LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5242: Forestalling

pill benefit passing many mistakes, but also invited to take on ~ “丹惠过往很多过错,还请诸位担待~” pill benefit seemed like truly somewhat repented, on the face had the smile to salute to all around respectfully. 叶丹惠看起来确实是有些悔过,脸上带着笑容冲四周恭敬施礼。 Naturally, except for Daoist Dá, no one dares to neglect, sets out to return salute hastily, after all others are side Heavenly Venerable! 当然,除了龘真人,无人敢怠慢,连忙起身还礼,毕竟人家可是一方天尊啊! Daoist Dá has a look at all around somewhat vacant Dragon Race, said with a smile: pill benefit, We hope that you said does is from the heart, rather than for the warning of Fellow Daoist Xiao.” 龘真人看看四周有些茫然的龙族,笑道:“叶丹惠,朕希望你所说所做都是发自内心,而不是为了萧道友的警告。” Your majesty felt relieved that is ~ “陛下放心就是~” pill Hui replied, road remote knowledge horsepower time will tell, your majesty knows slowly.” 叶丹惠回答道,“路遥知马力日久见人心,陛下慢慢就会知道。” Said ~ “好说~” Daoist Dá nods, defends traditional moral principles to nearby dragon, gives her a seat.” 龘真人点头,冲旁边龙卫道,“给她一个座椅。” Looks that pill benefit sat, Daoist Dá said meaningfully: pill benefit, We think that you will decline!” 看着叶丹惠坐了,龘真人意味深长道:“叶丹惠,朕以为你会推辞呢!” Your majesty ~ “陛下~” pill benefit purses the lips to say with a smile, concubine body no doubt did not make Immortal Venerable, but was the concubine body also capable of sitting here? If the concubine body declines, that is artificial.” 叶丹惠抿嘴一笑道,“妾身固然不做仙尊了,但妾身也有能力坐在此处吧?若妾身推辞,那才是做作呢。” Hee hee ~ “嘻嘻~” Gu Sheqiong said with a smile in side, this saying said well, you passing after all were also Immortal Venerable, your vision I and others cannot compare.” 姑射茕在旁边笑道,“这话说得好,你过往毕竟也是仙尊,你的眼界非我等能比。” Does not dare ~ “不敢~” pill benefit complied with one humbly, looked that said to Daoist Dá, concubine body comes, some actually suggestions, but also asked your majesty to consider.” 叶丹惠谦逊的应了一声,又看向龘真人道,“妾身过来,倒是有个建议,还请陛下考虑。” „, You said ~ “哦哦,你说吧~” Daoist Dá said with a nod. 龘真人点头道 pill benefit asking with a smile: Your majesty did not feel isn't own this your majesty justifiable?” 叶丹惠笑吟吟的问道:“陛下不觉得自己这个陛下名不正言不顺吗?” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Daoist Dá gawked, asked that had dragon dares not to acknowledge Us?” 龘真人愣了一下,反问道,“有龙敢不承认朕么?” Concubine body asked your majesty and ~ “妾身且问陛下~” pill Hui asked that „your your majesty was dragon Yan, was Emperor dragon?” 叶丹惠问道,“您这陛下是龙龑呢,还是龙帝?” Silk ~ “丝~” Daoist Dá held breath a cold air/Qi, seemed understands the meaning of pill benefit, it deeply looked at pill benefit one, said with a nod, „was really Immortal Venerable, pertinent!” 龘真人倒吸了一口冷气,好似明白了叶丹惠的意思,它深深看了叶丹惠一眼,点头道,“果然是仙尊,一针见血啊!” Your majesty ~ “陛下~” A dragon clan and tribe seventy or eighty years old said immediately, leaf Fairy said is extremely, dragon Yan is my mysterious three to your majesty polite name, but your majesty has accounted for 60% Dragon Territory now, dragon Yan could not have been joined to your majesty great achievements, your majesty should call Emperor dragon.” 虬诺一部族耋立即说道,“叶仙子说得极是,龙龑是我神秘三部对陛下的尊称,但陛下如今已经占了龙域之60%,龙龑已经配不上陛下的丰功伟绩,陛下该称龙帝。” Right ~ “没错~” Xuan Yuan early morning also said with a nod, now my Dragon Territory 17win inrevolutions, the front advances more than 1 million li (0.5 km) again, your majesty proclaims oneself emperor to be able to make the clown dragon and other fearful and apprehensive, shocks five Heavenly Dragon.” 轩辕晨也点头道,“如今我龙域十七部在‘转’大胜,战线再次推进百万余里,陛下称帝必能令小丑龙等心惊胆战,震撼五部天龙。” Waits again ~ “还是再等等吧~” Daoist Dá ponders over the moment, said, We proclaim oneself emperor at this time, will give other dragon section poor impressions......” 龘真人思忖片刻,说道,“朕此时称帝,会给其它龙部不好的印象……” Your majesty ~ “陛下~” Did not wait for Daoist Dá saying that pill benefit said in a low voice, concubine body wants to speak two words to your majesty alone, could use mute dragonic restriction?” 不等龘真人说完,叶丹惠低声道,“妾身想单独跟陛下说两句话,能否动用静音龙禁?” Ok ~ “可以~” Daoist Dá nods, dragon claw wields, mute dragonic restriction gives birth. 龘真人点头,龙爪一挥,静音龙禁生出。 Your majesty ~ “陛下~” pill Hui said with a smile, perhaps you did not take position of the Emperor dragon to look in the eye, after all you were dragon Hao are reincarnated, when proclaimed oneself emperor does not matter, but you must make the plan for greeting various Dragon Race, gave their to seal/confer Shanghe as dragon yan as Emperor dragon to their to seal/confer bestows, the significance was completely different.” 叶丹惠笑道,“您或许不把龙帝之位看在眼中,毕竟您就是龙昊转世,什么时候称帝都无所谓,但您得为帐前诸龙族做打算,作为龙龑给它们的封赏和作为龙帝给它们的封赏,意义完全不同。” Said again, even if your majesty mysterious three do not care about this, dragon ancestor pill and other books are Dragon Territory Dragon Race? They chart what that follows your majesty to fight up and down the country?” “再说了,即便陛下的神秘三部不在乎这个,龙祖丹等本是龙域龙族呢?它们跟着陛下南征北战的图个什么?” You let alone ~ “你别说~” Daoist Dá said suddenly, also is really.” 龘真人恍然道,“还真是的。” Moreover ~ “另外~” pill benefit also said, your majesty has a look at our Good Fortune Sect stars day again, isn't the same truth? Pure commanding troops spatial Ben king, with stars day star palace Hall Master, you thought that which will let person giving loyalty to?” 叶丹惠又说道,“陛下再看看咱造化门的星辰天,不是一样的道理?单纯一个领兵的空贲王,跟星辰天一个星殿殿主,您觉得哪个会让人更加的效忠?” Right ~ “没错~” The Daoist Dá vision stares at pill benefit to continue said with a nod, past Fellow Daoist Xiao has worried for this matter, let alone the stars day, is the Immortal World space Heaven, makes Fellow Daoist Xiao awkward, just after that merit list lets this matter slightly even stop/rest actually.” 龘真人目光盯着叶丹惠继续点头道,“当年萧道友就为此事发愁过,别说星辰天了,就是仙界空间的九重天,也让萧道友为难,只不过其后的功德榜倒是让此事稍稍平歇。” Therefore ~ “所以~” pill Hui said, concubine body suggested your majesty proclaims oneself emperor immediately, enfeoffs various combat generals, may let corps morale unprecedented upsurge, in one vigorous effort series Dragon Territory.” 叶丹惠说道,“妾身建议陛下立即称帝,分封各部战将,可让战队士气空前高涨,一鼓作气一统龙域。” Good ~ “好~” Daoist Dá nods, dragon claw wields, removed mute dragonic restriction, early morning waits to say to Xuan Yuan, We had decided that from now on will prepare, We in the right time, will announce to entire Dragon Territory, We must be Emperor dragon......” 龘真人点头,龙爪一挥,将静音龙禁撤了,冲轩辕晨等说道,“朕已经决定,从现在开始准备,朕会在合适的时间,向整个龙域宣布,朕要当龙帝……” Your majesty, your majesty ~ “陛下,陛下~” Did not wait for Daoist Dá to say the words, outside the dragon tent/account had the dragon Bing's anxious voice to resound, important matter was not good, clown dragon called the sovereign, clown dragon called the sovereign!!” 不等龘真人把话说完,龙帐之外有龙兵焦急的声音响起了,“大事不好,小丑龙称皇了,小丑龙称皇了!!” What?” “什么?” Let alone Daoist Dá, is pill benefit and Xuan Yuan early morning is also startled, quickly jumps from the jade chair, „did clown dragon say the dragon sovereign?” 别说龘真人了,就是叶丹惠、轩辕晨等也都大吃一惊,急忙从玉椅上跳将起来,“小丑龙自称龙皇了?” Comes in quickly ~ “快进来~” The Daoist Dá complexion was pale, quickly shouts, explained things with Us in detail!” 龘真人的脸色铁青了,急忙喊道,“跟朕详细分说!” When dragon soldier/weapon flies into, the dragon scale that will pass on message carves to present, the busy roughly said the long and short of the story. 当龙兵飞入,将传讯的龙鳞刻呈上,紧忙把事情的来龙去脉大致说了。 ~ “噗~” The Daoist Dá Dragon's Tail hits dragon An all of a sudden at present crushes, the anger exclaimed, five clan and tribe seventy or eighty years olds bullied me very!” 龘真人的龙尾一下子就把眼前龙案打得粉碎,怒吼道,“五部族耋欺我太甚!” Your majesty appeases anger, your majesty appeases anger ~ “陛下息怒,陛下息怒~” Gu Sheqiong said hastily, clown dragon called the sovereign, we proclaimed oneself emperor, was evenly matched with it!” 姑射茕连忙说道,“小丑龙称皇,咱们称帝,跟它势均力敌!” Oh ~ “唉~” pill Hui said with a sigh, mountain in linfen general, different.” 叶丹惠叹息道,“姑射将军,不一样的。” Right ~ “没错~” Saying that Daoist Dá clenches jaws, before „, has clown dragon to call the sovereign, after Us, proclaims oneself emperor, how does Dragon Territory record? To say We do imitate others to make a fool of oneself?” 龘真人咬牙切齿的说道,“前有小丑龙称皇,朕后又称帝,龙域如何记载?岂不是说朕东施效颦?” At this time, no one dares to remind the Daoist Dá analogy is not inappropriate, the numerous the heart in all are indignant, matter well, was done all of a sudden distressedly. 此时,没人敢提醒龘真人的比喻不恰当,众将心中皆是气愤,原本好好的事情,一下子被搞得狼狈。 ~ “还有~” The Daoist Dá excited Dragon's Tail swings in the midair, said, this is five clan and tribe seventy or eighty years olds is ridiculing Us, they told Us, they did not care about dragon sovereign position, they sought the a dragon to make it casually call the sovereign, even if We proclaimed oneself emperor, was impossible to achieve the expected effect......” 龘真人激动的龙尾在半空摆动,说道,“这是五部族耋在嘲笑朕,它们告诉朕,它们根本不在乎龙皇这个位置,它们随便寻一条龙都能让它称皇,所以即便朕称帝,也不可能达到预期的效果……” And ~ “而且~” Daoist Dá stands still slightly, said, clown dragon calculates dragon fart, it radically is mixed dragon beast, what qualifications does it have to call the sovereign?? Even if Ao Saint, even if, they called the sovereign, We can still accept, its mixed dragon beast called the sovereign, We proclaimed oneself emperor again, this...... didn't this shame Us?” 龘真人略微停歇,又说道,“小丑龙算个龙屁啊,它根本就是个杂龙兽,它有什么资格称皇??即便是敖圣,即便是蛮,它们称皇,朕也能接受,它一个杂龙兽称皇,朕再称帝,这……这不是羞辱朕么?” In pill benefit mouth was also bitter and astringent, she also understands, this matter fortunately, uttered fine words is heroes think alike, to put it baldly was the chess misses one, was forestalled, now Daoist Dá proclaims oneself emperor again, before the effect absolutely did not have good. 叶丹惠也口中苦涩了,她心里也明白,此事如此凑巧,说得好听是英雄所见略同,说得不好听就是棋差一着,被人抢了先,如今龘真人再称帝,效果绝对没有之前的好。 Your majesty ~ “陛下~” pill benefit has a look at Xuan Yuan early morning, Gu Sheqiong wait/etc., asked in a low voice, concubine had an idea, does not know that your majesty does want to listen.” 叶丹惠看看轩辕晨、姑射茕等,低声问道,“妾身有个想法,不知道陛下想不想听。” By the present ~ “到得现在~” Daoist Dá sneers saying that you also do have the turnaround power??” 龘真人冷笑道,“你还有回天之力??” Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” pill Hui Xiao, said, spoke of deploys troops and forms lines, the concubine body could not compare, but was one's turn the technique of political strategy, the concubine body did not feel oneself will be worse than five clan and tribe seventy or eighty years olds.” 叶丹惠笑了,说道,“说到排兵布阵,妾身比不得诸位,但轮到权谋之术,妾身不觉得自己会比五部族耋差。” Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on WeChat, QQ, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在微信、qq、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 Repairs the god to leak a Immortal World https:// 修神外传仙界篇https://
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