is not simple, I and others even gained the victory that seven to seal/confer God fought, attained the sealing god quotas of eight star spaces, but does the beloved, which Plane Divine Treading Watchtower you prepare with? You thought that which Plane can withstand our these to be soon mature, and soon can participate in to seal/confer God space Plane??” 九夏点头道,“宙宇没有那么简单,封神大战也没有那么简单,我等即便是取得了七场封神大战的胜利,拿到了八个星宇的封神名额,但萧郎,你准备跟哪个界面踏神阙?你觉得哪个界面能承受咱们那些即将成熟,并且即将可以参加封神的空间界面??” Good ~ “好~” Xiao Hua shows a faint smile, said to Xu Zhi: Brother Xu, jade faint star space seals the god quota, Xiao wants to leave itself, keeps to stand at present sealing the friend on spirit table, whether Ok?” 萧华微微一笑,冲着徐志说道:“徐兄,玉微星宇这个封神名额,萧某想留给自己,留个目前站在封神台上的仙侣,是否可以?” This ~ tablet “这个~”碑 Sealed divine envoy Xu Zhi somewhat to hesitate, he said in a soft voice, „the quota that to seal/confer God fought was to leave Plane, Daoist Xiao feared that was not good?” 神使徐志有些迟疑了,他轻声道,“封神大战的名额是留给界面的,萧真人怕是不行吧?” Xiao Hua asked back: „Can Brother Xu determine?” 萧华反问道:“徐兄能确定么?” Pouring also has nothing to be definite ~ “倒也没什么确定不确定~” Seals divine envoy Xu Zhi to shake the head saying that after all some can announce is Plane!” 神使徐志摇头道,“毕竟某家能宣布的就是一个界面!” Jiu Xia said with a smile: Seals divine envoy not, if tries?” 九夏笑吟吟道:“封神使不若试试?” Also good ~ “也好~” Seals divine envoy Xu Zhi said with a nod, some can try.” Tablet 神使徐志点头道,“某家可以试试。”碑 ~ “诸位~” Xiao Hua has a look at the immortal soldier combat general who under a spirit table waits for as before, saying with a smile, thou and others are the Xiao follower, seals the god quota unable thou and others to bring, therefore Xiao and others will receive the Xiao space you, then one and carries off!” 萧华看看封神台下依旧等候的仙兵战将,笑道,“汝等都是萧某信徒,一个封神名额无法将汝等都带着,所以萧某会将你等都收入萧某空间,而后一并带走!” I and other desolate Heavenly King ~ “我等谢萧天王~” All immortal soldier combat general simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform bow to salute. 所有仙兵战将齐齐躬身施礼。 In the immortal soldier combat general, the day ancestors are disappointed, one type, but duplicate/restores loses greatly loses floods in his heart. 仙兵战将中,日祖最是失望,一种得而复失的巨大失落充斥他的心中。 Brushes ~ “刷~” Xiao Hua emits the mind, receives the space all immortal soldier combat generals, then after has investigated various space places carefully, and asked Celestial also to be on a spirit table, this looked that said to Xu Zhi: Brother Xu, but also please announce!” Tablet 萧华放出心神,将所有仙兵战将都收入空间,而后在仔细探察过空间各处之后,并请天人也登上封神台,这才看向徐志道:“徐兄,还请宣布吧!”碑 Good ~ “好~” Seals the divine envoy Xu Zhi nod to comply, to raise day to punish the divine lance Wangcai's 1 in The Legend and Hero points, The Legend and Hero collapses loudly, jade faint star Yu Fengshen light/only falls in torrents, changes to a rainbow bridge to fall to sealing under the spirit table. 神使徐志点头答应,擎起天罚神矛旺财在封神榜上一点,封神榜轰然崩溃,玉微星宇封神雷光倾泻而下,化作一座虹桥落到封神台下。 I to seal the name of divine envoy to announce ~ “吾以封神使之名宣布~” Seals divine envoy Xu Zhi deeply to inspire, bright sound said, jade faint star space winner...... Xiao Hua!” 神使徐志深吸一口气,朗声道,“玉微星宇胜出者……萧华!” As the Xu Zhi sound falls to the ground, bang ~ everywhere to seal/confer God light/only follows the golden stair to fall in torrents, toward sealing spirit table racing wells up comes, rainbow bridge that previously changed to welcomed simultaneously, the golden stair light/only sends out to thunder in to seal/confer Shenlei, toward sealing the spirit table turns about. 随着徐志声音落地,“轰~”漫天的封神雷光顺着金色台阶倾泻下来,朝着封神台奔涌而来,先前化作的虹桥同时迎了过去,金色台阶在封神雷光中发出轰鸣,朝着封神台折转过来。 When results in the golden stair falls before sealing the spirit table, Xu Zhi to Xiao Hua bows said: Daoist Xiao, the sixth star Yu Dafeng god fights at this time, had successfully finished, some thanked honorable person looking.” 当得金色台阶落到封神台前,徐志萧华稽首道:“萧真人,第六次星宇大封神之战到得此时,已经圆满结束,某家感谢真人一路的照拂。” Brother Xu polite ~ tablet 徐兄客气了~”碑 Xiao Hua shows a faint smile, sends out Fairy Xing Yue and Jiang Zibo, looks that Fairy Xing Yue wait/etc. stood to seal/confer Shenlei light/only, this returns salute saying that Brother Xu fair strict, has the extremely important impact on the growth of Xiao, can help Brother Xu successfully complete to seal/confer God to fight, Xiao is also honored.” 萧华微微一笑,将星月仙子姜子博送出,看着星月仙子等站到封神雷光中,这才还礼道,“徐兄的公正严明,对萧某的成长有极其重要的影响,能助徐兄圆满完成封神大战,萧某也深感荣幸。” Daoist Xiao invited ~ 萧真人请~” Xu Zhi shows a faint smile, lifts the hand to hint, „the Seven Worlds corps are waiting for the honorable person! After some are also waiting for Divine Treading Watchtower, returns to Higher Realm.” 徐志微微一笑,抬手示意,“七界战队都在等着真人呢!某家也等着诸位踏神阙后返回上界。” Laborious ~ “辛苦~” Xiao Hua thanked again, then had a look at Jiu Xia wait/etc., said: Walks, I and other Divine Treading Watchtower!” 萧华再次感谢,而后看看九夏等,说道:“走,我等踏神阙!” Brushes ~ “刷~” When Xiao Hua visits the golden stair, the entire stair flashes immediately gold light, to seal/confer Shenlei light/only changes to innumerable lotus to fall to the people body under. Tablet 待得萧华踏足金色台阶,整个台阶立即闪动金光,封神雷光化作数不胜数的莲荷落到众人身下。碑 Fellow Daoist ~ “诸位道友~” Stands above the golden stair, Xiao Hua has been able to see other corps, he raises hand saying that I and others hand in hand with Divine Treading Watchtower!” 站在金色台阶之上,萧华已经能看到其它各处战队,他举手道,“我等携手同踏神阙!” Haha ~ “哈哈~” each World supreme simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform laughs saying that desolate Heavenly King, I and others hand in hand with Divine Treading Watchtower.” 各界至尊齐齐大笑道,“萧天王,我等携手同踏神阙。” The golden stair seems like very long, seven star space corps are seemingly dense and numerous innumerably, but the numerous immortals step the stair, the entire stair is vibrating, Plane under numerous immortal body also follows to thunder, but in a minute, the numerous immortals had arrived at the stair peak. 金色台阶看起来很长,七个星宇战队看起来密密麻麻数不胜数,但众仙踏上台阶,整个台阶都在震动,众仙身下的界面也跟着轰鸣,不过片刻,众仙已经到了台阶顶端。 Fights female immortal and Yuhua female immortal, Saint Emperess and other children to jump on the golden stair, does not seem to played to play enough. 斗姆元君、玉华元君、坤圣帝等身边孩童们在金色台阶上蹦蹦跳跳,似乎还没有玩儿耍够。 Brushes ~ tablet “刷~”碑 Above the stair has golden light thread to become net, keeps off in the face of the numerous immortals. 台阶之上有金色光丝成网,挡在众仙面前。 I go ~ “我去~” The screams that distant another, the demon god murders transmit, „? You...... did you come?” 远远的另外一处,魔神弑的惊呼声传来,“这是怎么回事儿?你……你们怎么也来了?” Haha ~ “哈哈~” Daoist Dá sees that laughs saying that hasn't said? I and others hand in hand with Divine Treading Watchtower?” 龘真人见状,大笑道,“不是说过么?我等携手同踏神阙?” ~ “哦哦~” The demon god murders in the heart slightly to become aware suddenly, understands that possibly is space Demon Pool, therefore he laughs saying that good, good, I and others hand in hand with Divine Treading Watchtower!” Tablet 魔神弑忽然心中略有所悟,明白可能是空间魔泽所至,于是他哈哈大笑道,“不错,不错,我等携手同踏神阙!”碑 Is passing the gold thread of sacred aura criss-crossed, simultaneously falls toward all Immortal. 透着神圣气息的金丝如网,同时朝着所有仙人落下。 Brushes ~ “刷~” Brushes ~ ~ “刷刷~~” The gold thread flashes crazily, the demon god murders, when first breaks in the sacred aura, he laughs to say again: Fellow Daoist, I first!” 金丝狂闪,魔神弑当先冲入神圣气息,他再次哈哈大笑道:“诸位道友,我先去了!” Rumble ~ “轰隆隆~” Afterward, resounds like the sound of giant stone trundle, the demon god murders to break in the stair end to disappear does not see. 随后,如同巨石滚动的声音响起,魔神弑冲入台阶尽头消失不见。 Fellow Daoist ~ tablet “诸位道友~”碑 Xiao Hua sensation gold thread from going against, permeates Immortal Body like the timely rain, sacred aura Immortal Body of difficult word endogenous, after left nearly nearly infinite gold light direct impact brain Crystalline Divine Spark, he quickly said, arrives at Higher Realm, I and others first attended to myself, Lower Realm Karma will previously settle immediately, after can, is predestined friends says goodbye!” 萧华感知着金丝自顶而下,如同甘霖渗入仙躯,一种难言的神圣气息自己自己仙躯内生出,左近近乎无穷的金光直冲自己脑后晶状神格,他急忙说道,“既到上界,我等先顾了自己,将先前下界因果立即了结,待得以后有缘再见!” ~ “呜~” Afterward, does not wait for the fellow daoist to answer, Xiao Hua and other under foot golden color lotus accelerate suddenly, asks Xiao Hua and the others the direct impact sacred aura deep place. 随后,不等众道友回话,萧华等脚下金色莲荷骤然加速,托着萧华等人直冲神圣气息深处。 Brushes ~ “刷刷~” Saw with own eyes that the motley brilliance gushes out around golden lotus, some familiar scenes appear, is not just the ninth star ruins? 眼见斑驳的光耀在金色莲荷四周涌出,一些熟悉的情景出现,不正是第九星墟? Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” Xiao Hua shows a faint smile, knows oneself have stepped into Divine World officially. Tablet 萧华微微一笑,知道自己已经正式踏入神界。碑 Well ~ “咦~”
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